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tv   [untitled]    May 5, 2011 7:00pm-7:30pm EDT

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if if. it's . today's the big day for the g.o.p. it's a night we could go off the campaign to oust obama with the first presidential debate the man for all seasons will be checking in with us tonight so explain just how bad our president's disregard for the law is we've got a special segment with luke without seein schools in america's religious apoc receipt and author kelly villages to explain the connection between war and religious sacrifice i think it sucks to be a teenager you can rest assured someone is doing something about it their female president of the national youth rights association is with us tonight about so prospects for high school graduates in the obama economy i'm not sure which of the three different stories from the white house to believe but as far as i know in lot
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in still that and for some reason we're still talking about a man adam versus the man. as american still revel in the announcement of the killing of osama bin laden fears of blowback or sort of come to life i'm not passing any ties around bin ladin himself since he's certainly a bad dude it's not the big bad dude that our government has made him out to be in fact the f.b.i. never even listed nine eleven on its bin ladin web page because according to rex tomb chief of investigative publicity for the f.b.i. quote the reason why nine eleven is not mentioned on a song a lot of us want to page is because the f.b.i. has no hard evidence connecting the lot of the nine eleven but even if bin laden is
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the devil should we have just let him go and go he should be with the devil himself and to be brutal. but if you were a president with no regard for the rule of law you could just send troops into a foreign country and kill someone without a trial nor the constitution you could ignore the f.b.i. and the justice department you would stand against all that which we hold dear in america to chase down the devil you could cut down every law in america but that begs a question for our dear leader and when the last law was down and the devil turned round on you where would you high but the laws all being flat this country is pounded with laws from coast to coast man's laws not god's and if you cut them down and you're just a man to do it but you really think you could stand upright in the wind that would blow then president obama you have been responsible for more deaths than bin ladin
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could even hope to be responsible for you've continued to wage illegal occupations in the middle east ploy troops for fifty six combat tours without a declaration of war you've invaded sovereign countries and i'm not even getting into any of the many ways or domestic policy as violating the constitution to which we both soros yes i give the devil benefit of law when i see. now i am not saying we should have let bin ladin go by any stretch but mr president you would better hope there is some semblance of law left when you leave office so your own presumptive guilt and extraordinary execution style is not turned on you you have been intervene with kinetic military action in libya for over a month now it took less time to peacefully relatively at least the pows mubarak in egypt the policy of regime change by violence is an obvious failure and today the citizens of misrata in libya are suffering because of this policy the city was
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bombed heavily by coffee's forces but only because the intervening powers have created a force to resist political oppression with violence you know what bigger governments intervene in situations like this undercut duffey they had a regime they could work with it was ok if the oppressed people because they all kept flowing would get off he was not affective enough as a dictator to keep his people in place foreign governments had to rush in to assist the rebels not because they care about human rights or freedom i mean look at look at her record here in united states would because they want to ensure that the next regime to come to power will work with them if they allow the revolution in libya to happen on its own accord by relatively peaceful means by popular protests as
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we've seen in egypt and other countries in the middle east could offer you would be out by now less blood would be shed and the new leaders would have no debt to anyone but the people of libya what does that say about this t.v. show you let's figure that out for yourself. blowback from obama's assassination of bin laden seems to be much better understood where it's happening and pakistan where hundreds marched in the streets some more in but not in the professionally printed signs they are read assassination of one osama will produce many asama in future if obama was hoping to stir up the youth vote that helped him get elected he may have forgotten one little important detail nine eleven was almost ten years ago and most teenagers. don't even know who bin ladin it is according to yahoo sixty six percent of the searches for the question who is osama
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bin laden this sunday following the president's announcement from teenagers aged thirteen to seventeen. all of the hoopla around the lot an announcement and subsequent debate about the boat host of bin laden being released or not has been intended to distract you from the economic issues that will lead to the defeat of obama in next year's election they've actually put out three different narratives already about what happened in pakistan and i would be surprised if this is actually deliberate. i would bet the administration is willing to look a bit clumsy incompetent confused even if it means we get to keep talking about
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what a brave and heroic leader our president is for throwing his brow at making those tough decisions but today we learned that the number of americans filing for jobless benefits that in a month high. good economic news whether it's real or fabricated and suitably fabricated is blasted out by the obama administration and milk for all it's worth while bad news like this gets swept under the rug in the way they calculate the figures keep changing we can't even get real numbers anymore from the administration when it comes the economy it's seasonally adjusted this and massaged numbers that but the job situation is undeniable and it's so bad that in detroit and get this there's actually been a rash of fake job fairs yeah apparently
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someone is passing a bad dope rumors or who knows by text message and people are so desperate they get forwarded and passed around and people are actually showing up by the hundreds to job fairs that don't exist. what does that mean for today's youth. those just getting out of high school and trying to wrap their heads around what it means to be in debt to the tune of forty five thousand dollars because of their parents' fiscal irresponsibility when i was a kid i promised myself that when i turned eighteen i wouldn't forget about those still facing the challenges of ages in america and i. i had enough of a troubled youth myself i certainly ran into another of those problems with authority but i was really thrilled when i learned about the national youth rights association which is working to defend the civil and human rights of young people because certain basic rights are entrance of parts of american citizenship and
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transceiver transcend age or status and it's tonight i'm very honored to be joined now by the president of that organization geoffrey adel jeffrey thanks so much throughout thanks so much for being with us so tell us what is the national youth rights association doing about this economic of bits that high school graduates are walking into this summer. lots how you are concerned ben it's not just we who are concerned it's all young people out there and we have this sort of battle route too often for political opportunity but i can assure you being out on the streets and on the ground with that is not the case young people see that we have a fourteen point three trillion dollar national debt we're being saddled with the burdens of today's generation and you know we are all familiar and have to pay that back and the fact that eighty percent of young people are working before they graduate high school paying ten billion dollars a year in sales tax and
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a billion dollars in income tax yet we're denied the right to vote all this combined with the current economic difficulties creates a really bleak situation for our future and one in which we at this point in time are feeling that this enfranchise been in my question what frankly to those people who are opposed to ending taxation without representation and opposed to lowering of voting age would just be simple with all due respect can we have our money back i will i got a tough question for you visit you said that some times young people are paid slowly paid less simply because of their age obviously experience and you cation train has to be a factor too and you can expect i mean young people can expect to be getting paid on par with older people if only they have the same opportunities how could how do you back that up did you really think that that young people are paid less just because of their age well that's a very valuable question i don't and my answer to that is that we want businesses just as you said to have the freedom to compensate their employees in accordance
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with the value that they provide to the company there's no question about that but what we're seeing now is you know there's a federal minimum wage of seven dollars and twenty five cents but when you look at workers who are under twenty years old companies can pay them for the first few months of employment only four dollars and twenty five cents so what is happening here while the government. is reaching out its long arm and it's sending a message to companies that the labor of those under twenty years old is somehow less valuable than the same labor completed by older workers and we really see this as very problematic and that that goes to the heart of showing that this is so often an age and a line drawn in the sand based on age when we tell young people that when they're eighteen they're adults and then we tell them oh you can't drink until you're twenty you want to respect you both if you've served overseas and laid your life on the line and now we're saying you shouldn't be paid in accordance with how much you
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work if you are under twenty years old even if you're working just as hard and just as productively as those who are older you've also said you like to abolish minimum wage laws tell us why well we actually haven't gone quite so far as that but what we have said is that the disparity that exists in those minimum wage laws between what people under twenty have to be paid and what those over twenty have to be paid creates this sort of this sort of divide that is absolutely on its face discriminatory why would the government stretch out his hand and say to companies inherently that the labor of those who are younger is worth less and if you look at the numbers in nine hundred fifty forty five to sixty year olds were making about thirty four percent more than eighteen to twenty four year olds now as you said they have more experience a lot of only been in the job market longer ok today that number is one hundred and forty four percent so we're starting to see the sort of disparity that is is going
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to the heart of the fact that there is discrimination going on so four years ago when obama was organizing his election campaigning at a lot of recent high school graduates a lot of college students coming out and campaigning for him and going into two thousand and twelve do you think he's going to have that kind of base of support given that the economy that high school graduates are walking into not to support bush's policies by any stretch but it's not what it was on under bush how do you think that's going to affect the election obama's chances of being reelected. and that's a crucial point to consider and you know what i would say is that all the candidates who are running and not only for the presidency but for every office but will what will definitely focus on the presidency they need to look at the issues that affect young people that affect the next generation and i would i would posit any candidate is going to have a great deal of trouble getting elected successfully especially for the presidency if he or she decides to flagrantly more of the issues that are affecting our
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generation a lot of us can't vote yet and that's a shame as we talk about it's absolutely unjust but people who can vote eighteen nineteen twenty year olds we understand in debt that it's coming to us we understand the impact of today's decisions the impact that those decisions will have on our lives in the future and if i can speak for those who have met and spoken spoken with over the course of the last few years we are not going to bear the brunt of today's mistakes we're not going to allow the problems to be postponed and put onto our generation so i think that candidates seem to be need to ensure that they are addressing the issues that affect us and if not i would definitely caution and they will have some trouble getting elected and how they do that i just turned eighteen last month obviously not forgetting the plight of those who haven't had that arbitrary age yet thank you so much for being with us tonight thank you pleasure that was president of the national youth rights association geoffrey canada. when we come back we've got
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a special man on the street segment with lucrative event will sit down with tele that and blog author of u.s. war culture of sacrifice and salvation and you'll learn how the tradition of religious sacrifice fuels american work all over the cocher sea states and you're watching adam vs the man.
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let me give that we had an apartheid regime right here. i think. we never got the book says the safe get ready you can hear your freedom. welcome back to adam vs the man in the wake of bin laden's that there's been a lot of discussion of our religious roots in america and how religion influences
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our sense of justice now as promised a special segment from luke would ask you the least where are all of the suppliers . when you think about our incredible amazing foreign policy by our great leader barack obama well i'm all for obama love it love it. get the job. i don't know i'm fairly pleased with the. good news on sunday of course i'd like to give him the opportunity to get reelected and i guarantee the next four years will be as good or better than these four years. and he's be better with a book on i think i think it needs to be stronger be decisive if america should lead the world. he has good policies. lead of out american people and you know what he's did in last few days. i think president obama is brilliant and any foreign policies that he comes up with i think are probably going to be right on because he's so smart. great disappointment. because the
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wars are just going on and on and i thought the whole point was that they would stop immediately when he entered office ok i ask you what is your religious background protestant. i'm a lutheran presbytery catholic. church of england. and those. i'm christian. i really don't have one and what does your religion say about war. i don't think we have anything just that we're more for peace the more you got to do it you got to do is as well as i would assert that's what my turning the other cheek. you're asking tough questions. you take each situation and wanted to try. the religious background supports or. i think most christian religions are generally against it
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but most had just for the alligator to see. so not only likes water but if it is imposed on you'll usually written entirely it is that within the religious yeah yeah. yeah yeah i think religions are really the . root of a lot of war i think they basically encouraging are many ways but what do you think about the war in libya. i think that's a very difficult situation. and you don't really know you i mean you could obviously and it's an interim somebody often a better i guess your perspective is probably different than i am and i think from that perspective i think i thank you for your time. i know commonality. is justified you think it's right no i don't think you should but. i don't think we
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should do it on our own we should do it with the other countries. is it in whatever aggression i mean why bomb libya. because we want to get rid of the leader there. because we don't like him are there other horrible dictators around the world well bin ladin and we just got rid of him what about the situation the genocide in darfur. i don't follow africa. cordie i mean what i think is that if there ever it is this sort of i mean it whatever countries disordered. countries are stable should always help that country get in order right now we have them by bombing them now of course that's not a. case of this is russian radio and you're asking us why we're at war. you guys interesting question you want my answer to. your choice.
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not religion. but i sort of a spiritual person i meditate or. there's somebody who taught me and. and i do practice a cage only and basically yes religions are not the source of moral behavior and it's really an introspective. practice that you need to do to develop. you know. you know the sort of feelings that you have for other people that you do not you're not so willing to resort to violence i have to say i'm very surprised the first non-religious person that's not forward. thank you brother nice to me to r.t. r t dot com it's great news i watch your most evenings. many of us have been led to believe by various sources of indoctrination that war is
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a necessary sacrifice is it possible to disentangle christian understanding of sacrifice from the powerful images of sacrifice that are grounded in religion and simultaneously alive and well and culture in a way that supports militarism i actually got that question from the web site of our next guest and really boiled it down but she joins me now to help this in tangle that huge question our next guest is kelly that the author of us work culture sacrifice and salvation kelly thank you so much for being with us tonight my pleasure did you get to catch that last segment yes i did it was very revealing very calley and frankly pretty and i think so what do you think it reveals to us. well i think it reveals really what is that the essence of war culture that i don't know i think all the people that you were interviewing really united states is correct. the common person on the streets of the united
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states believes that war is necessary it's right it will achieve democracy and peace and freedom and essentially that there are no other alternatives and f.b.s. sense of work culture is this is an ecology oh lord let's take a step back to disentangle this is massive question that you've posed first of all what is the christian understanding of sacrifice. well. that's a somewhat of a complex question but that the popular question understanding that most deeply affects the way we think about sacrifice in the united states is that jesus is sacrifice is the necessary act that paves the way to salvation for human beings so in other words jesus has to die he has to be sacrificed in order for salvation to be accomplished. and so what are the images of this that you're that you reference
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that you see in pop culture and around a sort of the support militarism well i have to take a little bit of a step back because i really i study i am a christian theologian and ethicist and i see only the diversity of images and practices of sacrificing christianity but after nine eleven all these many years ago i became really deeply struck by two things that i saw happening in our culture first the exponential increase in u.s. militarism that took place and scholars and the size that. the amount of money that we dedicate to the practices in the institutions of war in the last ten years or income has increased by or perhaps close to seventy five percent just in the last ten years so i think that's one thing that really struck me and then in combination with that i became aware that at the same time.
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militarism was increasing so was girl named bridge and that the rhetoric really of sacrifice i noticed that it was all over t.v. it was all over the media it was in so many presidential proclamations and speeches and so i really began to wonder what this was all about and how it works at a time of increase of militarism this concomitant increase of sacrifice would also be a part so i began to explore that and that's what really led to all of the research that is a part of my book so the connection between the crisis is an image of self-sacrifice is that that is going to started into an idea that we need so that individuals need to sacrifice in order to serve god well there are a longstanding images of sacrifice in war and in a lid. hearing culture that go way way back that actually predate christianity
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but with the rise of christianity in the west in particular once he'd enter each why we're and militarism this language and the way in which christian understanding of sacrifice become imbedded in that this is a war understanding of the war and in particular in in a culture of military rule then i'll that's all and so that's all the time we have failed but thank you so much and thank you for your work in him and trying to disentangle that for us and great reason to a greater understanding of how we've come to the point of such religious based militarism in this country much appreciated my pleasure thank you that was author kelly hog so tonight's the big night for the g.o.p. whether you like it or not we are the best organized force in america to ensure that obama leaves office in two thousand and thirteen tonight's debate in south carolina beginning at nine pm eastern time is the kickoff of a long fight to get obama out of the white house five candidates will be there for
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minnesota governor tim pull and. former pennsylvania senator rick santorum businessman herman cain former new mexico governor gary johnson and of course texas congressman dr ron paul case you haven't heard of rick santorum who has anti freedom statements about sexuality and in particular has almost phobia he was forever memorialized by sex advice columnist dan savage when he coined the new word santorum to describe. that frothy mixture of lube and fecal matter that is sometimes the byproduct of anal sex. i hope we don't get too much santorum on the stage tonight could get messy temple unseen but the who the establishment is trying to frame now as the front runner at least for this debate is called obama's record on health care abysmal after in two thousand and seven signed into law the two
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thousand and seven august health and human services appropriations bill which provided funding to ensure that minnesota develops a universal health care plan by two thousand and eleven sounds like. lets is then oh yeah mitt the hair romney care trying to criticize obamacare romney who created a universal health care plan for massachusetts as governor who by the way will be there tonight. really excited to be hearing from herman cain a radio talk show host from georgia best known as the former chairman and c.e.o. of godfather's pizza and very excited to hear from my former governor gary johnson they doing in his first presidential debate jake and luke and i will be bringing you a full recap tomorrow but i still have one big question about the debate tonight is ron paul going to be able to dumb down his message enough to gain any understanding of the free market we can hope for right and for all you ron paul
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supporters have been tracking the money on throughout the day we are already over half a million dollars keep those donations coming ron paul two thousand and twelve dot com that's our so thank you to adam vs the man police check adam vs the man dot com to vote on guests and topics and find me on facebook and twitter as always you can e-mail me at out of it adam vs the man dot com you can catch the broadcast live as it airs an arche dot com slash usa and on you tube as i said before. i read every comment on this when they're posted on you tube but now with the show being set up in a segments as well as full episodes and with all of your enthusiasm i just can't keep up so i will do my best to read every comic in the first twenty four hours but only on the full of the so videos so you can do that or you can email me and out of it out of vs them and out comedy the way heap the feedback coming so we can make this a value for the freedom movement happy cinco de mio enjoy your tequila responsibly tonight this is out of the.


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