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tv   [untitled]    April 25, 2011 11:00pm-11:30pm EDT

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these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. china operations are today. hello i'm going to washington d.c. and here's what's coming up tonight on the big picture republican members of congress are starting to get grilled by their own constituents but leave it to the banks there is on wall street to come to their rescue i'll tell you why there are now paying people to push the g.o.p. agenda plus over seven hundred military documents released by wiki leaks quite embarrassing light i'd want on a mole day one in prison involved a misunderstanding over a casio routes wrist watch and search engine mogul google has been ordered by the
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spanish government to a race links about some spaniards i'll tell you why spanish officials claim they have the right to be forgotten. you need to know this republicans are getting reamed by their constituents in town all means all across the nation speaker of the house john boehner getting congress to weeks off members set out to reconnect with their districts and defend their votes in support of the paul ryan budget proposal that all the republicans voted for except for privatizers medicare to pay for massive tax cuts for millionaires and billionaires and many republican congressmen and women received an earful of cheer take a look. you
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did not vote for i was. frightened at paul ryan's for example law that makes me laugh valise. that there is actually a phone for money it will not be to medicare we know i'm going to be pushed into rehab and i was like yes if you think that's all you can work on the fanatic then calmly playing back to the people who are in there that you are an adult for they probably have not been that here but i have said nothing in the campaign that i'm going to change that now you're here. for my ass that will destroy. through here and here is going to destroy your right place for you i was. afraid. to take
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the sax tests that were given says a wealthy two first. like a carrier for you. but have no fear walls three will save the day a far right wing front group created by wall street banks toure's known as the american action network is reportedly helping shills to attend town hall meetings and feed republicans their talking points in the audience in the form of super softball questions i guess republicans are trying to avoid the same fate as democrats during the two thousand and nine fiascos in the middle of health reform debate so will work and is that the only way republicans who want to debate through manipulation your offer some more answers on these issues reporter extraordinary and water for think progress lisa lee welcome for having town great to have you back with us tell us about the american action network well it's a frank group as you mentioned but it was started just two years ago it's relatively new it was founded by karl rove ed gillespie with
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a group of wall street bankers including. ken lang go on who you're very familiar with but also some other investors from hedge firms private equity firms that came together and founded this group not only to take advantage of citizens united which would run ads last year to create kind of. studies to boost republican plans to deregulate the economy and here they are working with grassroots to boost the poll ryan budget which of course cuts taxes on corporations who rolls back parts of dodd frank and of course fundamentally changed changes and i would say get rid eliminates what we know is medicare so the so the pot of money that medicare is handling right now goes to wall street the the regulations that are restraining wall street from turning into a total flaming casino are done away with and so the bankers on wall street are funding these guys so funny people show i'm fascinated by this because. i
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don't think during the health care debates when and when dick armey was sending cheap party people in to literally scream and shout down democrats back in here a couple years ago that it even occurred to any democratic strategists that they should plant shills in the audience to his friendly questions about the health care reform surely you know i've talked to him a crack strategist in the last few months and i don't even see any basic organizing . none of that nasty stuff you saw in two thousand i'm not even like telling their members to go. meet him in the town hall that you just showed the lou barletta one the paul ryan incident just a few weeks ago all of these events were actually organic i was in south carolina last week attending several town halls and it we didn't see that same type of contentious debate but i didn't see any liberal organizers i didn't see any strategy pamphlets handed out telling people to disparate out and yell at the member and stand up and sit down to get him off his bearings incidents imitate him
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as happened during the health as happened in two thousand and ten when you had freedom works americans for prosperity actively paying for dozens of organizers to go out and literally bring birth areas into town halls and just to throw the whole debate off course by having these kind of fifty second you tube sensational videos some of these are policy questions being asked at these town halls today to republican this is is it conceivable the democrats have never done this and haven't even thought about it because they're just you know they just figure hate will just tell the truth and everything will be fine and the republicans are thinking this well in advance planning that throwing millions of dollars into organizing and getting people to do it because they know that if their real intentions were known to the people that they would be thrown out by the american voters sorry i mean that's the structural imbalance of politics you know you have very wealthy old interests on the right thinking in the long view the story that you mentioned at the top of the segment where you had american. actually at work actually
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formulating softball questions for these town halls they had to say this weeks in advance and sending more guys and activists to prep their activists to use the polarizing plan they had this well thought out i imagine both sides after they've seen the headlines for the past week are rushing in to try to. get their side. get their questions asked of these town halls but you know one side was very well prepared for this town hall as the other wasn't we have just just maybe twenty seconds left are the really are either republicans or democrats on either side doing the old strategy of only allowing members of the party into their town halls or are generally most of these town halls across the country where it was already wide open well this weekend congressman charlie bass republican who got real after he got elected in two thousand and ten actually tried to screen all those questions by sending out. a piece of paper and having people write down their questions and having one of the staffers pick the nicest ones out so we're seeing a little bit of that but we'll see there's
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a car is still out for its break easter break all this week or a lot of other town halls we'll see what happens it's going to be fascinating lee thanks so much for the great research you're doing thanks for having me and for you know getting out there in the field and doing the hard work i hope to be on the road again soon good good luck keep us up to date will do thanks were seen again is yet another case of republicans using deception to screw the middle class and give tax breaks to their millionaire donors pay no attention to the man behind the curtain they're worth a lot of money and they don't give a damn about the middle class. wiki leaks is back with the scoop on get mo according to more than seven hundred secret military documents released yesterday it appears our nation's strategy would give is seriously flawed from how high risk detainees are handled teligent says gathered and used in that facility what kind of absurd criteria was used to pick someone up and send them to get one clear picture emerges and that is get screwed up just some people were thrown in to get more just
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because they were in the wrong type of casio wristwatch you can pretty much pick and choose what get on berrisford to highlight as a result of this latest wiki leaks released in the in-depth analysis of the good of the documents by the n.p.r. by n.p.r. in the new york times so can the us continue to afford to keep open in light of these new revelations for more on this i'm joined by brooke pratap chatterjee a regular contract columnist for the british newspaper the guardian pro top walker thank you for having me great great to see you again. i'm curious what do these wiki memos really tell us how this is actually complete. it's a little dated on almost all of the seven hundred seventy nine to ten years that we didn't run town a month so we're able to see some of the especially some of the level people that were held and then released at least one hundred fifty of the seven hundred seventy nine were completely innocent another three hundred. absolutely innocent of foot
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soldiers no level people most of these people have now actually been sent home so we've gone back to places for young men to educate them that we knew they had many of these people because they would release the one charged that they really couldn't have been much evidence against in the first place and now we have got evidence from the interrogators themselves with sometimes they even questioning why they have been the first place is one particular individual who was picked up and before he even arrived in guantanamo when he was in afghanistan interrogated said to him. i don't understand why you're here and yet these men were taken transported held for some as little as two years some are still being held for almost ten years now was that one either sloppiness well i think part of the reason was the us government was was the bush administration this particular case was trying to vacuum up anybody they thought that might be of value and what happened was they put out a bounty and they said we will pay for people that are you know potential members
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of al qaeda so we've got five thousand dollars ten thousand dollars one thousand dollars in afghanistan it was five years ten years worth of income isn't it and the thing the thing is i was there at the time i was in afghanistan in general two thousand and two when they were picking people from these prisons from missouri sharif from ship or going i went to those prisons i met these men a lot of these people we just you know an educated they were farmers they were people who were looking for jobs with good jobs some of them were drivers you know some of them were just you know students. who were coming to learn about islam and that sort of thing and they got swept up in this thing with somebody said i know there's an arab misting down the road or something you sometimes want to shop their own neighborhood show and sold them down the road here of my brother in law's aunt to get five thousand bucks and he goes to jail if everybody were there. why would president obama sign an order keeping these people in prison. well i think it's
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a political conundrum for him first of all you feel that if you let's any of these people go he's going to get a huge backlash from the republicans and he's right and that is true. i also think that he made a political decision because he felt it was something that you know would get him elected. and i think many of his political promises he has let go because he's looking to get elected again in two thousand and twelve and so. he's a politician i mean it's this simple is that he's not a man who has promised change he's promised change but he hasn't actually delivered on any of you think that this this wiki leaks release that just lays bare the inanity of this i mean for example a casio watch think there's a particular type of watch that occasionally some of the watch i'm wearing right now in fact is not the same model barium which was occasionally used as a timer for explosive devices it's one of most common watches that you can buy in
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any market which is probably why it was used at the time or is easily available but anybody wearing one of these things off they go and there were people who had it up and get more just because they were watching and that was so once the the banality of the inanity of the stupidity of the clumsiness the carelessness you know pick your adjective once all of this knowledge that all of this is been exposed do you think it's conceivable the republicans in congress were back off on their on their couldn't it is stereo should obama try to do anything that is actually constitutional and legal no i don't see either party actually backing off and changing the opinions i do think we have a public know a lot more i think it is up to us you know to say this is wrong but i don't see the democratic party the republican party saying we're going to close down guantanamo they've decided that's politically it's political suicide that's a student of world opinion right i think it reflects very badly in the united
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states that neither party is or they don't deserve badly in the united states around the bush administration it reflects but got me actually both in the bush administration and the obama administration because the islamic new service is a bit his very first promise when he. when he started office in january of two thousand and nine and there he said that he would close guantanamo and now in the last month he signed an all into you know you know basically allowing these men to be held indefinitely so he has failed at the. thomas and many other promises. and there are reasons why he cannot actually deliver on that but i think he's moving on to the next election it's incredible and you think is a constitutional scholar i mean this is the sixth seventh eighth amendments and. we're out of time i'm sorry thanks so much for being with us though appreciate it and your insights this new wiki leaks dump just confirms what we all suspected isn't working and it's time for republicans in congress to stop sabotaging any
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efforts including those of the president to close it down. it's time for our daily poll your chance to tell us what you think here's today's question or republican stop sabotaging the president's efforts to close gitmo your choices are no even though wiki leaks exposed that detainees were picked up for wearing casio watches because they could be a timing device or yes republicans will see the light so far every last one of you voted no log on target dot com let us know what you think the poll will be open until tomorrow morning. coming up there's a battle brewing in the mediterranean between google and spain after the break i'll tell you why internet users are demanding they have there is three to leave. early. and get.
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into it only one military mechanisms do not work out to prevent just the sort of. i have every right to know what my government should do if you want to know why i pay taxes. well i would characterize obama as the charismatic version of american exceptionalism.
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you know sometimes you see a story and a scene so. you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else here see some other part of it and realized everything you thought you knew you don't. charge is a big issue. a landmark internet privacy case is under way in spain google has been ordered by spain's data protection agency to remove links from their search engine to make reference to about ninety spaniards who are claiming the right to be forgotten all sorts of different people in spain want to see their names removed from google
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search results and the spanish government agrees google is fighting back in court at the heart of this case is whether people have the right to have their names scrubbed off the internet or whether that violates the openness of the internet so is the right to be forgotten on the internet a good idea or a bad idea if you're going to call a staff counsel at assistant director at the open government program with the electronic privacy information center also those i pick and he joins me now to talk about this issue and welcome back thank you for having me great to see you again first of all what's epix take your organization's take on the right to be forgotten so there's very interesting issues that look at it here first on one side you have a sort of freedom of expression and freedom of information being able to potentially post something on another person and then be able to control that post and on the other side you have again some some level of freedom and freedom of expression but you also have that right to be forgotten the privacy of the individual on whom that information is being posted and so you're setting these up
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as the arguments are or are you asserting that there actually is a right to be forgotten there is a right to be forgotten in this instance there are those who were outed it's not it's not say where does it come from the. it would come again derives from that right to privacy but at this point in the us it's only aspirational the fourth amendment says that we have the right to be secure in our private in our papers personal belongings house or. doesn't say on the internet. but on the other hand there's at least one hundred years of case law i believe that suggests talking about private individuals in a public venue like a newspaper or on television or radio or whatever can be a violation of their privacy so. is is are we at the edge of a precedent here for the internet it could be to arrive from some sort of defamation or false light tort with the fourth amendment you would have problems if
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you're dealing with a private company though because the fourth amendment only applies to state actors or government that governments actors. so you could be right this right from from privacy torts something akin to mation or libel or false lights all right for us or demonstrates that obstruct harm in order to do that would you yes generally or congress can create a new statute which is really where we need to see this derive from or from case law carving out this right for people a statute that would create that private right of action with statutory damages to give people control over their own information you know ginger it seems to me the. given that the internet as we know what today is less than a generation old i mean you have twenty years of human generation with. there are a lot of people in their preteens teens. older teens even
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right now who are putting up pictures on their facebook pages when they hit their twenty's in their thirty's and discover they can't get a job because of it or you know you fill in the blank you know we saw this come up in a recent election with crystal ball who was running for office in virginia where all pictures surfaced that really made her campaign very difficult and they were old pictures taken in a car kind of jokey context and then placed up on the internet but the problem with this is that you know the nature of the internet the fact that it makes information that both immortal and easily searchable it really takes away people's ability to make mistakes when they're young to have those those moments of making a mistake or to do something stupid stupidity yeah and then not all done it and yeah i not have to haunt them for the rest of their life that is the question that's created by the internet and we're going to do something about this are you going to bolster. safely but we're going to do something about this there's going
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to have to be some sort of statute or case law that fills in this gap i mean we're right right now on the on the precipice because you point out the fourth amendment only applies to if the government's doing it will stop the government and and. this is fascinating in spain one of the people who is asking so actually several people are people who had been charged with crimes and which was reported in newspapers which got squatter to them and then the charges were dropped they were released they were totally cleared but that never made it to the newspaper. my understanding is that in canada and i don't believe it's war you might get with crap you know this i know it's policy that you don't name a person who's been arrested you name them when they're convicted media in canada can't really speak to that sorry it seems though that something like that might help or is that i guess that's quite perfect with this but is is are these typically the kinds of things that people. we're concerned about there's that but i
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mean there's also random moments of of human stupidity youthful stupidity or or adult stupidity or just things taken out of context a picture of you at a costume party or at a party and stealing something that may not be appropriate and in the wider public audience these sorts of things that you know while it may not be an illegal activity it's an activity that doesn't necessarily reflect well on you especially if you're someone who's trying for a job that requires responsibility or running for political office there's this idea of a practical obscurity and this comes up in those sorts of cases where people are charged where that information might have in fact been reported somewhere publicly at one time it wasn't easily searchable it wasn't the sort of thing that you could just bring up with a quick google search and have that information in under two minutes. it shouldn't be any longer ginger thanks so much keep up the great work thank you thank you. a court ruling isn't expected for several months but could be extremely important to the future of the year.
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for the good the bad and the insanely ugly the good paul krugman the nobel prize winning economist uses new york times column to tell the truth about our nation's deficit and budget plans in the column urban pointed out that the only courageous budget being offered up by congress is the progressive caucus is people's budget that raises taxes on the rich raises the social security tax cap and const defense spending all policies that will actually reduce our budget deficit to quote him without dismantling the legacy of the new deal which he was social security and the great society which gave us medicare and medicaid. and of paul krugman is an economist of the people. not a corporate shill trying to advance field supply side economics i think it's time
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we listen to him more off the bat juan williams the pock so-called news contributor who received a major boost within the network after n.p.r. fired him finally got his dream gig guest hosting the o'reilly factor and williams didn't disappoint his bosses he went after president obama on the show the show's opening he says. president obama is all in as the class warrior in chief is that smart for cynical politics. in this is coming from the supposedly liberal on fox news but leave it to fox to create another fake war the war on the rich through else after after all what else can they hype. the other eleven months of the year when the war on christmas is number way oh yeah bill o'reilly just had a war on easter last week anyway very very ugly rick santorum trump is courting the birth of santorum is courting the homophobes the likely
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republican presidential candidate went after gay marriage over the weekend is it culture war time already asked whether or not gays deserve equal rights santorum had this response. well it depends what you mean by rights i mean if you're talking benefits as far as rights i mean they have the right to be able to you know employment i mean i don't know what you mean by rights and if what i'm talking about are privileges here privileges of marriage privileges of government benefits is a different thing that basic rights to be able to live their lives that as they well should and can as as free americans you know rick this is not semantics it's simply. should people in america be second class citizens because their sexual orientation you seem to think so and that's very seriously. coming up a study out a u.c. berkeley reveals wal-mart can and should be rolling out more money for their underpaid workers details and how much it would cost them and how much it would cause you as
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a shopper. you know sometimes you see a story and this seems so sleep you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realized everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm sorry because if we.
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go back to the big picture i'm tell harben coming up in this half hour a detroit high school with a ninety percent graduation rate at one hundred percent college acceptance rate is set to close its doors for good why us to cut down spending costs i'll tell you who's behind is through the scheme plus wal-mart may be known for offering oregon deals to the american consumer is the retail giant is really putting their employees in a tough financial book so that offering employees fair pay also plays wal-mart in a financial pinch the answer may surprise you every member brett ben bernanke he's grand stimulus plan yeah the one that was supposed to be the jumper cables to our get economy in place and daily take details on how it actually deepened our debt
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and fiscal problems. over the last few weeks we've been chronicling just how far michigan governor rick snyder is willing to go to appease corporate interests and undermine democracy in his state two weeks ago we learned that the city of benton harbor in michigan was taken over by one of governor snyder's financial managers or so ours appointed by snyder to set up shop in the city. the elected officials break union contracts cut critical local services and sell off huge chunks of the city's infrastructure and transnational corporations are local republican businessman and now there's another story coming out of detroit surrounding another want to so nighters financial planners this guy named robert bobb to cut down.


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