tv [untitled] April 28, 2011 7:00pm-7:30pm EDT
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on the. video. missions for now with the. historic press conference yesterday federal reserve chairman sought to everyone when he saw his shadow and went back into hiding but only after telling everyone he was going to surprise surprise he created money the rich will get richer and the poor will get poorer and i will see the republican bill figure out what bernanke is really up to with don harold find out what rand paul had to say about donald trump and hear from the director of the dust he's making initiative at fuller theological seminary glenn stassen plus a special segment about my minus the hot sex with a preview of jacob deliver over sense the adam versus the man a royal wedding spectacular the dollar is going down gold is up and you're watching adam vs the man.
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federal reserve chairman ben bernanke he gave a press conference yesterday and as always it was completely full of crap almost everything he said was intended to distract you from the fact that he only has one simple tool at his disposal creating money basically our whole monetary system is a scam and it seems we have tragically accepted the idea that the rich will always get richer while the poor will always get poorer well this is how it happens. but it doesn't have to be this way pretty much everything ben bernanke he said was intended to fool you into thinking that it is essential to the economy that he creates more money when money is created it goes into the hands of a very privileged few first while your money loses value this is called inflation
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which really refers to an increase in flay ssion of the money supply not arise in prices even if prices are stable for consumers they should be going down as we naturally increase our productive capacity the price of goods should go down and quality of life should go up and it's not supposed to go up for just the well connected few when you hear about some exorbitant sum of money going to a corporate executive or banker or government contractor to sask yourself if we had a truly free market in the federal reserve then the exist could this person get paid that much the price of gold is fifteen hundred thirty six dollars an ounce an all time high and it's not because of a surge in jewelry sales it's because the value of the dollar relative to gold a steady measure of value is going down since one nine hundred thirteen as i was
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about ninety five percent of its value under the federal reserve system and under bernie's current policy this trend will continue to excel or rates there is nothing but gives the us dollar any value other than a shared illusion wishful thinking and a devastating mind tune in turn on cash out joining me now from deep within his secret bunker in order to say one of the fly over states to get a better sense of the implications and significance of ben bernanke press conference yesterday is none other than dan harel dan thank you for joining us this evening. so were you surprised by anything that bernanke you said yesterday. well actually i was. pretty amazed at the lack of any real questions he had asked i had to answer excuse me. there was nothing asked of him that was even remotely
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important there are a lot of questions i wanted to ask but one thing that bernanke he did a lot of in his press conference yesterday was use the word crisis i don't i think accounted for five times used were crisis and what i wanted to have someone ask was what what role that he felt the federal reserve had in creating the supposed price what do you think he would have said that well it would have been the same office cation that we saw that in two thousand and seven was the kind of economic your bonnet we don't know and a lot of what the fed has said since then is that no one could have seen what was coming it was an impossible thing to have seen this crisis take place but the the answer to the question about the crisis is one i've been looking for for the last three years adam because you may remember that the reason we had a supposed crisis was something called toxic assets. toxic assets you may recall run the books of all these banks and if we didn't give them access to our kids and
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our grandkids money to infinity they would pay down toxic assets and no pay down of toxic assets mom and pop can't borrow money they can't stock the shelves with widgets they can't make payroll etc well something funny happened after tarp was passed. the then secretary hank paulson judge secretary so we're not going to pay down those toxic assets now when you hear ben bernanke he speak of a crisis in past tense as he did in his press conference i wish one reporter would stand up and ask him what happened the toxic asset question the next question i'd like to have answered is mr bernanke you say you're going to continue into the foreseeable future now to continue to buy treasuries where do you get the money to do that where is that money coming from because you would simply printing money is the most incestuous relationship that i'm so i don't get our must have come from we the people who are stuck rolling a bag everybody has got a dollar in their wallet or
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a dollar in their bank account or the ones that are paying for it well it's worse than that because if the federal reserve prints money that we pay interest on and then they are going to buy the debt that this country is creating to pay for all of this money printing it is it's like it's like a ponzi scheme on steroids and it's a house of cards that i wish someone would do is raise their hands and it was a mr bernanke where are you getting this money to pay down all this debt how are you buying this debt with what the truth is he talked about his dual mandate the federal reserve dual mandate the truth adam is this they keep talking about unemployment and keeping unemployment low what they are or it was you you you what you brought up in the intro was one of the official economy. why in the world are we worried about one hundred percent employment why don't why don't we worry about making this economy more efficient in the first place because start by harm people at home we could hire a lot of people with a billion dollars a day we had that pay the federal reserve in interest payments every day you want
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to make this economy more efficient let us have our money back give us tarp back would stop paying interest the federal reserve and the economy could become more efficient overnight i just wish one of these reporters would get up off their ass and ask the question that the rest of us want to have answered so what do you think of the market reaction we saw the dollar plummeted gold can say need it surge what it what else what do you think of the market reactions of the press conference there were a lot there were a lot of preemptive fear mongering that things were going to go really bad no matter what he said well the market right now is. on a plane of existence i don't think many people understand the money printing from the fed has been i guess the word a look sir well the magic potion to keep this thing floating and i know that bernanke you said that he didn't see any material change in the market after they stop buying the debt i think that is nonsense i don't think anybody believes that now there's a lot of fear among big time investors and at the fed about what will happen to the market if they stop buying this debt so what does this mean for people that are for
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investors or would be investors that don't have any money to invest at this point where you don't have any money to invest. understand well for the economy for people who are looking for jobs it is the creation it's not going to help with the unemployment problem well there's an interesting problem with inflation you notice he mentioned a couple times inflation right now and food in energy was transitory he said is about six times now transitory it means it's just come and go and but for americans who are on fixed incomes meaning ninety nine percent of america the forty five thousand dollars per household a year in comes this transitory effect is not going to be transitory because a lot of people right now are having to borrow money from the future to pay for goods and services now there is absolutely no way this economy gets in any good shape for for people like you and me you know the little guys until they do something about this rant put in for a call or until we find
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a way to divorce ourselves from this monetary policy altogether and that's happening whether they like it or not one way or another if we go to a global field currency or a local competing currencies the dollar is not going to last longer than that would thank you so much for joining us tonight that was don herold of bay trade dot com and it feels like what we're doing now it's like watching the plot of atlas shrugged play out in real life without the trains and bernanke plays the villain perfectly. we also have some new numbers from the labor department today that might put a damper on some of the economic cheerleading propaganda we've been hearing from the white house and more in just a moment. applications for unemployment benefits were up twenty five thousand to
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a seasonally adjusted four hundred twenty one thousand for the week ending april twenty third you would think with numbers like this most people would be grateful to have any job and you would hope to hear something like that from public sector employees unions who work at the pleasure of we the people who for better or worse have elected governments that employ people based on valuing their services but that's not really the point of unions here the fine people of massachusetts rallying in solidarity with wisconsin union workers back in february well they had a rude awakening this morning yes the massachusetts house just voted one hundred eleven to forty two to strip police officers teachers and other municipal employees of most of their rights to bargain over health care by the way the massachusetts state house has one hundred twenty eight democrats and thirty two republicans but just a case in from house speaker democrat robert j. the leo was that this would save one hundred million dollars in the coming year by
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scaling back the health care costs of municipal employees apparently there was some opposition from local unions and even governor patrick acknowledge the parallel to what we've seen in wisconsin saying they should dial it down because that's not what's happening here so like good loyal partisan like these think that dial it down remember what we saw in wisconsin when a republican controlled state government did almost the same thing in wisconsin and it drew national outrage in massachusetts done by democrats but politicians get a pass by comparison. this is why big unions are purely partisan political organizations and other partisanship remember this guy he seems to be making a play at the g.o.p. nomination for president and by seems i mean making a national joke of himself but now his republican credentials are requestion the
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none other than freshman republican kentucky senator rand paul who said today in new hampshire i've come to new hampshire today because i'm very concerned i want to see the original long form certificate of donald trump's republican registration trump's lack of republican credentials to show how ridiculous is candidacy is and frankly how his strong showings in recent polls makes me a bit embarrassed for my party he was registered as a democrat is recently as september of two thousand and nine supported universal health care and described himself as totally pro-choice if this guy gets the nod bean of a republican would be completely meaningless but let's follow the money for just a second here trump's donations who do they go to all right total here that we have on record one point three six million to various campaigns
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across the country that's not chump change when it comes to the kind of elections that he's funding. eighteen thousand six hundred to independents six hundred eleven thousand three publicans but the majority seven hundred thirty one thousand the democrats so what does this guy know about the g.o.p. . frankly i wish there was a candidate that i saw that would be fantastic because i love what i'm doing fact i have a great club that. by the way ron paul cannot get elected i'm sorry i. will prove you wrong you twisted bastard and one of the ways we'll do it is with veterans for ron paul since when else our facebook pages just days ago on the show we have tripled in the likes and i like to share this comment from a fellow former marine from that paid timothy lafferty writes let's put someone in
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the white house that understands exactly what it means that the hearts and minds of the troops ron paul two thousand and twelve a man by the way to get a chance to mention it during the show when we introduced veterans ron paul but in the two thousand and eight primary race he got more campaign contributions from active duty soldiers then all other candidates combined the choice of the troops and active duty troops is none other than fellow veteran texas congressman dr ron. when we come back we'll speak with dr glenn stassen professor of person ethics at fuller theological seminary editor of just peace making a new paradigm for the ethics of peace and war and have a special for more information covering everything from bradley manning the birth of a no blood sex this time and now a message from your friendly local law enforcement.
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know sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear see some other part of it and realized everything you thought you don't. charge look at the big picture. let's not forget that we had an apartheid. i think. the the well. we have the government says they're keep him safe get ready because of the freedom
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. well the back to adam vs the man our next guest glenn stassen is not your ordinary academic from his writing to his political activism glenn is an unsung hero of the american freedom movement as a young man he was mentored by his father harold stassen who was governor of minnesota and senior advisor to president eisenhower he received a lot of criticism from republicans mainly because harold understood the problems of having a large military industrial complex as eisenhower famously warned us of and it's very well address a speech stassen the elder how it's inspired as
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a young republican in the one nine hundred sixty s. following his father's footsteps glen sass and challenge his friends including the young mitch mcconnell so not. be swayed by the military industrial complex he also broke ranks with many fellow southern baptist when he marched on washington d.c. with martin luther king jr joining the call for peace and he writes interestingly glenn is known as the inspiration that led the hollywood writers of t.v. series twenty four to get jack bauer's character to stop torturing he is the author of dozens of articles and books in his newest just peacemaking ten practices for abolishing war is a must read bernd's now from pasadena california the director of the just peacemaking initiative at fuller theological seminary glenn sasson thanks so much for being with us tonight. i thanks for the great interview actually you've done some research well i want to ask you about what's going on in afghanistan we saw the recent attack by and all afghan pilot twenty year veteran of the force there
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seem like you know it's hard to tell the details from the reports look like the staff but we've had seven such incidents recently of afghan soldiers turning on fellow soldiers or u.s. personnel there what does this say about the morality of our policy in afghanistan as your set up rightly said morality for me means something constructive and so it means just peacemaking rankin says you know when obama made his nobel award speech he named all ten practices of just peacemaking so you know one of the practices is he implying any of them was and is he employing any of them. well now and then he's improved relations with muslims generally by showing some respect and acknowledging some of our past problems with them and that's one of the pride is just acknowledge your own complicity so and therefore the huge explosion in the number of international terrorist incidents that have happened under bush from two hundred
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a year to fourteen thousand a year now is slowly reducing so he's he's done some conflict resolution with muslims and also acknowledging some of the you know arrogant stuff that was done when your father was an advisor to president eisenhower want to play a clip from his famous farewell address for all that ok ok and the councils of government we in the car guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence whether sought or runs on by the military industrial complex the potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist. we must never let the weight of this combination in danger our liberty our democratic process so do you think we have in any way taken that measure of warning to heart if we lived up to the standard or have we allowed the military industrial complex to completely undermine our liberty in the democratic process and ronald reagan became president they the military budget was one hundred fifty billion now it's seven hundred fifty
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billion plus the other expenses that you know aren't counted in the military budget meaning about a trillion that's a huge huge increase my dad was of course eisenhower was a military hero my dad was a camp in the navy in world war two and i worked at the naval research lab in a mine and a small as a physicist but dad dad in his way knew something of the military industrial complex too so that we lived up to that standard is that i mean it well what does what does the states have we have we in any way protected ourselves or is this is what we're seeing today the worst prediction that eisenhower kind of envisioned with your father in terms of that unwarranted influence yeah i think i think we have succumbed to that to the threat the democrats live in fear of being seen as soft on some in the me or critical of the military expenditures and the republicans want them to live in if you will they keep insisting on this huge
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military budget which is by sixty percent of our you know our expect our expenditures that could be so and all the debates that we're hearing on capitol hill about cutting the budget and looking at the deficit and then adjusting taxes and whatnot and military that the defense spending isn't really being touched what do you think that says about our system at this point but well isn't it right that obama now is promising to cut the military budget with his with his proposal for how we get it rid of some of this deficit. that's what i've read that it's part of obama's plan to cut it down so far we haven't done it obviously but finally i think it's getting into the discussion ok mitch mcconnell your. childhood friend tell us about that you think. how is he developed compared to. what you expected of him as a senator. well he a child is not right but what young adult friends ok. ya is soon as he got elected
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senator i met with him and tried to encourage him to reduce some of the offensive nuclear weapons that are such a threat to the whole world and he said i'm sorry but i've already committed myself i really can't i don't have any openness he's committed himself to military expenditure as part of his way of getting support for his for his being able to leave isn't that simple sold their soul but he's not an open open mind all right so one of the things that we saw in iraq and afghanistan and for me personally from my experience in iraq working in civil affairs was that all the things that we've traditionally done are a lot of things that we for this only done under the guise of aid and development international aid and development are now being militarized a lot of those functions through usa they are being handled by members of the military what do you what do you think is the cause of that. but that's really true it's so militarized the policy one of the premises of just peacemaking is
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sustainable economic development and that's crucial for afghan and afghans they know that i mean they joblessness is huge the economic aid is huge they need to rebuild their country but that doesn't need to be rebuilt by americans and he's rebuilt by afghans who and get some jobs doing that and so they know that but just the way overwhelming u.s. expenditure is for troops that are firing unfolds instead of economic paid and the economic aid gets run by the military so so it then gets causes anger by afghans who are traditionally hostile to foreign intervention outstanding thank you so much for joining science i really appreciate your time ok but that was director of just peacemaking initiative at fuller theological seminary glenn stassen. as it so now we have a special segment of for more information i found my from feedback with you the
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viewer we watch were when we have our episodes post on it's and we actually read every comment at least within the first twenty four hours and so i'd like to share and respond to some of those right here this from you tube admin sucks ass. i know we're getting close but we're going to try to keep it clean today as an aging cold warrior it is so odd to watch free speech on russia today and hardcore propaganda on m.s.n. b c fox c.b.s. etc thank you it's nice to know that's being appreciated our guest from yesterday jim hansen talking about bradley manning also involved a certain reaction from maybe zero when he said the american military is the greatest force for good in the world seriously adam where do you find these people mad max one eighty seven wrote where did you find this war are out on paul wolfowitz a neo con university makes neo con nancy look like a bleeding heart liberal. so going to facebook now mark is wired our
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rights so on the day chairman of the fed ben bernanke is having a press conference the white house decides to take away attention from that and release the president's birth certificate for those of you that haven't been following the story yesterday donald trump the credit for the president having released his birth certificate after all these years and it does strike me a little odd this time we live it just so happened to be the day of the ben bernanke you press conference don't pay attention to the important issues here's a little birth scandal and here's a little donald trump and his ridiculousness for you kim shady also by facebook writes we will remain a nation of presumed guilty until the people once again understand natural laws and this is in regards to bradley manning and obama's statement about insane because in the guilt she writes incarceration rates per one hundred thousand citizens usa seven hundred fifty four islamised saudi arabia one hundred seventy eight hominess
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to china one hundred twenty germany eighty five japan fifty nine now this is really fascinating as i've done some research on this and i verified kim's numbers from the bureau of justice statistics in the justice policy institute. and as we measure of the united states here with one in one hundred thirty eight people now in jail more than two point one million u.s. citizens in prison we are the least free country on earth also on facebook regarding bradley manning john j. meyers writes the idea that we are keeping this guy in prison without a trial is an outrage i don't care what you think about him personally i think he is the daniel ellsberg of our day which is a good thing but the problem is like a been detained for years on end you have to wonder is anyone else going to follow his lead considering people now see that they keep you in prison for a year keep you for years in prison without a trial it's quite a deterrence against patriotism or even doing the right thing that's why it's so
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important to treat whistleblowers with respect and make sure that they are given the full safety that they're supposed to be accorded under the rule of law my dear friend and fellow former republican candidate for congress now a potential candidate for the libertarian nomination for president r.j. harris writes. manny may well have broken the laws i say may not he did but the presidential pardon author already exists because there just might be the case where a law is broken that needed to be broken or the punishment received was unjust you can bet that i would exercise this author already in private manning station my present exploratory committee turn into a successful presidential campaign moreover i would also direct the department of justice to fully investigate the events of man's incarceration prosecute any and all human rights violations following orders will not avail the guilty if only we lived in such a world margaret malik from facebook writes it seems i share your shows but no one wants to take the time have you thought about making some short clips of your show . others of zardoz wanted to take the time but we will we are disadvantaged i go to
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some of the other shows on this network and starting monday we will be dividing the show up in the segments for posting on youtube so also from youtube another comment here about negative neocon nancy jake delivered it was proven that he isn't in the con no neo con would support someone they didn't agree with he's worked with the liberals and ron paul and in both cases he has said that he doesn't agree with everything that they think that takes a kind of wisdom that more real conservatives and really rules need to adopt hey that's not true neo cons have no souls no morals and no guiding principles and they support people they disagree with all the time for the sake of political expediency but yeah jake's not a neocon he is however hosting tomorrow's show that's right tune in tomorrow for a special edition of this show jake dilbert resents the adam vs the man royal wedding spectacular featuring luke without ski and charlie beech and he's out of jail in time i'll be enjoying my day off by hunting down.
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