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tv   [untitled]    May 1, 2011 9:30am-10:00am EDT

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bryson if you. zoom in from the stupid. stunts on t.v. come. five thirty pm in moscow this is a look back at the week's headlines here on our t.v. russia blocks u.n. measures against the syrian government saying board intervention intervention in the only sparked more civil wars in the region now there's speculation about who could be next to sink into the violence in the gulf in the arab world. and nato forces once again bomb colonel gadhafi compound in the libyan capital purportedly killing his son and three grandsons critics say it seriously undermines the alliance's insistence that it's protecting civilians and not targeting gadhafi.
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russia's police strike at a group of terror targets in the south of the country among those killed two high ranking militant warlords with links to al qaida. and people across the world celebrate workers solidarity day trade unions as well as political parties and youth movements are taking the chance to express themselves and next we investigate whether some grass grass roots groups in the us are really representing the voice of the people as a whole stay with us for that. this is our moment this is our time. to reclaim the american dream and reaffirm that fundamental truth that out of many we are one that while we breathe we hope and where we are met with cynicism and doubts and those who tell us that we can't we will respond with that timeless creed that sums up the spirit of
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a people yes we came. here to this to. take seriously. and this is going to get it right is it so. they can't have it when they anything. in your. car right now barack obama and the democrats have to sweepings of power with the promise of oil and the citizens are pros called the tea party movement and then miss it was known to be government spending not to health care and climate change legislation and no two what made him so i bought it because i think that if the people caught this thing to you seem to work on this president's tea party endorse candidates to sweep the republicans to victory in the house of representatives
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thirty two percent of the candidates who were elected last night across this country are affiliated with the tea party there's the tea party challenge all way and we're sending a message too. and they see it as a repudiation of the president and his policies. what does it feel like. feels bad . i came to the united states to examine the tea party phenomenon and in particular the accusations that the protesters were pawns in a code power play by a small group of billion is and corporate players they're recruiting their. to do the bidding of corporate america this is not some corporate sponsored thing these citizens' groups are progress maybe for training being a sound billionaire. person or people who is not here to be interested in the story just like me.
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who. was known. dean. of come to kentucky the heart of tea party country it's more than a year before the movement will organize to become a force at the two thousand and ten elections the diverse group of protesters here are united by a combination of anger and patriotism is all american families and militia groups trolling for new members of this the so-called bertha's we think he's really a kenyan this robot i were the first ever and the cost of historical figures evoking the spirit of the american revolution raises a boston tea party from which this movement takes its name beginning less than
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a month after obama took office the protests reflected a mounting anger at both democrats and republicans legislating massive bailout packages in response to america's economic crisis so while the paper already idea was first right during this on a rant by c. and b. say reports of bricks and telly this is america all even people want to pay for your neighbor's mortgage you want to take on a family of chicago tea party in july i want you kaplow so i want to show up to lake michigan i'm going to start over. testifying to the cross roots nature of the uprising the vast majority of tea partiers a middle class americans with little or no experience in political organizing i'm just i'm on that was tired of seeing what was going on in my country and i decided to do something about it. the. day after rick same tally had his way and there were about twenty thousand people that got together on
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a conference call and we decided to have around the tea parties one week from that day we have fifty tea parties with thirty thousand people and attend that. they were thought to myself and brewing if we have on april fifteenth eight hundred fifty plus tea parties across this country would one point two million people when it's in. but if the tea parties began as a bipartisan are prizing against government waste they quickly morphed into an all out attack on president obama and his entire policy agenda the happy not caring to robinson dr not to brown turn our writing our crying tricep crocked how she was put down that it's not going to be a promise come back and probably. was well many factors are involved. i was particularly interested in what role being played by
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a group called americans for prosperity. mission is to engage citizens in the nine of limited government and free markets essentially they are activists for radical form of capitalism with private enterprise not government is the guiding force in society it's particular interest with a chief benefactor brothers charles and david koch. according to the forbes list of the richest americans the cloke city co fifty with personal fortunes estimated at more than twenty billion dollars. to find out more i've come to the end you convention of americans for prosperity. wealth distancing himself publicly from the tea party movement david quite is known to play a very hands on role with i have pate. and sure enough as representatives of the
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groups by hundred thousand members reported on their activities they later was there if you can use and smell my great pleasure to. begin my favorite part of the summit conference and that is the report by representatives of each of the twenty five chapters. on their activities over the last year we helped organize huge tea parties all throughout the state we have mad the largest tea party in the state the largest taxpaying tea party in the nation on april fifteenth. i vote we've now twenty nine t. parties organize dozens of tea parties mr chairman our grassroots efforts are engaged they're energized and they're ready to fight for their freedom and if you try to raise our taxes and clamp on our liberties we're either going to. or make your life yes thank the
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members flatly deny the charge that the i.r.s. rights are the name given to fight grassroots organizations that are essentially corporate fronts it's nonsense that there is no such thing among our our people as astroturfing i'm here with four hundred fifty other people from north carolina and we're all individual. to find out more about this in the forest leave publicity shy brothers and their company koch industries i turn to a man who's been investigating them for a number of years. from the environmental group greenpeace koch industries is the company nobody's ever heard of it's the second or first largest private company in this country we don't even know how much money they make primarily a refining company and pipeline company they now have expanded into paper and chemicals acquiring other companies in recent years there worldwide based here in
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the united states and which cancers davies and green could assert that americans for prosperity are essentially just a low beam tool for koch industries david koch deliberately founded these groups to intervene in the government to reduce taxes on corporations to reduce the impact of environmental laws. that intersected with what became the tea party movement an uprising against the government and against governments writ large against taxes and against health care regulations so they basically use this public sentiment to forward their corporate agenda this charge of profiteering is especially evident and i have peace or position who proposed climate change that would have come profits of oil industry players like koch industries. in two thousand and nine after the obama administration came on there was massive momentum towards climate
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regulation suddenly there was a real possibility of getting new good law passed and they went into high gear attacking obama from day one even started before the obama administration attacking any climate legislation they've run for years these summer hot air tours where they run what looks like a grassroots activists campaign around the country with a boss and t. shirts and hats and handouts and little events in small towns in fact it's a corporate funded propaganda tour as i arrived in philadelphia for one of the forty it's who are events and i have peace railed against the climate change bill known as cap and tried legislation oh well. that will keep america's prosperity and. this country is heading in the wrong direction. and that direction got me hooked up. trouble over health care take control
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of our. lives yes. attack attack attack be reframed it is cap and tax as opposed to the term cap and trade term for carbon trading and went on the attack and declared this part of the obama agenda to impose new government regulations and grow the government global warming regulation equal to socialism attacking green jobs and renewable energy as some imposition on people's freedom this is the last stop in this leg of what we call our hot it's sure we're exposing the fourth of what is basically a massive trillion dollar tax on american energy users the following is a green jobs and government subsidized alternative fuels and what we're doing at americans for prosperity is educating americans to understand the threat to our to our future what's motivating the government to try and bring in the cap and trade
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bill it's a marxist regime basically a bomb ministry in the democratic party is going to call it the left so extreme now it's about seizing control over our lives to total government scheme and it's going to destroy jobs to please country. a local tea party school so one hands linin support and one thing that i really want to get through to people is that this is not some corporate sponsored thing we are and therefore i know i am i live in a apartment i have two kids and a wife struggling but this is a feel sorry for me thing that i'm just telling you no we're not going to sponsor period and everything's grassroots our organization itself was from the ground up no budget no low budget no budget we've done everything free a bill on the website for free we you know going to great lengths to make this happen and it's all in the name liberty and justice. you know where founding fathers had proposed this country be a republic. but
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i have paid a far more than just tool for the cops oil interests as evidenced by their leading role in opposing another of obama's assaults on liberty health care reform. that would have seen the government's. uninsured americans and breaking the private health insurance monopoly is zero zero zero zero. for veteran political operatives and a.f.p. president team phillips a group success lies in their ability to tap into the american spirit of individual ism all americans have a wrong tradition of individual ism and a good healthy skepticism toward their government made about the worst thing you can say in america is i'm from washington d.c.
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and i'm here to help instantly americans go wait a minute i don't trust that for a second and so i am coalition of americans for prosperity we go out and we educate americans on hey here's the threat here's what this health care bill is going to do the take over here's what happened trade here to do your job and to your utility rates and we just say if you want to get out here a ways to get active this goes to the heart of how the clerks might be manipulating tea party protesters and a fair proportion if i have peace and support it on a much to political and personal financial gain because while americans might have a healthy skepticism about government i wonder how many of them really share the coax extreme vision of a free market economy you and i know that free market principles make sense for american families american jobs and i won't term prosperity net is essential at a time when the very foundations of our nation are being challenged. government has
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become a monster crippling the economy and devouring personal liberties this poster is from a night a night the libertarian party campaign in which david koch ran for vice president the party's political platform is an insight into just how radical his views and those of the free market movement. i saw the evolution of the department of energy the environmental protection agency the food and drug administration and a host of other public health and safety bodies not to mention social security welfare the public school system and of course huge tax cuts across the board but after spending over two million dollars of their own money on the campaign and receiving just one percent of the voyage the strange course deciding that if people wouldn't come to their philosophy they take their philosophy to the people they created and invested in a network of free market groups including the establishment in ninety ninety four
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of a grassroots group called citizens for a sound economy that was the forerunner to americans for prosperity a number of documents have emerged from the citizens for a sound economy dies which give a candid insight into how these groups work to discard corporate donors and radical ideological goals. undertaxed look these nonprofit groups are allowed to keep their dawna's identities confidential as is the case with many kurds including green pace but this lake north sea ninety eight budget reveals just how much money citizens resend the cornea was saved from a wide variety of donors. more troubling was the fact that citizens for a sound economy took money through an asteroid to campaigns directly on behalf of a number of these hidden dharnas. then there was they work for the tobacco industry
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thanks to a major legal settlement in the light ninety ninety millions of internal tobacco industry documents have been made public the documents showing how citizens for a sound economy and other free market groups secretly paid millions of dollars to fight tobacco taxes and regulations using what they called a retail sales effort they pitched these to their own members as a tax on individual freedoms but the government the idea being that while people may not be moved to fight on behalf of the tobacco will do almost anything for take their own freedoms one campaign of particular relevance was the lading wrong citizens for a sound economy played in killing the last major attempt to reform the health care system with the clinton administration closing a new tobacco tax to help pay for their plan to record company philip morris funded i major grassroots effort by the group. citizens for
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a sound economy also with hand in hand with the health insurance industry the reforms are running a few cameras from the clinton plan to soviet style socialized medicine that would lead to denial of vital health kid treatments they said this supports democrats including first lady. as they tend to explain the reforms and above there is little . doubt that york. was yeah i was there i was. trying to crowd out that in. order to. carry firearms to make sure everything the american in. one person who was working on coalitions with citizens for santa corner me is wendell potter a former health insurance industry spin doctor turned whistleblower about these
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deceptive practices. they have insurance industry is very much like that back over history and it's held in very low regard by the public and they know that they have very little credibility and sells so they have to establish these front groups to carry their messages for them they do this so that a third party is telling their stories if they want to be told and getting the word out that they want to get out according to when to push them and kate benefit of using front groups is that they can say things the company couldn't actually get away we sang them so they're hired guns and they do what they were told to do. and it doesn't matter necessarily what the tactics are sometimes that it involves a mini ethics or a highlighting ethical standards they will do that terms like government takeover of the health care system is one that has been used many times to scare people away from reform and it's misleading no plan before congress would have come anywhere
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close to a government takeover but nonetheless it's a term that the industry and you know would be effective slippery slope toward socialism and united states socialism still has the connotation of something that is akin to communism it's not even worse with people who put those sentences together and do it for a purpose and i know that that will that will be a focus certain emotion. over twenty five years campaigns tapping into people's distrust of government and since the individual is attracted saws will follow is so much so that within hours of rick sanchez making his famous tea party rights and i have to pay stossel was able to offer to get on national television possibly nines to get the movement started right i've got i've got five hundred thousand people who signed our contention against the stimulus bill i'm willing to email all of them and tell them to come out of your event disintegrating and they weren't the only ones two thousand and four an internal review actually caused citizens for
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a sound economy. group the second call. themselves freedom with. well no longer financially connected to the court's freedom works on a similar model of corporate funded free market activism from day one they worked on the ground to help small groups organize tea party events and when after a couple of months the movement was running out of steam freedom works helped to break their ranks at one of mooching threats socialized medicine. i have some anonymous great americans with very deep pockets each team to find a multi-million dollar campaign by the group did some good go some great americans come to us and say they were concerned about this health care issue and and they can see this train coming down the pike and they want to do something about it our board madden said you know wot americans for prosperity wants to be a part of that. as i have paid. to hold events around the country they can.
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be ninety four. ninety days. and. are going to. want your help by the government that will make sure. that. they also. scaring senior citizens. some potentially lifesaving drugs could be with you know and senior citizen. democrat politicians. and we started doing the twitter and facebook and email. and. people showed up. and said. the worst. democrats his.
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members of congress. getting physical if you're a senior. for you and the american people because truth is on our side. well congress eventually passed a very much compromised health care. by then opponents that helped make it so unpopular health care became a major factor in the democrats the fate in two thousand and ten out of voters in
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the last midterm split evenly this time they were overwhelmingly voting republican and why did they vote six out of ten said that they wanted to repeal health care. but to properly understand the close influence on the rising movement there's a much bigger picture to be sane the koch's exert influence a number of ways which we know that they fund front groups like americans for prosperity the search astroturf effort they also throw money straight into the political machine so they funded millions of dollars towards political candidates specific candidates they also of course have lobbying money coming into washington so they're sending lobbyists out to forward their agenda the more more insidious stuff is starting in the one nine hundred seventy is a number of free market think tanks were born at the cato institute the heritage foundation heartland institute these groups were purpose built by right wing
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advocates like the koch's to forward a corporate agenda and the regulatory agenda there is no better example of how the small parly coordinated network of currents afoot regulation in their almost single handed effort to manufacture to bite with the global warming this two thousand and eight study one hundred forty one poops skeptical of global warming found that out of the ninety percent of them written and or published by free market think tanks at the heart of what opponents have called me to normal machine other resident policy experts such as myron ebell of the competitive enterprise institute saying here talking to a group of a of pe members. millions
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died here. and minimums looked forward to be held and say. the pain and suffering will never be forgotten. as well as the joy of moderation. year a spring of nineteen forty five on our t.v. . this time i saw the trajectory it's. twenty five years ago audience i or fifty thousand population over ukrainian town a preview of what they are acquainted with three hours. plus now it wants to be heard recently some people started receiving post notices telling them to pick up letters at this post office ingredients are. the stories of the world long gone. that's how to be told i'm.
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reading the diaries of the ghosts of our two. and.
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