tv [untitled] May 5, 2011 3:30pm-4:00pm EDT
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more news today violence is once again flared up. these are the images seeing from the streets of canada. operations rule the day. it's national news live from the russian capital with twenty four hours a day this is r.t. top stories now americans cheered as the government handouts as all of bin laden's death but many of the questioning. why there's been evidence blackout conflicting reports from u.s. officials and their refusal to release images of the body giving rise to conspiracy theories. but the start is on high alert as fears grow the peace and stability of struggling to achieve will go up in smoke after the killing of his leader locals
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americans in their war on terror fueling uncertainty on the ground worldwide. and some nato country is to help the libyan opposition others accuse the coalition of starting the unrest or event could now be creating a new rival international currency we have on the administration is planning to release frozen gadhafi assets to support the rebels and provide humanitarian aid. i'll be back with more stories for you more details on those stories as well in thirty minutes from now next our financial guru mexico is that explains what rising silver prices have to do with the demise of osama bin laden that's next. max kaiser a lot of the kaiser report you know j.p. morgan is so desperate to keep the price of silver down they've defrosted some of bin laden threw him into the ocean just it deflect attention from the fact that the
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silver prices rising up j.p. morgan stock price that's the key threshold once it gets above j.p. morgan stock price it's hello enron style collapse jamie diamond on the street doing nothing yeah that's the way it is in the way the world of global finance where america's animal spirits and lust for the kill kill hate hate of a song has gotten the testosterone levels so high that the sperm banks are overflowing over there oh yeah get those dixie cup started ok stacey everyway yeah for me. well max actually mention osama bin laden he should have listened to charlie munger because of course you're halfway had their shareholders meeting last weekend monger buy gold if you think your country is going to kill you good idea charlie munger well this is a tacit approval of recognition of the fact that the relationship between gold and total countrywide malfeasance much longer is putting the price on the fact that as
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the u.s. commits suicide price of gold to go up well also you have to define kill i mean there are you could kill somebody physically and dump their body in the ocean or you can still kill them financially and economically and kill their future and that is what one could argue the fed and the treasury are doing that's exactly what they're doing exactly what gold is going are they're committing euthanasia of america conducted by the old couple it's also following on bin laden the dollar rallied and silver thanks sharply on his reported death here comes the headline however city comes pouring cold water the short lived bin ladin bounce. so they're referring to the short sharp rise in the dollar following the death but then they go on max however negative sentiment for the u.s. dollar has accelerated in recent weeks and short u.s.
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dollar positioning remains high this event serves as a reminder that the us dollar is increasingly susceptible to short squeezes but the relatively quick reversal also indicates that some pretty committed us dollar sellers remain in place death course bear markets are punctuated with short swift bear market rallies and bull markets are punctuated with short swift declines like we're seeing in summer so over made a quick ten percent move down now it's heading toward five hundred the dollar made a quick bounce up a dead cat bounce if you will but it primary trend is down into the gutter is going to zero a ploy on sober is a ploy to put the us dollar where osama is living at the bottom of the ocean after they do for us to have him because america wants obama again because they don't want to compete anymore they just want to pull up your old style noncompetitive economy run by psychos tax cuts this mecca i just made though if you concatenation
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of schmuck and hieroglyphics just rewind the tape will play that again forward and you'll know exactly what i'm saying so max let's move into the other world of financial terrorism i as i said the berkshire hathaway meeting was this weekend and we interviewed janet have a koli recently about those who wield these weapons of mass destruction financial destruction and we referred to david sokol who was the heir apparent to warren buffett and then he was outed after insider trading his lawyer said it is alarming that mr buffett would be advice to so completely flip flop and resort to transparent scapegoat as mr sokol would have expected to be treated fairly that would have been in berkshire's interest but i think it's interesting because you know this was the first mainstream global media show. that started talking about warren buffett and the fact that he was overrated and if you took away the fraud the malfeasance the insider trading the market manipulation from his performance the be no better than and s. and p.
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index fund and this is finally coming out of the end of his career it's a shame that he and charlie monger his friend are not going to end their career in a more positive note but like to see the video footage of charlie monger dressed up like the gimp from that movie pulp fiction becomes out of florida leather head to toe suit in a king and then he performs on godly acts of financial carnage in front of war in the shareholders now that would be a video worth watching so well speaking of shady dealings let's move to the next headline max shady dealings helps gadhafi build fortune and regime now the thing that's so interesting about this of course we all knew this right where did khadafi get his hundred twenty billion dollars well of course he got it from western corporations or western politicians or western governments but here's the quote. it's referring to all these western corporations who plead innocence that they were so shocked that to be asked to pay all these kickbacks the episode and others like
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it the official said reflect a libyan culture rife with corruption kickbacks strong arm tactics and political patronage since the united states reopened trade with colonel gadhafi as government in two thousand and four as american international oil companies telecom firms and contractors moved into the libyan market they discovered that colonel gadhafi or his loyalists often sought to extract millions of dollars in signing bonuses and consultancy contracts or insisted that the strongman sons get a piece of the action through shotgun partnership to gadhafi is inheriting the mantle from osama bin laden you know because american television is so is so infused with commercials that they can't have the time to focus on two. bad guys that once they can only have one bad guy at a time this is gadhafi is the bad guy does sure they killed off sama there's room in the water if they defrosted them and this is now their focus going forward is
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the new bit more importantly max this the important thing about this what i'm trying to bring to your attention here is they're saying that they're shocked that this is such unique to libyan culture the strong arm tactics these consultancy fees for the those connected to the khadafy regime the fact that the son has to be put on to boards of directors because the bush family think of the clinton family think of the kennedy family how many of these people are forced onto boards of directors look at the carlyle group who's on their boards of directors do we not have the same situation in our own countries forget about gadhafi and bin laden is guys are you know dead or are fake i guess i'm confused because i don't really separate gadhafi and the libyan what we know about libya as any different than what we see in america i mean this is part of the same octopus of corrupt wall street and general electric i mean there's a perfect example of a they all they have of their terrorist cell inside the white house whispering into
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all obama's i mean obama zero all day long so this is just a complete merging of terrorism and the state it goes beyond fascism festival which is corporations merge with the state this is terrorism merge with the states state sanctioned terrorism and these companies claim they were forced to pay signing bonuses and consultancy contracts so let's look at this next act of financial terrorism that we've been watching across the european union banks accused of talking up greek debt fears so this comes from klaus regling the head of europe's rescue fund the european financial stability facility and he told a german newspaper that he believes banks are encouraging talk of a possible greek debt restructuring because they are hoping to earn large fees first of all terrance quick. host the concert t.v. in greece and gave me this tie so that's the first thing i want to say about greece the second thing i want to say is as we've been talking about on the show for months the greek debt situation is a plaything of the c.c.
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king banks on wall street there is no onerous debt there are only assets and fees to rape and pillage and take from the greek people we just came back from athens i played to a standing room only house once again with the hang the bankers who are really and people in greece still think that there's some logic behind the financial rape for their country they don't understand us just rapists so the quote from klaus re going is that he said in the one nine hundred eighty s. and one nine hundred ninety s. banks cashed in very high fees for the restructuring of sovereign debt in latin america and asia they would like to do that again in europe and apparently tree shay according to this article is also on board with this he believes the city has warned sovereign nations that this is happening that these banks just want a stupid fee and they'll throw entire nations under the bus they've thrown ireland under the bus it's thrown portugal they've attacked greece they're attacking all these countries just for stupid little fee and we've reported this over and over and over again five trillion dollars taking from the u.s.
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economy just for fifty billion dollars in bonuses well the opposite of too big to fail is too small to succeed and in the case of greece it's only a three hundred billion dollar economy so it's not even as big as wal-mart one us company it's just the right size to rape and pillage by bankers is too small to succeed so it has to be taken out but you can make you can leverage that through insurance products that you can then you can make trillions on destroying small economy like greece you see this again in the e.u. from this next headline e.u. probes banks over debt insurance abuses europe has launched antitrust probes into giant u.s. and european banks whose fine slicing of the insurance market was blamed by debt ridden euro. states for pushing them into bailouts so the investigation is focusing on credit default swaps c.d.s. says i love the term fine slicing another synonym for fraud and lying you know
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that's that's that's what ultimately could stop the scandals they run out of synonyms. fine slicing the insurance products of oh it was originally designed as a product to insure those who had holdings or investments in these bonds including the nation but of course it became used as a weapon yeah that's right we've known this for quite some time but the regulators are in the pocket of the banks so don't look for them to regulate and that people are underwater on their houses and they can't have be bothered so in a two pronged investigation the european commission said it will examine whether sixteen investment banks and market and r.k. i.t. the leading provider of credit default swap market information kulu did or abuse a dominant position to control financial information this is an update on global's propaganda model number of you tell a lie big enough people believe it incidentally is financial terrorism landscape
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with j.p. morgan goldman sachs if you create an index you see then people will believe it if you take all the fraudulent securities and you create an index that tracks the fraudulent securities then the index magically makes the fraud look legitimate this is all of the fraud here it's so tasty and so delicious because it's collapsing and driving precious metal prices on but the banks of all the sixteen banks involved in this alleged fraud they're investigating this potential fraud the sixteen banks who all recognize as being the biggest recipients of bailout funds and state aid across the entire world j.p. morgan bank of america park lees b.m.p. pair of us citi group commerce bank credit suisse first boston deutsche bank goldman sachs h.s.b.c. morgan stanley world bank of scotland u.b.s. wells fargo credit agricole and society in general and i know baby i know ball turn up to go home to do a terrorist or defrosting thrown in the ocean all right stacy we're thank so much
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for being on the book cause or report thank you max. don't go away much more coming your way stay right there. hungry for the full story we've gone to. the biggest issues get a human voice face to face with the news makers on the t.v. . news sky. looking forward to be held in say. pain and suffering will never be forgotten. as well as the joy of liberation. your spring of nineteen forty five on our team.
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and i'll go back to the kaiser report i'm max kaiser found out to go to athens greece and talk with a doctor to care out goes told brass who is doing goldman sachs j.p. morgan and others for their role in the financial assassination of greece dr tubb ross welcome to the kaiser report i must tell you that for grosse you are stealing not only j.p. morgan ing goldman sachs but here's stilling the entire financial kit and caboodle even the intermediaries that deal with these fraudulent securities the the broker dealers the derivative traders you're going after the whole spectrum of fraud is that not correct and this is how. people. defined as it so identify it is the best possible it's pixilated only big government manipulation. listed against people but they aren't it to fight this office managers agenda or
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failure investment banks in the world the scum of the great government. right so he could be from the government debt crisis that means investment banks here sponsored traders or for c.d.'s. naked so so they're sort of big about government bones and they all saw this including their rating as a series who helped them. through a fake harry think you personally should going to create a colony you know looking back at past scandals like own nick leeson and the barings bank collapse you know these but these brokers are always used to kind of the same technique by hiding all their speculative debts off the balance sheet in total and suddenly they're discovered in the in this case of course you've got the compliance with the rating agencies moody's and s. and p. you've got money managers involved you've got bankers involved i mean is there a case here for racketeering go after this for for under racketeering law this is
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exactly as you said finance areikat in organized crime no plan. would be intent to despoil group of calling me in order to speculate on the c.b.s. would be shooting at big government warrants this sounds a lot like the subprime crisis in america where banks like goldman sachs were willing to take a loss on the bonds because i made two or three times that amount on their current a fatwah quote unquote insurance products is that like that this exactly what you say it is in the united states in the united states crazy isn't two thousand feet they should c.d.'s on cd or specious on. united states morbius the same thing happens here maisha see this on the big government paulson who created the same crazy the same effect the simulation of the market and there is the same results for example of a united states lehman brothers were blocked off of out even here it's happening
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exactly the same but the big banks market collapse because of the c.d.s. we should have pretty clever move on. yes were familiar now is how the hedge funds and the banks get together and they collude and they engage in market manipulation and insider trading to collapse economies to collapse countries and on this front was greece you've got john paulson right he was in the country recently with goldman sachs colluding to collapse the economy correct cannot petition to just one year a copper gold who was here with either fund managers together with goldman sachs in there with russia or speculators who were here not friends there when i spoke at the lobster greek government bed together should be seen yes they're monitoring their trading them in dubai and i was greek government. that are to process my understanding is that the greek constitution says very clearly
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that in the case of debts owed abroad if to pay those debts it causes hardship on the people that there is no obligation to pay those debts as kind of fide by the greek constitution these are staring measures therefore cars are by definition hardship on the people and by definition constitutionally there's no obligation to pay these debts so why is the greek government so willing to break the law and look persecution is not speaking exactly about government beds but course it too soon speaking about public interest let me as well the barriers against the greek citizens against greece greek wealth against the greek state oh brad pitt is in course to do solo and closer to sources yes you don't figure that out there is not speaking exactly about government there but he's speaking about public interest that means a saint right now on your question why government did differently because
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governments here in greece for so many years more than thirty years isolates well the lives. because. they'd make business alerts or would governments hear us and i'd be seventy four so they're doing ok we're going to do it we're going to stay with the concepts looking at your lawsuit here not just for us it's a criminal lawsuit not a civil lawsuit so you get to name names correct us to this is a clueless shit so that means this is not against corporations because against physical force this person monitors ceo's trade that's what we know we were recruiting goals in this coming this financed us come back to square with the greek government the craziest so in other words and find me trainer of derivatives h.s.b.c. barclays morgan j.p. morgan connected to the fragile and debts that are being applied toward greece my name as even a trader
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a derivative trader could be in the suit and yes. you could do with try and call your trades. that pushed you to a fatal car you sold this suit yes if you know when you were when you say the c.d.'s conduct you have the knowledge that because nate you don't look make you understand all of these particular circumstances. because i'm so persuaded to who's in charge of was fired q roommate issues. who will be the best ones who are being depicted as possible or not yes and and the way you're going after this also right here year applying the way just departments have gone after rackets in the mafia in the past they find a low level thug in the chain and they go after him and get him to squeal and then work their way up the food chain toward the big competent compo like a lloyd blankfein or jamie diamond correct yes that broaches to kick their wares a slow decided we're going to say so and it will be the justice of this crowd that
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. we're for them the local filaments lots of proof. they have everything to proceed to make their names to stop calling people who'll talk and for them it will be easy to find two hours to the end where this visa to circle well for service is. a crisis ok so you mentioned proof what form does the proof take ok the firms will recruit. understand for somebody who. has it or it least mentoring orders or whatever but my concern there what is the criminal law here in greece for example. when you turn in international markets. but i'm dealer of the government balance of the greek state in the same time you cannot say oh c.d.s. against the government balance if you do one game you cannot do also there so we
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should be against the interest of your customers in your castle but in this moment is greek state because you are too wealthy its government banks where you said. if your customers look this girl to greek state in the same moment you can not sit out and your customers bankruptcy to some other car some of this sounds familiar you know the congress in the united states is calling back to testify in front of congress as a witness lloyd blankfein the c.e.o. of goldman sachs they believe he committed perjury when he first appeared talking about the role of goldman sachs and selling securities ahead of their customers and profiting from double dealing to their customers engaging in the kinds of fragile behavior that you're describing right here they want him to dig down a little deeper into his memory banks to see if he can dredge up some of that some of the more the facts the case but could lloyd blankfein in fact could you call i
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blankfein as a witness as part of your case it sounds like he's an expert witness and fraudulent double dealing and maybe he may can actually win this. it was exactly the same in the double game that they play in the in the usa some years ago barry pitting the same gate and this same game here you know now because the formula you nor i would believe you do the same gave me in the united states you know it's a thousand pay and now they're doing exactly the same here so. if the team will be close here in greece but not only team you get out that model just for goldman sachs or other investment banks you've owned this game and this is a decision of the prosecutors not our susan i think they would go in there well the elements. to call in here at least stool answer to some simple questions anytime you talking about these european bond markets of course germany's name comes up because there is a main focus point on all the bond dealings in europe and of course in germany the biggest bank is deutsche bank so. is it possible that they also are
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complicit in the racketeering the financial terrorism the financial sasa nations that you see plaguing your country of greece. look bunch of bank giving here in the soup is one of the prime do they're sort of the big government wants markets because like goldman sachs holder alabang do those. working in these markets from so many years but believe me people are speaking about losses of gold the bank will suffer if greece will default but believe me the first interest of the ceremony today it is a big difference that's way in the last month there you will hear a lot of german worse is distinctly big government to. twenty fold missing beautiful declares an official to full disclosure and of course the limits are very important. that euro is getting cheaper again start to day you're it swung forty five one forty eight and two with
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a your best price is chairman's cannot export question below german economy people use it fifty. percent exporting their g.d.p. is fifty percent exporting economy for them with the euro plan thirty eight it is very very difficult to compete for the world market soley preferred to have a lower priced euro to be competitive against german society as it's sort of a dangerous or great course to create collapse it's much higher than the losses that brooch a bank either has or mum banks will suffer he for the first really happening during the greek market yes so looking at this cast of characters do you see these folks banding together with a blankfein targeting spain possibly next as a way to talk down the hero to help germany i don't think that they. are but i make any solutions to the same interest with the germans i think that in this moment with. let's say financial world between. europe
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in this world this financial world has to be first formed so on its own to better some erica so they play two different games the question is that in this moment the problem in greece is not a priest great country he's not in any game to enter nostromo market here we are just following the against rather playing. for me. my opinion regarding the strong euro it is that is not depending on other factors and could never change in the next short period because the thirty year problem is that i may be kind of caught me to be sick very very huge by not so programs and even if european countries we are just again you are a guest who will be more than unfair to offer to shoulder but never it's a ok dr to cross thanks so much for being on the kaiser report thank you very much
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