tv [untitled] May 8, 2011 1:00am-1:30am EDT
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so much for trying to push pull the so to. the meridian the leader should be who kills shirts in new delhi who took the maori eighty who took three collections among the clothes of the maidens the leader particles alluded rivers and cheerfully was punished for the percussion cuts. for the weak u.s. special forces kill al qaeda leader osama bin ladin for almost a decade of hunting here but the terror threat alert for a major the all time high. as the u.s. and the e.u. problems from all sides against the syrian government for its crackdown on protesters truth eventually become free looks an ever increasing possibility. of russian troops get a final polish during rehearsals for a major military display of moscow to be the centerpiece of monday's victory day celebration.
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welcome this is r t it's nine am sunday morning here in moscow it's cover now in with you this hour with a roundup of the week's top stories and first the story that dominated the news the world's most notorious terrorist killed for almost ten years in hiding a suburb in la who was shot during a covert u.s. navy seal operation they found nine eleven mastermind living in a multimillion dollar mansion about fifty kilometers from pakistan's capital result season it's now reports next bin laden's death is unlikely to make the world a safer place. the man wanted dead or alive for a decade is gone but the united states has conducted an operation that killed osama bin laden for some it was a moment of victory you can hear some of the cheering going on for others a moment of the barest won't president obama is in fact dead it was a u.s.i.s.
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i'm sorry but there's one thing analysts say should not be overlooked and some of the lot and may be dead but the threat of terror is very much alive frankly doesn't make much of a difference that bin laden is dead people here working bin still long one at least for the last two years to be very convinced that the al qaeda figures or people in this region who by the way cannot number more than one hundred are incapable of carrying out any major attacks it's been years since bin laden has claimed responsibility for an attack instead it's russia now kind of linked terrorists that have made the most recent remarks moscow's metro blast an airport bombing two of the latest global attacks were masterminded by domestic chechen terribly or doku umarov you for years has been trying to usurp unmodern general as the face of international terrorism you know kind of leaders demise is expected to remain a significant symbol of having little or no effect in the fight against terrorism
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it could create waves elsewhere in the two thousand war and right before the george bush's approval rating was up you know around fifty percent within twenty four hours in sharply ninety percent so watch for obama to get a little bump from there's a new poll shows obama is up more than ten percent since bin laden was killed and now of course an opening has been made for the new face of evil. first it was a union and it was going to reshoot in even some of the large hussein and used use of. the parallels have been made this week without the u.s. armed groups that later loctite and the taliban what they're doing now in libya because the new public enemy number one is just beginning his journey this time. he's now a r t. washington's released video of been large seized at the compound where he
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was found in the city of about a bad one clip shows been loved watching himself on t.v. in what appears to be a news channel in others a message to the u.s. however security officials have removed the sound from it saying it could pose a security threat but they can offer the tapes as proof that al qaeda leader was killed but washington says it won't release images of his dead body but obama backtracked on cia promises to show the photos saying they could have side further violence investigative journalist wayne madsen told us the u.s. administration's contradicting itself while keeping the truth under wraps. a lot of paper are going to use this incident to push their agendas mentioning the russian made rifles and you know it's not known whether these were actually these a k forty seven that were made in russia because north korea china burma number of countries produces weapons but you know there's a lot of people with their agendas they want to push there's also
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a group that wants to use this to blame pakistan for being complicit with bin laden so we see a lot of these special interests now trying to glom onto this whole incident to push push forth are agendas and i think we're seeing that with the all these contradictory statements as well well the obama administration has shown no interest in being open as a matter of fact it's probably one of the most secretive administration since its predecessor george w. bush and richard nixon said they seem to be very arrogant they are putting forth information that's not true about well the bering sea was because it was in tradition when the fact is he died on land the requirement is to bury him on land and i don't think it's they buried him at sea because of saudi arabia's rich maritime history. when madsen. of the taliban of the. dead at the same time appeared to confirm is that he would be hailed as
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a terrorist of the u.s. and pakistan but at each other's throats two of the secret operation to kill the al qaida leader is what it looks like a strain between two allies in the war on terror. when osama's death couldn't have come at a better time u.s. and pakistani relations are going through their worst period since nine eleven the reasons behind it predator drones and private contractors when a cia agent shows to pakistanis dad in the road daylight. officials in islamabad said it was the final straw and demanded all american operatives leave the country immediately we have to be doubly sure rather of the president's order to be in the property of the guests in the interest of our next. question why not western pakistan just one week before al qaeda as leader was killed and a u.s. drone demonstration united hundreds of protesters fear is that another twenty five
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people were killed in a strike in the total number of civilian deaths into the hundreds. greenhorn lost his son and a brother in a key thousand nine attack a drone operator miles away from here pushed the button when it was night in pakistan and creams how family was sleeping. on a real school may in may of may may or to amend your. theory of this be. your goal for. the would be a country with many people sharing this opinion pakistani officials are warning the us has fueled an insurgency rather than calling it the harm more than the help because of the. damage is there danger because of the civilians in the area america's reaction has been varied the white house first accused pakistan of not doing enough to counter terror before the u.s.
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changed its tactics finally addressing pakistan's calls to axes america's drone technology but despite signs of a piece of terrain and general going sentiment has continued rising u.s. plans to. extend its military presence in pakistan and ensure its dominance in the region after its troops withdrew from the case time seems to have collapsed as he comes the chant card the united states has conducted an operation that killed osama bin laden he said about bin laden's demise just like us jones came out of the blue delivering a direct hit on the last critics interface america's victory will hardly change the life of ordinary people here in a country to spin in the mates to fact it by the global war on terror says recently in pakistan i was among the first to the complete opposite. this week. these. two million population is basically like playing field as you can
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see people that are going about their daily lives that we have done with the city and the can is away from here and with the amount is clearly around things peace is very fragile part of. the country's army has always been learnt now more than ever and. many fear the death of a sum of bin laden will spark a backlash and danger peace that has been achieved not only here but more aligned regional shall not see pakistan. their success against al qaeda and russia's north caucasus to a top operative from the terror group was killed in a security raid in the southern republican chechnya the turkish border militant known as a blow kurd is believed to have been a key financier and organizer for terrorist cells in the region kurds also said to have played a leading role in major terrorist attacks here in russia as well as assaults on
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police officers he'd recently replaced the previous top al-qaeda raids of the area who'd also been killed by security forces authorities say these two deaths of broke . this is a link for the international terrorist organization. google where else is coming your way this hour here on r t they have been more social networks than just sharing between friends as we have the founder of the online whistleblower wiki leaks reveals to r.t. why he thinks facebook and twitter are spying tools for u.s. intelligence could more like coming up. and we look at the fight against vendors making illegal profits from fake products linked to the upcoming winter olympics in sochi. next those well as being a driving force of the libyan campaign france is also locked into a number of other conflicts to its troops are in former colony ivory coast and paris is now showing a strong interest in syria after internal push
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a look at who could be next in line. cousin was shot by troops during syria's protests his parents there now live in hiding because he fears france will make things even worse by all mean his country on the pretext of stopping the violence i don't wish to have. an air force in syria but i. you know it's the same chain of events that brought to war with libya and now on full doing its whole first syrian leader bashar al assad was invited for talks in paris as was colonel gadhafi but at the same time france reportedly was funding opposition groups in both states now nicolas sarkozy's government is slapping damascus with sanctions the precursor to the invasion of libya humanitarian aid says one also can be their
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excuse to go in the logic of their intervention in libya is that the shooting in. syria was once on the french occupation but analysts say france behaves as if it's still in control france they've had their spies there for decades now and religious movements have had their people there for decades so they're going to do whatever they can to use that influence to change the regime in a way that they see fit intervention would leave france fighting in four walls that hasn't happened since it was a colonial power french defense ministry hasn't been this busy in over fifty years already fighting in afghanistan libya and the ivory coast is now turning its sights on another former colony syria but expose think the real target is serious key ally iran france is growing increasingly angry at tehran's nuclear ambitions and is part
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of international moves to stop the program to. springboard for the sarkozy of ministration as it pushes east events in syria progress according to the libyan scenario we will probably see a similar development in iran unfortunately that is iran will repeat the syrian scenario russia which is western military interventions with roy's in along it was the fueling violence across the middle east. deliberately a school is in a conflict is an invitation to a series of civil wars outside forces should not interfere give advice or take sides in internal conflicts at russia's foreign minister as they could be a sting in the tail he says unleashing chaos in the region helps the very extremist to stop gaining power valuable shore r.t. paris. at least six people have been killed in the latest crackdown by syrian
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troops on anti-government demonstrators officials blame a terrorist group for the rest of the protesters say they want an end to get the book and. it's no more than five make a field since the uprising began seven weeks ago following the introduction of u.s. sanctions and also agreed to an acid freeze and a travel ban for top syrian officials but war correspondent eric margolis says western countries have ulterior motives. there's great excitement in washington prospect of overthrowing the syrian government at the front burner in washington ever since the bush administration gears a little later massive blow to iran censure if its ally syria were a collapse of the government shell the israelis would like it because you would need any syrian military capability and would assure that nobody is going to raise the issue of the golan heights which israel still illegally occupied to sixty seven
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and there is a great wind governments in europe germany to. particularly so sir cozy in france some. challenge from the through the right wing have become very militant very militarized in their policy and it's very popular now to go after arabs what we're seeing is a sort of a counter revolution where the european powers maybe the united states have seized on the revolution to try and bend it to their will and they're using a humanitarian intervention as a new reason for sending troops in humanitarian it's a great should usually lies a place resources or strategic geography. the international coal group of libya agreed to give the rebels war money with a temporary fund in place within weeks washington's trying to release more than thirty billion dollars of good friends and assets to give to the opposition but chose an expert on the arab world told us that plan will do more harm than good.
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the argument that money belongs to the libyan people and the civil war going on in libya it may not be fear to distribute out money to one side or the other in the civil war it will certainly escalate a conflict as we remember from the united states when the saudi arabians are financing the machine in afghanistan against the soviets simply raised the stakes from which to numbers of culture to move military forces agreed blunt instrument you can't guarantee what will happen probably based on the history of every war that we've ever seen here and see that a lot more people have been killed because through the weapons our improved if they give it to the transitional national council in libya who are fighting the war against gadhafi surely you're international orange merchants and i will be on the black market in but i will just as good i think we will as well move to replenish its own stocks will be a great goldmine for the already probably not very good for the libyan people. in the chain of uprisings in the arab world the internet was credited with playing
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a major part as protests were coordinated on websites like facebook and twitter but there's a much more sinister side to the social networks according to the wiki leaks founder julian assange has been speaking exclusively to us at our. facebook in particular. it's the most appalling spying machine and facebook google yahoo always made us organizations have built the interface for your think telephones everyone should understand up. when they are their friends that. they are doing free work for the united states intelligence agencies . it was part of it. if not call it already was playing that interview in full again in just over an hour's time here on out it's also available on a website as one of the street in there any time you want to see it along with the
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stories as well. triggering change american gun owners get fired up over openly carrying their weapons and some even argue for the right to take guns on the planes but you've got some views on that let us know about si dot com. we give you a guided tour of a russian rocket ready to blast off from the european spaceport after a successful simulated launch again on our home. a russian court handed a life sentence this week to a nationalist convicted of killing a human rights lawyer and journalist in central moscow two years ago a jury found intolerance of hatred with the main motives for the murder of boys stanislav lucky enough to document presented victims of fascist violence his killers nikita taken often and asked to see her sister live through an outlaw ultranationalist group well taken off received a life sentence as this was handed an eighteen year. was gunned down in broad daylight and among the other with journalist it's
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a see above beautiful double killing sparked public. a u.s. deal to deploy a missile defense facility in romania has angered russia which says the project may threaten its security agreement is part of a bigger plan for a missile shield in europe in which moscow wants an equal part but russia's envoy to nato says the alliance and washington don't seem too keen. those who were under the impression that the military dialogue is running ahead of the political dialogue the american policy clearly refuses to consider russia's interests they're also refusing to provide us with guarantees that the proposed he was a missile defense system is not targeted at russia the americans want to deploy interceptor missiles capable of shooting down our nuclear weapons near our launch sites in ten years time they'll be able to shoot down a large part of our nuclear arsenal if it's launched monocacy time which they keep telling us that it's not aimed against russia they see reporters we want them to
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give us written guarantees but most of the time he was diplomats and politicians simply smile back at us. washington says the missile defense project will help protect europe from countries like iran and north korea moscow's repeatedly voiced concerns it could also have its security so far no compromise on the plans been reached. a display of military pomp and pageantry the final practice russia's annual victory day parades been healthier central moscow thousands of tanks and aircraft artillery and military machine in red square while helicopters and planes circle the skies above but while russia prepares to celebrate the day of triumph nationalists in neighboring ukraine still bore a fanaticism is a measure of your schemes but the full story. of ukraine is divided once again over its wartime history a bitter scandal has
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a rocked it in the west of the country over the soviet red banner an exact replica of the one which the reichstag in may nine hundred forty five as the nazi regime collapsed when the ukrainian parliament class the law to allow the soviet red flags fly on victory day this year along with the country's national flag it sparked outrage for among some who view the soviet era as a time. of oppression yes. those who initiated the slow are against our country they must handle the passports and live to the places where the soviet red banner is a symbol of good cheer the bill was eventually passed and on monday when the former soviet union marks the not to defeat most of ukrainian cities will be adorned with both state and red victory flags most but not in the western ukrainian city of course situated in a region where some nationalist elements collaborated with the invading nazis because local council says it would not obey the new parliamentary law and intends
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not to celebrate may the night that all there has been a furious response from anti-fascist groups who say the council should be warned up for failing to commemorate the nazi defeat of the. we have a law which states we could. break it into cross ukraine so would the information of the constitution which. it really can really. see if you can. moreover a decision of a divorce court has banned any marches on may the ninth making it even harder for the twenty five thousand strong contingent of red army veterans here to hold their own victory day commemorations the western ukrainian capital city of evolve has its very own monuments to the red army soldiers every year veterans of the great passion of the war come here to lay flowers and commemorate those who died liberating the land from the fascists however ever since the collapse of the soviet
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union every trip here turns into a risky adventure this veteran says he's frightened to call his medals on victory day for fear of being attacked by nationalists the former artillery man fought in the force liberation from fascism but now feels disillusioned. goodness we think it's painful that we cannot walk in a victory march. in the so-called steam across six city it's painful that we are not given the right through. this e.u. crean i was fighting for definitely not your own and these were the scenes last year when ross nationalist wipe their feet on the rather than are a sacred symbol for those who fought against the nazis. because of these people to prove that their lines with hitler it is to be union was the right thing to do but this law on the must be stopped. all those years destroyed symmetries of bread or beef soldiers involved of course the many people in the west of ukraine do not
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celebrate may the ninth with some they're claiming soviet rule was as bad as nazi occupation boylan's has spilled into the streets over the issue in the past despite the local government and court bans on the victory day marches this year activists from the crimea are planning a rather better march through the streets of. what is a day of glory and soul and commemoration for millions elsewhere is still a source of division in a place where the scars of war seem not to have fully healed alexi russia ski r.t. reporting from fourth in ukraine. the price of freedom from the most fascist in history. those who fought to win a stand. against the tide of history being written. sixty six years of victory on r.g.p.
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. much more than tomorrow news making headlines around the world right now this sunday morning taliban insurgents have hit government buildings during a wave quarter tax in afghanistan six suicide bombers detonated explosives and several official targets across the city and least two people were killed and over twenty wounded in the assault president karzai is condemned by said. revenge attacks by the taliban for some of bin laden's killing by u.s. special forces clashes between muslims and christians in cairo have left eight dead and over one hundred wounded violence came after muslims attacked a church to free a christian woman they claim she was being held against their will because she wanted to convert to islam reports they tear gas was used to restore although. that could also present rough road pros declared victory in a referendum on a series of reforms flakes and polls indicated voters supported nine out of ten questions including the banning of bullfighting and media and judicial changes as
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criticism the reforms of attempt to increase the president's power inhibit press freedom and reduce the judiciary's it depends. when the twenty fourteen winter olympics in russia getting closer it's becoming clear that it won't just be a sporting contest but also a commercial one too and with that in mind organizers of the saatchi gave the whole successful crackdown against fake merchandise and the illegal use of the famous the little pig logo there is a blot ski reports from southern russia. there will be no medals for those so tell its soldiers landed himself in a whole heap of trouble after illegally using dueling pig symbol in his old tells sign. just one of many insults you're trying to cash in on the olympic dream the first reports of the limbic copyright infringements came immediately after the so the russian city won the right to host the winter games of two thousand and fourteen but this year the number of such crimes has dropped after
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a crackdown by police largely due to local authorities in sochi tightening control over street vendors so she souvenirs stands are full of sports goods most of them like these three sure are great here say either sochi or city of the future or have logos resembling the olympic ambling but officially they are not good legs since none of these goods carry him and which would make them fall foul of copyright the official partners of the sochi two thousand and fourteen winter games like the clues manufacture of ball screw are the ones from bootleggers target the moved large quantities of such merchandise have been seized by a russian customs and counterfeit item decrease from an authentic one including personable and that's something that can be easily seen with this type of merchandise intensity is defined by the holy ground that only licensed items have the two thousand and fourteen olympic baskets of all so full of victims these fake bitches were also expropriated at the border bears hares and snow leopards all
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finalists in the recent poll we try to find those in sochi olympics they support if you have the olympic memorabilia here. no of course we don't and i don't even like these mass kids my beautiful the keys you know they are good when it's full scale official souvenir sales will start until later this year moves to visitors like these asian tourists pick what's available captain's hats are in good supply this spring you make a fine admiral the organizers of the big event assure official olympic merchandise will take the sales gold medal leading fakes lighting their dust tennis ball or ski argy sochi. as the programs continue in a few minutes we'll bring you emotional first on the country of people who've lived close to nuclear disaster sites and survived to tell the tale they're now calling on global decision makers to revise their nuclear policies which they say is still
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