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tv   [untitled]    April 24, 2011 5:30pm-6:00pm EDT

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international news live from moscow this is our top stories now this hour moscow says it's ready to assist peace talks in libya not in savannah meanwhile nato is an income bad advisors to the country in a move seen by analysts as the first step to a ground invasion. and other top news of the week russian police take down two major terror targets in the south of russia and the militant leaders were suspect ignorant to deadly bombings in moscow. and the massive
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gulf of mexico oil spill is sparking allegations in court cases a year on and those in charge play the blame game cleanup workers in coastal residents are starting to feel the health impact of the disaster. well i'm glad to say that i didn't sneeze during that update for you and even better news your lawyer will be here in half an hour to continue with the news now in the meantime a report on the fight of american farmers against science companies who are keen to force genetically modified crops into the food chain that's next on r.t. .
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ball control bache you know what you control like no one should have that great input packed a meter at night as long as my wife and i have my within us we will have always gone down right for the great empires always to do all the users from the. thirty year no one should pay back right away and. this is what the judge would rule number one if you are contaminated by gates your wishes i might satisfy him always you own or longer own your seats or plants they become the ownership of a corporation and escape on tap. he
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also ruled we were not allowed to use our seeds or plants again. he also ruled that all our profit from our nine hundred ninety eight can all across goes to my sample. in one thousand nine hundred ninety seven as a result of a simple discovery life changed dramatically for the seventy year old farmer a power line runs along the edge of percy schmeiser property as usual the power company had the surrounding vegetation controlled by applying to herbicide rhondda but in spite of its powerful chemical will ensure canola plants continue to thrive among the wheat this can all it was sprayed with four times the normal rate that you would spray. around and yet it has not died so it's a very powerful. resistant canola to round up so it's definitely monsanto's seed
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that is here we've created our real big prime concern. the pesticide roundup produced by the multi-national concern monsanto is the most widely sold spray in the world monsanto made its canola resistant around. this means roundup kills every plant without exception only monsanto's genetically modified canola remains alive. it was introduced without really much testing being done and i think even at that time when it was introduced in the middle of the ninety's that even the governments were taken in by what these corporations told what it would do like increase yields and less chemicals and more nutritious and i think the government even believed the corporation. in ninety nine hundred six the chemical giant monsanto introduced its brand of canola into canada
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a brand resistance of the pesticide round in smokers region three farmers agreed to plant monsanto's new g.m.o. canola. due to a heavy storm during the harvest freshly cut g.m.o. canola drifted into percy schmeiser steals his work of fifty years of breeding was destroyed because its harvest was contaminated by monsanto seed. but on top of that monsanto turned him the victim into a culprit agast nine hundred ninety eight smiter was sued by months on joe for having illegally planted the corporations paid into g.m.o. canola. he was to be forced by a court decision to pay damages in the amount of one hundred thousand dollars and all this for a canola seed he did not want in the first place. under the patent law is said to violate a patent you have to use the patent in my case i never used monsanto's patent i
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never afraid their chemical round up on my fields so i never used their patent. but percy schmeiser would not let himself be intimidated he filed a counter suit against the chemical called brazen grounds of environmental pollution see destruction and slander from that time a subtle how the small wheat farmer spied on and pursued like a criminal. in summer ninety ninety nine the situation became even more menacing for days detectives with cars were in front of smart's his driveway following him on to the fields and observing his every footstep. you know and we found out afterwards about a case in license numbers that they were people hired by monsanto and also monsanto representatives themselves they didn't even stop by the people they would even drive into our yard here and i don't know if it was just a means or
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a method of intimidation or whatever about things or things that happened. and he did everything to bring us down financially and rent free and that's what they're doing is to mentally imprinted great people. used the are totally ruthless they have no ethics they have no morals it's the bottom line. i had a trust fund to pay for some of my legal bills and some time ago i get a phone call from the manager of the bank saying they were going to close out that account and they wouldn't give me no explanation so i went to see the bank when he chair which was a lady and i asked her why do you want to close out this account you have to give
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me a reason even under the bank you can't just close somebody else account out and she wouldn't tell me what the reason words and finally i said to her is it because of monsanto and she said yes. and i said why and she said ron santo went to the head office and said to the head office of the canadian imperial bank or congress if you don't count so percy schmeiser is legal trust fund out we will cancel all of our phones with the canadian imperial bank of congress across canada. in two thousand and one smiles or was ordered in this month's santo trial to be about four hundred thousand dollars in damages and costs the court to take it for granted that smites as canola fields contain ninety five to ninety eight percent of months santo's g.m.o. canola the judgement is a scan of twenty eight test results only for back such a figure the rest varies between sixty nine and zero percent with contradictions
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and different evaluations most samples were procured behind spices back not one of them was taken in his presence the decisive expert witnesses in court were either monsanto employees or paid by months on to the judgment left people stunned worldwide today even canada's government admits that g.m.o. canola is everywhere. and what that crowd judge ruled their first trial judge rule is what made big case become internationally known overnight what can happen with farmers when you introduced. and the judge ruled this number one it does not matter how eighth armor is contaminated and he went on to say cross-pollination where colon thrown in the wind by birds or by direct c s alone and away in y. or farmers transportation if your contaminated against your wishes you know longer
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own your seeds or plants have become the ownership of monsanto under patent law for we had about five hundred and fifty captors stated to rate c. in one thousand nine hundred eight he was. all because of the contamination all the profit from our crop in one thousand nine hundred eight goes to monsanto another important issue he mentioned he said it does not matter how much of palmer is contaminated if it's half a percent one percent two percent it does not matter he will no longer own your seeds or plants. after this decision percy schmeiser and his wife are very demoralized just like many farmers who had been following the case percy decided to appeal the ruling and took the case to the higher court but after two more years of legal battles and no
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three hundred photos and canadian dollars of legal expenses the judges again ruled if you were contaminated with months sometimes genes you no longer own your seeds and plants then we only had one avenue left and that was the supreme court of canada first of all we said to the supreme court that a farmer always should have the right to use his seeds from year to year if on his own farm and the most had partnership for my wife and myself by that time was that no one nor corporation no individual should ever have the right to put a patent on higher life forms like a seed or plant. when i use the term higher life form i mean any lifeform whether it's a bird be an animal face or even a human being. if
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you have a patent on that gene that's in doubt poland and i guess in your field butyl longer own your seeds or plants so you could have one plant g.m.o. and all these could be regular organic but true outlaw they can claim all of your parts. because you don't know which one is g.m.o. which is not. in one thousand nine hundred six when it was introduced farmers were told three named things are going to always be a bigger yield or it would be more nutritious and less family calls and within
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three and four years we found out that the total opposite happened we're now using more chemicals in ever before and more powerful and more toxic chemicals because it has become a super wheat the other issue is that the quality is much poorer and and more so now we have and also poor eels and to give you an example of that even the united states department of agriculture just a short time ago indicated that a yield on soybeans was down about fifteen percent with the introduction of a most. monsanto's technology contract virtually turns the former into an accomplice of the agro chemical industry he has to buy new seeds every year with the technology surcharge and only then is he allowed to cultivate the seat but natural right of every farmer to harvest seeds is waived by contract. i have
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acquired tract here for monsanto and i'll just give us some of the clauses in that contract. a farmer must obvious by his seeds from monsanto. he must only buy the chemicals from monsanto he can never use these seeds he might speed monsanto about forty dollars a license fee on each character he owns each year he must permit my town his police force to come on his way and for three years after the contractor even though he may want to grow you move one year and month sounders police could go in your grain reese basin go in your fields they can get your tax records your programming records with or without your permission and if a farmer commits some violation of the contract might sound can take all its profit or monsanto can make a good stories crop and a farmer is not allowed to say anything to anybody about it. and no the
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multinationals with these contracts are exercising more power than any government would ever dare to do months out will endure two thousand and three contracts have another cause at it which states that a farmer can no longer sue or take monsanto to court or lay a lawsuit against monsanto no matter for what reason it could be whether it's poor sea or poor they no longer can sue moss out almost two hundred pages their rates a way of crime even taken months hundreds of courts so all their freedom. of speech expression is taken away total domination and controlled by a multinational over a program it's like stamping a primer into into the ground he has no longer any rights where and that's basically what the judge ruled in my case against are not sound as he's against me and not sound was patent is over a no go farmers rights. and we hope that the supreme court will change that and
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give the rights back to the performers where they belong not to multinational corporations. in all of north america there are hundreds of farmers under the same threat as percy schmeiser only a few of them have had the courage to come foolish to talk about. david runyan from indiana is one of the few that is standing up to months on but even he took half a year before going public with his story on santa as investigators arrived on my farm it was price of a thirty at night pm they. did not identify themselves i really did not know who they were until about three days later. i was informed
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from the local feed mill for i have my seed cleaned every year after twenty years and they inform me that that's who they were that they were investigators for monsanto and investigating me for patent infringement. all they will i want to know the investigators was what kind of class ladies i grow kind of wheat do i grow a kind of corn do i grow and the herbicides i use and also whom do i sell my products to they wanted name and phone numbers. and at that point i refused to cooperate and i ended the conversation. so anyone they investigate they will definitely find will have someplace a positive identification for genetic material. and
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i worried after i found out i was contaminated i worried i lost thirty pounds that year just or six or eight months just a timeframe i was worried i want to be worried here i was going to be costly drug in a foreign federal in a federal court never really been in a courtroom before and let alone go to federal court but now i'm not afraid of them i'm not scared of them and i know who i'm fighting and i know their tactics. i contacted an attorney i had to i knew that and i cannot fight them by myself monsanto is too big of a company and i don't have the money too. and i thought after i'd see counsel he
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advised me to put some signs up so i did put some signs up to keep people off and particularly them if i can i don't know i guess time will tell on that. well most of the farmers they have that have relations with monsanto yes they are afraid of them and a lot of them have their settled and signed gag orders so they cannot speak about anything so you only find a handful of farmers out here that can actually talk about this i told no one i talked to no one until i found out whom turned me in and advised by my counsel i just didn't talk about it i probably didn't talk to anyone about it for six months .
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and there. i had one of the first to go talk to that i knew had been through it already and fortunate i could prove to him that day that i was a farmer and i needed his help and he helped me. and i'm thankful for him call him up yeah i'm in a field ok here's my location you come to me so i drove one hundred twenty miles just to talk to him and i'll way up north in the state pen and i talk to him and he help me out and then it wasn't quite as bad as i thought it would be but he helped me out a lot he had nothing else just to settle to settle my nerves. and he survived it and i came the conclusion that i can possibly survive it too.
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also from indiana troy rush was wrongly accused of having reuse months santo's g.m.o. seed without paying the license fees much like percy schmeiser his family had to come up with four hundred thousand dollars in legal expenses and finally after several years of legal battles agreed to settle with monsanto including a provision to keep silent about his case he is now advising farmers threatened by months sounded like david runyan the first thing i advise a farmer who has non g.m.o. soybeans is you must have third party sampling and testing of your crop because monsanto scoffed falsify the results of your soybeans. the farmer actually most at risk and the situations is the farmer not growing the g.m.o. so it. because now he has to in fact prove his innocence and that's the opposite of
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what people think you know our legal system does here in america innocent till proven guilty well maybe so in a criminal so to ation i don't know but i can tell you when you're a civil thought with a company like monsanto it is up to you to prove you do not in fact do with they're accusing you of. a majority of farmers i speak with. they they don't have the financial wherewithal to fight these battles. a lot of them. you know i can recall one particular farmer is working with you know he and they had to file bankruptcy and they they couldn't hire an attorney it's just terrible it's hard when you've got this multinational corporation spending millions of dollars they can they can. prove whatever they want i often say that after night experience with the coarsest
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and lady justice holding that those skills and balances and in the way the court system seems to work in america at least from soaps the employees you pound money on the balance and want to put the most money on once our core system is just that was that was a dismal experience and i'm just just appalled that that's allowed to go on in america. if a farmer felt his neighbor was grown genetically altered or a months after or monsanto's had roundup ready canola that they should inform how underneath they should rock they said squeal underneath here and we returned farmers tell me that if they did that they would get a leather jacket from what santo. if
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a farmer would squeal a rock on his neighbor and what monsanto would do is send out one of these or two of these x. r.c.m.p. or detectives certain guess to gators whatever you want to call them and they would go to a farm home and this is what the farmers would tell me they would come into this farm home and say to the parliament so we have a cat or a rumor that you've been growing wrote up ready can all up without a license and if you don't come clean we'll get you you want to have a parm left when we're through with you know with you and we know if you tell us that you're not your lion. farmers begin know not to trust one another because if you had a visit from an ex r.c.m.p. or amounts and a representative the first person. you would think well it wasn't my neighbor that turned me and rose my dear that said this about me so it was destroying that social
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fabric and i think this is one of the worst things that could happen there breakdown of our communities by this policy. they wanted to introduce when i see wanted to i mean like monsanto another company's wheat rice flocks of thousands and no provision was given. and it can aged people and the farmers and occurred to me or said we have seen the damage it has done to health environment more chemicals with a pair of props we do not want any more new rules the i've heard not only in your country but also in my country and united states scientists
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say and some government people say we must be part of this new technology. this new technology is crazy science it's unsafe science and it's not proven science. and if we've had in north america eleven years of game modes how come we don't have lots of food now that the gun hungry world. of worker ration is want total total control of the seed supply which will then give him total control of the political party that's what gilmore's are all about not more peter hunt we were out of control of the seats of power.
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closure is that so much money is going to make a lot of people a very delicate twenty five years ago world was coming to grips with the catastrophe unfolding in chernobyl today the same could be said about the shame of what is the future. twenty five years of fallout. from the most devastating nuclear disaster in history. a quarter of a century ago on his monthly to learn from its mistakes. the legacy of chernobyl. on the arctic.
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