tv [untitled] April 25, 2011 10:00am-10:30am EDT
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in the. pressure of nato airstrikes hit the libyan capital and there are warnings that continued coalition support of the rebels is an invitation for a chain reaction of civil wars in the region. almost twenty five years after the world looks upon it with renewed concern as the distress of fukushima shows how vital it is to be prepared for the repeat of a nuclear catastrophe. and a culture clash a controversial russian our group wins a state award for what they say is artistic protest but critics see it as an act of obscenity and that goes.
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well why news live from moscow this is hot seat that libya is in. his forces are continuing their siege of the rebel held city of misrata well fresh nato air strikes rained down on the capital well more than a month into the allied intervention does mean a lot of discussion about the real aim of the action and as little said about what the rebels actually want. is going off now trying to discover for himself the hopes they have wondered whether they will ever come true. for years saleem has been struggling to keep his or her porch shot ronnie claims even opening a men's team thousands in bribes to give us officials all linked to either get out feet or his family life no one felt like it then i won't even begin to describe how hard it was to start this business cannot you have just hands on everything for
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decades he's been taking money from ordinary people and now it's time for me to be regarded as my gosh sure small private business does exist in libya what with the colonel and his close allies controlling all sectors of the economy it's a huge struggle for any businessman to make decent profit the idea that the revolution will open the floor for cash for everyone to enjoy he's back to bible reading the farmers to the military command we have as i told you we have a rich country and all you have a god as we have. in this. economy we are not flooded. and i would invite you. the reason you would see what some analysts don't share the softness and doubt nato is the guardian angel it promises to be it is nothing to do with humanitarian aid nothing to do with democracy nothing to do with people it's to. exploit
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their stealing resources forty one billion barrels reserves or the war just in africa and the ninth largest in the world there's so much all filling up a gas tank on a midsize corn costs less than ten dollars in two thousand and need to go down even promised he would really be and would be paid eight hundred dollars every month to share that with revenues but field to keep his word libya does have the resources to do big business it's just that in the past for decades it was done only by a circle of chosen people the elite now here in the rebel stronghold the local say they are ready to fight to the end to build a free and prosperous society but is the opposition strong enough to build a whole new regime or can it be that the future of the libyan people has already been decided for that you've got a small party been guys the libya. to be shared with us his experience on the
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ground a quick listen. i came back from going to guy's he may be over we can go spend two weeks there. talked a lot with the rebels themselves so a lot myself and they are pretty badly organized many of them are young many of them are teenagers who just got their hands on kalashnikov rifles and are constantly shooting just in the air in the city so when they're either celebrating something or commemorating something it seemed to me it was actually even more dangerous to be inside been driving because of that rather than on the front because everybody just sporadically. they got these guns from got a few troops when they retreated so when we're talking about their actions on the front they're totally. this war they needed. poorly trained one of our teams was feeling from a big got caught by
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a mortar attack so when everybody was running back. from the front they saw how the rebels were actually running faster. than our team was with european countries now saying that they're going to send trainers to help organize the rubble to see before to see how long this may take the russian recently talked to the. prime minister said look we are ready to meet mediate this but all sides have to abide by un resolution before he must. resign i think a lot of time that nichols now rely on international help makes the situation even more dangerous promoting the idea of uprisings in other countries but this was the warning from the russian foreign minister something off. because we suspect believed oppositions rejection of the ceasefire initiatives is connected with the fact that nato is implementing the un security council resolution in its own way
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and has sided with the rebels and probably rebels rely on western help to overthrow the regime and seize power it's a very dangerous move deliberately escalating a conflict in how it's that the world community would come to your aid is essentially an invitation to a series of civil wars. and. from the world economy and international relations says that russia is the most suitable. we're seeing a. very selective you see if he does his. places where gadhafi could be. trying to kill khadafi can self which goes actually world beyond any un resolution and absolutely inacceptable from the point of fuel for international laws and from the point of your for international conventions. all nato members are signatories to russia remains may be the only contradiction
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help to resolve the situation because the nature conscious here of taking sides in the conflict and you know if you want to be a mediator you have to be accepted by both parties russia. contras internal affairs and. conducted its international policy in accordance with norms of international law maybe ease the best choice for the. columnist and former editor of the sun newspaper calvin mckenzie shares the view that no western powers should meddle in libya's internal affairs is a preview of an r.t. interview with him that's coming your way in a parts twenty minutes from now. this is libyans fighting libyans and who are we to say who should be running their country after all when i lost a lot i didn't notice any of the libyans interfere when the cavaliers and the railroads took place in their revolution or their as far as i could see there was
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nobody from tripoli. in the french revolution. now a russian art as we know catapulted into the limelight after a giant piece of graffiti won a state award radical our group dogged the work seen by many as obscene and did so want to draw federal security service. and while most people what i'm good at the action others say it's the message and not the form that matters. this is award winning art according to russia's ministry of culture a sixty five metre phallus want washed on a drawbridge instant petersburg has won the twenty thousand innovation prize for best visual artwork self-styled terrorists by now meaning war in russian are the unpopular with us. i think it's essentially vandalism a bridge is
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a cultural and historical monument and to paint anything on it is an act of vandalism and it should be punished not rewarded. here in the center of contemporary art you can see the other entries for the award nothing is stimulating or a shocking or innovative as viner's and according to the jury that's why they won purely on artistic merit but now it's not as simple as that the same symbol the ministry rewarded is now being brandished in mocking protest this russian youth group is angry four hundred thousand rubles of taxpayers' money we given to a group it calls vandals for vine our protest only legitimizes their own but. it's a very awkward situation when the state award goes to a group that in fact organizes an action aimed against the state but this is a very important signal artists always express society's pain and a healthy society accepts these. but there's been no acceptance of vinyl as art
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until now two members still face trial on hooliganism charges for this little stunt british v.t.r. the banksy did bail them out and they could still play seven years in prison because flipping police cars so why this sudden show of state supporters. the minister of culture was afraid of being accused of political censorship and i think he was right in our country is better being afraid of and pools and political censorship than to actually import your bodies with. a sea change from four years ago this image of two kissing policeman was banned by the culture ministry for international exhibits fearing embarrassment the curator of that exhibit was andrei uniphase back then he lost his job at this time he was on the jury so why is this other than. the turing is a graphic and expressive example of how an artist reacts to
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a social climate it doesn't specify the target of his protest he simply says a strong protest is brewing in russian society for having draw the line between saying this and art and panelists because this is discriminating. not street art is minor vandalism but it's not hooliganism the disorder it may cause is compensated hundreds of times by the meaning of their pictures which is painting could be restored on the bridge to become a symbol of some petersburg's culture because it's a first work that is proof of a civil society. vyner court controversy usually at the expense of the authorities whether it's art or not they've achieved what they wanted to notoriety they say they'll donate a prize money to political prisoners by the bennett party. and there was a more news and feature stories on our web site of course that's our comments are a look and see what's lined up for you online right now and america's most prison
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is packed with innocent people that's according to the latest trove of secret files from what wiki leaks has shed light on the one hundred inmates and who they really are. and find out why india is becoming an increasingly male dominated society and more devastating effect that may help on the country's future. now twenty five years since the meltdown at the church of all nuclear plant fears linger that disaster will one day repeat itself on the eve of the tragic anniversary ukraine's are seeking funds to complete a new containment shelter over the reactors remains which are still missing dangerous levels of radiation ati's alexy other chefs has had exclusive access to the disaster site. well clearly the exclusion zone of the thirty kilometer radius
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around the chernobyl nuclear power plant is unsuitable for a living there are different radiation levels across this area certainly from three and a half thousand microland ganz in a place called the red forest that is a part of the land which was burned by the way the radiation after the chernobyl explosion to the rooftop in reply to the tallest building in prepaid where the level of radiation goes to about two and a half thousand micro. it is not advisable for human beings to be there for more than ten or fifteen minutes that my gate gets some the first levels of first stages of radiation sickness then at the same time some parts of the zone are still inhabited by people there are recyclers several hundred of them who have returned to the zone ever since the collapse of the soviet union they were indeed given flats in kiev and other towns across ukraine but they still prefer to go back to their home villages to their buildings to their houses where they have council grow vegetables and fruits and live there are not scared of radiation they've been
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living there for more than twenty years now and most of them are still alive so i've got the feeling talking to them that the radiation is clearly not their enemy and not something which would be able to pull them off now of course this anniversary of the twenty fifth anniversary is a big date and. the whole of ukraine has been seen lots of different commemorative events in the last several days we know that the russian president meeting the date of the velour russian president. will be coming over to go to chernobyl to attend the commemoration services there patrick of the russian orthodox church to deal has arrived to kiev to attend services both in the ukrainian capital and also in the chernobyl exclusion zone itself also we heard that russian president putin to do it if awarded presented state awards to the liquidators people who were involved in the cleanup operation off of his disaster and the aftermath of the future noble explosion so we'll be seeing a lot of that and we have over already seen huge gains or not. donor conference
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where ukraine has managed to persuade the countries of further investment into strengthening and building a new surface over the dome clearly there is still danger remaining in chernobyl the danger which lives under the sickle for this because nobody still knows for sure how much radioactive fuel nuclear fuel still remains under the film on business steel construction called the circle for gas in my report i compiled the facts about this structure and how it lives nowadays and i believe we can have a look at this report right now. japan's ongoing struggle to contain the fukushima disaster is fuelling the growing anxiety over nuclear energy safety the last time the world was this cared was in the shadow of the chernobyl reactor explosion in nineteen eighty six but this latest has been to demonstrate that despite make great progress made in the last twenty five years. more these could be done to ensure that safety patched approach becomes really intrigued
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among nuclear power plant operators government and regulators japan hopes to seal the site within nine months but back and it is of chilled mobile a quicker solution was needed shutting the gap in the whole of the exploded reactor was the immediate way out of a deadly mistake scientists were quick to react to the unfolding catastrophe and managed to build a steel structure over the devastated forestation protecting europe from the further spread of radiation the surface was built in one thousand nine hundred eighty six just months after the disaster back then experts said that it would last for twenty years until two thousand and six no there are fears that these are cause of the night collapse and there are several cracks on the wall of the building and experts believe that this may cause serious danger and serious threat if the circle because the whole of the european continent could be contaminated by the radioactive fuel which is still thought to lie under the circle for this new arc is
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being built by a french company and of arka work has been in progress for months but it only recently became clear that this billion dollar project lacks financing a week before the disaster three different anniversary keith managed to attract an additional half a billion euros in aid from europe at a dollar conference. we have now been granted a real chance to complete the new shelter by the year two thousand and fifteen. experts are confident it could even happen quicker in just two years and that the new protective layer would last for generations to see their life time for their use of confinement is supposed to be a harmful years that is determined to develop technologies. how to manage fuel containing masses how to manage long lead active making holes ready at kuwait whether that means that your novel nuclear power plant could one
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day be dismantled under the new dome is unclear but as japan's nuclear crisis keeps the planet on alert there is now a new focus on ensuring sure nobbles dark cost can be kept at bay look serious ascii art c reporting from chernobyl ukraine. now as we mark the anniversary of chernobyl when you say the world has failed to learn the lessons on nuclear safety the tragedy provided we're now joined by a pub all the couple of the director of the atomic energy website thank you for joining us today so just like the japanese authorities are now planning to cover the damaged reactors with copper because here so does that mean the end is in sight . yes they've been talking about it but however putting that that was putting aside office is not necessarily mean the solving of a problem i would argue there we need to and the japanese authorities need to maintain and develop a very unique in-depth decommissioning plan and they would ultimately have to take all the radioactive materials out of there safely store it in the process some
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would minimise the volume and keep it contained within monitored locations when you talk about containment of the damage reactors you talk about that's that's a six month temporary fix right. i wouldn't say that it is a fix i would say it's more of a. but it was the concept but this scientists and the robots need to get inside we need to know what exactly is going on within all the chambers within the containment and. open with lee i would say will have to take the structure apart. but of course. the decision has to be made by the japanese authorities only upon considering the city and let's let's talk about her the fact that more will be twenty five years to the day since the chernobyl disaster now we have this fukushima crisis are we seeing a case of possible negligence here do you think. no i don't think this is
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a case of nations because. noble nuclear power has undergone a major. major serious improvements in the nuclear safety. it is by far the most regulated industry we have to undergo. a very in-depth very serious very detailed. paperwork acknowledging in describing potential risk special hazards and what we have done is in the last twenty five years we have considerably improved safety improved efficiency improved improved the power output. of cities been improved there be more regulations introduced of course no one could foresee a tsunami and earthquake and tsunami coming to the fukushima plant but if i may one of the greatest fears about chernobyl years ago was that they could be some sort of radioactive contamination or would an underground water source a river that was nearby now for who she is a coastal plodded other similar concerns here yes you're probably talking about one of the biggest dangers or for nuclear is the movie china syndrome which has put
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a lot of misconceptions and into the minds of people and there it's been a lot different be more difficult to continue developing our intern or goal they were actually building a tunnel an underground power to build a reactor core catcher thinking that this might happen but it did not a lot of effort but we did it just because of safety concerns. i would think there. are i don't have the necessary information or if i if i may i'm sorry we're running a very very long time here but i just haven't seen a rejuvenation in the and see nuclear movement with protests in downtown tokyo do you think these people's voices could be heard. i'm sure they will be heard and they should not be heard and this is putting a lot of pressure on the politicians and i would ask them to choose the most. scientific science oriented solution not not to be populism but to keep
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with the low cost of carbon emissions free source of power and. use all the experience that was previously have and to. of course organize some kind of public. information activities the biggest thing with nuclear power is how popularized presented to the public because we have all the technology we have all the means we are very. good on so there are alternate means other methods of getting energy away for nuclear power but your top left director of the atomic energy website i'm sorry that's all the time we have for today but thank you for joining us. for twenty five grocery rather just a day away from any point of devastation wrought by nuclear energy as an argument against atomic power today's crosstalk focuses on what can be a future without the atom. in my view if you're anti carbon dioxide in your
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anti-nuclear you're just pro black out and with the global demand for electricity expected to grow by eighty percent over the next twenty or twenty five years we simply don't have an option but to continue to work hard at getting good at nuclear . right out of business news is next with going to trade. and welcome to business the rising gas demand in europe should see more money pouring into gazprom scoffers by the end of the year this of the russian gas giant predicts the price of gas in its long term contracts could rise as much as sixty percent by december to five hundred dollars per thousand cubic meters let's say
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melissa says the fact that the exports to europe were high in april and in the winter were good grounds for optimism. russia's fixed income market has hit last year's record that's after companies x. their borrowing in the euro and turn to domestic lead russian fabs of borrowed around eleven billion dollars at home from the start of yeah that's a seventy percent increase compared to the same period last year when the factors behind the u.-turn as opposed to economic outlook at home including lower inflation and a stronger rework. the second leg of the markets u.s. markets have opened flat after a long weekend due to easter holidays and that was a quarter of a percent lower nasdaq is opening values in this is that our almost three year stocks are struggling with a resistance level that's coupled with high energy prices here in russia dramatic reversal of the trend the r.t.s. m i six and now down point three and point eight percent respectively so you look at the stocks now why this is happening ross never used to be one of the few gave
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us in the markets now down half a percent polymaths always bucking the trend it's up one of percent on gold prices and burbank is down point eight percent. oil prices are retreating from early gains despite fears the tensions in syria and yemen which escalated over the weekend may disrupt supplies nights we're just going to be trading one hundred eleven and a half dollars per barrel brant is more than one hundred twenty three dollars one. gold is hitting yet another new record one thousand five hundred eighteen dollars that's current think the client to fifteen hundred and two dollars silver has also briefly reached an all time high of almost fifty dollars now as the fourth returned to a below forty six stories. russia's top precious metals gold is expected to report a seventy five percent increase in profits for the second half of last year the
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survey shows the average forecast is for a net settle of three hundred million dollars for the period dollars gold will publish its financial results on tuesday. untaught of russia's type who is planning to take over english football club portsmouth be a multi-millionaire said to become the team's fifth in three years in a deal worth twenty eight million dollars and one of turns of portsmouth of to get an offer to buy neighboring board of c. turned down and twenty ten the current owner hong kong based around chain run the club in turn ministration in february last year when that reached two hundred fifty million dollars and that was after it dropped out of the premier league however brought them back out six months later with the intention. was government is selling its stake in east europe's top suite maker united confectioner's among the possible buyers world's leading food groups as kraft and leslie moscow caribbeans
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the book. twenty five years of fallout. from the most devastating nuclear disaster in history i am a quarter of a century on his monthly to learn from its mistakes. the band i am the legacy of chernobyl i am one are too. wealthy british style. is not the basics of my current. market finance come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with much stronger for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into cars
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