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tv   [untitled]    May 2, 2011 7:00pm-7:30pm EDT

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security flared up. these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. china operations are the day. that was some of our exclusive footage from the celebration of the lighthouse last night following the president's announcement that osama bin laden has been killed by a team of u.s. navy seals those with no historical perspective whatsoever were out in force but how can you blame the mindless students of a government run education system intended to make them obedient sometimes the government just says things in order to listen specific reaction from the people in the same way that dogs are trained this time it works but not free and not for our guest sites upon molyneux of freedom in radio dot com and alex jones of infowars
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dot com are with us tonight we've also got more exclusive what is coming up with the reactions from luke and jake who are with us at the white house last night and in times like these when the storm of sorts cited this swirls they you can be glad you're watching adam vs the man. last night eight years to the day from one president bush declared mission accomplished from an aircraft carrier viewers of donald trump celebrity apprentice were interrupted by an announcement from the white house that the president would be giving a major address regarding national security at ten thirty pm eastern time. are we saying homeland security now. a threat to national security is not nearly as
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frightening as a threat to global insecurity anyway about an hour a half later after the ins is a patient it peaked in the news that actually leaked already obama addressed the nation to announce that osama. bin laden had been killed by a team of u.s. navy seals in an operation but he had no qualms taking credit for it was soon announce that because of a newfound respect for muslim burial practices and a desire to keep bin laden's grave from becoming a shrine he was buried at sea raising many suspicions as to the validity of the killing itself considering that he was reported dead as early as december two thousand and one many are asking for further proof of his demise and there have been reports that his identity was confirmed by the d.n.a. but trust in the government is so low at this point that any time that evidence is withheld the narrative put forth by the government is really hard to believe but
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let's assume for a second to the general narrative of what occurred is true this is still an event of far greater political significance than tactical significance bin ladin was just one of many and not even near the most prominent excuses for our government to have hundreds of thousands of troops in the middle east those excuses will continue and sadly our failed policy in the middle east will probably continue i hope there's more this means we can come home reaction then this means we can intervene nor but i know what line we're going to get from the obama administration and i fear that this will be used not only to help get obama reelected but even be used to justify more foreign interventions so it is a put things in perspective for a moment what was the cost of executing and i don't leaven assuming the official government conspiracy theory is accurate flights passports flight training several
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hundred thousand tops the cost of hunting down bin laden by comparison. trillions and magnets are we are bankrupt as a country and by the way that was bin laden's stated goal he wanted to suck our country into unwinnable wars that were bankrupt us he learned the strategy from when he was fighting the russians and our government was funding him considering the financial state of our country in the way we are bickering over finances not to mention the thousands of troops who have died in a liberal nation building that only serve to distract and divert resources from getting him i would say that even in that in death bin laden is victorious yet from the mainstream talking heads we keep hearing about what a great day for america this is how amazing that we neutralize the greatest threat to our security trust your government go back to sleep this from the same people
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that brought you three weeks of nonstop royal wedding coverage because of their expert journalistic opinions there was nothing more important happening in the world i'm reminded of a quote from adolf hitler all propaganda has to be popular and has to accommodate itself to the comprehension of the least intelligent of those whom it seeks to reach. well america's least intelligent were out in force last night at the white house we'd like to provide our audience with something more substantive and in case your head is still spinning from the recent outpouring of jingoism for a little spin in the other direction joining me now from ontario canada is none other than master towner propagandist stuff on molyneux so fun thank you so much
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for joining us tonight and i want to throw for the first question i know that this is absolutely absurd ridiculous presumption but just for argument's sake let's say that we can trust our government and that the general narrative about bin laden's death is true what does the way that this is being communicated by our government tell you that they are hoping to achieve with this. that's a great question i would argue that this is right after the ryan budget and the obama budget cuts have been proposed which cut trillions of dollars in spending over the next decade or twenty years the one thing that even ryan's budget doesn't touch is the spending for the military industrial complex base funding for the pentagon has doubled over the past ten years not even counting the cost of the wars that america is involved in and a nuclear weapons pending in the department of energy it's over seven hundred billion dollars a year none of that is proposed being kept and that everybody knows it's going to
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need to be cut if you're going to try and balance the u.s. budget in any way shape or form so the fact that right after these intense budget negotiations have come out about spending cuts when the department of defense budget remains and scathed they come out with this jingoistic we've got an after only ten years in a trillion dollars success story to me speaks volumes about the defensive position of the department of defense is getting into so you think this is put out some point of borstar of the justification for the military budget. well sure look if the military budget is going to remain the same in ten years everybody knows these wars are winding down at the moment what that means is that with far fewer taxpayers because of the baby boomer retirement bulge with far fewer taxpayers that expect expecting to spend the same amount of money in ten years or twenty years than they are now it's completely absurd so they're going to need to pull out a few rabbits from their hats in order to get to get people to even remotely think about funding at that level was thinking of point things out of the how do you have a specific concerns about what military intervention this might be used to justify
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next. was sure i mean it's not escaped a lot of people's attention that as you mention bin laden was trained as a freedom fighter in the mujahideen in afghanistan to fight against the soviets which is where he learned as you said how to bankrupt the empire now of course america is going in and training the libyan rebels and it won't be long before the libyan rebels turn against the united states as these things always seem to happen i guess my main main concern is that it would be much better for them to have courtroom and tried him because then the muslim world would have seen proof or been provided that he was a criminal that he did do these terrorist actions and so on and i think that would have diffused a lot of hostility the fact that he was basically taken out and there's. the amount of money that america has spent because surely it's enough to just gas people or not kill them take them alive but of course americans don't want to hear the other side of the story of what america has done in the middle east and what has provoked these kinds of attacks so i'm concerned that there's going to be retaliatory
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strikes which are going to be used to extend expand american power domestically and overseas ok so i even i'm tempted to be to be hopeful when something like this happens for someone very specific there and there are a lot of people in the united states who are questioning this but are saying well at least there is one less excuse for the government thinking of us in afghanistan to the point troops of the middle east is there any hope for americans who want to see us return to a constitutional foreign policy to a foreign policy based on taxes can we use this to demand that the troops come home now. i think that every concerned and moral human being the world over should be pounding their table tops and thundering at the top of their lungs which i can't do because i have a cold but thundering at the top of their lungs that this should be the end of the empire that this should be the end of the intervention in the middle east that the last and major excuse for being there is now done and therefore the troops must come home i don't know that it's going to work but it's what everybody should be
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talking about we can only hope so do you think there's any practical way that we can actually apply that leverage given the disconnect between our political system in the people here in the united states i think that everybody who believes that the political system is responsive to the will of the voters i don't happen to be one of those people but i suggest that if you do have that belief then you should strain every sinew and your moral soul to raise that cry to the very heavens to bring the troops home now that the beast is dead and well thank you very much the fund really appreciate a perspective that was so far at molineux from ontario canada. so who is osama bin laden and how did he come to occupy a special place in the hearts of all loyal bootlicking americans well from one nine hundred eighty to one thousand nine hundred eighty nine the cia and british intelligence agents trained the mujahideen in afghanistan because we were still
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fighting the russians for global influence and well the enemy of my enemy is my friend so our government provided osama bin laden with money and weapons to help him fight the russians. following their success bin laden traveled extensively and spent a lot of time in london at some point during the ninety's he also became actively involved in the opium trade an area which remains an important part of the afghan economy even today the first arrest warrant issued for bin laden came from libya in one thousand nine hundred for the killing of two german intelligence agents however gadhafi was not exactly popular at the time with the international community and obviously bin laden was not brought in on that warrant but on may twenty sixth one nine hundred ninety eight was on and on and held a press conference to discuss a fatwa that he had recently issued which he said by god's grace we have formed with many other islamic groups and organizations in the islamic world a front called the international islamic front to do jihad against the crusaders
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and jews and by god's grace the men are going to have a successful result in killing americans and getting rid of them and of course this is what first made him into the big bogeyman for america on august nineteenth one thousand nine hundred eighty eight the cia attempted to kill bin laden with a missile strike based on intelligence that was gathered from interceptions of his phone calls that he was making on a satellite phone either by luck or being tipped off some suspect by pakistani intelligence bin ladin of voided the missiles and between october twenty fifth and over twenty five thousand nine hundred ninety eight in a separate trial bin laden was brought in by the taliban for the u.s. embassy bombings in africa which he has denied credit for but he was set free after the united states failed to provide sufficient evidence for conviction. and july of two thousand and one bin laden america's most wanted criminal with
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a five million dollars bounty on his head allegedly received lifesaving treatment for kidney failure from an american specialist dr terry callaway at the american hospital in dubai before allegedly returning to afghanistan to mastermind the attacks of nine eleven after nine eleven the attacks were used to justify the invasion of afghanistan and eventually iraq and now our involvement in pakistan and while our government was spending trillions of dollars on these occupations bin laden was nearly forgotten about and rarely even used as a justification for the point hundreds of thousands of troops to the middle east supposedly we've been keeping on the run this entire time with speculation of his whereabouts ranging wildly from caves with dialysis machines in the mountains of afghanistan to tropical resorts at least that is until yesterday when we heard that
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he met his and recently in a walled compound in pakistan what does it really mean one less stooge for a politicians to kick us around or to kick around in order to scare us into supporting a foreign policy that is contrary to our best interests the only question now is who will they hold up as the next bogeyman and what disastrous policy will they try to shove down our throats next. when we come back we'll sit down with none other than alex jones plus jake and luke will help me ridicule the drunk morons that we encountered the white house last night and so their perspectives on what this means for nine eleven truth and the hope that we can start bringing troops home.
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for. a little. or we are broke. and you know i. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so if you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realized everything you thought you don't know i'm sorry well here's a big. welcome
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back to adam vs the man joining me now to put some perspective on the announcement of the death of osama bin laden are adam vs the man contributors luke reality and jake gilberto but before we get to that and sharing our experience from the vin go isn't part of the white house last night we'd like to introduce our next guest joining us from austin texas is none other than alex jones host of the alex jones radio show on infowars dot com his extensive research and historical perspective allowed him to predict that osama bin laden would be used as a patsy for
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a massive attack on the united states it would be used to justify more military spending before the attacks of nine eleven alex thanks so much for joining us tonight tell us how much confidence do you have in the reports recently from the government of the death of osama bin laden. i have zero the former deputy secretary of state steve but cheney came on my show in april of two thousand and two now over nine years ago and i've now talked to him today i'm going to get him on my own broadcast and he was told that bin laden had died and that he was literally frozen and that they were going to roll him out at it politically expedient point in the future and after that happened to white house sources a lot of them in person very well known told me that that was indeed true and then madeleine albright got so spooked by it former secretary of state she went on fox news and two thousand and three sort of walter cronkite went on national t.v. and so did heinz kerry and teresa heinz kerry senator kerry's wife and said the
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word is they've got his dead body they're going to use him in the zero four election but that wasn't needed then so they just said don't worry about bin laden forget about it and introduce this to adam perlman and middle u.s. government agent and or a lockheed fox news admits meeting secretly at the pentagon and then running all the domestic attacks this is a purely manufactured event that doesn't mean there aren't real quote muslim terrorist people fighting that certainly exist but this is an organic manufactured system i had general hameed ghoul former head of pakistani intelligence on the day concurred but this is a manufactured cia choreographed event to now be blamed on pakistan so that there can be move to try to militarily snatch the nuclear weapons a pakistan and that could lead to a thermonuclear war they are a nuclear power they won't give us the body they don't have the ocean they claim which shows the cover up they're claiming d.n.a. test anybody can fake that the f.b.i. crime labs in iraq for a frame people for d.n.a.
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they gave us fake photos last night this morning of his dead body and said when people pointed out it is fake it's photo shop the cia last year on may twenty fifth a washington post by talk column admitted yeah we made fake bin ladin videos will we. already knew that this is the same group that told us about w m d's and fake uranium niger you know documents of yellowcake this is the same group that lies to us propecia alos and the timing is this too conspicuous in terms of how it's serving obama not to mention that we would be talking about how april was the deadliest month in iraq if it wasn't for this story hey alex this is a look at asking can you talk about the psychological aspects of this i mean just last year the washington post reported how at fort bragg and the cia there were making fake cia videos of osama bin laden can you tell us about a psychological effects of people sure i mean. we've already exposed that but they just threw out our face last year in washington post that we make fake videos the
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psychological effect is obama is the third administration of george w. bush you could call it the fifth administration. or the third putting on how you look at it because because of course under reagan you know george herbert walker bush was really running things so we're talking about three to five ministrations the same people depending on your perspective and the attempted assassination of khadafi was blowing up in their face that extrajudicial it into the killing so now they're saying hey this legitimizes that they're now saying torture gave them the intel of where he. was at so torture is now legitimized this is the kickoff of obama's reelection bid that gives them the left cover for torture secret arrest military commissions new wars i mean it's here this is completely orwellian and it's completely cartoonish and we even have the democratic party leadership and they were scared that bush was going to pull this basically blocking
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them by calling bush's bluff so he couldn't release it i mean i mean i talked face to face with a bush administration official that everyone would know who talked about this in two thousand and three i've interviewed the former second command the state department on record. steeper genic in two thousand and two i mean this is real sources on and off record this is completely as fake as a three dollar bill and they're doing it because obama's approval rating was in freefall the dollars in freefall that the federal reserve having to monetize the debt congress has a nine percent approval rating this country is on the edge of revolution and so they have that stage crowd run by operatives with useful idiots that were there cheering we've killed those yellow i mean i mean we were there those who believe the oh i saw it it's the rebel they don't. like but it's been lied to we've got some seriously useless idiots that were there the white house last night and the reaction that we've seen is this is this what you would expect from the
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american people being led around by the propaganda. well a certain a certain group of the population maybe twenty percent can't find their state capitals or. reports yet sixty percent of americans don't know three branches of government so yes the uninformed horde you know is shit and they're just going if it's an event it's a historical event geraldo is telling us just because you know the day kennedy was killed which it isn't and it's now the white house has released press photos of them all in the command room watching the assault on the live chat feature and hillary's killing. and and look at it came out with the private ryan lady. that got grabbed remember the woman who was at the hospital of the delta force right it and all that and it turned out the iraqis had been gone for two days and the doctors told the troops come help or her private lynch i'm sorry i got the right right right lynch affair and it came out that rock jerry bruckheimer the
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producer of black hawk down advised them and over sat vid connections with private lynch was advising the entire thing it's all scripted and it's all hollywood it's all made up of lies they are just with comics and private ryan we have the best propaganda in this country that money can buy but fortunately thanks to people like you alex we have plenty of counters and really appreciate the good work you're doing thank you for joining us tonight thank you so much thanks i'm worried about the stage terror attack coming after the snow there really had been that that's what will keep our eyes out hope to have you back that was radio host alex jones host of the alex stone radio show in info wars dot com so tilman speaking of useful idiots useless as we were at the white house last night jake i mean you showed up with some enthusiasm but was it was the two years i mean it was this is a great day for us that we're on the ground the very beginning that you are there is a newly celebrated i will tell
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a very self tell us about what was your impression of the spontaneous i mean i gather he. i thought saddam hussein was murdered i mean people would be doing it even less so they really could even get a state if we had got bin laden or hussein i was there and i was talking to people about sibel edmonds and f.b.i. will still blower who said herself that bin ladin was working with us all the way up until nine eleven i was bringing up allah locky a known terrorist threat dinner and a guy who had dinner at the pentagon after an eleven is according to. listen he's a target by the spears if there is but let's be real. washington post on its own legal docket of people that were there i have people that were there last night or draw a large or drunk they were there yeah i thought they were they were drunk they were weed was being smoked everywhere there was no want it everywhere so so if people couldn't figure out their elbow from their you know fourth point of contact you know give me a little grace there was no you know what i did fuck that and didn't notice any
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weakness and you didn't tell him i smiled and i suddenly guys. didn't know models and i always heard he said on each other solars but i we have some clips from last night from the footage that we won't play nice and get some reaction let's roll the first clip. i don't think the president was the one that got him i think it's our troops across their kid years think what do you think of all the president taking credit for this yeah this is this is a sham i mean the guys the guys that made this happen was the intelligence operators that were operating inside of pakistan and afghanistan the over a million troops of certain iraq and afghanistan are collaborative logistics efforts those are the people to to congratulate her yesterday and the fact that obama got in front of everybody is a sham he should be ashamed of himself you should be ashamed of yourself barack obama because you didn't do this it was the guys that were on the ground that did it those navy seals the logistics intelligence people that supported the mission
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not you know we're not we're not saying i think we're not surprised that the politicians taking credit either way all right we're moving on to the next clip i mean. i got to college you got here just. a couple blocks away freshman. i was going i made out that i'm really thinking excited. this is the pavlovian response that i was so afraid of this is why propaganda works so what's going on but i'm really excited i mean i talk to people out there and i raised important things i mean this is coming right when obama launched his reelection hours before bombing of the stable school in libya this is a perfect p.r. campaign and even on the news they had they knew where someone was since last august ok with you where you want to play no where you are going to cement a level of play one more clip here. i'm saying it that you were here to celebrate he threatened and i'm celebrating that that bin ladin we're here to celebrate the
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start of the new era the. island think it's the start of the new era and that's what we're here to celebrate now that's that's my kind of the losing alyssum you know i mean but at least he stops he's looking for i don't think she was the designers you just hope i don't know this and it's a really good point that's not the point that she made is it to imagine that picture and world war two of the sailor kissing the nurse in new york city granted it's propaganda but people were generally happy that yesterday democrats republicans old and young could come to the table and put a stake in the road and say that today the war on terror is officially over we got the bastard in the sun during a home it's not over it's not going to and people are a whole drunk again just like they were in two thousand and eight their hope and their pacifier in the same neighborhood who jake is talking about is a different kind of hope and the hope of the people that aren't paying attention the hope of people that we saw the white house last night was for america's number one screw china we actually had a clip of you guys and what's china got on us now i said well there's economy is
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still good right but this kind of of hope is something else and take you share this that will be able to somehow apply this to change our foreign policy and bring the troops home how do you think that's going to help the only way this is what specifically in this environment today young people are opposed to seventy three percent of part disapproval of the war. national debt is skyrocketing just because we got bin laden everybody knows that doesn't mean anything the really big scheme of things that's a blow to al qaeda and to terrorist cells but really what this means is that now that we can put the generation of the of nine eleven we can put an end to that and go forward and in a peaceful manner and say and increase development and diplomatic relations or we can we can only hope so anyways we have plenty more footage where that came from and some good stuff will be those that are one. site later tonight adam vs the man com that was adam vs the man contributors jake the libretto and luke redoubts king
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and it remains as true today as it was when i said it years ago the greatest threat to our freedom is not to be found in the sands of some far off land but rather right here at home and all the men and women in uniform watching tonight thank you for putting on the uniform and being willing to risk your lives to protect your fellow americans i hope that you'll see now that you are needed much more here at home then deployed to serve the interests of power brokers and politicians the death of bin laden means there is one less excuse to keep our military in the middle east but there will be more but i hope you'll see through them and join us in the real battle for freedom here at home your country needs you now more than ever that's our show thanks for tuning into adam vs the man please check out a verse is the man got problems to vote on yes and topics and find me on facebook and twitter as always you can email me adam adam vs the man dot com and you can catch this broadcast live as it airs at r.t. dot com slash usa and on you tube this is a.


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