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tv   [untitled]    April 28, 2011 2:00am-2:30am EDT

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as america process of the arab spring we'll look at how radicals who are hijacking the revolutions could backfire and washington's made ally israel. the un fails to agree on condemning syria's red down demonstrators and russia says the move has worsened the violence. and the world's leading financial body for the exam marriages rate on the economic throne will be over in just five years when china rabbit brown. and india's new breed of middle class money rapidly rising generation spanners for finding business is booming.
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ten am in the russian capital you're watching r.t. with me or even josh america's voice for democracy in the arab states could see even spiral out of washington's control groups with radical islamic wings are lining up to fill the power vacuums which are emerging as artie's policy or reports ratifications for america's closest middle east ally could be huge. these gunmen mean business and they're upping the stakes just that little bit higher. education regime design is the enemy trying to stop us for interest in girls or but we always got the weapons we needed to fight the zionist enemy. and now they're getting more than they could ever hopeful but for me gyptian president hosni mubarak's being gone the borders couldn't be easier to get through to go the. whole world. who. have much more freedom to do whatever they like. and
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they doing it smuggling weapons into gaza the result two attacks in three months on a natural gas pipeline that supplies a quarter of israel's electricity which is why is the u.s. claims it's bringing a new tomorrow to egypt most israelis would rather remember just a year the eagerness of the united states to topple the former egyptian president hosni mubarak and bring about regime change as i want to meet most candid closest ally in the region his role the u.s. says it wants to establish democracy in the region but instead of democracy there very real possibility that radical islamists could come to power the u.s. strongly supported the opposition in libya despite al qaeda connections among its ranks now it's apparently governessing support against syrian president bashar assad but the wiki leaks website claiming that washington has been funding some anti-government factions what is afraid that if you go the way it was about the old
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can do exist so instead of in freedom we deal in syria we're going to islamist you swapping one dictator for what could be worse if and when radicals come to power they're likely to direct the arms at israel and it will be very conscious of the fact that syria is not libya and the fact that if you do decide to intervene in syria you have knock on effects across the region in iraq in lebanon. there is israel palestine what every new threat is on my face from an even more hostile arab world emerging from the president stability some experts believe the security of the jewish state is not under any grave threat israel has never been an unsafe place and one of the greatest lies mother and father of all lies as it relates to the israeli palestinian conflict is israel's been in danger of annihilation i detail in the three volume also worry brooke is a complete israel's existence is never ever been in danger from any
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combination of arab military force and they have these unlikely to change in any foreseeable future. but the fighters on the ground aren't giving up hope and their ominous warning is that is worse to come. and the time of defeat and retreat is over now it's time for the israeli people and the israeli enemy to. israel is keeping quiet amid a current of chaos in the middle east and north africa but behind closed doors they'll be plenty of disquiet here about how much america's desire to make new friends in the arab world is fueling serious instability policy r t television. the un has failed to agree on an e.u. proposed statements you can damn syria's brutal crackdown on anti-government protesters russia says events in syria did not constitute a threat to international peace saying the decision could only provoke more violence meanwhile the syrian army has deployed more tanks and reinforcements in
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the south more than four hundred fifty people have been killed since the protests began over a month ago and while the u.n. is urging us to gaze into the violence washington's pushing for sanctions middle east aspart say syria can be dealt with by the other arab uprisings. the west in both instances like the leaders they don't like and they don't like i said they don't like the regime in both countries however the situation is slightly different locally the regime in syria has some supporters will use you support this region and certainly i think the intervention of the wish in syria is going to. start in libya i think that would be very disadvantageous to the west and to the security of the region i think it will be a hindrance rather than a help even though everybody is claiming that they're stopping the killing but if
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you if we go down the line before knowing what we've done in libya. and the rest of the measures and indeed if we begin. an existence within these countries this isn't really just creating more trouble in the region. the west is gunning for iran and gunning for other regimes in the region particularly syria and i think the next one is going to be also. so i have for you this hour the indians would have cast a flash the new burgeoning generation of middle class or a nurse with an eye on spicing up their lives. and a new task for russian students although it's one b. did not want to get a high score is either scams warner cox. russian police have killed two militants who are being linked to local terror attacks in the volatile republic of dagestan earlier security forces laid siege to an apartment building
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where the man were hiding and launched a counter terror operation in the capital behind police say they found a car in the yard with explosives inside which looked like a suicide bomber's belt and other counter-terror operation was launched on wednesday evening in another region were two policemen died of three were injured in a shootout with militants. leading economists predict america's age will and in five years the international monetary fund forecast that after more than a century as the world's largest economy the u.s. will be used by china as early as twenty sixteen. looks at the sun's definitely rising in the east. when china wakes it will shape the world so sidney poitier two centuries ago. but american politicians in economists thought they would have a little more time to this news but in twenty years ago francis fukuyama declared that economic and political liberalism was the end of history the democracy is
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really all there is the final and most advanced stage of societal development what i was referring to was really the growth of a sign of universal consensus on the you know the just as justice of the rightness of the principles of liberal democracy that was really remarkable about our world. today the world but much different just ten years ago the u.s. economy was three times the size of china's new data released by the international monetary fund shows the chinese overtaking the u.s. by two thousand and sixteen that's just five years china is authoritarian you know half capitalist country growing like busters they do all these big infrastructure projects very fashionably high speed rail airports typical comparison to other u.s. and chinese economy use currency as their basis but using purchasing power parity the i.m.f. says that the chinese economy will grow seven point eight trillion dollars over the
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next five years the u.s. economy on the other hand will only grow three point six trillion this leading to the lowest world economic output by the united states in its history just seventeen point seven percent and some economists say twenty six c. is a conservative estimate in real more realistic terms turning passes a little bit sooner than that but that's only five years and i think this is huge implications and that it's those new liberal policies such as deregulation and tax breaks for big corporations that have created a huge wealth gap in the u.s. and held american development back. i read those bridges and they say that china's rise flies in the face of fujiyama theory china is definitely a refutation of the idea that you were brought. in on some sort of work so i mean here is an economy where the state controls and then all of
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a banking system most of the word corporations control investments which is you know twice as much as a percentage of g.d.p. as it is in the united states. so for us this a growing economy and in the history of the world. an economy that has lifted three hundred million chinese out of poverty while the number of americans living in poverty increased from thirty one point one million to forty three point six million and just the last ten years so would fukuyama revise this theory it's hard to say i still will bet on a system of checks and balances over you know even a good quality authoritarian system keelin for art see washington d.c. . person foreign policy watchers it's not as though america doesn't have the money it's the world's biggest military spanner and as analysts tell our t. other nations are being much cleverer with their cash but i'll give you a stark example. in iraq may have cursed nerve going to trillion dollars perhaps
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two trillion dollars worth of the us a cartoonish except for a string of bruises all over europe absolutely not so because the most folks because of threats will be exploited by russian chinese merely and japanese companies only take so much that you show called the contract in iraq worth it china the winter the government the pride i guess pipeline from western china and we're spending a single man for good so you know where to get it going to get at least thirty percent over because the better act so who's moved to do but the difference between a first spectrum problem and spread has been the area where meant that it's a medal. by the chinese. it's not just china that's accelerating towards economic supremacy india is seeing the growth of
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a new middle class whose appetite for spending is growing with artist chris reeder reports from new delhi. tejal is living the dream age of twenty eight a former investment banker is now running a restaurant and bar in the heart of south delhi then usable if i were to take before coming up with it from a father would have to. finance through this point some opportunity in this mumbai you can go to the caribbean but in the past ten years india has experienced enormous change and with a came a new set of hopes for the world's youngest population. he said market is huge the opportunity i mean audiences can spend money tales bars located inside this small one of around six hundred mega-mall that have sprung up in india within the past decade. good design. good. and there's a lot of money so combined the design. is going to. be
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today indians can get just about any international brand from hong kong to the u.s. to the u.k. it's access that is change the mentality of many to. ten years the people. that already. says the group is the. relation is there so people are not thinking in a very different manner india's economy is booming twenty five years ago ninety percent of the population lives on less than a dollar a day like twenty twenty five forty percent of the population here will be caught the fight is the middle class and with the growing income and you think a new culture of consumerism and brands from around the world are ready to cash in on it india is a huge country. one point two billion. and so even if everybody spends i don't be so it's
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a huge sum but despite the success most indians are aware that the country still has a long way to go and while things are moving in a new direction and there is a large portion of the population who is at risk of being left behind and that this trade is widening their way your dog which was getting richer and the poor classes getting poorer largely middle class indians and especially the young working demographic try to focus on the positive and watch with pride as their country comes of age and is able to achieve a global status they always believed was possible it's good for you would better for us. i mean early arrested used to think about leverage where population is a burden but now it is even the other relating that the more the people the more the putting bow of the more the mining the more they'd momentums power that is difficult for the world to ignore preassure either r t new delhi india was throwing you through some of the news and features i have got a line or it's. a touchy subject for you ask beauty queen who claims that opting
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out of a full body scan out of american air for laughter with a pat down that was too close for comfort. and a case of separating fact and fiction as alleged arms smuggler victor avoids fights to clear his name and he's lord of war reputation that's the story artie dot com and watch are on attaching video reports on our you tube channel. is he using. you to. be official geo location and your own phone on called talk from the i choose option
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. which all she is on the go. video on demand on she's mine field goals. and omissions feeds now in the palm of your. question on the call. america's national security team faces a major we shuffle the top commander in afghanistan general david petraeus is expected to take over the cia while the current intelligence chief will replace robert gates as defense secretary contributor wayne madsen says president obama is making a team which shares his long term military vision. one of the people being replaces our u.s. ambassador to afghanistan former general carl icahn barry who we know has. had a cool relationship with the obama white house and also a cool relationship with petraeus looks like president obama is basically cleaning house of anyone who might question his very aggressive foreign policy secretary
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defense gates has been somewhat reluctant to commit u.s. ground forces or even u.s. special forces personnel on limited bases in the libyan khan conflict so what we're seeing now is obama warning to put leon panetta who is basically a former democratic congressman he was chief of staff to president clinton he's basically a democratic party hack although he has had had served his term at the cia as a director and the other issue of course is making general david petraeus the director of the cia replace saying mr panetta and we all know that petraeus the author of the guy who came up with this whole surge in iraq in afghanistan is somebody that the neoconservative certainly like they even were talking about running in for president on the republican. ticket what this is showing is that there is
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a trend to militarize the central intelligence agency which is after all and has always been run by civilians it's been pointed out that leon panetta is actually the first democratic secretary of defense since one nine hundred ninety seven there may not be as much independence in reluctance issuing forth from the pentagon when obama wants to place the u.s. and yet additional wars in libya potentially in syria and continuing this covert war it in pakistan and possibly even yemen we could see u.s. troops children who are barely in their teens could face drugs test in russian schools the country has a severe problem with a number of addicts and most starve their habit early that is either a garage or it's drugs counsellors were you the focus is pointing the wrong way. this moscow student is taking a drug there voluntarily but there for russian president dmitry medvedev has his way hundreds of thousands of students and even school children as young as thirteen
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will be compulsorily. when you see a little a lot of parents are saying the compulsory drug testing is unethical but i think what's behind their reluctance is an unwillingness to face the problem with prevents their children from receiving proper treatment our country has not dealt with this problem compulsory drug testing in education establishment has already been piloted in several russian regional although so far only voluntary schemes for the underage have been approved countrywide field in part by an influx of drugs from a garrulous there it's estimated there are over three million regular illegal drug users in russia most of them under twenty five this by protests from human rights groups fearing this statement of young children by association with drugs officials insist this thing must start at school with. we want to catch people not when they are drug addicts and they're younger and just try drugs to ascertain whether there might be a potential risk for developing an addiction. their mission has raised questions of
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not just ethics but effectiveness and there's more and three rehabilitation said that in moscow his skepticism about the tests if you don't think it would have changed anything for me when i was in school i wanted to take drugs at the time so we just did towards the end of school i wasn't even hiding my drug use that my church. more the last being i am categorically against these tests i remember my own reaction to them test will alienate and provoke beings or making him trust those around him even less also some will cheat and that will give them a sense of invincibility. psychologists at the center say the proposal actually don't go far enough. i mean this measure will just give us the statistics of who takes drugs not the solution are they going to kick out all those who fail we will those students go what are they going to do to treat them. at the moment there are
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only one hundred sixty state sponsored drug rehabilitation clinics and. it worth one for every million of the population hundreds of new ones would have to be built more addiction specialists trained simply to cope with it upsurge of patients identified with a compulsory drug drug education and where will be a step in the right direction. to prove that beyond the headlines grabbing measure of. progress of people trying drugs or a. tree. every flick now it's a lot of stories from around the world the two main rival palestinian organizations have reached a reconciliation deal which will see hamas and form an interim government and fix an election date within a year the mass has been in power in gaza while five has been running the west bank
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for more than four years but israel's prime minister said the palestinian authority can't have both peace with his country and with hamas which has carried out bombings for several years. more people have died in severe storms which are hammering the southern united states at least fifty eight more killed in for nato's in alabama bringing the number of deaths in the region to over seventy dozens of roads are impassable while hundreds of homes are destroyed and a state of emergency has been declared the mayor of one town says entire districts are in ruins and its infrastructure decimated. a roadside bomb has dead made in pakistan's largest cities driving a bus carrying navy officials two passengers have asked around who was nearby have been killed several others are wounded and it's two days since deadly blast in karate also targeted navy buses the taliban says it carried out those spawning sam threatened further attacks. britain's prince william and kate middleton
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made a pretty wedding appearance at westminster abbey less than two days before their lavish ceremony the couple were joined by the bride's parents william's brother prince harry and senior clergy it's expected to be the biggest ever televised wedding with over two billion global viewers the last british world ceremony on the scale it was when william's father married diana thirty years ago. boss time now for the business news with kareena. welcome to the business here and i would say thanks for joining us u.s.
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federal reserve has cut the country's economic growth and raised the inflation forecast for this year but american interest rates will remain on hold because the fed's reluctant to make any quick moves to combat higher inflation or showdown growth to discuss the possible impact of the decision i'm joined by. ron thanks for coming to the program so was this decision a surprise to you know to quite know what the fed is going to do sort of some people in the market were afraid that the fed would move from this remarkable period of monetary loosening to something tight so that didn't happen in the markets are not terribly surprised if this continues so it wasn't a huge surprise but why does the fed so keen in supporting u.s. economy although we know that s. and p. downgraded the u.s. economy just recently they really don't have much choice at the moment the u.s. needs to have growth you need to get growth from somewhere and the economy itself is not generating the private sector the american economy is not generating fiscal policy i'm not afraid policy fiscal policy is getting more and more difficult
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because of that with us so that really just leaves the fed the fed has very little choice right now to continue with very very historic investments and also we see some critics saying that the feds are not doing enough to support the dollar but the dollar continues to devalue it's not what why is this happening and what could that mean for russia that relies on the dollar as well you know if you print six hundred billion dollars and you go out there and spend it and you can see new saving are going to have a very loose monetary policy when the rest of the world is already going through a tightening cycle beginning of tightening cycle then you're going to have a weak currency. for a long time so you know the dollar will continue to be something we can it's just a race against the border between your of the dollar quite frankly right now what does it mean for russia you know when you have a weakening dollar it means that commodity prices rise from a commodity prices rise that obviously helps the russian budget situation but you know russia really needs to have a stable oil price for a sustained period of time it's going to be able to manage its own macro policy in
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effect that we need to have a stable dollar per russia to be able to save the world price for russia to be able to follow its like with the simple for the weak so it's not good for russia at all a weak dollar has problems for russia as well you know the u.s. is exposing for inflation across the board of this world are going to china and it's also exporting it into russia and russia is going to know it's got a problem with inflation right now inflation is beginning to pick up. and having a strong having a stronger oil prices puts more inflation or the question is russia ok so going back to the feds how long do you think can they keep this week monetary policy it's going to get tougher over time effectively what the u.s. is doing right now is gambling the u.s. dollar as a reserve currency to try and stimulate the u.s. economy and at some point people are not going to want to continue to buy u.s. that because the dollar continues to depreciate why would you want to hold more dollars and when that happens it's going to get difficult actually for us to even keep interest rates low the market is going to start forcing those interest rates so it's it's virtually impossible for the fed to keep money from posing this leaves
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for an indeterminate period the keep it loose as long as they possibly can and some markets are going to say they don't want to talk about markets we're seeing asian stocks going up as a result of this press conference bernanke you gave us a look at we're seeing r.t.s. going out right now how do you expect the markets to perform in its pipe it actually gives a boost to the markets what's happened yesterday it does give a boost to the markets it gives a boost to anything that isn't dollars you know when the fed is going out and printing six hundred billion dollars and putting it into the market people don't want those little paper any longer they want to hold something else and that includes equities and russian equities. you know dollars and the they are the biggest commodity project exports in the world so people want to hold commodities and they go to whole dollars of it by russia but that. does not the that's not a long term reason why you'd want to hold russian efforts and be much better if russian equities and being stimulated by your russian companies changing and becoming more efficient rather than the fed just going to produce a lot of building ok roland thanks very much for coming to the program and giving
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this extensive explanation to it thank you and that's all for this hour but i'll be back with more and less than fifteen minutes from now so join me then. to. cut from.
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the moment when the world has changed forever. thousands passed to nothingness. thousands wounded. man doomed to suffer accidentally the land. that was the first but probably not the last military uses of this weapon. how many more will be come. chill in the car not get on in the future. twenty years ago in the largest country in the. disappearance of. what had been a tremendous to teach began to german.


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