tv [untitled] May 5, 2011 3:00pm-3:27pm EDT
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if fifty. five. conspiracy theories surrounding osama bin laden's death running the world around the world six clear and have raised questions about the legality and legitimacy of the killing aussies report nor has the story. here we began with an international news bombshell proudly dropped by the united states after a firefight they killed osama bin laden and took custody of his body there was a female who was in fact in the light a fire. that reportedly was used as a shield to shield them from the incoming fire by tuesday
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a big blunder a major backpedaling in the room with bin laden a woman in leiden is what a woman rather bin laden's wife rushed the u.s. assaulter and was shot in the leg but not killed america grabbed the world's attention after announcing the assassination of osama bin laden yet failing to get the facts straight the u.s. has also facilitated a rapid rise of conspiracy theories what they did is states hold a bunch of different stories they took some stuff. and they've just said the conspiracy machine if we're all on fire a blaze that inflamed after failing to deliver on promises of providing the public with proof we're going to do everything we can to make sure that nobody has any basis to try to deny that we got osama bin laden i don't think there was any question but i also believe a photograph where would be presented to the public we have no need to publish
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those photographs to establish that some of bin laden was killed us president barack obama refused to release any visual evidence confirming bin laden's death for fear it would be used to spark anti-american violence critics say this leaves the public with more questions than answers. and when they say we don't want to show the photos because plane people were fine how about bringing in certain members of the press along with a panel of unrelated forensic identification experts who can come out and say we've studied this the world was able to study the execution of america's other enemy in two thousand and six when the hanging of saddam hussein went viral on the web shortly afterwards meanwhile bin laden's expedited the burial has been the target of conspiracy and acts u.s. officials say was done in keeping with muslim tradition it was returning to. here is the requirement in islamic law of the individual within twenty four hours as many have noted washington broke its own rule when the bodies of saddam hussein's
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sons were involved and held for eleven days after being from the authorities. well i think the problem is that we have different players innocent ministration who prepared for the roles by reading different scripts for this what looks to be made for t.v. drama. if they didn't have their act together in the beginning and that's why we're getting all these contradictory statements and i would also note the high profile john brennan the president's counterterrorism advisor i think it's pretty clear that we now know who is behind the scenes and basically running that teleprompter that president obama often speaks from verbatim i mean one of the differing versions is that yesterday we hear bin laden was out of it and yes he resisted and now we're hearing that he was holding a kalashnikov rifle when the raid took place that the authorities were actually
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watching this on t.v. so we're led to believe so surely they know what the real case was. oh you would think so and i think the fact is that you know that a lot of people are going to use this incident to push their agendas and mentioning the russian made rifles and you know it's not known whether these were actually these a k forty seven s were made in russia because north korea china burma a number of countries produce these weapons but you know there's a lot of people with their agendas they want to push there's also a group that wants to use this to blame pakistan for being complicit with bin laden so we see a lot of these special interests now trying to glom onto this whole incident to push push forth or their agendas and i think we're seeing that with the all these contradictory statements as well what do you make of the conspiracy theories and if they do have a point why doesn't the white house and pretty release the photos that everybody's calling for and and the question will to go. well the obama administration has
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shown no interest in being open as a matter of fact it's probably one of the most secretive administration since its predecessor george w. bush and and richard nixon so they they've they seem to be very arrogant they they're putting forth information it's not true about well the burning bin ladin see was because it was in that condition when the fact is he died on land the requirement is to bury him on land and i don't think it's they buried him at sea because of saudi arabia's rich maritime history but what they concerned of a shrine being created and people regarding it as a muleteer would gather round that it's probably better to dispose the body when nobody knows where it is i mean was it the right decision to do that in this case. well it certainly there's questions in the islamic world when somebody like john brennan says we consulted with experts who were they they could have been anybody who would it was an islamic cleric you got to wonder why he said that and and we
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just see this series of the information that they say one thing and then they have to sort of recant what they said because i guess and i think i think that this administration is not speaking from one song sheet we're hearing different stories and they're changing by the hour literally that many people talk about saddam hussein now as well he was taken alive and it did not much help that why do you think they treated the two cases differently. well certainly there is a you know they are saying they won't release the photos of bin laden but we know we were we had the photos of. saddam hussein's sons which were very gruesome and also a photo of saddam hussein or who was purported piece of saddam hussein after his hanging they don't seem to have any problem with that now if they were if they're so concerned about inflaming tensions in the muslim world why were they so willing
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to have these photographs of saddam and his sons bodies released that it just shows inconsistency and john brennan of course is using this to hype up the fact that he was one of the architects of the cia's torture and rendition program and they're saying well this some of this information was retrieved because of waterboarding i see this more as mr brennan's attempt to rewrite history and try to say look waterboarding was good and and now that he's such a close adviser obama is in a position to do that despite the contradictions in the warning from nation it is widely believed that he is dead isn't it the conspiracy theories in the u.s. are they not or do they. people think they really could have a point. well i think there's no question it's the with the one major thing is when did he die there's many many reports including from cia f.b.i. presidents zardari and musharraf of pakistan former prime minister of pakistan the late benazir bhutto all said in interviews that bin laden may have died of kidney
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failure as early as two thousand and one so. these these statements stand on their own merit and we even had general franks tommy franks the head of the central command say and look i don't know whether he's dead or alive we don't have any intelligence that says one way or the other so even general franks was unwilling to actually say say the bin laden was was alive as early as two thousand and two the photo was released to prove that he was in the killed. national security risk because the reason for not publishing that photograph is that about it all are going to be what is exactly talking about there. well you know they could do a lot of things with the photograph to be you know we've seen some photographs released in pakistan some of the other people killed in a compound were kind of bored out somewhat but we after president obama made this announcement we had all these fake photographs that were going around about you showing the deadline date and you know and the white house did said nothing to try
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to say look these are these are not accurate but they were picked up by many newspapers many websites around the world and you know we saw nothing contradictory . from the from the white house it seems like they were more than happy to let those fakes out there and not say anything to the contrary when you were there in washington we saw euphoric scenes that strayed off of the news of bin laden's death what is the feeling that people are scared about retaliation is there a feeling of insecurity at the moment but the nervousness in the states. now if you're on the metro system you're hearing a lot of these security announcements obviously the homeland security folks here trying to play this retaliation thing up as much as they can but i've spoken to people time journalists here are very skeptical about the white house torie these are some of these people covered the nixon administration and let's face it why are we why should anyone believe anything out of the white house whether it's the obama white house or the george w. bush white house when the previous administration was so willing to lie about
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intelligence to get us into a war in iraq. this administration obama has gone back on many of his campaign promises about closing down guantanamo there's a lot of skepticism there's no reason why anybody here in washington d.c. should take it face value what the white house says but they're saying trust us many people followed al qaida and this whole war on terrorism are not going to give them that that trust because they this administration has not proven that they deserve it so this situation with my was great for the for you you being an investigative journalist and we have you on so many times and all to talk about all sorts of issues and talk about lies coverups and other things do you think this could be a future treasure trove for the lots of investigative journalists to find out more do you think there's still yet more to emerge that we have no idea what to expect. oh there could well be i wouldn't expect any sort of revelations from the white house it seems like they're circling the wagons here right now and trying to keep as much of this information as close to their chest as possible but they're their
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own worse enemy and is by by making it look like there's they're covering up information they will feed and i think it's justifiably so that they'll feed the conspiracy network if you if you want to call it that but i think that it's there were the responsible for it when many people are very interested to hear what you have to say thanks for sharing your thoughts here and see if that's going to tell us way knots and talk just live from washington thanks very much. well as other bin laden's demise as he even more pressure on the already strained relationship between party started the us as well about claims its sovereignty was violated by the secret mission to eliminate the terrorist figurehead where washington's trying to establish whether its ally was sheltering than ludwig had been living in an affluent suburb near the pakistani capital as artist revolution reports the leader's death won't necessarily mean an end to america's unpopular role in the region some of bin laden's death couldn't have candidate better time u.s.
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and pakistani relations are going through their worst period since nine eleven reasons behind it predator drones and private contractors when a cia agent shows to pakistani stad in broad daylight early cia officials in islamabad said it was the final straw and demanded on american operatives leave the country immediately we have to be doubly sure rather their presence border be in the interest of a guest in the interest of. pressure why not western pakistan just one week before one kurdish leader was killed an anti us drone didn't stray shing united hundreds of protesters fear is that another twenty five people were killed in a strike taking the total number of civilian deaths into the hundreds. karim han lost his son and his brother in two thousand and nine attack the drone
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operator and miles away from here pushed the button when it was night in pakistan and creams how family was sleeping. they were a real may may may may or meant. there'll be a. pro ball. and probably or immigrant with many people sharing this opinion pakistani officials are warning the us has fueled an insurgency rather than calling it a hog more than their help because of the. damages there is of the civilians in the area america's reaction has been varied the white house first accused pakistan of not doing enough to counter terror before the us changed its tactics finally addressing pakistan's calls to access america's drone technology but despite signs of a peace offering and chimeric and sentiment has continued rising u.s. plans to extend its military presence in pakistan and ensure its dominance in the
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region after its troops withdrew from the guys town seem to have collapsed and he said about bin laden's demise just like us drones came out of the blue delivering a direct hit on us critics. it's many say america says victory will hardly change the life of ordinary people here in a country that's been in the midst of fact and by the global war on terror since region in pakistan was one of the first to be completed all the time was in two thousand and nine to satisfy the setting of a division of the patient in the region that peace and stability hope to need an operation to leave places really quite tranquil as you can see people that are going about their daily lives that we have done with that less than a hundred kilometers away from here and with mountains all around face to face is very fragile part of honoring. the country's army has always been
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alert but now more than ever. many fear the death of a summer bin laden will spark a backlash and they enjoy the peace of has been achieved refinish not pakistan. still on the way for us here in r.t. all set for a joint venture to space the rocket is gearing up for its an essential european technology to orbit what makes the project so special it's in just a few minutes from now. the first to libya where colonel gadhafi forces allotting grueling battles with rebels who are being supported by nato airstrikes this is the international coalition it's in rome agreeing to establish a financial fund to support insurgents in their fight against the libyan leader's regime u.s. secretary of state hillary clinton says washington also hopes to use gadhafi seize assets to fund the insurgency the rebels want more material help including weapons every last in the alliance to kill the colonel on their behalf but the coalition
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insisted affy is not their target that's despite bombing his compound killing members of his family charles glass' an expert on the arab world thinks that holding the libyan rebels will do more harm than good. you're going to get money belonging to the libyan people and there's a civil war going on in libya and it may not be fair to distribute money to one side or the other and civil war might be better to preserve that money some when the war is over the country needs to be rebuilt we can go in and go to the benefit of the people and not just some of them it will certainly escalate the conflict. and we remember from the united states financing the mujahideen in afghanistan against the soviets simply raise the stakes and increase the numbers of casualties if they give it to the. transitional national council in libya who are fighting a war against gadhafi surely they're going to go to international arms merchants and other would be on the black market in buy weapons they're calling for regime change and turning it or turning the country over to this rapidly created t.n.c.
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which. is composed of a lot of extra xii members and clearly saw the wind blowing the other way in war and be on the winning side in their commitment to democracy historically has been absolutely nil. the driving force behind nato intervention in libya is the subject of constant international scrutiny and i was artie's lore and it reports there all of those who believe the alliance may have been trying to prevent gaddafi from bearing the american buck. according to some it's about protecting civilians we must not tolerate this regime using military force against its own people of the say it's about oil the only reason. the oil here think we'd be in iraq if their major acts were there was broccoli but some are convinced intervention in libya is all about currency specifically good athlete plan to introduce the goldstein are
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a single african currency made from gold's a true sharing of the wealth it's one of these things that you have to plan almost in secret because as soon as you say you're going to change over from the dollar to something else a your are going to be targeted go to conferences on this one in ninety six and another one. called the world mccarver conference organized and everybody was interested but i think most countries in africa were clean it happy didn't give up in the months leading up to the military intervention he called on african and muslim nations to join together to create this new currency that would rival the dollar and euro they would sell oil and other resources around the world only for gold dinars it's an idea that would shift the economic balance of the world's countries wealth which depends on how much gold they have not how many dollars they
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trade and libya has one hundred forty four tons of gold the u.k. has double that but ten times the population if gadhafi had an intent to try to reprice his oil or whatever else the country was. selling in the global markets and accept something else as a currency or maybe launch of gold in our currency any move such as that would certainly not be welcomed by the para lead today who are responsible for controlling the world's central banks so yes that would certainly be something that would cause his immediate dismissal and the need for other reasons to be brought forth for moving him from power it's happened before in two thousand he say announced it rocky oil would be traded in euros not dollars sanctions and an invasion followed some say because the americans were desperate to prevent opec from transferring oil trading in all its member countries to the euro the u.k. goals you can hear in a secure boat somewhere in the depths of the bank
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a big lead in most developed countries there's not enough to go around but that's not the case in places like libya and many of the gulf states i told dean i would have given oil rich african and middle eastern countries the power to turn around their energy hungry customers in phase three the price has gone up and gold some say the u.s. and its nato allies literally couldn't afford to let that happen nor and it's hard to see that. russian rocket has blasted off cosmodrome in france but it didn't actually fly anywhere it was a simulated dry launch in preparation for the real liftoff show jeweled for august launch as part of an ambitious joint project between russia and the european space agency the rocket will carry satellites for europe's only navigation system galileo into orbit will be the first time the russian spacecraft been launched so close to the equator a location which makes it easier to reach space stories rockets usually take off from the baikonur cosmodrome in kazakhstan and supplies in crewmembers to the
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international space station but what is. more about the legendary rocket. more than one and a half thousand launches far more than any other the soyuz as the world's most successful rocket and now for the first time it will be fired off from a non russian spaceport over the last eight years the european space agency e.s.a. and spend more than half a billion dollars on building a launch pad and adopting the soyuz for south american space center in. this was all done via engineers and designers we had to adapt to the climate here and to the different safety standards that we have proven ourselves with this you didn't what if occasions and crews well chosen location the soyuz will be able to pay greater loads into space than ever before the prices than any competitor with the seas makers in russia also stand to benefit more than four decades after its first launch the soyuz should really be showing its age but
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a trained one of the world's most reliable rockets and in fact orders of best some are a plant going up from year to year twenty so use launches will be produced here by the end of the year several years ago the numbers were in single digits its chief engineer says the rocket remains popular not just because of its record setting and it might look similar to the earlier models but inside is so use is being constantly upgraded as are the reason we still use the basic model i believe it's the perfect rocket in its fundamental design we predict that they will be used for another forty years at least the constructors are saying that a transition from prestige driven space race of the cold war era to a new way of doing things is complete. this is a project that makes solid financial sense to us it isn't just a political gesture and we're hoping it's just a springboard. the for so use will be lords from grew in the second half of the
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year and eventually the spaceport will handle four launches annually the russian side hopes the success of this project will encourage other space agencies to god the soyuz platform either or are no party some are well in a few minutes. discuss the latest financial news making headlines around the world but first at twenty five minutes past the hour let's check out what's happening in business with korea. very welcome to our business update thanks for joining me north stream has been is delaying the world's longest subsea pipeline across the baltic the eleven billion dollar construction jordi owned by gas from is to start delivering gas from russia to germany in the autumn. transit countries such as ukraine. has to be properly. stretching from getting russia to grow old in germany to the one thousand two hundred twenty four kilometer pipeline is to poland fifty five million cubic
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meters of siberian gas to the heart of europe a majority owned by gas problem the project has received in floozie yes the backing from germany in the past however analysts doubted that the stability of such an ambitious and expensive project claiming that there would be insufficient demand in europe and fears russia would not be able to build it however the nuclear crisis in japan has caused major european countries to rethink their energy policies thereby pushing russian gas to the fore once again. and here's a snapshot of the market's performance commodity prices fell for a fourth day on thursday following week economic news from europe and the u.s. the dow jones down for the third time this week weighed by energy stocks as the price of oil dropped below one hundred dollars a barrel oil giant exxon mobil and chevron apple shutting two percent among the gainers as whole foods market up one percent after its quarterly report all street's estimates he is europe where stocks ended thursday trading session mixed
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u.k. sportspeople over a percent banks were among the big losers with lloyds banking group pulling eight percent that's after the european central bank has held eurozone interest rates at one point one percent and the bank of england kept its interest rates steady at a record low of health to start and here in russia markets closed in the red for the r.t.s. dropped to its lowest level in five months we could come out of these. they're the index movers of allies x. with a bad day for the oil majors that again came under pressure from falling crude prices precious metals were also low point as gold lost nearly twenty five percent and to help the sad and construction group take the crop after the company reported losses of about one hundred ten million dollars for last year. that's all from me and that is the thing here on our team will have more for you tomorrow meanwhile the log on to our web site out to dot com slash business the last time.
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