tv [untitled] May 2, 2011 3:00pm-3:30pm EDT
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the regret is crummy that used to feel the accuser to the willful ruben's herself. could say to those families who have lost loved ones it's all quite as terror justice has been done tonight on our team with the sound of bin laden killed in a u.s. special operation questions are already being asked if his demise will make a difference and who will inevitably become the next place of global terrorism we try and assess also outrage across tripoli gadhafi supporters attacked western embassies and forced u.n. stuff out of the city following the deaths of the colonel son and grandchildren in a nato airstrike also. nearly every war that was fought in the past people
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even. as the result of your wife julie massage tells us that r t who he thinks is to blame for letting international conflict africa. i'm following a fish and we get inside a nuclear power plant to give you a glimpse of its workings and the safety provisions in place to prevent another fukushima. or. we're going to be watching r t it's now eleven pm here in moscow this monday may the second kevin know it and the main news the most high profile manhunt in recent history is over washington confirms it's a liberated it's number one terrorist osama bin laden the al qaeda leader was killed following a raid at his hideout in pakistan i think correspondent and this is now and you can give us a broader perspective from both sides of the atlantic. there has been
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a lot of cheering here in the u.s. since the president announced the news the obama administration is definitely. accomplished kind of moved american officials are saying they have a d.n.a. confirmation that it was indeed osama bin laden who was killed in the shootout u.s. authorities said they buried him at sea many say that if americans didn't vary his body at sea they probably said that to avoid some places pilgrimage for sympathizers to those many who were waiting for photographs who've been loggins that there was a bit of a disappointment because there is no credible image to show according to president obama bin laden was killed by american special forces in pakistan in a relatively luxurious compound not in some cave in a cave in afghanistan as some would expect the president said they had known about bin laden's whereabouts since last year which that you suggest that he had been preparing this operation for months what's interesting everybody knows that the u.s. has been chasing beyond of ghana's them borders in yemen those have been covert drone
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strikes in pakistan did pretty overt the u.s. has been widely criticized for those strikes for the scores of civilians that they killed in pakistan it's been it's been an especially the sore issue and the question some ask now is could this success of killing bin laden in pakistan give the u.s. more of a carte blanche for carrying out strikes in other countries or can justify those strikes some analysts point out that america's war on terror so far has been a double edged sword that involved fighting terror and provoking terror at the same time that ladan was the environment the symbol of america's war on terror since nine eleven he had been the. greatest villain the u.s. invaded afghanistan to chase him down and game and his associates the chase took a phenomenal lot of time and resources thousands thousands of afghan civilians died who were waged by allied forces and led by the united states has left afghanistan as unstable as every it's now a hotbed of extremism. the u.s.
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administration now of course hail so some of the law his death is a great victory on the war on terror front but the bigger question is how much more terror has that war instigated ever since he was has a track record of policies that backfired like arming and training the afghan mujahedeen in the nine hundred eighty s. and you know in their fight against the soviet troops subsequently the same guy who the militants turned their weapons and training against the u.s. among those supported by the us was osama bin ladin whose group eventually evolved into al qaeda but like i said i said there is a lot of cheerleading going on in washington right now and it seems many find it more comforting to think only in terms of justice is being served and evil punished rather than also look at the other side of the double edged sword which is america's war on terror and the new russia is no stranger to well coded terror of movements is it possible certainly is no stranger to the threat of terrorist
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specially in its volatile north caucasus region where special forces there are constantly on the offensive against domestic charge networks and internationally wanted terrorists like doku umarov with that said moscow has of course and understandably helped the death of osama bin ladin say that it's a major step and simple to do with global terror prices also say that it hoped that it would be to further cooperation but the country very much understands that even though osama bin ladin is dead the fight against terror is far from over the man want to demand for a decade is gone the united states has conducted an operation that killed osama bin laden. few years ago that cheering doing the right way for some it was a moment of victory for others a movement of the barest meant president obama is in fact it was a u.s. is a strategic but there's one moment analysts say should not be overlooked and some of
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bin laden may be dead but the threat. of terror is very much alive frankly doesn't make much of a difference the rawdon is dead people here were convinced along at least for the last two years have been very convinced that the. figures or people in this region who by the way cannot number more than one hundred are incapable of carrying out any major attacks instead it's russia now kind of wing terrorists that have made the most recent marks on scales metro blastin airport bombing two of the latest global attacks were masterminded by domestic church in terror and leader doku umarov for years has been trying to third bin laden's role as the face of international terrorism quite a leader's demise is expected to remain a significant symbol while having little or no a factor in the fight against terrorism it could create waves elsewhere in the two thousand war i'm right. george bush's approval rating was around fifty percent
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but twenty four hours he shot at a ninety percent so watch for obama to get from this and now of course an opening has been made for the new face of evil. first it was a. sane and the person you know the. next one will come of it whenever the need arises speaking of the libya you're going to hear a lot of parallels in the coming days about the fact that the u.s. and nato are training rebels there and it was the u.s. naris groups that then became al qaida and the taliban back in the one nine hundred eighty s. during the soviet can for. let's get more perspective on these events now about. a political and the senior fellow at the state of washington d.c. mr didn't even tell you the compound where osama bin laden was killed is located less than
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a kilometer away from pakistan's military academy and indeed from what we see and its size it solidly in conspicuous do you think the pakistan military would aware of his whereabouts all along. well it seems like they may have been i mean there they have photos with pakistani intelligence military people that are near the house so it be almost impossible i would think for someone not to know he's a six foot six person which i realize that's not in european measurements but he's very tall for that part of the world and he's a giant and so it would be very difficult to stay in conspicuous i guess the old adage that if you hide something in plain sight no one sees it but the united states has tremendous and intelligence capabilities and spends you know hundreds of billions of dollars on intelligence and it takes them it takes the took the united states government ten years to get bin laden find out where it was and i
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guess it's great that they found them but it has taken a while i think i guess the question i'm trying to get to do you think they could have. soon or could the pakistani government have been hiding him or a number of other terrorist was there enough we hear there is cooperation between the pakistani government in america a lot of it but you know following on what i've just asked to do you think they could have got him sooner than. well i think there is some possibility that the pakistani government was saving him as the eighth in the hole because they knew that's what the united states wanted enough the united states gets him they made me last willing to provide billions of dollars of aid and other support to the pakistani government so i think the united states has. always been a victim of pakistan supporting the taliban under the table and perhaps even hiding in the simply because they're manipulating the united states in that part of the
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region or the timing of this you know if we're asking the question why now of course the killing of bin laden coming shortly after president obama launched his reelection campaign it is going to give him a boost to do you think there could be some links between bin laden's death today of the last twenty four hours in a way and obama's presidential ambitions is what some of our guests have been saying today. i don't really think so i think you know this is a year and a half before the election if you want to do something like that you do it as an october surprise to bump up your popularity just before the election and i think they probably just genuinely found found in intelligence work is inexact and it takes a lot of piecing together of things i don't see it as political i think the real question is will this have have an effect on the terrorism and as your lead in piece. said it's a double edged sword and most americans are. unwilling to even entertain the fact
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that the united states government has done things in the muslim world which these terrorists don't like and so you can't really get rid of an insurgency or a terrorist group by simply killing and even david petraeus the commander u.s. commander in afghanistan a said you can't kill your way out of an insurgency the same applies to terrorism you have to remove the underlying source of the grievance and in this case. the benign was trying to get the u.s. forces and u.s. . meddling out of. the muslim world and then most americans aren't aware that their government does that sort of thing and so it comes as their their response is a nationalistic one but that he's been punished for his work in night perpetration on the nine eleven incident which is true and it's cause for celebration but i think the united states in the long term has to ask itself and the people here have to face up to the fact that perhaps the u.s.
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government is causing terrorism as much as fighting it out of briefers to come so i was really want to ask you you know the big question was now i mean the u.s. has already issued a worldwide travel warning fearing immediate retaliating from bin laden supporters was this a whole new can of worms. well i think there is a martyrdom issue but. the one thing that would really help is that the u.s. got out of afghanistan and got out of iraq this is what drives the terrorism u.s. well actually nine muslin occupations of muslim lands in this case the u.s. mission in afghanistan and iraq and its involvement in libya as well i think would fit under that category and so i think the obama could use this as an excuse to say listen we don't on the need to be in afghanistan i don't think that's going to happen because the security there are christians in washington have to take. this policy and i think there are already trumpeting the fact that the threat has not gone away after this. killing but and they're probably right in the short term
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in the one term you really have to ask yourself if we're not stirring this terrorism up in the one nine hundred eighty s. the united states was in lebanon had another terrorist group was attacking the u.s. when u.s. pulled out the terrorism from had split gradually attenuate and i would expect that to happen if the united states. takes the lower footprint in the middle east in the islamic world where all things. political analyst and senior fellow at the independent institute in washington d.c. . to libya now with the bodies of gadhafi son and three grandchildren reportedly killed in a nato air strike could be shown on state t.v. says they intercepted military communications from the target site before launching the attack in some of those calls outrage among pro get off the supporters with angry mob storming foreign embassies in the capital tripoli and british and italian offices of the most with the u.n.
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deciding to withdraw from libya after its buildings were also attacked run back here from the group now to stop war and racism told us to stop the coalition campaign in libya people in nato countries south to take to the streets in protest disease seize it. the u.s. is escalating the military pressure on gadhafi because they're now winning the civil war and their side is not yet winning the war and so they're using aerial terror against the khadafi administration and against his family with the hope that he will cry uncle be intimidated or be so afraid that he will quit the u.s. has been guilty of miscalculations in iraq and afghanistan underestimating the opposition underestimating the resistance underestimating the colonial or anti colonial sentiment of the people who are being targeted by occupy and clearly in libya others adopt the regime no matter how unpopular it is in some parts of the country perhaps in benghazi in the east it also has a popular base in tripoli and elsewhere and the nato thought the bombs drop would
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cause the regime to collapse it isn't in fact there are they've asked related their own capacity to strike back at the rebel forces so this is an effort by nato to up the ante start killing khadafi or khadafi families with the hope that will change the political equation inside the regime unless the people in the united states or britain or france go into the streets and take serious action i don't think anyone will hold them back the russian government and other governments have stated clearly that the killings of or his family is far beyond the resolution one thousand seventy three but the protests at the un or at the diplomatic level won't be sufficient to stop nato they have a license to do they think to do whatever they want. one of the coalition driving forces france is not only become a key player in libya but in other conflicts in the region to having sent its troops to its former colony ivory coast paris is now showing
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a strong interest in syria. cousin was shot by troops during syria's protests his parents there now live in hiding but he fears france will make things even worse by forming his country on the pretext of stopping the violence i don't wish to have a good. idea or not and i have thought since. that day but i really i expect that. you know it's the same chain of events that brought to war with libya and now on full doing its whole first syrian leader bashar al assad was invited for talks in paris as was colonel gadhafi but at the same time france reportedly was funding opposition groups in both states and their nicolas sarkozy's government is slipping damascus with sanctions the precursor to be a version of libya humanitarian aide says one also will again be their excuse to go
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in the logic of their intervention in libya is that they should intervene in syria also syria was once on the fringe occupation to turn loose say france behaves as if it's still in control france they've had their spies there for decades now and the religious movements have had their people there for decades so they're going to do whatever they can to use their influence it change the regime in a way that they see fit intervention would leave france fighting in four walls that hasn't happened since it was a colonial power the french defense ministry hasn't been busy in over fifty years already fighting in afghanistan libya and the ivory coast is now turning its sights on another former colony syria but expose think the real target. it's serious key ally iran france is growing increasingly angry at tehran's nuclear ambitions and this part of international moves to stop that program to must become
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a springboard for the sarkozy administration as it pushes east events in syria progress according to the libyan scenario we will probably see a similar development in iran unfortunately that is iran will repeat the syrian scenario russia will choose with the military interventions with rising along it warns the fueling boylan's across the middle east. deliberately escalates in a conflict is an invitation to a series of civil wars outside forces should not interfere give advice or take sides in internal conflicts but russia's foreign minister adds there could be a sting in the tail he says unleashing chaos in the region helps the very extremist the west wants to stop gaining power valuable shore r.t. paris. people in europe and the us have been repeatedly gypped by the media and backing foreign interventions that's the opinion of julian assange the founder of
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wiki leaks who speaks exclusively to us at r t so here's a taster of what he said. our number one enemy of ignorance than and i believe it is the number one enemy of everyone is not understanding what is actually going on in the world no question is here with. ignorance is bad media. it really is my opinion that in the media in general so bad there is a store here. how the world actually it is nearly every war that is part of in a pile fifteen years as being a result of media why in the media couldn't stop it if it thirty people are basically population. populations have to be fooling towards populations by willingly and i hope we don't in our lives go into so if we have
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a good media environment in the also hoping for. next three years on from the financial crash of two thousand and eight millions of americans are still mired in debt and unable to get back on their feet but some stand to gain from the situation too and spare no extra to squeeze as much money out of the downtrodden as possible from death threats to public humiliation that is more important eyes got the story about predatory debt collectors. imagine a call coming to your home oh you pick up and your demands your money and threatens your life they have said that so we know where you live we know your wife is you're not going to get away with this before you. embark brian's case he was dealing with the mafia and i called them back to find out exactly who they were these were the voices of debt collectors harassing the fifty year old music producer over
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a small debt belonging to his son. with a record number of americans drowning in unpaid bills losing homes and searching for jobs of use in the us debt collection industry has reached record highs and one hundred forty four thousand complaints were filed with the federal government last year among them collectors resorting to racial slurs anti-semitic remarks and threats of rate certainly any threats of violence or clearly illegal contact with third party and somebody other than the consumer is illegal unless it is under very specific circumstances however attack collect is routinely violate the third party disclosure rules and contact me and relatives as a means of putting pressure on consumer attorney joseph morrow says most collection
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agents work on commission only getting paid when debts been recovered a climate of economic desperation intensifying the use of illegal and aggressive tactics just to net our bounty paycheck there are to my knowledge about four or five cases of suicide coming from that collection harassment and there's also been heart attacks and strokes ironically a lifeline is always extended to the biggest borer of them all the us governments with exceptional debt. fourteen point three trillion dollars i mary keeps spending money printing more cash and relying on creditors like china to own up to one point one trillion dollars in u.s. treasury bonds i want to make it perfectly clear that congress will raise the debt ceiling washington gets a safety net wall street gets a bailout and a working american facing financial hardship. is that unfair yes is the economic environment disasters right now yes it is but there's been traditional ways to work
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your way out of these situations and those mechanisms are working anymore. as sound unlikely to be heard on wall street where the rich and powerful have lost billions in past years while poor americans on main street continue dealing with the consequences. are t. . his chicken a few stories in our series of confident night always there the latest news always or the latest videos and comment for us a chance to have your say as well plus the stories to the actress wife of a man governing a remote russian region gains notoriety for her dramatic bank balance rather than her on stage antics as we reveal online tonight. and you might want to indulge in little bit of this as well hated by your opponents stabbed in the back by your colleagues perish the thought torn to pieces by the press will step into the virtual shoes of a modern day politician it's
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a game of. nuclear safety is coming to first scrutiny following the shocking events that japan's fukushima power plants the recent anniversary of the chernobyl disaster is only for . highlighted the fears of his ego trying to find out if lessons are being learned as new reactors come online in russia. this is the reactor which is of course the heart of the power station here. the water with the process of fission and then this water goes on and turns of power binds which create the electricity if there is an act and if anything goes wrong this reactor shuts down with some special control rods they start the process of fission in japan when the initial
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earthquake took place there was a successful shutdown after the water cycle ration system was damaged but even after you shot the roads down even after you stop the stress officially it doesn't stop straightaway there is a remaining process which goes on for several days. in japan or the special backup system the backup systems which are supposed to stop the rods from overheating with this leftover fission which is happening but of course this is that was damaged as well. afterwards and this is what has led to the rods. the rods causing a buildup of air brought up the pressure and eventually the explosions which of state shaken over the past few days this is the control room obviously the brains of the operation now the project for the station was initially approved in the early eighty's all of this equipment was different before now it's digital.
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i think to compare this to the sort of technologies that we used in chernobyl is totally inappropriate the system is also made it in these computers can do millions of calculations every second so a repeat of that is impossible all the same we can only hope that accidents such a three mile island. will not be repeated anytime in the near future. party. station. house around the world tonight because. extreme weather that ravaged southeast america's reach three hundred forty thousands of people injured missing or left homeless by recent conditions made this spring's wave of tornadoes and floods the most deadly and devastating since the nineteenth official say the ball the risk if you store the remains will be nowhere near the magnitude of the disaster scene last week. in germany the traditionally peaceful may day rally turned violent has police used force against protesters water cannons
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be used to disperse angry crowds and humbug and throw stones and bottles and shops and banks across the country made of demonstrations attracted more than four hundred thousand people drowned in fair wages and better working conditions. twenty seven minutes past eleven o'clock now moscow time coming up people of all talks this guess about the upcoming u.s. presidential election on the controversial candidates who may enter the race in the late station across talk very shortly tonight relegate the headlines for you just before that.
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question is that so much of. which of course you write on it so here it is the donald donald trump he says he may or may not run for the u.s. presidency in respective of the final answer what does all this trump. will. bring you the latest in science and technology from the ground floor so. we've got the future covered. more news today harlan says once again fled the film these are the images the world
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has been seeing from the streets of canada. operations today. to cool. wealthy british style scientists and. let. the market. find out what's really happening to the global economy with months cars are for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines kaiser reports. in indonesia she's available in the ground zero for shirts and. the ritz carlton hotel and hotel to chill new millennium hotel in china you can see.
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