tv [untitled] April 30, 2011 9:00am-9:30am EDT
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the u.s. sanctions on syria's political elite as the brutal crackdown on protesters in the country continues some analysts say washington's policies are only good beating the situation. russian activists sound the alarm over fissures and bullying in the army which is claiming more and more young lives. plus new york authorities cash in by policing the people thanks to a series of new regulations for fines for petty crimes.
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five pm in moscow good to have you with us here on r t our top story their eye witness reports of more deaths in syria as army troops backed by tanks and helicopters try to regain control over to besiege southern city of daraa at least four people have been killed there just this morning it's a day after the biggest and high regime rally ended with more than sixty people killed across the country government troops allegedly opened fire and used tear gas against demonstrators with snipers and officers in plainclothes helping to crackdown on the opposition un human rights council is getting the bloodshed in the u.s. led resolution calling for an international investigation washington is going even further preparing sanctions against the syrian political elite and freezing their assets political writers on both martell's r t the west is now playing the role of human rights advocate violence as a result of his failed policies in the region. cannot see is the wisdom to see the
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wisdom. of the. many in the fifteen. then you hand with this you quoted them because they were friendly to the west a friendly to israel friendly to our own interests or whatever and also to wage war in iraq i would only say that once you start doing this what do you see it's going to backfire and now it's backfiring and the hotel this is collapsing yanking the only way we can do is to stay out of that feature no matter how bad the event i just don't think we can't we are able to fix what's going to happen because what's happening to some extent of result of our previous party sees the united states as a tribute itself a unique i mean everywhere in the world if you hand intervenes in syria they consider that as an acceptable they didn't seen it in hong we damn intervening
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everywhere in the world including in the nothing carrier in your hand it's a cause and of course having wars going on right now there is a cauldron of syria and potentially at hand the problem is that those enemies i'm much bigger and stronger than libya so i think the other afraid of intervening in syria and the hand because they were ready had enough problems in the hike in afghanistan and so on the logic of their intervention in libya is that they should intervene in syria also and everywhere and potentially we would be led into agenda is war in the middle east. in libya colonel gadhafi has called on the nato led coalition to stop bombing and hold peace talks but a nato official says cut off a must first stop attacking the rebels the u.s. initially led last month's assault on libya but artie's military contributor says washington's failed to justify the intervention. barack hussein obama passionately lobby it and manipulated world public opinion that illegal
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the only way to prevent the looming humanitarian disaster was a humanitarian intervention despite contrary to that an absence of the hard core evidence or even the dispatching fact finding mission from you and your ass or the european union the reason no doubt it was a very successful lawyer and maybe some critics are prone to call him a liar but one thing is for sure until american president will realize the growing gap between his leap service to wanted principles and he's actions based on political exemptions and conveniences and american feelings we'll only become stronger oh across the
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world still to come here in a program a new way to balance the books new york city authorities have come up with a simple solution to their budget problems by creating a new set of rules and fines for minor offenses. first though military service isn't an easy task in russia young recruits often face horrific bullying upon entrance into the army human rights organizations have been lobbying and it's had to help eradicate the problem but as our he's got a good reason reports in some cases it's just too late we must warn you that this report contains disturbing footage. it's a disturbing so it's one that's on the horizon of russian. it's called hazing ability or is all too familiar with its consequences you can hear that in the reports about soldiers that rank physically and mentally are coming in every day. she runs the committee of soldiers mothers an organization partly funded by the
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government on a day to day basis her job is to protect soldiers from the harsh realities of service. protection rackets when a boy have to pay and now the soldiers say thousands of dollars a month to be able to serve normally to be freed from boiling unfortunately as we met one more cases added to her workload serving cove died at age twenty is a suspicious circumstances the military claims it was a road accident but his family want to know why forty minutes passed before medical attention was sought his loved ones now join a list of other grief families awaiting out says over a year ago valentino's attention was turned to better circulation because of it died just a week into a service is a loss its mother still fun is hard to bear. which. is. if. you.
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the official explanation was pneumonia but pictures of his body appear to tell a different story you know mrs gandhi was covered with bruises all over and the bruises were skillfully cut out of his skin so cynical still unresolved sergei's is a rare case common of those who receive beatings that leave them hospitalized and with lasting injuries soldiers such as dmitri after serving just six months he was literally coma for three months following a run in with the senior squad member. i can't remember what happened but when i woke up i had a severe head injury next followed a long and tedious rehabilitation process which is not yet over. the rise of such crimes has led some to find new ways to raise awareness and those right fund is one such group they create
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a web page where families can post personalize the celts of what happened to soldiers missing anything for their rank and years of service to how they died today there are sort of a four thousand or three hundred quests for brief family members wanting their story told he views is acknowledged by them is shit defense after asking them to comment on the situation they gave us this response. the two major reasons behind the phenomenon of hazing and bullying in the russian army are the following an increase in the number of draftees mistakes of individual commanders. last year the enmity initiated two thousand military hearings is a response many will feel is left wanting nonetheless hazing is no longer an issue russia killing nor the army is looking to modernize to turn away from ask ascription to professionalize force to do this they were lie on new recruits meaning in the future the health of individual soldiers may be sensual to that of
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the nation's armed forces she grieves nazi. turning to new york now where authorities have come up with a novel way of dealing with the budget deficit a string of new regulations and skyrocketing fines for petty offenses are bringing in much needed revenue but as artie's marina port nies been finding out locals say officials are violating their freedom of expression and cashing in in the process. archie silk is something of a smoker's rights champion. living in a city where a pack of cigarettes cost thirteen bucks and the freedom to puff where you please grows ever more limited. down in our basement this retired new york city police officer nurtures our garden of rebellion this garden is about reacting and defying their attempt to control my behavior hundreds of home grown tobacco leaves hang to dry before soaked shreds and smokes her nicotine we're talking about
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products here so back it was legal if they don't want people to smoke they should go to congress and lobby to have it criminalized the big apple's new smoking ban comes a bit close very soon it will be illegal to light up in new york city's parks beaches and pedestrian plaza like this one in times square violators caught blowing smoke can be slapped with a fifty dollars fine. if that's so dangerous why do so they probably make a lot of because they want to their morning america. it's like we saw the bad guy coming can smoke a public official say that there seems to limit harmful public exposure to secondhand smoke this is the latest avalanche of restrictions rules and prohibitions being aggressively enforced under a shrinking economy among them a one hundred dollar fine for putting too much personal rubbish in public waste
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baskets and taking something from the garbage is also a violation costing up to three hundred bucks this winter the new road rule was born drivers caught in bus lanes these one hundred fifteen dollar fines this very first melting pot ponies are ninety four different vehicle in parking violations arguably their bread and butter for big revenue instead be wary of the big apple broke records by issuing. one thousand parking violations in just one day i think a blitz that generated a reported five hundred thousand dollars for new york city but the crackdown on working class americans followed weeks of snowstorms in which parking rules were suspended and a means of income for new york city was brought to a halt critics like gerald celente say policing the people is becoming a means for city and states to deal with budget deficits and economic hardship one of these cops still going is this why we have
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a poll. to check on every minor infraction that we make they become goon squads they have to bring in revenue to keep their jobs through every day thousands of cash strapped new yorkers visit manhattan's finance office to pay the city for forgiveness. i don't know since the city has tried to make money wherever they can get people to. drive you know bicycling to see the two hundred thirty tickets two hundred seventy bucks each have reportedly been issued to cyclists in central park this year compare that with just eleven tickets issued in all of twenty time we just had just got on the sidewalk and some concern that it's you know it's legal you can get arrested and we weren't even cycling we were just standing over our meanwhile archery silk may eventually be the last smoker left standing these are the remnants of last year's crop here in
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a liberal city crippled with debt and a rising tide of fines. archie new york. we have more complaints of official heavy handedness still ahead this hour this time in london where police are waiting for making partner a virtual arrest to keep protesters out of sight in the war over oil wedding day. plus paying for a day or so of paying for sex a new web site sparks controversy in the u.s. over whether. people are looking for a load before last. oh before we get to that leaving your homeland in search of a better job is a basic human and vision and with a big demand for foreign labor israel may seem like the perfect option for thousands of chinese but some criminal israeli employment agencies are offering the world for a fee delivering only a life of hardship costlier takes a look. in china understood lee was a big shot he owned a textile business had gotten thousands of dollars
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a year but he gave it up on the advice of a friend and forked out a small fortune to travel to israel hoping that the promised land would full his pocket it was not worth it for me because for years all over only managed to save twelve thousand dollars more than that in china in those years for many years israel will come chinese laborers with open arms they and other foreign workers provided a much needed work force replacing palestinians who are finding it more and more difficult to work in israel amid a deteriorating security situation today most of the nearly eleven thousand chinese laborers working construction many are illegal and look here are the big promises of fly by night employment agencies this is one of the employment agencies that says a process is visas for foreign workers but it stands accused of keeping at least seventy percent of the fia charges we asked a few times for an interview but they refused the israeli government says it can do nothing to stop these companies that are set up to purposely to for unsuspecting
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foreign workers this to zoom paid thirty one thousand dollars for a five year work visa but it turned out to be fake and after a year he found himself a legal in the country he now works fourteen hour shifts pockets less than half the israeli average salary and is always afraid of being picked up by the authorities in large in this caravan we don't even have a conditioning we cannot sleep in some of these small rooms there are four of us in that the conditions are bad. many of the employment agencies have since closed down but the money people borrow to pay the fees has made returning home to china not an option i've heard of many times some people will tell me if they go back now i can go back because they lose their houses they lose their parents is how they owe money said to so many people that if they just can't sell their faces and i know of people who went back to china and didn't. into their hometown might also got caught she'd only just get off the plane when she was fired for not speaking english or
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hebrew she's not only worried about the money shows back home she also fears for the future of her son who was born in israel and knows no other life is a actually doesn't like speaking chinese although he understands journeys he speaks hebrew at least friends are here and he has to be deported he won't see them in recent years the israeli government has been trying to stop the flow of foreign workers it wants them and it doesn't want them leaving many caught in the cracks policy r.t. tel aviv. turning now to some other stories making headlines across the globe the outbreak of tornadoes that tore through the southern u.s. has now claimed at least three hundred forty lives president obama visited the twister ravaged alabama the worst hit of the seven states that suffered at least a million homes and businesses still without power there is the second deadliest storm catastrophe in u.s. history. a. senior nuclear advisor to the japanese prime minister is resigning alleging the government ignored his safety advice those who shoko sako
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said the wrong radiation limits were set for a school near the crippled fukushima nuclear plant in danger in children's lives the japanese government denies the claim insisting it followed expert advice the plant has been releasing radioactivity since being hit by an earthquake and tsunami in march. tens of thousands of people from poland are heading to rome on train plane and car for the benefit haitian of pope john paul the second many more are expected to fill squares and towns across poland following the ceremony of large video screens pope benedict the sixteenth will be out of high his predecessor in a special ceremony sunday it's the last formal step before a possible sainthood. millions also watch the new royal couple tie the knot in london yesterday but there were a few dozen who are unlikely to have caught this ceremony on television they're the ones arrested preemptively by police across britain to stop them from causing any trouble during the wedding the former m i five officer and he mation says the
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approach was far too heavy handed. they have to take measures to protect the event from any sort of terrorist groups irish republican dissidents or middle eastern terrorist groups and i don't think anyone complains about the fact that they're trying to stop and to stop protestors exercising their right to freedom of expression around the world waiting is of much greater concern because the police are talking about. raids and there's the sort of measures that are indeed used in countries like syria but were used against u.k. protesters including notably leading peace activist charlie veach yesterday as a preventive measure and is apparently just disappeared into the system his family his girlfriend can't trace him they've been blocked and lied to by the police even his lawyers can't find him so he seems to have sort of been disappeared in or out of path caressed and i think it's dangerous dangerous path to go down because this man hadn't done anything he might even suspect he might want to protest but he hadn't done anything so effectively what we're looking at is an orwellian thought
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crime within what is a notional u.k. democracy. you know soon money can't buy you a lot of what it might score you a first date. seems to put together one person agreeing to pay you for a date if you have agreed to take the money critics say it doesn't sound like a transaction just go away or his arse and start you're going to report. remember the diesel in real life courtship was the ticket to romance if you do websites like this may feed those memories fast what's your price dot com it's a new dating service launched in las vegas where intelligence or a sense of humor apparently don't invite a deed but a big fat book does members are split into categories generous and attractive but generous ones are for their money the attractive ones get picky and the deal is sealed the idea came about from my own frustrations of online dating i would join a website. called beautiful girls that's why i have high standards and i would get
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in your response brandon wade founder and see your website as well as a sofa attracted member so as a business transaction lures a new girl of your dreams and ensures she would stare and you are but critics ask isn't this prostitution this generous entrepreneur has provided us with an eager a four hawkers i think the chances of this girl not actually being a hooker are moving negative five thousand percent this girl is a professional and i don't mean a paralegal or gun repair expert the website mastermind disagrees how is this the same from prostitution it's completely different you're paying for the chance of falling in love you're not paying for sex on the first three you're paying for her for the chance that you might suggest you attract and potentially
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have sex long road as the. prices for that chance generally range from twenty to one hundred dollars to make finding the one easier personal profiles are available i'm down to earth outgoing very funny i consider myself as being a nice conversation. as well as in a real photos leaving very. the little to the imagination it's true the girls are scantily clad but there's a reason for that because men are attracted to that value themselves and the value that they're going to join and interpret remember and they're going to if you're serious show me how serious you are so money becomes a component of showing whole series of posts from the early years but the seriousness of a potential relationship is somewhat disputed but i remember nicknames double trouble the most and first and stephanie be among hundreds arbiters when i'm looking for a serious relationship i don't initially introduce myself by nicknames like kooky
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fed and comb kid i generally say hi my name is sarah it's nice to meet you some twenty thousand people have signed up to the website two thousand deeds for cash already negotiated this leaves one wondering if this new is dating trend could become a symbol of american free market consumerism to the extreme and say see our t. . is plenty more if you were online dot com everything from science and technology to analysis and even recipes here's some recommendations for you today. russia turning orange head of victory day celebrations find out why to argue that car. was pushed in prisons for moscow buzy about five plays host to the french russian house of your or introspective looks back at decades of style history there's also a virtual tour available at r.t. dot com or you can try.
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it's. not be as much money flowing through the land of opportunity these days but it's still ending up in the hands of the same wealthy few web journalist laurie harford people in new york what they think. economy continues to cause a lot of people a lot of difficulties and yet the rich keep getting richer are you ok with that this week let's talk about that well i mean we have to talk about what is actually defined rich i mean for people to say that families making two hundred fifty k.
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a year combined being rich as some people define rich is completely absurd absurd lower middle class although we don't see it there's a lot of work they have to do you don't get rich overnight you think do you think the people on wall street are working harder than you are no i don't but i think they might be working smarter. so do they deserve money for that yet millions of dollars of your taxpayer dollars but i don't know that it's my taxpayer dollars well they got. bailed out they got millions and millions of dollars rightists agree i disagree with the bailout completely they knew that they were betting against being foreclosed on and mortgages were kind of bomb and people started losing their homes is that still ok people who couldn't afford to buy a home so you think it's their responsibility i do think they should have read the fine print when you borrow three or five hundred thousand dollars you need to understand what you're doing i'm not ok with the rich are getting richer but guess what this is america more power to even at the expense of other people but one
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spends of other people people are losing their homes because of bum mortgages lost their homes because they bought mortgages that they couldn't afford the mortgage companies didn't do anything about it you have no doubt i have my house is going into foreclosure too but guess what i don't when the rich are being rich that's why they're here so you blame yourself for that yes my my thought would you be ok with profiting off of someone else's loss. i want and i think some of these people don't think it out as to what they are profiting. i'm not saying that they. intentionally set out but i think it's. generations perhaps. it inherited or accumulated wealth you know whether or not you think the rich deserve to keep getting richer and the bottom line is it's going to continue to happen unless something drastically changes.
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finally this news block it's only been a couple of weeks and so moscow's winter mercifully melted away but the signs of summer already trickling across the capital this weekend sees the launch of the scenes in the fountains archies maria watched the city spring into life. spring has been india a moscow for more than a week old ready the temperatures are warm the sun that's shining as you can see now that's the time usually does it as many fountains it's an amazing and impressive and spectacular display imagine five hundred sixty watercraft pates are being switched on similar thomas me through all of the capital many of them with law it's a music with streams of different colors and shade slipping from the african sussex side i'm not surprised a lot they fall into the very macho every year they fall into the season opening ceremony roles in many people especially families with children some of the most
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fascinating fall into and so here are they put in ha exhibition center in the center of most right where we are now it's time to. time for our follies and for instance on the colossus that's the biggest of them all is the one that you can see behind me now the friendship of the people's fountain let me give you some stats the size of baseball is facing is about four thousand square meters which is often stunned the football pitch used their water shoots from eight hundred sprouts to the hottest stories in twenty four me just first just a breathtaking try when it starts blowing all this fungus here out of it and how exertion funds are in moscow were erected in the nineteen fifties and all appalled soviet symbols this one as you can see is the curator with tattoos for presenting the different nationalities and republic for the soviet union symbolizing their
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friendship it's interesting but most goes first fountains appears in the palatial residence of the far and menorah a state that was a bad time for a private privilege but only by the nineteenth is that all engine started to be used decorate the city because if on ten second be more than just an huntsman's when the heat gets to march they get. and official say five songs for according to as we saw during last summer's full stickery he played football that moscow gets to enjoy a five month long collinson season good chance for some fresco socializing leaving the winter chills a distant memory. coming up we'll tell you about a team of twenty people trying to reach the arctic circle that's after read out our top stories in a few minutes stay with us. and .
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