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tv   [untitled]    April 26, 2011 7:00pm-7:30pm EDT

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it's wrong paul announces two thousand and twelve presidential exploratory committee today in iowa and the grassroots are ablaze now that ron paul has been proven right about everything he said in two thousand and eight the old establishment candidates are going to have to react to the libertarian shift in the g.o.p. base or render themselves a relevant rumor the economist was right about the downturn coming years ago when everyone told him he was crazy that's right peter schiff joins us tonight about how he ron paul the presidency is the only hope for a commie veteran strong paula two thousand and twelve is already in studio tonight moneyball is the way it's time to show the country what we've been working on since two thousand and eight you're watching adam vs the man.
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during the two thousand and eight presidential campaigns millions of americans were asking about ron paul who is this man and why is he trying to save my country ron paul is a congressman representing the fourteenth district of texas a former doctor an air force flight surgeon the first time he ran for the republican nomination for president in two thousand and eight he put the love olution into high gear by taking the message of freedom to a state in which it is rarely heard no other presidential candidate in two thousand and eight had even remotely constitutional platform despite the lip service. he's
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been busy in iowa a lot lately because as the first caucus in the country i will plays an important role in the presidential nominating process. and it turns out he doesn't just like corn congressman paul announces presidential exploratory committee in iowa today there's a petition already up at ron paul two thousand and twelve dot net one encourage you to join me and sign it it reads dear ron paul please listen to our plea to run for the presidency of the united states in two thousand and twelve never before has america needed a visionary of your courage more than now the next election will be the most crucial one in our history and you are at the right place and at the right time not only to educate americans about the principles of personal liberty sound money free markets and a sensible pro american foreign policy but also to continue the revolution and lead us to victory america needs you and we your supporters pledge that will assist you in every way we can sincerely we the undersigned and right now the undersigned are already over thirty seven thousand strong and the net roots support for ron paul is
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already promoting a money bomb to coincide with the first presidential debate on may fifth in his two thousand and eight presidential campaign ron paul set the record for single day fund raising with two successful money bombs the first raising over four million dollars and the second over six million each within a twenty four hour period in a recent money bomb there were twenty first of this year he raised over seven hundred thousand dollars before even announcing his exploratory committee and although he was widely dismissed by pundits in two thousand and eight his performance still exceeded all expectations but wait until they see what we've been building since then the grassroots have been busy organizing recruiting and building the freedom movement in this time on stands a real chance as the center of gravity of the g.o.p. has shifted our way the flip flopping politicians like john mccain are going the way of the dinosaurs and in a field dominated by corrupt establishment politicians ron paul is the one with the truth on a side congressman paul sir
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a sworn oath to the constitution and the president of the united states. as the only candidate who has stood by that document and have the courage and integrity to honor your oath you are my president and the only commander in chief i would follow is about. your service. despite what you might have heard from fox news you're not a socialist if you don't want to invade every other country on earth in fact it's just that kind of liberal nation building foreign policy that has infected the g.o.p. which is what makes ron paul's candidacy so important he is the only candidate in the race with a constitutional platform and the voting record to back it up this includes us foreign policy which is not only constitutional in its legal approach to national
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defense but also in line with the ideals of liberty that enshrined in the constitution joining me now are two fellow members of veterans for ron paul two thousand and twelve adam vs the man contributor jake the liberal veteran of iraq afghanistan and nathan cox army veteran who served in iraq gentlemen thank you so much for being with us tonight let's go skills got right in the face you got sworn oath to the constitution does it bother you to see so many other people in this republican presidential field asking for your vote asking for your vote asking for your support having demonstrated they don't care about that document having subverted actively despite having sort of through that same document many of them during their public service career. yeah i mean out of look at this one we've got we've got john bolton neo con in chief we've got dick cheney's stepson over with the huntsman i mean who can actually do this for the republicans nobody ron paul is the best chance that the g.o.p. has to overthrowing obama for two major reasons number one ron paul is going to be
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the eisenhower of our generation and challenging to end to end the open in the war in afghanistan and actually stopping the military industrial complex the reason our another republican another libertarian. promised to so that's why he's the best chance anybody else in the field you see any kind of constitutionality any any kind of the commitment from ron paul that we appreciate its veterans i could maybe say gary johnson he's got some question with a name and on his website concerns foreign policy but ron paul like you said earlier is that has been consistent for over twenty years and that's why people like me that you know hold our oath that's why we love stand so now let's talk for a second about how your service has influenced your politics and both of you like myself have served abroad all three of us in iraq in as well in afghanistan. there's a god are you to see the republican party i mean you guys identify as republicans taken over by people who seem to be completely detached from the role of the troops
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so how is your experience influence your perspective on why i think they run policy has done something profound for us as reason republicans ron paul has stared at the vietnam syndrome and he's gotten away with he's easy rid of the republicans and said that actually open ended war and a huge military budget in big big rising skyrocket debt is bad for the for the republic it's bad for our liberties he said it he's a real republican and he's the one that has gone again for support we were both at sea packed this year and we have both with us the largest anti-war rally i've ever seen in my entire life republican brain thousands of people all go screaming all of the organizers of see impact were sitting around less are going you know or next year we should have the largest anti-war rally. that's that's how it happened isn't it all cheney came in and he was called the war criminal ron paul supporters like this and the republicans are groundswell right now to gain support for libertarian minded people and this is a good thing i know many people think that i'm
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a neo con totally not true at all right now you're support for ron paul while not sharing his philosophical grounding is actually really more interesting in a way than someone who just so happens to have the exact same philosophical perspective is wrong but you don't have that and you're still support him and that's i think really important to underscore here but you're kind of new to this who are bringing you into the fold of the day with veterans for ron paul i want to present you with one of our new buns veterans for ron paul twenty and thirty here go to go around if you want to join us veterans for ron paul we were just a facebook group at this point but we're working on getting a web site now nate you've been actively involved as a ron paul supporter going back to the two thousand and eight campaign you are actually involved then you've been involved with the fed cause you've been org and you're going with ron paul meet ups tell us about the role. all of veterans and why it's important for veterans to be speaking out supporting ron paul especially during the two thousand and four presidential cycle well if it wasn't for dr paul
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would be a day he cured my apathy while i was an iraqi dr paul cured by out with the one of the best slogans out of the last campaign he woke me up to the ideas of liberty while i was in iraq and at that point. in the debates of the president's the debate going on i started buying his books and i started sharing values one of my peers and with my leaders and and it's important for people who are still in the military who realize that war is a racket at the end it's a sham to stand up and stand up against it because you know everybody who joined the service took the oath and they should be taken lightly if you want to honor the oath the only way to do it at this point if you're a veteran is to be supporting ron paul really i mean there are lots of things you can do to support more constitutional policy work constitutional governance but the single thing i think you can do to continue to honor that is to be a supporter of ron paul in this campaign but we've got a group go now veterans for ron paul two thousand and twelve we want to encourage anybody who's a veteran or just a supporter of veterans to go check it out and be supportive but we've also we want
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to encourage who want to put be a part of organizing to email us v.f.r. p two thousand and twelve g. mail dot com that's v f r p as in veterans for ron paul two thousand and twelve g.-mail dot com and you just set up a youtube channel we want to encourage veterans to make videos and speak out as well tell us about that you have both our facebook page and our you to account it's a facebook backslash bet for ron paul and it's the same thing for you tube and we're just encouraging folks right now who are who are in the military whether it's prior service or they're currently and to make videos of life support it and either upload it to your account or send us an e-mail and we will put it to our account and hope that the facebook and the facebook page we want people to do is we really want to get those of you to like the facebook page it's about to ron paul and comment on the on the blog post so we know what you're thinking and then we can start getting people tweeting about it. the most important thing right now for the for us republicans is getting somebody who can actually challenge the democrats and all of the people is that we've got to be clear from the g.o.p.
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side have been basically complicit in the democratic policy with the exception of tax policy and obamacare but there's more to the puzzle we've got to cut the wasteful defense budget and get out of afghanistan i guess we've got just a few minutes i want to go through the rest of the presidential field here we're going to we're going to start with we're going to go to reverse order from the results of see pack two thousand and eleven one percent coming in last and that was this haley barbour's he's still in the race no no jon huntsman they were dick cheney son i think. ok also coming in a one percent not not much of a threat john thune senator senator i'm also not in all right rick santorum i think he's got a body fluid named after him and i think he has a website ok now in our hands it's of the more seriously former governor mike huckabee a candidate a lot of republicans i was very close to ron needs based practice too much and he only gets it on sundays one day
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a week music practice and they can be able to run. an up herman cain it's a guy he's a guy well if i know you want to live or die just be sure to come he raised two hundred thousand dollars last year that's i could raise that in the afternoon now trump was at the c. pac convention and this year he was not registered in the poll you can't win can't win you're crazy crying berthe or stop you just can't win i've moved around prosody just from a so qantas. was hoping to do it all with that with all the press is getting all right. sarah palin can't win you're such a fan oh i like her goals usually good things for women to g.o.p. because she's challenged them to be a part of the a part of the establishment but in many ways she can't win because number one she does elites to move people she's a lightning rod for the left and it's just it's bad for us ok mitch daniels the guy very similar ron paul but he's the. that he's not going to run he said that we don't know that ok now maybe a little more interesting we've heard we've seen him working together lately on
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some things we see or come around on foreign policy michele bachmann she's an interesting one she can win iowa but i she can't win the rest of america of the fed she's what she's worked for the fed work for the fed well that's certainly a tough town but it has it knew that she voted for the audit of the fed didn't she yeah but she also voted for the patriot act there you go so unconstitutional all right. tim plenty you mean the hollywood video guy ok newt gingrich any hope for at least a scamming america stop giving him money america he doesn't know it is not going to run all right governor chris christie said he's out oh see that's right this is out so now it's interesting gary johnson came in with six percent of the vote right in front of christie at seat back area johnson how to run poll gary johnson take it now that the soap an interesting thing is going to great to have another libertarian minded person on the stage. i don't know if i can support of those his foreign policy stance but i think it's going to be great a great addition to the field ok aside from the magic underpants mitt romney romney
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care obamacare is there any chance that he would even stand and know that it is allen's obama with his background absolutely if the g.o.p. was smart they would just squat polar put on the meeting and say sorry buddy you're not our guy that's well imagine that we're left with the winner of the two thousand and eleven c pac presidential straw poll ron paul who came in with thirty percent well anyways thank you so much for joining us please if you can check out veterans for ron paul two thousand and twelve on facebook that was jake delivered over in iraq and afghanistan nathan cox army veteran who served in iraq when we come back we'll be joined by peter schiff the economist who was right when everyone else was wrong you'll also explain why economically speaking ron paul is our best rois for president say two and you're watching adam vs the man.
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lol. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so for like sleep you think you understand it and then a blip something else you hear or see some other part of it and realize everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm charming welcome to the big picture.
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and you know. well the back to adam vs the man peter schiff our next guest is not your typical economist most of those you know based on television and in person are typical mainstream economists who have been educated in the current paradigm of the field
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for instance based centrally planned economy and they primarily exist not to help the public understand economics but a service propaganda machines to support various schemes of government intervention in the economy by contrast peter schiff and those of us who subscribe to the austrian school of economics that is the true understanding of free markets are able to apply our understanding of economics to counter the propaganda of state controlled economy however peter since understanding of economics makes me well. let's let's just say in the war against government economic control i'm content to be a lowly sergeant in an army commanded by generals like peter schiff before the economic downturn we're currently experiencing peter said accurately predicted the collapse of the housing bubble and many of its implications this inspired the you tube video peter schiff was right two thousand and six two thousand and seven second edition which now has almost two million views play a clip from that this is just getting started it's not just subprime and this is
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a problem for the entire mortgage industry it's not just people would bad credit and committed to mortgages they can't afford it's not just people with bad credit who are going to see their home equity that is and it's not limited to mortgage credit americans are going to have a difficult time borrowing my to buy cars to buy furniture to buy appliances foreigners around the world and lending us money for years they're now finding out that we can't afford to repay this is going to be an enormous credit crunch the party's over for the united states. peter schiff is the c.e.o. of europe acidic precious metals and author of how an economy grows and why it crashes as well as crash proof in the little book of bull moves and bear markets he is also the host of peterson radio the peterson radio show which you can find it if radio dot com peter an honor to have you on the cell thank you for being with us this evening so i wanted to. do as i was a general in the air and in the army dish state america well i certainly have
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immense respect for the body of knowledge and that you put behind your analysis but you know i asked my little brother who's in high school today if he and i started it's a color with how to ask you questions that you know you maybe you wouldn't get asked on c n b c or some of these more financially oriented shows and i asked my little brother in high school if you could ask someone who has the closest thing to a crystal ball when it comes to economics what would you ask him any and he said right away where's the light at the end of the tunnel well you know you don't need a crystal ball if you understand economics things actually happen in predictable ways and you know unfortunately right now there is no light at the end of the economic council i mean if there's anything yours and i'm coming train the problem is the people who are trying to solve the problems are the ones who traded on and they don't understand or if they do want to stand they don't care because they're
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taking actions that work politically but that are you know suicide economically so looking up looking for the two thousand and twelve presidential cycle here we just saw ron paul announce exploratory committee today but taking a bigger picture back is we debate economics in the political sense there's a lot of people say oh well under clinton things are great or the economy under bush was this or that or obama has this responsibility how much responsibility does the president actually have in terms of the economy and how much influence can they exert. well i think they they're a large responsibility for the problem but obviously the president is not acting alone he's got help in congress he's got help with the federal reserve so there are a lot of parties that that are going to blame here but certainly the president has a lot of influence he's got the bully pulpit the president can do a lot to help turn the situation around unfortunately that's not what we're doing the presidents both the bush as well as as obama were you know leading the
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charge over the edge of the cliff so rather than trying to be would be an impediment to the government destroying the country they lead the charge and so that's a problem we really need to have a president that understands economics and understands the constitution free market principles sound money and who is not looking to be the president because he's looking for the glory or the first speech but because he genuinely cares about the direction of this country and knows that it that he understands what needs to be done to solve these problems and is willing to do it to do it we've been there a lot of hope from the obama administration lately that let's play a clip right now i want to get to reaction. we've created close to two million jobs over the last year and a half so we've made progress but we went into such of the poll right after i came
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in the office when i came into office we had already lost four trillion four million jobs and we were losing eight hundred thousand jobs every single month so all told would last about a million jobs now the economy is recovering we've seen good job growth each month but when you're in that deeper hole it takes a while to come out sounds like summer of recovery kind of propaganda to really understand is there any truth to the propaganda about how great the recovery is going. well you know there's no truth whatsoever in fact you know president obama said that as president he found us our country in a giant hole well as the senators see how big that hole and as the president is digging in even deeper yes we have created some jobs but we might have created even more jobs had we had a different approach and we might have created better jobs more economically viable jobs instead of the jobs that we have now that will disappear as soon as the bubble
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burst you know what we don't have is a genuine economic recovery. and we are spending borrowed and printed money and as we spend ourselves deeper into debt we create some jobs we create the illusion of economic growth but that's what it is in allusion the need to surface the real economy continues to deteriorate and ultimately when the bills come due for the stimulus is when we find ourselves confronting a deeper problem you have to remember that the financial crisis of two thousand and eight was a direct consequence of the economic stimulus in two thousand and one two thousand and two what george bush and alan greenspan did to stimulate the economy during that recession is what created the housing bubble and the financial crisis what a burst and now the government is repeating those mistakes obama and or naqvi are just taking a page out of the bush greenspan playbook and just expanding it because now we have
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a bigger problem so they have come out it was an even bigger stimulus and the consequences will be worse i'm afraid this time we're going to overdose on government stimulus and it's going to completely destroy the economy so this it clarify when you say economically viable jobs you mean jobs that are based on the desires of other people to meet the desires for goods and services people want to consume as opposed to when those resources are directed the things that the government arbitrarily assign them to well the types of jobs that we're lacking in this country are goods producing jobs americans are consuming a lot of products that we didn't produce or that we can't afford to pay for and we're able to do that right now because we can run a huge deficits and we can export dollars and import real things but when that comes to an end our ability to consume is going to collapse and says we don't have producers a lot of these jobs that are in the service sector once we can no longer important
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goods that we need a lot of the service sector jobs that are that are built around these imports. we're going to evaporate and we also have a lot of non productive government jobs or financial services jobs that are really unsustainable because all of these people who collect paychecks working in a service sector they all want to consume goods they all want to buy things but they're not making a those things and so you can only really have a service sector if it exists on top of a viable manufacturing the goods producing sector we don't have that our economy is as ours upside down we're on the we're we've got a cure big built up site now and it did it's not sustainable and in a free market we would be creating those kind of jobs but because of government policies and central bank policies that's not happening and instead of repairing the damage we're making it worse ok so there's a minute left there looking forward to two thousand and sixteen the new diet time that the i.m.f. has predicted china is going to surpass us in terms of the total national size of
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the economy two thousand and sixteen if obama gets reelected can you compare what the country is going to look like after four more years of an obama presidency so what's going to happen if we get ron paul like that in some thousand and twelve. well you know if we get obama the country is going to be a disaster it will be an economic wasteland four more years on top six more years of obama six more years of runaway government spending of socializing the economy abilify a bill of flying industry and private property of printing money and this is you know you're not even want to be here you know there are a lot of young people right now it's very important that the people who are young in their early twenty's they've got to get up and do something because if we don't change this country soon the only viable choice is going to be to leave to emigrate because there won't be any opportunity or it will just be taxes regulate hunger that and so now now is the time to do something you know. and it's young people
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that aren't voting the old the older people who are living off the dole who are collecting checks from government that's who the politicians are pandering to they don't care about the young people who are paying all the taxes because they don't even understand what's going on so they got a wake up now if ron paul wins i'm much more optimistic but you know just electing one poll isn't going to do it all by itself i mean congress is going to have to listen to it he's going to have to persuade congress to do the right thing build a case for the american public that is clueless as to what the right thing is but it least of ron paul is the president and i'm assuming that if we elect ron paul president that we're going to have some new congressmen new senators new representatives as well that are going to be sympathetic to what he wants to do i can see that he wins and then there's no other changes taking place so i would be far more optimistic i think it's a key step in the right direction and it's a major step but i wouldn't believe it i think it'd be an enormous accomplishment if we can elect ron paul and i'd love to see that happen so you know the people
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that are watching your show they need to get out there and make it happen. here and which you can if it's spread the word well could have unified and ron paul like to fill out for two thousand and twelve it's an honor to have you on the fellow and we'll see you in the front. well thank you and good luck with your new show appreciate it that was peter schiff c.e.o. of europe a separate precious metals author of how to commie girls in my crashes and host of the peter schiff radio show at siff radio dot com as he said himself ron paul will be announcing within a month and if you care at all about the american ideals of liberty and the u.s. constitution it is imperative that we make sure he announces that he will be running if you're a veteran who wants to support the one candidate with a proven record of standing up for the constitution that we sorel to please get involved with veterans for ron paul two thousand and twelve if you'd like to help organize it please e-mail me at v f r p two thousand and twelve g.-mail dot com or at least join the facebook group and if you're just
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a fellow american who loves this country as i do please do something to get involved with the ron paul presidential campaign if you want to help with the online grassroots i recommend you check out ron paul forums dot com and finally there are two lessons i like to share from ron paul himself as he said this country is in the middle of a revolution and the philosophical revolution in that's the only kind that really counts you can sit back and enjoy the right to freedom or you can join those of us in the driver's seat who want to be a part of setting a new course for america second lesson my favorite ron paul quote is if you're not having fun you're not doing it right and believe me we're doing it right that's our show they should tune into adverse is the man police i got at him versus the man i caught of our own guests and topics on facebook and twitter you can catch this broadcast live it is a party dot com slash usa county this is an appropriate from washington d.c. ground zero a low voice.


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