tv [untitled] May 6, 2011 8:00am-8:30am EDT
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dream little burn coal so if it's all some time or a grand going cold and specific otoh going cold told one cold closer than even called your idiot. causes the results you could stream of money saving measure as the government lets pensions dwindle but it gives a military campaign freehand on funding. a russian couple is sentenced for murdering a human rights lawyer and a journalist in central moscow two years ago. the killers are handed lengthy jail terms in one of the biggest convictions of its kind in russia and the boy can join me for more details in just a few moments. of waterboarding returns to haunt the u.s. officials claim it helped them get osama bin laden but human rights activists are
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saying that brutal interrogation is nothing but needless torture. and celebrating two decades of amazing maneuvers to take to the skies with one of russia's top flight aerobatics wants. a very warm welcome for you this is artsy live from moscow french leaders are being accused of funding an ever growing war chest while its own most of the honorable citizens are living on the breadline france is a prominent player and nato intervention in libya as well as troops stationed elsewhere in the world now aussies are down a bushel reports on how french military ambition is leading to the neglect of it's needed. heat or eat that's the choice faced by modern kids so instead of
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supporting the elderly france's government is accused of using that money for war. france says it doesn't have enough time and attention as must tighten their belts it now spends over thirty billion euro a year on france france has more than twenty thousand soldiers currently on foreign soil in lebanon kosovo a new military base in the united arab emirates is fighting wars in libya ivory coast and afghanistan each french have a missile costs hundreds of thousands of euros so just five months into twenty eleven the forces of broke even with madam kyoto's pension cuts pretty much up the operational for the year military excess snaps france's reputation as a careful spender investors now plan to scrap the country's prized aaa credit rating which lets the poor on the cheap course if you have a country which is very rich. it can afford it but france has been named
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as possibly losing its aaa status so everyone you shoot is a bomb closer to lose include a steeds france should have stuck to the un peacekeeping dream it's in the ivory coast and libya wants x. premier dominique de villepin in now pays the price of gunning for regime change and for each. for integration it's important to follow strict principles the one of the international community treatment of the united nations costs are reportedly hidden from the public this military advisors back from libya he says for months france has set soldiers on the ground there contrary to its claims we're going towards and i think by the way. in that we have. already called calls for the wall
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to find the garbage and so on but it was later revealed but says she worked for a decent retirement politician if she wanted the money spent on campaigns abroad cost of war pensioners forced to cover up because the concert for the heating i ask all the military campaign is worth it if the government called take care of people . when you're bush or paris in time for president sarkozy leading france into being a world policeman is doing nothing for his flagging popularity ratings which are at an all time low. so that by focusing abroad instead of at home the voters will be reluctant to give him another chance when i've heard of the french plans to intervene in syria the first thought that came to my mind was what is the presidential elections in france actually it's in less than a year and how's president sarkozy doing according to the recent poor also he's had
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the record of a lot worse two thirds of the french population is unhappy with his policies and in france us involvement in afghanistan ivory coast and libya was not enough for the french voters to change their mind so because they came up with a new idea to intervene in syria what surprises me is that sarkozy wants his own brand but he forgets that to me to run the former french president will sound french troops to wonder in one thousand nine hundred ninety four was accused of supporting the genocide of the sick such was the conclusion of a public inquiry conducted by the independent rwandan commission in two thousand sex later some declassified french documents come from that as well of course the violence in syria should be stopped but that intervention would only make matters worse. now russia's foreign minister has weighed into the nato led coalition's decision to pump money into the libyan rebellion so he left office to criticism comes a day after the international contact group on libya decided to fund it to support
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the insurgents in that fight against colonel gadhafi and moscow has come down hard on metals intervention saying alliance is taking sides in what is essentially a civil war it was not sanctioned by the u.n. resolution on libya which was designed to protect civilians regardless of their allegiance but the nato led coalition's been a few supporters for nearly two months and there are growing reports of dead civilians russia and china both abstained from supporting the u.n. resolution in march both countries foreign ministers met in moscow on friday. over was there for us. i asked the russian foreign ministry press conference today what the poles about the idea of including russia in this international concert group on media towards their gay lover of so that in russia's view the only. thing which is intrusted with the i don't sing resolutions and want to ring the implementation of such as the years security council and that any country member to the un which
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signed under its charter is supposed to follow the law the resolutions and the foundational haunted group of levy or any other group is simply not needed is available speak. their group the contact group has established itself and now is trying to take responsibility for the international community's policy tools libya should be not only libya we're hearing voices calling for this group to decide what to do and other states in the region we believe should be focusing on a peaceful resolution of the situation and not supporting one side in an internal conflict which is essentially a civil war those comments were made at a joint press conference by the russian foreign minister and the chinese foreign minister very often we see that russia and china are coordinating their voices in major international events and the most recent example of that was in march when they both abstained in the no fly zone vote on libya and what the two countries
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feared might happen as a result of an international intervention is happening now we see casualties i was started as an armrest appears to be a bitter war between get out his forces and rebels but russia and china and again they stressed it today believe that nato is going far beyond its u.n. mandate by even considering an on ground operation in libya and minding the rising number of casualties and leave it's likely that both russia and china would be to any u.n. resolution which would place ground troops in libya. where. there are two u.s. vindicates torture in turkey. well i think it helps to. a lot of the former interrogator so all of questioning by through the american detention centers and who serve to fill it is. just a few. records. of human rights lawyer a journalist. there's. also the full force let's
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look at more details on this although why why is this murder trial so. well it is a very unusual case because really it's one of the first times in a russian new history that the perpetrators of hate crimes are not only tried but also convicted and given quite a lengthy prison terms now hate crimes extremely different cold so you investigate and prosecute and. one of the reasons why people implicated in hate crimes are usually tried on odds are charged is ranging from homicide sometimes hooliganism as a result they got away with lighter san francisco but these cases different because one of the. key to who was convicted of two murders that. are khalaf a prominent human rights lawyer and all of the above board by
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a freelance reporter all of. a guy killer was sentenced to a maximum prison term got a life in prison and now he's associated and girlfriend cassis who was found guilty of acting as an accomplice to the murder of mark kelly she was sentenced to eighteen years in prison now that's a bit less than the prosecution was asking for but that's still quite a lengthy prison term both of them are unhappy that the verdict would be say that they're going to appeal it to begin the next ten days and. both of them sad that they are not going to hide the ultranationalists views but they actually denied. taking any part in the killings and they said that the only reason they find themselves in this courtroom as defendants was because the russian authorities failed to find the real killers and they wrote looking for scapegoats in these high
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profile politically charged case of moments ago you talked about the issue of hate crimes why the lawyer and the journalist were killed or what else. that's an interesting question because the motive in this crime was very unusual are quoting to the core documents the main reason why tikkun ephron has this preceded the killings was because of the ideological differences now the missionary it planned to kill only stanislav calico was a very well known human rights lawyer here in russia he represented several victims of hate crimes he was involved in the case. of a courier mail read the russian army who was convicted of killing a chechen woman this was a very high profile case here in russia and after serving some portion of his jail sentence was released on parole and mark felt was very very critical and he
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actually gave a news conference a particular subject in after. a press conference press conference i'm sorry he was killed by the murders it happened in broad daylight in the center of moscow he was walking down a street towards and here is a natural station and asked us the above were accompanied him to ask a couple of questions and that was when both of them were approached by. and killed in broad daylight in a very cold blooded manner so. brutal totally. were there and. convicted killers then known as russia's well you know what do you know about that. oh they're very unlikely couple you know they come from very different social backgrounds uganda has is already in detention road and also biography it was released in the internet and she started she never managed to enter college because
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from a very young age she had to care for her gravely ill mother her father was. convicted for some of cannot make crimes he was never around but. her boyfriend came from a very different privileged background he was born into a family of her former security officer and he graduated from one of the bastard most prestigious universities here in russia the most go state university he tried his hand as a journalist and political speechwriter but that was out of control for some time and that's when he started dabbling in some illegal weapons trade but these two very. unlikely people a very different people found how so something in a child there they were united by the ultra nationalist views and they decided. to go ahead and kill. these very prominent lawyer killing
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a journalist in the process as well as an unsuspecting witness. now the only point i would like to add is that despite being called the russian born in quiet and they actually use these the moment cried a bit during the trial the choice a lot of affection for each other holding hands kissing sharing jokes but this was very painful for the victims for the family it for the families of the victims and the air really as the media not to remember size based crime because these two individuals despite all the affection for each other actually killed two very bright people and they committed dire crime in a very callous manner right i'll tell you don't want to thank you. for now let's turn our attention about a business and precious metals have been experiencing a couple of extremely volatile weeks both gold and so often seen it major drop softer reaching record breaking highs let's cross over to the on t.v. business desk and find out what is going on kareen oh hi to you so those are really
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the only commodities having trouble but they usually thought it was more robust by the turbulence well worry there is a blast about taking place in the commodities market and it's the biggest sell off in the sector for two years virtually all materials a sharpie down gold is holding firm over silver is down two percent this hour and it's thirty percent below its recent highs now why is it happening investors worry about the strength of the global recovery and the possibility of high interest rates in china and they're selling off now also recent economic data in the u.s. has done little to inspire confidence and there's considerable nervousness about keep a rose figures later on friday so however some investors are suggesting that the commodities boom is now over and we'll have more about on the figures and more how the markets are reacting in business program tennis for an hour. we'll see you soon . files apparently seized in a raid that killed osama bin laden suggest that he remained closely involved in the al qaeda terror plots it's one of the justifications from the u.s.
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government over its handling of bin laden's killing now is after using nature to kind explains the violent questioning of terror suspects is also being lauded for helping america get its most wanted. putting a pretty face on the years of torture and the law u.s. officials talk about the efficiency of enhanced interrogation techniques as they call them in locating bin laden we have to take that information through waterboarding and some of those who say that waterboarding there's a word you say that it's reached out to never use again we got vital information which directly read as to why are you denying that waterboarding was in part of the tactics used to extract the intelligence that led to the successful mission no i think some of the detainees clearly were you know use these enhanced interrogation techniques against some of these detainees you know can dribble prove has been presented as to how torture helped the petain valuable intelligence on bin laden although
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a detainee named kelly cheik muhammad was reported to have provided information on a courier that led to bin laden's capture intelligence sources say he repeatedly misled interrogators about the couriers identity and stalled the quest for years he was water boarded one hundred eighty three times what we're saying is that waterboarding enhanced interrogation techniques just like professional interrogators had been saying for years always result in either limited information false information or no information from the laying of the groundwork if you will of these techniques basically i believe wholeheartedly slowed us down on the road towards some of bin laden and numerous other members of al qaeda not not just bin laden in i'm convinced we would have found them a lot earlier had we not resorted to torture and abuse the camps to justify torture seem outrageous to those who have been unjustly subjected to inhumane treatment if
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u.s. prisons overseas were not colonels was captured in pakistan in two thousand and one he was working for and n.g.o.s that helped the youth there to quit drugs and adopt a healthier lifestyle he was. to guantanamo and torture it for five years it will make sarin. where i would agree that i'm remember. because i refused to sign a. person they would term are. very old my a lot of. crime. so i was. never charged with any crimes or it's now back home in germany the vast majority of the hundreds of individuals who've been held at guantanamo since two thousand and two like moroc are said to be of no intelligence value whatsoever some of them were
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children when they were captured like canadian citizen omar carter who was just fifteen when he was taken into u.s. custody he said because he was tortured he was ready to say anything the torture is running from here to stop the pain the international community has wisely condemned the unlawful practices of the us prison amnesty international called the gulag of times and matthew alexander has carried out more than three hundred interrogations in iraq and helped track down a number of terrorists he says torture it was used by the u.s. authorities in guantanamo and other prisons overseas like the infamous abu ghraib in iraq contributed to more terror when i was in iraq i oversaw the interrogations of foreign fighters and those foreign fighters the majority of them said time and time again the reason they come to iraq to fight was because of the torture of years of detainees and both are great and went on all day and this is not in my
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opinion a department offense to track the statistics and they were briefed every interrogator right there that's a. torture abuse was ok his number one recruiting tool and so this policy of torture and. used to not make america safer what it did was it caused the deaths of hundreds of thousands of american soldiers recently in the wake of all the cheering about bin laden's death when asked about torture the cia director said. we would have gotten the same information through other approaches so i think it's always going to be an open question just a few years ago when barack obama was running for president on promises to track down guantanamo and stop the torture it was presented this is a done deal but now with bin laden's death it could seem the ends justify the means the means the wages many experts say not only have not made americans safer but have motivated more terrorists i'm going to check now reporting from washington our team. well for more insight and analysis on the suspicious methods used in the war
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on terror you can just get over to our problem and here's what else we have lined up for you want right now and taking the space relationship to the next level so it's rocket gets ready for its joint russian the european project all of the come down on our website. costs can be easier to get into harvard and getting higher so. it's going to also it's real dollars he will turn away more applicants like college. this is a lot from moscow for the past twenty years to a russian aerobatic teams i've been wowing crowds world lined with us and sectional stunts but they're both slicing through the clouds and celebration of a milestone. washed ashore in the moscow region.
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this is truly a spectacular sight one of the world's. aerobatic get this guy right. there mastery of such huge machines basically making them so we see of course everybody here knowing that it is one of the most difficult things in the world these people have mastered the russian knights along with the russian swiss are the world's most famous aerobatic teams and the knights are in the skies in honor of their colleagues who are celebrating their twentieth anniversary today of course both teams have existed for twenty years it's an anniversary year for them all so all the teams are in the sky doing what they do best all kinds of aerobatics stunts known to mankind a barrel rolls the loop de loops the skills everything they do is just breathtaking
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and being here in the crowd watching them perform with such grace is just an incredible feeling of course they are doing it because it is their anniversary and it's for them the only right way to celebrate up in the sky in front of the crowds doing what they love. some high flying fun. reporting that's a good sign no international news for you this hour here on pakistani officials say that an american drone aircraft has fired missiles near the afghan border killing at least ten minutes of suspects struck the compound in a vehicle in the al qaeda and taliban stronghold of north waziristan it's the first such attack since american commandos killed osama bin laden on monday pakistan wants the u.s. troops. the assaults because the civilian casualty risks are damaging public support in fighting terror on the border. at least six people have reportedly been killed in syria's protests it comes as government demonstrators gather for what
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they are calling a day of defiance security forces are fired tear gas at protesters near a mosque in the capital city of damascus government troops are set up checkpoints and closed some areas controlled protests in recent weeks five hundred people are thought to have been killed since the unrest began seven weeks ago. alasania ouattara has to finally be sworn in as i recall president it's been a long time coming for the winner of last november's election after the previous president refused to stand down it led to months of bloodshed in the country which is thought to have killed around three thousand people. are now being questioned about human rights abuses he was in power. inquest into the london tube and the bus bombings of two thousand and five has cleared intelligence and emergency services of any blame in the deaths caused the coroner said that all fifty two victims would have died no matter what time the rescuers arrived but she added that there were lessons to be learned and that security services need to tighten up procedures to
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avoid future terrorism attacks seventy seven attacks or suicide bombers blow themselves up or no three rush hour it seemed trains and a packed double decker bus. it's all right now it's time for the business news with korea. i don't welcome it's nice here at r.t. thanks for joining commodity prices are taking a pounding it's the biggest sell off of the sects of the two years that we can trend suddenly accelerated as investors stop worrying about the strength of the global recovery and skyrocketing inflation. over the post we consider which in commodities fall off a ten percent margin assumes over the term percent that said you have to take more of that russia still significantly harder to work. so i would say that the fool has been true for. initially we heard china and india are raising rates to
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combat. predominantly from chris information but inflation in general as a result they're willing to sacrifice a good many more two percentage points of growth so that's the general populace doesn't feel the strains of an increase in food prices that cause to slip in the dollar. and this we appreciate that the european central bank meet and say that we would raise rates we are going to talk about a strong dollar we have country but he said he saying he would like to see the u.s. talk about raising rates. significantly boosted the strength of the dollar versus the euro and with this with a stronger dollar we've seen a flux in commodity prices which is our ongoing as we speak. taking a look at the numbers now all prices are leading the commodities back to our words on friday after seeing losses of around eight percent overnight but sweet is currently trading around ninety eight dollars. grant is around one hundred nine
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dollars gold is one of the relevance of holding making big losses in previous sessions silver is down two percent this hour that's almost thirty percent below recent highs. the markets foot seas losing in europe just on the hard. germany's dax is up more than point two percent this hour covering early losses and the wave of heavy selling just before calls. and here in russia the markets are particularly volatile volatile we all tested my six open shopping lol but since then rebounding the obvious is down point seven percent while the mas six point six that's despite the markets being given by resource stocks. the worst thing has been is laying the world's longest subsidy pipeline across the baltic others to start pumping gas from russia to germany in the autumn but the head of north stream warning says that eleven billion dollar project will not add enough capacity to
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meet future knowledge and more pop. stars from different institutions for example server showing. picking up becomes the supply and consumption you will be in the next two years of zero and. not simply because of fifty five. so this is a quarter of. this. whole supply routes to cover. your. latest for now we'll have more for you less than.
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