tv [untitled] May 2, 2011 5:00pm-5:30pm EDT
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from washington d.c. to new york city americans are jumping for joy over the killing of osama good lot but even though he's dead isn't the war on terror still very much alive. this is bigger than the moon landing this is you this is just an amazing moment for the country while the u.s. mainstream media celebrates big ones death countries around the world consider other terrorists their biggest threat so is the u.s. to say the world's most wanted terrorist dead. likely governors what with all of
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this that's fine because it's up to the country of the corporations by the corporations for the corporations so is about why may day is still a holiday around the world except here in the u.s. we'll take a look at unions rights in a country where they are slowly disappearing. good evening it's monday may seconds i'm christine fair is out and you are watching our team. or love story today osama bin laden the leader of al qaeda has been killed the announcement came down late last night by president obama who said the killing was the result of a targeted operation launched by the u.s. military but a small group of navy seals stormed bin luns compound in a bot of on pakistan killed him and a few others inside this was followed almost immediately by crowds of gathering to celebrate ground zero in new york to right outside the white house here in
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washington. celebration and jubilation over a mission that has been in the works for nearly ten years some argue osama bin laden was one and even before the attacks of september eleventh around the u.s. today newspaper headlines interpreted the action the miami herald simply had he's dead the l a times us kills bin laden and then there's the new york post which says that got him vengeance outlast us nails the bastard well many see this action as a major step and symbol in the global terror crisis but as our season is now reports even though bin laden is dead the fight against terror is far from over. the man wanted dead or alive for a decade is gone but the united states has conducted an operation that killed osama bin laden was you can hear some of that cheering going on right now right here in
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sun it was a movement of victory for others a movement of the barest meant president obama is in fact it was a u.s. strategic i'm sorry there's one moment analysts say should not be overlooked osama bin laden may be dead but the threat of terror is very much alive frankly doesn't make much of a difference that it's dead people you're working in still a long line at least for the last two years to be very convinced that the. figures are people in this region who by the way cannot number more than one hundred are incapable of carrying out any major attacks instead it's russia now kind of linked terrorists that have made the most recent remarks metro blast an airport bombing two of the greatest school attacks masterminded by domestic church and terror leader dr morris we're yours has been trying to third bin laden's role as the face
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of international terrorism kind of leaders demise is expected to remain a significant symbol now having little or no effect in the fight against terrorism and could create waves elsewhere in two thousand was right before the george bush's approval rating was up you know around fifty percent within twenty four hours and shot at a ninety percent so watch for obama to get a bump from this and now of course an opening has been made for the new face of evil first it was a socket meeting and was with the russian federation and in some of them not saying and these days of course we have more money for the. next one will come of course we will never rises. i was argy correspondent and he said now you're reporting. well so now that osama bin laden is dead many are wondering who gave his life and we wanted to take a look at some of the others who are vying for the title i'm on although we're
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hearing wanted for the murder of u.s. nationals outside the u.s. and also for his direct involvement in the bombings of the united states embassies in dar es salaam tanzania and kenya also on where all of the locky who earlier this year urged muslims residing in the u.s. to attack their own country. high ranking member of al qaeda former resident of florida he speaks perfect english and installed by many to be the field commander planning the next terrorist attack on u.s. soil adam gadahn born in oregon grew up in southern california he has appeared in numerous videos and has threatened violence against his home country he remains also on the f.b.i.'s list of most wanted terrorists. and many people today calling osama bin laden the quote world's most wanted terrorists but let's not forget we're only one country and while osama bin laden was our most wanted terrorist if you go to other parts of the world there are others considered are more important to them
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for example in russia though kumar of he is those who have ordered the naco airport bombing that took place just a few months ago that injured nearly two hundred people and killed thirty six he's also said to be behind last year's bombings on the city's metro in which thirty nine people died. and for those living in india their osama bin lawns are names melanoma sued us heart i feel mohammed saeed and i would. also chinese terrorist abdul hawk-eye some reports that says he's been killed many others still believe that he is alive and well addition to the crowd celebration and to the media interpretation it's important to remember there are so a lot of questions that have not yet been answered about osama bin laden and even more questions that have not yet been asked earlier i spoke to richard spencer the editor of alternative right dot com and the director of the national policy institute he joined me from toronto canada he wrote an article that says we can't
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deny that osama bin laden has won in some ironic way and here's why he's that. when i saw the scene that the millions of americans crowding the white house or screaming usa usa usa to that game i was just thinking of the real costs involved with hunting down the man and i'll say i don't believe for a moment all of these stories that have been coming out the burial at sea sound bite so she put it mildly and so i don't even i heard him and then you did for your own it's for that but let's just accept the story and think of the costs that has gone into hunting down this man you know if you look at american two thousand and one the dollar is collapsing at the last twenty five thirty percent of its value economically speaking by any measure whether by the stock market or unemployment or
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anything we are any significantly worse position than we were ten years ago if you look at the cost explicit cost of the wars somewhere in the order of one and a half trillion dollars if you look at the security state that's been constructed the most obvious aspect of the tip of the spear might be the t.s.a. but it's actually something that involves a hundred thousand people event security clearance they've built miles upon miles. of filleted for a vast security state and we think peace somehow won by by killing them and that is total nonsense and well i mean a couple things that richard i want to get to i mean first of all you say assuming that we're accepting this story on face value but you also say that there is vast evidence that osama bin laden has been dead for years where is this vast evidence and i guess i would want to know why if he's been dead for years as some have said for nearly a decade why didn't you know president bush wanted to come out under his reign.
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well you know i'm not an expert in these matters i simply have looked at a lot of people who study the video and audio these releases that would periodic will come out and there is a lot of reason to believe that these parts authentic and i've heard there's another tale that he actually died in two thousand and one but i you know i'm really not an expert on those matters i take anything the cia and the political media give me on a silver platter with a big mountain of salt anyway but the reason is i think basically some of bin ladin was a very useful boogeyman for a good decade and i think essentially people who run the media political circus are a little bit afraid that the attention span challenge americans are going to just completely forget who this man was and so you better kill him off and claim that
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the good guys did it before he loses all value as the scary you know arab living under that we need to spend trillion dollars hunting him down i think the idea that al qaeda was some tightly organized network that was you know controlling government and everyone i think that it is completely completely fraudulent i think al qaeda in many ways the kind of postmodern organization people will spring up and call them the al-qaeda all of the globe by this idea that it was one centrally planned organization with osama bin ladin making orders i think that's just total nonsense i don't think anyone believes. it so i you know the surats that osama knows is just it's very hard to actually measure but i read i think they'll be a million other some of that will rise in this but but a bigger question what's going to happen afterward look the united states has not
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officially. completed or won a war since the second world war we're still officially fighting the korean war who knows what goes on in vietnam we go into place to. create bases we remain for decades upon decades so sadly i think a lot of americans are expecting closure that we finally over we've done that now what we are going to happen to government is never going to leave you but we're going to be in libya you know the whole government still around and forty years they're going to still be in libya you know protecting human rights or i'm not and i do have to say that richard i mean even the u.s. government is making it very clear that just because osama bin laden is now gone that this doesn't mean the war on terror is even close to over i want to take a little piece of what secretary of state hillary clinton said this morning and i'll get your response. continued cooperation will be just as important in the
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days ahead because even as we mark this milestone we should not forget that the battle to stop al qaida and its syndicate of terror will not end with the death of bin lot indeed we must take this opportunity to renew our resolve and redouble our efforts so the battle to stop al qaida will continue what do you think that battle will look like richard in the months and years ahead. i think it's going to look like more deaths it's going to look like more government it's going to look like a whole new expanses in this perverted ts they are out of it's going to look like that it's going to look like. a myriad of things that are not actually protecting this country but are actually expanding the power of government expanding the coffers of the military industrial complex and giving busybodies like
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hillary clinton something to do that's what's going to happen. is there will anything happen in which they will decide to not redouble their efforts on the war on terror if some of the law did was still at large they would be redoubling their efforts and strengthening their results now that we've killed them their redoubling their efforts and the result it's all quite a silly game one interesting thing i don't think actually the american public buys that early's intelligent portion of the american public i'm sure all those who've screaming usa usa certainly you know that will take anything you could give them but i think in terms of the legitimacy of the united states government in terms of legitimacy of the word terror i think it's really had the mickey taken out of it to support a british phrase i don't think people take it seriously anymore i was richard spencer editor of alternative right dot com and director of the national policy
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institute so this begs the question how much do we really understand not only about this but about the wars the us is involved in as a result of osama bin laden and al qaida are just more and recently sat down with wiki leaks founder julian assange he spoke about the role of media and many of these world events a role that can often be harmful take a lesson. and finally julian who do you consider sphere number one enemy. number one enemy is ignorance. and i believe that is the number one enemy everyone. is not understanding what is actually going on in the world and so are you when you start to understand that you can make a fit difference even significant plans you know prisoners he was promoting ignorance of all those organizations to try to keep things secret well in those organizations which to store troop rotation to make it false misrepresented
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in this latter category. he was badly injured. and that was largely lore i met from london interviewing wiki leaks founder julian assange and if you'd like to see this interview in its entirety you can log on to our website r.t. dot com. well as you may have observed in the last several hours this announcement has brought about a media frenzy with wall the wall coverage on every detail from interviews with nine eleven victims families to animated graphics showing the military mission the coverage of this big event has been surprisingly uniform from mainstream networks to mainstream network. on the moon landing this is just an amazing moment for the country we're only now beginning to appreciate the enormity of this the storage situation we want to take a look at the big media response of the killing of osama bin laden and for that we go to danny schechter filmmaker and blogger joining us from our new york studio.
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hey there danny i guess i just want to start by getting your take on the media coverage thus far. well you know it gave the media something big to deal with and to feel important about even though twitter seems to have beaten most of the television networks to this story according to a number of reports including one and usa today nevertheless this is the kind of story that media outlets t.v. and networks live for because it gives them a chance to use their old footage it gives them a chance to appear to be on the inside of a breaking story and they basically compete with each other to add a key detail here or there or a key visual here or there to show that they're on top of it and they're ahead of their competitors the problem is as some of your guests have been saying earlier the whole role of what it is what it does how it's been organized is seen it seems to be missing in the coverage namely that it's really more of a decentralized network home as like a social media network than than
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a centralized command structure with bin laden sitting at the top i made a point today of looking at the coverage in pakistan and afghanistan now admittedly in the english language press there but basically all their experts are saying this is not going to affect anything which means that the wars there will continue which means that actual bin ladin is more of psychological importance than he is of military importance snagging him killing him and they've been tracking him since august two thousand and ten. you know is a great political accomplishment it's it's actually led to the president of the united states being beatified almost more than the you know the pope's you know kind of accolades to john paul this is you know obama is cashing in on this to everything for everything that it's worth and you'll notice and his speech last night he kept stressing several times i ordered i promised i's such and such it was
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clearly done for you know this statement was clearly worded for political advantage . produce the proper result because most people see bin laden as. is it i mean we just had a big bombing in morocco we just had a broken. attack in germany which suggests that you know bin laden it was not really the only person in al qaeda but the fact there are these groups and cells that are capable of doing very violent things around the world in their capacity has not been changed i think that's a high powered worry that there's such an important point danny that you bring up there just in terms of making it a point as you said that you did looking at other media and other countries and the way that they covered this. because if you look at the media at least the mainstream networks here in the u.s. you could put the channel and the thing the thing thing on all your screens which is pretty amazing but i want to also say and bring in christiane i mean in from way this has been a tough one for the u.s.
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media because so far they're having to take u.s. officials from president obama to secretary clinton at their word pakistan of course is not a place that's filled with u.s. journalists on the ground and as far as getting confirmation you know some are wondering when the photos or the video will be released but as far as getting confirmation it's not me that easy to do you know the u.s. journalists here are not calling up you know their sources in pakistan to make sure this is verified they don't have anyone but found the body being thrown into the sea you know how do you think the media should proceed next in terms of the next chapter of this story i mean first of all this so-called compound million dollar mansion as it's been described as a popular consumption was apparently just down the street from the west point of pakistan their military academy so there are legitimate questions about what is the pakistani intelligence know and when did they forgot to get that they knew it you know did they tip off of the united states or not and did they do so for political
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reason because as you know the united states is. more more more publicly criticizing pakistan so maybe to alleviate that pressure there is some sort of deal here that we still don't know about but i think the intelligence and pakistan is not all that unintelligent i think they have been following this closely and i think the united states is actually gloating over it but what's the total effect of it is akin to really in these wars you know is getting bin ladin the purpose of it or as many americans think or you know is there more to it and that's really what most americans don't know and the media isn't talking about well the media will be talking at least off from the same place tonight a little fun fact that we just found out anchoring from ground zero tonight anderson cooper shepard smith katie couric brian williams and diane sawyer expand any a little bit on you know this very uniform coverage that's going on. well that's perfect
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because the world trade center has now become a set in a psychological drama essentially and which the united states you know can claim that its defeat is now a victory ten years later we got him but you know what have we really gotten here have we gotten peace or we got an end to this conflict is the war on so-called terror over or is it getting ready for a new stage i mean. omar bin ladin the son of the late bin ladin who's now swimming with the fishes mafia style basically said the you know he fears that it's father's killed it'll be a lot more mayhem in the world there are really possible retaliation to the u.s. has put a travel ban in effect or at least you know kind of the warnings in effect which suggests that they too are prepared for a reaction and it's likely to be a bloody one and it's not going to be one that comes you know an income for the new
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cycle and it's not going to be done for public consumption it's going to be done to try to inflict pain and suffering in response this is at least in their view a war not just a publicity contest i think that's an important point and we thought you know secretary clinton this morning thanks we're now this is not mean we can relax this means we're now going to double down and tell our after it seems like at all across . there's a lot of excitement going on i'm wondering if you see anything larry is between what we've seen you know in a lot fifteen hours or so and other pivotal moment i mean in other words do you think it's been going to think of something better. well i mean don't forget the whole euphoria when we got saddam and then we you know he was tried and convicted like alice in wonderland first the verdict then the trial and then he was you know he was basically killed the guy and violence in iraq not at all really many people
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have died since then certainly very interesting to compare all that filmmaker and blogger danny schechter. well on may first many people celebrate may day data on our workers and unions and immigrant worker rights many however feel that leaders in the u.s. not only don't care but that labor unions are about to be destroyed by u.s. corporations are his ramona lindo was at the rally in los angeles and has this report. marching to the beat of the drum thousands of people took to the streets of los angeles demanding more jobs better pay this like many other baby marches across america has also transformed it to a cry for immigration reform rage against the machine guitars tamburello says workers are workers. around the world on may first workers of all stripes of all
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religions of all colors flood the streets to show solidarity with one another it celebrates the history of workers progress of worker struggles of course were the successes and of the challenges we still have before us i'm always on the streets on may first union members in particular are feeling the challenges to work a rights steve first or a teacher worries about his ability to earn a decent wage at a time when collective bargaining rights across the country aren't dry tack i don't think people want to believe their sides really understand that there is power and people power utility and that the more they think they can get away with stuff you know the beach people international workers day has its roots in america when workers organize to demand an eight hour work day but today maybe it's not an official holiday in the united states and marches like this one in los angeles are still not as passionate as rallies taking place in other parts of the world in
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turkey hundreds of thousands of people flooded the streets demanding better jobs and pig. massive crowds in red and white marched to the banner to commemorate the workers' holiday in germany anti-capitalist demonstrators clashed with police in berlin i think the word will spread i think more and more and more people get pushed around it'll spread the starts of the big cities and starts in the urban areas and it will spread worldwide bags of talk colors and waiting here in the streets of los angeles has now some people show their support and solidarity with immigrants and the workers of the world now this may day rallies not as hard as what we've seen in years past but the people that are taking charge they say that at that time for the rest of america wakes up for what they call in the work that i'm workers rights and join in a wider struggle to which. more fair and equal society this corporate agenda like
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these right wing governors right wing politics are trying to make as a company a country of the corporations by the corporations and for the corporations as you see on the streets of los angeles today we want this recovery of the people by the people and for the people in los angeles come on let me know our tea and earlier i spoke to jonathan to saini about this issue he's the president of the economic future group here's part of our conversation well i think the problem really is that there's so much of an attack against workers' rights in this country you know it's almost impossible to form a union legally here twenty thousand workers a year roughly are fired when they try to form a union so people are really intimidated the second thing is that you know labor and unions are not even taught in school anymore so people are very ignorant of what it means to be in a union and because the labor movement has been so under attack from less than eight percent of the private sector workforce so even so people just have no clue
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what it means to be in a union and you know i think about if i think about people in my parents' generation who talk about how important the union was it to their experiences as a worker no matter you know from teachers to manufacturers or what has changed that has changed that you know the bigger idea here. like i said before people die sygate say two things one is the kind of people belong to unions so people of the younger generation if you're under thirty you probably not belong to a union people don't even know what unions do i've tried this out a number of times i'll ask a relatively younger person one younger than me you know what's a union they're not sure they're not true to union does and the second thing is i think that it is true that in america compared to other parts of the world of people even despite the fact we have terrible unemployment here despite the fact that we have homelessness here people are much better off in many respects and
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people around the world there even if you are or you can shop at wal-mart so there's a way in which i think prosperity in this country has led to a little bit of an acceptance of a lifestyle that means we don't fight we don't struggle or they're not cluttered up and struggles and i think that undermines the notion of labor solidarity some of the people that ramon interviewed for this report seem to proport the notion that it was a war on unions by u.s. corporations that one can think you know they all just get along why would corporations or what interest would corporations have in feeling these unions this man for. well i know this is pretty civil pretty it's greek and greed and power and american based corporations you know i don't think this is american corporations they happen to fly an american flag sometime but the bottom line is that multinational corporations corporations based in the united states that employ people here they stopped at a form of anti union isn't it exist thirty years ago and they've been helped by
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a bipartisan political system you know i'm very critical of republicans but even more critical of democrats who too often side with corporations against workers but what will it take time to tend to get people more outraged to get can feel our age but there are three not at the los angeles fighting with the emigrant but a parent of three then you know alabama or horrid hour that you know different non you know different parts of the country without big city what will get people out there to really ask for their rights back well i think that we're in such a crisis i'm in the camp of a great crisis i'm not sure which we will go it could go in the first in the direction of even we're sitting in a situation i think wisconsin was a positive outcome where people check to the streets almost without leadership there is a sort of a collective of outrage that generated and motivated people to get out of their homes get out in the streets tape.
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