tv [untitled] April 27, 2011 8:00am-8:30am EDT
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these are the images. seeing from the streets of canada. today. fears of a libya style intervention in syria violence continues in europe and the us are considering sanctions to stop the bloody crackdown on antigovernment protests. prime minister putin gets out of the use of force in a conflict torn in nations saying politicians are not practicing what they preach. the french government is accused of spying on its people and targeting ethnic minorities under the veil of an anti terror program. plus a breeding ground for terrorism explores why the north caucasus attracts those aiming to manipulate islam and innocent youngsters in sunni extremists.
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a very warm welcome to you this is r.t. live from moscow well gunfire and explosions are being reported in southern syria after the army sent in more reinforcements in a crackdown against the anti government protesters the un has condemned the wave of government led violence and is urging an investigation washington meantime is calling for sanctions he's called a sliver of reports many fear that the west is getting ready for yet another intervention. according to human rights groups at least four hundred civilians have been killed in the last month of violence in the country and in the last few days alone since the lifting of the emergency law some five hundred people have been arrested now the white house is considering introducing new legislation new
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sanctions against the regime in damascus is a form of punishment for this violent crackdown the hope is that european countries would follow suit in addition to this in another example of the increased diplomatic activity and the call for sanctions against syria we are seeing in the u.n. security council debate over a draft statement that calls for restraint and also condemns the violence and it does see the stage for the eventual imposition of sanctions against the country it's thirty bucks of course by the un secretary-general ban ki moon for an investigation into the killings against this backdrop and there is more concern being expressed by experts in the international community that not only the increased diplomatic activity against the country but also the possibility of a future intervention and that this will spark a reaction from arab states in washington and brussels where i guess there are a lot of concerns about the fact that syria or like libya is part of an alliance
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and that iran's is very wide it begins in iran some elements in iraq's government are part of a syrian regime hezbollah in lebanon on hamas in gaza so if the international community or united nations or united states are going to apply to syria measures all of an economic meaning a direct intervention or political tremendous pressures what they may get in return is a reaction by the iranian regime by hamas by hezbollah and others what the consequences if nato and the u.s. step up their operations in syria many fear could be the same consequences in terms of what we've witnessing in libya. and they have been but missing an operation that's a really be on the go for several months and many fear it could continue for months if not years really the situation in libya is a parallel to what we witnessing happening in syria today they were exposed to a suggesting that this could lead to the eventual supplying of weapons to the
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opposition in syria in libya we heard nato and the united states saying that the libyan leader moammar gadhafi is not a target now we're hearing some western powers saying that he is could the same parallel being born with syria so against the pretext of actually coming in and wanting to assist the local population and actually prevent to use this terminology a slaughter the waste could be preparing the ground for foreign intervention in syria party's political reporting the russian prime minister says he has a lot of poor approach towards bombing libya but a news conference following russian swedish talks putin said that because it is quick to act now to the cost. it's well known that i used to serve in the k.g.b. at the time the soviet union was waging a war in afghanistan and many of my friends served in afghanistan one of them was the head of the advisors group on a security bodies in herat one day he went on leave and i asked him listen sasha
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how's the situation down there and at that time our country had a very patriotic spirit we believe that we're doing a very good thing having this war in afghanistan his reply came back unexpectedly but you know without my signature not a single missile or bomb can be fired so what i asked i assess my success and my achievements by the number of orders that i don't sign for me the sound of chocking can you imagine hearing that from a k.g.b. officer at the time i asked him why he said do you know how many peaceful civilians perish because of these missile attacks but no matter what reasons are behind them sometimes i contemplate how easily decisions on using force are me today in international affairs and it leaves me gobsmacked and that happens against the background of all the fuss around the human rights and humanism which the modern civilized world seemingly practices don't you see significant contradiction here between fearing the words and deeds and the practice of international affairs and
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we should do our utmost to eliminate this imbalance. or french intervention in libya has a government have powers taking drastic steps all in the name of security. it's easy to persuade people that there could be a terrorist this that or a station it's easy very for people in february to believe well then they have a right to listen to my phone calls which they do they have a right to monitor my e-mails their facebook because they're really protecting us with armor soldiers patrolling the streets civilian observers say the french government's policies are a far cry from the liberte. if you leave or fraternity all details coming up in just a minute here out. there is any assistance it's bombing in libya only to protect civilians and are losing credibility month of strikes against colonel gadhafi forces is a person or compound has been a regular target r.t.
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contributor live out there thinks that the coalition has taken sides in a civil war to secure a lucrative future for its interests countries involved in the intervention in libya interpreted un security council resolution one thousand nine hundred seventy three in any way they want saying that's protection of civilians they're helping the rebels and they're hitting the deficit compound it's obvious that this mission is no longer humanitarian protected one party to a conflict begins there are there can you know of it called humanitarian now the countries who are involved in this intervention i party to a conflict and belligerence party it's easier to see why nato warns it will change in libya when the new regime is established a new leadership out of gratitude for the countries will save them from gaddafi would want to sign new oil agreements and also will allow nato to set up its
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military base on the territory of libya these are the double standards of this intervention why have an international law if everybody can interpret it any way they want. but france is stepping up security at home fearing revenge or types of links to its campaign in libya soldiers patrolling the streets have become a common sight the government says these measures are to prevent a potential terror attack as are is done your social reports the policies of scaremongering tactics of big brother state. soldiers on the streets with machine guns this is crossing the jeep here at fifty of europe's most expensive anti terror programs to for it what it calls the growing terrorist threats the government claims troops make the public feel safer but that's not what people think they look a little bit dangerous they can. use the force and the other way there is a good friday with god for the. premier francois feels his troops
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are required because france bombing libya threatens a terror attack at home you'll never find soldiers at shops chill recites government buildings train stations airports schools and churches but exposed to the system doesn't even work in the main feature of terrorism is that it's impossible to force see. real target is not to catch terrorists says one investigator but to monitor the public it's easy to persuade people that they could be a terrorist it's natural station it's easy very for people in france to believe well then they have a right to listen to my phone calls which they do they do do it they have a right to monitor my emails and facebook because they're really protecting us troops or only the visible part or thirty's can now read people's emails under
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a law passed quietly in february president sarkozy also signed a bill for police to tap phones without getting judges authorization to justify the invasion of people's privacy says one author because he makes france's six million arabs a scapegoat he has to make them afraid thinking that there is an arab with a bomb. here. down. the government recently branded muslims a problem and banned the muslim full. some already mocks the band and what they see as an arab witch hunt by going out in vocals and mini skirts there's also the law cost world workers continue to be laid off in the economic crisis. estimated prices eighteen billion euros each year enough to create a million new teaching jobs and embarrassed government and lists tries to hide the amount because it's very expensive because the executive can move resources from
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one area to another quite quickly it's very difficult to find an exact figure critics like michele coleman have dubbed the video system vishy pierrette vishy was france's first in the second world war it's spied and informed on people and targeted ethnic minorities. the french government today stands accused of doing the same to its own citizens the new bushell r.t. paris. well now france and italy are calling for europe's open borders to be closed thousands of immigrants arrived in the e.u. following the unrest in north africa many our community is hoping to be reunited with their relatives in france but the country's far right leader says that france cannot cope with the influx that's in our interview that's coming your way here in our. twenty minutes time. and some of them they will come they say we're in a democracy but authorities refused to show the real figures on how many immigrants
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there are there are probably sixty seven million muslims here already plus additional immigration on a massive scale each year based is an organized replacement of our population this threatens our very survival we don't have the means to integrate those who are already here there is though it's endless cultural conflicts you can be against immigration fights immigration stems all immigration but not heat immigrants as individuals i understand immigrants wants a better future hey i honestly say to them you can't find a better future here we're finding it hard to get a better future to our own people as it is. we are to live from moscow now europe will get its first direct russian gas delivered by autumn this year as completion of the north stream pipeline because it's and let's cross live to our business desk and find out more details about this with dimitri how to make good news here for gas supplies in europe that's
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absolutely true it's good news for both sides it was good for europe because there's that will see of supplies insured given the tense situation in north africa right now and the supplies coming from there for russia it's good because it will gain access to some of its most important clients when it comes to energy delivery without having to go through transit countries like ukraine or bella ruse and we've we all know over the past couple years there's been several conflicts between russia and transit partners which lead to violence being shot so yes construction work will be completed on the fifteenth of may then technical gas will be loaded in the summer and in water europe will start receiving russian gas through north st bernard to meet you will see you in about what about ten minutes time or so for business news i thank you. now in the battle against terrorism in the north caucasus it's not just russian special forces on the front line within the muslim community there and i do logical battle is raging between moderates and the extremist groups trying to lure people from bottle reports. a
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busy day at university in russia's north caucasus these students are learning about arab culture and language they're trying to broaden their horizons so a surveillance program will until radical islamists took hold on the move forward i saw the way his stare changed he became alienated from everyone the brainwashing teaches them to be ready for the next world so they stopped paying attention to this one by the end of university he had started to take food to militant friends and hiding in civil war to stop it he left home forever as locals say he had gone to the forest where i waffled on i ready felt something inevitable and sad was coming but i didn't know what to do i didn't have a chance to stop him when he left home from what she knows it was a month later the police surrounded a group of militants their data systems couple they were ready to surrender but
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their leaders started shooting to provoke a deadly gun battle in which they all died including ramiele in another of the regions capitals now take its friday prayers at the city's main mosque but this is a muslim community living under a cloud three months ago their leader a republican mufti was shot dead outside his home by muslim extremists. and as trish such i have had been a vocal critic of both your thirty's and the extremists saying there is corruption in the police as in other spheres of society but it doesn't mean policeman to be shot dead. when their ideologists say they are there to make people scared of islam i can't agree islam is not a thing to be afraid of the only way to promote islam is to make people see the beauty of it if you are scared of it they will refuse it so you put since the one nine hundred ninety s. more extreme forms of islam thought to come from outside russia have been growing influence. university staff are concerned at how impressionable some students have
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proved to be they say the region's muslim majority was not been made to feel alienated we need. to speak more about islam to show the russian federation our government our constitution all wars or they. do not do anything against islam has itself were to call islam isn't thought to have arrived in the region until the second chechen campaign started in one thousand nine hundred since then although widespread fighting has died down the methods of small extremist groups bombings and shootings have proliferated the question nervously asked here now is whether the radicals ideology and methods awards of desperation or growing confidence on bottom ninety. dollars of the come here on r.t. make way for the runaway minibus. find
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out how russian authours are planning to combat the raging bust are raging a bus driver syndrome. plus find out what all these military monsters have been up to in the middle of the night right here in moscow. and it's going to some other international news in brief for you this hour and an afghan air for. a pilot has shot dead eight nato service members at an airport in kabul the government was also killed in the exchange which some reports suggest started following an argument and taliban says it's behind the attack although that has yet to be confirmed it is the latest in a spate of deadly incidents that have occurred inside government or military institutions. egyptian security officials say the gas pipeline supplying israel and jordan has exploded after an armed attack in a city of the blast sent planes shooting into the air as high as twenty meters and fourth authorities to switch off the main terminal it's being attacked before last
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month during the uprising that forced hosni mubarak from power government planted explosives which failed to. hundreds of the military personnel have taken part in a pretty don't want to dress rehearsal for the royal wedding in london the army navy and royal air force were testing their readiness for what promises to be the world's biggest televised america ceremony prince william and kate middleton are to be buried on friday and around six hundred thousand spectators are expected to line the procession. but every day commuters storming public transport in russia take serious risks in an attempt to get to their final destination of shuttle buses are cheap and frequent but in some parts of the country they're involved in up to half of all road accidents often with little consequences. he has been finding out why. high speed chase and the miracle that no one will skilled. for more than ten
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minutes volgograd police pursued the speeding shuttle bus which had a drunk driver at the wheel. another shocking example this race between two million buses in central russia but left people teen people injured according to police in some russian cities shuttle vans are involved in more than half of all road accidents we are in the us sees good southern russia and as you can see shuttle bus is very popular here the cost is less than a dollar per ride but just like anywhere else in the country this type of transportation is fraught with danger moves chattel bans go on to private companies where drivers are often overworked and underpaid some of them try to get behind the wheel drunk or worse. this year alone fourteen random checks and found twenty seven drivers who we using drugs. just won't be caught up leaving in most scoop parked his car into a shuttle bus to work he says he almost got killed. for serious violation of the
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narrow dearie risk he wants to run into a red light i wonder on way i was so scared i was ready to grab the guy with a hand and make him pull over and meanwhile authorities in the i.c.u. cleaned they found a solution to the shuttle bus problem a trendy high tech one. that was just this year we are equipping all shuttle buses with sutlej trucking equipment and video cameras to help us deal with complaints on a case by case basis no matter how impressive these plans are it's still unclear how this big brother approach will affect the situation on the roads but with the rising number of shuttle bus relates deaths and injuries it may be one small step cutting down the carnage there is below the ski r t. i can always i check out our team dot com for more on the stories we're covering as well as blogs and videos from all of our trip and it's a look around see what's waiting for you at our web site on the dot com if you love facebook you'll love it facebook island there croatian island hopes to rename it to
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online servers to hopefully be a bid to lure interests. and a famous russian violinist turns and night one of the world's best violinists conductor so. has been awarded with the highest decoration affronts the legion of honor. plus a ready set roll an annual baby crawling championship has been held in the russian city of a two man check out article com for more adorable footage and find out who won. thousands of soldiers backed up by fully loaded war machines flooded the russian
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there's always business up a tree. thanks rory hello and welcome to business russia's prime minister has outlined new details on the north stream pipeline project which will transport gas from russia directly to europe but he says the first gas in the cultic seabed will take place in six months time i think. the construction of the ten billion dollar gas pipeline will be completed in just about two weeks time and in a children event this year the gas pipeline that goes through the bottom of the baltic sea will begin supplying here again consumers with natural gas together with south stream pipeline project it should enable stable gas supplies to a year bypassing certain under libel transit countries initially it was planned at nordstrom will it deliver fifty five billion cubic meters of gas per year to hear
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it but amid the recent events in north africa the middle east of course the japanese nuclear catastrophe under schooling output of nuclear power in europe russia says it is ready to further increase gas supplies to european consumers as fifty five billion cubic metres per year is not the limit for the north korean project from his written recent feat things denmark for cooperation on this project and has emphasized that the recent events unfolding in north africa and japan once again are that chill gas is the most ecological energy resource. b.p. may finally resolve a dispute with its russian oil partners as t m k b p says it's ready to sell its stake in the joint venture vehicle vegs and bet it one of the partners in the a arkansas which emergent fifty percent to eighty eight says a sale could be possible if they're offered a good price they are had earlier refused the piece a twenty seven billion dollars often suggest that the price should be forty billion
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dollars b.p. wants to buy out its russian partners after the british share swap an odd think exploration deal with rosneft. secret of the stock markets right now and european markets are pushing higher boosted by strong earnings results by ericsson and from makers investors are waiting for the federal open markets committee and news conference by fed chairman ben bernanke pushes up on the rise across europe is run again in more than three percent on better corporate results shares a finnish mobile maker nokia also jumping three and a half percent after the company said it would x. four thousand jobs. russian equities assuring a pretty different picture of the us is down point six percent my sixth more than one percent energy stocks are among the main loses despite higher world prices banking stocks are also on the downside more details now on those stocks and rosneft is one of the biggest losers down more than two percent despite high oil prices as we mentioned these c b is also down despite posting record high annual
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profits have more on that in just a second and gas problem is also down point six percent or better than markets. russia's second largest lead the b.c.b.s. posted a record high net profit of two billion dollars last year that's against a two point one billion dollars net loss in two thousand and nine analysts say the result which appeared to be above expectations was supposes by business growth and cutting allocations to raise the funds target moves the chief financial officer b.c.b. also reveals the bank is embarking on a new dividend strategy because we have this. side it that way for it to be will be . and based on its. earnings so the international standards the group results the russian standard are standard on results and we will be in a range between ten to twenty percent of our consolidated i.r. for us profits going forward for the next three years so we expect that this will
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bring a level of expectation level stability in investor realisation. russia's largest coal producers boosted its net profit by ninety one percent to three hundred fifty seven million dollars last year polish gold results turned out lower than analysts expected however market watchers hoped for up to four hundred twenty four million dollars on the back of surging demand for precious metals that is gold shares of. russia's top internet investment mail dot ru group boosted its net profit by sixty six percent to reach seventy seven million dollars last year the result was mainly due to reveal your ration and sale of its assets this is the first time the company has posted results since its i.p.o. in london six months ago meanwhile melayu shareholders have revealed plans to place almost seven percent of the company's shares on the market. russian government is still struggling to curb its budget deficit despite growing oil prices but as most that exit couldn't says it was only possible to close the gap of prices they had
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around one hundred twenty dollars per barrel for oil dipped to ninety three dollars a barrel russia would face a budget deficit of after two and a half percent of g.d.p. but economy strategist warn against basing forecasts on high oil prices. and the price is so. say eighty dollars per bottle the government to already be running considerable budget deficits until the end of the cape may be too often a percent of g.d.p. and to cut down the deficit the government will shaft. basic colab bandung most of the promises which were given before the elections when i was in south he will be back next hour with nothing more his next five months of silence. you're.
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