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tv   [untitled]    April 24, 2011 8:30am-9:00am EDT

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you would r.t. as a recap of today's headlines on the week's top stories moscow says it's ready to assist peace talks in libya to end months of violence meanwhile in nato is sending combat advisors to the country are going to move soon by analysts as the first step to a ground invasion. and another top news of the week tara takes a blow russian police eliminate two high ranking militants in the north caucasus both had suspected links to terrorist attacks here in moscow. and the massive gulf
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of mexico oil spill is sparking allegations and court cases a year on but while those in charge play the blame game cleanup workers and coastal residents are starting to feel the health impact of the disaster. and next year i'll tell you we discussed the plight of a u.s. soldier at the center of the wiki leaks scandal to stay with us. on april nineteenth the pentagon announced it would be moving private first class bradley manning from a military facility at chronicle virginia to fort leavenworth kansas private manning is suspected of sharing secret documents with the whistle blowing web site wiki leaks and since the time he has been in custody nearly a year now he has been held mostly in solitary confinement has no contact no communication no daylight for twenty three hours a day and manning himself has said in addition he has been forced at times to sleep
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naked the criticisms against his treatment had been mounting and many say they simply want to know more want to hear it from manning himself i'm joined now by one man that is the un special rapporteur on torture cruel inhumane and degrading treatment or punishment one thank you so much for being with me today thank you for your additional and when you recently asked to have an unmonitored meeting with private manning what were you told what i asked to see manning as far back as january and we've been in negotiations all conversations with the united states government since then in march i was told that i could see him if manning asked to see me but that it would be in a situation of which the. visit could be monitored and i. told the u.s. government that i cannot accept those terms because under the rules so. we operate
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under the human race council of the united nations we're supposed to be able to meet with the people who want to meet in without witnesses nevertheless a told through his lawyer i told private manning that if you still wanted to see me he was he should ask for me and i'll try and come and see. in the meantime i insisted with the u.s. government that i want to see him without being monitored and now that there's been an announcement of his transfer to fort leavenworth. and the announcement also seems to indicate some change in his regimen that he's subjected to i am hoping that it will be possible to see him in conditions that i can accept. i'm wondering if you think that there's a connection at all between sort of this increased criticism this increased media attention and the decision to move private manning i mean the pentagon says no but these facilities certainly are much different he will potentially be able to eat
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with other prisoners to have contact to see the television even to read books do you think that there is a connection well as you said the pentagon is saying that this is a routine change after one year of incarceration. as far as i'm concerned i want to see what the new. conditions are but i'm also interested in what the conditions that he's living have been in need because i have some references to it but i want to hear from him exactly what it is and i'm also asking the united states government for more information about things like the precise regimen that he was subjected to and the one he will be subjected to when he gets to fort leavenworth but also. by who sold already who ordered it for what reason for what purpose all of those things are very in important to me in order to make
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a judgment as to whether. the treatment constitutes cruel inhuman and degrading treatment or even worse could be could even constitute torture and some have even called it what's been going on for this last year with bradley manning they've called it you know the and haiti a score press do you agree with. well i. haven't inquired as to whether he has a right to a writ of habeas corpus because my. my remit is limited to the conditions of detention not whether he should be detained or not. maybe another special rapporteur or working group in united nations would be interested in that obviously human rights. norms include a fair trial that cetera. but in my case limited by my mandate and that is you know whether his conditions of detention amount to cruel inhuman and degrading treatment and it makes total sense to me at least that you would need to see him and you
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would need to see him on monitored but we did see a lot of that he wrote that was published that sort of detailed some of the treatment some of his daily activities that included those twenty three hours during the day he was asked every five minutes are you ok so he couldn't just sit there and answer also this business about him you know having to sleep naked if all of this is true what would that mean for your job and your decision well obviously i'm interested in this matter because any time a geisha is made about solitary confinement it raises a flag if you will. under the convention against torture for which the united states is a signatory you know so i have to find out but evidently. different people mean different things by the word solitary confinement and i need to know every detail how many how many times. how often. he was asked to get rid of his underwear for what reason. we have to
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understand you know whether there's been any kind of rationale for the treaty but suffice to say for now that i am very interested in getting to the bottom of this and making my own judgment as of now i can only say that i'm interested i cannot disclose the contents of my conversations with the united states government except to confirm that i'm interested you know bradley manning has brought the subject of solitary confinement to light but from what i understand there are more than twenty five thousand people in this country alone being held in solitary confinement right now a lot of people when they think about solitary confinement they think you know these prisoners are danger are a danger to other prisoners and that's why they're held in. sorry but so many times and maybe even more often than not that's not the case and it just seems to be a form of punishment for whatever reason can you speak to this about solitary confinement in general as it relates to torture or treatment the definition of
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torture and of cruel inhuman and degrading treatment. starts from the premise that somebody is suffering. there's pain and suffering of certain so very that is not incidental to a legitimate punishment. if it raises to asserting verity then it becomes cruel inhuman and degrading treatment in your field goes on beyond that's a very it can constitute torture so first we have to understand what kind of harm. that person. confinement. is suffering. it's it's easy to see. you know. no one can go through that experience without suffering some kind of psychological or mental harm now then you have to still find out there's any justification for.
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i am familiar of course with the numbers in fact. i understand that the numbers are even higher than that of people who for disciplinary reasons are kept in solitary confinement in jails in the united states and quite frankly elsewhere as well so i am very interested in solitary confinement i want to know under what conditions it can become cruel inhuman and degrading treatment or torture and for that i need to know a lot more about what we mean by what kind of palliative measures are taken you know for example it's not the same to be in solitary confinement and not have any access to radio or t.v. or newspapers or writing material to let's send letters home. but. you know you have to put it all together and then make a judgment as to whether even under those circumstances with some of those palliatives it still is unreasonable and therefore cruel it is hard because we have
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these words cruel inhuman and those almost need to be defined so much more specifically i guess that's their job is it is my job and unfortunately has to be defined in both objective and subjective criteria because it's not the same to put somebody in solitary confinement for one day and to put him or her there for months it's not the same to put you know a relatively healthy young male twenty five years old for three days or put someone in those situations for three days who is infirm or c. who are prone to depression so you have to see all of those conditions before you make a judgment whether some kind of so very threshold has been crossed you know i know you're fairly new to this job but i'm wondering what impact kuantan him obey and the treatment that we are learning about prisoners there what impact that has on
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your job well i mean we're i'm also very interesting one time or my predecessor to visit one tunnel the bush administration after some time allowed him but on conditions that he could not accept and so when i became the special rapporteur on torture last november i renewed my request to the no to the obama administration but i wanted to visit one final and i'm hoping that when they answer they haven't answered yet but when they do answer they give me conditions that i can accept. we are negotiating that so i can't say what's going to happen but. i think. if i understand correctly conditions in guantanamo have changed. they have changed enough or not is a different question but they're not what they were in two thousand and four when asked for permission to visit and so i'm hoping the. obama administration will have
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a more constructive. response to my request do you trust the obama administration well as a special reporter i have jurisdiction over one hundred ninety countries i don't trust or distrust any government i just deal with them in the same way and and yes i poured from the premise depart from the premise that all governments have to live up to their obligations under international law just one more question for you i know that i am in the past you have called for the united states to investigate and prosecute torture committed under the former president george w. bush and a lot of people seem to say you know it's in the past let's not reopen old wounds this will get in the way of you know national unity it will our maybe make our reputation abroad much worse based on what comes out of that where how do you respond to that well the torture convention international law more generally
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makes it an obligation of the state to investigate and prosecute every single act of torture in that case in that sense torture is different torture is a special case of human rights whether they should even a single episode of torture elice is the obligation of the state to investigate prosecute and punish obviously punish if there's merit to punish but so i have repeatedly called not only the united states government but every other government to live up to that obligation. i don't think. these are crimes that can be swept under the rug and pretend that they didn't happen and if that's. for people who think that that will enhance the reputation of the united states abroad. that's exactly the opposite of what will happen in the united states and on all other countries to live up to their one rights obligations and one of them is to investigate torture so i think this has to happen here as well bringing it to
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light the notion that perhaps something is being done on about it all right i want to thank you so much for joining me one mendez the un special rapporteur on cruel inhumane and degrading treatment or punishment thank you very much a pleasure to be here. wealthy british style sun. times. market why not. find out what's really happening to the global economy with my instructor for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines in two cars a report. top
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stories of today and all this week here on r.t. moscow says it's ready to assist with peace talks in libya to end months of violence meanwhile nato is sending combat advisors to the country in a move seen by analysts as the first step to a ground invasion. and other top news of the week terror takes a blow russian police eliminated two high ranking militants in the north caucuses both had suspected links to deadly attacks here in moscow. and the massive gulf of mexico oil spill is sparking allegations and court cases a year on but while those in charge play the blame game cleanup workers and coastal
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residents are starting to feel the health impacts of the disaster. time now for sporting use with current. hello welcome to the sports news this is a sunday and yet other headlines leading battles a new task is chance to regain top spot in the russian premier league acetates guy held struggling to hold. while best approach goal to luke donald rides his luck to stay on course for the world's number one ranking. and another milestone rafael nadal enjoys his life one is a winner is for such a cool spanish boss alone right but. that's to go for the russian probably champions and it could regain top spot if they wouldn't have to come here so that's off like they was just kicks off in some pieces but the earlier tapes crowned miss the chance replaying top spot after they were held to a surprise one one draw let me told so you can be open for the all the men off to
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twenty seven minutes not seen and we called levels just before the hour so it's just a second tone was out of the box and so you now have a one in four games after also being held one one can agree to going into one car and it's on that there's some stuff stuff that i'm scientifical half time when i'm sure ronald puts his as nice office fifty seven minutes and then like not some size last night most overlooked and that's going to start off the foot of the table by co-sponsor. but as i say new boys come on become their reign at the top with a woman a minute longer than the stuff with the goal pacing and sometimes great starts this isn't a bad manager from a chelsea player down the trust despite the size toughest test so far. as we're looking at see for third off the best all one when it comes to buck price of the match the way men have scored once in a. game isn't solely us in the first early on. sunday as the
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british made it to know from the penalty spot the ball striking second half a powerful effort from the other stuff not the. made it through you know for the riches each of the most important defending it was a consolation prize and. i want to know if this is how they finished. this is a question he's had excised off thoughts from bottom after their one zero defeat the last off the game was settled by thirty fifty can see he bets as well chopped down from its weekly chunk of. hundred six point three. while in england match united need just seven more points from four matches to clinch a record nineteenth top flight title after saturday's like one zero when it's home to everton gave me six point lead over chelsea have a hand on this with a vital eighteen thirty minute strike as under the bridge fernando torres finally claimed his first goal for chelsea and then we know we're not a lot bottom west on top to fail to leapfrog manchester city of the fourth spot in
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health teachers and to west brom not good reading scored a hat trick as liverpool thought bamiyan five no aston villa i'm stoked share the spoils so you can see why people who stay just about the allegations that however act on it are wigan lost to sunderland and struggling wolves through this for them . and the sun they also could also go within six points of united with victory bolton the gunners are unbeaten in sixteen games but how would i meet three of their last nine which is seen since the third in the table however a win would just about keep them in the title race as arsenal still have to play united at the emirates next sunday. and elsewhere also has made oh i see has become the first player to score fifty goals in spanish season his landmark strike along with a call from david there. to know when i will also see the eight point lead in lally nearest rivals realm of a balance yes six three goes all the again with
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a trick and not one. fifth that's a one way or else i see that's. possible around him he have won the all russian d.t.b. united league final against a sky so much in cars and course to get the best sides of scandinavia in eastern europe he winning the final sixty six points to sixty four question at long chalk top scoring for them facing points and five rebounds cultists like i've come to term to stop them going to have started in a spirit of the stars ok off hold it and get on board and post-school fifteen points but that wasn't enough. i think because it was a difficult match c.s.k. proved to be a strong contender with very strong players but today we were very good in the defense and moved a lot and because their team plays a much older we were forced out and were running more. and this year also saw the start of the p b l or professional basketball league in russia one of the main
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differences from its predecessor the super league is the number of international athletes who plying their trade here and also have caught up with three of them. american tragedy lang's and is no stranger to titles and here are just a few from his six year tenure at moscow sascoc wife timeshares going to russia to design your league champion plus they can petition the most valuable player in two thousand and eight and a two time champion of the newly created united. that basketball wars are not the only discovery he's made in russia as lang's and is now married to a local girl and they already have a son to put it simply most has become his second home i was no more true. by the culture of knowing i was going to be here by people by history or so much about it that i was ignorant about and for them to try to go to a little bit more museums talk to people learn the language a little bit more and for me it's been a great experience raul lopez has been the moscow region's he in peace since two
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thousand and nine shortly after his native staind won the olympic silver at the two thousand and eight summer games in beijing just a year later he helped his country prove its dominance of the euro basket becoming the latest champions so rolls incredible international record plus his three year n.b.a. states and the utah jazz brought invaluable experience to his current site before you know it's it was more like says the risible teams are. pressure on not like now you know i feel like this is like is like. intense you know on every dance. you know they have great players australia's little medal is probably one of the most exotic imports to the russian professional basketball league though he has already tried his luck in the united states and returned to melbourne this move to russia meant he wants to make his way back to the highest level of the game his current side triumph from the moscow region are not having the best of seasons at
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the moment but it's still a work in progress as neville is brought up to speed with the european style of the game i am most known as the russia and the stray was a stray i was you know different as. this against how you play. the system runs in russia is not a kick in a row it's in europe sort of screens and. you know has no coach as me running around all the time you know russian basketball went through a massive overhaul of last season and it is just starting to climb out of the slump however the professional league remains at fractals afore. and so on and it's great to see you just look to russia from all over the world renown calls for an emerging . now goal set to have a new world number one england's lee westwood is in line to take top spot from german martin kyra after winning the indonesian masters but luke donald could end
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up at the summit if he wins in south carolina the englishman riding his luck to take a one shot lead into the final round of the heritage donald is third in the world at the moment and his announcement round didn't get off to the best of starts his ball bouncing out of bounds and just the second hole a double bogey here seen him briefly lose the lead but he was back to car by the time he reached the turn and with his form finishing on a one part seventy his worst round of the tournament so far but he still shot a head defending. american missing a putt for par on the last hole to scupper his chances of topping the leaderboard. meanwhile tennis world number one rough on the dollar has reached a landmark in his career so many four year olds claiming his five hundred win a beating even though that to make the final of the barcelona open the doll is the second youngest player to reach the master in your ball did it when he was twenty
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three and it was a straight forward victory to even a spaniard six three six two the final score against dodig advance thirty third row and spend the next i have a fair. bet invited the monte carlo masters just last week which nadar won so farit will be looking for revenge great form against an eagle owl not a final set in the first set six three and the second six four but still very much the underdog in this sunday's final against the down. meanwhile the women's wild one caroline wozniacki is on course for her fourth title the c's. which in the final. three it's quite about what i found but the day i have to show has quite a spirit whose fourteenth in the world to get three one lead in the first set was nuts and came back so when it's seven five. in the seconds to take that six three
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you've mentioned the need for much points to back up when deciding the real i think . the idea is the final. and finally polish formula one driver robert king has left hospital eleven weeks after suffering severe injuries after crashing around a car in italy commit so was badly hurt while taking part in a race last february and have extensive surgery to save his right hand he also made the operations on his shoulder and elbow a sponsor corona hospital in northern italy says his condition is good and he will now begin a new phase of rehabilitation kits that have been driving for a red eye but after the accident was replaced by german driver nick heidfeld. that's all sports news this blows and i think i.
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