tv [untitled] May 3, 2011 1:30am-2:00am EDT
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you're watching on t.v. the headlines for you. as the world welcomes the death of al qaida number one experts question if it's actually a victory they say u.s. foreign policy last decade kind of a whole generation of people very concerned curity forces already anticipating vengeance attacks. the darkness forces are continuing to shell the city of misrata being wrote more voices express outrage to death of his son three grandchildren. the georgian opposition and
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mass rallies to force president mikhail saakashvili to step down a russian citizen saying she was attacked for the entrance to send a warning of a position relative to. the next going over the talks the head of a think tank that claims to have found a way to end world poverty but so far intimidation spotlight just isn't. well. bringing you the latest in science and technology from around the world. we've got the future covered.
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hello again to welcome to swaddle i the interview show on our at c i n i'll bring up the van to my guest in the studio is hans writes according to statistics about cost of the world's population who live in poverty that i guess is via appeals that are just governments and n.g.'s have been trying to find their way out of that without much success so far the organization called the grimy creative black says it has a working model of a radical dating polity what's the solution to last the founder of the group mean creative labs introducing the project in russia. the false going to grameen laptop convinced giving money to poor people wants to eradicate poverty instead social businesses have a better chance the ideal social business was created by nobel prize winner professor muhammad yunus is micro banks give small loans to interest in them so
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they can start businesses and the idea is being further developed by the grameen creative labs the lab is also full of people being involved in the process of making money rather than just receiving it the supporters of this idea see it's already working in countries like bangladesh and india so maybe it's an idea that should be adopted in russia. limited rights and thank you very much for being with us well first of all on the third of october the nobel prize winner and founder of grameen bank dr mohammed yunus appeared in the simpsons well before he appeared on my show or spotlight but now in the simpsons does that mean especially the simpsons i mean if there was that social business is becoming a trendy thing in the world. at least it becomes a choice of stuff and this is all about what we talk or if we do our or our book we
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always try to do this drug coverage out of the children's to the next generation explain it on the other level on the joyful level it's a good about and i'm looking forward to the professor you know the same thing as well ok well. professor yunus he told me a lot about his business about his bank about how the idea every it all started in bangladesh you're a european there's anything germany i so how did you come to me that how do you come to get interested in this what i would say specifically in the project here. i was lucky in my whole way of life i first of all of the side very young to spend some time in india lived seven years in india and then i come back and they opened different it's nice and this business was quite successful and i got. enormous success and even company and during movie i getting more closer and closer to
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corporate leadership cooperate management questions corporate social responsibility corporate responsibility and this journey i was closer to the most interesting person to solve and then six professor yunus to peace nobel prize to give the bank he was in germany and people asked me if i can have two days or so arranged meetings with him and it was top leaders of klarman companies like from like from me on you can be very convincing. definitely very convincing and it just brings them together and it was so touched so i make a decision about forty four years old and are saying hey it's clear i want to have another career i need my money and it's a business and it was first in it's the minute i'm there get close to the same and i become good friends i make a decision to go back to bangladesh lisa. so and i travel to one human cement was
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ultimately ok so it wasn't originally you who were into it was indeed the idea if you came to you and found you in germany something i play like we have a lot of just what you are doing right now in russia oh it was a big country russia with a big wish from us ok now social business as actually actually dr. yunus he started by the idea of micro credit which which led to the creation of grameen bank now your social business what's the idea behind it again like microsoft things small people work not it's a principle you can you can see like an eyeful like i'm going to live on where you can have some have some it will build the concept of sort of do some comparison i think for this gadget for the rich. and we should use technology for every one of us is what got us talking but if you have one the framework everybody could put his creativity in
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a social business. what is social business and seven principles and now everybody rich or poor. government n.g.o.s came the sign on social business so it's not only about microfinance you can solve any problems with it but we saw you know some facts and figures about yourself just a couple of minutes ago as far as i understand back in one nine hundred ninety two you worked as a partner in natural shaft t. yeah i like a forest farming company. in india yeah that was this company organized on the principle stored by a doctor you know also not we were surprised it was the same principles my friend. of the desire to do something every bit interface with the nature so we've got coming from a viewer in germany both somehow we all pharmacy you know what we want to do is to have a new very unusual. the first was a nature so my friend tried to have
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a new kind of farming every anymore or most of all come there was so fast and it may be getting too much a movie movie or something else and was so fascinated by the idea you can do from every any bills all the fun one can use and all that you can imagine and i will come to be a part of so far is to be a very successful. it's a great interesting project well i want to ask you a question that i did ask. dr yunus a while ago and i'm going to probably pretty indian say now anyway and also from the european from a more business point of view the low recovery rate in the in the green bank is is higher than ninety eight percent so it's incredible what makes screaming surfer surely you see this to really trust. the hope to do something for each other so i think they're working melton certain for used together professor you
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know as professor lucky to be under seventy students and starts a whole start so it means they're really experience and then didn't choice to concentrate on woman. it's probably one of the success factor than women are having more. natural instinct if i take some money and i give it back that's what he wants of me. and my mother that's the same and probably your mother will do the same maybe you are both father that would take some money and so you have a risk to get it back but our bills mother if they take their money you think twice if they're taken because they're always want to get it back. so they're there for his favorite favorite customers i woman yes because then and they take better care of family money yes exactly and in fact on the one on the family it's much more higher than the amount but men are not excluded men can come to some woman but the women are responsible. ok governments and their charities also are not
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as efficient and not as in the innovative yeah. as the private sector there they try but they can't be the private sector the inefficiency and efficiency but profit making is that is what business is about so how do you manage to persuade private companies to work in this social business but because according to what i read they they don't get a profit there they just they just lucky if they do they return with investor that's it but if you see into any government or any corporate giant i'm going to nationals they all have a clear vision a vision they have all your behavior and values and every one of them are involved in society and if the nation and i have a of the core corporate citizenship or corporate responsibility or corporate social
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responsibility what we offer to them is to offer them a very clear if you simply how. you kind of do yard work so not really thinking for a long term view they haven't a million dollars away as of the nation and the sheraton dollar but a one life time if you invested in social business you're all in not only can bring you money in it you can also bring your stuff in it your people and people in accompli want to make a winning look on the money and that's why i think it's an interesting problem so so so we in russia are wrong when we think that that business that entrepreneurship is all about making profit. i think we need at least two kind of different business to look like and we're as a human kind be a movie dimensional in one way we're so sent out and sold fish and they think i do business for myself i do business to make money but same with you and me we have a selfless but we also want to do something for others and it's
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a moment business to your own little us one kind of person us and what we have to see what we. go on to have a second kind of business it's not about me it's about you i have funded other people i did business before i make millions i paid for good lives but now i'm old enough and say hey i do business now and my funds to help other people is this is the reason for it only only they they are simple understanding that you can't eat more than anything actually can eat is it that or something else i think it's more you want to make a meaning and you're not. money making robot machines so we're here to share our lives we're here. as i mentioned before i'm forty four years old and i see young students coming up in fourteen fifteen sixteen years and they want to do something and the world and open them the door and like and how easy that every age in the heat is sixteen years is an island of children's and i'm
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a lucky father means through tunnels and i don't think i'm not only responsible for my children's and we are responsible for any chart of this planet so open the doors and business skills as if you thought this was the book it's a hard to believe but this business gets the dignity of a good sense of power. a lot it has a lot says. we will be back after we take a short break and continue this interview in less than a minute so stay with us and. twenty years ago in the largest country in. the citizenship of. what had been. to teach began
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welcome back to spotlight i'm now going over just a reminder that my guest in the studio today is a right founder of the group mean creative man mr writes i started this program long fifteen minutes ago by by quoting one of my sources saying that like almost half of the world's population live in poverty i just wonder what a correction there is it is by european standards but by our standards or is it by their own standards by better standards are african countries asian countries is far in the uk we take the figures about an income pyramid family calculate
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poverty and access to money and forty eight percent of the people have less than three dollars and that is what the people called poor and we have another one billion people that's extremely poor was around have an extra one dollar but i often more use for him to say people are getting very poor if that doesn't know what's to have to eat the same evening when you stand up and this is extremely poverty and of course there's a lot of people who doesn't know what to eat misreadings and this is a shame because we produce so much goods in the world it's not necessary we have ever seen what we what we need it's just the system doesn't include all the population do you for a charity charity to be to use to eradicate it. it's one way we do. something maybe works we offer to be very clear
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to invest your money and more clever if you give them money it tends to make one lives so we try to invest your money so it's a business model behind the sorts of social problems and then you get back to your money but the institutional states so i think if you businessman and you want to give something to society and social business is a much more smart and clever way to do that let's see if people in moscow would choose money over opportunity spotlight's anyone that has this. there today i'll try to find out what people in the russell capital for if they were in need to receive money i don't need you to earn it. i would prefer an opportunity to earn money because i would feel much better if i did something to make money instead of just getting it but. i would prefer to earn money because i would feel better about it that way in the world i would like an opportunity to
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earn money because financial help is usually a random thing whereas owning money is more constant so i would prefer to earn money because financial help will and sooner or later you. know i will take money because my legs hurt and i can't work however if my health was ok i would like an opportunity to earn money because you can meet more money by working also you could you please help me out i've got me here so get a question part guess. it's always there a way to end poverty is there. yes i just want to have that muhammad yunus said that he wants to create a museum afterward see by the year two thousand and thirty there's that mean that by two thousand and thirty cover to become. become a fact of history something you can see live in a museum. hopefully let's think about it i think you'll be human kind of an
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enormous creativity thing in two thousand and thirteen just to remind you we will have another fever world cup is it possible and russia will be in it will be have of the first time the world champion on football it's possible if you put your if you put your effort in that if we as a human kind put all our. our efforts in to save the gold accept a single best unnecessary single best for a child or for growing up out of we will achieve it what do you call in a necessarily death like that if we if we talk about nature yes as far as i understand about about nine out of ten we're even more in ninety out of and of ninety one triples die i mean when they're born you call this unnecessary deaths we're not the type of the human kind and we have a human kind of all you you know since his troops are such
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a high value sort of from the nature of human kind it's our. their true instinct to preserve any kind and i guess if you look through good chain of of the natural instinct i think we are one of the few breeze to also take care of the weakest you know we don't just let him go because we're weak and we looked up from the lion because they're sick but we've taken care about them because we have love and we have compassion and that brings us on the top of the combinator but that's a great saying that we human kind we're different from from the animals but this is one of the reasons why a humans don't have a situation when ellie the strong survive everyone survives and end this the people for centuries have been divided into rich and the poor the mighty and the air and those that they have to take care of so this is the nature of the society so so you
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think this can be changed all the nature of the humankind is full of compassion and full of life and full of things to doing together in the during the life time we put a lot of negativity in our mind so we have a lot of examples of people of society like and value in other countries where people live together cells and years peacefully but somehow trouble comes in our society while and swore all the stuff and removed the stuff we have to stop the multiplication. the life is so short we are having a playful mind why are we not the year together to make our life in the political reality on the truthful way and try to hold each other makes the blunder a little bit safer because we will be always challenge because a lot of nature so we have to work together you present social business as the third way like there is socialism there is capitalism right for the american
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economy but there also is social business do you believe that that social business is really the fusion of capitalism still socialism didn't work obviously i believe we believe in capitalism and the things the capitalism have to be full of fight and we need all of the beginning we needed to kind of difference business at the moment the whole capitalism is extremely substance and full of legal and full of shipping we have to air in our economic world second kind and this is about socialism it's a one instinct of us you and me are everybody of us have this power and little chip so it's more a question of how we complete it it's not then we have to look to stop it. you you believe in capitalism but then tell me what is a prophet of god because you do make profit or sentimental profit investors don't
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get any any so so you get the profit and you're not exactly a charity so we're due for the profit the profit vocals back to solve the problem look if we have we take we make profit every company will have to make a profit to be so it's just plain about the next american or about the next major olympics or the next round sites so a social business have to make profit but the profit stays in the company and it's getting reinvested to solve the problem for example if we want to solve the problem of single mothers in russia and every single mother should have a good access to the working market so we make money maybe some nice hotel number you know where we only employed single mothers we created to make success we would be better like a ritz carlton the second one will move the old one and we go ahead so one of the problems so we do did you do you have any specific the way you. said a couple words about him out of your business here and there in russia do you have a specific project that you're working on that you're trying to introduce in russia
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yes i think i have a i would say i have a dream like i have a vision of what i can imagine to something like say a charmin russian social business started traveling in russia for the next generation to goodness all the creativity and all the strangeness and extremely. extremely strong institutions to make from the russians and the engineering of germany put together to create an social business in russia in germany and then together to help people in romania bulgaria having people helping him and below him been able to create you know and the german technology of the term and heart and the russian strong glued together on shaping social. business for the labor conference will be a great strength of the german hearts and the russian strong will and see the german strong will and the right this there will be more exact look at i have
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so many experience with for example this russian artist i was russian performers are rationalisations i think in this way you you'll solve your russian spirituals you how strong you can work on this to bring them together says with your creativity with our staff together we can trade a lot of good things in the world and still people of. the russians are coming how do russian how do russian russian business react to the idea of social and social business crazy is something i guess some yemeni people who say or the reason for any idea of living a roll top global stock but the german leaders like from the b.s.f. company or from company or from your own company to understand it because it was something that was logic and i'm sure if you have the opportunity to talk to the business leader in russia a business person understands very quick the simplicity of society. what kind of
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industries specifical you do you think best fits the idea of social business. best i can't i can't tell because in every business opportunity is an enormous knowledge and you can use any knowledge to transform it but my vision of people have to creativity of the young people from russia the top talent and they are having the financial make of this meant to get capital done social business we're excited sort of business and share it not only in russia i think russia is balanced to be but also a good signal all over europe thank you thank you very much for being with us it was a real pleasure to talk to you in just a reminder that my years here in the studio today was comes right down to our the grameen creative ladder and that's it for now from all of us here moving back with more than a comment on what's going on in and outside russia until then stay on our t.v.
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in taiwan the multis available in the phalangist typee hotel room ogaden tiny peak how it pulls a hotel tonight be sure sometimes the hotel hotel while shell his big room photo the show would have shown some will do see typee hotel kuvasz overtone from the hotel resort evergreens the hotel type eat french victoria hotel gloria prince hoto oil springs resort and spa tycoon hotel while she plans come closer to the town you know she her town the west in taipei evergreen close a hotel in thailand thailand as hotel time ambassador type the hotel full points buy shares and how would princess tell the splendid hotel in tightrope windsor.
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