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tv   [untitled]    May 2, 2011 1:00am-1:30am EDT

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we can say to those families who have lost loved ones self righteous terror and justice has been done. rock obama confirming the death of al qaida leader tom up in large stores his body is currently in possession not states but also the south. phillips killing of colonel gadhafi son nato airstrikes sparks outrage in libya as angry crowds burned foreign embassies in revenge. and france being an active player in major military intervention experts warned syria maybe this is a stepping stone to move east.
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economic desperation intensifies new u.s. debt collectors resorting to stuff your style and it's making americans pay their way. and as many countries question the nuclear safety margin from consumer across its parties pouring a new russian reactor to assess its own ability. for watching r.t. with all the news as it happens but breaking news this hour the u.s. president barack obama has confirmed that osama bin laden has been killed in a special operation in pakistan a news flashed around the world with the u.s. claiming it's now in possession of his body well it seems missing from the house the latest from washington d.c. . u.s.
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president barack obama addressed the nation to announce in fact the united states has i can finally confirm that osama bin laden has been killed by u.s. special forces we're hearing that it was not a drone attack this was actually a firefight on the ground by u.s. special forces right outside of us lot of blood there was a firefight that was exchanged osama bin laden has reportedly had reportedly been shot and killed in the head and his body is apparently now in the u.s. in u.s. custody so the president addressed the nation right now to just just earlier go to announce just this major developments and also we are just blocks away from the white house right now where there have been hundreds of people who have gathered right outside of the white house in celebration of the developments that have been has been confirmed killed by u.s. president barack obama in fact even as i was making my way to the studio we've seen cars driving by honking american flags waving and people continue to to make their
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way down towards the white house to celebrate this this news this news that in fact has the united states has been pursuing for for the past decade since the nine eleven attacks been ten years in afghanistan nearly since since the ten year since the nine eleven attacks which really really started the the active hot conflict on the ground in afghanistan but we cannot. forget that the roots of conflict so often go back to foreign policy decisions made years and years ago and you know while the president did say in his speech tonight that the american people did not choose this fight this fight came to the united states in u.s. soil referencing of course the nine eleven attacks we have to remember that the united states' policy of corporately arming them in afghanistan. back in the eighty's had of course contributed so much to the current situation that we have on the ground today and that's it's one of those things that unfortunately in washington sort of gets really lost in the mix you know we don't really see the.
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consequences of thirteen foreign policy actions that as they related to the present new developments on the ground. well to look back into some of the now and came a major terrorist movements we're joined now live in the studio violence these military analysts any who show thank you for joining us and of course the u.s. was meddling in afghanistan in the eighty's you have first hand experience of that how did that lead to what became go after the united states didn't medal in afghanistan in eighty's it was a perpetrator of the jihad which was used as a proxy war against the soviet union by the medium. jihad the counterinsurgency. and in fact the whole this osama bin laden was in the second stage went into a mirror and i saw the jihad on the second stage when america was almost officially joined in. to overt aggression against afghanistan and this by
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default they brought in they started recruiting their mercenaries from the arab countries the us trying to spread the hard disk and sell a fusion into the peaceful sophie muslim region of afghanistan mostly and that's. at that time of the. time it was osama bin laden turned out as the run of the most main financier in organizers of the arab mercenaries who keen to make money and to spread their violent and extremist ideology the beach was financed jointly by the saudi arabia but mostly directed and trained by the united states of america and. work orchestrated by the central intelligence agency it was really interesting to note is the current going secrets. defense robert gates at that time three years ago it
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was on to his direction one when he was in charge of the cia when they keep these scandals and started as freedom fighters thirty years later was rebranded as terrorists only panels of what's happening in libya then because we're seeing u.s. backing for. the rebels some are saying it could be is the missed rebels in there as well as not being len's from afghanistan that he's can. the parallels i would. i would be more cautious jumping to conclusion the direct parallels however for me the reason one parallel talking about it to senator the senator wilson remember the american professoriate in the soviet union when they try to manage the ends i sort of wilson's war so i i remind each reminded me senate late senator wilson when my
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team came senator mccain came to get you guys and he said of all the rebels these are my hero it somehow harvest back into my memory when the american senators were hugging and kissing the freedom fighters and all those mercenaries who came to afghanistan fighting the soviet union so i would i would caution about it perilous on the other side i see a very weird simulator it's their way of some american hocks trying to embrace they're. trying to embrace this unknown known for them in libya plus as it gets well known bit as admiral stavridis who disagrees with that bill nato he was the first to caution that the flicker of intelligence that among the rebels there are elements of al qaida i can't say the american intelligence community can't stick with they're in charge but that. they were able
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to say it's been penetrated by kind of members that's for sure ok tell you anything should thank you very much there's insights here by push. for more on the fight against international terrorism by let's cross live to los he's he will piss off who's in must go with bin laden out of the picture the focus for many will now shift to the hunt for russia's most wanted model. first of all russian authorities have been saying many times that terrorist acting in russia in the caucasus are linked to al qaida as well so in that sense this issue is also quite international in the country and go through a lot of is the notorious criminal and terrorist lord who is on the international wanted list and he's on the international terror was this man took the responsibility for this gruesome attacks across russia both in the caucasus and the
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in the western ports and these attacks include the bombing of the gates arrest the train which goes from moscow to see petersburg also the two bombings in the moscow metro in march two thousand and ten which took the wives around forty people and. many others injured and he also took the responsibility for the attack on him i did the airport in january this year so this is that three be number one wanted terrorist in russia and this man is i could go thirty seven saying he thought he was killed many times but every time he failed to gather the evidence that this is true you know you mention the attacks that can you give us an update on that and to tell investors know this is as real as a result. of the eighty's have been increasingly active in the porpoises were special operations have been held just in the poor so the. past
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a few months they've really intensified just last week at least at least fifteen more years mixed figures on that but at least fifteen terrorists have been killed as a result over several operations special operations in the offices ten of them thought to be connected to the attack an earlier time on the surest in the in the caucasus we're going there from the european court of russia earlier there was a few special operation which come by the federal security service police and even though army in which the authorities managed to find and destroy a terrorist training camp and killed seventeen terrorists back then they thought this was the last time when they said. that could have been a mole in them but then as a result of the d.n.a. tests and just a geisha me said that they still couldn't find the evidence that he still watched
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they did manage to eliminate as they say some of those closest to him in the terror system in russia. right now it's a go to school for pointing from must. stay with throughout the day as we have more on this breaking news story that assists and insights from experts and across town and surrounding. they be in a state t.v. has shown the bodies of the sun and three grandchildren colonel gadhafi were reportedly killed in a nato airstrike their deaths have sparked a wave of outrage across the country. storming foreign embassies in the capital british and italian embassy some considerable damage as with all star. fell from the kind of a base for central. banks nato has ignored rule of law. big drop balls and missiles and the evidence suggests that. apartment buildings in
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tripoli have been targeted hospitals have be targeted we have. rather conspicuous. people act all targeting the family of the head of state namely his son as well as his grandchildren. and we can make our own judgments but this kind of behavior is interrogation of international law not being allows the united states. to go into a country and start killing head of state all members of his family i would hope that russia and china will take the initiative of confronting the united states britain and france in the security council the united nations this is these are illegal acts in violation of the u.n. charter and above all they are undertaken by countries which are
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involved in it was crimes in other parts of the world in the afghanistan and pakistan. meanwhile as clashes continue in syria number of dead has already sorted one hundred is increased speculation it's set to become the next target of one intervention journalist and author that hansie from london says any further nato action would have far reaching consequences. it is notable that former way six agent alastair cook has been quoted here in this country as saying that the reports from on the ground in syria do match what the wire agencies are saying and what's happening in syria of course any major attack on syria would result in. so much disastrous consequences i mean. the straits of hormuz is palestinian groups of people in egypt would all probably rise up against it because syria is such a linchpin of. everything that is against us how do you want to power down in the
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middle east. website r.t. dot com where after your opinion as to why mater was bombing libya not syria well and hard to believe it's the amount of oil that is directing the willingness to intervene around thirty percent you can you assure that nato strikes in syria just a matter of time not just one percent difference that's. ok as an aside a log on to play will say. france has taken the most active role isn't intervening in the uprisings you know raging in africa in the arab world apart from libya it also sends troops to its former colony ivory coast resulting style bushell reports and signs showing that the eyes of the french government are now turning to syria. sahlins cousin was shot by troops during syria's protests his parents there now live in hiding but he fears france will make
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things even worse mean his country on the pretext of stopping the violence i don't wish to have. and therefore since syria but i. spect. you know it's the same chain of events that brought war with libya and now on full during its whole first syrian leader bashar al assad was invited for talks in paris as was colonel gadhafi but at the same time france reportedly was funding opposition groups in both states now nicolas sarkozy's government is slapping damascus with sanctions the precursor to the version of libya humanitarian aid says one also can give their excuse to go in the logic of the government in libya is that they should think of being in syria. syria was once on the fringe occupation but certainly say france behaves as if it's still in control of france they've had
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their supplies there for decades now and the religious movements have had their people there for decades so they're going to do whatever they can to use their influence to change the regime in a way that they see fit intervention would leave france fighting in four walls that hasn't happened since it was a colonial power the french defense ministry hasn't been this busy in over fifty years already fighting in afghanistan and libya and the ivory coast is now turning its sights on another former colony syria but expose think the real target is serious key ally iran france is growing increasingly angry at tehran's nuclear ambitions and this part of international moves to stop the program damascus would. i'm a springboard for the sarkozy administration as it pushes east in syria progress according to the libyan scenario we will probably see a similar developments in iran unfortunately that is iran will repeat the syrian
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scenario russia watches western military interventions with rising along it was the fueling violence across the middle east. you little bit really escalating the conflict and that is an invitation to a series of civil wars outside forces of should not interfere give advice or take sides in internal conflicts of interest as foreign minister as they could be assisting in the tale he says unleashing chaos in the region helps the very extremist the west wants to stop gaining power bushell r.t. paris. the uprising in egypt was called the facebook revolution protests there were coordinated on the web sites pages but during the start of the founder of wiki leaks says the service has been much more sinister all. consuming to r.t. what is a pretty what's to come in just over an hour's time. facebook in particular.
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if the most appalling why there have been facebook google yahoo all the major u.s. organizations have it will be in good faith and for u.s. intelligence everyone should understand that. we may be afraid of the work i do when we work for united eleventh agencies. including you've got to get it right. with many americans struggling to pay off their debts are growing numbers are said to be subjected to extreme abuse from debt collectors from furious rents to threats of physical violence there's no holding back for those determined to make people pay their way for the u.s. government's been the biggest borrower in the country it's still the working americans having to bear the brunt of what not small.
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imagine a call coming to your home oh you pick up and it's stranger demands your money and threatens your life they had said that so we know where you live we know your wife is you're not going to get away with this before the. indoor prions case he was dealing with the mafia and i called them back to find out exactly who they were they were the voices of debt collectors harassing the fifty year old music producer over a small debt belonging to his son. with a record number of americans drowning in unpaid bills losing homes and searching for jobs i'd use in the u.s. debt collection industry has reached record highs and one hundred forty four thousand complaints were filed with the federal government last year among them collectors resorting to racial slurs anti-semitic remarks and threats of rate
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certainly any threats of violence or clearly illegal contact with third party it's somebody other than the consumer is here we go on unless it is under very specific circumstances however dukkha like that is routinely violate the third party disclosure rules and contact neighbors and relatives as a means of putting pressure on some of the pack attorney joseph morrow says most collection agents work on commission only getting paid when debts been recovered a climate of economic desperation intensifying the use of illegal and aggressive tactics just to net our bounty paycheck there are more knowledge about four or five cases of suicide coming from that collection harassment there's also been heart attacks and strokes ironically like mine is always extended to the biggest of them all the us governments with exceptional debt. fourteen point three trillion dollars
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america spending money printing more cash and relying on creditors like china no no one point one trillion dollars in u.s. treasury bonds i want to make it perfectly clear that congress will raise the debt ceiling washington gets a safety net wall street gets a bailout and the working americans facing financial hardship. is it unfair yes it is the economic environment disasters right now yes it is there's been traditional ways to to work your way out of these situations and those mechanisms are working anymore. i sound unlikely to be heard on wall street where the rich and powerful have lost billions in past years while poor americans are need st continue dealing with the consequences. r t v. today's in today's edition of crosstalk people a bell and his guests debate whether donald trump's campaign for the presidency
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could make him a powerful challenger in next year's race for the white house. what it does is this kind of trump theater of the absurd takes an already scrambled wide open field and starts to tell people look this is not the year to run because if this is what we're talking about this shows i mean are you going to get up on a stage as a real candidate with donald trump and talk a lot will say you outrageous things will get a lot of coverage will make all the other candidates ridiculous. nuclear safety has come under first scrutiny following this so that's what's unfolded at. the recent anniversary of the chernobyl disaster and i think to the fears. has been trying to find out if lessons are being learned and these stations come online. this is the reactor which is of course part of the power station.
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heat up the water with the process of fission and then this water goes on and turns of turbines which create the electricity normally if there is an accident anything goes wrong this reactor shuts down the some special control rods they stop the process of fission in japan when the initial earthquake took place there was a successful shutdown of the water cycle ration system was damaged but even after you shut the rods down enough to stop the first official it doesn't stop straight right there is a remaining process which goes on for several days. in japan as a special backup system a diesel operated backup systems which are supposed to stop the rods from overheating with this leftover question which is happening but of course this system was damaged as well. which followed afterwards and this is what has led to the. rods causing a build up of a buildup of pressure and eventually the explosions which of state shaken over the past few days this is the control room obviously the brains of the operation now
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the project for the station was initially approved in the early eighty's all of this equipment was different it was analog before now it's the digital. i think you compare this to the sort of technologies that we used in chernobyl is totally inappropriate the system is also mated and these computers can see millions of calculations every second so a repeat of that is impossible all the same we can only hope that accidents such as three mile island turn lobel. will not be repeated any time in the near future. of t.v. . station. brief look at some other news making headlines across the world in the early in the case of clash with left wing demonstrators cheney made a rally and march was grow. it was the kind of off the stones and bottles were thrown at shops and banks. across the country when travel on
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a day that frequently turned problems in the post plus germany one hundred thousand drawing the usual thing from instructions. the flight recorder of the air france jet that crashed in ninety two years ago has been found on the coast of brazil because the recent discovery of the wreckage of the sun the sea that instigators interview caused the crash that killed twenty people on board the plane came down in a high altitude thunderstorm first of two thousand and nine as it travel to paris which is. the major serial fracture in a provincial russian town was closed down even though many of the little shots are no good shots after being sort of the kellogg's corporation of nature we'll see who produce a sore thumb. the seventy five years this factory has been at the economic heart of the city of gori yes building one of russia's leading cereal
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brands or. actually. it was more than just a job. then a few years ago a good brand is caused by kellogg's internationally recognized with a name built on its strong ethical values it should have been an exciting development for the workers here he did not say great as it turns out that reversal on march the fourteenth we came to work and were told that the company would be dated it was short notice and people are shocked and emotional you get a generous redundancy package has done little to comfort the people nor abortive good thing there are generations of families that work here and told build the brand the city is small there are hardly any jobs. in response to the sudden closure kellog said. the decision was not related to the performance of the workers
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or the plant's management we appreciate their income and the results of their work and admit that their contribution was valuable for the business but it's now kellogg's and people reaping the rewards of. the quantiles everything for people it was our way of life. what the hell is also a claim they're involved in the search for new investors at the factory and its production facilities to be sold as a package that he and it filled with little seems to be happening in the production equipment is being removed not a hateful sign for those hating to see the factory back in action when we tried see for ourselves we were refused entry. for the owner of the company may restructure his perception of the road but this kind of decision cannot be called socially responsible that's absolutely clear. ethics profits battle this time it seems profits of one out. of but the real bottom line is that with the factory closed
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its the people who are left paying the price. are today. all stay with us in a few moments we'll have the world headlines for you here on r.t. . which. twenty years ago the largest country in the distance races of.
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what had been the most challenging each began to germany. where did it take the. wealthy british science science and sometimes. markets finance scandals find out what's really happening to the global economy which might structure for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune in to kaiser report on our cheek. millions died here. and millions looked forward to be held don't say.


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