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tv   [untitled]    May 5, 2011 10:30pm-11:00pm EDT

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although not a night school time segment and since it's a good a mile up take a look back to one year ago this day the debate over immigration reform was brought in center thousands of people coming out to protest so what about us and. then we heard the lead up to the pledge. we never got the word says he heard him say get ready if you can hear the freedom. hey guys welcome michel ancel on the obama show the part of our guests not to say
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on the topic now i want to hear audience is going to you tube the video response or the twitter for part of the question that we impose on you tube every monday and on thursday on the show long response is certainly local eight hundred. fifty. six so. for the. lead. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems. you think you understand it and then you get something else here's the part of it and realize that everything is wrong.
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all right it's time for tonight's tool time award and tonight it goes to oklahoma state treasurer and miller and before becoming this great treasure the state treasurer he was a state lawmaker and he didn't have a very friendly record on immigration issues he voted for a ballot measure declaring english the official language in the state and since becoming treasure he's also called for a crackdown on illegals living in oklahoma and is actively supporting a new bill being discussed in the state modeled after arizona's papers please bill sounds like a true anti immigrant politician right now as i mentioned to ken was just elected to the job last november and he still has
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a little bit of campaign debt left over so he's decided that today is a good day to hold a fundraiser but this one has a theme that's right cam is holding a cinco de mayo fundraiser do you see the irony there kens trying to make money to pay off his campaign that around the mexican holiday yet i think it's pretty clear from his policies that he hates talk about being a hypocrite now the invitation that was sent out called the event i learn today oklahoma cinco de l'isle with and miller and i would say sion also had a letter asking for money to help retire his sixty six thousand dollars in campaign that but this is the best part the last line of the letter read i hope i can count on your sponsorship by joining us as a five thousand dollar dignitary up a twenty five hundred dollars socio a one thousand. dollar compadre over a five hundred dollars a meter for this important event now of course any and all the contributions will be greatly appreciated so while we give out a politician trying to make money off the people he bashes all the time that's
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almost the same relationship between a hooker and a pimp you know maybe the next in population in oklahoma should crash his little fundraiser tonight not pay for his margarita's orders mexican food and then sink him further into debt and that might teach him a lesson about bashing immigrants and then trying to fundraise on their holidays so tonight's tools time winner is oklahoma state treasurer ken miller. now sticking on the theme of immigration the state of alabama is close to passing a bill similar to arizona's as ten seventy but there's one big difference alabama's senate bill two fifty six is called the alabama taxpayer and citizen protection act and it blocks employers from hiring illegal immigrants and gives police more powers to check the status of motorists during traffic stop but it also includes another shocking pretty ridiculous provision it prevents students who are in the state illegally from taking part in any extracurricular activity at school that's right the bill specifically banned students in grades k.
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through twelve from all extra school related events by means no football no cup squad that means no problem legal or provision as it's called would make life very difficult for children who are brought to alabama by their parents honestly i just can't wrap my head around why the g.o.p. in alabama thinks that it's a good idea to punish children who probably had no boys in the decision to move to the state or even the country and i'm just wondering where all of those compassionate conservatives went you know this bill is being pushed by g.o.p. state senator scott beason and he calls the measure a jobs bill really tell us keeping teams from going to prom creating jobs in alabama and let me give you a few more crazy details on this man's past there's already a law in alabama that keeps illegals from getting driver's licenses but this bill would make it a crime to knowingly give a right to an undocumented resident now lawmakers now alabama want to tell residents who they can have in their cars what happened at all don't tread on the monster of the g.o.p.
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is of pushing for years now they're also currently to migration bills being debated in alabama but the entire state is solidly controlled by the g.o.p. and the state's governor has said that he wants to sign an immigration bill this year either way they c.l.u. says they'll monitor the bills and will probably file lawsuits in the future but back to state senator gerald allen he's got a history of pushing of the ridiculous bills he's introduced. before to ban schools and public libraries from purchasing books by day authors and he was also caught using weekly pedia to copy portions of his and i sure re of ill so too bad he can't also be tonight still time winner but we can only have one. now if we think back to a year ago today immigration reform was one of the hottest topics in the country protests were taking place nationwide against arizona's immigration law congress was acting like an immigration bill was a top priority but one year later you don't really hear
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a peep about it anymore not from capitol hill or from the mainstream media so what happened here to discuss this with me is christopher chambers a lecturer in georgetown university and author of the blog that turner's revenge chris thanks so much for joining us tonight let's look back to a year ago if you're like i said this was a hot debate it was on. every single day you know we did an entire show about of this well being you saw people protesting you saw thousands and thousands of people taking to the streets and you saw lawmakers reacting to that you know it was also a campaign year people were running running for twelve or twenty ten elections and you saw john mccain making commercials saying well the day there was even rather a. machete doing a commercial. for the house well i think that the networks figured out this issue is a lot more complex than the good and evil that was set up last year that from a whole lot of other issues of use lead from earthquakes to tornadoes through some
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of bin laden and libya and ironically some of bin laden who has affected immigration law in this country much to the you know treatment of a lot of especially the spandex in the united states but that is that is kind of pushed it off as well but there isn't any good in evil symbolism anymore and they are set up for that it is too complex now and you even have fights in the g.o.p. in florida for example or in oklahoma you have g.o.p. moderates and business interests against tea party right wingers on this issue and fox certainly isn't going to devote a lot of time to showing a lot of you know division in the fan. so to speak so that's that's basically what's going on when you say that osama bin laden himself has affected immigration laws and this was a pretty on alert i mean you had a problem and you had a lot of the big three nine eleven you did not have this the spirit. of fear the hatred and then on top of that the security model and you know and then on
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top of that model because of nine eleven now you have the excuse and you see that in opposition to the dream act and what's going on capitol hill now with the president trying to push a new immigration bill is this well these people are all drug dealers and you know the coyotes have bring the people across the border actually bring you know marijuana and you keep forty seven's and not people trying to get drugs as nannies and so i guess i think like that has been there was also in. so you see only here that there is you know. that's going on right now i mean there on the other side of the court you don't have to spend an extra latinos in the streets protesting because they don't have that symbol of you know the of evil for them the june brewer symbol that they were railing retiring you know like we just mentioned there are laws being passed across the congress not just not arizona anymore you have it going on for it you have it going on in alabama so really you know who drive so
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that when a story is taking center stage in the media and pundits are talking about it and it's being built up does that also helped write the crowds or do the crowds help drive the media attention well the crowds drive the media attention when something discrete and crazy happens we don't have that in arizona because we don't have the arizona show piece we don't have a jim breuer we don't have the minutemen lighting up the border we don't have that so in other words it's going to be up to the media to drive the story and then again the media is ignoring these these these discrete you know state laws that are being passed in there by republicans and there's republican infighting. also ignoring what's going on with the president the president is up on the hill was up on the hill today talking to the spirit caucus basically you know cleaning of them you know support it because you know a lot of them set up the midterm elections well that's right about fifteen million . in two thousand and ten and this was there was a huge turnout obviously for republicans so that the house but i wonder why it is
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that you can say the latino population really sat out so much because they could have come out and they could support the. you know their inability to do anything about immigration reform as a law so who do you think they're going to go see when it comes to twenty three well that's going to depend on the media and how the media frames this for them because a lot of them are young and a lot of young people don't vote i'm talking about you know. who are citizens i mean most of them are eighteen to thirty number two you know they don't want to seem you know they don't have a symbol of evil and the tea party really kind of pulled away from that during the midterm elections for reasons unknown because they probably had so many other things that we democrats would know as this comes to the fore i think the president is probably going to energize more of this you know support but at the same time he's been deporting a lot of people he has not been pushing the dream and you know representative gutierrez has was on him about so i guess unless the g.o.p.
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candidate is someone who is consciously and. then it's really going to be a game of who is who is not necessarily going to go one way or the other you know that's one thing i want to talk about he was the immigration reform there was a lot of talk about it last year it's fallen off the grid obama is supposedly now going to start talking to congress again without its own proposal but it's starting to put pressure on the to talk about it again but because everyone said that jobs and the economy was more important but immigration is tied into jobs oh i'm going to tell you the economy you know you could have yes you have a larger workforce these people were naturalized so i'm sure that would make unemployment. i'll say we have more revenue hurt more taxpayers and none of us ever makes it into i think like this because it's because it does boil down on certain levels to an emotional kind of patriotism sort of issue and that's easier to cover the actual nuts and bolts of the jobs again that's too difficult for the major
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networks to cover you can you can do that in a newspaper online because they can drill down into the details this aspect of jobs the effect probably a positive effect on revenue a positive effect believe it or not on health care is not going to be covered as we have because they can't even get right the fact that the people coming into the country illegally where you can on one documented or illegal aliens they are not drug dealers or drug mules i mean this is the same thing that's been happening for twenty thirty forty years people want a better life crossing the border now you have this partido of security and drugs and hezbollah that drives the the regular media but it's also you know it's a lot of politicians actually means causes tale well i think it has happened here chris thank you so much for joining us tonight. now don't go anywhere without warning i still show interest coming out and grab a drink for i'm happy our segment artie's getting churchill and a rapper bill rammell is going to talk about some criminals purchase
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a really really bad a deal perhaps he felt that the. let's not forget that we in the park right. i think. he'd want to well. we have a government says they're safe get ready because of their freedom. a charter broadcasting live from washington d.c. coming up today on the big picture.
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new web site it's twenty four seven live streaming news towns like thank you about the ongoing financial hardship unlimited free high quality videos for download. and stories you never saw in mainstream. media so. the political. parties are just saying. hey guys welcome to charlotte tell me i'm going to show what part of our guests up to say on the topic now i want to hear our audience just go on to this video response to twitter first part of the questions that we impose on you tube every
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monday and on thursday when the show long response is we. are. and what looks like an ongoing saga and sony's massive data breach the company is now pointing fingers at a new target anonymous outside the same group of hackers who we've spoken to many times on this show famous for defending wiki leaks and taking on the westboro baptist they're now being accused of a massive and malicious hack of over one hundred million sony customers so he's argument well the company claims that when they were investigating their service post hack they found a planted file which read anonymous and we are legion one of the group's mottoes and the electronics company also explains how their corporate web sites were a victim of the d.d. o. s. attacks after they went after george hotz who released a code online to modify the playstation three so by those arguments sony now thinks that the exact same group of backers are the ones responsible for this huge data
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breach however a lot of people out there they aren't convinced especially after anonymous sent out an official press release proving why they're not to blame their argument for starters it's not in anonymous is nature to steal anyone's credit card information and then turn around and try to sell it on the black market they also point out that their m.o. is always been a very transparent public attack against corporations who take part in criminal activities so this latest sony hack doesn't really match their style so to speak but again i guess when you're dealing with a group of thousands of members all over the world without really any leader hard to say if there are any rogues with anonymous who would straight so here's the evidence you guys be the judge on this one however i will remind everyone that regardless of who's to blame it doesn't excuse the lack of sony to protect their customers and if the company's accusations prove to be false anonymous could have more ammunition to actually attack the decaying make electronics corporation.
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arctics time for showing talents in its program last time one. to get your take on the killing of osama bin laden so we asked if you thought justice had been served let's go to producer patrice in a sente to find out what our viewers have to say. has justice been served the majority of you say no joe kaiser told us we are the united states of america we do not torture we do not assassinate and our president does not order the killings of anyone unless we are at war with them we have sunk to a level of a third world banana republic maybe you should be saying we should not torture assassinate or order the killings of anyone but that's just not the reality on twitter guerilla monk told us it was a mafia style execution justice would have taken place in the courtroom to our greed on facebook when we accept assassinations over
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a fair trial we have turned down a dangerous road almost if you believe that a fair trial would have been the right thing to do scott pointed out bin laden was given a quick death and somewhat decent burial or the bulk of his victims died in agony nine eleven might take justice is relative since we've learned that bin laden was unarmed when shot the question was justice served will be open for debate for a long time to come well you may want to call it justice or revenge as the war on terror continues this will bring some closure to that horrible chapter in history. well thanks patrice and here's our next question for you at home while obama's doing his victory lap after taking down his number one a lot of people are wondering how this might affect his reelection run in two thousand and twelve add to that the incredibly weak g.o.p. primary debate tonight and some people are wondering if the president is going to have any real competition next year so we want to know what you think is obama
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unbeatable and twenty twelve you can respond to us on facebook twitter and you tube and knows your response just might make it on air. ok doubt he it's time for happy hour on this thursday evening and joining me tonight is our producer jenny churchill and already we're not seeking a comedian an around her otherwise known as go around me so i just put your last name that's great was that good ok so you're just making sure let's start with something funny i guess you know we often hear that there are more fish in the sea or that perhaps you know some of the fish all have more three poisoning and stagers to eat them but the e.u. is really finding a good way to keep their fishermen busy these days even though they can't catch any fish is there starting now to pay them to catch plastic because there's so much
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trash that you know it's that i have to say my only knowledge of the fishing industry comes from reality t.v. so when i think of this i just like it because how do you go on the deadliest catch like pulling up their crates just filled with like plastic bottles and six pack rings just not as hardcore i guess when they're getting trashed instead of like fighting the fish but i guess they're still fighting about whether maybe the waves are all when i read the article i was looking at very selfishly because when i was young i was at the beach and i had a human action figure sweep into the sea because i wasn't familiar with the concept of tide at that point and it was the most traumatic experience of my youth and i'm just hoping you know if any of the you fishermen are watching you know health and maybe of all myself you know i don't like a purple skeletal or man in his but only. the master of the universe masters and it is that's kind of lame superhero name that's all i got to say but i guess now these days if you want to throw one of those like you know of messages in
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a bottle it's probably just going to be these fishermen that are paid to pick that up instead of your your soul mate somewhere across the atlantic yet i mean what this tells me is everybody just litter in the ocean and you're giving the fishermen work. i think this is what they're doing to dave and i think this is what you're doing to save the sea shepherd to be honest because i hear that they won the battle against the japanese whalers so now maybe they're just going to send them out to get the recyclables seems like don't actually listen to anything you know we don't we don't condone it littering you should resign but some people might make a little cash off because there's already some crap in the seat now really quickly you know last night the house passed another bill and they make all of this they try to say that it's all about the budget but it's sleeping anti-abortion legislation that we cut funding for many programs so it's our member the federal or let's remember the federal funding already doesn't go towards abortion but there are things where you know through your employer and your insurance the insurance can cover it and i just want to ten minutes getting die in the senate president
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obama has already said he would veto it if it got to his desk why are they wasting their time on this when jobs are the priority. i personally think that they have kind of cell phone bill syndrome where you get your bill and you know you talk way too much and it's huge you call eight hundred anyways you know they're not going to do anything and it just makes you feel a little better knowing you called i don't know. maybe that is really a little better knowing they did what they could for what they believe in which is crap i think it's i mean obviously if anything's happened in the last thirty forty years it's really polarizing sort of issue it's not too surprising that you know one way or another means a lot to different people don't surprise me that there may be lots of people but you know when they pass this type of legislation it's all if they base it most of it on lies because they like to say that you don't know your top players dollars going towards abortion but really they're just restricted in what people could do
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with their certain insurance plans and now you know they're about doesn't that penalizes the companies that are trying to provide these insurance plans it's just a really what it would be in their desire to not tonight do so over to or to do so but they have to do what they can to please their constituents and this is clearly an issue that for the g.o.p. is a really really big important issue oh i wish for the day when this is an important issue anymore now let's move on to something way funnier because who doesn't love to talk about dumb criminals right i mean there are some people just were other criminals and they sure they deserve to get locked up in jail and they're violent and they're dangerous some people are just so stupid that they are meant to get caught this one is just weird there was a guy in west virginia who was found with a goat carcass that he apparently stabbed to death and he was wearing women's panties and bra. standing over to go carcass and he said that he was. indeed a gateway drug. yeah i mean all i know is in kentucky we pick
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on west virginia locks everyone else picks on us so i'm not surprised tang. it's crazy what you're getting a go in your laundry ray i just feel like that's true blood is a hit movie go too near you used to live in west virginia and when i was reading the headline of the article you know i thought maybe it was my uncle but then i got to the part you don't have a good witch. you know i think it was the neighbors go to their de fer to be fair to see dress in lingerie that's the best that's why that's why we have more of these good ones first there was a guy who dials nine one one in his pocket he calls i want and i want to happens to overhear him and the other man that he's with talking about planning a crime and then as the cop car drives by they go oh you know there's the cops. how do you pocket trial nine one one i don't why would that come up first. by people
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because i know i guess it must have been his last call which is a little awkward i don't know why his last call would have been i'm on that or it's really really bizarre and he just happened to hit those buttons from his back pocket i didn't think one of the great things about this world is that when people engage in criminal activity they don't just do one stupid thing you know you have to be you have to make some pretty bad decisions to just commit a crime to begin with and it's just so fortunate that they don't just draw the line right there you know because then no one would ever get caught they were going to be the best one is this is a guy who called nine one one and this is sad too because his drug dealer didn't give him the correct change when they made their transaction for the crack that he wanted sixty dollars twenty dollars worth of crack so that he called nine hundred to say can you bring the canine you. find the guy after he already admitted to smoking all the crack. yeah. this can only be trumped by the story of the
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cop who called the cops to tell them he was high on the drugs that he confiscated i think that's the only. time this guy's this guy's got to you know you got to get on you know and share your experience like everybody else now and i just i just wonder what the canine unit would have done better they would have jumped on him right all right we got to wrap it up you guys thanks for joining us tonight. now before we go tonight it's time for our final week of the day since we're doing how we are five days a week we're going to end our nightly tweet segment so tonight you launched i would like to tweet to you he also he goes but if you really like the tweet of the day from fantasy message on facebook or on twitter we just might bring it back in the future only if you really really really want us to that's it for tonight's show thanks for tuning in to make sure you can back tomorrow j. crew is going to stop by for happy hour in the meantime don't forget to become a fan of the alone a show on facebook and follow us on twitter and if you missed any of snipes or any other night because fashion all you. want to show the interviews as well as the
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show in its entirety we have that's just adam versus when the. well for british scientists i. sometimes. market finance. find out what's really happening to the global economy with my sponsor for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune in to cause a report on our cheek. millions die. and minimums forward to be
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held don't say. the pain and suffering will never be forgotten. as well as the joy of not a racial. spring the nineteen forty five on our.


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