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tv   [untitled]    April 29, 2011 7:00pm-7:30pm EDT

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good evening this is deliberate so known to some of you as negative neo-con nancy tonight i'm filling in for adam and this is the adam versus man to man war a wedding spectacular today is friday april twenty ninth and it should be renamed fantasy friday where the rags to riches stories come true we're going to have great relationship consultant caroline kelvin and my english mate lydia holcomb give us give us their take on this cinderella story we're going to cover the royal get wedding guest list who got rejected and why and now your volume is just fine i'm just not yelling you're watching out of course the man royal wedding spectacular.
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looks upon a time in a land not so far away in a time not so long ago does the top american girls to wait for him you know wait for their very own prince i mean forget about us men in uniform let's face it it's all about the prince. no not that prince. ok there we go prince charming ladies and isn't he dreamy and don't you just want to snuggle with an all night so anyways i get it i get like countless american women work up before the crack of dawn to witness this real life fairytale come true the horse drawn carriage the home wrecking step mother in law the rags to riches story and the
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dress. god it was fabulous and i know what all of us guys said all week long what's the point well we all know what will happen but see folks that's exactly it for those american girls who are disney perfection shoved down their throats they finally got to see this them live happily ever after this is huge for the american women and millions of women get their heart stomped on every day and every year by us men and they saw kate get her heart's desire she's an icon of romantic stature simply because she won she sang edward song of love and today they rest in holy matrimony. ah see ladies and gentleman kate middleton is a commoner she's from an illiterate family and they grew up in a mining town she's not even bores rosie she's not wanted a job brownie odell what are you doing i mean who would aren't there more important things to talk about twenty two thousand kids the guy every single day because of
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poverty three billion people are living on less than two dollars a day i mean to call the harbel things in this world the torture the war there starvation and we have to suck up like the mainstream media and to these royal elitist and grand scallywags i'm not going to have it and i don't want to be part of this and again another story for another time he is the upper middle class if they're behind their libya and spreading radioactive depleted uranium all over the world forgot say were you talking cracked the last time the security of england royalty families was with change the first one there in hanoi all a t.v. spectacle so people don't talk about the plan loon i mean christ don't mind can you please go back to production so i can finish the show on the guest hosts. it's a good idea thank you for those that terrific anyways there will be so many people are invited to this great event this wedding spectacular one of my favorite female
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vocalists just own. page os can i be your date and of course don't forget mr being grown i can send i guess he's filling in for the james bond character i don't know what that's about and sir elton john maybe you do well with john us now that there's a right while we're at wedding spectacular and don't forget about superstar sports and stations david beckham and gareth thomas i guess all the single ladies will have plenty of eye candy and. who's still chanting this i'm sorry we have to make some changes to the program since negative you don't cotton nancy over here wants to talk about the royal wedding let's talk about the royal douchebags around the invite list if you could call a queen a douche bag can you least let people see him first we have to clean beatrix of metal once beatrice sees not only a member of the treasonous cover of rome but also a high ranking member of the build a burglar who is the builder group the billboard group is a secretive loose of organization that meets once a year with the most powerful people in the planet world events without
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a mention from mainstream media so in other words you're saying me i'm corey i'm a builder of person she's actually also the daughter of the founder of the builder group prince bernhard a well known nazi i thought the nazis were defeated there's also prince philip also a royalty nazi connected notorious racist who's a part of the bill the bird group and bohemian grove secret society you have a right you can sell of these he prides himself on eugenics and population control many times stating publicly that he would love to be reincarnated as a deadly virus to kill off eighty percent of the world's population he publicly criticizes our families meanwhile he has four children and eight grandchildren and south now prime minister david cameron was there was a good conservative who like bill clinton barack obama tony blair and many other powerful politicians before getting into power also attended the bill the bird group meeting he has implemented harsh our sturdy measures on the english people and just like barack obama promised massive change but failed to do so so albertine also was there is another treasonous bill burton member media mogul billionaire
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they can build a bird's who is also investigated by congress for a massive money laundering scheme let's not also forget he has done business with the ruthless and murderous regime of chilean dictator augusto pinochet that henry kissinger put in last so that least let's not forget the crown prince of bahram who will buy that's bahrain the dictator is known for violently cursing democratic protest imposing martial. law and arresting doctors for the awful crime of treating injured and maimed protesters that was also al qaeda and many other dictators an ambassador is from countries with appalling human rights record such as wisely led saudi arabia as a bob wait were also invited of course this is a surprise for the british authorities that have preemptively arrested people for criticizing the world wedding before it even happened ok look so back to the wedding now and. oh my gosh did you guys see the kiss yes
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very deliberate oh my i let you guest host i don't episode to see you yeah one episode and this is what we get it is a big deal this is the royal where there are two reveals going to help you raise me . if you're ready. to the u.s. constitution sure but rather than me i mean you understand the basis for that document our country the idea that all men are created equal come on can help create a pop culture i know this country has always lived up to that ideal and it's taken us a while to really extend the protection of civil rights to everyone and we still do that perfectly but as a country our reaction to this royal wedding this is a step backwards this is a despicable i'm glad you're here and this is un-american. we should be spending the day hunting down people who think they can be in charge
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because of who their parents are and putting their heads on stakes not idolizing them we were founded by overthrowing the marquis of england this at a ration of the british royalty jake announced a treason. and we are saying aren't submitting to the what we are talking about on what you are turning bad words to lick the boot that stood on our throne as a country are you say a bootlicker rather than the the declaration of independence we hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal but they are now by their creator with certain unalienable rights that among these are life liberty and the pursuit of happiness that to secure these rights governments are instituted among men driving their just powers from the consent of the governed so maybe it's the consent thing here and that's the problem since no one forced the
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massive crowds to gather in london today and no one forced anderson cooper to pretend that he cares about hats and dresses. maybe he wasn't pretending. this is the problem and all you in the media and all you'll merican gawkers who cover the royal wedding without condemning the idea of royalty are lowering yourselves you know those people. you're admitting in that you are not equal to royalty but you should bow down and kiss the ring. and look at the floor. it's a fun to. take this is taking america backwards. the founding of this country or webbie was a leap forward for humanity. here people i mean come on it's a wedding it's a wedding for human dignity for a couple of single guys it's a wedding it's kind of cool i mean i don't know by adoring the royals who
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accept the role you are endorsing the most un-american idea that you should subvert yourself the royal i just say you know like a wedding i look at the drips and the kissin in the romance and you know like give me a boat ride a cabbage and a rose royale for conservative. work has been undone you know we should go alright alright already it is not only so we said it's not just you but seriously have you seen the way that the american media has been covering this thing you would think you completely lost their minds and there was nothing else going on in the world i was watching and i simply see today and one of the anchors was talking about the royal wedding and then go into the space shuttle story and of talking about obama's family being there and a little freud in slip accidentally referred to obama's family as the royal family obama is a dictator trying to destroy american freedom that's true c.n.n. you know how many people a sense of japan to cover the earthquakes and the tsunami and the nuclear disaster fifty fifty. great right yes you know ok you know me they sent to
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england to to london to be anderson cooper's little entourage one hundred twenty five ok hundred twenty for a good look so dustin put this clip together i would call it the highlights of shame but this is what you're about to see the last few weeks of television coverage from the united states of the royal wedding should be considered among the most of their scene moments in american television history and joy in this morning's installment of our royal diary series how plans for clinton and kate middleton's big day are shaping up some couples get married they're just helping out some bank would be nice not to give them a mortgage you have these towns have a number of palaces to pick from but let's clean. up have said let's the royal couple is this a piece of fine craftsmanship or what is a place for you with their pictures it looks so official if you want to brush up on your royal knowledge ahead of time n.b.c. this is launching a free royal wedding at for the i pad we got ours right here at archives all of our
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coverage of prince william and kate so from the american mainstream corporate media you get american saying. god bless the queen and i with the heart of our values are going to come out i mean this these guys america these are the people that you trust to give you a perspective a meaningful perspective on the world and they have betrayed you we've been glad to be a part of our to america now none of this is even mentioned the cost of the wedding to british taxpayers of about eighty million dollars and this is an eighty million dollars it comes out of the private wealth of the royal family that's the cost to taxpayers the royals will be paying a penny tiny fraction of that for a couple parties but the government provided security is paid for by the people the royal family is incredibly rich and the only reason is because their ancestors stole it from the people the royals over their wealth and status the fact that their ancestors were better at murdering and stealing than anyone else and they
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came out and became first place where it's a little it's rough history or so this wedding it's also being used as an excuse to beef up the police state and suspend civil rights including freedom of speech here is london metropolitan police commander christine zones they serve found a pretty face to put on fascism we would be wrong not to consider spontaneous protest but as part of our contingency planning but let's just make it absolutely clear that she's a day of celebration joy and cash in shape and she's a fantastic gay person any criminals potentially could disrupt teach us in the guise of protest or otherwise we'll be next but i don't trust decisive flexible and proportion of police in response. so break soon you'll have a pageantry whether you want it or not shoved down your throat whether you want to
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pay for it or not ok i join you in condemning the idea of royalty but you can still appreciate the wedding well then but hold on a second date you want to have relationship consultant here i'll go look at it i don't. think so and i have to they are we've got a very special guest coming up after the break fresh out of jail and still full of love charlie beats joins us from across the pond for an anarchist's history of the monarchy morelock and its explanation of just something got arrested for yesterday say tim and i didn't.
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yeah we get in a car ride. i think. either one. whenever god says they are safe to graduate because their freedom. from the. moment. it.
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what drives the world the fear mongering used by politicians who makes decisions to create through it's already been made who can you trust no one. is you deal with the global machinery see where we had a state controlled capitalism it's called. when nobody dares to ask we'd give our t. question more. in total we are on the street making some do the work to bring justice and accountability. i have the right to know what my government's true if you want to know i pay taxes. i would characterize obama as a charismatic version of american exceptionalism. welcome
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back to the adam vs the man royal wedding spectacular i'm jake delivered to your guest host tonight filling in for the adam koch a show. i think anyway is. it money more jake anyways thanks to adam vs the man conservator lucrative house we have a very special guest tonight activist charlie breach of the british love police he was working on plans to protest the royal wedding but was arrested thursday evening on suspicion of conspiracy and cause a public nuisance or basically nothing because you see the crowds and the traffic on the traffic that was blocked off today in london if you ask me the royal wedding was the real nuisance but worse than a nuisance it cost the british taxpayers millions of pounds whether they want to help pay for that nuisance or not as
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a member of the british love police or leave each has been famously using the internet a video camera and a bullhorn to spread his message of love let's take a look at some of this perhaps we're. your heart will live for your pride for your outer banks their life the strength for joy your life away your loving. people your life there are people starving for the force. of the pilots cannot. feel at the back looking like. nothing else. joining us now from across the pond is none other than charlie me farley thank you so much
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for being with us tonight. thanks very much for having me on the show and almost a year ago i was on russia today reporting from toronto for the g. twenty from a dystopian vision of the future and little did i know but this new world order dystopian vision would follow me all the way heard nothing people arrested but you're not surprised you were you were arrested yesterday preemptively for what really planning crimes thought crimes suspicion of intent to cause a disruption he's a regular tom cruise what have i heard no well i think they've brought in those weird cyborgs from minority report they actually watched one and only you tube videos and arrested me for pre-crime for something i may or may not do in the future but we always saw it was the biggest propaganda almost religious experience so pump and ceremony and utter devotion to this parasite which is a royal family and just as we see in the big round ups in china or north korea any
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activist with a dissenting voice was rounded up and kept in the solitary cage for twenty four hours but lucky to be out now i have to charge the court dates now and my big crime is speaking line mind charming me ask you because i'm a i'm a guy who i watched the wedding i just did a tell he's half a show about it i mean friday friday got a hijacked by these guys you know they pulled an insurgent semi right here in the studio now i've kind of like the way the idea of the pageantry it's a part of state craft it's a part of the institutions that govern and i'm generally supportive of that why should i rethink this why do i need to change my mind. well because the royal family as i heard you and luke discussed before and the let's not forget luke was actually denied entry into canada when i was arrested the g twenty but it's an entirely different story the reason why you should be a bit against the british royal family is because they are nothing but an inbred bunch of elitists pattern sites who are truly the one thousand year reich which
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hitler was almost dying for the one thousand year bloodline empire the british monarchy represent the head of the social hierarchy which justified the social class which justified poverty which justify the working class the middle class and the upper class and the people may see the royal family bring in hundreds of millions of pounds in interiors and money to this country very high psychological price for having this i'm not going to say what about us anybody who studies international politics today knows that the queen is merely symbolic figure she has a very little to do in terms of state craft international relations actually dictating policy she's more of a revenue gatherer and many people if he would actually come along if i could if i could interject i mean the queen actually censored a show went off fairly on the a.b.c. network and chasers were doing a satire piece prince philip and him being
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a racist and i'm not see sympathiser and the prince actually censored australian t.v. show so that's how much power and authority they have the authority on our side are a lot of if i can pressure when i go out and access i know it's our lives let's take a step back as you want to give us the advocacy history of the monarchy let's hear it. well the other because history is basically that the royal family are still the head of the british parliament we live in a constitutional monarchy and you may think that the queen has no power but every soldier swears allegiance to the queen before he goes and kills arab men for democracy i would never turn it off ricky spreading democracy every police man has the queen's crown on his helmet whenever you go to a court house there's a big emblem of the queen on the wall of the royal family i when i was in the police station yesterday i was charged by the crown prosecution service so it's permeating all of british society so for anyone to say that the royal family has no
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power just needs to look at these china style pre-crime arrest of anyone with a dissenting opinions are truly see the fake states of liberty in great britain there is no real liberty as long as you as long as you toe the line you'll be fine ok speaking of the london metropolitan police we have another clip i want to play for your gets a reaction this from the london metropolitan police commander christine drones pushing the operation taking action on the day wherever possible help us to achieve safety and security. we have been working closely with the office is investigating recent demonstrations in london and as you well well well conditions have been. arresting people including that they will not be allowed to enter london on the day of the what were you one of the sixteen peoples he was referring to i was the ninety ninth person banned from london and they arrested him. we didn't
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even get to be one of the first sixteen. i wasn't important enough and you know what's really funny guys is that they've charged me with conspiracy to commit a public nuisance and the evidence of conspiracy is here to you tube rants i made and that's their level of conspiracy both charlie i'm very happy to see that you're safe and out of jail but how did they how did they arrest you how did they grab you i know you went to the precinct before to tell them what you were doing but what happened to they come to your house yeah there i was hanging out in my underwear having a great time reading about a big day and a few officers with c.c.t.v. count corder strapped to their chests turned up at my door and basically just barged their way in saying we have a warrant to search this premises we've got a arrest warrant for you we're arresting you for the trespass for a previous protests which is just a political thing so my first thing i said was to silky my girlfriend who has been very good she i just said look this is a political arrest on a political prisoner under the british crown they've got nothing on me this will be
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fine so i got dragged outside into the van and disappeared for twenty four hours where only had my brain for company in a concrete cell so sometimes the only place for an illness to man's during a propaganda piece such as the royal wedding is in the jail cell behind bars and or david thoreau said something to that effect now in the what were you calling for people to do to disrupt the royal wedding. i was calling for everyone to disassemble peacefully in a place called soho square and bring mega foods and just make their voices heard with what i considered to be the twenty first century a k forty seven which is the megaphone it's a peaceful weapon and it's to basically enlighten people well ok ok how about this now it was kate and william's day it was the writing day and if you guys didn't want to watch you'd have to but the fact that they put it together and had the consensus there is obviously millions of people on the streets i don't why would you want to do that why would you want to interrupt the wedding it's kind of
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momentum to say i have no problem with two young people in love one think they get married but when we spend my time spears money and all the other people's taxpayers' money it becomes a propaganda problem and it's not an issue that we can escape the rule letting every single house all my neighbors go flying's and pictures of william and kate it's turning into an almost north korean personality cult and it's very scary when you don't like obama if you ask me yeah no kidding so what is the what do you think this says about the people of england it says that they have a long way to go before they can actually psychologically mature a soul for an adults and throw off the ship that psychological shackles of oppression and devotion to a parasite elitist a blue blooded family that thinks of them as scum bags ok i'm converted. to my o.e. i will. reject the royalty but i'll still surrender my oath to the constitution to be a constitutional american if you can give me that all right so i really love your philosophical
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perspective i'm a fan of your work the stuff that you do with the boers in the streets you sound so negative today though about this and down down on your country men well i'll tell garrison all we're looking forward to look into the long view tell us about that. well i'll give you some love the police that actually came to arrest me the detectives that interviewed me they were very polite very fair they treated me with utmost respect i think what happened with me the pre-crime arrest of the other one hundred people is a massive public relations victory for the resistance because an old a middle class media old the kind of nice high class newspapers and on the b.b.c. people are getting very agitated about this state is coming after peaceful people now and this helps wake up the masses that perhaps the state is trying to hide something of it trying to maybe sell on the agenda so the rest slight nine yesterday i feel very positive about that and it helps me spread my message it's
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brought me an extra one thousand subscribers overnight that is now in household name in great britain so thank you media i suppose congratulations on the boon that this has for your activism because as we know any attempt by the government to restrict freedom backfires and you're an actual example of you taking that back fire effect and putting it's a maximum band so thank you for exhausted i and thank you for the work that you do for love and for freedom in the world thank you brother you're very welcome and some more of the footage of my arrest will be released on lines of peace look up but on thank you for having me on senator i will we will have that footage for our audience all i wanted and while that was charlie of the british police fresh out of jail and still feel a lot of so. listen up america today was a sad day for our country the champions of bad old ideas put on a show for us in london and we fell for it we tune in for the big distraction and support subverted our very humanity in the process let us not forget what it really
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means to be american to stand up for universal human rights and dignity to fight against tyrants no matter how likable they might be to be a champion for freedom so let us turn back to our own challenges now and reassert the mission our founders leave before us we will set an example for the world as a beacon of freedom but not worshipping the royalty we threw off to declare independence declare your own independence by living like a free dignified human being who bows to no royalty that's our show thanks so much for threw it into adam vs the man said i always check battle vs the man dot com to vote on guests and topics and find me on facebook and twitter as always you can email me at adam adam vs the man you can catch this broadcast live as it airs at our. us a m u two this is out of focus from washington d.c. surrounded by people with it will.


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