tv [untitled] May 4, 2011 8:00pm-8:30pm EDT
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whether or not he goes should i play prince we don't know bin laden was then shot and killed he was not. so what exactly is the story behind osama bin laden's killing looks or the fog of p.r. coming out of the white house and why no picture of bin laden is launching a thousand words. earlier if you send more troops that complex every year as we spend more money on the conflict the insurgency grows in size karzai government gets weaker and the violence gets worse so why exactly is the u.s. still in afghanistan especially now that osama bin ladin is out of the picture.
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they still keep the key here. is the person holding foreign. bureau to right he said facebook one big tool for u.s. intelligence we'll look at the evidence behind us on his claim. it's wednesday may fourth i'm lauren lyster and your watching our team now the fog of war or you may just want to call it the fog of p.r. the obama administration since announcing osama bin laden's death has flip flopped on numerous details one example first it was a fire fight and an armed bin laden fought back listen. he was engaged in a firefight with those that entered the area of the house that was in and whether or not he go through the rounds i quite frankly don't know
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a day later they did know the white house announces bin ladin wasn't armed at all and gives this account a woman rather bin laden's wife rushed the u.s. assaulter and was shot in the leg but not killed bin laden was then shot and killed he was not on your heart and was not armed and now senior pakistani security officials say bin laden's daughter has twelve year old daughter claims he was captured alive in his pakistani hideout and then shot by u.s. special forces now if this proves true it gives credence to questions critics are already raising of whether this killing was outside the law listen to this take. a legal phrase for the forty minute event on sunday afternoon that resulted in the death of bin ladin it's called an extrajudicial killing this means that a government killed someone who was not a soldier on a battlefield who did not pose an immediate threat to the freedom or security of any people that bad government protects and the killing was not
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a punishment ordered by a judge after a trial every western country except israel and the united states has condemned extra judicial killings as all western countries including israel in the us have laws that make this criminal and also earlier adam koch ashley's host of adam vs the man which is broadcast right here on r.t. sat down for a one on one interview with republican presidential candidate ron paul and asked him about paul's earlier comments he made it with all this confusion the government is inviting conspiracy theories here's what he said. maybe maybe it's the descent that they wanted and they can pop up on the answer and say hey look you know we turkey into believing this and have to believe something else but i think maybe it's more because governments like secrecy. they're not you know whether it's the federal reserve or our foreign policy just think how many times we've gone to war. distortion of the evidence you know and lie our way into war whether it was world
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war with it was vietnam war or you know going into iraq i mean they have to you know deceive us. and then when the people distrust the government in any question government is called a conspiracy theory you know and they do that to say that oh you're not because you're every there is every everything is a conspiracy but i think the best thing is you should only believe the conspiracies that are true. and yet that entire interview with ron paul you can head to youtube dot com slash adam vs the man r t but here to talk about the white house's mixed messages and their latest message today that they will not be releasing the photos of a deceased osama bin laden is t.j. mccormack he's a radio host t.j. thanks for being with us now is today we know president obama said he's not going to be releasing the photos of any photo of osama bin laden because it could incite
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anti-american. by outrage why you think his rationale is wrong why. well because you know what they don't need any more inciting there are already incited that's why they're terrorists terrorists are professionally incited they are they've been coming at us without the death photos of osama bin laden for the last ten plus years if you go back to nine eleven the rationale was that they didn't he didn't want to incite but we just covered that and and also the notion that you know. he kind of implied that that we really couldn't handle it i just don't buy that and i would be saying this if it was a republican a conservative this was ronald reagan saying this i would still feel this way ok let me ask you to t.j. what is the upside really thing of photos people who were skeptical that osama was killed who i've interviewed some of them already today they say
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a photo isn't going to change their mind it could easily be photoshop and in fact we thought senator scott brown already fall for a fake photo of a dead bin laden so what really is the upside yes it would in fact threaten that american troops. i'll be honest i would be going to certainly call it an upside as opposed to a reason why. i you know actually i will for the sake for the sake of the question ok the benefit would be in some cases closure i can't speak for anyone who lost someone directly i lost friends and friends of my family i didn't have a loved one a cause i love the fellow that i really love but i didn't have an immediate family member however i would imagine that there would be a certain step towards closure that has not existed up until this point if there was a photo and also you know what i'll admit a certain amount of. animal gratification here we are human animals there's got to
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be some sort of i believe for myself i'll speak for myself the upside for me selfishly would be yeah i'd like to see a shot of this man with a bullet in his head that's what he deserved this man transcends evil he's in a very very small minority of all human beings and you know. he's really he's in a very small company with hitler and satan himself so you know there's a certain amount of satisfaction i guess that a lot of people would feel myself included ok is that satisfaction worth any danger that would come to either u.s. troops abroad which are it out yet again or iraq or to americans traveling you have that danger is there but you can't deny that there is a bad a backlash when when certain things happen an example would be defining it occur on it which then launched protests in afghanistan and led to people being willing for a new line workers. they would have found another reason to kill in the original way but why the able to more and more e-mails or do you see it and saying that is
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this is dead this is like pregnant you can't be a little bit pregnant you can't be a little bit of a terrorist they hate us they hate they hate jews they hate western civilization to the president today said what is. they posted photos of american troops it's been done and people are outraged day after i had a role you know we're you know daniel pearl video you radio's dan daniel pearl beheaded nick berg beheaded mogadishu blackhawk down we've had images of be disempowered that burned. u.s. servicemen strung up from bridges so the president's rationale for making this decision is not one void what is they they already have mr president so again you know i say they don't need any more reason they wake up with the blood of westerners on their tongues already when they wake up these these terrorists again they're terrorists they're already incited if we can add more fuel to the fire it's
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going to keep burning regardless i mean along those lines though the sites of american journalists or americans that have been killed at the hands of militants are extremists have incited a lot of outrage at home so why would we just perpetuate something that we have condemned others for doing this is a country that prides itself on laws on respecting civil liberties and not something that even come into question in this case with people alleging that this was an extra judicial killings to begin with so why add fuel to that i are releasing these highly rated and it is why there is t.j. mccormick. i. know it's look i mean first of all the extradition that's above my pay grade i'm not going to you know i'm not going to pretend i could give you a good but now i'm not going to try but you know but not with look there's a really gruesome photos and you know like here's another thing to we'll let you know in terms of the gruesome nature of these all right now we've seen photos of
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the scene we see photos of these men who by the way who knows who they are this this point of the telephone game these guys could have been a card game going on and these are the guys around the poker table or they could have been the messengers or his bodyguards who knows that as well. the messages been so bungled but the thing is we're right now seeing a gruesome images of people we don't know who they are who were killed by. our warriors so you know that right there you know in terms of americans being able to stomach it we took it on the chin ten years ago we watched our fellow americans jump from burning towers we watched our fellow men and women civilians who were guilty of showing up for work that day we saw them make a conscious decision to jump from the eightieth and ninetieth and hundredth floor. we can take seeing the image of the dead body of the man who is treated and ordered that attack really quickly we just have one but i just want to know your take on why you think that white house had a message are they just confused did they not have
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a. how to spend their. they you know what but you know you just hit it right there and again i am being completely intellectually honest again i'll say ronald reagan the greatest example i can give if this was ronald reagan or abraham lincoln bungling this i'd be even more upset if it was my guy so this is a set by bipartisan position on take a nonpartisan position they had this thing orchestrated down to the nanosecond they were practicing in a mock up of this compound for for months and months you would think they would have a contingency plan set up because they knew they were going to take photos they knew what the aftermath was going to be in terms of photos and a thing and hey if we get in we're going to get a muslim burial and all this stuff how in the world can they be but business was a potential massive victory i don't know i honestly have no idea i and i are going to leave it at that with those. that would
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radio you can tell you conservative t.j. mccormick now why the united states is touting the killing of osama bin laden as justice served and tucker right is that a turning point and the war on terror as a result archie correspondent marina porton i ask what difference really will differ make in the war that's going on on the ground right now in afghanistan. nine and a half years on the war in afghanistan has grown visibly worse while u.s. rhetoric surrounding it has consistently spun in circles we are making progress that is what is unable to make the progress that we have made i think it's possible that by the end of this year you will have. since two thousand and three washington has repeatedly cleaned turning points for a conflict that critics call are failing. the reality is that things are still mean that things are worse than they were this time last year every year we send
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more troops every year as we spend more money and the insurgency grows in size karzai as government gets weaker and violence gets worse nearly fifteen hundred u.s. soldiers and ten thousand afghan civilians have been killed in a war costing america two billion dollars per week meanwhile after assassinating the man it's been hunting since two thousand and one the united states has conducted an operation that killed osama bin laden i disconnect between what the u.s. says and what the world sees may have deeper a defining moment in the war against al qaeda the war on terrorism decapitate the head of the snake effectively you have this aging sickly old man who really hasn't done anything of real political significance for a long time and the great kind of triumph against evil was that the western leaders are really kind of starting to trumpet at the moment. bush before him turned into
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this kind of symbol of evil following the nine eleven attacks he is actually more a creation of the west than he is a real political or kind of terrorist threats in himself u.s. officials branded bin laden's killing as a success and strategic blow to al qaeda it is going to have i think very important . throughout the area on the kind of network in that area i think you're going to see them start eating themselves from within more and more this as some see the u.s. turning and spinning fiction into fact in afghanistan itself it's not going to have that much of a fighting taliban running afghan taliban in afghanistan we're not fighting al qaeda you have a new generation of young radicals who have grown up watching these wars over the past ten years that are far more radical than their predecessors osama bin ladin claimed responsibility for the nine eleven attacks that killed nearly three
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thousand people in devastated new york city nearly ten years later with his death is being reported as a victory for the u.s. while the war that america waged to get him still struggles to find a conclusion. r.t. new york. and earlier i spoke with political director at brave new foundation and i asked him what the death of bin laden will and should really need to u.s. war strategy in the country in afghanistan here's his response. the last reasonable sounding rationale for the war in afghanistan is now evaporated i mean president obama said that his job one is for security goes was attacking al qaeda and al qaida is largely driven out of afghanistan almost completely and bin laden is dead there's no reasonable rationale left for the afghanistan war and what matthew hoh said in your clip before is absolutely sure every year the war in afghanistan continues to go worse from a strategic standpoint for the united states and so it's like the rationale that it
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was legitimate before bin laden was dead was dead and now that he's gone there's no reason to keep troops there ok let's follow the three that the u.s. pulled out of taliban or gain control you're making strategically this is getting worse and worse favre can't control the country are you ok with that well i think the problem in afghanistan is that there's this idea that the taliban will just overrun the entire territory of afghanistan retake kabul it'll be just like it was the day before nine eleven what's what's lacking in afghanistan is a process that will bring the taliban into the political process so there could be a true representative government in afghanistan so it all made us his role to do that. once the us is rolls you get out of the way and say the u.s. has been demanding that the taliban give up weapons give up violence give up any of any of the tools at their disposal which the war before they'll engage them in the peace talks and that frankly is calling for surrender before peace talks can ensue
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real negotiations take place while the conflict is ongoing and frankly the taliban's got no reason to lay down arms and join the peace process if the demand is to surrender when they've been able to ramp up attacks every single year regardless of u.s. troop levels so what the u.s. needs to do is to start real talks right now that could lead to actual political reconciliation and that is their responsibility you believe to to negotiate with the taliban to focus on that but i think it's the i think it's the job to get out of the way right now they're just demanding ok let's back up and let's back up because the united states after the soviet occupation of afghanistan when it was back in the mujahideen after the soviets retreated the u.s. out of the way ever had got out of the way the cold war ensued the taliban came to power there was a negotiation where the taliban and other elements in the government just kind of put together some honky dory peaceful solution i mean it led to what we thought today so how do you think if he were to get out of the way and want to be a federal war that leads to the same situation we saw back in two thousand and one
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. well i mean you think you have to reconsider what actually happened after the soviets were driven out of afghanistan i mean what the united states did to to incite that situation was to empower some of these super aggressive anti-woman really conservative warlords in afghanistan and that really set the stage for what happened after it in the in the ensuing decades and so what's necessary for us is to realize that what we're doing by backing the warlords in afghanistan that are associated with the karzai regime and karzai himself is repeating the sins of the past so what's necessary for us to do is to one get out of the way the peace process in the way they were demanding a surrender before negotiations can ensue and to to make sure that we're not funding with guns and with with us taxpayer dollars elements within afghanistan that are going to lead to more repression as the as the initial political settlement seems ok but if the u.s. gets out of the way isn't there bound can be more pressure than any thought about
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anti women in that horrible regime for women that just one example why didn't that be the price that the u.s. paid for her for polling out and if i think i need to pick what i think there's a false dichotomy being set up there i mean it's not as if what's happening now if we continued with the u.s. policy is that we're backing some sort of progressive regime in afghanistan it's not going to oppress women that's not going to reinstitute super conservative laws in afghanistan what we need to do is be more careful with where our support in our backing goes and when i say get out of the way i'm not saying that we just you know completely disengage from any sort of involvement in the future of afghanistan we have responsibility to play as constructive role as possible as far as helping the reach political settlement being enablers for those processes being able to help in humanitarian ways but the idea that one hundred thousand plus troops military occupation of afghanistan is going to get us towards a more peaceful and secure afghanistan i think the facts are proven is just not true what in terrorist operatives what insurgencies in terrorist. it's usually not
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military operations it's more law enforcement techniques it's kind of terrorism operations but it's not just military first strategy where you send hundreds of dozens of troops into a country so we do work with partners across the globe so you do things like seize the financial assets of terrorist to use law enforcement techniques that have been proven to work but this idea that we're going to roll in the u.s. military everywhere we see the detention for al qaeda cell in the cloyd is just it's it's too expensive and it's counterproductive and i was there across perspective these political director of the brave new foundation now in the fog of war have fog of facebook something facebook has been used to inspire the people's revolutions we've seen in countries in the middle east for example but when asked about that in a one on one interview with r t wiki leaks founder julian assange leisure thoughted saying based book is being used for most first something far more sinister take a listen facebook in particular. is the most appalling with why.
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he we have the world's most comprehensive database about people their relationships and they are interested in people cations communications with. the relatives all sitting within the. all acceptable intelligence facebook. yahoo all the information you would eventually have it would mean. for u.s. intelligence. now those comments created quite a splash and earlier i spoke with that mccullough he is a correspondent with the net at that if that's the government's role within the world of social media and he told me he believes killian astonish is a right when it comes to facebook but then i think julian is probably right same
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this is the most appalling spying machine ever invented in some way because we have more volunteers only posting things that we wouldn't characterize a decade ago and you also point out the rest of the data sitting in the u.s. so there's no evidence that what he says is true i mean if he has documents where we stand up and until that happens i'm not sure why we should when there's any credence in fact we have evidence of that covered this extensively for senior facebook and i'm of office to the region used to man for user account data who thought that the you doing mostly one. of you is. with the police accounts and. saw an ongoing value who thought the d.o.j. and one of the i think he might be misinformed her maybe he's thinking of something that sprint was doing we do know that sprint has something called an el site a.p.i. that allows law enforcement agencies to access. house information and see this
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because in facebook's response to our team they said that it is true that many requests are sent to facebook to release information and just that they're not process automatically so what is that process do you believe according to at and is it a subpoena process that u.s. intelligence goes there this is actually a big fight right now in facebook provides the equivalent of e-mail right you can send someone a private message and there's a fight over whether you need a search warrant or sign go to based on probable cause a very traditional standard of respect to the bill of rights and the fourth amendment. or whether some lesser standard is required theirs is so it depends on what account you're trying to get if you're trying to get even versus whether you're just trying to get if you buy your dress of the last. computer that someone used to track the facebook accounts. in general though i mean there is
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a. process and with facebook and facebook has been decent about this wasn't even perfect but you said we saw them fight the state of virginia and so facebook gives us a you know when a surface search form is required it will push back but they will ultimately it doesn't require a subpoena in order to do that because we hear a lot about the government trying to unfriend on fourth amendment rights. and the good thing is i mean. facebook is located in the u.s. and they have to follow u.s. law and in the end if they get a search warrant they as any company will go turn over the information if the legal standards are fulfilled i mean this is the you can imagine what i'm actually defending the obama. justice department you cannot get serious offenses and it's bapi offenses for instance that it would harm if they could by the f.b.i. it will be very useful to do this not ok real quick that i just i want to make sure
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i get to want to find out i'm so sorry to interrupt you but i want to ask you that is a u.s. based company that's something i wanted to ask about so has only u.s. intelligence had access to these records are other countries able to get access and cases like you're talking about where they need it for you know alleged criminals. oh right now the way generally works is that if they go through the u.s. department of justice will be contacted by a foreign law enforcement agency and if they believe that this is they're actually can looking into investigating a serious crime as opposed to you know someone insults the president or the ruling family of this country then the d.o.j. will on their behalf go to the u.s. judge and get a search warrant the other on the other possibility is that a facebook has the data stored overseas and they can have preference that way but i think as far as i know the servers are just in the u.s. . i was declan mccullagh correspondent person at news now yesterday we brought you
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the story of numerous journalists who've been arrested at the hands of the u.s. government today we take this story even further and look into several deaths that have occurred journalists who are not killed because they are caught in the crossfire but because they were targeted by u.s. forces or to correspondent christine has a story. you could say it was the latest batch of shots went around the world brought to the warrant by wiki leaks and millions watched in horror as the pilots here treated the canada as a game. among those killed in this july two thousand and seven clash to reuters employees talk referred to near nortel dean and his assistant and driver site even someone he's calling a spade on the ground. they are looking for an excuse to kill. but this is far from an isolated incident since the wars in iraq and afghanistan started more
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than three hundred journalists have been killed many by the actions of u.s. forces as the war continues to rage this is british journalist terry lloyd a veteran correspondent with britain's independent television news fifteen hundred iraqi prisoners of war he was wounded in the crossfire of a battle in basra iraq then put in a makeshift ambulance by iraqis an investigation revealed u.s. forces then shot at the vehicle hitting lloyd in the head and killing him the following month on april eighth two thousand and three u.s. forces targeted three media outlets in iraq first television. al-jazeera his office in baghdad you can see the bombs being dropped here correspondent tarik i you was killed in the middle of a live report and this is the palestine hotel. where nearly all journalists from around the world worked. a u.s. army tank intentionally fired into the building killing reuters cameraman thrust
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forward through and jose couso of telecinco spanish television in all of these incidents u.s. forces behind the tactics were let off the hook the rules of engagement often cited as the reason family has continued to press for justice their hope renewed with the release of this document on wiki leaks a transcript written by a former u.s. ambassador saying quote while we are careful to show our respect for the tragic death of kosovo and for the independence of the spanish judicial system behind the scenes we have thought tooth and nail to make the charges disappear in addition to being killed many journalists have been arrested by us forces simply for doing our job bringing the details of war to the public many have had their materials confiscated some have been interrogated and others tamed indefinitely bhangra airbase a detention facility called by some the guantanamo bay of afghanistan became home to john without money a correspondent for canada's c.t.v.
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for eleven months he was later released without charge for al-jazeera correspondents on the all ha's it was six years i wanted him away his crime crossing the border from pakistan into afghanistan he too was released without charge it's clear that the u.s. military targets these people because they aren't toeing the line they're not embedded they're not playing the game journalist dave lindorff says it's been a common pattern for u.s. authorities especially when international journalists report on subjects like election for option or talk to the taliban as well as u.s. forces they're so used to these people being just stenographers of whatever they say that when a reporter goes out and goes what american reporters used to do go out and really get the story which includes getting the other side they see them as the enemy.
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