tv [untitled] April 26, 2011 8:00am-8:30am EDT
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it's a day all remembrance for the victims of the troubled disaster exactly a quarter of a century on the safety of nuclear energy spots of concern a once again after the recent crisis it to plans for pushing up power plant. it's really is it the latest to join the nato involvement of colonel gadhafi forces in libya and a month into the operation experts speculate it was planned out long ago including a bombing that the rebels before any underestimate the. pressure of wiki leaks revelations depict britain as a terrorism a breeding ground and while most trained in london mosque signed up masterminds finding a safe haven in the country. already
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well welcome to you this is not see life from a sky it is exactly twenty five years since the world was shocked and shaken by the worst civil nuclear catastrophe in history that deadly explosion at the end of all power plants and you had a radioactive cloud across several continents it comes to long lasting she went under environmental consequences seizing sonali is in the ukrainian capital kiev covering commemoration of friends in the country. late into the night at one twenty three am an explosion blew the roof off reactor number four at the tour noble nuclear facility creating the worst ever nuclear disaster in the world has ever seen well the radiation that spewed out of the facility reached way beyond here up
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in fact some figures show that it went as far as asia africa and america of course the most touching countries were ukraine russia and bella ruse there is as to made it some eight and a half million people were exposed to high levels of radiation immediately when the accident occurred some thirty two lives were lost in the weeks and months that followed it's estimated some thirty more but in total the number of deaths and this is incredible resulting from the accident very so enormously let's just take a look at some of these figures the world health organization puts the number at four thousand while greenpeace puts it at two hundred thousand so you can see the difference there and in fact a russian publication has the number as high as nine hundred eighty five thousand so nearly a million with many organizations say that's still today the death toll is very much severely underestimated now the highest areas of contamination for mapped out
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and closed off hundreds of thousands of people were evacuated from rural areas surrounding the site about the size of the u.s. state of rhode island or from speaking in terms of europe the country of austria well our correspondent alexei yourself ski is in that exclusion zone alexei tell us please we know that many people have come into this thirty kilometer exclusion zone to pay tribute to those who were affected and of course lost their lives jury in this transit tragedy but tell us what's happening as we speak. certainly i've never seen the exclusion zone being so crowded as it is today now we witnessed the solon ceremony and. right next to your novel nuclear power plant with presidents that mediator of russia and ukraine here ukrainian counterpart saying a couple of words about how difficult this loss was how difficult the liquidators job was to clear the aftermath of the chernobyl fallout. of
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a huge amount of shit is used from ukraine and russia and putin to deal with him out of this tragedy in the face of such his own skins we should be honest it's the government's obliteration to tell people the truth we need to have me back then the government was not always doing the right thing now indeed everything has happening here now inside the exclusion zone just metres away where i'm standing right now from the epicenter of all evil in chernobyl the infamously known pipe of the fourth block of the chernobyl nuclear power plant that is where the explosion happened exactly twenty five years ago around it is is the area called the exclusion zone thirty kilometers and in the radius and this represents some certain abnormality because you can see so many things which are of normal in a normal world here in this exclusion zone a kilometer or two away you would see the levels which would not allow you to be there for more than ten to fifteen minutes like the red forest is an area just behind the the nuclear power plant now you can see dead towns like it's like the
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village of kakashi which was buried. the sand because it was too radioactive to be kept and could be on the soil but since still some people managed to return here after the collapse of the soviet union such a such mess was happening in ukraine that they were managed to get inside the exclusion zone without drawing attention obviously they've been living here ever since and i managed to talk to them on many occasions they told me that they were offered flats and pensions in kiev and other cities and towns across ukraine but they still decided to return to their home land to their houses to their cattle and to the place where they grow vegetables and fruits they've been living ever since they do not fear this radiation. and in. this bravery some may think this is crazy but these people just say that they want to die on the land where they were born now of course this is twenty five years on this is a big date and in my report that take a look how things unraveled quarter of
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a century ago in terms of what. twenty five years ago the town of the p.r.c. was a place any soviet person could dream off high salaries great standards of living and impressive infrastructure and restricted town for the employees of the children nuclear power plant it was regarded as the pride as the pearl of the soviet union it was not only constructed to look like a perfect social city but the people who live here were also the best of the best the best musicians sports man the best professionals the nuclear energy all of them lived here all of that changed and april the twenty six nineteen eighty six when the chernobyl reactor exploded the result of an experience carried out in the hands . of the reaction was almost completely out of control in april twenty fifth but it could still have been saved and management pushed for a completion of an experiment personal hesitated were locked into and eventually couldn't go against the authorities we all know there is an old video meanwhile the
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town's population had no idea about the disaster people were enjoying and then usually sunny saturday outdoors. and we ran away from school played a beach then we returned hormone called in mud it to my mother asked me where i had been i lied that we were cleaning the school yard and she was shocked as she had already heard rumors of some action in the nuclear solution. short was easy to understand ambulances with sirens had a lot of the population of this small town in the middle of the night they delivered the severely injured plant workers and firefighters to the hospital people and different from the radiation most of them had from fourth degree radiation. one of them going to instantly the others had to wait twenty four hours to be evacuated to a hospital administrator ironically those were the lucky ones all the state in the town exposing themselves to their legal woes of radiation many died or suffered radiation sickness afterwords nowadays prepared is described as
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a dead town nobody lives here and never will again the fallout period of many nuclear cells reaches twenty thousand years this has not been a steer from out there on a gurney and go through and here straight after the u.s.s.r. collapsed because he gave me a few pension rights and found it impossible to survive like that in ky if you're with me i have a council and a group every came out of mediation yes there is a little here wouldn't you find a place without us anywhere we are not in the wake of the fukushima disaster the words your noble echoed again worldwide just about when everyone thought all mistakes have been learned another crisis with the nuclear energy issue through serious debate with the former chernobyl liquidators say they are ready to fly halfway across the planet. just like they did in their own backyard twenty five years ago over the war and it's to make sure nightmares like chernobyl and fukushima will never happen again. reporting from chernobyl and
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being ukraine. now as alexei mentioned as we mark sure knoebels anniversary it's hard not to draw parallels with what we saw unfold in japan just some six weeks ago questions are rising over whether the world has learned lessons on nuclear safety that the true noble tragedy provided we spoke to journalist james corbett was in osaka japan and he says the handling of the fukushima nuclear power crisis is repeating mistakes twenty five years on. i think the real analogy could be drawn here is that the flow of information that's coming from the governments and it's not of an analogy that favors the japanese government but we saw in the wake of the true. noble the immediate wake of the chernobyl disaster we saw the official soviet reaction was to to attempt to cover up and deny what was going on but once it became apparent the scale and scope of what was happening we saw that kick start a new era of glasnost and openness whereas we see the exact opposite thing happening here with the japanese government reaction to what's happening because i
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think the government has proven that it's not interested in giving a free and open access to the site or to to the information coming out of there and amazingly enough that's pertaining even during this disaster even as the chief cabinet secretary a donald has given twice daily briefings on what's happening those briefings are only open to the select group of japanese media organizations foreign media and independent journalists are being excluded from those meetings and are only getting access to secondhand information from administrative sources so there is an incredible attempt to try to cover up the flow of information and to to control what kind of information is getting out i want to take a moment and focus on those who experienced the disaster firsthand of course the people that took part in the cool fire fighting and other types of activities that took place in the aftermath of the blast risked their lives to make sure the tragedy didn't spread any further spoke to one of everything was difficult tempos
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difficult each day we're facing new time. somehow using all our experience to empty towns and villages were the ones that made the most oppressing impression on me people evacuated from surrounding areas of the villages and towns were abandoned that was very dismal but you can hear more firsthand from that emergency worker on what he went through as they dealt with the term noble aftermath throughout the day here on our t.v. we will also be continuing our extensive coverage of the tour noble tragedy anniversary live from kiev and sure noble so do stay with us for that also throughout the day will be taking trips to me yet. to tune in to artsy. and so now i'm reporting right that while i was twenty fifth anniversary reminding the world of the terrifying consequences of nuclear safety negligence many eyes have non-science of the continuing crisis in japan and i would be joined by dr wake up jacobson associate professor at the hiroshima peace institute for opinion on
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whether japan might be making the same a fateful mistakes that led to china. japan government today announced that it would help to pay compensation for losses in code by the fukushima disaster but in effect now taxpayers are going to have to foot the bill for damages caused by tepco the company that owns the property you know justice happening here. no absolutely not and this is this is the way that this is the situation with the nuclear industry is that nuclear power plants are on insurable and so everywhere around the world nuclear power plants are essentially insured by public money but by private money by taxpayers the same is true in the united states where there's a capital hundred million dollars on the liability part of our company operators of nuclear power plants far below the cost of any tragedy so this is the same sort of thing we've seen with a lot of other things like the wall street crisis in which profits. profits are taken by shareholders but when there's
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a risk the risk is borne by taxpayers and that's exactly what's happening in fukushima and that's what happens with nuclear power plants when they have problems out of the last few days the japanese government has gone out of its way to point out that fukushima crisis isn't as destructive or nearly as big as that of china noble but considering the effect it's had on japan and its people i think that's accurate. you know it's not accurate at all it's also impossible to say because the fukushima crisis is not resolved so it's impossible to compare it with another event i think that because of the press of the chernobyl anniversary the japanese government has been very interested to try to position the fukushima crisis as less intense than the chernobyl crisis but by this period of time the chernobyl crisis had been grizz all of that there was it was the cleanup of this site but the ongoing incident was resolved much quicker than this currently in japan we don't really know what the end game will be and we really don't know exactly how this
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situation will go so it's absolutely impossible to say that it's that it's less than chernobyl and it's certainly easy to project that it's probably more internal but we were talking one reactor and here we're talking three reactors and a huge spent fuel pool and have you as you were saying that it was seconds where the meltdown explosion happened in china but this is what they perpetual leaking all of radioactive material here at the fukushima plant now the japanese government is preparing a public inquiry into response to the crisis the company that owns the reactors but i've given how dependent japan is on nuclear energy do you really think that it will give us the full picture here. oh no absolutely not there needs to be an independent inquiry that needs to be an independent inquiry that's independent from government and from industry we can see for example the kind of differences or the problems we would have by having a government inquiry there was just recently a an assessment of the situation in fukushima by a group of international nuclear experts and the picture that they painted was far
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more room than the picture that is painted by either tepco or by the japanese governments i think both the japanese government and tepco have a strong interest in downplaying the problem in downplaying the threat and in town playing the impact i think that there's no doubt that we need an independent inquiry that will be honest and not protect tepco and also not protect the japanese government and downplay the incident that will give the people of japan and the region here the information that we need about exactly what happened so you talk about the japanese government downplaying the severity and possible long term consequences of this nuclear meltdown here puts a japan has established some measure of stability of or it's a runaway reactor is what they are talking about putting a temporary six month focus over the reactor over the facility but could that be toppled again it's a seismic area of ten children or tsunamis the situation worse and i can think absolutely the situation could worsen the situation is stable at the moment only in the sense that it car that is teetering on
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a cliff and hasn't fallen is stable because it hasn't fallen in yet the situation is far from resolved there's information that in reactor number three workers are still money able to get inside because of high radiation levels so it's still a crisis situation in an earthquake zone in which there have been several aftershocks that were bigger than what the plant was designed for so this is just a currently the plant is still teaching significant radiation into the environment every day so it's hard to call it that stable but what's what is the situation is that it has not deteriorated further but that may have that it's not at all under control yet it could it could happen it could destabilize further but i'm afraid that's all the time we have available now are talking to a source a professor of nuclear history of the hiroshima peace and thank you. well it may have been a quarter of a century since the unthinkable happened but time hasn't lessened the consequences of the china lost you can watch our documentary from the dead streets surrounding ground zero streets that will stay silent for hundreds of years that's coming up
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later in today's program. this side project it's. twenty five years ago on the entire fifty thousand project nation over a gradient down a brief yard was evacuated with three hours. which now it wants to be heard recently some people started receiving posts notices telling them to beat up letters at this post office in. the stories of the world's long gone it. does have to be totally. leaving the diaries of the ghosts of archie. you without a lot from moscow now it's only says it will join the allied airstrikes on colonel gadhafi as army in libya this is a leisurely refusal to take part in the bombings this comes after café his compound
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in tripoli was hit by nato i want monday temporarily taking at least three channels off the air however fierce fighting continues the government forces are still trying to take over the rebel held city of misrata at least ten people have been killed in the past twenty four hours and it's over a month now since the coalition started its operation in libya but there's some of speculation that nato countries supplied rebels with arms before the uprising parties are ridiculous or put that suggestion to a military analyst. so where do we begin rebels get their arms from to help us answer that question we're joined today by a military analyst from the russian i can hear sciences thank you for joining us today let's look at the picture we're looking at the arms obviously of a fighter pointing at the canal the portrait we kind of weapon is this so here we can seal. assault rifle and quite likely it.
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was smuggled into libya after the u.n. sanctions imposed over this country you know experts speculated that some of those guns could have come into libya before the sanctions were imposed or even in the early years of the regime because this assault rifle was. produced many years ago but you know if we take a look at this picture for instance we can easily see all of the gun made of plastic but if occasion of and for all is quite recent also it doesn't make sense for could earth here to push of these guns from his own army if you take a look at the pictures all of the libyan army look and see the use mostly kalashnikov once with extremely cheap and higher level thirty nine millimeter cartridge it makes no sense to buy a nato weapon which is not a fair trade of for nature cartridge which is quite expensive it's much more
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expensive thirty nine millimeter. gun which is produced all over the world north korea in china everywhere so actually you can see it at this point recently if occasion of and fall of come from france and quite recently it's a well known fact that some of the libyan rebel fighters have links with al qaeda does this not look like an absurd situation that they're in fact supply. people who are knowingly connected with al qaeda with their arms i mean what do we have in our hands what we see no need to conscious and the leadership is so much obsessed with getting out of the power they're doing here who the rebels are there was no al qaeda nor any other terrorist organisations in iraq before to ensure all three we can't go into iraq after saddam was just. as
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a result of american led invasion what we see now in a major contras in tunisia in egypt and in libya where al qaeda terrorist cells are. extremely effective that could easily come into play. on our website r.t. dot com we take an in-depth look at the planned a humanitarian aid mission to move of pure intentions or is it a way to sneak into a ground operation under the covers get all the latest developments on the conflict in libya as well as expert opinion and isis. on the battle of artistic merit giant piece of graffiti scoops a top russian are toward any question whether what is essentially vandalism should receive such an honor in the first place. r.t. dot com. now britain has become a hotbed for terrorism with extremist preachers and masterminds freely able to
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operate their produce has come to light in the latest wiki leaks which reveals at least thirty five guantanamo detainees had been trained for terrorism in london mosques secret files also suggested and alleged al qaeda bomber worked as an informer british intelligence. lindsay françoise multi-dose on this lindsey going through these weekly documents up with some pretty shocking revelations that. that's right rory eighteen of these detainees reported lead to have come out of britain or from abroad seventeen of them were either british nationals or at the documents said they were asylum seekers from arab countries who then filtered into the u.k. and received their training here in london now most notably in the documents finsbury park mosque was cited it's in its northern london mosque here that was cited as quote an attack planning and propaganda production base and this was not
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new to the u.s. military officials who actually drafted these documents this mosque was known as a very powerful training ground for many of these man for quite a while in fact these documents do raise a very big question about where security and government forces were during the time that london gained such a strong reputation as being such a hotbed for these for these training techniques in fact actually earn of the nickname within these dark documents as londonistan so it does raise a lot of questions about where security and government forces were in quelling this reputation and stopping these men from filtering into the u.k. and out into terrorist hotbeds around the world indeed and as you're saying it was by some was londonistan and. we could be talking to illustrate how for two decades britain effectively became a crucible of terrorism with dozens of extremist speech training now the latest classified documents also suggest that the guantanamo bay detention camp is packed
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with innocent people surely that's only going to have fuel to the frame for those who want to shut it down. exactly what's at stake here or what is being heavily looked at or the detainee assessment briefs now with the white house spokesman has come out and said that the detainee assessed assessment briefs for instance one that may have been written in two thousand and six and leaked may or may not have the same significance to this government and to this administration now that it did four or five years ago so even if a detainee assessment very late for the person may be at low risk the government can reassess that again many of these people are cited as having been cooks drivers and even farmers who were picked up for questioning and then have to work at guantanamo bay now the white house also has come out and said that president barack obama still holds and is very very important to be shutting down this this prison
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but at the same time congress is making it very difficult when it comes to taking those prisoners out and trying them on u.s. soil so as more details come out with these d.t.p. detainee assessment briefs that will be very interesting to see which way this argument goes on whether or not to move the over one hundred seventy people still located at this present out for trial or to keep them there all right parties and see friends live in london thank you. for the strike it's about headlines from around the world this hour now and in yemen opposition leaders have reportedly agreed to a transfer of power. which oversees the current president stepped down previously rejected the initiative as he didn't fulfill them on school ali abdullah saleh to go and usually the new deal which is there to be fully accepted by you decide to quit office in a month's time suppose a breakthrough has done little to ease tensions in the country with protesters still voting on the streets. ben i've talked to
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a passenger bus in southwestern pakistan killing at least fifteen most of the dead women or children in a separate attacks in the southern a city of karachi twenty one last killed three as terrorists targeted buses carrying navy personnel last year more than one hundred fifty people were killed as a result of terrorist bombings in that city. writes on the business now with dmitri . thanks the ruble will rise to pre-crisis levels against the dollar by the end of the year that's of well prices stay at current levels according to russia's economic. news it's quite possible that we'll see a substantial inflow of how to saw in the second time from this year in these conditions have become even stronger than we originally expected. growth in imports into hinder the growth of some sectors of our economy such as food and weight
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industry as well as engineering the greenback now costs just under twenty eight roubles and is expected to fall further meanwhile exporters are complaining that the strong rules cutting into their profits they are to meet with nontraditional in native us cost an optimal exchange rate. think of the oil prices right now and they are flat this hour investors are concerned that the u.s. fed reserve may signal tightening its monetary policy also weighing in crude prices reports the saudi arabia is uncomfortable with the current world price of attentions and syria and yemen are supporting will at current levels so we're seeing a light sweet declining just slightly just around twenty cents still over one hundred twelve dollars per barrel brant is just beneath one hundred twenty four. in the stock markets footsie is up a half a percent so is the dax europe is seeing markets gain after a rally in u.b.s.
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and part of that u.b.s. rose over five percent after switzerland's biggest bank posted profit beat estimates probably that jump to levon percent in the lead of the group like tallis said it will bid the rest of the things biggest dairy company in the north of thirty four point nine billion dollars but mining stocks are pulling back on the full three wrangled research is off for one half percent and if i guess the down from one and a half two. and russia the markets reversed into negative territory all three of them point to my six percent energy stocks reversed indeed from earlier losses on both horses take a look at some of those stocks gas problem is up just slightly point two percent despite declining all throughout world prices t m k he is down half a percent and tightening up is down one percent have never down for a second day in a row up or eleven percent net profit for last year and also bucking the trend is new coral is down three was on the my sex and the metal sector investors on waiting
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