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tv   [untitled]    May 2, 2011 9:30pm-10:00pm EDT

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right you know what my government would you want to noise i think. i would characterize obama as the charismatic. of american exceptionalism. here broadcasting live from washington d.c. coming up today in the big picture.
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welcome back to the big picture i'm tom hartman we're continuing with our special coverage of the death of osama bin laden i want to turn to what this means for all of us here at home in the wake of bin laden's death interpol issued a media advisory calling for extra vigilance by law enforcement authorities to a heightened terrorist from al qaeda affiliated or al qaeda inspired terrorists as a result of bin laden's. department of homeland security on the other hand is not raising any terrorist warnings claiming there's no credible evidence to suggest an attack the taliban has promised to avenge bin laden's death claiming they will carry out attacks in pakistan and america and its new so what dangers still exists now the bin laden is dead and now the bin laden mystery will america finally begin to heal in the right way after nine eleven here offer his take on what the future of counterterrorism and muslim outreach is in america post i'm joined by activist
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author and former california state senator tom hayden. welcome. thomas nice to see you it's great to see you again too sir is always here you ok great is this a game changer american counterterrorism operations. i hate these sports analogies but certainly it's a profound moment especially for the families in new york the younger generation that came of age with nine eleven some of us who've been around longer. need to apply some historical memory here it seems to me if it comes down to this this is a triumphal moment for obama for the cia and it could be the one moment in his presidency when he has the political credibility to announce a substantial withdrawal from afghanistan and iraq on the grounds that.
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that the bin laden's threat is gone and we will know within they are weeks how many troops the president is willing to withdraw otherwise. it seems to me we will have learned that he has no intention of a significant withdrawal and the the victory here the political victory will be for more secrecy more cia operations. more trillion dollar wars and. new explanations for why we are in afghanistan so we'll see you know big moment and i'm curious just given what you just said to what extent do you think that president obama will be making that decision or his administration will be making that decision based on internal pressures things like you know lobbying the the the military complex those are complex now not versus external pressures like
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voters you know people contacting the white house and calling members of congress and saying ok we've got him let's get the hell out of the area. well i was on the phone with congresswoman barbara lee's office today and there may be some statements and letters from members of congress that are there about one hundred one hundred fifty who want to get out of afghanistan in the house of representatives but the rest are are lingering to see what the president wants and he he's a very he's shall we say sinks like you never know. what his. plan might be but it seems to me this really enhances the viewpoints of those on the inside who want to make a substantial drawdown of american troops starting this chill live from afghanistan and get all the troops out of iraq by december and then campaign for reelection on
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having ended two quick meyer's have been put away a good lot in and. i don't think he's going to get out of pakistan just politically and i don't see how he does that but he certainly could make a dramatic move now it was being accused of being soft on terrorism he could make a dramatic move against the preferences of. a tray a stent a curious. and i don't i don't even know what the republicans would have to say about it i think there's stymied for this moment it's a it's a critical moment for his presidency absolutely read and let's hope he makes the right decision tom made thanks so much for being with us tonight and thank you tom your great commentaries and and years of service to order one thing is for certain
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back home president obama will see a nice little boost in his poll numbers and that means republicans are going to try and knock him down in less than one days since he has broken bin laden's death and already the right wingers are going crazy and the republican congressman steve king tweeted wonder what president obama. i think so waterboarding now. waterboarding i don't you know wonder of waterboarding and nothing to do with bin laden's death likely republican presidential candidate rick santorum had this to say about president obama's big yeah take a look. through . this. new president obama hates freedom and of course the birth of his grasping for straws it was only a matter of time before the doctors spoke up that's right the right wing rag job andrew breitbart published an article on his website today suggesting that he won't believe it until he sees bin laden's body with his own eyes in other words you
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won't believe bin laden's dead until the president releases the long form corpse so this is what we should expect in the coming days in the american political scene from our more on this i'm joined by robert perry investigative journalist and editor of consortium news jamie weinstein deputy editor of the daily caller dot com robert jami great to see you both insta thanks thanks for joining us. and maybe we should give in to this graphic i don't know if we can pop it up on the screen just cancel the two thousand and twelve election it's this is it here it is president obama sorry it took me so long to find a copy of my birth certificate i was too busy killing but not i mean you know it's this is his moment is not deserved to be was it was a you know from what we know a very courageous decision her very dangerous decision to to send american troops supposedly into pakistan without notifying the pakistani government it turned out to be the right decision and a good decision and one he should be praised for and he deserves credit for it and frankly i've seen
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a lot of the right praise him for this issue on hannity today. praised him for that to the hilt for this that think people on the right see this not as a political issue but one of all americans and i think the right please pray for what it for x. . excellent operation robert i was i was looking at just the top of ross story turn ten republicans you know it's damning with faint praise basically writes i'm not going to want to say too much favorable to obama that's not the way it's going to cope but it is possible to look at obama's presidency as almost two plus years of cleaning up messes that george w. bush a look behind bank is just of the two thousand and six two thousand and seven and beginning of the housing collapse right in the. with the wars in afghanistan and iraq that obama's been trying to deal with and here you have one of perhaps the biggest mistake that bush made or one of the biggest in his presidency which was not dealing with osama bin laden at tora bora in the fall of two thousand and one
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after the invasion of afghanistan where he was where the cia went in and begged president bush to provide a thousand marines to block the escape routes for binod and he turned them down so ben modern was able to escape that provided as you point pointed out one of the the major reasons that the u.s. was unable to attack iraq because the idea was that. that was some movement on had some relationship with saddam hussein which wasn't really true but it was something that could be sold because bin laden was still out there i mean for now that now that we know jamie when you know from from the historical record the people who were there were talking to george bush before even the supreme court appointed this president in two thousand. his plan was to invade iraq you know we've had three members of his cabinet now that write books say i mean the first cabinet meeting that was the first topic you brought up in the nine months before nine eleven i don't care about point does the right say ok you know we're going to just talk about something else let's talk about donald trump's hair or is that why the
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research i think it's well it's ridiculous all your preamble i said so you're preamble this was about bypassing social security this whole starting wars about you george bush inflating ran around in the seventy's leaving it for you and your ideas i mean this this is all i mean not. that's your boy bush believed that in a post nine eleven world the greatest threat was terrorist time got with weapons of mass destruction iraq was a state actor that had the access to build weapons of mass destruction because that's where you were to go there's no question there's no question that they didn't botch the tora bora and no one's going to do that right i mean basically military campaigns are bust all the time. churchill said sent the troops to the dardanelles in the last word about these things and if you don't praise them for that presentation of all i'm saying is that we know now based on member wars that have been produced including by bush that there was this case where bush goes to rumsfeld and says we've got to refocus on iraq this isn't with this is we're. is holed up in tora bora we're under spells that rumsfeld then contacts general franks
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and says you've got to freshen the invasion plan for iraq franks was in the process of dealing with the tora bora case so there was a direct probably and i honestly don't think i mean even if you're in the pentagon some people are dealing with iraq while they're in tora bora i don't see a direct connection there but they'll be great but i don't see any time commitment let me answer to your question about waterboarding and it's you know bush had nothing to do with this that's not exactly clear at this point what we know is that a piece of the intelligence came from chaos and clean shaikh mohammad who was water boarded and it's very likely that a piece of that information it's actually during times of the information name of the name of the courier great come from. and it came during the stockholm syndrome style interrogations where you make friends with a guy you get him to talk this is explicitly now or in the press are this moment as we saw it i look at that time but i don't know if it's clear it's going to right i'm going to this if there is this came not out of no useful intelligence came out
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of waterboarding that's not true i don't. think we've got a real artist tell us what did not. know he's he's part of the bush team and he's you know he's not a pretty credible person but the problem is that there are a lot of what bush. did was to intensify the hatred of america in that part of the world is really no denying this the polls are quite clear no one can argue about why the us went into iraq and i don't think it was something that bush was doing to get us to solve those curity or something i do think it was something that he had in mind if it were followed in the muslim world though i don't think that's the exactly the case i don't think that's why i think the saturation level of hate for bush came in what it was was there i don't think bush. created this hate that didn't exist before it's really intensified the polls are quite cool sometimes live with laughter and he joins you can mean how do you know that we're if you're if you're from going to eastern referring to invading afghanistan i'm talking about iraq five million refugees with two and a half million internally to happen the next to refugees in iraq and if your
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brother or sister had been killed i was going to feel your brother and sister was work with. writer by saddam hussein i mean these you can play these games either i was not popular but the fact the matter is that you know life was going on in iraq by and large as long as you didn't get in politics just as it is in most countries unless you want to get in the winter no matter and wonder if i mean the mockers you can create any can for you want to know why when i say i don't know he sounds just like it's just that i know you can play horror stories on both sides here saddam hussein was committing stories as well you know the kurds seem to have a better life today and iraq has a chance it never paid for it so now we commit atrocities and we're hated for inside its ability to transmit the point is you can invade any country pretty much you want if you will if you want to find something really nasty about a country a lot of them have been arguing for the invasion i'm just pointing out that you know your who he is he's trying to play this game that america can get all these atrocities in iraq you know five million refugees on the other hand they removed a dictator who committed his house united states invaded iraq under false pretenses
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the kind of the i don't think he was always right. bush was claiming that there was not even there were not even weapons there were he was kind of weapons of mass destruction with a right as ever you didn't say destroy the world to use the u.n. inspectors were in there not not fine. being the green it's prince believe you anything you don't want to go to finding russia russia today i was in russia believe it they didn't even they don't want to go to every intelligence group in the world and tommy franks went to jordan and egypt you know what they told him and you be careful they're going to use weapons of mass destruction against you big sure you have your own so it's the bit where the point is we have to that point it's not simple so you have to we have to wrap this up for us i'm sorry we want to be like we can go on i'm sure for a long long time but robert jamie thank you for both very much for me the clown show right now right is suggesting that osama bin laden was actually killed by george w. bush ten years ago his body has been kept frozen until now as to why bush would kill for have this political pros present for president obama you got me but it's all over the internet i guess it's not supposed to make sense between the crazies
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and the internet the stories only gave you more and more bizarre. coming up well the muslim community in america continue to endure racial profiling government policy analyst for muslim public affairs council a one hundred will tell discusses this matter after the. incident and we're nutri mechanisms to do that would come to bring justice and accountability. i have every right to know what my government's truly you want to know why i pay taxes. i would characterize obama as a charismatic version of american exceptionalism. in
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the decade since nine eleven muslims in america have had the toughest time adjusting to life that all that by the so-called war on terror in recent years the nation has developed an acute case of islamophobia inexplicably trying to ban shari'a law in places where it's never even been mentioned preventing mosques from being built and borrowing an idea from joe mccarthy and use the power of the united states congress to investigate multi-generational all-american muslim communities for extremism in other words we've gone a little crazy. i was.
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the one of them go. but world news that bin laden is now dead finally ease the pressure on american muslim communities what cool are islamophobia fever for more on how this news is received by muslims in america what it means for the future of the islamic faith in our nation i'm joined by our one hundred b. tell government policy analyst of the muslim public public affairs council under welcome back to the program thanks for having me back you tom ridge have you with us how is the muslim community in the united states reacting to this or is the choose too soon to really get a good giggle i think that for some do you know it's an overwhelming feeling but i think by and large what we clearly show overall is overwhelmingly that there is a sense of relief that bin laden has been brought to justice and the fact now that
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this guy who has had a two year two decade career of lawlessness murder and mayhem has now finally been taken care of is is. to what extent within the muslim community the united states was in law viewed as a cartoon character as a buffoon as a genuine danger as as an awful irritant to that was reflecting poorly on the rest of us i mean what we what was the general perception i think that there was a mix of a number of these things i think that people did see him as a genuine threat because he was a reckless individual and someone who contorted the teachings of islam in order to really sort of justify his political means he tried to pick himself as a preacher with a koran the really what he was was a politician with a gun well he was also a lobbyist and you know that that genie that got let out about bottle back in the
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early part of the twentieth century. arguably deal with the devil as it were between the house is solid and mr wood. is a right. who is kind of that generation's jury fall on steroids i'm talking about jerry falwell saying. eleven happen because we allow gays to exist and certainly was a puritan s.t.'s. and i'm wondering to what extent there may have been some some genuine . hard right religiosity but nonetheless religiosity there in the motivation might be rubbing off around the world that we have to concern ourselves with just like here in america we're having to deal with abortion clinics being crazy christians absolutely i think certainly that there is an element pair of religion being contorted and being used in a certain way in order to justify and that certain people have a specific outlook on how they view religion and the world around them but when you also mix that particular view with ongoing geo political events you have
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a very very toxic sort of brew and narrative that spews forth and unfortunately had manifested in the two decade terrorist career of osama bin laden. are we still going to see pastors burning korans and. the building of mosques in america and europe i mean well i think that the minds of those some didn't lie and i think has certainly broken the back in many ways of his very very toxic narrative but i think that there will still be people even here in the states will try to use and drum up as much here as possible now whether they have as much of a leg to stand on time will tell but at the same time i think it's going to be a little bit harder now because the figurehead and the icon of international terrorism and the boogeyman for a lot of people frankly is just no longer going to be there the. taliban or some element of the taliban has issued an official announcement that they're going
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to avenge his death. we know that for example like chilling with wiki leaks not to conflate him with obama or of. it all but just you know he had here's here's a pop. stuff out there if i get arrested it goes everywhere there was speculation that it was osama bin laden had something like that the fact that he had had a dirty bomb in europe that might go off where he killed what do you think the chances are that there could be some sort of significant blowback as a result of those and and and what do you think the probabilities are that the obama administration will handle it will rather than hysterically as the bush administration handled nine eleven how they handle it i think it's something that's that's going to be seen and that's going to be a very very big question i can't provide an answer on that but i certainly do think that in the short term because al qaeda and the taliban and all these other people of that same ideological ilk feel like they're in
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a corner they're trying to lash out in some sort of a way because they're getting very very desperate their message has been broken and so now what they're trying to do is in order to salvage themselves in some way in keep themselves relevant they're going to try and create even more mayhem death and destruction in the short term but i think that if handled properly it'll go go out very very quickly but that again is provided if our if our politicians and our policymakers handle this properly well i have a whole lot more confidence and mr obama instead of mr bush and do revealing my political bias. thanks so much being with us appreciate it and great work my pleasure as president obama said in his statement last night bin laden was not a muslim leader he was a mass murderer of muslims indeed al qaeda has slaughtered scores of muslims in many countries including our own so his demise should be welcomed by all who believe in peace and human dignity and of quote let's keep in mind the president's
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words and begin healing the moon's american crazies have inflicted on muslim communities across our nation. so i was some of that long is dead now does this mean yes it is a victory in some sense it will boost the morale of soldiers in combat around the world may provide some solace to people who have lost loved ones on nine eleven and it will certainly boost president obama's reelection chances in two thousand and twelve i won't argue there is some reason to celebrate america today we did get it bin laden is officially dead and his myth is under strain and taking a step back from the party from the moment and reflecting on the costs to our nation of george bush's wars and the dangers still lingering as a result of our so-called war on terror and all our blunders in the middle east we
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need to regard this event in history and how does a victorious moment frankly but instead as a teaching moment from this point on we all need to promise that this will never happen again never again will we let a president of the united states distort a crime into an act of war and never again will we let a president of the united states and gauging war without a congressional declaration of war as the constitution requires as a result of george w. bush's obsession with being a superhero the united states of america has launched two full scale war efforts in the middle east we've initiated countless secret war efforts in yemen pakistan and other parts of africa filled the sky about the middle east with an arsenal of unmanned deadly drones retrofitted guantanamo bay i was under it's of suspected terrorists cut the ribbon on covert prison facilities around the world mostly to outsource torture operations constructed to biggest domestic spying apparatus in
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the history of our nation. and revamped how we all fly and planes around the country by the way i was at the white house correspondents dinner saturday night you know chertoff porno scanners and i didn't have to take off my shoes to be in the same room with the rocking michelle obama but to get on an airplane and we spent trillions upon trillions of dollars to do all these things from the very real wars to the very phony security theater in our airports and we think we're safer today because one guy could ignite a shoe a few years back another guy couldn't ignite his underwear and a third guy couldn't light off a couple of propane tanks with fireworks in times square given how frequently terrorist acts happen around the world frankly we've been very very lucky that our nation has only been hit a dozen or so times since nine eleven and all of those were homegrown terrorists mostly right wing consumers of right wing t.v. and radio christian religious extremists driven to murder by their own fanaticism are crazy people who can easily buy an automatic weapon and
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a few thirty shot clips but in terms of international terrorism it's pretty clear we aren't at all safer than before nine eleven despite the fact that we haven't actually suffered another attack of that nature unfortunately because of bush's wars more people around the world support the idea of killing americans than ever before but the most troubling thing about this decade long saga is that osama bin laden ran around free long enough to see his vision succeed. says the primary purpose of terrorism is not to see how many people you can kill but instead to see what kind of radical changes you can elicit from your enemy in response and then how you can use those radical changes to convince more people to join your cause i hate to say it but i think osama bin bin laden one at least part of round on our nation is vastly different than we were ten years ago mori more reflective of the bush cheney world view small and frightened and angry and as a result the g.
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hottest industry is booming no pun intended yep in laden is dead but sadly he was the least of the problems facing america to confront the rest of the problem and finally close the book on this last decade there's one thing we need to do right now if we want to make sure that america snatches victory from the clenched hands of bin laden's dead body that's now somewhere in the depths of the north arabian sea there's only one option left on the table and that mr president is to end the so-called war on terror for good we're going to troops home and tell the pentagon instead of the teachers in pennsylvania that they have to organize a bake sale to raise money to continue their operations. and that's the big picture for more stories and for more information on the stories we've covered visit our website thom hartmann dot com slash r t n n r c dot com also check out our youtube a youtube dot com slash. and this entire show is available as a free podcast on i tunes and don't forget democracy begins when you show up and
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get active tag you're it sort of. into that only military mechanisms to do the work to bring just the sort of ability . i have the right to know what my government would want to know why i pay taxes. well i would characterize obama as the
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charismatic. of american exceptionalism. rachel martin here broadcasting live from washington d.c. coming up today on the big picture. twenty years ago the largest country in. the surveys of. one hundred each. to each began a journey.


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