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tv   [untitled]    May 6, 2011 4:00am-4:30am EDT

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the truth of the soto the true schools has no. tools and to. build seeks to destroy the ski lift you can see in this. business. french military spending on foreign operations spirals out of control as the government's accused of not stepping up for people's needs back home. in the end that may not justify the means u.s. methods in the war on terror including charges of course are in overseas prisons again facing criticism following the death of votes on the blog. the world's most successful rocket russia's soyuz gets the green light for a summer blast off from a european space.
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noon in moscow very good to have you with us here on r t our top story the billions spent on france's military authorities are broad have already accounted for a new year's defense budget with paris only stepping up its foreign adventures the political price can also be costly for the french president or he's daniel bushell reports. eat or eat that's the choice faced by modern kids just of supporting the elderly fraud says government is accused of using that money for war. france as it doesn't have enough funds for a time and consciousness tighten their belts right now spends over thirty billion euro a year under france france has more than twenty thousand soldiers currently on foreign soil in lebanon kosovo a new military base in the united arab emirates is fighting wars in libya ivory coast and afghanistan each french have
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a missile costs hundreds of thousands of euros so just five months into twenty eleven the forces of broke even with madame cato's pension it's pretty much up the defense operational budget for a year military excess snaps france's reputation as a careful spender investors now plan to scrap the country's prized aaa credit rating which lets it go on the cheap course if you have a country which is very rich. it can afford it but france has been named as possibly losing its aaa status so everyone you shoot is one closer to losing aaa status france should have stuck to the un peacekeeping remit in the ivory coast and libya wants x. premier dominique de villepin. pays the price of gunning for regime change and for
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each. for integration support and to follow strict principles the one of the international community the treatment of the united nations costs are reportedly hidden from the public this military advisors back from libya he says for months france has set soldiers on the ground there contrary to its claims. well you were. good. to find someone but it was totally free but she worked all her life for a decent retirement politician. if she wanted the money spent on campaigns abroad cost of war pensioners forced to cover up because they can't afford the heating they ask all the military campaign is worth it if the government can't take care of people. when you push your party paris. on the fourth anniversary of president sarkozy's election when francis looking back at his promises to break with the past
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and reshape the country for the better party contributor catarina to lead better things that break appears to be from his own people. when i've heard of the french plans to intervene in syria the first thought that came to my mind was what is the presidential elections in france actually it's in less than a year and how's president sarkozy doing according to the recent polls he's at the record low with two thirds of the french population happy with his policies and the francis involvement in afghanistan ivory coast and was not enough for the french voters to change their mind so because they came up with a new idea to intervene in syria what surprises me is that sarkozy wants his own brand but he forgets that literally the former french president will send french troops to rwanda in one thousand nine hundred ninety four was accused of supporting the genocide of the tutsi such was the conclusion of the public inquiry conducted
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by the independent rwandan commission in two thousand and six later something classified french documents come from that as well of course the violence in syria should be stopped but the intervention would only make matters worse your national group in libya has agreed to give the rebels more money with a temporary employees within weeks russia says this is simply showing support for one side of what is effectively a civil war for more on this we turn to our correspondent catherine redfield reporting live. news conference with the russia's foreign minister what exactly was moscow's message. all this was the question which the russian foreign minister with what he thought about the invitation considering the sway of the french foreign minister that russia could be one of the members of the international consequently via towards that in russia's view the only. he's in charge of adopting
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resolutions on unfolding called looks like the one which is now happening in libya or similar ones don't want you to implementing of those resolutions is up to the u.s. . there is a housing but the u.n. has not delegated it to any other groups like the international consequence only bia or any other organization the creation of such groups since it use excessive. force as a contact group has established itself and now is trying to take responsibility onto itself about the policy of the international community towards libya and not only libya we're hearing voices that are calling for this group to decide what to do in other states of the region we believe that all sides should be focusing on the peaceful resolution of the situation and not supporting one side in what is essentially a civil war. all those small major to joint press conference all the russian foreign minister and the chinese deputy foreign minister traditionally
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russia and china who are denay their voices in major international happenings advanced and the most recent example of that was in march when both countries abstained tone the no fly zone both in libya along with saw the bric countries and germany what started as an unbiased a has already claimed lives of thousands of civilians sell to people two thousand people killed and some thirty thousand people injured and again today russia and germany have voiced their opposition to the western military intervention in libya in particular that nato is going far beyond its un mandate by sending guided bombs on mom or get out of his compound in tripoli and also made it was going beyond its mandate by considering an option of an on ground zero ration both china and russia who saw it today strongly oppose those plans and even china which is interesting to remark which had been very diplomatic on the libyan issue so far is becoming more and more vocal on bad peace agreements
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and immediate cease fire the only two options according to china which should be considered by the international community on ground operations or any other plans there. exclusively an internal affair will believe you know this is what we heard both from the foreign minister of russia and the deputy foreign minister of china and why didn't the rising number of casualties and countries like in the two countries which have a veto rise in the years council resolution which could foresee an option open on graduation in that country. right artie's a pattern of the life for us in moscow thanks for that report. so overall major spanish banks have been financing controversial arms producing companies which make cluster bombs and reports suggest one spanish company supplied bombs used by colonel gadhafi forces against his own people who were on this we're joined live by an e.u. campaign an advocacy manager from the federation of n.g.o.s that released this
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report good to have you with us so walk us through this a little bit because a bank just makes a loan how could it be responsible for what the money ends up being used for. a good question and listen. to me via so since then has done some research and so we've. done by human rights watch that instead of power which says spanish company produced at least one that's one twenty to. be honest. he believes and so it's a feat in two thousand and seven now this is has been found once again a human rights lapse and that was published in the new york times so what we didn't get away us in the year two thousand and seven figure out who exactly has granted loans to this company and that and we were quite surprised to find and number of spanish banks even small seedings that's when i. see this companies and indeed i've
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been used to finance of projects and i think it's arms what proof is been using cluster bombs against his own people in this way and this is once again. human rights rights and separated as he called it which is also on line and what we have understood is that he used the good submissions in the attacks and in residential neighborhoods so it is actually just you can find and human rights watch web sites out of the question in a sense and that's why i'm twenty and actually you can see the serial number and you can see the name in the last on the actual bomb itself so. so can you legally connect the dots like that from the banks that provide the loans to. companies that manufacture the bombs to then follow it back that way in order to. bring action against the banks that's basically what we have down because it's trade difficult it's on one hand revenge to say yeah this is general purpose
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finance clearly if they asked for in our new use for their production of my arms and many other activities to need in this company work so it's a. very great. his finance and the company's finances they know very well i think. that's a good company there's people grants and and so this connection is quite clear and we also publish this information so we understand that it's a little difficult. for and who do you think should be in charge of monitoring or oversight of these banks to make sure aware of what they're doing and that they're doing things that are above board. we understand that this would give us consulate in the states and that's what saddam is doing we're working on the national international coalition kind of question is the coalition and in this sense there are many states that have that surprise that convention. means that
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states cannot it's assists in the production of question missions for example so what we'd like to do is french russian. national governments sibylla and that's. prohibits any type of investments in contravention of arms and this may seem like a high in strangers' it's not actually that in fact it is not so very impossible n.c.u.a. see because there are other countries themselves. and so this is news and i have in fact and that to be its last night is that prohibited banks the national banks to invest in these countries which anonymous in this indeed we understand the most important step of the campaign. national government so that is a national legislation that prohibits banks invest in the companies all right any uni joe anti-war campaigner thanks for your comments thank you so much. stay with
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us here on our teams still ahead in the program the rocket that hasn't rocketed anywhere. by the way a russian spacecraft was put into place on the european large pride but didn't actually with dog. first though osama bin ladin was planning to attack several u.s. cities according to information found in his compound in pakistan american special forces mission to kill off as leader was hailed as a success by washington but there is widespread criticism over why he wasn't captured alive and as a guy in each of those who are in a finding out it's not the first time u.s. methods in the war on terror have come under scrutiny. putting a pretty face on years of torture and if you still flaw u.s. officials talk about the efficiency of enhanced interrogation techniques as they call them in locating bin laden we have changed that information through waterboarding and sort of those who say that waterboarding there's a word to say that it should be stopped and never use again we got vital
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information which directly where as to why are you denying that waterboarding was part of the tactics used to extract the intelligence that led to the successful mission no i think some of the detainees clearly were you know they used these enhanced interrogation techniques against some of these detainees no tangible proof has been presented as to how torture helped of taint valuable intelligence on bin ladin although a detainee named cally cheik muhammad was reported to have provided information on a courier that led to bin laden's capture intelligence sources say he repeatedly misled interrogators about the couriers identity and stalled the quest for years he was water boarded one hundred eighty three times what we're seeing is that waterboarding enhanced interrogation techniques just like professional interrogators have been saying for years always result and in either limited information false information or no information the laying of the groundwork if you
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will of these techniques basically i believe wholeheartedly slowed us down on the road towards us on bin laden and numerous other members of al qaeda not not just in modern in i'm convinced we would have found them a lot earlier had we not resorted to torture and abuse attempts to justify torture seem outrageous to those who have been unjustly subjected to into maine treatment u.s. prisons overseas colonels was captured in pakistan in two thousand and one he was working for an ngo that helped the youth there to quit drugs and adopt a healthier lifestyle he. i was sent to guantanamo and tortured for five years it won't mean a crime. that i'm remembered. because i refused to start it. sort of. hours.
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did i approach so very old my own preference over her. over and over why. aren't they regulate never charged with any crimes more us now back home in germany the vast majority of the hundreds of individuals who've been held at guantanamo since two thousand and two like moron are said to be of no intelligence value whatsoever some of them were children when they were captured by canadian citizen omar carter who was just fifteen when he was taken into u.s. custody he said because he was tortured he was ready to say anything between. here to stop the pain the international community has widely condemned the unlawful practices of the us prison amnesty international called the gulag of our times and matthew alexander has carried out more than three hundred interrogations in iraq and helped track down a number of terrorists and he says torture there was used by the u.s.
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authorities in one town in mill and other prisons overseas like the infamous abu ghraib in iraq contributed to more terror when i was in iraq i oversaw the interrogations of foreign fighters and those foreign fighters the majority of them said time and time again a reason they come to iraq to fight was because of the torture and abuse of detainees and both are great and when tom obey and this is not my opinion the department offense tracked these statistics and they were briefed every interrogator right there that's a. torture abuse was arcade is number one recruiting tool and so this policy of course. these did not make america safer what it did was it caused the deaths of hundreds or thousands of american soldiers recently in the wake of all the cheering about bin laden's death when asked about torture the cia director said. we would have gotten the same information through other approaches so i think it's always going to be an open question just
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a few years ago when barack obama was running for president on promises to crack down guantanamo and stop it weren't sure it was presented as a done deal but now with bin laden's death it could seem the ends justify the means which is many experts say not only have not made americans safer but have motivated more terrorists i'm going to check our reporting from washington r.t. pakistan says it's going to investigate its failures in the mission to track down bin laden but it also warned it may rethink its alliance with the u.s. if washington carries out any more secret operations on its soil such as the raid that saw bin laden killed lieutenant colonel anthony shaffer says the u.s. should stop funding a pakistani regime that can't be trusted but we knew this in zero three that the pakistanis were playing both sides of the fence so our own policy leaders have been either naive or worse regarding the fact that they're not playing ball this proves beyond a shadow of a doubt you know they're incompetent or an evil
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a spat with that said one of the things we've recognized and we won't talk about is that a lot of the money we're giving them is going right back into their nuclear weapons program so the problem is any time we give them money we cannot use it for the purposes for which we give it to him for and it's fun and often reason other time this programs of their own making and the problem is you cannot continue to fund. a regime which will not play ball and frankly were endangering our own our or anyone allies in the process of what we're doing. a moscow court has handed a life sentence to a man convicted of killing a human rights lawyer and a journalist in the russian capital two years ago his associate was given eighteen years in jail. and the key to jihad of it and i want to start see across these are links to the outlawed ultra nationalist group a jury found intolerance and hatred was the main reason why they decided to kill a lawyer stanislav mark a law who represented victims of violence at the hands of fascists like haled was gunned down in broad daylight in central moscow together with journalist and
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a stasi about the double killing sparked public. will keep you updated on this breaking news story as it happens here on our t.v. get updates around the clock on everything we're covering here on our team and here's a look at what's on the line for you right now. turning back immigrants who came to the u.s. with ideas of a better life are now fighting themselves moving elsewhere as emerging economies begin to prosper. remarkable adventure of a russian explorer who just returned from a solo trip to the alaskan wilderness watches b.t.o. zanardi dot com and don't forget to check out our you tube channel. clearing out and other stories making headlines across the globe protesters in syria are preparing for what they call a day of defiance against the regime this comes as tanks have been withdrawn from a clamp down in daraa and deployed elsewhere towns effectively been under siege for
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ten days with electricity and phone services cut off by police shooting of people from the rooftops. more than five hundred fifty since the unrest began seven weeks ago. counting is underway after polls close in a series of national and local elections in the u.k. early results suggest the third largest party the liberal democrats are set to lose control in several areas elections. also included a referendum on the country's voting system which could see a switch from the first past the post to was hardly alternative vote results won't be known till late friday. when the weather continues battering parts of the u.s. as communities try to recover from the devastation that so far left more than three hundred dead people at a number of eastern states bracing themselves for record breaking floods meanwhile the latest reports from texas and parts of the southwest one of the threat of severe drought many people are preparing for the worst as forecasts are for a little hope of an early respite this russian rocket has gone through
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a simulator largely to european space porton french guyana spacecraft was put into position on a launch pad without fuel to make sure everything's in order ahead of its actual blast off as part of an ambitious joint project between russia and the european space agency the rocket will carry satellites and europe's own galileo navigation system into orbit to be the first time a russian spacecraft spent a large so close to the equator or occasion that should make it easier to reach orbit so he has rockets usually take off from the baikonur cosmodrome in kazakhstan carrying supplies and crew members up to the international space station r t z we're all going to have has more about the legendary space ship. with more than one in the whole thousand launches for more than any other the soyuz is the world's most successful rocket and now for the first time it will be fun and russian space pulled over the last eight years the european space agency the e.s.a. that spent more than half a billion dollars on building
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a launch but i'm adopting to soyuz first so the american space center including. this was all done by our engineers and designers we had to adapt to the climate here and the different safety standards that we've proven ourselves with this due to the modifications and crews will chose the location the soyuz will be able to put a great alludes into space than ever before but blew the prices than any can put into the seas makers in russia. ball says that the benefit more than four decades after its first launch the soyuz should really be showing its age but the terrain is one of the world's most reliable rockets and in fact orders the best some are a plant by going from year to year twenty so use launches will be produced here by the end of the year several years ago the numbers were in single digits its chief engineer says the rocket remains popular not just because of its record. it might look similar to the earlier models but inside the cell use is being constantly
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upgraded and so the reason we still use the basic model i believe it's the perfect rocket in its fundamental design we predict that they will be used for another forty years at least because structures are saying the transition from prestige driven space race of the cold war era to a new way of doing things is complete. this is a project that makes solid financial sense to us it isn't just a political gesture and we're hoping it's just a springboard. the first so use will be launched from crew in the second half of the year and eventually the spaceport will handle for launch is annually the russian side hopes the success of this project will encourage other space agencies to adopt the soyuz platform either on their party some are. back with a recap our top stories in a few minutes first in the world of business where stay with us. thanks matt welcome to business here on r t norge train has finished laying the
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world's longest subsume pipeline across the baltic and has to start pumping gas from russia to germany in the audience but the head of a pious far nick says of the eleven billion dollar project will not add enough capacity to meet future demand and more pipelines will be needed. from different institutions for. showing. up the consumption and supply and consumption in your movie and that makes your want to. compete. and not simply a couple fifty five. so there's a quarter off the gap this means. there has to be no supply of cover. and. your. and here's a snapshot of the market's performance this our oil prices continued their fall after seeing around eight percent overnight losses the drop followed a weak u.s.
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jobs report and the sell off in other commodities but light sweet is currently trading around ninety five dollars per barrel brant is around one hundred six dollars. gold is edging back off regaining some ground after seeing significant losses in previous sessions we've also over in straining fly under thirty five dollars per ounce or twenty percent lower than recent highs. the european markets are down the footsie is almost half a percent in the red on expectations of the downbeat u.s. payrolls report later in the session and in germany the dax negative continuing on from the wave of heavy selling just before the close on thursday. here in russia the r.t.s. and the my sex continue fall even further from yesterday's losses individual share moves perhaps not surprisingly oil sales are getting hit by the lower crude prices
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it's a similar story with precious metals where ali notes or is down nearly three percent and the weakness in commodities is being reflected in shares that focus on the wider economy thanks sector is also heavily down. now the current correction on the russian market and see the sell off fifteen percent. since the beginning of april but if i may. be capital explains it's been concentrated sectors. in such a period of time when market is correcting this is all it is a profit in a stock so they're getting the most obvious of you and your sector and we see this suffering the most which is the exactly the trend of the last three days just from as we've been one of the biggest losers and to remind you it's still up almost twenty percent year to date so it's quite obvious so we're in this for the sense we know where the financial sector is actually that is correct him but financial stocks are a bit more resilient and we're not seen as much momentum in selling the consumer in is because they're down heavy year to date and obviously utilities are i think the
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downside is also because they had a very bad year and actually the very end there is a lot about so you know the names on a one year once a two year horizon so i think of the names probably were not better to sell. and that's the latest from now i'll have more for you in less than an hour stay with our to the news headlines are coming back.
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wealthy british style. is not on the title. market why not. come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with months concert for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into cars a report on our cheat day faced this is not a prohibition but warn. the forces that we should see stevy what you should it's a pretty tree strikes they have no idea about the hardships the face. plate wanted to says it all too nice and for any army the life of a you.


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