tv [untitled] April 25, 2011 8:00pm-8:30pm EDT
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china is a storage area but you know how to travel this country growing like an busters to take him do all these big infrastructure projects very efficiently. so this made him so this may be why the i.m.f. is predicting good fortune for china at the expense of u.s. economic dominance with news headlines warning of the and of the age of america we ask whether free market capitalism to be could be the bling. and unlocking the secrets of one tunnel day imprisoning innocent people keeping them locked up based on all the evidence uncovered in some cases through torture
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weeks reveals the ugly truths behind this u.s. military prison. or the. new world war. meanwhile obama reveals his verdicts for accuse whistleblower bradley manning mr president whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty. there are just and seems to be the proper area of just because it's a very low order model or the courage to disagree or go balls and call a population and because of that the florida pastor best known for burning the koran ignites tension in america's muslim capital we'll take it to the center of the firestorm in dearborn michigan. that evening it's monday april twenty eighth eight pm here in washington d.c. i'm lucy catherine of and you're watching r.t. . now a bombshell out of the international monetary fund today at least that's according
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to news headlines saying the era of u.s. economic dominance is nearing an end now according to the latest forecast from the i.m.f. china is poised to overtake the u.s. economy in twenty sixteen just five years from now and much sooner than previously thought now the rise of china and the relative decline of the united states is one of the biggest stories of our time the implications are visible nearly everywhere from shuttered factories in the midwest to soaring costs of oil and food and other commodities but at the end of america's economic hedge money is truly imminent what are the implications for the globe and the future of free market capitalism well joining me now to explain how we got here and what the future has in store for us is joe weisenthal he's the deputy editor of business insider so it's great to have you back on the program if you want to see the the drudge banner this morning and i know you did since you posted about it i mean it was an apocalyptic terms as if the end of the world is around the corner at least for the united states is this prediction the twenty sixteen deadline really the bombshell that is being made out
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to be or could we actually see very different world order comes when you're sixteen . i think there's a few things going on here for one thing you know this is just another con amisse forecasts and economists are wrong all the time who knows the other thing is important understand what this means even by two thousand and sixteen if the i am a prediction were to come true the us would still be a vastly wealthier country in china is the key thing to remember is bit. the best way to understand the wealth of any country is to look at the g.d.p. on a per capita basis how much wealth there is per person as a fact does china's population is already isn't going to be much bigger than the us at that time and still you'll have a lot more poor people in the country but because there are so many more of them you know it all on the aggregate the chinese economy well will be wealthier so yes you know when you add it all together yes china could have technically a larger g.d.p. than the us but it doesn't mean that china has overtaken the us or that the us is
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on the decline it just is mainly a function of population but if we're still talking about growth should should there be any sort of concern about the fact that china is growing at a much faster rate than the united states and i think it was about a decade ago china's the us economy is three times the size of china clearly depending you may disagree on the deadline but that's not what i like is going to be the case anymore in the in the near years to come so should we be concerned. i certainly suspect that china is going to be growing faster than the united states is for a long time the us has its own concerns us should be concerned it is not growing fast that unemployment remains elevated and there are a host of issues but just naturally china is going to grow faster because it's a lot poorer and poorer countries have naturally a lot more room to grow there's just ten tons of potential for a younger population to develop an advance on the foster industries comparing u.s.
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growth to china's growth is not their right comparison and they're going to you know by two thousand and sixteen they're going to be other countries that are going to be growing faster than china so the us has its own issues and they should be addressed and they should be concerned whether china is growing faster is really not the proper benchmark for the u.s. economy and if you want to get to some of those issues in a moment but i do want to ask why is there so much fear and sort of hand-wringing over china's rise every time these headlines pop up i mean it seems to me that our own economic policies are very much because there are at least a factor you know we go we grow accustomed to being able to go to walmart and buy our cheap crap without understanding sort of the long term cost of providing that kind of luxury so where's the discrepancy. we haven't i think there's a few things i mean for one i think just historically the u.s. has had some kind of countries that have held out as being the big threat or the big rival previous to china it was japan but also there's not a trivial issue i think a lot of americans can identify the fact that cities that used to be industrial
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centers are no longer there where the factories are being built left and right in china frequently by companies that are associated with american multinationals and american consumers buy those products made in china so i think we have you know people have a real sense that a real concern perhaps that china's growth comes at the expense of u.s. growth i don't think that global growth has to be a zero sum game like that i think china can grow and the u.s. can grow and for the most part that's what's happened but it's certainly understandable why people having a anxiety about this how where would you pinpoint the economic problems here in the united states what are some of the biggest policies that the folks in you know across america actually understand or relate to that are preventing our quality of living from being what it should be our wages from being what it should be our standard of life from being essentially what it should be. i mean i think good you know the truth find some area of various things in u.s.
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policy that need to be fixed i think there's a lot of there's a correct consensus that the u.s. texas to me is not very good that it's not exactly encouraging the companies to invest domestically i being the regulatory thicket in d.c. is pretty remarkable it was just an incident were bowling was told that they couldn't move a factory from washington to south carolina because of labor issues when a company has its own government telling it that it can't move factories you know there's the kind of things that make it could make a company want to just completely abandon this country for good so you can find things like that and more fundamentally arguably the education system is any fissioned and not producing the necessary talent that it could be and that's a really deep hard problem to fix but across the board i think hard to identify big structural flaws all right well i mean personally i don't know if our our friends
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on capitol hill are listening very closely but certainly a lot of issues that remain in need of addressing thank you so much that was just a pleasant call deputy editor at business insider now guantanamo bay is in the limelight yet again thanks in part to the latest slew of classified documents from wiki leaks but what about whistle blowing web site remains at the center of attention the soldier allegedly behind the leaks as languishing in prison now after months of solitary confinement and quantico army private bradley manning has been moved to a supposedly more humane facility in texas now manning has yet to get a trial after president obama essentially declared manning guilty last week some are questioning whether a fair trial is even possible now earlier i spoke about this issue with kevin zeese he's the director of come home america dot us and he gave me his take on obama's latest comments about bradley manning. i was a very clear error by president obama and it really causes serious problems in the manning case i don't now i didn't get a fair trial now we are going to be in
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a military court where the jury will be made up of military officers who are all need to respond in the orders of the commander in chief i can imagine an officer signing not guilty and expecting to have any kind of career after this so i think this really makes it very hard for prior to going to have a fair trial in the military why do you think. bradley manning space has been so far gone well i think he's actually getting more and more attention is certainly not forgotten by many of us who are working on a daily basis the u.n. the u.n. special report on torture is trying to see him academics around the country hundreds of them have spoken out concerning his conditions of confinement we're seeing the amnesty international receive a lot of you are taking actions we're barely manning the corporate media of course united states is not ever do a very good job of reporting issues that challenge corporate power government power so that that's we have to overcome what the bell in many cases really raise
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a lot of people's consciousness about the treatment he's receiving the torture for sensually a year and now of almost fully you know being in a solitary confinement situation we really started to see a bradley manning exception to the bill of rights where he's punished pretrial punishment tool utilized and now the commander in chief come down says he's guilty or even been tried this is what's called under do command influence there is enough reason to dismiss the case essentially that we're discussing these sort of failures of the rule of law in the same day that we're talking about how the rule of law did not apply to the detainees in guantanamo bay and how many of the folks there were kept and unfair conditions continue to be kept there an unfair conditions under very very flimsy evidence what's the larry is i guess do you see between manning's case and the plight of guantanamo and. broader implications for how folks perceive the united states internationally i have a perception i see it internationally it's going downhill very quickly as far as
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human rights and criminal justice so they want on the detainees i always think that we're detainees there are some of these people me detained for rest their lives but they were never tried and found guilty and but yet they were punished and punished severely very much like bradley manning is being done of course manning is a soldier a u.s. citizen and the guantanamo arrestee who are prisoners in and that their prisoners should be closed you know they're they're all from they have their own have the citizenship rights although in my view they should be treated with that kind of our protection this is a you know we are seeing a failure of government in the united states a real corruption of government corruption and promote justice system go on homophiles released today showed widespread problems with how they got in they want to know how they're treating entente one tunnel and how they stayed in one town we were american people were misinformed greatly about that those cases just like were misinformed about bradley manning accusing him of being
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a traitor when he didn't sell government secrets to iran he didn't give government secrets or ran if he's guilty of ways accused of. secrets low level secrecy american people so we can know better what our government is doing that's not fair to me that's a patriot. that was kevin zeese director of come home america dot us and a member of the steering committee of the bradley manning support network. but from the alleged leaker to the actual leaks themselves another massive trove of documents obtained by wiki leaks revealed that the united states knowingly imprisoned scores of innocent men in the guantanamo bay prison now the bigger story here is one that we probably already knew the information used to justify the years long detainment of many of the prisoners was often ludicrously spotty based on trivial details or unreliable testimony but the stories of those detained were brought vividly to light by these files some were heartbreaking like the eighty nine year old afghan villager and ailing farmer who was imprisoned for years with
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a fourteen year old boy who had been an innocent kidnap victim somewhere absurd like the fact that some of these prisoners were taken for wearing a popular model of casio watches and uses timers like al qaeda at this moment one hundred seventy two detainees remain in the cuban prison outside of the protection of u.s. courts or international law with us to discuss their plight and the latest leaks jason leopold the editor at large at the public also the author of this book here the n l a times bestseller just news junkie jason it's great to have you on very excited to have you back on the program now not a lot of earth shatteringly i also just want to mention that i'm actually deputy managing editor of truth thank you so much a great site not of earth shattering revelations in the latest files but certainly a lot of disturbing details what we through some of the more significant bits of info that really stood out to you. well first of all the even though the documents do confirm what we have known for quite
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a while that the vast majority of the detainees at guantanamo were innocent were sold to the us for bounty in fact last year colonel lawrence wilkerson colin powell former chief of staff said in a sworn affidavit that he would be willing to go to court to testify in the case of one detainees to state that the vast majority of the detainees there were innocent that the bush administration knew it dick cheney knew it and that they were not released for fear of what the political fallout would be so when we start to look at some of these documents that have really been released now i think that some of the more explosive details at least for where i stand is how heavily the government relied upon other detainees to give up information on how their detainees using detainees as and informants the level of exploitation that was
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detainees were subjected to and that could mean for. various interrogation techniques in the case of the first high value detainees abus it pedo this was the detainees that the bush administration held out as being one of the planners of nine eleven i find with very revealing in this pile is the fact that there is absolutely no mention that abu is a pedo was a planner of nine eleven. you know he was involved in in in the planning of the attack so that that's not there and let's keep in mind that abus of was. this is what the entire torture program was built around so i think what's really important within these this raw material that we have here is to keep in mind that there's also a lack of context so what i mean by that that is. the you know the there we don't know where the how this information was obtained in the case of you know. whether
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it was obtained through torture or through other forms of interrogation certainly in the case of abhisit beda we know that he was tortured brutally and that obviously makes the. you know the revolution suspect. i think what will be very interesting is that in the case of omar carter's brother omar conner is the teenager. a canadian citizen who was held at guantanamo and recently convicted in flawed military can commissions. for throwing a grenade that killed a u.s. service member and put his brother was also a long time ago and that's in one file that's supposed to be releasing his brother's name. and what people don't realize is that. work for the cia and this has been revealed this has been disclosed previously it's just been
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under the radar so be very interesting to see that file because he was there he was given. an internment number and if in fact they did keep a file on him will will will get to see that so you know some of the details that you have mentioned i think are are incredibly troubling and let's remember that there was a camp there for juveniles i think the fact that we know that there are these fourteen juveniles children that were pantano and the fact that the you know the government held them out to be. terrorists when in fact you know the information was suspect which is not only shocking but frankly goes against legal international conventions such as the geneva conventions but i do want to get back to a point being raised and you brought me back a bit of the bush administration did not have any vested interest in really. in this kind of information because of the political fallout but walk me through why the obama administration would continue to perpetuate this kind of situation is it
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that. these dubious intelligence gathering methods were conducted under the bush administration and obama didn't want to open up the u.s. to criticism of that or is it something more sinister sure i think it's incredibly complex but i will say this that these documents these files what the show is that the bush administration operated outside of the law flouting the law. created a one ton of those been referred to as a battle where a wide range of experiments took place and some of those experiments could you know interrogations. the obama administration what they are doing now is simply covering up what the bush administration did and i think that you know look if they were to . if this is all about politics really is what it comes down to so it would it would certainly result in some sort of call for an investigation perhaps i think
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that the best thing that the obama administration filter could do is just to get people not to talk about it and if we believe. that jason we can leaks then and do that this sort of logic i mean at the end of the day this information is coming out and it's almost the secrecy year under which has been operated in and sort of the refusal by certain administrations to confirm what's been alleged for years i would say is more of a black market in the eye of the administration than how they come through about what the truth in the beginning so what is going to i think you're absolutely right i think you're absolutely right i think this will be the only way that this can continue to be damaging for the obama administration is for the public in the media to. report on it and for the public to actually demand some answer. yes i mean look in the past twenty four hours since these documents were released we have
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heard absolutely nothing from congress nothing at all i will remind you know your viewers that the senate armed services committee released an explosive report on the treatment of detainees at guantanamo a couple of years ago and this report when you hold it up next to the files on the one ton of the detainees you really get a better picture as to perhaps how that information and intelligence that they provided was. in fact how it was actually given how they provided that to their interrogators but congress is has been silent they've been silent on much of the of the issues of kuantan a moment and torture and the fact that you know the geneva conventions have been violated you know let's remember that this is the same in ministration they're just recently talked about human rights there is no question that the
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detainees at their rights have been violated their human rights have been. violated and the fact that this administration continues to preach to other countries about upholding human rights is ludicrous it's laughable and we have no credibility but we certainly certainly i think the industry in the united states has been sorted out you know i think i'd say it certainly seems to pick and choose when we decide to defend human rights and when we decide to stay silent on the case in point syria but i want to go back to something you said you said that once people start asking questions about this once there's media coverage perhaps then they'll be a potential for change and i don't want to absolve congress for not being more active on the issue but it seems to me that there is a lot of media coverage if we keep leaks have we become sort of the sensitized to these this kind of information and i frankly just don't see sure policy changing as a result. i think that i think we people are desensitized to and i think there's a number of reasons why i mean let's compare the coverage the coverage in the us on
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these documents on these files at least in the past twenty four hours compared to the guardian for example in the u.k. . it's as if they were reading to stiffen sets of documents with all due respect to the new york times their coverage on this on these files has been horrendous. whereas the guardian has actually provided quite a bit of information revealing information for example they reported that. argues abate of the first high value detainee was water boarded until he gave up information about a bin yamaha made a u.k. citizen stating that he was a dirty bomb plot or planning aided a dirty bomb along with. another. alleged associate of al qaeda but you don't see much of that info in in the coverage here and it's quite
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a bit it's watered down quite a bit so i think people have a sense of outrage fatigue has been certainly out there for quite a lot of people feel outrage they also feel that you know look if if what can i do congress is into anything how do we have how do we change this and it's true you know you don't have a president that's doing anything really except stating continue to look forward you have a justice department for to every effort to hold people accountable to hold the you know the perpetrators accountable you have a former president george w. bush who actually openly states in an autobiography that he signed off on the war waterboarding and then you have you know certain members of congress who will simply issue press releases condemning that but that's it so. people feel that. there's nothing left for them to do and at the same time the coverage of it into in
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the media least with regard to torture and guantanamo is it you know there's really only a handful of people who stay on this for. virtually make almost make it a beat this this has become certainly for me what i've been consumed with as a reporter and i do know several other reporters who've who feel the same way but by and large it's not something that the public feels that they can truly wrap their arms around and i think that's because they don't see any. anything happening on the legal front and very briefly we're almost out of time but do you see anything changing any potential for for more action from congress this time around really think it's just going to be more of the same old if you press releases and moving on it's a great question and unfortunately the answer i have is that absolutely nothing will change i don't see congress doing anything that will amount to any sort of
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accountability that's for sure there is that that's gone out the window we had promises from the likes of carl levin senator carl levin chair of the armed services committee house judiciary committee chairman former chairman john conyers stating that there would be hearings perhaps a truth commission congress will do nothing and i think you know what you know my theory is that this will just sort of disappear and you know after a week or two we'll go back to. you know what we've been talking about with certainly disappointing but you know what have you back on in a week or two and try to keep these folks out another one if you're going to deal thank you so much those recently i told the truth out of public record in our best seller book news junkie thank you so much. now before the pastor who sparked international violence and outrage for burning the koran spent the better part of his week on behind bars pastor terry jones had planned to protest in front of the
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country's largest mosque in dearborn michigan but was a night a permit after local officials cited public safety concerns and he refused to pay a one dollar bond and says that he may actually flee the city may still planning another protest this coming friday outside of city hall r.t. correspondent christine just returned from dearborn and shows us what it's like to be in a place where nearly half of the population is arab american the . was the it is a tale of two worlds or at least two hemispheres and you could say this is where they meet for the fun sixty five dollars in the shade of the ford headquarters lies dearborn michigan it may be in the midwest. but it looks and sounds. much more like the middle east. because the will of the with the largest muslim population not to mention the
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largest mosque in north america. on this day the mosque the islamic center of america is packed. with. nearly a thousand people from every religion have gathered joining together for a common cause to stand against this man florida pastor terry jones i believe the koran strictly followed can and does lead to terrorist activities many many people believe that around america but that's not why we're here why jones is here he says is to protest against radical islam and his actions which have in the past included holding the qur'an on trial and having a supporter burnet have attracted plenty of attention why are you doing it here and there are just it seems to be the proper air. just because it's a very lord the lord is that america has a very large. population on the day of the planned protest good friday in the
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christian tradition a game of waiting i just hope he sees unity and he decides to get back in his car his pickup truck on his horse or whatever and just get the hell outta here is we got course in the constitution is a really really big i mean i understand he has a funeral speech but we had the freedom of religion it has now been just about an hour since the planned protest was supposed to begin and still no sign of terry jones however there are more than one hundred residents of dearborn fanning in the rain waiting hoping that if he doesn't arrive thanking fans and the message he's trying to spread ignorance that's what he's trying to do he's a product of obviously living under a system that has provided him with no information about it made him ignorant and therefore he's taking a stance that he's really not too clear on and in the midst of the crowds alone supporter are you on the same side as terry jones you believe that what he's doing is right yes he needs to learn everybody about radicalism he got saying about
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muslims radical muslims he made it clear i don't know if they're not getting this viewpoint ignites passion and tension to number one terrorist group is going on it's fighting our democracies we're trying to establish on these countries but at the same article by piece. that's all we know but terry jones never shows up but it was disappointing because everybody was all here really and everybody is put together. you know and the other hand kind of guy didn't call because what all of what could i have for this small city a microcosm of america. the people may only have to wait until the end of the week when terry jones plans to return to protest this time at city hall we're not afraid of it. but we can work together as a team as if it is one family a family whose greatest challenge may still be yet to come in dearborn michigan christine for r.t.e. unfortunately that does it for now for more on the stories that we've covered this .
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