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tv   [untitled]    May 8, 2011 6:00pm-6:30pm EDT

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years of self-sacrifice and courage of the those who understand fully that you have to live a. real life stories from. nineteen forty five going to archie dot com. the week's top stories america's most wanted terrorist is killed by its troops and bringing cheering crowds on to the streets but leaving some puzzled by inconsistences in the united states version of the bands. nato members look at siphoning support for them even doubles with gadhafi it's frozen assets but russia what the alliance is involvement is getting dangerously close to a ground invasion. troops times and arrests in syria with no signs of an end to the fighting washington and the huge deploy sanctions to say was the regime to end its violent crime down on its citizens. and as moscow prepares to roll out the
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big guns for the annual brown victory day parade that will take to defeat the nazis and how it united stranger it. got into the program this is a weekly review with new your leisure our thanks for joining us so this week's been dominated by the death of the world's most notorious terrorist leader after ten years in hiding the trail to osama bin laden finally ended at a heavily fortified compound in pakistan where he was shot dead in a commando raid by u.s. special forces but as an isa now reports his assassination will not kin of al qaida but will merely need global militants seeking a new torchbearer terrorism. the man wanted dead or alive for a decade is gone the united states has conducted an operation that killed osama bin
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laden for some it was a moment of victory here's a cheering for others a moment of embarrassment president obama is in fact there was a u.s. eyes she said i'm sorry but there's one thing analysts say should not be overlooked osama bin laden may be dead but the threat of terror is very much alive frankly doesn't make much of a difference that bin laden is dead people here were bin still long right at least for the last two years to be very convinced that the al qaeda figures or people in this region who by the way cannot number more than one hundred are incapable of carrying out any major attacks it's been years since bin laden has claimed responsibility for an attack instead it's rationale kind of linked terrorists that have made the most recent remarks moscow's metro blast an airport bombing two of the latest global attacks were masterminded by domestic chechen terribly there doku
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umarov in four years has been trying to usurp the knowledge will as the face of international terrorism. leaders demise is expected to remain a significant symbol while having little or no effect in the fight against terrorism it could create waves elsewhere in two thousand war and right. george bush's approval rating was around fifty percent within twenty four hours he shot at a ninety percent so watch for obama to get a bump from there's a new poll shows obama is up more than ten percent since bin laden was killed and now of course an opening has been made for the new face of evil. first it was a. russian federation and it was on a billard hussein and they used is of course we are moments of the parallels have been made this week with how the u.s. armed groups that later evolved into iraq tried to have the taliban is what they're doing now in libya so perhaps the new public enemy number one is just beginning his
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journey this time in north africa and he's in our way our team. so the pens are going to has released of five hundred years of asylum benard and seized from his pakistani compound and they offer a glimpse of bin laden's life and draw and from minute in the they are kind of leader just kind of public image of a confident figure has shown rick has a his speech or is reading off paper and looking to the side as if asking for advice at another job and not sitting sitting on the floor watching a program about himself the release of the footage or for his criticism of president obama who blogs publication of photos of the al qaeda leader's body and while conflicting official white house reports after the operation have helped fuel conspiracy theories are seasoned marina portnoy has the story. the week began with an international news bombshell proudly dropped by the united states there was a female who was in fact in
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a lot of fire. that reportedly was used as a shield to shield. them from the incoming fire by tuesday a big blunder a major backpedaling in the room with bin laden a woman in london's water a woman rather bin laden's wife rushed the u.s. assaulter and was shot in the leg but not killed america grabbed the world's attention after announcing the assassination of osama bin laden yet failing to get the facts straight the u.s. has also facilitated a rapid rise of conspiracy theories what they did a stakeholder bunch of different stories they took some stuff it's back and they've just found out the conspiracy machine they were all on a far out blaze that inflamed after failing to deliver on promises of providing the public with proof we're going to do everything we can to make sure that nobody has any basis to try to deny that we got some good law i don't think there was any
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question but ultimately the photograph where would be presented to the public we have no need to publish those photographs to establish that was some of bin laden was killed us president barack obama refused to release any visual evidence confirming bin laden's death for fear it would be used to spark anti-american violence critics say this leaves the public with more questions than answers and when they say we don't want to show the photos because we don't want to inflame people we're fine how about bringing in certain members of the press along with a panel of unrelated forensic identification experts who can come out and say we've studied this the world was able to study the execution of america's other enemy in two thousand and six when the hanging of saddam hussein went viral on the web. shortly afterwards meanwhile bin laden's expedited sea burial has been the target of conspiracy an act u.s. officials say was done in keeping with muslim tradition. here is required in
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islamic law. individual within twenty four hours as many have noted washington broke its own rule when the bodies of saddam hussein's sons were embalmed and held for eleven days after being killed by u.s. forces but there are so many inconsistency as in all of this that it's incumbent upon the obama administration to be as forthcoming as they can be about exactly what they do and do not know and did or did not know or in this case know what to say before you speak. just one week ago it was brock obama at the center of a two year conspiracy that died down once america's leader released his birth certificate but now obama's actions surrounding the killing of osama bin ladin have paved the way for a whole new set of missing questions surrounding the transparency of the u.s. government. r.t.
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new york. the fight against al qaeda inspired terrorism continues in russia killed on sunday in and on growing and had turned up aeration in the north caucuses one police and died during the raid earlier this week a senior al qaeda operative was killed in the southern russian republic of chechnya the turkish border militant known as a kurd is believed to have been the key fundraiser and organizer of terrorist cells in the region is also said to have played a leading role in major tonks and russia as well as a source of police had only recently assumes a leading role after his predecessor was killed by security forces. coming out searching their sites on the next target with french troops deployed in a range of foreign conflicts report and whether there is room for more in syria plus. sixty six years old russia is getting ready to celebrate victory over nazi germany we'll have more of nothing but later in the program. to begin our work
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fighting between pro and anti-government forces has intensified near the city of misrata the first and largest rebel stronghold of the west of the country insurgents have meanwhile backtracked on claims they've reached a deal with italy to supply weapons after claiming on saturday that they were expecting a shipment of arms very soon italy denied the claims that said it will provide material and equipment for civilian self-defense supplying weapons to lead by and by the embargo the outcome of the ongoing civil war is no clearer despite over two thousand nato air strikes which have not had any decisive impact on thursday the allied international can't agree agreed to set up a cash fund for the rebels but russia's foreign minister says things that are straight how far the coalition's straying from the u.n. resolution on libya since going to a new group are a contact group has established itself and now is trying to tell you sponsibility foully international community's policy towards libya should be cautions not only
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libya we're hearing voices calling for this group to decide what to do in other states in the region we believe that all sides should be focusing on the peaceful resolution of the situation and not supporting one side in an internal conflict which is essentially a civil war the rebels have been calling for the nato led coalition to physically eliminate conduct they alliance maintains he isn't a target it's point having bombed his compound killing some of his family and asia times correspondent pepper escobar things because his death a deeply provocative. they are branding for a pass to get s.s. a nation style any fact the audience rooting through the libyan transitional council the us. you know let's get kind of africa where you got some good big good cheer as i see it at the moment is that international as we learn for
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the past fifty years he's dead now it's time to get that assassination is considered justice. you money terry and with that you sneak into the u.n. and then you use nato as a rifle nice to take sides in the civil war he's also considered less food and you have a truly pakistan that would keep going north with a lot of collateral damage and this is also considered laughable so forget about international law its over. in syria military crackdown on protesters has broadened five tanks and troops have stormed homes and three of its southern towns this comes just a day after the country's forces show that fix the billions in the coastal city of money is in the latest violence against anti regime demonstrators according to human rights activists at least eight hundred people have been killed since the brutal suppression of nationwide protests began seven weeks ago meanwhile the u.s. has threatened to impose more sanctions against syria on friday the year also
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approved a weapons in boggo as well as a travel ban and freeze on assets comforting feeling officials the president of the arab louis association tire says that despite international pressure these measures are gamble which could prove counterproductive. everybody is talking about taking human human rights protection measures but in fact i think the west very clearly europe generally speaking the u.s. leave britain is certainly one of the people who are actually looking for their own national interests under the pretext of protecting human rights secondly i think these measures which are now being peddled every now and then through the u.n. and also whereby the u.s. and the international community is being reduced from an international organization enjoy a domestic police authority whereby you begin to freeze assets of individuals so
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those individuals don't actually set anywhere but it's a it's a gimmick which is being used in most of the instances and this. is counterproductive because they just make noises but it does not have any effect well i think trying to show the people of these countries whether it's libya or syria or other countries that they are behind and of the same. painting their links with the regime to i guess to get people off uprising so that they are really playing both cuts playing both hands and telling both sides that they are with them it's maybe justified from a national interest of say france or britain or the us but it certainly is not a way to deal with international conflicts. in several countries around a while you don't have to look far before finding french military involvement in
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lead and francis and francis former colony ivory coast started to hide stuff obligation which president sarkozy has driven his nation into and daniel bushell explains why syria could become next like stalin's cousin was shot by the troops during syria's protests his parents there now live in hiding but he fears france will make things even worse mean his country on the pretext of stopping the violence i don't wish to have. done on an air force in syria but i but i. you know it's the same chain of events that brought war with libya i know on folding its whole first syrian leader bashar al assad was invited for talks in paris as was colonel gadhafi but at the same time france reportedly was funding opposition groups in both states now nicolas sarkozy's government is slipping damascus with so insurance the
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precursor to the version of libya humanitarian aid says one also will give their excuse to go in the logic of going they're going to need is that they shouldn't have been in syria. syria was once on the fringe occupation but analysts say friends behaves as if it's still in control of france they have had their spies there for decades now and the religious movements have had their people there for decades so they're going to do whatever they can be used to influence and change the regime in a way that they see fit intervention would leave france fighting in four wars that hasn't happened since it was a colonial power the french defense ministry hasn't been this busy in over fifty years already fighting in libya and the ivory coast. now turning your sights on another former colony syria but expose think the real target is serious key ally
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iran france is growing increasingly angry at tehran's nuclear ambitions and this part of international moves to stop the program damascus will become a springboard for the sarkozy administration as it pushes east if it meant in syria progress according to the libyan scenario we will probably see a similar development in iran unfortunately that is iran will repeat the syrian scenario russia watches western military interventions with rising along it warns the fueling violence across the middle east doesn't deliberately escalating the conflict is an invitation to a series of civil wars outside forces that should not interfere give advice or take sides in internal conflicts but russia's foreign minister adds there could be a sting in the tail he says only chaos in the region helps the very extremist the west wants to stop gaining power valuable sure r.t.
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paris well xander julian assange has laid into online social networks for helping the united states collect information and spy on citizens and during an interview with r.t. he said the likes of facebook and google played significant roles in the arab uprisings. facebook in particular. is the most the calling spying machine that has ever been invented facebook google yahoo always making us all. have. faith and for us intelligence everyone trying to stand up. when they have their friends to facebook they are doing free work for united states intelligence. in building this database for. him or what you're going to sound has to say when we bring your ass he has a full interview in about ten minutes. the most europeans made the eight marks were
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not said germany surrendered sixty six years ago solid remembrance ceremonies have been held in several capitals and sunday moscow is also marking that about syria heard of the grandson abrasions on monday. for russia victories march on may the ninth with the traditional military parade through red square ahead of a band the country's political elite laid we said the tomb of the unknown soldier by the kremlin wall meanwhile set for monday separate as our. preparations are well underway ahead of what's with the exception probably of the new year's celebrations here in russia is the biggest celebration of the calendar year here now victory day a massive celebration in russia marked by a huge parade across red square just behind me over my shoulder you'll be able to see same puzzles cathedral of course behind that red square itself i've been having
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a look up there plenty of people all busying themselves around making sure everything goes up without a hitch tomorrow to commemorate sixty six years since big tree in europe victory over nazi germany in which so many people lay down their lives in order to we have the freedoms which we we take food very much for granted in our lives today you know this is a huge holiday as they say here in russia and very much one that is celebrated a widely here in moscow as well as across the whole country now the reason that in russia they celebrate victory in europe day on the ninth of may is due to the fact that the actual surrender of nazi germany was signed so late in the day on the date that it actually fell on the ninth in moscow time so that's why. it is in russia and the rest of russia it is celebrated on a night where in western europe and some parts of america in america as well it is celebrated on the eighth and we can now hear from my colleague lower energies in
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london about some of the evacuees from great britain who had to flee german bombing steering the second world war a trip down memory lane for seventy nine year old james roffey it was the street where he was born and where his family lived until war broke out frightened and forced to evacuate to the countryside james was just eight when his life was changed forever. you were sent to school every morning with the with things you told to take with. enough sandwiches and things to last you for the day and that was it i don't need to get to school beater. now evacuation today you'd be sent home again into one day one day i didn't say that we went to school and. different started. with hundreds of others including
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a sister and brother he walked from school to his local station their parents weren't allowed to walk with them parents were issued with a list of the things that their children could take with them when they were evacuated they all had a little suitcase like this and in it they were only allowed to put a spare pair of shoes for inside the house some toiletries a toothbrush comb a handkerchief and a towel they also had to take their own cutlery and a plate and a mug. they also took their pajamas. and of course a change of underwear. with a label tied around their neck and the because it's gas mask they made their journey into the unknown neither they nor their parents knew where they were going they had a stamped postcard to send when they got there to let their parents know they were safe the chains that place was pulled a village of around two thousand people near the south coast here and in other
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reception areas villagers were legally required to take the children in although somewhat far from welcoming. and a woman. for yet another fierce woman. we. hurried back to. it not the second time. she. pushed for. trying to push. so you got to try really. well it was an unhappy but short lived placement and james ended up living happily here in what was then a sweet shop his four year evacuation became a positive experience but that wasn't the case for everyone some of these people were not very nice. it's to these children some of them have their own agenda which is just another person to work the farm or work. hour to work in the bakery. some
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of these people were very cruel according to some of the evacuees often it was such a wrench that the children couldn't stand it many went home to london and it counts if the one in every ten deaths during the blitz schools were closed and they ran wild those who stayed were terribly homesick but when they did get home they thought there was little to come back for most evacuees. straight well a separate. side should leave out. back to. look at gaps where bombs would fall and houses. but after about four days. i want to be back here in full work james finished
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school in london but never settled after the war he moved back to pull as soon as he could evacuation changed not only the lives of the children but also the communities they went to hit and pulled evacuees erected a plaque in the local church thanking the villages for taking them in it dates tap families of hearts but it also brought people who would never ordinarily have met together in a city hall that seemed rubbed shoulders with rural affluence and vice versa and the teeth pulled forward from those times still remain today in the memories of those given kindness and shelter thought from home in wartime lore and its r.t.e. pull west sussex. the price of freedom from the most precious thing in history. those who
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fought to win the stand. against the tide of history be reburied. sixty six years of victory on our team. and if you want to know more about neda ninth head to our seattle colza nor victory day coverage and memories. there are moving past times accounts of living through the second world war plus dozens of pictures and videos of the parade preparations right in moscow the fly that among other online galleries. plus two russian billionaires make it to the top three of a british annual ritual is to find out who they are and how they got that r t protocol.
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international news and briefly you now egypt military government hard to quiet down on the terror in violence after twelve people died in clashes between christians and muslims in cairo violence broke out when muslims are tied to church believing a christian woman was being held inside against her will because she wanted to convert to islam religious tension has been rising since egypt's who truly was assumed control salling be ousting of president mubarak said to have died an interface of violence in march. at least seventeen people have been killed during their attempt at a revolt inside a high security prison in by the down six of those killed were prison officers officials i think detainees all links to al qaida were being moved to another building by that time guards and seized some of their weapons. are going to government forces hard defeated taliban insurgents and recaptured areas of
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kandahar city after today by so i'm fierce fighting eleven fighters were killed and seven so side bombers blew themselves out as the tire been launched a wave of alternate at times on government buildings on saturday the other going interior ministry says three civilians and two officers have died in the operation to free the city of insurgents. today to look at the headlines shortly and in our interview with the world's most famous whistleblower julian astonished it's just a few minutes away stage in about zero.
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the price of freedom from the most polluted fascist regime in history. those who fought to win the stand crown. against the tide of history be written. sixty six years of victory on r.g.p. . just my name is daniel schmidt this is julian assange
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we're here to make a short presentation of all the we can fix project. the first step in the fourth place if you get information out about the real world claims to him war on among them the. secret visit because. it would be a good marketing. if i'd ever put it into sources and danger he would hunt me down and kill him. this is exactly one of the reasons why we left the project because it has become more about this all james bond. than all the actual information. but thank you. told the people around the mole. that they may.


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