tv [untitled] May 6, 2011 6:30pm-7:00pm EDT
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a. new website with twenty four seven live streaming news tells us what to do about the ongoing financial part unlimited high quality videos for download. and stories you never saw. so. the political. parties are touched. by guys welcome michel ancel on the ellen show with part of our guest stop to sound the topic now i want to hear audio it's just going to use you to video responses or to twitter for part of the question that we post on you tube every monday and on thursday the show long responses we like.
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our it is time for tonight's tool time award as an idea goes to vary of noxious radio and t.v. host ed schultz last night added a segment on his m s n b c show about renewed patriotism in the u.s. since the killing of osama bin ladin and apparently ed was on happy the country music a sound wish meant wasn't going to get all the fun take a listen to that calls out a group of musicians for not being patriotic enough. we should just be boston with pride right now i mean i think i can say that we with tremendous confidence that this was a brave mission based on a gutsy call by president obama i mean all of us except maybe one portion of america i'm waiting on and that's nashville tennessee rooney's country western singer that just loved to make all these patriotic songs league greenwood if he's
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proud to be an american toby keith come on dude give me a song man we could become the number one terrorist in the world does it have to be a republican president all the time. you're right ed because the most serious issue that the u.s. is facing right now is the lack of country music songs about bin laden being assassinated thank you so much for taking time on various show to address this very important issue i'm not sure that i can think of anything less important in nashville tennessee not coming out about enough songs about osama i mean it doesn't understand why ed thinks what the u.s. needs right now is the really cheesy country music singer in his cowboy boots and hat singing about killing terrorists you know that we saw after nine eleven.
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that's right that was toby keith thinking about putting a boot in someone's ass after september eleventh and now ever wants nashville to come up with a song about putting a bullet in bin laden's head but during his little rant last night and should probably been have been a little bit nicer than nashville crowd he really wants to get a song out of them. i think president obama and the seals deserve a song from those funny love and american rednecks and nashville tennessee who love democratic presidents and it doesn't matter who the president is what color is what his background is what is education is he's an american. i am a news flash for you calling singers rednecks that might not get you what you want but he is determined and has opened up his message board and is asking his viewers and listeners to send in their best stuff so great that's just what we need more you tube videos of people who can't sing thank you that weren't hurting to scrap
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for grandstanding about tests of patriotism that's why you aren't and i thought i were. now it's the moment that so many gamers have been waiting for the company's c.e.o. howard stringer has finally broken his silence and issued a public apology however he opted away from any sort of press conference instead he just issued his apology through sony blog and it is post he wrote as a company we and i apologize for the inconvenience and concern caused by this attack under the leadership of kazuo hirai we have teams working around the clock to restore your access to those services as quickly and as safely as possible but sterner might be issuing another apology after this weekend according to seen at hacker chat rooms are telling their peers that another massive hack of sony's database is planned for this weekend so jesus only the apology is really nice and all but are you really going to try to reassure your users that you're sorry while chat rooms are working out the details of the next malicious hacker besides waiting
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two weeks before giving a really lame apology isn't going to win that you're dying kraut and i'm sure the c.e.o. of a major electronics corporation is no idiot he's well aware that a simple we're sorry isn't going to fix the massive breach that left over one hundred million customers personal data exposed to hackers but the good news is that sony has gone a step further they plan to offer an identity theft insurance policy of to a million dollars for all of their u.s. customers meanwhile they're still deciding how they can help their customers in other countries but i do think that it's safe to say perhaps others are going to have a heyday with sony and from the looks of it the worst might still be to come keeping mama just proves how badly somebody got schooled by these hackers and the worst part is that they still don't know how severe the damage is to customers personal accounts so in the meantime for all those who worry about their personal data he's a close on your account and let's keep giving somebody hell for failing to encrypt their customer's financial information. now in the wake of wiki leaks one upping
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every news organization on the planet with a large trove of classified information they receive the major newspapers are trying to cut them out of the picture as we've told you before on this show the new york times and the guardian have been working on creating their own leaking sites and yesterday rupert murdoch owned the rupert murdoch owned wall street journal launched their own leaking website called safe house but is this going to be enough to cut out wiki leaks to inspire whistleblowers to come to their site instead it doesn't seem so if you look at the fine print in the wall street journal's terms of conditions those leakers who choose to remain anonymous must first enter into a confidentiality agreement that states that any information sent to the journal can be used in any purpose as in they hold the right to disclose any information about the leaker to law enforcement authorities without notice in order to comply with laws and safe house leakers have to agree not to use the service for any
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unlawful purpose so does this has destroyed the basic principles of anonymity aligned with leaking and doesn't serve as a vindication for wiki leaks joining me to discuss it is eric schwartz executive director of demand progress dot org errant thanks again for coming back on the show for starters detrain really do you think that we think has really changed the playing field over the last year and now we're seeing this this journalism arms race as to who can set up their own leaking site or you know i guess alternative faster. but clearly i mean this is a huge indication that we've gone from everybody. and prison to the point where every newspaper or a news outlet wants to explain it and we can look at where it one of the look at julian suddenly going to look at every other. country it's just ridiculous. well you know it's interesting too because the wall street journal didn't get any of the any of the document dumps from wiki leaks and so i'm wondering maybe there
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is a little bit of bitterness involved there to you know what rupert murdoch wanted to do this. yeah i mean it's an incredible sense of sour grapes from some of which it makes critics for example after the new york times was one of the wiki leaks kids their editor went around calling julian assange bunch of crazy. i mean pettiness of these journalists is just incredible so people are seeing is so the reagan papers like the wall street journal which coverage in certain way wing slants on order news now they're trying to provide a competitor we can weeks to get stories from themselves so they can start to instead of letting wiki leaks control the story let's talk about the ways in which this wall street journal experiment fails first of all are not only do they not guarantee you any time and identity and even say or they might hand you over to the authorities or only three information that they have to you i also hear that there are a lot of technical loopholes here can you tell us about some of those. you know that's exactly right i mean they recommend that you use a secure anonymity service culture work which is
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a great idea everyone should be using tor to submit documents anonymously unfashionably never tested it with your so if you try and use it it just didn't work so really be encryption system you use had serious laws that would allow the government to keep some of the encrypted communications under certain syrians and there are other more multiple vulnerabilities and it just seems like really. but apparently they also say you know that it has to be lawful and that we might hand over your information already if they ask for it and that seems to go against you know the basic principles of what it is to be a whistleblower of what it is to be an anonymous source of some kind of document so do you think of this just proves that all the news organizations are now they're scared you know and now all of a sudden we thing isn't what it used to be and now they feel like they have to comply with the law no matter what you know do it but the government puts pressure on them to do. yeah i mean i'm sure the lawyers got in here and said look we need to put everyone you know out to dry if we want to get good news it's that you are
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wall street journal journalist good jail and bad news is that that means all the sources will go to jail people who don't have the resources of the newspaper to protect them they're going to be out to dry and other people most risky people who are doing the hard work of actually leaking documents but at the same time you know i bet you that if we can leaks were to have another major document even if that was to be obtained illegally which i think obviously is still up for debate right now i still think there's a wall street journal go ahead and print what about you. finally there was a great story in the atlantic today from the new york times which has been somewhat critical because i mention happens every paper issued by the new york times this year after all of them weeks to do stories and so on the one hand they criticize it but i'm going to put it into almost every newspaper they print so what's your prediction then for the wall street journal safe house do you think that it's going to be a success do you think that whistleblowers are actually going to go towards it because they're so afraid what the example that the government has made out of wiki leaks
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out of julian assigned out of bradley manning or does it really kind of put you know a dim light on all of us hope. you know people who don't trust we keep the expert going to trust rupert murdoch anymore you know i think we're going to see if this continue proliferation that we can say all across the internet because the internet is totally designed to share documents it's not something you can shut down by just showing down one web site and so what i'm hoping is an open community will develop will learn these best practices the security things like the ones so you know what i must point out today about how to make sure you're safe and see if we recruited as well as operational security things about how to keep yourself anonymous and how to share documents securely so that instead of relying on one single point of failure one way we newspaper company documents will be spread all over the internet by everybody so you know i think you're out of a good point earlier today when you mentioned the last three journal and obviously how some of their coverage might be a little bit biased do you think it would be the type of scenario where i'm like with the leaks who just puts it all out there no matter what it is that you said
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that they would even censor they might not even you know print stories about your leaks that you send especially if it might be a corporation with which rupert murdoch is associated with it i think it's very clear i mean one of the fascinating inhibitions that we keep this thing we call scientific journalism you know they don't just write stories about documents and people going out of context like the new york times will do they put the full documents online so you can rebuild for yourselves with the spirit in which they can you know without the sort of putting it in certain contexts you can read the raw facts and make your own decisions it's really hard to imagine rupert murdoch and i think we'll have to wait and see whether this is successful at all wait and see whether the new york times and the guardian come up with their own version that al-jazeera already has a certain you know they've dedicated to that. i just don't really think this working out all that well i think it's a bad that imitation of way to make their i want to thank you joining us for joining us very much for having me. now coming up next we have our fireside it's
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friday and then it it's time for happy hour tonight make some fun of these quacks trying to cash in on the death of us all of them out of art is lauren lyster and j. crew are open government strategists will join me when we come back. we. are. led to. believe that. we haven't got the chance to live in a safe ready because freedom. hey
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guys welcome michel ancel on the obama show we've heard what our guests have to say on the topic now i want to hear audio is going to you seem to video responses are to twitter for some of the questions the police host on you tube every monday and on thursday the show long response is going to leave. a. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so. you think you understand it and then you give them something else here's some other part of it and realized everything is ok. i'm
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sorry. to tonight's. with your. well it's been quite a week one that i think says a lot about who we are as a country on sunday night when president obama announced that osama bin ladin had been killed my initial reaction was how did it happen give us the details are we going to be shown any proof and as we watch the story change from one day to the other the cals from the white house investigations by the pakistanis i get the sense that we may never know the full story but that shouldn't stop us from searching for it i think it's important to question the honesty of this
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administration the legality of a targeted assassination to ask if capture was ever even an option that the white house gave the seals but tonight i'd like to focus on something else at the end of the day osama bin ladin the death is about much more than just this one rate he's see here. he was a symbol for all the fear in this country that allowed for lies to be spread to push us into a state of constant war he was used by the bush administration to launch not one but two wars and i've yet to meet a single person who can tell me why we continue to have one hundred thousand troops on the ground in afghanistan if bin laden has been pakistan for years i don't buy the argument that we need to stay in afghanistan so that it can never become a safe haven for al qaeda ever again what a load of crap that is are you implying that we stay there forever and let's be real al qaeda doesn't need afghanistan there are now offshoots of al qaeda around
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the world even more radical groups have sprung up and a lot of it is because of our policies because of our reaction to osama bin laden and sort of hunting this one man's out capturing him putting him on trial really serving some justice we waged all out war we waged all out war against terror but here isn't a country it's not an empire that threatens our existence terror is a crime because we didn't treat osama bin ladin like a criminal but instead like this gargantuan villain the had the power to change our entire country we are living in history and now we have in the last ten years added indefinite detention and torture to our record his country we thrown out of due process we've allowed the government to spy on us growth us increasingly encroach upon our civil liberties until the known left and a we've waged war on the muslim world not only losing thousands of our own but killing hundreds of thousands of
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civilians making us not the defender of freedom or the global aggressor and none of that had to happen that was a choice that the previous administration made this administration has continued and it's something that not enough has spoken out against what i save a business week really said a lot about who we are as a country. i mean people singing chanting a waving flags in the streets over a man's death pundits politicians cheering on torture as if getting this one man makes it ok it makes it moral all the while ignoring this one moment doesn't change anything it doesn't take anything back it doesn't stop our wars and the death and destruction of the brain so who are we this is not what america used to be but i do fear that this is the way that we're going to stay unless we take a look around unless you wake up in a dream that osama bin laden's death has solved our problems and now we can sit back and relax. no unfortunately the world has only begun to force ourselves to
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change. it's a ride a which means that we're as specially excited for happy hour tonight as that means we get to go have a real happy hour before we can start at the top of the show. first starters let me just start with a couple of sorry joining me tonight and we're going to introduce you guys are doing lauren with her and j. crew are open government strategists i apologise in a horrible. we need no introduction they don't either don't need to know who we are or we i don't care i don't want to be a doctor i'm going to go with that one so we already railed on ed schultz a little bit tonight for sure but you know looking ridiculous and that was a ridiculous were hysterical blag but i have a hard to handle that is
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a little three wides but you know he's really upset that we don't see country songs about boots about people's ounces and bullets in people's heads coming out about osama bin laden's death but there are some people on the internet this other d.j. hot rod that's like fifty cents protege that have come up with their own club about it so let's let's take a listen. or a. little. ok does that make you guys want to go to the club be like osama bin. if you
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listen to the kind of music in that first song for sure looking for any reason that they can a party and that is a good one for i think anybody who is like looking at anybody you know it is the club you know i don't know you well i don't know the age of the dance and i will say as somebody from said to see if they had just made it a little more country version of this i think maybe you all you wanted was a better country music he's all this crap that was made this more this proves that you can't just auto tune anything and make it sound good i think. that you know that it does prove like you said he was you know i think people dance to it well that's what i just have to sound good in order for you to dance but i think it's one of those things because there are so many songs out there that just have these like really foul lyrics that you always find it really funny we like to keep her old girls or you know. i just can't wait to see somebody. not to mention how charlie sheen still found his way to the songs there is like in a chorus of that song like the winning winning like you know her that you can do something pop culture oriented without how to make it and people been feeling
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really crappy for ten years about osama bin laden and they produced crappy music as a result of that i think that's just catharsis so maybe now we can get on to the good stuff because they've gotten out of their system they can move on to write that is just looking to make a few bucks on a song that capitalizes on the right. they make money but i think that was it i don't like you know these days so that's protege that's somewhere down the road right well you know so a lot of people might be dancing to this a lot of people were cheering and chanting in front of the white house on sunday when the announcement was made but this is a video from a new york subway where a guy didn't really have so much success really getting crowded to take a look. this is an appropriate but it is today so. very good me you see. the sun. well you do understand.
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is that the response that we maybe should have see right is the new york subway that is exactly the response that you're going to get he's the crazy guy yelling on the subway there's always one having just lived in new york this sums up new yorkers way better than the other images that we've seen for you while you be quiet just. if you're either crazy or freddie while you're trying to do that and as a kind of freddie why do you. try that i know how it would go over would not work you just let it go in new york i know it's not i mean do you think he took that you know let's say america has like save the world from some threat and the guy came on and started chanting usa new yorkers with still ignore you because i figured you know there's still you know i mean just from my experience writing the new york subway for months and months yes absolutely that i was not going to get like that is the wrong crowd. audience. that is the takeaway. that's very very very true well i think this is one our audience might like
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fortunately because every time you see one of these videos that police brutality you can't help a lot of watch it because it just makes you. just messed up but be it also makes you very very angry is ouch this a car but it took out a drunk fifteen year old girl and she was just walking any body slammed her and it looks to me like she's. ok alona to be fair she was not just walking did you see the part before that she got them shots and whoever it was like trying to put ok i'll call on her she were hiding with her mom and her mom with hitting on her to try to calm her down and that is if. you started punching her i don't know i think obviously he's a totally or so full response for you know being. totally reasonable really she was that on and then costume him go every day would actually before i came in here have been a cop you know but i just bought a body slim if i can you are going to find me are you. come home you body slam your
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life who doesn't. isn't that good just normal response i thought i mean cops were just following the natural kind of. people were trying to really apologize for the cop in our editorial meeting this morning and they thought maybe she was so drunk that it really matters that hard it was just the momentum until looks like a body slam but. i want to see really. there's no if they didn't i mean i think i got suspended or you got put on you know you got to go and it was somebody that was my all right by the way that video is over a march so finally somebody noticed they had it on the internet this whole time right it's just we have our last story i just want to fit it in florida i just passed a law it's two thousand and eleven and they just ban the beastie ality you know what they've been in d.c. already based on the protection of a girl and i am i just i was proud to live in a country where goats are protected so strongly but that girl is not. one that you know if you make a really good point there she is protected ok i'm sure that if she had pressed
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charges or she had made a complaint this would have been a good deal because this obviously didn't get caught because she didn't complain about it it's just that hanging out on the internet i never go to the claim remember it there are tons of people watching they were just chilling watching the cop do that they didn't do anything he didn't even notice really but back to the situation i don't know how this is going to be executed though in terms of cases like i mean i think i'm going to recant on goats are we going to be getting taxpayer money that's a good thing that i'm proud of you prosecuted i don't. think you question is this really a problem in florida i think you know how do you know that if i think you did the best part of the night though jake is the fact that people stand around because they're too scared to say anything to a cop that might be body slamming or beating a fifteen year old but they'll say something about it because i have to wrap it up . guys but it's a pretty nice show thanks for tuning in to make sure you come back on monday the u.s. reportedly gets whenever really no spends six times as much on our military than china can't try. hold on the u.s.
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because of the money they lent us so we're going to take a look at this very complicated relationship and the meantime don't forget think i'm a fan of the alona show on facebook and follow us on twitter have you missed any of tonight's show or any other rights you can always catch all the you tube dot com slash below nischelle coming up next is at first the much. more news today violence is once again flared up. and these are the images go girls in seeing from the streets of canada. trying to corporations are.
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