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tv   [untitled]    April 27, 2011 9:00pm-9:30pm EDT

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oh i'm tom foreman in washington d.c. and here's what's coming up tonight on the big picture. president obama reveals his long form birth certificate proving his u.s. citizenship yeah like we didn't know this three years ago when he was elected president so with this revelation will the donald finally shut up plus the state of vermont is the signature away from adopting a first of its kind health care system it would allow one insurance company the state of vermont to handle all state residents so is this the better option versus
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obamacare meanwhile the little people continue to get screwed by the huge corporations i'll tell you how if the supreme court today your right to fight back against small rip offs from giant corporations was just stripped away by the five conservative justices. you need to know this vermont is becoming one step closer to becoming the first state to set up a truly universal single payer health care system the robot senate passed a new health care bill yesterday following the footsteps of the state house and put passed the bill last month now it just needs to be signed into law by governor peter shumlin has already expressed his support for the measure there is one last step. vermont would need to secure
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a waiver to opt out of obamacare in order to build its own health care system and for lawmakers of introduced legislation to allow states in particular vermont to drop out of obamacare if they prove they can cover just as many people with insurance as the law would have added without adding to the deficit but surprise surprise republicans now don't like the idea that's right after bashing obamacare for two years they don't want to let states. it's happened their whole states' rights platform that only apply to stuff like abortion and gay marriage and not to giving people free health care for more on the efforts by progressives in vermont to change the way our nation delivers health care i'm joined by the july any reporter and blogger for think progress has been following this topic closely said welcome back thank you for having me tom great to have you with us. first of all is obamacare i'm calling it obamacare now because i discovered last week that the republicans when they went back into their districts none of them refer to it as obamacare anymore they're calling it the if they don't call the affordable care act
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they call it some five letter acronym so i think we should embrace it i think president obama should a person do you think though i think that's absolutely right i mean imagine if social security today was called f.d.r. care democrat care you know i think people would really enjoy the democrats really enjoy having that so i think l.b.j. medicare you know exactly it's called obamacare in ten years people really like it and i urge you adopt the first people thought it was crazy but i think we'll see any one of the details of this planet ok so basically we're vermont is trying to do is basically create a health care system sort of like what we have for the elderly americans in this country which is medicare basically what they want to do is they want to have one in share something like their version of medicare cover everyone in the state now doing that actually would save the state billions of dollars like basically by having one insurance company instead of having you know hundreds of them you'd cut down on paperwork you cut down on the profit motive which is what private insurance companies used to drive costs you could down the bureaucracy of having to fight for care and you'd let doctors do their. out in
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a very simple manner without having to fight with hundreds of different shares to get the paperwork to cover their patients so basically they would be saving their state billions of dollars by moving to a much more efficient health care system that covers everyone that's guaranteed as the governor said they want to become the first state where health care is a right not a privilege and they've been doing it for a lot less than what we're paying right now i used to live in vermont i lived there for about a decade and i remember we lived in montpelier which is state capitol hill nine thousand people and i remember bernie sanders was a congressman and first organized the first buses on saturday mornings for mostly older people to take a bus up to mt montreal just about a three hour drive to buy prescription drugs and the state would save there too wouldn't they be able to the ball cry drugs i believe you know exactly and they'd be able to negotiate better rates with hospitals and providers it's doctors i mean when you have that large a pool there's a lot of things that you can do with it that you can't have when you have you know a few hundred profit driven insurance companies all doing their own thing rather
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when you have a public service just like any other public service so here we have peter shumlin the governor actually ran on this and you know i knew him back when he was a legislature he's a good guy and he's going to be a great governor you have both the senate the house and pass very close versions that there's no doubt the reconcile woman probably next week someone will get this thing and sign it but the current law the current incarnation of obamacare which provides for this which a lot of people thought was a bad thing i think it was one of those brilliant things that president obama did this. doesn't actually take effect until twenty seventeen what do you think the odds are that the republicans will since it has to pass the house of representatives will allow a waiver for mot to do right now what they're trying to do and if i can qualify that we know that there are a couple of other cities that are trying to just say we want to blow out of obamacare altogether texas i think one of the carolinas. might that help or hurt the process well here's the thing as you said the current law basically provides
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a waiver for states to go and do their own thing and in two thousand and seventeen they they were to get a waiver from the health and human services department of the government and basically health and human services would have to verify their meeting a certain set of standards so when you have conservative states like texas saying well we're going to draw hundreds of thousands of people from medicaid because it's probably not going to get them away from something like that so first of all progressives shouldn't be worried that conservatives they say are going to go with radically regressive solutions but second of all we are saying you know what this waiver that if they can do it better then will absolutely give them away very well and remind allegation once moved after twenty fourteen and you know the only reason they can consider it is can't really because this simply be against that they can't consistently be against letting states have their rights to go their own way that's exactly what they used against obamacare for the past couple years that let's they do their thing go into federal government take the states where they're going to do what they used in civil rights that's what the states right now all of a sudden thought no no we don't want states' rights ok so giuliani thanks so much for being with us that thank you for talking with you as always and thanks for the
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laser focus in on this for all of us over there. the truth is the republicans are trembling at the thought of her not having a single payer health care system that could serve as a model for other states why because canada's single payer health care system started out in just one province scatch one one of the more obscure provinces and then spread across that country because people in other provinces demanded republicans fear that the same thing is likely to happen in the united states and will do anything they can to stop it or not they don't care about sick people. they care about profits for their buddies the millionaire private health insurance executives and donors. it's time for our daily poll your chance to tell us what you think here's the race question or might is close for close to becoming the first single payer state in the united states once this happens or both most of the states see the light their choices are yes the same thing happen in canada it all started in assess catch one
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or no republicans will fight hard for profits for their health care buddies rather than the affordable care for the sick so far more than half of you voted yes we're going to tell her to knock on a lot of snow it think the poll be open until tomorrow morning. coming up breaking news the president of the united states is a u.s. citizen now that's out of the way can republicans focus on the real issues like trying to figure out how to bring our jobs back from overseas. let's not forget that we had an apartheid regime right.
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i think from the one well. we have a government says they're going to keep you safe get ready because you're going to their freedom. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else here sees some other part of it and realize that everything you thought you don't. charge is a big. fight
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. this morning the united states supreme court quietly sided with eighty into a case that could have far reaching effects on politics business and individual rights because a hand was whether or not a class action lawsuit could be brought against a t.n.t. for offering up customers free phones and then charging them more than thirty bucks
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and what they call taxes rather than each customer who got screwed over by a t.n.t. bringing a thirty dollars lawsuit against the mega corporation and piling up hundreds of dollars in legal bills per person in the process a class action lawsuit can force a t.n.t. to pay out what it owes to everyone after just one trial that proves they were guilty of screwing a lot of people but a.j. and he claims that their contractors with their customers forbids class action lawsuits a claim the california judge threw out because that contract restricts the rights of individuals to come together and. corporate abuse in ways that that judge said was a violation of california law but the united states supreme court in a five to four ruling with a five in the usual right wing crazy suspects the court reversed the lower court california court's decision sided with a t. and t. and a slew of other corporations by the way who filed briefs on behalf of the t.n.c.
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and began the process of putting to an end all class action lawsuits as we know them so what are the consequences of the supreme court's latest decision to help eighteen t. screw its customers peter moses moses a is a with a law firm with mike happens you know at eleven lloyd joins me now to talk about this issue peter welcome thank you for your class action lawyers what will this do to your business. the i do want to differ i do want to sue more protection consumer advocacy in class cases iles to do a significant amount of securities arbitration and consumer consumer arbitration so it covers the gamut from arbitration all the way to a class action litigation so i got experience on both sides of the corner so. what is this is this going to. for a class action lawyers i mean is this. setting setting aside the people for who are
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the real victims i think in the us. republicans for a long time have had in their gun sites two groups the so-called trial lawyers in quotes and unions and their aggressively going after unions in the states and it seems that with this movement with this decision they may well be going after trial lawyers or am i completely off and in my analysis i think the right dom i think there's a couple different ways to look at it one is is attacking trial lawyers and again narrowing narrowing narrowing what is available the tools that are available to protect consumers but more importantly to me this is about escaping accountability they are exactly what their position is we can screw the american people out of twenty five thirty hundred two hundred tens of thousands of dollars at a time in those cases are too small to bring an individual case so to me this case is about escaping accountability and further narrowing and saying look now you can't come together now you can file
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a class case you can be forced to bring it on your own and we know that really raging up to the five figures ten fifteen twenty grand lawyers aren't going to be able to afford to bring those claims because financially doesn't make any sense so we can steal with impunity up to those dollar amounts and we're not going to be held accountable so if a company like united healthcare for example that has seventy million customers if they decide. had to do so or in one of the giant banks has twenty or thirty million customers if they decide to do something to add some charge in or something that's a twenty dollars charge or one hundred dollars charge one hundred you know and it's flat out illegal and i could challenge them in court for that hundred dollar annual fee that that you know that health care or that health insurance companies charge me but in order to challenge that now i'd have to go find my own hundred fifty dollars two hundred three or four hundred dollars our lawyer pay all the lawyer fees pay the core cost pay everything in order to recover my hundred dollars but
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and so now the company is going to say you know we're going to make a bet that nobody's even going to bother with this that they do will just pay them one hundred bucks and seventy million customers times one hundred dollars each if i'm doing my math right seven billion dollars that's an enormous amount of rip off you're exactly right and this is about legalized you name it and it's going to impact the american consumer whether it be hope insurance credit cards mortgages banks cable t.v. look at the list of who filed these images which are images means friend of the court and a consumer be. a big business corporate america it is a laundry list of who's who because they knew this is a license to steal this is a great we can take what we want up to the point where it doesn't make sense for law firms to take these on a contingency and the hourly component nobody in their right minds going to hire a lawyer to three four hundred dollars an hour to pursue even for ten grand yes so
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it depends which industry you're in whether it's a couple dollars surcharge and eight hundred dollars bill from your mortgage servicer that you don't see on your mortgage or that you're hit at the end of the year you name it it's not going to make financial sense either for the individual consumer or for the lawyers to bring their claim so essentially. you're a builder and this was in fact the you know what just prior point is the center thank you so much for being with us here today thank you for the grate. you've been doing corporate influence on the supreme court goes back a long long time and it's had a lot worse recently we'll tell you about how it's got a whole lot worse back in nineteen thirty eight remember we've talked many times with the fourteenth amendment the constitution was passed as the thirteenth fourteenth and fifteenth passed to free the slaves and during reconstruction in the a.t.l. eight hundred nine hundred sixty eight i think it was the year and and the fourteenth amendment says that you can't deny any person equal protection under the law and corporations used to be called artificial persons humans are called natural persons
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and so what happened is in the eighteen seventies and eighteen eighties in particular after the fourteenth amendment was passed corporations started coming forward saying hey we are persons who are rights under the law under the constitution we want the first amendment right of free speech or the first amendment rights of law i argued for the fourth amount right of privacy we want the fifth amendment right to not have to testify against ourselves and we would like the fourteenth amendment right to not be discriminated against and there was to go into a community set up shop if the local people don't want us there is say you're trying to discriminate against us as as everybody from wal-mart to waste companies into well here's what a few people have said about it over the years and nineteen thirty eight justice hugo black on the united states supreme court had the following to say he said of the cases in this court in which the fourteenth amendment was applied during the fifty years after its adoption less than one half of one percent of keep in mind this was there free of the slaves less than one half of one percent invoked in
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protection of the negro race and more or more than fifty percent asked that its benefits be extended to corporations. it's just gotten worse since nine hundred thirty eight justice roberts this is jeffrey toobin writing in the new yorker two years ago after four years on the court however roberts' records is not only that is not that of a humble moderate but rather that of a doctrinaire conservative the kind of humility that roberts favors reflects a view that the court should almost always do for two existing power relationships in society in every major case since he became the nation's seventeenth chief justice john roberts has sided with the prosecution over the defendant the state over the condemned the xs use executive branch over the legislative and the corporate defendant over the individual played of as happened again today even more than school as a body of judicial conservatism during a generation a service of a supreme court justice roberts has served the interests reflected the values of
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the contemporary republican party in fact justice roberts the roberts court has sided with business sixty one percent of the time the rehnquist court sided with business the chief justice rehnquist was head of the court up until two thousand and five they sided with business forty five percent of the time he court sided with business forty three percent as if they were they were in the court until one thousand nine hundred eight in addition of those the u.s. chamber of commerce's started filing briefs with the supreme court it just started three decades ago thirty years ago and you can see here the burger court forty three percent of time the u.s. chamber of commerce big business interests won their cases from eighty one eighty six when they went to rank was the court became more conservative fifty six percent of the time from ninety four to two thousand and five now here with the roberts court with sixty four percent of the time the u.s. chamber of commerce as they did today from two thousand and six to two thousand and one are winning their cases exactly the way they were on this is judicial activism
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on steroids john roberts and sam alito both in their hearings said roberts famously said he's not going to be an end. activist he's not going to make the why he's going to be like an umpire he's going to call balls and strikes nonsense these guys with citizens united and now this case making it basically impossible for there to be class action lawsuits are completely rewriting the law of the land and doing so in a way that only benefits corporations very rich people and the republican party. president obama gave into the bertha's today and released his long form birth certificate and all along the donald trump and fox news been trying to convince us doesn't exist here's what the president had to say in the nation's morning. as many of you been briefed. we provided additional information today about the
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site of my birth i know that there's going to be a segment of people for which no matter what we put up this issue will not be put to rest but i'm speaking to the vast majority of the american people as well as to the press. we do not have time for this kind of silliness we got better stuff to do so it's time for all bertha's to apologize for wasting our time while the nation's trying to tackle serious issues abroad both in you both at home and abroad right right. not exactly here's a burger king donald trump said this morning in response to the release and let's just say it wasn't exactly a media culpa take a look to today i'm very proud of myself because i've accomplished something that nobody else has been able to accomplish i was just informed
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while on the helicopter that our president has finally released a birth certificate. i don't want to look at it but i hope it's true well if his ego is any bigger they need a wider lens just if it is in the screen and heaven forbid whatever lives under his fahrenheit child up regardless it does light truck might be throwing in the towel and recalling his private investigators from hawaii but will the other brothers follow is this the end of the questioning of where our president was born or of his legitimacy as president to find out joining me now is dr orly taitz with the founding voices of people of their movement really welcome thank you thank you because the satisfy you is a time to sort of pack up and find a new job so back to being a dentist. well you know this is a step in the right direction and i really feel it would be as if i am on ground so you know what this is what her gave number two if you recall when nixon released
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what we gave peeves. he released a big fanfare thing here that paves everything is fine i'm a good president i have more important things to do you know this is just what nixon was a criminal our king and then and then of course and it was the beginning of the end of nixon presidency and people went to prison for it but there was because nixon was a criminal are you suggesting that president obama is a criminal. absolutely and that's why i brought the documents to prove it and if we can have a close up this is barack obama's selective service certificate showing him using connecticut social security numbers zero four two six eight four four to five this is it and you can have a close up this is a social security verification system saying that this social security was never issued to barack obama issue and this is i got him i don't think we
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need to prove anything else prove that he is committing social security fraud he is if he is using social security number that was never issued to him anybody else doing the same thing will be in prison today and the question is why nothing was done and i'm questioning the timing because i have it here that shows that you were actually born in kenya and. in fact you know i mean these kind of these documents are so easy the gallup poll today show the forty three percent of americans don't believe that trump was born in the united states if you go to you know there's a website devoted entirely to donald trump being born in south africa where his father was third looking for diamonds that you know there was some woman and that he's really here to try to run for president to try and reinstate apartheid states i mean at what point do you do you say an anough. it looks like you're reading a prepared statement and you're not listening to what i or that i'm telling you i
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provide i am saying the evidence not from here but from the united states of america government showing that barack obama is committing social security fraud he's using amount from the state of connecticut socialistic it's a number that was nervous around him and the question is when is the person who was born in hawaii and supposed to have a valid one from birth or a taste you are providing us with are you willing were certificates before that were clearly forgeries why should we take you seriously no i know excuse me i haven't provided you with anything. i mean if you are going to ever know you know you're not anybody else that's a fraudulent statement and that's a different nation of care that you were not you were not following the birth certificate from from kenya talking about what honest grandmother had so that he was she was there when he was born you never i always got that wrong but i thought that you know what i have actually i haven't mike leadings i have a statement from
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a kid yes and what do you do a close up on this this was the assembly of. simply of republic of kenya session march twenty fifth last year two thousand and ten where the minister james already stated that. they were discussing multiculturalism and the said united states has multiculturalism how else a young man who's not even and native born american could become a us president so it's a clear so you're still leaving other show in kenya president obama was born in kenya. and i also provide it and when you have one more close up here is those columbia records columbia university records showing him. by the contrast showing him i don't think university. on the a from from september one thousand eight hundred two until may of one thousand nine hundred thirty eight
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i have been out there verification same dates september of one thousand eight hundred two until may of one thousand eight hundred fifty in all of obama's faith personal speeches his stating that he went to columbia university and for two years writes he lying about that why is he lying about his wives and what if you. were out of time but i but i get it that this that you're not satisfied you've been very very aware of so we have a lot of hearings and i suspect that. you will draw this out i'm sorry we're out of time of the thank you for the hearings thank you for joining us tonight i appreciate it as we just saw president obama made a mistake thinking that actual evidence would stop the brothers it won't go to great lengths to prove that barack obama is an illegitimate president at least a claim to pursue if it is fake part of conspiracy or the move on something else like saying that his brain has been taken over by the spirit of malcolm x. and like to add that you know with donald trump just talking about why doesn't why
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does he spend so much time on the basketball court and how could he have possibly gone to college and you know the bottom line here this is this is all code bottom line here is as long as a black guy is in the white house a building that by the way was built by slaves there is a small fringe in america that will never ever ever acknowledges which it is. crazy alert golf course crime caper authorities have been stumped trying to figure out who's responsible for stealing several women's purses on a golf course in south florida finally they caught a big break when they stumbled across the person answers i had out of bushes turns out a slick handed raccoon has been the culprit and he's been stashing is bounties including persons golf balls and various food wrappers in his bushy right out on the golf course. one golfer even witnessed the coup and unzipping his golf bag and rifling
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through it for some goods and in a day this video surfaced on the internet that might show that same raccoon trying to wash his hands of a crime take a look. we rose and i'm starting to think that the record had an accomplice let's see someone who spends a lot of time on golf courses is hard to find these days mostly targeting women so it's a lot like speaker that was john boehner to me coming out or shaking up things this hump day with mid week and sort of skinny weinstein and even a harvard would join me in the ring after the break.


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