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tv   [untitled]    May 7, 2011 1:00pm-1:30pm EDT

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i'm seeing from the army. it's country became the symbol on the floor of the function. of victory. speech or. the fall of. the pressure mounts on syria as washington for fresh sanctions if the violent crackdowns on antigovernment protesters don't stop. it's a victory day parade preview in moscow as russia gears up to mark the defeat of fascism with its annual show of strength. thousand three hundred. making that way the heart of. an american gun owners get fired up over openly carry that weapon saying it's their last line of defense home song.
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international news live from moscow this is r.t. with twenty four hours a day syrian troops backed by tanks reportedly entered the coastal town of bani s. it follows a day of nationwide protests across the country that left thirty people dead the u.s. is warning the regime that it will take new steps against it in response to the latest bloody crackdown by security forces syrian officials blame terrorist groups for the unrest well protesters say they want two decades of repression and corruption on human rights group claims eight hundred people have been killed since the uprising began almost two months ago with u.s. sanctions already in place of the threat of more to come the e.u. has also agreed on a assets freeze and a travel ban for top syrian officials international relations expert professor mark alone says that if the current regime is toppled it might lead to anarchy in the
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country. well i hope that president bashar al assad is some hierarchical genuine reformer and all his relatives and other. select chinas and split the regime trying to present a sad and if you like his english relatives to stop it. they can somehow or other emerge from this as respectable leaders when you syria the problem is after the bloodshed we've seen. her anger on. the facade stays in power and they're not going to be a tyrant any say when clearly oppositions only round her along the other hand significant minorities in syria are happy to talk about. there is it own alawite. minority also the christians in syria. iraq and the christian community there has been almost wiped out since deliberations in if you like the instruction democracy so do they really want to see that happen in syria so yes this is
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a sort of protest this office prevent but also there are significant groups who say change could be worse not better also syria's much more sense to. iraq next door a little turkey a nato ally to the over turkey doesn't see chaos in syria as a choice in syria not just between democracy in egypt possibly instead of. another iraq. dr franklin lamb from the group americans concern for middle east peace told me earlier that we are witnessing great changes sweeping through the arab world and there's more to come. problem with syria is as you know the curtain has come down foreign journalists have been expelled there's only two or three there so adequate reliable information has been a problem but certainly the protesters were blind after risking their lives to even accept their homes would want international support and if they get proper
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support internationally including from russia. they will survive and if people see hope and if they overcome their fear as we've seen in country after country people are willing to die they're willing to give their blood and to go to the streets and to leave their homes and risk the snipers this is a tremendous testimony to the arab and muslim people and their desire for for freedom so i think the fact that there are these other revolves these revolutions going on and is sweeping the region and i would argue that we're just after the beginning we are just at the beginning of the great islamic and arab awakening of two thousand and eleven that will be felt throughout the middle east i think it's momentous extremely a momentous. to libya now where colonel gadhafi forces reportedly bombed
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a fuel depot in the rebel held city of misrata the city's been under siege for weeks and is seeing some of the heaviest fighting of the conflict no casualties have been reported in saturday's attack position fighters want the nato led coalition to provide weapons saying they don't have enough to do that and that a two thousand coalition air strikes have so far failed to turn a civil war which began in february manji a political analyst told me recently that the foreign plan is to deliberately divide and conquer. their objective is not to save civilians it's to break up the country and to turn it into another somalia another afghanistan a failed state that they can take advantage of and manipulate and take all the resources the biggest companies corporations or africa all happened to be in libya libya was pushing for the african union to unite under its wing and it was the financial backbone of africa until these but this bombing started libyan banks were
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amongst the piggy estate investors across the world in fact the first step of this war was to take libya's money by freezing its billions of dollars of assets in north america and europe they've already set up. an oil corporation in eastern libya based in benghazi a national bank based in benghazi they want this conflict to last they're no rush to end this war they are keeping a strategic stalemate between benghazi and tripoli they are doing this to make them both dependent on the united states the e.u. and nato as the arbitrators of libya who will decide the fate of the libyan people . along the way this half and still to come the americans he say they've nothing to hide. i believe that you should be able to. carry a firearm in any manner you choose. it's the nature of the. they want the boy to bring their forearms into the open. something they saw troops in the streets of
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moscow along with tanks and helicopters and so on in the name of remembrance ahead of monday's victory day parade to mark the sixty sixth anniversary victory of a nazi germany officer reports now from the halls of the russian capital. today twenty thousand trees and hundreds of units of military hardware making their way. carrying out a full scale rehearsal. monday sticky de craye an incredibly impressive sight indeed and this is the final rehearsal ahead monday's break but they have a number of out the parts it's always incredibly strange that the around this time when you see the tanks driving down the street you are going on a day of remembrance you think the anniversary of the russian victory a nazi germany other states the veterans funding. is.
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a very important day for everyone and reminding everyone twenty five million people died in that war huge loss he came at a very very heavy price to stay in the rise. across europe and it tends to glorify pull along fight like. the ripples. in causing control the sea in ukraine. anyone today can enjoy a good walk in this forest near the central ukrainian town of vignettes are the true quilty of the area masking what lurks here seven decades ago these peaceful woods were once the site of a top secret and highly guarded nazi command center the werewolf bunker the ball club it was a huge complex which had everything germany's cologne could need there was an officers' club a sauna a gym a swim hall and barracks some sources claim it when seven pools on the ground above
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the ground there were several wooden houses including a mystery at all hitler ordered the construction of this bunker to control the nazi war effort on the eastern front it is believed the nazi leader himself was here three times with his personal swimming pool thought to be about the only thing to remain intact at the site the rest of the huge complex was destroyed in march nine hundred forty four this was believed to be the main entrance to the bunker which was exploded by the retreating german forces when the soviet troops arrived they went inside the facility and realized it was rigged with explosives they took no chances and detonated the other two entrances very they were all secrets for ever to this day it is not known what remains underground as no one has ever managed to get inside the nazi era facility after the war many attempts have been made since
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then to gain access but have failed the walls are massively thick and the site is still subject to top secret cause if occasion. the director of the local military museum believes the complex was deliberately preserved to prevent any intrusion it's natural as the bunker was built by soviet prisoners of war that's why its blueprints don't differ from there are still functioning bunkers across the former u.s.s.r. nobody will crack it open in the near future because it is still a classified facility. it may only be a pile of rocks but now the local administration wants to turn the world's ruins into a memorial to be opened in june this year. and fourteen thousand people that build and wear to the world will facility was slaughtered by the fascists that is why you want to put a fancy around it and make it a memorial to the victims of fascism to preserve their memory. despite this being a seemingly patriotic idea ukraine's communist party is not too happy about it
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staging tickets to protest against the us what would have been your own with the authors of insulin do you should you fund and who can no kids launched against them and you're building a monument. to still creating an official nickel for neil functions movements in china struggling in ukraine. over the we are will of bunker has been a meeting place for right wing skinheads in the past as well as the target of endless speculation some claim is radioactive and others say this cursed as all the complains commanded from here notably the bottles of stalingrad and cursed two crucial nazi defeats but seventy years on this seemingly doll ruins of a top secret shelter remain a continued source of public curiosity and the mystery alyse russia's ski see reporting from vignettes in ukraine. let's check on some other world news in brief
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our world our day to taliban militants have been killed in fierce fighting that's underway in kandahar in afghanistan the clash broke out after taliban gunmen attacked a regional governor's compound six suicide attacks have left twenty three people injured grenades and heavy machine guns have been used by both sides and u.s. helicopter gunships are also said to be involved in the fighting it comes out of the tell about revenge for his arm in the. passenger plane has crashed into the sea of eastern. in the knees year with no survivors among the twenty seven or so on board the chinese built turbo prop plane was attempting to land in bad weather but it came down short of the runway and exploded into pieces indonesia has one of asia's worst air safety records with many airlines banned from flying outside the region. over two thirds of british voters have rejected plans to change the way parliament selected and historic referendum the junior party in the garden
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coalition hope to introduce an alternative voting system which would have helped to win more seats of voters want to stick with the first past the post system was supported by the prime minister david cameron. rumors that greece was ready to ditch the euros for the currency dropped by one percent against the dollar the german magazine said greece was planning a pull out of the eurozone and restore the drachma as it struggles under the weight of its risky debt you can fish will scramble to deny the speculation which is also fueled when e.u. finance ministers met in luxembourg. well on the way if you see in this hour the soyuz rocket this living up to its name and worth is russian community and that's what this spacecraft will take into the sky for a unique joint venture with europe and it's give you a guided tour in just a few minutes from now. americans are among the world's most armed citizens yet the right to bear weapons just isn't enough for some now there's
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a movement to allow people to carry their guns however they choose killing for reports on those wanted to push the second amendment to the next level. credit rutherford spent years carrying a gun in the balkans in iraq as a defense contractor. so when he came home to virginia he didn't see a reason to put it down of being a former pretty sure if i thought that it was necessary to. obtain a concealed handgun permit to protect myself but craig does it might just conceal his gun he wants to carry it out in the open to me it's the constitutional way to carry a firearm. and i think that. if you don't exercise your rights eventually you will lose them. his wife you drank up won't leave the house without her magnum three fifty seven pistol is. checked into this special him back for packing heat increase i was not thinking. big.
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even during the war and. it was not. when. i was. like i was watching t.v. . and. walking with on my hip there are two hundred fifty million guns in the hands of american civilians and record as i mean he spent more than twenty five thousand dollars on here it's never complete i mean how many pairs of shoes do you have. i mean. by sleeve guns or i could get a read each one brings back memory. this was. my grandfather saddam. we used to go out together when i was little boy
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rutherford carries his gun everywhere he legally can and even encourages his daughters and nephew to as well and the room just another great virginia citizens defense from two thousand five hundred members they organize events like this one are parts restaurants and other public places where they openly carry loaded weapons in an effort to normal run for their critics say. i believe that you should be able to. carry a firearm in any manner you choose on an airplane and in school virginia tech and columbine but some serious things and they don't allow guns it's always a criminals that get the guns and you can't have a gun in a gun free zone so guns need to be allowed on campuses there virginia citizens defense league is part of the greater open carry movement a well organized network of gun owners in forty three states the bills are between everyone who makes you know makes it basically makes it easier to spread the message open hers. first some in the open carry movement it's about more than
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security it's about forming a militia defending themselves from government tyranny and even organizing insurgency in fort artsy carrollton virginia. barack obama has hailed the mission to kill as all of this one of the greatest military operations in u.s. history the u.n. human rights investigators want washington to disclose whether there were any plans to capture bin laden political danielle belton says america has politicized his death by not putting him on trial. the reality is that american politics is just very ugly right now and things that normally wouldn't be politicized have been politicized something that's natural saying hey we have a person who's committed crimes against us let's use the american justice system to bring them to justice has now become a political issue it's now become debatable in the past whenever a terror suspect like for instance the ones involved in the bombing of nine eleven whenever trials the debate over trials and come up become very ugly about whether
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we would have military tribunals or whether we would try them in the united states and u.s. soil and you have all these ridiculous arguments about how or if we try them on our soil it's going to attract more terrorist attacks to it swabbing long time ago open attracts us to terrorist attacks just by virtue of fighting world terror you that's going to invite some criticism you're going to take the risk that people are going to want to hurt you because of it it makes absolutely no sense to get in this debate where the american justice system isn't tough enough to try it you know international terrorists we've tried international terror or we're trying to now on u.s. soil so this argument that we can't handle it because of the what the perceived proper questions might be is merely a political argument used to drive as a wedge issue. you can contribute to the white house's handling of the ultimate bin laden's killing was fumbled and there's no feuding conspiracy theories. u.s. president obama has expressed his frustration about the media coverage of the u.s.
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special mission against osama bin laden he has nobody to blame but the u.s. administration itself their way it managed their media coverage of the u.s. special operation the u.s. of ministration has committed one cardinal sin somehow their white house decided that this is a unique opportunity to take a political advantage of this particular mission and it has backfired and feel not only a conspiracy theory but it also demonstrated the a credibility gap of the u.s. administration in general and white house civilian dwellers in particular barack obama should have thought not as the u.s. president but as the u.s. commander in chief when it comes to special operations of this magnitude you'd better withhold the information as long as possible that's why they have political knee jerk reaction from their white house not only robbed of the deserved praise
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but also of the credibility trust between the united states administration international media and the public at large in the united states pakistan afghanistan then other countries and many americans could barely contain that and i think the news all they know it's death and we're going in snorri healthiness house people and you'll weather that celebrations were premature. was the killing of osama bin ladden a major victory in the war on terror this week let's talk about that with it's actually think it was a victory i don't know if in a surly agree with everyone rejoicing in the streets but i mean i think it's a good positive step for the country so how is it positive that if it's making a celebrated someone's that well positive just from the perspective that it's a one was a horrible person out there in the world one less terrorist in the world that we
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have to worry about i think it will be affect on their side and for us we just of a lot better why do we need to feel better about it what do you think that does for us closure. closure the whole psychology psychology of about it like it feels good man is dead. so why don't we need to call the man isn't there always kind of a need for that in society as donald trump i just hope it will seems people are saying some people are saying my not big i hope. do you think that we the president owes it to the world to approve it or do you think that you know how easy is right in saying you know i did what i had to do. i think there's certain things they shouldn't pay they don't tell the general public because i think sometimes a course you know some some of the government things could cause a panic probably is you know maybe one of the prime enemies of the u.s. but it's it's hard to. know you can't celebrate death since someone died and rose
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so what do you think of the people that are celebrating and waving the flag and cheering. even though i mean i'm a i'm not sad i'm so clear that the killed you know i'm going to be celebrating i think it's symbolic i think it's progress. it's retribution i think it's a bird. when you have to pay for it they do you think it's going to make a difference in terms of terrorist actions from this point out. there might be some more retribution from. then is it worth it is it worth killing someone if it means my killing you have to go to take a stand. then was it worth it. in a way yes for. another. negative the fact. that
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they've got him. to kill him i don't know that's always a bad start for a new beginning whether or not you think the killing of osama bin laden was a major victory in the war on terror the bottom line is at least now there is one less terrorist in the words. the soyuz rocket as the next stage of preparations ahead of its launch from french guiana a unique joint russian european venture thursday simulation went without a hitch with the crew is now focused on getting the payload of satellites into orbit for europe's own navigation system it's called galileo. reports now on the project. with more than one and a half thousand launches far more than any other the soyuz is the world's most successful rocket and now for the first time it will be fired off from a non russian space port over the last eight years the european space agency say
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spend more than half a billion dollars on building a launch and adopting the soyuz for surf an american space center. this was all done via engineers and designers we have to adapt to the climate here and the different safety standards but we have proven ourselves with this beautiful modifications and crew's well chosen location the soyuz will be able to be great into space. than ever before lower prices than any competitor but the seas makers and russia also stand to benefit more than four decades after its first launch the soyuz should really be showing its age but it remains one of the world's most reliable rockets and in fact orders a plant i'm going up from year to year twenty so use launches will be produced here by the end of the year several years ago the numbers were in single digits its chief engineer says the rocket remains popular not just because of its
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record only one year it might look similar to the earlier models but inside the so use is being constantly upgraded as the reason we still use the basic model i believe it's the perfect market in its fundamental design we predict that they will be used for another forty years at least because doctors are saying the lip incision from prestige driven space race of the cold war era to a new way of doing things is complete. this is a project that makes solid financial sense to us it isn't just a political gesture and we're hoping it's just a springboard the thurso use will be lord from crew in the second half of the year and eventually to space what will handle for launches annually the russian side hopes the success of this project will encourage other space agencies to adopt the soyuz platform either an artsy. of course you can keep across all os tori's and video reports around the clock dot com is what many of you clicking onto right now
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journey back through sixty years when the u.s.s.r. signed up to the and then pics and just a year later prove that soviet sportsmen and women knew how to run for gold. two decades of death defying stunts one of russia's leading air of plastic teams celebrates its twentieth birthday and sky scored with some magnificent maneuvers to wow the crowd because the highlights of that for you on the line plus. maybe this. was. some stateside stagecraft when young russian fears his students the american choreographer shows his moves in a unique collaboration is really a classical music i should say x. classic musical to moscow details on that and r.t. .
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well we've already brought you the rehearsals for the victory day parade here in moscow but later we remember the millions who sacrificed so much for our freedom today that's a recap of this hour's plane you stay with us for that. millions
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die. minimums looked forward to be held down say. the pain and suffering will never be forgotten. as well those the joy of the racial. era spring of nineteen forty five on our cheap. the price of freedom from the most movies fascism in history. those who fought to win the stand crown. against the tide of history be rewritten. sixty six years of victory on
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our team. news today violence is once again flared up. these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada after. trying to corporations are all today .


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