tv [untitled] May 6, 2011 5:30pm-6:00pm EDT
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can you. follow me and welcome to cross our gang people about the english language continues to flourish is it threatened other languages with one in three people speaking english does this promote western values and with the rise of asia english maintain its a period position in the world. to discuss the language question i'm joined by robert phillips and in copenhagen he's professor emeritus at the copenhagen business school in paris we go to john paul nidia he's the author of the book don't speak english parlayed globish and in hong kong we have david read all he is a distinguished visiting scholar at city university of hong kong and another member of our cross talk team yell on the hunger all right gentlemen this is cross talk me
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you can jump in anytime you want and jump oh i'd like to go to you you have a new i suppose a language or applies the language that you're introducing to the world and it's called global bush and how is it different from english and if you could for partly could you answer in globish for us oh there is even meant to be very core a thing to but it is what we call english like it is a simplified form of english with miss words you would see two hundred fifty thousand words and you thought he should write that's way too much so he made good demonstration that was fifteen hundred words and to choose one of those words the game and use of those words you could express all you need in the world for business purposes or as a tourist so it is in english light it's still a great thing because it will give us an example given his example what it sounds like and what words you like to use go ahead. well. i mean when even you in english this is this is wrong it's not only the being brusque in these
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are people who are worse is mostly comprised of me and my siblings you might understand that if you are in their war i want to be all most people will not understand that so if you want to get a method because if you say we seize our company top management and you promote what we have mostly me and over two hundred my parents and you get the same message because when the words are seem pretty belong to my limited release and everybody we're going to you better so your heat rate in terms of understanding we tend i was better if you used these kind of formulations ok robert if i can go to you in copenhagen is this just jibberish bad english. i think it's very clear that. when you are in the real world you obviously have to communicate as best you can i am worried by the idea that a simplified form of english like that. is in it's a bit like mcdonald is ation it's a package version which apparently will give you the satisfaction that you need
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whereas in the real world. people don't really function like that they negotiate meaning they try to get through and as an educational goal i think they need to be exposed to relinquish as it is used in a whole range of contexts so i'm a bit worried that this is a quick fix in some way whereas learning english you have to be culturally sensitive depending on who you're speaking to which part of the world you are what your goals are it's a much more complex task then then what globish claims to be capable of achieving ok david i mean well it's a very good point you know the mcconnell ization of english but that's the trend in the world that everything's getting mcdonnell lies i think john paul's point is that you know if you want to be able to communicate and communicate as best you can and i think if i'm i should we make it clear i should make it clear to my audience here. this is a this is a kind of kweisi language of non-native speakers speaking to each other like danes
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speaking to japanese japanese speaking to koreans and things like that it's not really actually doesn't have anything to do with native speakers of english i actually agree partly with both robert enjoin point here and i think this is not really so much a question of mcdonald eyes ocean as the struggle to communicate in the real world by people who don't actually have a lot of english but i think it's quite right john paul is actually on to something here and saying that people need some guidance as to how to best ploy the limited resources of the language they have to communicate clearly and this is actually something which perhaps native speakers need to learn about as well so it's not entirely a matter for non-native speakers ok i'll jump all in if then why not just learn english i think i'm going online what robert was saying and if you want to use english when she does speak it properly. we should make clear that there are additional b.r.d. would be two kinds of very english which gives you access to the culture of the
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anglo-saxon gursharan which is immense very each outstanding going from shakespeare conduct wayne and if you like bill gates so this is very good and if you want to enjoy it if you want to read appreciate all these content you need to re an english which focuses on a take me is a lifetime if you want to cause a deal in must call. to kill or in c. all. if you speak like people speak in venice think says we must look at the people who will not understand you and this is my observation when i went to japan in one thousand nine hundred ninety four does business decisions i observe some americans who are joining me from a team there was a vice president with a b. in usa then and i observed that the the japanese there and then the koreans and sooner and the chinese in beijing toward the far east where much better ideas with me and. better than what i could observe between them and americans and that's why i said we sort of us speaking english we are not we are speaking
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a different kind of language and there is something different so how about this great star school series from the film business is concerned internationally he's not and giving head or whom the i to meet broker he cooked for the british council which i could extensively in my book and in these people there are many scenes which are worse you got to hear one of them is that in ninety six percent of the cases in international condition there is at least one no native english speaker who is involved and it's up to you needed english because to adjust to get a bit of this person or not be as good in worship in as good least because like me could be ok example i mean i could agree with you maybe if you're talking about your childhood or buying a ticket to the train station or ordering in a restaurant or something like that. you bring a business i mean most businesses you have contracts and you have very specific laws and clauses and things like that this this language can't work for that if i
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got to go to robert on that i mean it's for chit chat it's just to get you know get through something if there's something you wouldn't sign a contract with using this kind of language it's too imprecise i mean it has nothing to do with english as a school subject where you're trying to equip people to function in a range of ways and i at once one of things that worries me about the whole promotion of different types of english worldwide is that the assumption morris is that the only language you need worldwide these days is english you don't get far with english in latin america or even in southern europe or in most of asia so that when for instance danish companies are asked why they have failed to achieve a business deal in japan or in italy they tend to say always because they don't speak english well enough there whereas what companies ought to be doing in order to trade with japan and italy is to have enough people in their country who can actually function well and understand the culture as well as the language of japan
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or korea or or italy so that so far as education is concerned it's a totally different ball game and i agree really with the mystical bell here that the that the idea that you can do complex negotiations with a simplified greatest is misleading. jump ball you're shaking your head you disagree go ahead. and story and i think. illustration because i'm not a native english speaker as you might have already i blow so wonderful artist and you have the british wrong country. because we go ahead you know so i could but there are many people who do that as far as contracts are concerned you have lawyers experience that can have the contracts and constrain them from american into english to begin with from or into u.k. english so that you have to do when you're legally being where you are through. what he got from us or your products or your services understand the needs of your customer and you don't need
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a full english for that you did you can believe he's limited english providing you four or new girl rules you he formulated you use sentences and you check that your teeth are in front of you our understanding which was native english speakers don't think you should do then and learning a foreign language to do business in d.c. in a foreign land is valid in only one instance if you are living in d.c. for an answer i used to be here you know measure for say stop was all good if company so as soon as they assigned frenchman two hundred company that is the answer he was expected to be able to run and keep pushing for months so you had to take a guy who spoke with a german and english and from once he was enough to discuss the scout who speak loudly in english not in his announcement in a country that old so that's true but when you are discussing international business you need who understood that the waterway language was going to be some kind of english and there would be no step back because. part i have made in time
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in here they could jump here and go to david here when we put the shoe on the other foot i mean should native speakers of english maybe delve into this because it'll it'll make it easier for them to communicate with people and then i'm saying just for a limited purposes if you want to go travel around the world as we just it was pointed out in some places and in europe in asia and in south america there's very limited english wouldn't be a bad idea for a native speaker say take a real short course in that and you could get by a lot easier. i'm not i'm all in favor of notice because being taught how to use their language in a more effective ways when talking to non-native speakers i don't think it actually needs to sort of to learn a serpent english light a special kind of english i think it's more about strategies and principles i'll follow using the language that you already know but i think that we are talking about different things here i think that tiley with with robert on this that for ordinary service and characters just doing business at
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a low level then find some kind of english light will work but that's not how the global economy works i'm increasingly you have multinational companies for example working in a number of different countries you have researches technicians and so on who have to work as a global team and communicating with very high level about their subject within their team across the world and that really does mean that everyone has to show a very high level of english only jumping right here after a short break we'll continue our discussion on what some people call imperialist state with turkey. just. like you can. still. see from the same.
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wealthy british style. is not the title of the. market why not come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with much stronger for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into cars a report on our keep. a close look at her bringing you the latest in science technology from around russia. we've got the future of coverage. if. any is he took a. seat. in
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but before let's see what foreign languages are most popular among russians the global language over the years english has. global status being a language of business culture and diplomacy however english is not the only language used for international relations and communications the united nations for example has six official languages arabic chinese english french russian and spanish the public opinion foundation assessed russians knowledge of foreign languages six to seven percent said they speak english twenty percent. and another five percent can speak french english today has a dominant position other languages are taking a stand so what language well the world's future and will we all ever speak the same language peter i example if i go back to you first one of the things i think
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is interesting is that you actually kind of. maybe correct me if i'm wrong kind of a linguistic nationalist yourself you want to preserve good french ok how do you balance it with and being someone that really is really a connoisseur of the french language. where people in france used to be very proud because it was to be the language of diplomacy. and if you are going to say which was mostly discussed in english and then from there on in french supremacy and through our very have you know that it was he praised by english for each and every group was wrong yes and these there would be no turn back because english is now a language which is spoken around the world not very well as very poorly even for researchers or people who seem to at high level but it is the language we use when using the common behavior for international communication and there will be no stared back because for the first time in history the languages war widely and the
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communication is instantaneous these never happen in your home and times we are letting your hate where we're going to be around to get there early on but now this is the case so that we do turn back and when the french people are disparate about the situation they are wrong french we never get back where did he and as they used to say many years ago in english you're listening we could do about it now you speak and your actions this is he's going to be there but he's going to be the english spoken like maybe even being the spoken poor like me and both are people like that and gazin you think it's a very interesting point if i go to robert on this one here i mean if we look at it with the impact of the internet on english and you know you can go to so many websites that purportedly are in english but they're in awful english they're the grammar is are for the spelling example the word choices are all the syntax is awful but what is stopping this inane and really we had agreed with you before before you know why don't you just learn proper english while the world is this way
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ahead of us here i mean they're going to use english anyway they want so i mean what direction to go in or can we just can we control it in any way probably not. the internet when it was launched meant that a lot of people thought that this would mean that english would expand at the expense of other languages in fact there are hundreds of languages used on the internet even very small ones demographically speaking and this means that obviously it's makes a lot of sense in the modern world for anyone to want to have a very high level of proficiency of english the interesting thing for me at least when researching language policy is whether english is being added to people's repertoire which is great or else where the english is replacing other languages and this is where you mention the word imperialism obviously under the soviet system the people of the three baltic states knew what linguistic imperialism was because bilingualism then was
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a dirty word for basically dropping their own language and shifting into russian and that's exactly what happened in a lot of the colonial world where there was definitely a major focus on colonial languages like like french and english and english does open lots of awards worldwide but one also needs to look at every particular context and see to what extent it actually closes doors for a large number of people well opening for the few david what do you think about that i mean we hope the imperialism element that i mentioned at the end of the first part of the program i mean it for all of the learning of languages in english isn't the predominant one now we'll talk about it later if it's going to stay that way we have to think of a child the chinese but is it is it just is does does it destroy language is it replacing languages because in talking to some of my young people who work on cross talk you know even when they speak russian the russian english is invading their language and they're in russian you know in a working with me and it's all
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a mixture of speaking i will of variety of languages even when two of them are throwing in french at the same time i mean is this good or does it or does it matter. well it's you know i find it very difficult to get sort of terribly worked up about them and i would just look at how the english language came to being of the sort of mongrel language that we have any way to really sort of go around preaching clear ity i think that it is true and i absolutely agree with robert that you have to look at particular situations this is a very dangerous area in which to generalize just because there appear to be these big global trends going on that doesn't mean that actually the situation in different countries is not very different particularly in terms of whether languages are actually being injured or perhaps i mean there's an argument to say here in hong kong but the role of english in hong kong is actually helping protect cantonese as a sort of a past to prove ok encroaching mandarin ok john paul if i can go to
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you a lot of people in and i want to go into a big discussion here but it is easier is global value free does it have any values because we there's a large a great argument in linguistics that you know it will take the english language for example it has a lot of built in values in it and and a world view and how to look at values in society it is global. or is it completely devoid of any kind of value in terms of having dollars. well we have the good being what i call english in f. or in a few leash as devalue or being in f. and with d.s. and i get it will say you can say it was easy you want for reasons a to president obama you know gratian speech because he's on my website and put it in english saying exactly the same thing but we think we're heard somewhere in tajikistan ten times more people would have just handed out you know gratian speeches for america and spent the rest there are people outside who would like to use and do it and
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it's not what he says without any consideration which is always distorting the meaning so the value is that it is if you show it is not a language at all since i would it is a tool to communicate and is a big business and in that if ever it is enough but it doesn't carry the values of the anglo-saxon culture it isn't qaeda values of democracy doesn't go there use this is not the goal google is a simple tool as we make it efficient and by the way people who speak good in a thing leash don't have heat to talk to people like india and they need to be here and even very seldom speak with people who don't speak good english because those words who don't they dare not speak to me giving you speakers what do you think about that robert i mean is that this is a. go ahead. i would have puzzled by that because i think that immigrants like myself i live in denmark although english is my mother tongue i mean i use four languages every week all the time and clearly once you have learned several languages there are vast advantages but to go back to your point about whether
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globish is intrinsically impregnated with the cultural values which english has evolved during its development over fifteen hundred years well i think i would say that very clearly english spread worldwide because of the british empire because of the colonization of america and australia and so on and this means that the idea that any language can be culturally neutral depends entirely on context any language can serve either good or evil purposes but a lot of the thrust behind global english at the moment is connected with globalization with american a zation and with consumerist failures so in that sense very definitely just as john kerry has just said globish is connected with commerce and this commerce at the moment is dominated by american interests and other european and japanese and other conglomerates where the chinese of both into the same game and who knows where the chinese are taking us ok well i'm glad that's
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a good point here david what do you think i mean we were talking about which is evolving and you mentioned how it is a barrier to or protecting hanta needs there but i mean one hundred years from now we may be talking having the same program or different set of characters obviously but how chinese mandarin chinese is invaded the world and how it's it's either promoted its language or polluted other language we could see people like ourselves you know speaking in a pigeon chinese. well i'm not too sure about that i mean i think there's no doubt that mandarin is increasing in importance in the world and more and more people across the world are getting interested in learning it as a foreign language but it's not going to displace english really i can't see that happening for at least another sort of hundred years or nor and i doubt it is going to happen i think that the world of languages is being repaired once took over that's for sure and i think that mind you see there are more important things
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actually going on in the world and english is implicated in that and for example in china and most primary school children are learning english now from really quite a young age in the big cities it's as soon as they go into primary school now right across the world this is happening this means that we have a younger generation going through schools just reaching secondary schools now in some countries like china who are going to be really fairly good english speakers now this the world has never seen this before these already these children these young adults are able to communicate directly to each other we were talking earlier about english on the internet they can actually communicate directly to each other in a way that could never have been done before and i think that that is actually for instance contributing to making the world slightly more unstable slightly more dangerous before so this friend of english is a global language has many many dimensions more than just business now the
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interesting question for me is what if in fifty years time china decides to stop teaching english in its schools would it have the clout then to start forcing countries around it to begin with to learn more mandarin start using moment you're in and gradually turn ran out of time indeed we should do a program on the cultural and linguistic germany of mandarin chinese thanks so my guest today in paris copenhagen and in hong kong and thanks to our viewers for watching us here are to see you next time. remember proskauer.
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