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tv   [untitled]    April 27, 2011 1:00am-1:30am EDT

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every green lower till in total. syria's in the world sides with threats to ramp up pressure and a violent crackdowns against anti-government demos but there is concern it could lead to levy a style airstrikes. france is accused of scaremongering with in presents a terrible trawl says the levy and campaign escalates but there is a public anger that liberties and stay. at a radical form of islam creeps into russia's caucuses as we reported how impressionable young people are falling prey to extremist rhetoric. and the business review may finally resolve with this food with a russian or a part that steve case says it's ready to sell its stake in a joint venture the details coming up in our business bulletin and twenty minutes.
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ninety am in the russian capital you're watching r.t.m. arena josh welcome to the program france and italy are urging the u.n. to put pressure on syria to and its violent crackdown on anti-government protesters washington is also considering imposing sanctions and it's raising fears that syria could be the next leader where the unrest results in imposing a no fly zone and foreign airstrikes as our middle east correspondent paula sleazier now reports. i wouldn't even want sweets at least four hundred civilians have been killed in the last month of violence in the country and in the last few days alone since the lifting of the emergency law some five hundred people have been arrested now the white house is considering introducing new legislation new sanctions against the regime in damascus as
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a form of punishment for this violent crackdown and these sanctions would include a travel ban it would include an asset freeze or probation against doing business in the united states and the hope is that european countries would follow suit as it is members of president bashar assad and members of that regime have more assets in europe then they do in the united states in addition to this in another example of the increased diplomatic activity and a call for sanctions against syria we are seeing in the u.n. security council debate over a draft statement that was for restraint and also condemns the violence and it does see a stage for the eventual imposition of sanctions against the country it's thirty backs of course by the u.n. secretary general banking moon for an investigation into the killings against this backdrop that there is more and more concern being expressed by exposing the international community that not only the increased diplomatic activity against the
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country but also the possibility of a future intervention and that this will spark a reaction from arab states in washington and brussels i guess there are a lot of concerns about the fact that syria are like libya is part of an alliance and that iran's is very wide it begins in iran. elements in iraq government are part of the syrian regime has a lot in lebanon on hamas in gaza so if the international community or united nations all united states are going to apply to syria a measure of all of an economic meaning a direct intervention or political in. anderson pressures what they may get in return is a reaction by the iranian regime by hamas by his blood and others but the consequences if nato and the u.s. step up their operations in syria many fear could be the same consequences in terms of what we've witnessing in libya and maybe put us in an operation that's a really be on the go for several months and many fear that it could continue for
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months if not years really the situation in libya is a parallel to what we witnessing happening in syria today there were experts who are suggesting that this could lead to the bench and supplying of weapons to the opposition in syria much the same as we saw in libya in libya we heard nato and the united states saying that the libyan leader moammar gadhafi is not a target and now we're hearing some western powers say many years could the same howel been born with syria's bashar assad ultimately become a target and certainly on some of the statements we're hearing he could we're hearing statements such as we sit in countries need to stop the slaughter assad is killing his civilians and needs to stop so against the pretext of actually coming in and wanting to assist the local population and actually prevent if you use this terminology a slaughter the waste could be preparing the ground for foreign intervention in syria possibly reporting there now italy is sending its jets to a nato mission in libya saying they will take part in targeted military action but
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artie's military contributor says bombings are harming civilians on both sides rather than helping them. italy has become the seventh member of the most the leader and club among the nato members who take part in humanitarian bombing twenty four seven overlay via the most important thing that still alludes their native strategists and them masters in the washington d.c. . that despite the humanitarian bombing as coalition leave all be though believe it or participation we've already be the old there predator drone strikes possibly even be the introduction rather of being gunships the situation is not going to change dramatically and is not going to change the equation in libya and
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situation for a very simple reason because as any military fraud can testify in any stalemate and particularly in libya the aerial campaign only intensifies the suffering of libyan people on both sides and steadily degrades and ruins the levy an economy and its infrastructure as coalition forces get deeper entrenched and then we begin a campaign francis fearing retail haitian on home soil it's already up security with armed soldiers patrolling the streets of governments as it's to prevent terrorism but as they are bushnell discovered it's fear it is just one step closer to a police state. soldiers on the streets with machine guns this is france is the chief here at fifty of europe's most expensive time to tear a program to for its what it called the growing terrorist threat the government
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claims troops make the public feel safer but that's not what people think they look a little bit dangerous they can. use the force and the other way if there is a good fright in a bid to guard. the. premier francois feel says troops are required because france bombing libya threatens a terror attack at home you'll never find soldiers at shops tourist sites government buildings train stations airports schools and churches but expose the system doesn't even work in the main feature of terrorism is that it's impossible to foresee bridge appear as real targets is not to catch terrorists says one investigator but to monitor the public it's easier to persuade people that there could be a terrorist this letter or station it's easy very for people in france to believe
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well that they have a right to listen to my phone calls which they do they do do it they have a right to monitor my emails and facebook because they're really protecting us troops are only the visible part or storage fees can now read people's emails under a law passed quietly in february president sarkozy also signed a bill for police to tap phones without getting judges authorization to justify the invasion of people's privacy says one author because he makes france's six million arabs a scapegoat he has to make them afraid thinking that there is an arab with a bomb here. down. the government's recently branded muslims a problem and burned the muslim full. some already. and what we see is an arab witch hunt by going up in vogel's and miniskirts there's also the law cost
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world workers continue to be laid off in the economic crisis v.g. pirouettes estimated prices eighteen billion euro each year enough to create a million new teaching jobs and embarrassed government and lists a choice to hide the amount. is very expensive because an executive can move resources from one area to another quite quickly it's very difficult to find an exact figure critics like michele who have dogged the v.g. system vishy pierrette vichy was france's first history in the second world war it spoiled and informed people and talkative ethnic minorities. the french government today stands accused of doing the same to its own citizens the nubile shortie paris many of the north african refugees have gained access to europe have tried to make their way into france to be reunited with their route of france's far right leader says the increasing number of foreigners are creating
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a social and cultural rift. they say we're in a democracy but authorities refused to show the real figures on how many immigrants there are there are probably six to seven million muslims here already plus additional immigration on a massive scale each year this is an all the nice replacement of our population is threatens our very survival we don't have the means to integrate those who are already here there is a lot is endless cultural conflicts you can be against immigration fight immigrations and all immigration but not hate immigrants as individuals i understand immigrants wants a better future here but i honestly say to them you can't find a better future here we're finding it hard to get a better future to our own people as it is. a little wintery is an error in just over an hour here on our team coming up in a few minutes why taking the bus can be the highway to hell investigates the perils
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of public transport in russia plus. the. arms of military hardware rumbles through the streets of moscow in preparation for next month's a three day commemoration of. the north caucasus is russia's biggest worry when it comes to dealing with a breeding ground for terrorism worryingly recruits are not so hard to come by with the region's youth being seduced into extremist ideology look sad the reasons why and the plans to stop it. a busy day at university in russia's north caucasus these students are learning about arab culture and language trying to broaden their horizons so was surveilled ramiele until radical islamists took a hold on him. through i saw the way his stare changed he became alienated from
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everyone the brainwashing teaches them to be ready for the next world so they stopped paying attention to this one by the end of university he had started to take food to militant friends in hiding when seville warns him to stop it he left home forever as local say he had gone to the forest where. i already felt something inevitable and sad was coming but i didn't know what to do i didn't have a chance to stop him when he left home from what she knows it was a month later the police surrounded a group of militants there dhaka stems capital they were ready to surrender but their leader started shooting to provoke a deadly gun battle in which they all died including romilly in another of the regions capitals now take its friday prayers at the city's main mosque but this is a muslim community living under a cloud three months ago their leader a republican mufti was shot dead outside his home by muslim extremists. i must shift such i have had been
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a vocal critic of both your thirty's and the extremists saying there is corruption in the police and as in other spheres of society but it doesn't mean policeman to be shot dead. when their ideologists say they are there to make people scared of islam i can't agree islam is not a thing to be afraid of the only way to promote islam is to make people see the beauty of it if they're scared of it they will refuse it so simply put since the nineteen nineties more extreme forms of islam for to come from outside russia have been a growing influence. university staff are concerned at how impressionable some students have proved to be they say the region's muslim majority was not be made to feel alienated we need to speak more of both or slower to show the russian federation our government and how consumed usually all wars are they. do not do anything against islam as itself well to kill islam isn't thought to have
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arrived in the region until the second chechen campaign started in one thousand nine hundred eighteen since then although widespread fighting has died down the methods of small extremist groups bombings and shootings are political the question nervously asked here now is whether the radicals ideology and methods a lot of desperation or growing confidence on the bottom until. the people of britain might also be asking how to stop the spread of extremism after the u.k. was labeled as a central hub for terrorism classified u.s. documents seen by we can we say dozens of muslims have been radicalized in london's mosques terrorism analyst robin simcox says this is no surprise and that the numbers are reaching critical levels. it's true the british security service and the government didn't do nearly enough to crack down on the very real extremist mosque it was the late ninety's and the early part of the century that was
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a pretty huge problem so many of the high profile terrorists and islamist militants cross through were able to train for a very famous terrorist was able to send people off to the largest afghanistan to train so it really was a huge problem and we have to do is just look at the amount of convictions that's been in u.k. calls for the amount of suicide almost if i would put it in the u.k. the carried out suicide bombings are broad the numbers of frightening you know i did research looking at the terrorist convictions between ninety ninety nine and two thousand and nine and you're looking at iraq hundred twenty people both times through just in this country alone who've been convicted in british courts we always stress that it's a very very small minority but of course only takes a very small minority to create a huge problem imo is what we have and i think generally across western europe. r.t. dot com is where you'll find more stories plenty else lined up for you too you plus
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a couple. a quarter of a century after mankind's force nuclear accident brings you moving in-depth coverage of the turn awful tragedy and its aftermath will take you inside to discern the explosions with some haunting images and bad ground reports from those who were there. and the social network khalidi hotspot why a pro way for a mayor wants to retire his island and call it facebook the hope of poking more tourists to see if they like at last check out our latest videos at our. please.
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download the official anti happily cation your i phone or my pod touch from the top story. geology life on the go. video on demand parties mine comes and r.s.s. feeds now in the palm of your. question on the dot com and today's choked cities were all encouraged to ease traffic and take public transport of but in russia that can carry some serious risks shuttle buses are cheap and frequent but in some places they are involved in up to half of all road accidents often with lethal consequences down as well as he has been finding out why. the high speed chase and the miracle but no one was killed for more than ten minutes volgograd police pursued the speeding shuttle bus which
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had a drunk driver at the wheel. another shocking example this race between two million buses in central russia that left the teen people injured according to police in some russian cities shuttle burned certain bald to more than half of all road accidents we are in the us these could southern russia and as you can see shuttle buses are very popular here the cost is less than a dollar per ride but just like anywhere else in the country this type of transportation is fraught with danger moves chortle vans belong to private companies where drivers are often overworked and underpaid some of them try to get behind the wheel drunk a worse was illegal this year alone who performed forty random checks and found twenty seven drivers who were using drugs. for just one day he caught up living in moscow parked his car and took a shuttle bus to work he says he almost got killed. for serious violations in a row very risky ones to run into
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a red light going the wrong way i was so scared i was ready to grab the guy by the hand and make him pull over i mean while authorities in the r.c.c. claim that they found a solution to the struggle bus problem a trendy high tech one. at this year we are equipping all shuttle buses with satellite tracking equipment and video cameras to help us deal with complaints on a case by case basis no matter how own press of these plans are it's still unclear how this big brother approved will look back the situation on the roads but with the rising number of shuttle bus relates deaths and injuries it may be once loose cutting down the carnage there's a lot skill our team never seeks. well that's some of the hour's other world news now the funeral of a leading hindu spiritual leader is underway in thousands of duties including top politicians and celebrities gathered to say goodbye. religions most
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important figures and many people believed he was a living god others saw the miracles he supposedly performed as merely stunts baba who was eighty five died of a heart attack on sunday. rico's new government has launched an investigation into its suppressant a statement said lauren babo is accused of crimes and a fan says but didn't give any details he was arrested by forces loyal to the new president. after five months of post-election conflict refused to cede power even though we're tara was internationally recognized as a winner. it security officials say a pipeline carrying gas to israel in jordan has exploded after an armed attack a blast reportedly sent flames shooting into the air and forced a pipeline to be shut down it's been a town before last month gunmen planted explosives which failed to detonate. here
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weather continues to batter of central u.s. states leaving dozens of people dead and hundreds of homes destroyed turn nato's heavy rains and massive flooding are passing from texas to kentucky arkansas is bracing for another bout of storms which are so far killed at least ten people tanks and military hardware have been on the streets of moscow but for purely peaceful reasons in around two weeks russia will commemorate the sixty sixth anniversary of the defeat of nazi germany sarah firth joined the parade preparations. this is loaded. to. say the right. way not. just taking part in this is the right place. with. the big. bad making that way out was a red but both days. and i'll say of course but the sixty fifth anniversary of the great patriotic will this great. very got to be no less spectacular that's
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pretty good give you an idea this is a celebration we have tonight both today so made. sarah ferguson there well we are today to and let's now check out what's happening in the world of business kareen is here. well consider a business bulletin b.p. may finally resolve its dispute with its russian oil partner tank a says it's ready to sell its stake in the joint venture this is one of the partners in the they are consortium which owns fifty percent of tank he says the sale will be possible if
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they offered a good price they are had earlier refused b.p.'s twenty seven billion dollars offer and suggested the price should be forty billion dollars he wants to buy out its russian partners after a r block the british firms share swap and i'll take exploration deal with little sniffs. they are shipping and drilling company in wal-mart's could join the exploration of russia's few rich off shore fields russia's prime minister had invited the company to consider projects of the black sea and the car east as proposed in pointed to maersk expertise which could help develop hard to reach but promising offshore fields the company already hopes russia's largest private or producer look at oil to drill wells in the caspian sea now despite growing oil prices the russian government is still struggling to curb its budget deficit finance minister alex because it says that deficit free budget will only be possible if the price of oil stays around one hundred twenty dollars
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a barrel the ministry calculates that if oil dipped to ninety three dollars a barrel russia would place a budget deficit of two to two and a half percent of g.d.p. but strategists economic structures warn against basing forecasts on high oil prices. and prices so. see eighty dollars per barrel the government will radiate be around the considerable budget deficits until the end of the cape may be due a few percent of g.d.p. and to go down the deficit the government will show through. most of the promises which were given before the elections. take a look at how the stock markets are performing asian shares a mostly higher wednesday japan's nikkei rose shopping morning trading helped by wall street's overnight gains tech and electronic stocks are in the lead cabin gained over six percent as bad news from the firm's reported profit drop was already priced into the shares now elpida memory gain two point eight percent on
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news that will start mass production of an ultra thin drunk chief for personal computers hong kong stocks are also on the rise with property developers among building plants which human rights are the stock markets will start trading in about an hour and she used a close makes with the model six zero point two percent in the red. and russia's largest gold producer has boosted its net profit buying ninety one percent to three hundred fifty seven million dollars last year but kohl's results turned out to lower than analysts expected pocket watches forecasted to be up to four hundred twenty four million dollars on the back of surging to about four precious metals. now looking ahead to the trading session portfolio manager alexandra corp if koach lines the main concerns for investors actually there are two major themes to you the first one is from seeing the team season was full for
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a bold seventy four forty percent of their conference report to us for the first quarter they did better than mr green's but it seems to me you've got some kind of earnings look when you police them but earnings per permission for the investors come uniquely state employees that's why a positive reaction is pretty much muted and we will see you call this the commission with the european that will develop it seems to me that all the markets for. the foreign exchange markets mostly you don't want to you know. everything these days but on the printed on the russia saying it continued rally in mergers and acquisitions the market almost doubled last year and way home to prove in the first quarter of this year growth is still mostly driven by domestic deals but there's been a significant increase of foreign companies taking pot shots from k p m g russia pinpoints the main reasons. while we see activity in primarily all sectors may be
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safe. i think the most interesting opportunities are in the consumer market space and the natural resource base natural resource essentially driven by you know access for raw materials and really a need for capital to invest in russia resources consumer markets driven more by local consolidation the key players in russia as well as strategic interest looking for a foothold in some of the russian markets i think include retail you're going to see continued consolidation by the local champions but fernand from groucho you know expects of some significant entrance of foreign players to the market. cash for clunkers program is wrapping up and less than two years one point two billion dollars were handed out so the place half of the half a million cars industry expert on ships says the end of the scheme is unlikely if i could not get fishery up to boston for sure there wouldn't be such a significant impact on the downside as it happened in germany for example last
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year when a similar program was discontinued and the major reason is that in russia in contrast to other markets it was introduced very specific conditions you could argue that this could affect the sales of off the bus in first place however hopefully by the time they will be able to launch their local store brand to be cool which has been announced for the last quarter or two thousand and eleven and gradually ramp up production so considering there is good and i think with market positioning i don't think it will have an overall impact on the overall market development and all sort of. and that's about the.
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wealthy british style but. that's not the type of. car. market why not come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with much stronger for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into.


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