tv [untitled] April 29, 2011 9:30am-10:00am EDT
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liverpool's into. those weeks to just a ski lift and see how this. business really looks. five thirty pm in moscow user yards in the headlights i give is in syria holding a day of nationwide protests against the government with reports of demonstrators have been fired upon the u.s. is threatening action slamming syria's alliance with iran experts say washington may have its sights on both countries. russian security forces killed ten are militants in the caucasus region including the leader of a terrorist cell responsible for a number of attacks and it's the latest in a series of successful counter terror sting operations in the region. and
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a russian pilot faces prison after a new york court finds him guilty of conspiring to smuggle drugs into the u.s. constantini are shakos defense team says he committed no crime against america he was arrested by u.s. agents last year in west africa. more on these stories and more in thirty minutes time first though we bring you a special report on an expedition to the arctic circle stay with us. brushes north in winter nearly every road there is covered with snow. mush mush. anyone venturing across this vast expanse has to make their way through snowy forests of icy rivers and lakes and the old days local people use dog sleds and was the only reliable means of transportation. people managing dog teams are
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called coyotes they are both the owners and the drivers of the dogs together with the tourists they're about to set out on an expedition full with many extreme challenges. the goal is to come away from tame snow to a designated point in the arctic circle. will they cope with the rigors of the journey and reach their destination. the small village of color valor is the starting point of the arduous expedition it stretches along the bank of lake quito in the north of the republic of korea. early in the morning twenty people driving five dog teams and nine snowmobiles are ready to set off seasoned travelers and thirty sled dog huskies are joined by journalists and extreme tourism enthusiastic snowmobiles will take the lead.
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their task is to look for a convenient track and pave the way over deep snow dr james then followed in their wake. today we have a difficult day today is the first day of the expedition so we need to learn to work together temperatures will drop to thirty below so will be difficult this is the team's lead dog cheyenne and this is on the j.s. these two dogs are also experienced this is chinook and this is to measure. the ram cross on the shore of lake quito symbolizes the start of the expeditions first stage and serves as a good omen for those from of safely returned from a journey across the lake and for those who are about to set off across is there for a reason as the lake has an ill reputation you give a shit that legend has it that the lake takes sacrifices if it doesn't in any
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particular year then it takes two or three people in the following year. the trail winds through remote parts of korea's north the long history of this land is a mystical or. the expeditions destination is a point in the arctic circle sixty six degrees thirty three minutes and thirty nine seconds north of the equator it is situate. in the thick forests of the ancient land of popular ruled by a witch by the name of. the a temporary today is quite extreme but we have a lot of difficulties to deal with too much snow and pools of water on the ice and with the low temperatures today our job won't be easy and all.
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the great job guys nicely done. color viola was deliberately chosen as the expedition starting point. this village has special significance for both karelians am finn's. it was here more than a hundred years ago and finland's famous for knowledge asst elyas learn root collected numerous ancient finnish poems known as runes. a focus called skull of allah is based on them. most of the rooms reflect the everyday life of koreans and finns their joys and sorrows they also sang songs about their native land.
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drivers let their dogs have a rest each time they cover ten to fifteen kilometers but huskies are too boisterous to stand still for long quite often they kick up a fuss urging their driver to get a move on. sled dogs are bred by the indigenous of north eastern siberia and the eskimos of alaska the worst husky is a distortion of their skin which is the word americans used to describe eskimos but huskies are just an relations of the wolf from time immemorial they have lived side by side with humans in the north. distinguishing features of the husky speed exceptional insurance the ability to cover long distances without much effort and their devotion to humans their desire to always be on the move is in their blood. we have a good voice came going. the expedition makes its first long stopover in here is
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solidly house the drilling and several al houses are in the midst of a forest. nicholai to hala the hermit lives here alone without the perks of modern life. the good thing about life here is that you don't have to worry about electricity or heating again cut off i take water from a nice hole in a chop far wood to keep warm. and it is a fin by nationality and a russian citizen he's also a man of the forest as he calls himself he became a legendary figure in karelia in finland a long time ago. nicholai turned his life around when he was a young man bade farewell to friends and family left his village home and settled down in the woods. but were not so quiet here everything is clean and calm the forest is so beautiful especially now during sunset. in the summer there are
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a lot of people oh how slow and bustle i have already begun to forget all that. i had been here for twenty years already. nicolo relies on subsistence farming like many others before him he hunts and fishes dogs are his best friends because i likes being a hermit because he has not been completely alone throughout the twenty years of his life outside civilization. that's why has a philosophical view of his lifestyle tourists come here to visit him and says no they can always count on help peer. below well hello. many make a point of going to his house to spend the night there rather than in a tent pitched on the snow. here i brought you something to keep you connected i didn't want to lose it so i kept it in my pocket but it's
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a battery that's right and a charger that's very good at dusk only the snowmobiles have reached his sell me the sled dog teams arrive later well into the night. early in the morning of the dog driver begins preparing his dog team for the next passage he had been training his huskies for quite a long time before the expedition they had shown the best performance during the initial stages. this is a special ordinance for joints we use it on the dogs before and after racing to prevent their limbs for making and to make running easier. these dog routes are designed to protect their paws from the ice. they look ridiculous
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but the dogs can't do without them you shouldn't replace them i took them off for the night to let them dry. each dog has its own character physical strength alone is not enough for a long run the driver needs to motivate his team to do their job as best they can. the dogs need to feel his affection. and love to pan's on dog drivers they need to make sure they have full contact with their dogs is my right my beauty. thanks. meanwhile the expedition is heading north towards the arctic circle. hundreds of thousands of years ago this land just outside the arctic circle was rocked by earthquakes love us few doubt of ruptures in the earth's crust later to rain created by fiery elements became submerged in the thick of
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a vast glassy. it didn't come else until the onset of the stone age when schumann's first made their appearance here according to archaeologists an anthropologist to rigorous climate kept the number of people in each tribe down to approximately thirty members and those people led reclusive lives there was little contact between tribes. the centuries that have passed since then of course about little change the climate is still as unforgiving as ever few people ever in small villages there are a few roads right here the root of the arctic circle expedition lies. we trade that way. life in villages in karelia as north is still almost the same as it was hundreds of years ago winter in these parts last long and brings in its wake lots of snow and freezing temperatures any true karelian needs a solid wooden house a fireplace and several objects made of birch tree bark. in the old days was used
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to make all sorts of objects and kitchen utensils bags and shoes that was also used to make talismans to protect people from the witch lo he and the evil spirit servants did they made all sorts of toys which children out of birch bark one of them was called sure cannot kids would play with it and it was also thought to be a charm that would ward off evil spirits and the park is the temple slayer off of the tree the northern people spend all their lives surrounded by things made of birch bark the ancient karelian stephen barrett people rolling them in layers of the bark. one of the oldest villages in karelia is called soft coral it is on the bank of the saw finger river the waterway links to lakes it is famous for the fact that it is constantly changing flowed. softly and a river that links to large lakes this place is unique because the river changes
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direction when it fills one of the lakes the water flows into the other meaning when that one has failed to capacity it flows back into the first lake. where. even in the twenty first century when many villages have tap water locals prefer to take it from rivers for their daily needs just as their fairy tale ancestors on the color of our folk at it did when the rivers are covered with ice in winter people make holes in it with an axe. the water of caribbean lakes and rivers is so clean it is safe to drink straight from the source even the lowest temperatures can do nothing to bridle the mountain streams the hills are not high they are almost entirely overcalling with trees. from the region's highest point is over there beyond the horizon according to the caliber of folk epic that's where the old and
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vicious from which low he lived. a good go go go go mush mush great job guys nicely done. low he the which has given the expedition a frosty welcome bitter cold in a grey sky and developed in snow a shroud a recent snow for delays the dog teams. tell your child go. a timetable is now in tatters. the slopes have to cover the distance to the next stop over over snow. so it quickly lifted quickly we should all time.
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this time expedition members set up camp in the forest they waste no time pitching tents and making a bonfire at night they hold an emergency meeting. and adults cannot get to by such a room there will be a mass of snow on the way to the arctic circle it is ok for the snowmobiles not the ducks who go slowly any who take a lot of time to call the route. before they reach the arctic circle the expedition will spend two days going across mt nora near the highest mountain in korean as north they will then pave their way across the ice of lake partly out of the largest lake in the region and weather forecast is not looking good freezing temperatures and the way.
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twenty years ago the largest country in. the surprises of. what had been to church and then. began a journey. for where did it take. the moment when the world has changed forever. thousands passed to nothingness. thousands wounded. nursed her mother's hand doomed to suffer to the end of the land. it was the first but probably not the last unitarianism this weather. commonly morning will be come. children come on get on in the future.
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millions died here. and millions look forward to be helped and say. the pain and suffering will never be forgotten. as well as the joy of liberation. here a spring of nineteen forty five on our team. of. people riding in dog sleds and snowmobiles cross the pony r.v. national park before they reach the arctic circle they will make a still photo on the shore of funny off a lake the expedition heading there is taking a shortcut for. of the bad weather. exploration
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members driving snowmobiles resolved to go across mt new warren karelians highest mountain a demanding route by all accounts according to the folk epic cull of allah this place is the gateway to the mysterious land of qalqilya. the area is covered with thick forests of the kind you find only in sub-arctic regions pine trees and spruce has fared better than other plants on ice covered ground here the wind bring snow and cold weather from the arctic moisture and warm air from the atlantic this is why the foothill trees are topped with big caps of packed snow. in the old days locals pretty small and snoring and it's more than a symbol lashon has if a person had a sense of this place feared it the mountain is
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a mass of pure pain granite with droplets of course crystals and beautiful sight but when i started training the mountain turned last rent locals were scared by the unusual sight they thought they got to a crime because people had done something wrong and got them. looking people who were known to reason rooftop expedition runs into veil of snow. here people refer to it as the milk of loki which. visibilities in the soft snow does not support the sermon fields nevertheless expeditions participants decide to scramble to the mountains top. just by the free splicing on the expedition the evil forces of paul hill are still managed to claim a sacrifice one of the snowmobiles has broken down. hello the steering wheel is broken you're the base. that the
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connection is entirely broken. oh right we'll fix it a little should be ok for now. another snowmobile tows the broken one back the main convoy of snowmobiles heads for lake panic. they call most of the distance by going through the narrow strip that was once the old border between russia and finland. the old border divided the lake almost into directly opposite the famous new skit calio cliffs. the lake was formed by one hundred twenty eight meters deep take tonics fischer and the earth millions of years ago. my r.v. is a word from the language that was spoken by laplanders who lived here many years ago
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the word means road. for a long time the lake serves as a link between the west and the east but there was a time when convoys of dog sleds would take goods from sweden and finland to korea and russia over the lakes and with ice. and this is where smugglers used to store contraband they would make arrangements for smuggling them across the border and there was two way traffic in those days people bought it things money played almost no role here most of the trade was done by exchanging goods you. one of the outposts of the national park is on the lake shore there the expedition will make its last stopover before a final thrust towards the arctic circle drivers rarely leave their dogs on attended to in the stopovers huskies demonstrates a much higher degree of an juror and people who. they're full of energy even after
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a long haul the hyperactive behavior often results in scuffles between teammates. that. they sit. quiet muskies never attack people no matter whether they're people they know or strangers this is a remarkable distinguishing feature of the breed they show absolutely brilliance to their drivers they see the driver as the lead dog. yes sometimes they like behind but then this is not a race it's an expedition isn't a right sweetie but sometimes we have to discipline them sometimes we have to be current this one for example needs comforting. it is up to the driver to choose which one he wants to train for the role of lead dog a lead dog needs to be quick witted keen on hard work and how the ability to
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inspire other dogs with its zeal. in the evening the expedition's dog drivers decide to hold a dog sled race special finish candles are used to mark out the route on the lake shore young women are entrusted with the job of driving the sleds. people use their voice to control dogs during the speed race they don't you stick so lashes a goodly dog has no difficulty carrying out told us by anyone commanding the sled. grangeville guys. i'm good go go girl girl. season sled dogs are unlikely to stray from a straight line even if they're to this is especially the case of a short distance having passed the finish line they could keep running. good kid growing. another day of the arctic expedition is coming to an end.
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early in the morning drivers gather together to discuss an important matter they need to decide whether the dog teams will strive on towards the arctic circle we won't make it on time we have to generate a signal from this point before monday so we have to look and see if it's possible to even take the dogs this way. we should go here then by the lake to get there on time. with seventy kilometers still ahead of them the expedition decided to use name of eels to cover the remaining distance the dogs to save the trouble of crossing the harsh terrain. the arctic circle come across the different points around the globe the aim of the expedition
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is sixty six degrees thirty three minutes and thirty nine seconds north of the equator there is only one way to reach this geographical point any deviation from it will instantly change the figures. levels of. when to receive the masses that we have been registered. excuse me what does it mean it means we have done it and we are here now the gators pinpoint the right coordinates in a forest amidst a pine trees following a six hour marathon in snowmobiles a group checks their position within the arctic circle with a special satellite navigation device they're the first to come here and register the coordinates of the closest it is sixty six degrees thirty three minutes and thirty seconds launch it is twenty nine degrees fifty three minutes and forty one seconds. were made at last. if others make
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the same journey later all they need to do is simply retrace the route taken by the pioneers before them. were finally done it it's great over here for trying to argue that dogs are a match for hardware is pointless we must combine both dogs and emotion to the expedition's the dogs have lots of advantages those warm shady creatures would be showing their joy if they were here now of course they wouldn't understand the meaning of what has happened but they would simply be jumping and showing their joy . biotics the. way.
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