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tv   [untitled]    May 1, 2011 11:00am-11:30am EDT

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in the future. top news of the we've got our team russia blocks u.n. measures against the syrian government saying foreign intervention will be sparked more civil war now it's a question of who is next and who might suffer most. soldiers on the streets of paris france introduces a new security plan fearing terrorism linked to the bombing of libya but critics say it's scaremongering and not attention. plus this week the world looks back at the worst ever nuclear disaster with a shadow of sure noble still looming the safety of atomic energy is again in doubt . a controversial group of russian artist wins the highest state award with
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a piece of ballot graffiti evoking an argument where the line is between a large and of seventy. seven pm in moscow i'm at treasure bring you today's top stories in the at the back of the week's news here on r t the revolutionary fever in syria shows no sign of letting up around seventy people reportedly killed since friday on military crackdowns against anti-government demonstrators this on top of some five hundred other deaths in two months of syrian upheaval in the wake of the latest bloodshed the u.s. is tightening sanctions and stepped up its rhetoric against the country's political elite meanwhile syria's neighbor israel fears washington's role in the region's recent turbulence could backfire by clearing the way for extremists or he's possibly or has more from televisa. these gunmen mean business and they're upping
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the stakes just that little bit higher. is the egyptian regime design is the enemy trying to stop us foreigners and girls are but we always got the weapons we needed to fight the zionist enemy. and now they're getting more than they could give a hopeful but for me gyptian president hosni mubarak's main guy on the borders couldn't be easier to get through to go to the big wins in. all worlds all swaddled . who. have much more freedom to do whatever they like. and they're doing it smuggling weapons into gaza the result two attacks in three months on a natural gas pipeline that supplies a quarter of israel's electricity which is why is the us claims it's bringing a new tomorrow to egypt most israelis would rather remember years to year the eagerness of the united states to topple the former egyptian president hosni mubarak and bring about regime change has ironically most harmed the closest ally
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in the region israel the u.s. says it wants to establish democracy in the region but instead of democracy there is a very real possibility that radical islamic could come to power the u.s. strongly supported the opposition in libya despite al qaeda connections among its ranks and now it's apparently governessing support against syrian president bashar assad of the wiki leaks website claiming that washington has been funding some anti government factions. but is afraid that if he goes away the muslim brotherhood kill to exist so instead of in freedom would you in syria we're going to islamist or if you stop in one dictator for what could be worse if and when radicals come to tower they're likely to direct the arms at israel it will be very conscious of the rabbit syria is not libya and the fact that if you do the sides intervene in syria you will have knock on effects across the region in iraq in lebanon through israel palestine. what if when you through it is well my face from an even more hostile
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arab world emerging from the present instability some experts believe the security of the jewish state is not under any grave threat israel has never been an unsafe place one of the greatest lies and mother and father of all lies as it relates to the israeli palestinian conflict is that israel has been in danger of annihilation i detail in the three volumes of my book is a complete israel's existence is never ever been danger in any combination of our of military force and that is unlikely to change in any foreseeable future. but the fighters on the ground aren't giving up hope and there are men this warning is that is worse to come. and the time of defeat and retreat is over now it's time for the israeli people and the israeli enemy to. israel is keeping quiet amid a coming to chaos in the middle east and north africa but behind closed doors
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they'll be plenty of disquiet here about how much america's desire to make new friends in the arab world is fueling serious instability points here r t television . failed to pass a statement condemning the violence in syria some nations blocked the move expressing concern the country could face a libyan style scenario russia was among them saying the outside intervention could only lead to further stability and possibly for flood civil war global policy analyst william endorsers libya's experience shows how easily you can be proud of the guys of defending civilians. well if you look at what what the u.s. did to engineer the. un resolution on libya this is one of the most. reason transgressions of the rights of a nation national sovereignty and international law the we've seen in the post-war period the responsibility to protect is an insidious doctrine that's been developed
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by various and you'll think tanks connected with circles in the united states to justify a nato definition of an intervention in a sovereign country fortunately this time russia and china are playing a reasonable role in blocking any u.n. security council sanction for. strong measures against syria so i think they learned from their deadly mistake on the libya case when they abstain but this thing has no end if it's allowed to pass on the ground in libya the countries and the leader moammar gadhafi has survived a nato air strike on his family compound in tripoli but his youngest son and three grandchildren were killed in the attack this isn't the first time the alliance has made an apparent attempt on the libyan leader's life earlier this week russia's prime minister vladimir putin urged the coalition to stop breaching the u.n. resolution by hunting qaddafi and get back to its initial goals. of the
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coalition say destroying get their feet was not they goal then going on it says some officials have claimed that eliminating him was in fact they goal who gave them the right to have a fair trial returning to the new flurries or new buildings or destroying the country's untie infrastructure when the so-called civilized world uses all its military power against a small country destroying what's been created by generations i don't know if that's good. popular unrest in arab countries is nothing but a well thought out plot according to the president of yemen who's no stranger to protests he spoke exclusively to our t.v. is a preview of what's to come in the next hour. some countries in the region and some within countries can leave at least tendencies carissima suki the middle east if you see a controlled chaos scenario is appropriate for it is enough to have a look at what is going on in egypt tunisia and other countries cannot likud otherwise and against the region.
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france fears its leading role in nato the libyan campaign makes it vulnerable to attacks on his home turf in response new security measures including searching e-mails without a warrant and placing soldiers on the streets have been put in place critics say france may be turning into a police state. soldiers on the streets with machine gun this is france is the chief here at fifty of europe's most expensive time to tear a program before it what it calls the growing terrorist threat the government cleans troops make the public feel safer but that's not what people think they look a little bit dangerous they can. use the force and other way there is a bit frighted with the guard. premier francois feel says troops are required because france bombing libya threatens
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a terror attack at home you'll never find soldiers at shops tourist sites government buildings train stations airports schools and churches but expose the system doesn't even work and the main feature of terrorism is that it's impossible to foresee. real targets is not to catch terrorists says one investigator but to monitor the public it's easy to persuade people that there could be a terrorist it's natural station it's easy then for people in friends to believe well then they have a right to listen to my phone calls which they do they do do it they have a right to monitor my emails and facebook because they're really protecting us troops are only the visible part or thirty's canel read people's emails under a law passed quietly in february president sarkozy also signed a bill for police to tap phones were built getting judges authorization to justify
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the invasion of people's privacy says one author sarkozy makes france's six million arabs a scapegoat he has to make them afraid thinking that there is an arab with a bomb. here down down. the government recently branded muslims a problem and banned the muslim food. will some already mock the band and what they see as an arab witch hunt by going out in virgil's and mini skirts there's also the law cost world workers continue to be laid off in the economic crisis v.g. pirouettes estimated prices eighteen billion euros each year enough to create a million new teaching jobs and embarrassed government analysts a tries to hide the amount. is very expensive because an executive can move riffle thing from one area to another quite quickly it's very difficult to find an exact figure critics like
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michelle cologne have dubbed the video system vishy pierrette she was france's first in the second world war it spoiled and informed on people and targeted ethnic minorities. the french government today stands accused of doing the same to its own citizens the new bush or r.t. paris. the influx of immigrants fleeing libya is also concerning the french public art you spoke to marine le pen president of the far right national front party she says attempts to blend immigrants into society threatens the french nation. some laws do because they say we're in a democracy but authorities refused to show the real figures on how many immigrants there are there are probably sixty seven million muslims here already plus additional immigration on a massive scale each year this is an organized replacement of our population is threatens our very survival we don't have the means to integrate those who are
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already here there is the endless cultural conflicts you can be against immigration fight immigration suspend all immigration or not hate immigrants and things of it's rules i understand immigrants wants a better future hey i honestly say to them you can't find a better future hey we're finding it hard to get a better future to our own people if that is. still to come in the program or for terror ten north caucasus militants killed in the russian police operations including two high ranking warlords with alleged ties to al qaeda. we also join those marching in the streets of moscow on labor day and look into the history of the holiday as of celebrated in russia. but before we get to that this week marks the twenty fifth anniversary of one of the worst manmade catastrophes in history the sure noble disaster even today the thirty kilometer exclusion zone around the blast site lies cold and desolate a grim reminder of the dangers of nuclear negligence as artie's like sarah shares your reports it will stay that way for centuries to come. it's not every day you
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can see the chernobyl exclusion zone in ukraine as crowded as this hundreds and looting the russian and ukrainian presidents came to the more newman beside the nuclear plant to mark the date which changed the world the twenty fifth anniversary of the chernobyl fallout. i believe has a huge amount of sense as news from ukraine and russia and putin to deal with the aftermath of this tragedy in the face of such disasters we should be honest it's the government's obligation to tell people the truth we need to admit a good back then the government was not always doing the right thing nowadays the zone looks like this deserted streets and abandoned houses however a quarter of a century ago it was the place to be in the soviet union salaries for the residents of the town of p.p.h. were higher living standards better and infrastructure more developed the communist paradise changed on april the twenty six nineteen eighty six when the chernobyl
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reactor exploded the result of an experiment left in the wrong hands. with the reactor was almost completely out of control in april twenty fifth but it could still have been saved the management pushed for the completion of an experiment personal hesitated and were reluctant to but eventually couldn't go against the authorities we all know the result. meanwhile the town's population had no idea about the disaster people were enjoying an unusually sunny saturday outdoors with me and my friend we were away from school the coil of beach we returned home all covered in mud and my mother asked me where i had been i lied that we were cleaning a school yard and she was shocked as she had already heard rumors of some action in the nuclear station all thora he started the evacuation only thirty six hours after the last that's why many of those who stayed in the town later died or suffered radiation sickness but there locally and who was among the evacuees from the thirty
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kilometer zone which just several years after the catastrophe she returned to the for a bit inland having lived there for more than two decades she says she wants to see the end of her days in the land where she was born we gave me a flood and the pension but i found it impossible to survive like that in kiev here i have a condo and a grow everything in radiation yes there is a little here but you won't find a place without it anywhere we are not scared. despite this optimism from reset loose the world still seems concerned about the chernobyl throughout and especially in the wake of the fukushima disaster that's why ahead of this anniversary countries invested more than five hundred million euro into constructing a new confinement destined to seal the exploded reactor for another century this is probably the last time we have managed to see the infamous chimney of the fourth walk of the chernobyl nuclear power station people behind the new circle for good
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say that next year it will be dismantled then the station will be covered with the dawn and that will end the existence of the children or will nuclear power station but the former residents of this area say it matters little to them their life as they knew it had ended twenty five years ago let's see russia ski r.t. reporting from the chernobyl exclusion zone in ukraine. with us you know the lot of us are bringing back old nuclear fears many eyes have turned to the ongoing crisis utter pads fukushima plant sustainable energy professor tom burke says japan's a lack of emergency planning was a major contributing factor in the current crisis they have not actually regained control of the reactors and so there are still risks that there will be further explosions or releases of radiation either to the or to water which to the sea which has been happening all through this process now they've got a bit more manageability than they had earlier on but this event is still ongoing bushnell event was over very quickly it was an explosion and it was over relatively
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quickly this is clearly going to run and run for months and what is very clear from what happened in fukushima is the japanese neither the utility nor the government really had a well worked out and thought through emergency plan to deal with a catastrophic event like this a quarter of a century ago with rumors of an explosion at chernobyl on every street thousands of healthy young men were ordered on for planes in buses and flown to the site. of the winter season i did have a field understanding of what was happening there and either an explosion happens at the site was in ruins that's about see it's a patch artie's exclusive interview with one of the men who became known as the liquidators on our website r.t.e. dot com along with plenty more for noble info including a special documentary from the heart of solutions all.
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this week russian security forces carried out a series of attacks against a terrorist network based in the north caucasus the latest operations saw ten militants including two high ranking warlords killed as artie's medina coaching over reports from the region the al qaeda linked group is believed to be behind many attacks on civilians. this biggest achieving operation was carried out on the border between the region and in about the republic when ten militants including at least two women were killed and among them were some high profile terrorists with links with international terrorist groups in this region of d.n.a. task would probably be required to identify some of the militants are leading figures in a so-called box on gang were already identified as big the truth was believed to be involved in a number of terror attacks across the area now another figure among terrorists are
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scared job who if it was believed to be involved in attacking tourists from moscow in the district in february twentieth loven then earlier in the week and the special operation was carried out. and the leader of the republic runs on could be rove was personally in charge of this operation the militants that were killed that were later identified asked close associates to russia's most wanted terrorist the moment of hands in the neighboring drug is done a leader of the so-called actor guys here was also killed in a special operation now the weight of terror raids was launched after a number of high profile terror attacks in russia. you can always find the latest updates and background info on russia's fight on terrorists on our website. if the particulars of the social creations were conceived and so we have eliminated the terrorist underground the new republic we spoke with the president of dagestan one
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of the reasons facing ongoing militant attacks also online at r.t. dot com. that multimillion dollar satellites that crashed into the base of the pacific and brought down with the career of russia's top spaceballs have a look at how that happened. plus take part in a contest to pick some names for these exotic and the orrible jaguar cubs that were recently born at the st petersburg zoo all of this and more a click away at fourteen. the decision to hand the national art award to a controversial piece of graffiti drawn in the historical center of st petersburg has sparked debate in russia many see the giant phallic symbol as obscene others say it's a sign of an emerging civil society or he's iver bennett examines both sides. this is award winning aren't according to russia's ministry of culture the sixty five metre phallus whitewashed on
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a drawbridge and petersburg has won the twenty ten innovation prize for best visual artwork self-styled arts terrorists vyner meaning war in russian are the unpopular winners. i think it's essentially vandalism a bridge is a cultural and historical monument and anything on it has an act of vandalism and it should be punished not rewarded and here in the center of contemporary art you can see the other entries for the award nothing is stimulating or a shocking or innovative as violence and according to the jury that's why they won purely artistic merit but now it's not as simple as that the same symbol the ministry rewarded is now being brandished in mocking protest this russian youth group is angry four hundred thousand roubles of taxpayers' money we given to a group it calls vandals for vyner the protest only legitimizes they're out.
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it's a very awkward situation when the state award goes to a group that in fact organizes an action against the state but this is a very important signal artists always express society is paying and a healthy society accepts these. but there's been no acceptance of vinyl as art until now two members still face trial on hooliganism charges for this little stunt british graffiti artist banksy did bail them out and they could still play seven years in prison for flipping cars so why this sudden show of state support. the minister of culture was afraid of being accused of political censorship and i think he was right in our country is better being afraid of him pause and political censorship than to actually import your brizard. a sea change from four years ago this image of two kissing policeman was banned by the culture ministry for international exhibits fearing embarrassment
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a curator of that exhibit was andré year affair back then he lost his job but this time he was on the jury so why is it. the touring is a graphic and expressive example of how an artist reacts to a social climate it doesn't specify the target of his protest he simply says that strong protest is brewing in russian society but how do you draw the line between saying this an art and vandalism as this is just affecting. their street art is minor vandalism but it's not hooliganism a disorder it may cause it's compensated hundreds of times by the meaning of their pictures which is painting could be restored on the bridge to become a symbol of some petersburg's culture and because it's the first work that is proof of a civil society. cool it's controlled the seat usually and the expense and the authorities whether it's only tool not have it chief will they want to keep notes or write c.
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they say they'll donate the prize money and political prison it's been it's see now skin. take a look now at some other stories making headlines across the globe the late pope john paul the second has been dead a fire by more than a million worshippers in rome this means the pontiff is now regarded as blessed and run step away from statehood these are live pictures from st peter's there that is the casket that contains the pope's body was exuma for the ceremony earlier today he received that status of beatification for allegedly healing our french nun of an incurable disease ceremony was led by the current pope benedict this exchange who succeeded john paul six years ago. when policemen have been injured in clashes with far left demonstrators in germany protesters sort of pouring waste containers on fire and threw stones and paint bombs at police who responded with water cannons authorities have stepped up security across the country to prevent
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further violence like additionally accompanies may day celebrations. and the traditional made a show of worker solidarity has been a little quieter here in russia the country has a long standing tradition of rallies used to show social and political affiliation on labor day or he's catarina as are of a join the crowds a very rare occasion that central moscow is completely empty and this of course has gone for these people twenty five thousand members of treaty and the one mistake are celebrating their professional holiday as part of that celebration marching through the heart of moscow all the way down through the kremlin now not just the training camp today it seems anyone and everyone is on the streets of the capital including. some of the more extreme organizations like of course the old slow bright movement in russia some go as far as to call them neo nazis or even as far
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as fascist they of course are standing and walking down the streets of the russian capital with slogans such as russia full russians. very few people could have imagined that these guys would be allowed to walk the streets and yet here they are with their banners their slogans and of course their unconventional covered up faces but they're not the only ones who are allowed to walk the streets of moscow on this day we know that many other groups that wouldn't traditionally be included in the first of may parades did walk the streets of the capital we know that the russian gay community also took to the streets and fortunately for them perhaps they chose to join a communist rally and they were not well received their bus luckily no scuffles ensued and of both respective parties simply went their respective ways but as well as those groups know that various other demonstrations took place and even the one
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monstrous now that is a specific group created by an artist called for the most absurd slogans of banners to be brought to the streets of the capital island deede cities across russia and that is exactly what they did standing in the heart of the capital with slogans such as bring back the sun which is of course not exactly a very feasible thing to do but they had fun and not as many say is what matters that seems to have become the spirit of may first and also like these people take a little bit more seriously for others it is just a day when everything is possible and they do have a chance to speak their mind or maybe even have a little flawed. stay with us here on our g.o.p. back with a look at your headlines in a few moments. we'll
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. bring you the latest in science and technology from around russia. we are going to the future of coverage or. download the official antti outlook ation to your body phone i pod touch from the i.q. sampson. cianci life on the go.
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video on demand oxys my old compass and r.s.s. feeds are now in the palm of your. questions on the t.v. jobs calm. the moment when the world changed forever. thousands pounced to nothing. thousands wounded. to suffer. it was the first but probably not the landstuhl military uses of this weapon. well many more will need come back soon come on get on in the future.


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