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tv   [untitled]    May 6, 2011 2:00pm-2:30pm EDT

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funding wars over pensions front is accused of forcing the elderly to scrimp and save when the government spends a fortune creasing its military presence of rule. russian couple the sentence for murdering a human rights lawyer and a journalist in central moscow two years ago. the killers are handed lengthy jail terms in one of the biggest convictions of its kind in russia and we're trying to avoid join me for more details in just a few moments. but tide turns on waterboarding as american officials claim torture capture osama bin laden but human rights defenders say voluntary gratian achieves
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nothing. plus a show stopping performance courtesy of russia's top flight aerial display squads. great friends and here is these planes and their pilots while the world with their amazing aerobatics stunts it with their teeth to see exactly what a russian swifts can do. international news live from moscow this is twenty four hours a day french leaders being accused the funding of ever growing was chest while its most vulnerable citizens live on the breadline france is a problem player a nato intervention in libya and has troops stationed in other countries are reports now on how french military ambition is leading to the neglect of it's needed. heat or eat that's the choice faced by modem kids so just of
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supporting the elderly frances government is accused of using that money for war. france says it doesn't have enough funds for the time and attention is must tighten their belts now spans are referred to be one euro a year under france france has more than twenty thousand soldiers currently on foreign soil in lebanon kosovo a new military base in the united arab emirates is fighting wars in libya ivory coast and afghanistan each french costs hundreds of thousands of euros so just five months into twenty eleven the forces of broke even with madame kitto his pension pretty much eating up the fence operational about it from here military excess snaps france's reputation as a careful spender investors now plan to scrap the country's troy's aaa credit rating which lets it go on the cheap course if you have
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a country which is very rich. it can afford this and france has been named as possibly losing its aaa status sort of so everyone you shoot is a bond closer to losing aaa status france should have stuck to the un peacekeeping dream it's in the ivory coast and libya wants x. premier dominique de villepin in pays the price of calling for regime change and for each. for integration it's important to follow strict principles the one of the national community the treatment of the united nations costs are reportedly hidden from the public if this military advisors back from libya he says for months france has set soldiers on the ground there contrary to its claims we have gone troops and i think. that we had. already called.
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to find the target and someone with that every kid says she worked all her life for a decent retirement no politician asked if she wanted the money spent on campaigns abroad cost of war pensioners forced to cover up because they can't afford the heating they ask are all the military campaigns worth it if the government can't take care of people at home than a bush or arty paris. russia's foreign minister has weighed into the nato led coalition's decision to publish body into the libyan rebellion so to get love rob's criticism comes a day after the international contact group on libya the site of the second set up a fund to support the insurgents in their fight against colonel gadhafi well moscow has a hold of nato intervention saying the ilads is taking sides in what is a civil war was not sanctioned by the un resolution on libya which was designed to protect civilians regardless of their allegiance the nato led coalition's been bombing gadhafi supporters for nearly two months now and there are growing reports
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of civilians russia and china both abstained from supporting the u.n. resolution in march both countries foreign ministers met in moscow friday critical travel was there for r.t. . i asked the russian foreign minister at a press conference today what it thought about the idea of including russia in this international concert on the beer towards their gay lover observe that in russia's beauty. which isn't trusted with adopting resolutions and one is hearing the implementation of such is the u.s. security council and that any country member to the u.n. which signed under its charter is supposed to follow the law the resolutions and the bonds ational they wanted with levy or any other group is simply not needed is a veil of robes. so it's going for a new group the contact group has established itself and now is trying to take responsibility for the international community policy tools libya should be not only libya we're hearing voices calling for this group to decide what to do in
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other states in the region we believe that all sides should be focusing on a peaceful resolution of the situation and not supporting one side in an internal conflict which is essentially a civil war those comments were made at a joint press conference by the russian foreign minister and the chinese foreign minister there we are and we see that russia and china are coordinating their voices in major internet. actual events and the most recent example about was in march when they both abstained in the no fly zone both on leave and what the two countries feared might happen as a result of an international intervention is happening now we see casualties i was started as an armrest appears to be a bitter war between get out of his forces and rebels but russia and china and again they stressed it today believe that nato is going far beyond its un mandate by even considering an on ground operation in libya and minding the rising number of casualties in lead it's likely that both russia and china would be told any un
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resolution which would place ground troops in libya. sort of. the u.s. vindicates its true training techniques by saying it helps hope though bin laden forward to a greater says that violent questioning methods of american detention centers only serve to fill our co-directs the details on that in just a few minutes for. the first to moscow quarter since a nationalist to murder the human rights lawyer and a journalist to life in prison his accomplice was given eighteen years in jail. as more of this. well it is a very unusual case because really it's one of the first times that the perpetrators of hate crimes are not only tried but also convicted and given quite lengthy prison terms now hate crimes extremely difficult to investigate and prosecute and this was one of the reasons why people implicated in hate crimes
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are usually tried on the odds are trying our just ranging from homicide sometimes cool again is man as a result they got away with lighter sentences but these cases different because one of the defendants we keep to who was convicted of two murders god told us that his law for california prominent human rights lawyer and all the necessity above board by a freelance reporter for not very good at that a diet killer was sentenced to a maximum prison turned out as a life in prison meant now he's associated and girlfriend evanier hass is. corresponds guilty of acting as an accomplice to the murder of markelov she was sentenced to eighteen years in prison now that's a big lauzon defrost occasion was asking for a bed that's still quite a lengthy prison term now the mutually plan to kill only as the new slough mark calico was
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a very well known human rights lawyer here in russia who was walking down the street to resign numerous mattress station and asked us the above were confident of him to ask a couple of questions and that was one both of them were approached by and killed in broad daylight in a very cold blooded manner now the only point i would like to add is that despite being called the russian born in quiet and they actually use these a moment cried a bit during the trial they showed a lot of a faction for each other holding hands keys think sharing jokes but this was very painful for the families of the victims and the air really as the media for a man to size these crimes because if these two individuals killed that you very bright people and they committed the crime in a very callous manner. the love hate relationship with in t.n. k b p that's the joy russian british oil venture is showing signs of rekindling some commitment to
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a period of bitter dispute over b.p.'s partnership with rival rosneft to exploit gas and oil in the arctic and of attrition court in london is firmly on the case well it's now across love to our business for the verge it careens the forest created after months of threats and arguments those finally a resolution tell us what the court is actually deciding well bill the london artificial court ruling is as follows b.b. can go ahead with the share swap with ross now if only the. only of the arctic aspiration is down through the rest of the joint venture with russia thank you b.p. and b.p. says the course this is in is a step in the right direction it clears the way for open negotiations with the us they have to about assigning b.p. share of the arctic deal to taint a b.p. this joint venture however rosneft has always said it was not interested in having to be in their deal as part of that out arctic exploration deal and so it's it hasn't yet. show that it's changed its mind so we have more of that in our program
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in about ten years from ok great thanks very much indeed we'll see you here in the studio as you say about ten twelve minutes from now. four hours apparently seized in the raid that killed osama bin laden suggest that he remained closely involved in al qaeda terror plots it's one of the justifications from the us government over its handling of bin laden's killing its got its current explains the violent questioning of terror suspects is also being lauded for helping america get its most wanted. putting a pretty face on years of torture and abuse of law u.s. officials talk about the efficiency of enhanced interrogation techniques as they call them in locating bin ladin we have changed that information for waterboarding and so for those who say that waterboarding was a word to say that it should be stopped and never use again we got vital information would directly letters to greenlight are you denying that waterboarding was in part of the tactics used to extract the intelligence that led to the successful mission oh i think some of the detainees clearly were you know they used
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these enhanced interrogation techniques against some of these detainees no tangible proof has been presented as to how torture helped the petain valuable intelligence on bin ladin although a detainee named calley cheik mohamed was reported to have provided information on a courier that led to bin laden's capture intelligence sources say he repeatedly misled interrogators about the couriers identity and stalled the quest for years he was water boarded one hundred eighty three times what we're seeing is that waterboarding enhanced interrogation techniques just like professional interrogators had been saying for years always result in either limited information false information or no information the laying of the groundwork if you will of these techniques basically i believe wholeheartedly slowed us down on the road towards some of bin laden and numerous other members of al qaeda not not just in
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modern in i'm convinced we would have found them a lot earlier had we not resorted to torture and abuse but tends to justify torture seem outrageous to those who have been unjustly subjected to inhumane treatment if u.s. prisons overseas were not colonels was captured in pakistan in two thousand and one he was working for an ngo that helped the youth there to quit drugs and adopt a healthier lifestyle he was. to guantanamo and torture it for five years but what makes the time period where i would agree that i remember. because i used the scientific. process because i refused. so very old my overlocker. for my stomach. so i. never charged with any crimes
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more outs now back home in germany the vast majority of the hundreds of individuals both being held at guantanamo since two thousand and two like moron are said to be of no intelligence value whatsoever some of them were children when they were captured like canadian citizen omar carter who was just fifteen when he was taken into u.s. custody he said because he was tortured he was ready to say anything that will cheer is running from here to stop the pain the international community has widely condemned the unlawful practices that the u.s. prison amnesty international call the gulag of times matthew alexander has carried out more than three hundred interrogations in iraq and helped track down a number of terrorists he says torture that was used by the u.s. authorities in guantanamo and other prisons overseas like the infamous abu ghraib in iraq contributed to more terror when i was in iraq i oversaw the interrogations
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of foreign fighters and those foreign fighters the majority of them said time and time again the reason they come to iraq to fight was because of the torture and abuse detainees and both are great and went on a bang and this is not my opinion the department offense tracked the statistics and they were briefed every interrogator right there that that torture and abuse was ok his number one recruiting tool and so this policy of torture and. used to not make america safer what it did was it caused the deaths of hundreds of thousands of american soldiers recently in the wake of all the cheering about bin laden's death when asked about torture the cia director said other we would have gotten the same information through other approaches so i think it's always going to be an open question just a few years ago when barack obama was running for president on promises to shut down guantanamo and stop the torture it was presented as a done deal but now with bin laden's there it could seem the ends justify the means
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the means which as many experts say not only have not made american safer but have motivated more terrorists i'm going to check our reporting from washington r.t. well the cia and many top ranking american politicians insist that with belts to show they would have got a lot of this talk about this with sarah ferguson is from the ad she wore group the international action center joining us now from our studios in new york thanks very much indeed for joining us here on r.t. how would do you think the u.s. has discovered without using some sort of coercion to get the information. or president obama in announcing the death of bin laden said that today this shows that. we are reminded as a nation that there's nothing we can't do and that is a problem there's no country we can't bomb no people that we can't kidnap or
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torture secret rendition no country that can't be destroyed around the world that attitude that attitude is the biggest problem and it's been used both to justify the continuation of the wars and now to even justify the use of continuing to order them and the torture and the lawlessness themselves this is a crime this is the absolute crime is there and it leaves of course to a far greater forms of resistance and anger about to talk about a bit later about how it could provoke more problems but looking at torture in the right context as some may say is your argument was about based on the concern that innocents could be coerced into giving false confessions or do you believe that actually a terrorist who's actually been caught red handed for example if you have richard reid the the shoe bomber who tried to blow up an airliner something like ten years ago somebody like that was caught red handed should he not be subjected to some
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form of torture in order to get more information that could save lives. and none of this torture saves lives at guantanamo by the u.s. own admission ninety five percent of the people there overwhelmingly they were tortured ninety five percent of them had nothing to do with al-qaeda with the taliban they were just people in the wrong place at the wrong time from young from young children to old men so this idea that torture is going to provide any information it's really using terror and that is really what the war on terror is all about terrorizing whole parts of the population and we should also keep in mind it's not just supporter of individuals there have been more than a thousand assassinations by drone a trap attack where there's no question of even who's examined what information
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they have there assumed guilty and a limb unaided so this is really international wallace but what do you say to people are atrocities occurred people who are obviously extremely upset and angry about the fact that authorities have alerted something like that to happen they also the authorities you must have known why did you do something about it if you authorities have a head start in some respects by not getting the rights of information these atrocities that are continually. well there's all kinds of information that the u.s. government knows as saying now admit as a matter of fact with bin laden they had been watching this house for many many months there's a lot of fabricated information we were told on the u.s. going into iraq that iraq had weapons of mass destruction or kinds of even receipts and boyce's tales testimony were provided satellite images it was all a fraud so the idea that we are protecting people in the u.s.
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by terrorizing people around the world this is the great crime and the lie you get you going to the earlier you also mentioned that you can indeed end up in provocation and we have in the got a report a little earlier saying that there are those who saying that the tension such as only the it holds interrogation current lead to prefer the recruitment i'll cut it was exactly what is the argument how does that work. the u.s. wars around the world are in danger in people right here along with the very countries that they are destroying and it's not just in guantanamo there are secret u.s. prisons from abu ghraib two sites what they call black sites unknown and unlisted sites all around the world and none of them are about providing security for the people here they're really about abiding security for u.s.
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corporations to go anywhere and rewrite the rules of the game and this is more and more understood and yes it very builds all kinds of resistance but the idea that this is being done for the security of the people here that is the biggest lie to us you just one thing about definition here we go about waterboarding but no this phrase in whole it's terror geisha and it's being used by the authorities but what do you think that means what are we talking about here. but enhanced area geisha in a seems to be tactics that are so terrible that they don't want to even describe them and whether it's done with electricity or water boarding or all kinds of terror enhanced terror or total isolation tactics and have a total sensory deprivation enhanced interrogation tactics are the use of terror
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and it is all too common it is being done by insights in afghanistan and iraq and go on tunnel in all sorts of other unnamed sites and it is part of the international law listeners' it's part of the assassinations blowing on of anyone who is considered in any form an enemy without any any interrogation whatsoever also and we can't forget that that is also now part of the reality of the war on the ground we'll have to leave it there sir floaters thanks very much indeed for joining us in new york from the international action center good to hear what you have to say thank you. but all the thought that you're more international news this is the only official said american drone is full of missiles near the afghan border killing at least ten militants or spirits the strike targeting the compound of the vehicle of the al qaeda taliban stronghold of north was it is it's the first such a time there since american commandos killed was about but not on monday. for us to
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stop the assaults because the civilian casualty risks the damaging public support in fighting terror on the border. the u.s. agreed to extend sanctions against syria from next week for you twenty seven countries travel restrictions and freeze the assets of syrian officials over the violent crackdown on anti-government protests it comes in certain straits as take part in what they call a day of defiance which is already seen reported thirty people by the rest because only two months ago it was caused hundreds of deaths. occurred the government is shutting down a nuclear plant. tokyo because of the continuous high risks of earthquakes and tsunami the hamaoka facility has been a target of nuclear campaigners for years because it's located in an area that's always certain to see a major quake in the next thirty years it's been closed as a precaution following the crisis at the plant. well for the past twenty years two russian aerobatic tombs have been going crowds worldwide but the stones well have been slicing through the clouds in celebration of the lone star good aussies prefer
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deserve a watch the show the most can reach. this is truly a spectacular sight one of the most famous aerobatic teams in the world in the sky doing exactly what they're famous for the russian swifts are in the sky today to celebrate their twentieth anniversary and that is why they have taken their make twenty nine up over their home base just outside the russian capital and thousands of people have gathered here to watch them perform their amazing aerobatic stunts with skills and grace that have made them famous all over the world the barrel rolls the loop with loops oval sounds and many many more are exactly what this team of skilled men is forming up in the sky and yet another famous russian aerobatic team the russian knights or also celebrating their twentieth anniversary this year are known all over the world for performing a stunt that no other team has ever accomplished but they're flying in formation
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nine planes together two different types of planes this with smith twenty nine and the knights su twenty seven's very close together an incredibly complicated stunt very dangerous but they pull it off beautifully every time and of course as the pilots say this. and on their twentieth birthday the spy is the only place they want to be. what we saw earlier in the business newsroom well she's in the business studio that's next with religious business news. hello welcome to business news good to have you with us b.p. sixteen billion dollars deal with russian oil from ross they have planned proceed but only on condition ross they have to louse tank a b.p. into the exploration of the arctic ice latest ruling from the operation cord in london that's being overseen the dispute between the parties ati's that it was
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called it takes up the story. the decision appears to have put the ball firmly in brosnan's schools essentially what the court says is that b.p. and ross never can go ahead with a share swap but only if. the arctic exploration is done through t n t v p and that decision is down to ross news to all sides this renewable bibi's partner in the russian joint venture t.n.t. b.p. had a chance to bibi's agreement with rosneft to look through it we will in the arctic mood has it said the deal brokered it's a shareholder agreement with b.p. and want to make sure to do it in britain blocking the deal now that the ban has been lifted was certain thing dishes levy says it will reduce negotiations with the us next proposing to include seeing p.b.b. in the project that is something that our finances removed as a suit all along b.b.
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also sees the good order as the step in the right direction and says that it will continue looking for mutually satisfying solutions hello the real snit has previously rejected the ball to speech an old saying he'd be in the hall to get some ration and out so far it hasn't given any hints that it will change its position. equity markets and commodities got a significant boost late all friday following stronger than expected economic data in the us the latest drop say to suggest that the american economy is in a better health than some economists had feared despite a slight rebound it has been a particularly bad week for commodities which see the biggest sell off for nearly two years. now or prices a bouncing back slightly after seeing waltzes of around eight percent overnight slight suite is currently trading around one hundred dollars a barrel while brant is a hundred and thirteen dollars per barrel gold is holding firm all of them are making big losses in previous sessions so we're currently up nearly
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a percent since its most recent fixing but it's for almost thirty. sense from its highs a couple of weeks ago. in europe in equities finished high on friday they will bounce in the price of major raw materials pushed european stock markets up by nearly a percent backing stock lifted the footsie with world bank of scotland gained over six and a half percent and here in russia the markets closed higher as well friday the odds against the west over the sons of the black in the my six is over two percent higher energy majors were among the leads all of them isaac's rawson have gained over three percent who call finished only three percent higher banking stocks also higher would be to be inspired by gaining two percent. that's all from me in the business team here but remember you can always buy more stories on our website i think i've called last posts.
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to. the. little. guy and you're. looking forward to be held don't see. the pain and suffering will never be forgotten. as well as the joy of liberation.


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