tv [untitled] April 29, 2011 6:30pm-7:00pm EDT
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hey guys welcome to shellings hell on the alone a show we've heard our guests not to say on the topics now i want to hear from our audience just go on to you tube video response or to twitter for fun the question is if we post on you tube every monday and on thursday the show your response is very weak late your voice be heard. you know sometimes you see the story and it seems so. you think you understand it
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and then you did something else here's some other part of it and realize that everything you just. heard. all right it's time for tonight's tool time award and tonight it goes to a man who i say is the king of islamophobia and no it's not terry jones he's just an idiot in fact it's frank gaffney conspiracy theorist and founder of the center for security policy who's now come forward with a set of ridiculous claims but this time he's targeting the most well known them or of the d.o.t. think back to when pastor terry jones oversaw the burning of a koran this march he went ahead with it even after canceling his plans the first
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time around after several members of the g.o.p. begged and pleaded with him to reconsider for sake of our wars abroad so after the boring really did take place we saw violent protests break out in the afghan city of mazar e sharif or u.n. workers lost their lives i one of the people who came out strongly against the book burning was general david petraeus and all that hateful intolerant extremely disrespectful and condemned in the strongest manner possible and that seems like a logical response to a hateful action right well frank gaffney doesn't think so and facts and theories as to why betray us didn't want the muslim holy book burned. general david petraeus. if you were with mr kerry. he. suggested. to
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the. you know according to gaffney petraeus is being submissive towards sharia law the code followed by muslims and oh my god if that's true that means a we disappointed that raises the head of the cia so now it's all becoming clear we now know the grand plan we already knew that obama was a muslim now he's brainwashed petraeus with sharia law and he's promoted them to be tops book really gaffney you can't think of a more realistic option like hey maybe we should respect muslims in their holy book considering we're in court of five wars in muslim countries considering that we're supposed to have the freedom of religion in this country so maybe we should support people who burn the koran and are intolerant bigots and yes it's true betrays has spent lots of time in afghanistan and keeping the u.s. military mission in mind he also has to respect the local community and their religion which might happen to also include shari'a law now next gaffney's probably
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come up you know accusing petraeus of praying with muslims especially after seeing an image of patrice interacting with locals like this one so holy hell alert the authorities petraeus is now under the influence of shari'a obviously gaffney is just too dumb to understand winning hearts and minds essential to our military strategy abroad and turns it into an outlandish conspiracy theory now gaffney has a string of famous as lot of other conspiracies like accusing c. pack of coming under the influence of the muslim brotherhood while that one is out there this comment about petraeus being brainwashed by sharia law i think might take the. crazy so far as outrageous accusations towards petraeus and toward islam in general frank gaffney it's nights to a time when or. now this week has borne humiliation after humiliation for the american people first the president the united states caved to a group of races lunatics and released his long form birth certificate proving he
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was in fact as everybody already knew a citizen of the united states and a battle alone was enough of a blow to america the bombshell was dropped that superman the most famous and super hero known to man is going to be renamed thing his us citizenship and issue number nine hundred of action comics so as you can imagine some people out there are known to happy about this but it breaks down for some details. superman is renouncing his american citizenship as a way to protect americans and better serve all of mankind and many people on the right are outraged so i am proud to unveil the new conservative alternative to superman the red statesman as you can see he does not have well defined eps so you know we straight to see from a burning building but only if you can first prove you're an american citizen and that you're not in any terrorist watch list and he's not a communist if he does save your life it costs a lot it's not running a charity like superman has he been but his only works on people who have never
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tasted pork make it easier for him to put muslims also makes him kind of dangerous to jews and vegetarians but he's not crazy about them either the important thing is unlike superman the red statesman loves america he just hates government the white house most of the senate part of the house have to judges all the unions the nation's point parenthood gays atheists evolution change and trump even fictional republicans control the joke back to you. thanks very core have more on that story during happy hour now just yesterday we told you how bradley manning the army private suspected of leaving private documents to wiki leaks has been transferred to a new facility which has now become available to the media meanwhile the co-founder of the web site julian assange is still in england facing his own uncertain future r.t.r. the rare opportunity to sit down with a saw to get his take on events of his upcoming trial and on the greater issue of
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transparency so as explains the artes lore and it has massive leaks which have already been revealed by wiki leaks are just the tip of the iceberg but only begin to scratch the surface of how much is out there but we don't know about. if we look at. the last. twelve months think about that so all these stories that have come out actually happened in the world before two thousand and ten people didn't know about it so what is it that we don't know about you know. there's an enormous hidden world out there that we don't know about until much much later on that he exists there right now you know the release of diplomatic cables we only released. secret classified confidential material we didn't have any top secret cables the really embarrassing stuff the really serious stuff wasn't in our collection to reverse it it is still out there so what
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is it. people need to not be comfortable. what they receive from me from the media is all that is happening inside states he's trying to get up an execution case for me to the united states the united kingdom wants to keep its a barrister levels wants to keep its good relationship with states. so if the u.k. was to reject a us execution order that would pose terrible problems worked for any country which appears to be harboring. trying to conduct its once. faces presence as united kingdom. does attempts to excite me to the united states when it faces a difficult position politically which is the bulk of the people who might give them support us. now wal-mart's here prescience this rare opportunity to speak with
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the weekly expound on the significance of government transparency the rest of the world has been hooked on a much more lighthearted issue which brings us to our next story. it finally happened today prince william and kate middleton got married and it was a big glorious excessive affair and you can be happy that two young people that are in love got married i know there are a lot of people who woke up at six am here on the east coast just to watch the entire event go down but the problem is if you turned on your t.v. this morning trying to get some other news maybe real news to see how the wars in libya afghanistan or iraq are panning out or to see what's happening in syria or check on the case of bradley manning well when you are completely out of luck there wasn't a hard hitting news channel you could turn to in succumb to or helped create or awaiting media so are they just trying to force us to care or are they just conveniently trying to distract us from the fact that war and we get leaks and
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poverty those are the stories that they would be covering anyway you're discussing this with me is ben cohen editor of the daily banter ben thanks so much for being here tonight and sort of ok first of all before we get to the serious business let's both confess our sins i watched a few clips that are awaiting this morning did you yes i was on the flight from l.a. to both small and a lot of little watch it came out there it was a big crowd of the most of the rest of it i mean it's nice writes a nice occasion is beautiful like i said she looks brave it's a love story who doesn't like that and of course there's an audience for it but i just don't understand why it's not maybe just a.b.c. that's covering it how come these supposed hard hitting news channels why is c.n.n. why does m.s.m. d c devote every single bit of the morning to covering the wedding i think the truth is that this is. emblematic of a corporate media system where you have profit costs where boy you know people who
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run these two. networks they know that this is going to generate you know thought six times this huge issue that the war in afghanistan with libya. or you know who the other stuff is going on in the world. this gives audiences this gives numbers so that's what you can see but i think that is that i mean do you think that as a people is it that we just don't know enough already because the media doesn't provide enough information about bradley manning awaken leaks or the wars abroad so that people just kind of let a trail off and they you know don't ever end up getting clued into the story or do people honestly just not like hearing about that news and wars and the sad realities of what's going on i think is like a pleasure pleasure switch you know it's like sugar and their sugar and we're kind of. resources back every day and now we have it on top that's why you have an. epidemic because people buy sugar and so they get this they can have as much of it as they want and now with twenty four seven media the incident you can have twenty
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four seventh's coverage of celebrity gossip which is you know it's funny it's a thing for you know five ten minutes fifteen fifteen minutes at most of them but you've got some people who just keep pressing that persuasion to keep they want more more more generous lots of money so they put it on because what we see is so we're living in a brave new world essentially we've already we've already gotten there but let's just imagine what if all of the media organizations would have devoted the thousands of reporters and i mean literally thousands of reporters that were in line in covering this royal wedding and i would have brought them to japan or to libya or to afghanistan or to iraq then do you think that people would pay attention more if it was just forced on you if it was there and you couldn't escape it the way that i'm sorry but we couldn't escape the royal wedding this morning there was no where you could turn where was in your face with us what route termism should be about it should be about telling people facts that they don't necessarily want to hear facts they don't want to hear about their own government. their taxpayer money is going towards that's what we should be hearing. media but when
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you have a for profit system. you can make more money out of having a play about what ok it's going to wear then that's what you're going to see it's a reality. where people. if you have corporate news channels can you only go to the internet i guess you can always go to r.t. and watch the alone or show of course you can always go to see differently but you have an explosion of blogs and independent publishers networks that are rising. and they're saying that this is enough is enough and we can publish ourselves now we have the internet which is one of the most amazing tool was ever given to humankind to disperse information and you have this massive explosion over original content of the visual reporting and look at being paid money to do this is well they're doing it for free because they are so sick of this kind of stuff and they see relentless celebrity. so let's talk about what we just saw joining us on here
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that you know wiki leaks really has just scratched the tip of the iceberg here are talking about the treasure trove of information that's out there. you know government actions that we'll never know about do you think that the governments now have deterred whistleblowers enough to think they've scared enough with the case of breaking leaks or is it doing the opposite do you think that we're going to see more websites like that now that you can see more websites like that you can't mess with the internet it's too big there's too many people too much power has completely shifted you know the you have the internet and the completely open access you're going to see a lot more of this kind of stuff. because it would scare the treatment of bradley manning it is a sign of how scared they are of this new world that we are entering of self publishing. organizations locating species can sprout up anywhere anytime from anyplace i bet and i thank you very much for joining us tonight go you know wills and kate middleton congratulation. i'm happy for the whole let's get back to what
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really matters every book that you write about and i just had my friday fireside write fireside friday and that no friday would be complete without a happy hour i'll be joined by producer jenny churchill and reasons my corner will return. let's not forget that we met in the park. i think. either one well. we never got the book says they're going to keep him safe get ready because.
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h.l. marvin here broadcasting live from washington d.c. coming up today on the big picture. new web site with twenty four seven live streaming news times what to do about the ongoing financial hardship unlimited free high quality videos for download. in stories you never saw mainstream news. let me say. the political. posts aren't just touched.
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hey guys welcome to sheldon tell me alone or show part of our guests up to say on the topic now we want to hear our audience just go on to you tube video on our twitter for part of the questions that we post on you tube every monday and on thursday the show long responses we let your voice be heard. to tonight's. i've got to admit this week was that sadly for me it's one where a really ugly facet of american culture was thrown at us it was rubbed in our faces once again and it would be wrong to say that resurface it was something that never actually goes away but it's something that you try to fight against something you try to rise against again instead this week racism graduates fear
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hate the ugliness that's what and it set us all back and it brought us all down we know that burger isn't isn't really about questioning whether the president of the united states was born in this country or not it's not about a document or a signature or legal fees or some massive cover up and it's a mask for fear and a deep discomfort of the lies within certain americans towards the other towards a black man holding the highest political office in the country don't forget the garage obama's election was historic the idea that a black man could even become president was something that millions of americans never see and it's odd too because if you look back to that election at that point people were questioning whether he was black enough they were saying well as mothers why he's harvard educated he's an elite real minorities can't connect with . but it doesn't matter where he went to school or where he grew up it doesn't change the simple fact that he also has to deal with racism on
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a daily basis even after being elected to be the president he still has something to prove he has to show his papers to be legitimate to be a real citizen to show that he's worthy of being except dr you know i can't even imagine what that must have felt like for him to have to give it to release that long form birth certificate to hope that that would quell his made up controversy and the fact that people like donald trump get the trounce around acting like it's their white right to have these genuine concerns that's disgusting it's disrespectful and it really makes me sick to my stomach and you know that the brothers aren't satisfied you know that they'll never be just waiting to a latino or asian or an indian president is elected and we're going to see this all over again but if you choose to deny that turned a blind eye and reject that notion then you're fooling yourself then you're allowing that fear and prejudice and racism and hatred to persist unchallenged and
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i'm truly sorry the barack obama has to deal with this let's go back to judging the president on his policies on his character which is reflected in his policies on his promises kept and broken and not a color of his. already it's friday it's time for happy hour and joining me for happy hours and ideas argue producer jenny churchill and sadly i think possibly for the last time here in our studio is michael going to hand senior editor of reason magazine and reason dot com michael is moving on from washington because it. really you're just not a patriot anymore you know you know you have very little superman s.f.
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and also the current record or all because it doesn't arms right now because superman is apparently giving up his american citizenship in an upcoming edition and naturally i mean republicans can't realize that it's just a comic book so they're up in arms and they think this is just treasonous and. i'm a little confused on why it took this for them to be up in arms because i've been thinking about it and how does superman have citizenship anyway i'm pretty sure he's an alien you started out that he's an are you here or there that you can write a story right there i don't know i'm just using you but he is from a different from mine or i am right kryptonite is not the substance for me but you know i don't i don't know much about superman i've seen a few of his movies and i know jor el was played before that was. you know talking yeah yeah yeah. we know that's i don't know and i didn't know he was american but it shows maybe that i'm not america i'm not patriotic enough but
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why and this is something that i haven't seen the script or anything i can see we're now seeing his citizenship what is the what is the sort of not he has the back story here that apparently he was silently protesting in iran and then the iranians took that as a sign. it was a declaration of war or firing pins and now he's refusing and she endorsed it. saying i don't want iraq to do america's bidding only abroad i want to be the entire world superhero the republicans just can't have that we need to move ahead you know republicans want to be in this on a different way or conservatives they could say that superman is critiquing obama's policy views of you the green revolution by standing up for the right or something stupid like that or they could realize that it's a comic book it's another possibility and maybe move on to things like that or you know i just don't know yet and we can all take solace in the fact that iran is still the bad guy in the scenario i mean we cannot. but it's never going to happen . let's move on to a story out of the u.k.
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whatever royal wedding crap and we have to talk about the english ban of this thing that seems to be coming up more and more often where reachin famous people get to get gag orders so that ugly stories about them can't come up including you know affairs sexual transgressions every want to call it thirty actors and football players have one interactions recently the formula one president what a ruling that his privacy was violated when they reported on his nazi themed yaks party incidentally can i point out his father was the president or the head of the british nonsupport it was true was walter mosley's it was his and somebody is angry that is what he actually gets so you can read it you. hear over reporting on his not the sex party you know what if we had that in america what with tiger woods look like now. well you know look it hasn't stopped any of them we know about all these things the latest one is andrew marr who is
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a political commentator and shocking figure he was trying to cover up a sexual transgression i was i was shocked that andrew marr was you know cheating on his wife because he's andrew bar and i don't know if you've seen that he looks like he's you know from double door one of these yeah come come on don't be cruel and he deserves it he was trying to prevent us from finding out about his sexual transgressions and i need to know about these things but it is the british tabloid industry so it you know doesn't sit there you would see that going on here well i think we are just regular speech think there's some really really big differences so one would be the freedom of speech the second would be that the tabloids in england are a lot lot more harsh i mean they're really really intense and they're using a law that was put into place in one thousand nine hundred ninety eight and i think it might have a little bit to do with princess diana. i'm not sure. i'm sure this is sort of providence of the law but you know look i mean it's true the matter is that the
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amish do not have a sort of freedom of speech kind of thing there was a kind i mean i'm sure somebody must have reported on this the guy that was arrested for performing kung fu fighting the other day i didn't hear about i was attracted to hate crowds is that is actually true story people who were arrested today because they wanted to protest the royal wedding they were protesting capitalism you know i mean i can see here. they are you sure it was a monarchy the insurgents i know that's i don't get is they're protesting the monarchy by protesting capitalism that's why they got arrested because they're bad protesters and one more story ok we have tonight is a video about piracy piracy is a big deal obviously the government thinks so but this is how they try to make you feel bad about it take a look. if you take these movies this nice woman right here loses her job i don't know her yeah these are illegally downloading movies because the bad people like her are losing their jobs making this a literal use is really you know there's a consequence to all this stuff i'm going to take you on yeah because you have no
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soul. because you have no so do you think that's actually going to work on anybody that kind of guilt i will never pirate a movie ever again ever you know i mean this is the most ridiculous thing i've ever seen first of all let's be clear here i think that if you steal that movie the person who suffers are probably the production companies that are making millions and the actors and actresses that are making millions and if not shame on them if this boom operator is getting laid off while they're raking it in are fewer movies being made now you know fifteen years ago than for the internet because that woman is being paid as the movie is being produced and i should read your your maybe you are really being made so you're right i mean people that are being hurt by this if anyone is being hurt by this and they don't of course marshal any evidence because that would require some sort of deep thought and maybe something more than thirty three seconds of like a guilt explosion that's going to stop you know downloaded one hundred seventy six
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michael caine movies because i just saw this i use you know video and i don't i don't use the word if you are movies are being made i'm pretty positive if you are good movies are being you know these days i don't know i mean really you know yes i mean it really is kind of sad because they're trying to guilt you into not doing something because they can't convince you otherwise and i found that usually when people don't have an argument you're going to buy they just try to make you feel bad and look at it if this goes any way towards stopping the production of things like the fast and the furious five and i'm going to start actually start downloading now ok here's what i wrote a letter right away or i'm trying to buy the more bad movie you know you pirate maybe they're you know those girls and i was connecting ok good i just want to thank you guys have a friday night's show thanks for tuning in they can come back on monday michelle alexander author of the book the new jim crow will be on our show to discuss the state of the u.s. correctional system and meantime don't forget to become a fan of the a lot of show on facebook and follow us on twitter and if you missed any of nights
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