tv [untitled] April 26, 2011 10:30pm-11:00pm EDT
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hey guys welcome michel as hell on the ellen show we've heard our guests have to say on the topic now i want to hear from our audience has gotten you to video respond to twitter first one of the questions that we've host on you tube every monday and on thursday to show your responses we've played a whole. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so silly you think you understand it and then he did something
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else here's some other part of it and realize that everything you say you don't. charge. all right it's time for tonight's tool time award and tonight former massachusetts governor mitt romney is the winner since his defeat in the two thousand and eight g.o.p. presidential primary romney has kept a semi low profile he's avoided most requests from t.v. and newspaper interviews and instead he's been focusing on a new strategy of writing our bets then strategically placing them in newspapers around the country and he's using those opinion pieces to target president obama
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and challenge him on both domestic and foreign policy issues and this week he placed an op ed in the new hampshire union leader so as usual he was being critical of obama spending that's when he said the following he said barack obama is facing a financial emergency on a grander scale yet his approach has been to engage in one of the biggest peace time spending binge is in american history. gee that's a really interesting there may i mean it. did you have anybody in your inner circle proofread it did they cast a little layering error in this are bad the u.s. is not at peace we haven't been at peace for nearly a decade maybe mitt has been too busy trying to backtrack on his health care record and hasn't paid attention to the us his military engagements so tonight we have a little us wars one o one for mr romney the on this route you can see iraq and afghanistan only been in afghanistan since october of two thousand and one we've been in iraq since march of two thousand and three we have spent billions of dollars in these analysts wars if
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not trillions we've lost thousands of u.s. soldiers and aside from those two official endless wars mean things to also have missed the headlines or last month when the u.s. and nato launched another military conflict in libya the u.s. is helping impose a no fly zone over that country but the white house is really adamant that this is not a war that again just today nato increased their air strikes over libya the conflict has reached a stalemate i nobody can is convinced that this is going to be a limited humanitarian intervention whatever that even means now while the u.s. doesn't like to talk about it let's also not forget that we currently are fighting two shadow wars in yemen and pakistan drone attacks or special ops inside these countries the us is fighting wars with the american public doesn't even fully know about or understand till that romney is one two three four five wars the us is currently involved it now in question about a mistake a romney spokesperson said he meant to say since world war two i'm sorry but it's
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not like he blurted it out on t.v. really quick and then fix his mistake this is something he wrote something he should have edited re read a few times that's a big mistake if you ask me so maybe next time you state comments would show next time when you state comments that show that you don't grasp the american military situation especially in an op ed maybe next time have somebody read it then again if you didn't even write the pin yourself fire your writers but romney is tonight's too old timer for saying that the us is it peace when we've been at war for ten years and the time just keeps ticking. now a few weeks ago we told you about a slut walk in toronto some three thousand people protested after a police officer told a group of students that they could avoid being assaulted if they quote didn't dress like sluts so those stupid comments started a movement. i think i could dress in a song of some tights or maybe not wear. your skirt and that not be
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a concern for me to go. well it now appears that the flood watch movement has gone viral flight while groups are popping up on facebook around the world events are being planned in major cities all across the u.s. and many of these events are going to take place over the summer months in fact one is actually planned for right here in washington during made and if you click around on the web sites of the people organizing the events some of the slut walks are being spearheaded by sexual assault survivors and many of the organizers say they hope these slot locks are going to help and help women embrace their sexuality but the embrace of the flooding this has also attracted a little bit of backlash opposed to slut walks facebook group in toronto a question if the girls and fishnets chanting were here were sluts get used to it is really a way to prevent assault and when to no it farts knew was also wasn't impressed with the protest greg gutfeld host the show weekdays at three am had this to say
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archer slogan is there's nothing really brave here you're certainly not going to get flak from dude's my guess is they'll be right behind you shouting we love sluts like they did at the march but we can't see the lowered expectations in all of this at least if your parents they wouldn't like you and that's what i get keeps you from doing many things including marching down sixth avenue in fishnets well that of the cops getting to grab you. i can see why greg's program is on at three o'clock in the morning when most america is asleep but i am all for these girls and the guys that are taking part in the slut walks around the world women have been sexually assaulted should not be blamed for the attack ever thousand eleven when a woman says no she means no no matter what she's wearing. twenty five years ago today the world watched in horror as a nuclear meltdown unfolded before their eyes but you know the power plant began spewing a radioactive cloud that eventually. spread across several continents and the city of prepared which is near the power plant remains a ghost town even today art is
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a theater she just visited the region to report on a topic like a scene of the chernobyl catastrophe. twenty five years ago the town of people that was a place any soviet person could dream off high salaries great standards of living and impressive infrastructure and restricted sound for the employees of the children or build nuclear power plants we did was regarded as the pride as the pearl of the soviet union and was not only constructed to look like a perfect socialist city but the people who live here were also the best of the best the best musicians sports man the best professionals the nuclear energy all of them live here all of that changed april the twenty six nineteen eighty six when the chernobyl reactor exploded the result of an experiment carried out in the wrong hands with. the reactor was almost completely out of control and people from the fifth grade could still have been saved the management pushed for
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a completion of the experiment personal hesitated and were locked into it eventually couldn't go against the authorities we'll throw his old video meanwhile the town's population had no idea about the disaster people were enjoying and then usually sunny saturday outdoors i mean my friend we ran away from school the pleated beach we returned home or colder in mud and my mother asked me where i had been i lied that we were cleaning the school yard and she was shocked as she had already heard rumors of some action in the nuclear station. that shock was easy to understand ambulances with sirens had a large population of this small town in the middle of the night they delivered the severely injured plant workers and firefighters to the hospital but it really did have different directions and the radiation most of them had third or fourth degree radiation burns one of them died instantly the others had to wait twenty four hours to be evacuated to a hospital in. ironically those were the lucky ones are the state in that sound
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exposing themselves to believe goes is of radiation and many died or suffered radiation sickness afterwords nowadays people it is described as a dead sound nobody lives here and never will again the fall out period of many nuclear cells which is twenty thousand years this has not been a steer from out there on a company and order and knew straight after the u.s.s.r. collapsed we could not stand the pension and found it impossible to simply gotten here have a condo and a grow every clean creation yes there is a little here but you can find the place without any when we are not scared in the wake of the fukushima disaster the words are noble echoed again world wide just about when everyone thought all mistakes have been learned another crisis with the nuclear energy issue through a series debate with the former journal liquidators say they are ready to fly halfway across the planet to help japan just like they did in their own backyard twenty five years ago all they want is to make sure nightmares right should noble
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and fukushima never happen again let's see the artsy reporting from chernobyl and here in ukraine. well much of the attention these days is focused on our national debt woes and grand plans for deficit reduction the battle over whether spending or cutting is the way out of a recession sometimes it's better to look at the problem from a smaller scale state and cities across this country are facing budget shortfalls as well and the ways in which they choose to address those problems could give us a clue as to where the country is heading things where cats cats take priority over keeping police and fire fighting units police track or public services and infrastructure projects are being privatized it's something you could call reaganomics but is it really a good model or as our guest argues in his latest piece will this municipal dystopia just bring our cities to ruin when we've discussed it is david sirota radio host and author of the book back to our future how the one nine hundred
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eighty s. explain the world we live in now david thanks so much for joining us now for starters tell us about the to say that you chose to focus on in this piece here that people think are examples successful models you chose colorado springs and chicago. colorado springs is the second largest city in colorado it is a city the very very low tax base it's a city the military it's kind of one third of its economy is basically sponsored by or were connected to the government but it's municipal policy has been all about cutting taxes and cutting services so this is a city that is shot streetlights coat police and firefighters it's a city that barely maintains its parks anymore it's a city it is seen as such crime rates go up spike in light of all of this chicago is a much more democratic city electorally chicago is facing no one billion dollar budget
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shortfall and it's a different way to go down the same path it's a slow electorally or politically like colorado springs it's not republicans. it hasn't sort of gone straight ahead and cut taxes and cut services in a conventional way it's not in kind of a kind of a which you might call a secret way away using complex transactions to hide what it's doing specifically it's actually privatized sold off huge pieces of it's you destroy infrastructure so it's sold off the expressway called the sky which it has it has sold all of its parking meters to foreign private corporations and now the new administration the democratic administration rahm emanuel former white house chief of staff and he has stock is it going to straighten with people who have experienced pacifically with privatizing the missile interceptor both of these cities are examples of tensions and pointed to as examples of cities that are dealing with in a proactive way the budget problems facing cities all across the country but how is
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that going to turn out in the long term i mean first carter's let's let's go to chicago privatization charities start selling things off in the short time parent in the short term and i bring you some financial gains but what's that going to look like down the line who is that that's going to win out is it these private businesses or is it actually are you know the populations that live in a faith well i think it's a very very good question and i think the first before you can answer that question we need to look at the data about the transactions what's scary about what's going on in chicago is that according to the city's own heart of the beta. for instance the piece of the parking meters were sold off. at a price that was deeply undervalued based on the revenue that the city projected forward so you have an intersection i think between a corrupt political system and deals to the point where you have people interests putting money into the campaign finance system to get the price of the public
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infrastructure to become and offers up to be artificially low to the airport guarantee that when a private company buys the public infrastructure it's a guarantee of inflated. profits dionne what was even projected who's left holding the bag the city of the new service recently reported that the city is now burning through faster than a thought it would be one time cash that it got on the sale of this public infrastructure it is now of course this is a self-perpetuating process now the city just look for other pieces of its needlessly infrastructure to start now i don't think you know if you ask the majority of americans and you can look at these cities as examples of what's happening across the country and of course our congress right now is having a larger budget debate as to what the q i really don't think that most americans want their police and fire fighting units not to be fully staffed and adequately prepared to respond to you know if there's a type of emergency they don't want their street lights to be out they don't
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necessarily want everything to be privatized the prices just keep rising every time that you want to pay for a parking meter but what is is a good example better example that we can show prosper us well i think personally that you can look at the fact that in book most recent election in colorado springs of place it's been even further ahead of chicago for instance the voters said no voters said that the slate of candidates that represent this kind of policy and it basically crushed them at the polls so i think colorado springs may have drawn a line saying that's good news i think other cities and states that have said listen there is a way out of this it's called raising public revenue so it's called having an honest discussion about taxes what we're really seeing here in the chicago and the colorado springs example another number of cities that have thought have called in as bottles is the fact that america's political system just will do anything in many cases to not have
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a discussion about raising taxes and therefore raising public revenues that's the way to avoid this and i will give you an example of the city that i'm in right now at denver colorado has gotten a much different direction a couple of years back. it's mayor webb supporters and said listen i know this is going to be big but you're going to like to hear this message could order to preserve our public services at a level that we'd like them we're going to have to raise taxes and you know what are the voters in this city who voted for that because that mayor baited tangible good case for that and now you have we don't see a lot of that raising taxes seems to be the taboo issue across the us here a lot of people say that is the only way to solve these problems david want to thank you very much for joining us tonight and i was intrigued to see what else we can learn from the one nine hundred eighty s. now defies today thank. you. now still to come tonight they'll say get a one state move closer to banning teachers from talking about homosexuals in school i am flooded on that issue in just a moment and then it's time for happy hour if you know that liberal women are new ring american men stick around for some fun on that topic and more when our team
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producer jenny church on alex sites while reporter and blogger for think progress joining in just a moment. let's not forget that we had an apartheid regime right here. i think. even one well. we haven't got the live shows here for keeping safe get ready because you're going to have freedom. charter here broadcasting live from washington d.c. coming up today on the big picture. and the.
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new website which twenty four seven live streaming news times what to do about the ongoing financial hard unlimited free high quality videos for download. and stories you may never find on mainstream news. the me the sell me the political. posts. aren't. you guys welcome to show and tell me alone or show part of our guests up to say on the topic now i want to hear. just go on to you tube to video response our twitter
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for part of the questions that we post on you tube every monday and on thursday to show your responses later or go. i'd like to take a quick moment tonight to call out a tennessee lawmaker a republican state senator stacey campfield of knoxville appears very close to victory in a measure that he's been pushing for sixty years senate bill forty nine would make it illegal to discuss any sexual behavior other than heterosexuality was students in the kindergarten up to the eighth grade and heard me right i mean teachers would not be allowed to discuss homosexuality at all even if the subject of gay civil rights came up now opponents of nickname this measure the don't say gay bill and state senator stacey campfield says the move is needed to protect the families of tennessee personally i wasn't aware that there was a huge problem breaking out in tennessee of teachers teaching gay subjects how
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could i have possibly missed that now the g.o.p. senator is trying to get this bill passed for years and he's always strongly deny that he's homophobic our friends over at think progress did a little digging into stacey campfield past and from the comments that he made he does appear to be quite homophobic listen to him defend this bill in a radio interview from two thousand and nine you teacher the civil rights movement why not teach about the gay rights movement. what i want to talk about. so he basically compares homosexuality to galaxy yeah that's not all with all break at all you know that's an old line of attack that conservatives have been using for decades to compare gay people to animals and quite frankly the g.o.p. really needs to find some new talking points when it comes to bashing gay people a poll released last week by c.n.n. found that for the first time ever
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a majority of people in this country approve of gay marriage so all americans are evolving on the issue tennessee states that other states you can't build seems to be one of the few who is not and i guess that he's hoping that if you don't talk about gay people who just go away if you don't tell kids that they exist l. never find out sorry but that's not going to happen you can't as a wish a weight issue an entire group of people just because you don't like them so let's hope that the people stacey campfield district will wake up realize that he's making them in their entire state look like an embarrassment with their don't say gay bill and maybe maybe if everybody in his district would just stop talking about him he might go away to you wouldn't that be nice. all right it's tuesday which means it is time for happy hour and i joining me is
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our g. producer jenny churchill and alex sites all blogger reporter and blogger for think progress dot org thank you for joining me guys. apparently liberal women and women rights advocates are really just a horrible terrible force that are ruining everything for men in this country that's according to allen west i first want you guys to listen to this new sound bite from. actually know you're coming elachi it's rather straight at us ray and it will go into the high court to let these other women off the other side the spiral when the coke women and all of these women look bad and neutering american man and bring us the part of this incredible we let them know that we're not going to have our bed because of certain. i think alex i'm going to let you talk on this when you're the only man in the room at the moment i had no idea that the color pink the planned parenthood supporters that people i guess like myself are new i don't know
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is that powerful it's really tragic and you know personal i'm a little bit uncomfortable talking about it but in all our secret liberal meetings we always and like the way bob barker signs off the price is right with you know make sure to get your cat spayed or neutered when we sign off the line about how to make sure you get your men spayed and neutered so you know it's not really has been out there the public but allen west is going insolence of the liberal now and are in on this to you guys want to be world reluctantly i mean you know with the phone ask you to do something you're going to go along and that is right i like that. crazy thing about this through the actions of the pat robertson to add a little more fuel to this fire said the progressive support access to abortions because they want to make straight women equal with lesbians i just don't understand why are all white men so scared of everything are just old men in general it's blame the weed if you can't blame the women then you blame the gays what's so scary about this world i think for sure in this situation it's a confusion of equality he was trying to make a good point by saying it's about equality but really it just doesn't work i was
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unaware that lesbians were running around like we can't have kids. i don't get out of that either abortion advocates and really just ridiculous all right now let's move on to someone else that made a fool of themselves rhode island state representative robert watching got busted for pot but the funny thing about this. family values republicans are always the ones that have busted you know with them guy that supposedly his bodyguard that really turned out with his lover he's a big anti weed advocate he said in february that it's his state has its priorities all mixed up and that they're only right if you're a guatemalan gave man who likes to gamble and smokes marijuana in his defense he was high when he said. that he was opposing marijuana legalization i think it was high the whole time so you know you can really take that for all things and maybe the guatemalan it gave man it likes to gamble is also his body. but you know he has
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a little a little thing with. me the most amazing part was his excuse for having marijuana in the car and a pipe in his jacket was that he was helping his friend move is really think connecticut and i knew there was sort of cox like you miss the mine it's not mine another friend lives in another dimension and the only way to get there is by using the smarts and there was. no i think if all egyptians are stoners that we can actually hold them to their word because anything they say they prize had while they were high can't you just actually make an answer legalization argument by x. i know what i mean. let's move on to something where i mean i don't know if it's a little more serious or what but a lot of americans out there don't have passports obviously if you need to travel you have to get one i had to get you know when i became a citizen as well but the state department wants to make it more difficult for you to get these passports and so now they want you to list your life time employment history and information and this is one that really gets me you have to talk about
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your mother's prenatal and postnatal care as in right the exact address of where she lived one year before you were born and one year after you were born who the hell knows that kind of stuff they think so plausibly that in forty five minutes any american can put all this together but first of all i've been really interested about how the story's been covered because the whole point is to make passports available to people who don't have proper documentation to get a passport in first place so there's these extra questions that if your not able to prove you know that you are a citizen that you were born here that you know whatever but you can answer these questions and hopefully then get a passport so i don't feel like the story is kind of ben. i mean how does this help people i have no idea. who they think they're going to catch your i mean it's i'm going to be like let's see occupation terrorist two thousand and three to two thousand and six organization al qaida i mean you know what is this really going to if you're if you're involved in the various deeds if you're a drug dealer terrorist you're going to pollute. on the form that you're going to send in to the state department for your possibly what i think this is i think the
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state department is hot on the burger but i know that's what they want to do is they want to know where obama is ma spent the year before he was born i where she spent the be here after he was born i don't know if you saw it through circumcision was on there and that was something that came up the road you think is this is going to buy hillary's and she's running the state department to match the amount for twenty twelve so you can step right in i don't know all i know is so i love how we get all conspiratorial at our here thank you so much we want to put in forty five minutes i can't even complete a job application in forty five minutes because i'm sitting there thinking what was the phone number there and oh my gosh i don't think it's going to help anybody get past i got to wrap it up but thank you guys for joining me happy tuesday night's show thanks for tuning in to make sure you come back tomorrow ben bernanke he's going to hold a public house conference with reporters making him the first bad chairman ever do so from the bring you all the details and meantime don't forget to become a fan of the a lot of show on facebook and follow us on twitter and if you missed any of
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