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tv   [untitled]    April 25, 2011 7:00pm-7:30pm EDT

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these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. china operations are the day. oh my god shocking news today the biggest economy in the world will no longer be the united states that's right according to the i.m.f. we will soon be overtaken by the online porn industry the laws that china he's away were screwed but you don't have to be so full of all who joins us to expose the gun the room behind soaring gold and rising china sues for liberty young americans for liberty are in studio to explain how the current education paradigm encourages violence and i'll tell you why when it comes to youth violence it's time to stop talking and start thinking you're watching adam vs the man.
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if you're an american who's self-worth is based on comparing the state of our nation's economy to the economies of other countries then it's probably time to start popping some preemptive prozac things are getting worse much faster than most american economists previously expected it made headlines last year when goldman sachs and the world bank the clear that china would surpass the united states as the world's largest economy that by two thousand and twenty five as of today however those estimates are being revised according to the latest report from the international monetary fund china will supply surpass the united states in two thousand and sixteen just five years from now to give some more storable perspective the u.s. economy is three times the size of china's just a decade ago china pass japan as the second largest economy in two thousand and nine and the united states has been the largest in the world since it took that
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position from great britain in the eight hundred ninety s. china's population is about one point three billion and ours is about three hundred ten million they have over four times as many people to send their economy being a bigger than ours if the average american isn't producing over four times the productive output of the average chinese person. so why have previous estimates been so off base the surgeon productivity in china has not been unexpected as their economy has been in many ways been more free market than ours from one thousand nine hundred ninety one nine hundred seventy eight china had a centrally planned economy but since then has been learning and applying the lessons of the free market part of the current dispute as to when exactly china will surpass the united states has to do with how size is mean measured how do you measure the size of an economy anyway according to market watch the previously used measure of gross domestic products compared by current exchange rates is really
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meaningless the international monetary fund's new way of measuring use is purchasing power parity that is comparing what people actually earn and spend in real terms in their domestic economies but who cares why should you in terms of who has the biggest economy you shouldn't what we call economies are artificial measurements of trade activity with an arbitrary geographic area defined by government boundaries basically anyone say ah the american economy is the best in the world we will because we have this t.t.p. might as well be same look we had of the economic activity in our country it's more than the economic activity in the other country on the planet including the batek and so you might say well per capita g.d.p. is more important and so the individual capita it certainly is comparing national economies means that those of us grouped together under
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a single system of government are added up. and measured against those under a different system of government so it's not so much the measures that matter is how they change over time and the economic reality that you face as an individual no matter what country you live in the change over time that we've seen comparing the us to china is very simple more freedom leads to greater prosperity the chinese have been demonstrating that the lesson for us could have been taken from chinese history that cade's ago or from russian history controlled economies lead to less productivity lower quality of life less personal prosperity were the old joke about two old ladies standing in a bread line in communist russia when people were starving one turns to the other and says at least we don't live in america in america the government doesn't even make bread for its people well these days the american government is so kind as to
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provide us with medical care a retirement plan and an education so you see the more the government provides the worse the services get i wouldn't be bothered by china overtaking america if it was simply a product of adopting free market policies and overtaking our aggregate numbers they have more people than us after all the fact that for so long since that eight hundred ninety s. we overtook great britain as the world's economic power we have dominated is a testament to the superiority of the free market as is the fact that we are losing our position so rapidly relative to a china relative to china is a testament to how much we have abandoned free market principles only a decade ago our economy was three times the size of china's we have lost our position in the world precisely because our government now controls every aspect of the economy. the idea is quite simple when people are free to choose how to
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allocate their time and energy to best serve their needs without the violent interruption of government they will do so and the wisdom of the entire population is harnessed to direct resources to meet human needs when people are controlled by the government as to how to allocate their time and energy the collective wisdom is abandoned for the decisions of the central planners sometimes they take the form of central bankers economists or politicians but their policies are always backed up by the violent course of government and only serve to divert productive resources away from meeting human needs the holding the guns and paper work of control and manipulation. going out to expose the gun in the room behind the economic policies we see
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responsible for america's waning economic power is upon molyneux host of freedom maine radio dot com so fun thanks so much for joining us this evening thank you adam so what does the slowdown that we're seeing now in foreign purchases of securities in u.s. dollars mean for the american economy. i think it's more than an economic question and i think it really is the end of an era you could really divide american history into central banking preterm and control banking and post government controlled banking prejudgment control banking it was largely republican a government designed to protect persons and property afterwards you have a bribe ocracy where in governments can borrow and print money to buy votes from the populace that whole gravy train that whole scam that whole ponzi scheme is currently coming to an end when people start buying u.s. securities the government can no longer bribe people through future debts and
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bright people through printing money and so really the whole era of this pillaging this uncivil war of economics between the peoples of the united states is going to come to an end and it's going to be a fundamental reshaping of society so what's changed recently is there's some new phenomenon that explains this or is this sort of the the inevitable consequences of the system as it was set up. well i believe it is an inevitable consequence if you look throughout history exactly the same thing occurred in the roman empire the roman empire when it was aggressive and violent and expansionist it began to get a dependent class of wealth for citizens dependent on bread and circuses or food stamps and reality television as we call it now and they do you base the currency they began mixing more and more junk into the gold coins until at the end of the roman empire you had only a few percentage points of gold left in the gold coins you have hyperinflation you had all of these sorts of problems this i believe is the inevitable consequences of this kind of status and what's happened more recently adam is there's just been
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a huge explosion in u.s. stamps so the american dollar has lost in less than a decade it's gone down forty percent against the euro and why is that because the u.s. get has a doubles fully sixty percent of the money currently available to the u.s. economy has been created by the federal reserve over the past four years out. thin air the government is explicitly doing what it's called monetizing the debt which means that they're going to try and pay off the debt by printing money but that means everybody who holds u.s. dollar in securities or in treasury bonds or as a debt is terrified that they're going to be hit with inflation that each dollar is going to be worth less if they get paid backing and i think the only thing that's preventing a current rout on the dollar is the fact that particularly the chinese and the japanese don't want to stop that because they hold so much foreign debt ok so let's get back to the situation that the average americans are facing here because there are a lot of americans that are facing a massive amount of personal that people whose homes are underwater unemployed i
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mean the problems go on and on what is that actually stops us from monetizing our own debt. well i love i love to try that i love to rack up twenty five thousand dollars in credit card bills and this for existing tell the credit card you know what i'm i'm just going to monetize my debt i'm going to print you some certificates or i'll pay you in the future i will with a will but for now we're just at a moderate size i was going to print something and we're going to make it go away. yeah well i mean of course if that were the reality then very few people would lend to you because you don't have the right to tax others when you print money or when you when you lend money to other governments or when you when you borrow money from other governments what you're going to pay them back with is the future productivity of your citizens and that the selling of the unborn is something fundamental could be bribed ocracy of modern democracies you are guarding against the future productive tax receipts of a lot of the unborn citizens it's the worst form of child labor you could imagine you would think you would think that this means that there'd be incredible demand
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for labor for employment in this country are we having these unemployment issues if we're incurring all this debt and people are demanding labor or product tiffani from us right well i mean the fundamental issue with unemployment is that in most instances for most americans it's true throughout most of the west the reason that people are unemployed is it's illegal for them to get a job and that's because if you are what do you mean it's illegal for them to get a job illegal to get a job so for instance in florida you have to go through six years of training and spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to be an interior designer because we all know if it's going to throw pillow is fundamental to human safety and if you want to open up just about any kind of business you have ridiculous amounts of paperwork to go through there are licenses for hair braiding for hair cutting there is so many laws and restrictions and controls if you want to work for less than minimum wage you're not allowed to do so if you want so you're saying you're saying basically that it's illegal for people to get a job in the sense that if they were to follow all the paperwork and do all the
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regulations and pay all the fees and fines there are jobs that they would have this simply disappear because they're not economically viable anymore. yeah or if you want to go and just work for someone in a voluntary way in to two agreements that both of you are happy with and the government doesn't happen to like it then you are out of luck and you may be arrested and you may be fined so there's a lot of fear out there people who are desperate for jobs simply can't get them because there are so many restrictions upon the free movement of labor and capital that so you're just not allowed to hire so you're coming to us from canada you've got an awful lot of national pride of their house can arrange the terms of international the international ranking of economies these days we have our issues it's considerable issues at the national debt here it's about sixteen seventeen thousand dollars per person it dipped in the late ninety's and now it's back growing up again of course it's all the boomers and can we wait so you're saying as an american i can't escape twenty five thousand dollars worth of debt all i have to
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do is move to canada yes you can cut down your debt by going to canada but of course the restriction of getting across the border and staying legally is also a significant challenge that we are waiting for lots of americans to come up to do or gardening because we feel that that really is the next step in the migration ok so through if you can carry national economies globally at all at this point. you know what i think there's some value in that i mean if my lawn isn't doing well and my neighbor's lawn is doing well i might want to ask what manure he's spreading on and if some economy is going well and the american economy isn't i think it's instructive to look at the differences obviously china has a you know supposed to be this big communist dictatorship it has a smaller can it has smaller control over its economy the government has than the british government does so i think it's worth looking at what china has done to achieve this a ten drop a cent growth per year because if you can get something like that back to the rest then we wouldn't face it's inevitable decline well i would hope that our government is looking at the law here in the united states and going geez well maybe it's time
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to be completely covered in manure if we want to get the kind of results that we're seeing inside anyways the thought of a fishing boat leaping on fire all right thanks so much for joining us yes that was the fun molyneux host of freedom maine radio dot com when we come back we'll show you that explosive flute from the beat down in the maryland mcdonald's and explain the connection between that and the love triangle murder in florida will also tell you how senator mccain's if it were a lesson from obama in libya apparently hope is a strategy. the fear mongering used by politicians who makes decisions to prove it or it could mean who can you trust no one rule is you know we'll go with that level of mission receipt where we had a state controlled capitalism in school that when nobody dares to
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ask we do you are a teen question more. let's not forget that we had an apartheid regime right. i think. either one well. we never got the that says they're here keep him safe get ready because you're going to freedom. and get.
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into that only military mechanism if you don't work to bring justice or accountability. i have every right to know what my government's doing you want to know why i think taxes. i would characterize obama as a charismatic version of american exceptionalism. millions of americans were treated to another spectacle of petty violence last week when a transgender woman was severely beaten at a mcdonald's in rosedale maryland an employee who has since been fired caught most
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of the attack on video. the woman was reportedly attacked because a teen said that she was a man using the women's restroom one of the attackers claimed the fight was initiated because the victim had hit on her boyfriend regardless of the motivation the tragedy is compounded by the failure of others on the scene but donal's employees laughed and made the video you just saw someone told the attackers aged fourteen and eighteen who have now been charged to leave the scene in order to avoid arrest physical intervention came from a someone in the restaurant but much too late for the victim so the only logical conclusion is that even mcdonald's will cause severe beatings the only thing you have to worry about from eating it making these is hormone and steroids stuff me
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tonight if we modify frankenfood preserves that can kill you corner heart disease little bit o. and generally becoming a big fat ass but there is a much more serious take away here the existing social paradigm tolerance and even courage is the use of violence to control the behavior of others in a much more gruesome example of teen violence many americans have also been watching the story of the love triangle murder in florida unfold in which a fifteen year old boy was killed by the boyfriend of an ex-girlfriend. it's not like they just murdered him they tortured him. he tortured him and then pushed his body. against it it's very upsetting. when we live under a government premised on violence and coercion and children are raised on an educational system based on threats so we be surprised that violence becomes acceptable to teens what example are we setting while many have spoken out about the failure of parenting in terms of lacking discipline teaching by example is far
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more powerful. well i hope. i'm going to. let the our. own we cannot afford more children when they do the. vengeance more violence with stories like these you always hear something from the victim's relatives and this kind of vitriol is tragically common but understandable the problem is that the message we're sending to children is if someone does something bad it's ok to kill them then we are planting the seeds for the next act the next act of violence in our time to resolve one that just happened by chance begets violence and the example we set with our criminal punishment and not justice system and our education system teach a very powerful lesson. joining
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me now to discuss the impact of these examples and the current educational paradigm on our generation are blamed bennett of students for liberty and andrew sharp young americans for liberty thanks so much for joining us and even if we've been following these stories i mean it seems like they're hard to avoid when you see the nation pouring over the details of some of these gruesome hopefully freak acts of violence sorry lesson you guys take away from this. i think a big lesson that we need to learn is that our government is course of and does do a lot of violence on its own and you are talking about teaching and leading by example i think when kids look at the news and they see drone strikes in pakistan they see kill team photos in afghanistan of people glorifying violence and we glorify the military without question and then we see acts like that exact that we should not be surprised when we as a culture look to violence as a completely acceptable way to resolve issues and it's these kinds of videos that
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you look at and you really see it it's good that we have the evidence and we have the videos maybe people will look at them and start to realize that we need to look at our culture of violence and it's not the you know people try to look at the media it's not the media's fault it's our i would point to our government of coersion and of violence that spreads the stuff and says we are the are of morality and we're saying this is ok and that's the ultimate leadership that people look to so you know and i would say that there's a huge difference between it revenge and justice and a lot of times it's being sought after things that happen like that is revenge not justice incidentally it was part of the motivation at least as we understand it now for the love triangle murder right and then we see the parent turn around and say well here's another act of violence but let's go back fundamentally to the way the children are first introduced to the school system in this country from kindergarten it's you have to do this or you will be punished do you think that has
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an effect on our generation our coming out scene all these acts of violence by our government and i would say more so than it except in times of massive war ever in human history we have coercion by our government affecting us in our daily lives how do you think that affects people our generation. well i think for the school system and a lot of times to parenting children are raised. through the fear of punishment so a lot of a lot of young people especially that i knew growing up were good because they were too scared to be bad or too scared to mess up and that comes i think both from parents and from the education system of you know instead of letting young people make their own choices and face the consequences they're scared to make wrong choices or you know they know that they're going to get punished and they don't care a little bit about your person for because you didn't come to this perspective until you got past the coercive. high school at least level education system and college
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tell us about them. well i mean i guess i really didn't have any political leanings that i knew of our philosophical for the matter until i got to college and was exposed to libertarianism three students for liberty and that for me was just this realization an awakening of a holistic thought process that says violence against the other person is wrong and coercion is wrong and who when you have that realization and you go wait a second i just spent the last twelve years of my education in a system where i was there because i was being forced to. feel your resentment answer you want to well it's not so public schools let's be honest in our terminology or government funded government run schools there's got to be some resentment when you come out of that and go wait a second. salut leon even you know our two organizations work on college campuses
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and you know you can't say that those are necessarily compulsory but even today i mean it's part of our culture that you have to go to you know college if you want to go anywhere in life and. it's this idea that you can't go anywhere in the world without being forced through this rigmarole that we've already set up that has a definite beginning and a definite and and you have to stick to that you have to obey that and like planes that it's the fear of the states i mean you have to be ready to make mistakes in order to learn in order to be creative and we teach in our schools our kids that making a mistake is the worst thing they can you could ever possibly do and then we force them to go anyway and say not only is it bad to make mistakes but we're going to force you to live up to our standards every day of your life and you know go to periods and take certain subjects and i think that's definitely a major cause of this sort of mentality of you know you just want to break out you just want to free your mind and attack because you your creativity has been stifled
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and you have all that resentment built from the force of this horse of system your whole life going that people are so upset at students dropping out of high school but their students have no real choice as to what they're going to learn in a government school so i mean they're taking social studies and history classes or is made their loves in english or in literature or something like that and so i think that's where a lot of resentment for the school system comes from is this lack of choice the lack of being able to guide your own life when you're capable of thinking for yourself well i love our politicians talk about this you know in new mexico it's a big problem with the dropout rates and poor graduation rates and and they're also they're all talking about this like it couldn't possibly be in our system is screwed up it must be that kids are getting dumber it couldn't be couldn't possibly be that the system that we're setting them up for it's human nature is fundamentally change. we have to fight it with more coersion but i get the feeling
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that especially in new mexico if you're facing a very limited set of economic opportunities and having a high school degree or not doesn't really gets you through the college level i mean it's not going to get you to college of any was it seems like dropping out and join the workforce and gain some valuable skills that are actually in the role that would be a rational decision you know the old saying of doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results is the definition of insanity and that's what we're doing we're throwing more money at schools or trying to build more schools or trying to get more teachers of them in the same system and expecting different results ok so what's the alternative we're looking for here well i mean i think you have to have choice and i guess if we're going to go about it incrementally first the school system has to recognize how young people today learn differently we have different parameters we have the internet to look things up and you know instead of it spending so much time memorizing facts and things like that windows or so we all have a corporate memory now well exactly i mean be it we can access that information within
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seconds so why not instead focus on our analytical process these and how we think and stuff like that instead of trying to force down our throats what to think and the last word i would say traditional schools are becoming obsolete i mean the internet has all the information you could ever want all you need is a little bit of guidance from maybe your parents or your community to go out and learn it on your own and kids are learning so much more from interacting with the rest of the world online and be forced into a classroom and he was thank you so much for joining us really appreciate the perspective that you guys bring this conversation that was blamed bennett of students for liberty and andrew sharp young americans for liberty. in other news senator john mccain was in libya this weekend supporting the rebels
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who really hate kadafi. these people hate gadhafi that's why i think there's still a hole and a chance he may crumble from within but the longer we delay the more likely it is there's a stalemate and if you're worried about al qaeda entering into this fight nothing would bring our idea and more rapidly and more dangerously than a stalemate are you frightened to death of al qaeda to please forget that i'm taking their side in the fight let's spend more money on welfare i mean the military industrial complex i mean i'm keeping america safe from terrorism i wanted to hear mccain rely on hope when well what was it he said about obama oh yeah hope is not a strategy you know but fear mongering is still a strategy for mccain's brand of big government welfare but there are those of us within the g.o.p. who don't think this kind of kinetic military action is
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a good idea lots of us in fact we are the ones resisting tyrants like mccain and obama and all real threats to our freedoms here at home the liberation for sure since i like to call. that's what i'd like to call us to that's our show thanks for tuning into adam vs the man police check out are also new web site adam vs the man dot com to vote on guests and topics and find me on facebook and twitter you can catch this broadcast live as it airs at our t dot com slash usa and on you tube this is adam koch us from washington d.c. and.


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