tv [untitled] May 3, 2011 1:00pm-1:30pm EDT
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it. tonight's on our team was the milestone in the war on terror just a pre-election stunt critics. will crumble after the death of osama bin laden believe the target was perfect the strength of the u.s. president's political ambitions. the news of the death of the world's top terrorist spread quickly overshadowing the nato bombing of the libyan leader of the outrage over the apparent assassination attempt. georgia's president says his country so spreadable the wall but russian relative of an opposition leader is welcomed by threats and violence from the police. and
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a court summons for the man who blew on a chaplain's cover throwing it to the wolves along with ten other russian agents in the u.s. during last year's transatlantic spice saga. the welcome it's nine pm tuesday night here in moscow my name's kevin now in our top story tonight less than two days after a summer bin ladin was shot dead pakistan is now caught in the crosshairs of international scrutiny observers have been baffled over how the world's most wanted terrorist managed to hide just one kilometer away from the country's military academy however it's not the only uncertainty surrounding bin laden's death which marks a major milestone in the global war on terror the stick in the tail here is the increased risk of revenge attacks coming from al qaeda supporters as artie's gun if you can reports next the operation one of them barack obama's presidential
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ambitions and harm either. the great then dead a moment shrouded in secret. as americans celebrated the killing of the nation's number one terrorist they had no other proof of his death but the word of their president they needed to give us a big win and we can call it feel good but sorry can't see his body we threw him in the ocean and all we did show you a fake photo according to u.s. officials american special forces killed osama bin laden in his mentioning pakistan conducted a d.n.a. test to make sure it was him and promptly got rid of the body as they put it following islamic burial tradition while the symbol of america's war on terror seems to be done with the war on terror itself is not it is death does not mark the end of our effort there is no doubt that there will continue to pursue attacks against us we must and we will remain vigilant at home and abroad the u.s.
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has been long chasing all kind of beyond of ghana's then borders in yemen bills of being covert drone strikes in pakistan they were overt and widely criticized for the scores of civilians killed in the attacks the question some ask now is could the success of killing bin ladin in pakistan give the u.s. more of a carte blanche were carrying out strikes in other countries it will be used to justify further wars greater repression and more acts church or judicial targeted assassinations against a little opponents and this is true whether and libya and iraq and pakistan and afghanistan and many analysts say mary kiss war on terror so far has been a double edged sword that involves fighting terror and provoking terror at the same time the war waged by allied forces and led by the united states has left of ghana's then as unstable as ever the war on terror has the. a military to
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allow the u.s. to carry out military operations that sense two thousand and one taking the lives of more than a million civilians. in iraq in afghanistan now in libya and of course that leads to an escalation of resistance of hatred of revenge and so in terms of keeping the american people safe that's a ridiculous notion the u.s. has a track record of policies that backfired like arming and training the afghan mujahideen in the 1980's in their fight against the soviet troops subsequently the same which are hitting militants turned their rap and training against the u.s. among those supported by the u.s. was also some of bin ladin who was group eventual evolved into al qaida one great program we're. still seeing as a great success. but one lesson was learnt
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victory over evil makes great television and approval ratings for the man in charge . obama said that he had known about bin laden's whereabouts sees august last year but only last week had he given the order to take him it's been two weeks he's obama and now it's his reelection plants he's been slipping in the polls over inconclusive wars overseas and economic woes at home has actually led to the president of the united states being beatified almost more than the you know the pope's you know kind of accolades to john paul this is you know is cashing in on this everything for everything that it's worth and you'll notice that his speech last night he kept stressing several times i ordered i promised eyes such and such it was clearly done for you know the statement was clearly word for political advantage and that unity and joy over the death of these evil man
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americans have been missing the bigger picture in the last twenty years the war on terror and the way. well it has it's. got our boarding home watching. some more thoughts for more insight now on osama bin laden's death i'm told to anthony while he's founder and chief editor of the political website the daily barrel dot com he's on the line from thanks for being on r.t. as you say it has the world become a safer place than now that are some of bin laden's dead. no i don't believe so at all. i would find it very difficult to think that osama bin laden's death has anything to do with the world being a safer place or not at this moment in time as long as we have a fundamentalist driven type of philosophy that is being implemented from within the chambers of the city of london and anchored in under the cloak of western style
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democracy no i don't believe you're going to continue to see anything more than the conflicts we see today being fermented in the middle east and throughout north african states it is all about consolidation of power and readying those nation states that have been resistant to whose leaders may be resistant to a global governance which would be administered by the un along with a global monetary structure which would be administered by the i.m.f. and the world bank so i don't believe it was any safer with a lot going on here or gone that does not speak to the character of the man by the way that is not an assessment of whether he's a good person or a bad person clearly he had some issues absolutely take it that your take on the on the situation ok but let's just look what happened over the last forty eight hours or so the u.s. says pakistani cooperation to help lead to bin laden and his hide but you know the latest ricki lake pakistan intelligence was aware of his whereabouts for years so those two stories don't kind of tally up. you know they don't tally up and i'm not
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sure what the divergence of the two stories is for however i would say that within pakistan it certainly may be for to a this if the if the if the local people were to believe that in some way shape or form the i.s.i. was maybe a little bit less than forthright in attempting to. take it down from this suppose it mansion in which it was residing where you believe that to be the case or not of course the u.s. would like everybody to believe on their side of the water that there is there are friends in these other countries who are willing to help them to put forth you know the types of efforts that they're doing to instill democracy around the world and to bring to justice those who they believe are the biggest oppressors to one of their ability to do that following on from your question the top of this interview given what you know about al qaeda should americans in the rest of the world be concerned about potential retaliation and is it likely. is retaliation likely well you know i would suggest that retaliation in the context of the great conversation
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that we that we started this program with is likely because of the fact that people out there are resistant much like they were during the era of the gutenberg press to forceful intrusions into their backyards to make them believe in whatever the concept of the philosophy was it was being imposed and that's what we're dealing with today and the internet reformation as i refer to it is is no different and people out there around the world not only in these countries where the us military industrial complex is busily going to spread their democracy but also within the us itself our resistance to this sort of pressure so i would suspect that retaliation will continue. people in america are less safe tonight and they were before that's what i'm getting at yeah. would they be less safe than they were before i think they should be more concerned with their own government and the growing authoritarianism which is which is mounting within the u.s. and maybe that would be something that you know the softly statements being imposed through these gradual concessions that are being given out to this this this is
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organization that is in control of the u.s. government i would think that's something that would probably be more of a concern threat if i was living in the united states today for me anyway what's the knock on effect going to be to the ongoing nato campaign fighting al qaeda in afghanistan are we likely to see a quicker now i do not think so at all i believe that the. forces that are on the ground these globalist forces that have been intent on bringing in line the various nation states that need to be molded together in order to create a global government i believe that they will continue those efforts and whatever it takes force or propaganda through mainstream western media sources which is continually trying to do their job as well and these are on the ground and the subversive activities of the cia via movements like the alliance for youth movements i believe all of this will continue and whether or not the subversive attempts will work or whether or not the mainstream media mind manipulation will work who's to say but certainly nato will continue to do and the u.s.
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is the bad one forcers for the city of london will continue to do their job as best they can go to different takes on the story here and to evolve thank you for telling us about your found around chief editor of political website the daily belle dot com thank you. police reportedly detained three russian citizens suspected of terrorist activities says russia's foreign ministry the men are allegedly from russia's volatile north caucasus region i think that a coach and i was there for. police in the czech republic have arrested several men suspected of terrorism and there are three russian citizens among those eight arrested now charged police sources are saying that they were forging documents and smuggling weapons as well as explosives as they were planning a terror attack now these people are also believed to have links with an islamic extremist group that is currently operating and a volatile republic of dagestan here in russia's north caucasus and according to the spokesman for the russian embassy in the czech republic three of the eight
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arrested are from and august and at the moment they're are being questioned and further investigation process is underway meanwhile russia's north caucasus really remains the main training ground for terrorists in the country and though this area has witnessed a number of anti terror raids in the last several weeks and dozens of militants with links to al qaida have been wiped out including a chief al qaida agent in the region close associates to russia's most wanted terrorist model and the leader of militants. still in this area is really the most volatile district in the country as these mountains to provide a convenience zone for many militants to hide and train for that terror attacks. ochre responded in a coach and over there will shortly before the u.s. broke the news of bin laden's death no two forces colonel gadhafi is called and that despite nato planes they don't have military targets some say it was an attempt to get rid of the libyan leader self. it was the death the got buried under
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the barrage of breaking news we've been leader moammar gadhafi has twenty nine year old son and three grandchildren were reportedly killed by nato airstrike on saturday night all children were said to be under twelve years old but within twenty four hours the u.s. president announced the death of the world's number one terrorist news which overshadowed anything coming from libya the idea of extra judicial assassinations just days after nato has attempted to assassinate a gadhafi hand ended up killing his son and grandchildren once again we see another type of extrajudicial assassination going on which of course is an international war crime but in this case it's ok because it's the bogeyman that everyone loves to hate. the coalition commanders have protested they are in full compliance with the u.n. security council resolution on libya and only target military objects insisting they're not targeting any one person in particular this despite two recent airstrikes
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targeting known whereabouts of qaddafi this was an attack on a so you know your structure this was. a murder three was. what it is so. well i think it very delighted. anybody with any theory associated with they really want to get in there the idea is peculiar it was all occurring but of course being a libya it's all awkward all of the nato countries committing war crimes every single day at least a million ferrets killing civilians. and the bombings the sports riots with gadhafi supporters the storming the italian and british embassies in protest and some believe should the coalition forces continue in their chosen course in libya the situation will go from bad to worse nato's activity is his only strengthened
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the loyalty. season resolve of supporters for each bomb that's dropped on tripoli and other kid feet loyalist strongholds it's just the psychology of war anywhere when you. are resisting group their resolve gets stronger. and as history shows it's recently been many fold course already familiar to western politicians we have to give full credit to the. u.s. . military establishment and always very creative in finding anything first it was a million and it was the russian federation king and some of the large and saddam hussein and these days of course we feel. makes one come of it whenever the need arises also has expressed concern over the straits the libyan times saying the coalition is using excessive force but promises from countries like russia china
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and india are going to be noticed by the west and will need to decide ultimately all who knows how many more lives will be lost in the store to moscow just quick mention of us on our website it's not always the latest news there was a chance for viewers saying all stories you see a lot of good. stories from us as well including this one passenger on this particular airplane captured by some infuse the spinning out of control over what a moscow airport a couple of days ago said you turn your stomach if you're only there it goes luckily luckily no one injured it managed to land ok it was not a civilian plane no passengers on board that you say thankfully happy ending you want more pictures of that song going tonight oh so story about ecologist fighting against ocean pollution that we may soon resort to pugs for help find a bacteria that's feeding on plastic garbage that may be a good solution to a lot of problems apparently the place to find out more about that. maybe as
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plans to host u.s. missile interceptors pose a threat to russia's nuclear deterrent according to moscow projects part of america's planned defense shield in europe earlier the romanian president insisted the anti missile system will not be directed at russia to go person off got more on this developing story. this time this will be be a so would the short range interceptor missiles and romania is also allowing washington to use its biggest a seaboard and the air base will also know that the missile base will be controlled by remaining in our stories even though it will house up to five hundred american staff members and the romanian president has said that by housing this case romania is achieving the highest security level in its history and he also stressed that this will not be a threat to russia's national security which is not the first time this discussion is going on inside to romania is washington's clan and b.
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when it comes to its a.m.d. plans in europe previously the bush administration wanted to build a base with a long range interceptor missiles in poland we also wanted to build our radar base in the czech republic all of this caused a wave of criticism from russia actually this was for a while one of the biggest stumbling points in the relationship between moscow and washington with russia saying that such a system would break the balance off which it forces on the european continent and would also create a stretch to russia's national security so the obama administration scraps these plans in fact for around a year or so there was quite a lot of talk between moscow washington and nato on building up cooperation on more a joint projects including the anti missile defense system moscow a strong before i joined the anti missile defense system which would include russia the european union and the united states where all would share the responsibility
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for one another but when it comes to not towards but action it seems so the alliance has its own plans on the am diva system in europe and is making decisions even on the exact locations of its aliments also on its own without even consulting with russia. you can afford it. gorgias was scared bracing itself for a wave of anti-government rallies later this month the opposition group what they call suckers philly's criminal regime so they're determined to break united stand against abuse of power as a cutter an approach over reports next the government made it clear that the said isn't something it's willing to tolerate. such. a shiny with hospitality according to president. he one two words it's political and i mean this i want to tell the russian people that they will always be welcome in georgia as partners their stories their student businessmen jurors are simply express.
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mine a good serves a dual in the for who holds a russian passport describes the kind of hospitality mr saakashvili is talking about in slightly different words and he will be insulted me called me a russian spy and trust me out one officer two credit card from my pocket and went to photocopy the other one to count a pack of painkillers from my bag and see if i protest piece would emerge into drugs in a second we were in a protested and was almost beaten up these was the world while come she received at an outpost in shiny billy's c. a couple of weeks ago the previous reception was just as hostile were in a search for russian passport is one but not the only reason to blame. we would repeat it over and over again that i am a relative of and you know who generals are they split over the fact that she went
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to visit russia and met with putin person of the. new novel the leader of opposition democratic movement united two were chair says attacks on her family have become regular and this time around the time lead to order just days before a major opposition rally. it's to take place in billy c. people are full police illegal actions of the government people are really just tired always and the more critique. from the side of government and p.r. actions we cherish showing surfacing of democracy is a situation that in fact we are living in bolshevik style of the country is that having you here in the center of billy's see as maybe a landmark the start that people want to see like that was the parliament this is still right beauty is in danger of being overshadowed by explosive reputation as
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a place where so many opposition rallies have been surprised by police since me also that she took office as president in two thousand and four opposition leaders have come and done much good so dealing with them remain very much the same i think you just. gave in georgia if you are in a position where you do not. know the rights of action of course if. you were just there security by. all states is the issue you know this search she won't be broken down by attacks on her family and sure people would make it to the streets of the lisi no matter what but marina who sought medical attention twice up to dealing with the georgian police will be hard to persuade that hospitality is the heartbeat of the whole saakashvili his regime she says she will now think twice before visiting what used to be her native country exceeded
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their children are teaching the b.b.c. georgia. investigation the last years disclosure of eleven russian agents in the u.s. is officially over a former russian intelligence officers blew from former washington about the spy ring that his country has got the details. the court will be looking into his case the date has not yet been set according to court officials but we do know that it will be up close to a military tribunal because of the sensitive nature of the charges that are brought to alexandre by a former colonel in russia's foreign intelligence agency who defected over a year ago prior to meeting with the tips of visits to washington russia's federal security service the f.s.b. was originally in charge of the investigation they were responsible for gathering most of the evidence from charges could see him receive over twenty years behind bars he became very featured of figure in of the media after the so-called
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spy scandal of last year when eleven people were charged with espionage in the united states all of those were tried and found guilty of espionage they were later returned to russia as part of an exchange deal between moscow and washington some of course even enjoying quite a media. interesting a lifestyle like and chapman of the so-called names the sixty ninety agencies a very prominent figure in russia featured by frequently and various news reports even since i can did make the news today he of course was one of the four men that were exchanged for the a ten people found guilty of espionage and he actually won a settlement in the european human rights court under which russia has to pay him
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a financial compensation for all that he has suffered whilst in prison in russia but despite the fact that this man's name still features in the headlines he's not of course gathering as much attention as arctics on the right see a very high ranking military official from russia's foreign intelligence. service who has been it seems was the one responsible for. leaking the names of all those found guilty of espionage in the united states to officials in washington . want to go to choose our business of trade coming up next. hello and welcome to business because you have you with me but huge oil and gas field in russia's far east look set to come online earlier than expected from says it will be drilling its first production well in something three this year a gas giant had plans to start production in two thousand and fourteen however the shares will speed up future growing demand from asia gasman also wants to get
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production underway in time for the asia pacific economic cooperation summit that will be held in russia in two thousand and twelve. one prices drop for second day ended news of osama bin laden's death terrorist demise led to swings in commodities trade is wagered and how it will affect the major oil producing regions of the middle east and north africa. looking at the markets now you know u.s. stocks are trading low after several weeks corporate earnings reports fitz's losing over two percent are weak results banking stocks are gaining though bank of america and j.p. morgan chase both leading on the dow gaining over two and one percent respectively stocks of general motors are off to the company reported a twenty six percent surge in a pool vehicle sales company wants to retake its position as the leading cause seller in the us ahead of ford motor. european stock markets ended lower on tuesday deutsche bank fell sharply on news of a lawsuit by the u.k.'s main equities index box to take
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a trend to finish germany's dax added point three percent in the red wave but also stocks shares of volkswagen down one point seven percent among high and carmakers b.m.w. snag one point seven and gotten a focal point six percent. and here in russia stocks drops at the most in more than two weeks on tuesday as all the current it slid nearly three percent weight by we cannot at these prices as well as two and a half percent although trade has been relatively light as the week is some which by public holidays. let's look at some individual severs on the markets now we see that internet isn't banks and on top losers procter is down over four percent the to be ended over three percent in the red power engineering company oh j.k. five and lives over five percent all reported made counsel a dividend payments. russian stores are weekly and they've been weak last week in
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the stores and so this we get a major factor in that that's going to russian stock is down it's probably a combination it's strong google. is on exporters profits and costs procter is. a misprint three dollars and that feeds into. the rest of the world in fort worth of emerging markets in particular and another greece specifically for russian oil stocks we've seen from before all the prices in russian export taxes are saying it's you know it's sort of backward looking so the free syrian the period we're going to be paying higher taxes because oil prices were high in the past but to be are going to be ringing with money because gold price may drop so that's that's sort of serious that's i mean you know there are four russian oil companies that situation and. there are
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