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tv   [untitled]    May 9, 2011 10:00pm-10:30pm EDT

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can they loan a show or go get the real headlines with none of the mersey parking lot in washington d.c. now the u.s. cops kicked off a two day summit today with china we're going to tell you who was there the topics up for discussion and will determine if the tensions between these two countries can be interpreted as healthy competition or potential threat then they're after the after effects of bin laden's death fresh rounds of drone strikes in pakistan and yemen and talks of a no ride list on u.s. trains so even supposing good news on the war on terror will anything then
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thousands gathered in mexico city to protest the massive violence from drug gangs which of their country and although nearly forty thousand people have died from the violence we want to go why doesn't the obama administration treat a war across our border as a bigger problem well discuss all that plus we'll have our happy hour segment on tonight's show but for now let's move on to our top story. today the u.s. and china kicked off the strategic and economic dialogue summit where the two global forces met and discussed everything from the economy to military budgets and despite discussing highly contentious issues the two powers did manage to keep a friendly atmosphere whether it was genuine or not he's christine has more. they say you should keep your friends close. and your enemies closer and as far as where china fits perceptions continue to evolve at this year's u.s. china strategic economic dialogue an attempt by officials from both the u.s.
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and china that friendship we recognize that our ability to work together. presents the people of china and the united states in the same globe. village you're on the west side we on the east the purpose to open communication on concerns like the debt ceiling in the u.s. and the rate of currency appreciation in china and joint concerns about the environment we both have a great state encouraging find a change and charting a clean and secure energy future currently china is the second highest producer in the world of renewable energy technology the u.s. ranks seventeenth the overriding theme for day one of the us china strategic and economic dialogue mutual respect and understanding that just because there is competition doesn't mean there can't be cooperation or competition is not bad
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competition it's healthy is good. this is the reason why i have held the view for so many years and continue to hold the view that a rising china is a positive development it's a far cry from the dialogue of recent times were tough decision makers in the us have been told that an increased power means an increased threat one that will eventually need to be dealt with by war and the way to avoid this war i believe is going to require and we're going to be able to get away from it in any case some kind of arms race with china china is going to keep building and improving its capabilities each year the pentagon comes out with this report military and security developments involving the people's republic of china the findings often use to intensify military spending we are now looking at a power in the western pacific that can stand up to a stiff if there's a problem in response military spending is now more than the rest of the world
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combined six times more and china. as a result of u.s. debt has ballooned to more than fourteen trillion dollars much of that debt is owned by china and that it's a time when many of the countries neighborhoods look like this an urban areas like this still for some including the mainstream media the military is often the first priority when it comes to spending beijing is rapidly modernizing of strategic nuclear forces and developing space weaponry china is developing ten varieties of ballistic missiles some of which will be able to strike the continental united states but critics say the threat from china is not the people's liberation army the threat from china is its growing economic might like every economist you talk to in washington now it is the same the new one is going to be. the actual currency of the world maybe by two thousand and twenty so the economic policy of
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washington should lead and not the pentagon so. friend or foe this day top leaders here on all sides with building new churchill trust and respect will help us to solve shared problems but that view may change again when it comes time to play defense secure more money and more power for the military in washington christine freeze out r t. in two thousand and six the first treaty to an economic dialogue between china and the us was purely economic but treasury and central bank leaders and attendants but this year for the first time military leaders from both china and the u.s. are also taking part in the side of both the expanding areas of cooperation and tension between a few countries while the global economic balance is in everyone's interests you have to wonder if a failing world power can ever really be friends with the one that's going to overtake it earlier i caught up in lawrence korb senior fellow at the center for
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american progress and i first asked him how significant it was that for the first time we heard for the first time military leaders would be there. but i think it is significant because he chose the fact that china's military power is increasing their military is playing a more important role in charge of the solution basically that we want to ensure that their military and our military understand each other so we don't see that that could inflame tensions but how much do we really understand their military right as to what's out there will say that we spend six times more than china does on our military power but we really know are there any real figures out there as to how much we think this well is our figures are transparent the chinese are doctors they don't have an open budget with congressional hearings you also have the issue of how do you come here for example we pay or soldiers sailors airmen to breed much more than they paid members of that to go away so we don't know basically you can use what we call purchase power power to and it's about three to one rather than
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six to one do you think that we're going to start seeing that. used perhaps the lack of transparency from the chinese as an excuse there are plenty of pundits and politicians out there that are pretty hawkish and i guess we have to hope that eventually one of these days the war on terror might die down but of course we're going to need a new enemy so do you think that china is inevitably going to be that next target that they want to set their sights on for some it will be because people want to maintain high levels of military spending lots of reasons and then you have to say well what you needed for a new you could say world war china he called me increasing its power for example this year they trust a stealth aircraft they're building submarines and so therefore we have to build a lot just in case so you know people will try and do that but i think you have to put it in perspective because this is not a great power well i would love to have between the united states of the soviet union ok the soviet union never went this morning for syria or we near boston and we are so we are the russian good through both of us
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a walk through this economic situation which i'd like to call the mutual sure depression because if they don't lend we can't buy it if we can't back up that hurts the economy it hurts their ability to keep to control their populations and of course that's one of the things that that is being brought up in this forum as well as the currency and manipulation we also you know hear about the u.s. debt limit which is very worrying to the chinese right now the do you think that we've also served as a perfect example that for example china we know is investing heavily in its infrastructure in green technologies while we've been waging war all over the world for the last ten years that we showed and you know been the perfect example of what not to do you well there's no doubt about it we've overreacted to your branch of the leverage because not only do we you know very true of most of the puzzle countries but we increased our baseline a regular defense budget we nearly doubled that which will be used for that and that we didn't raise taxes to pay for the war so now we have
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a debt we try to deal with and we do. rebuilding our infrastructure we're still living off a lot of us which we made in the guise of whether it was true should we be able or highway system or the education system that we get in the sixty's so we need to really redo that we want to compete on the global stage now you mentioned earlier of course that we saw that china had built its own stealth aircraft right now there's a lot of top because after the the raid that killed osama bin laden pakistan last week and there was also a stealth u.s. helicopter that's been making a lot of news that a lot of people conceive of more and so we're hearing concerns that now this is something that's a secret that's been exposed to the world especially the chinese do you think that they're rushing to build their own no i don't think so one of the great ironies were the reasons you try and use were able to be all good news because we had a stroke their career but i was shocked there are going to ninety nine during the war in kosovo if you're trying to use got that technology which are unable to build
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it will they push it over reaction of the chinese would build it's always going to try to use or build a missile so we try these are real good chips so we think we should keep those superstruct we try to use it with very helpful north korea but very helpful in libya they could have read all that resolution on that we wouldn't be able to send military force in the area but you think that there's always going to be a sense. of tension as you mentioned there's this mutual depression because we're so tied now in extra extra when it comes to our finances but at the same time you see now the u.s. which is currently is the largest economy in the world the superpower of the world which is in its waning days you could say the chinese might be on their way out there is so is there inevitably always going to be this type of tension that is an resolvable because we're following your rising we're not supposed to like that i mean you've got to realise that foreign policy is not all problems get solved they have to be that much and yes chinese are increasingly we are in
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a situation where we're going to have to make a choice and if we get our economic health of the order i think. you know increase our power but relatively things were changing when the cold war ended the united states was the only superpower and very have china india government resurgent russia so the world has changed we need to we just about if we do it right the world will be much better for me to are not afraid of an india that's a rising power i think there's a lot more fear about a china that's a rising power china is a democratic ally but i think it's obviously there is a concern there is tensions were solved with the violence that there are that there are claims we put i think if you put it into perspective we're the ones who helped try because we went to trial in the eighty's to get them to turn against the soviet union we gave off a lot of resistance i myself will be delegation they are nine hundred eighty four to help the chinese military but i see the logistics are slow so i think you have to put that into perspective and not over react very quickly at this forum i guess
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a lot of people are assuming there won't be any stronger break is that we see but do you think that and that's because it takes place there are large role in that because president obama is up for reelection you know the question is how it's going to retire in two thousand and twelve is there you know kind of resistance to make any type of an agreement because the political future as i know you know there's no agreements to be made we need to get our economic house in order they need to do something about their currency we need to keep these issues on the on the table but i mean it's good that we talk and i think that's the important thing but are you going to resolve things you know but at least there's an understanding and you begin with your direction with chinese have a lot you know you could argue their currency and you're a little bit of i think that's a step in the right direction i learned so i thank you very much for joining us today thank you for having me. still to come tonight one week after the death of osama bin ladin messing around what is that mean for the war on terror archies reimport nine looks at the real costs of finding and killing and also look at new
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signs you measures being proposed that threaten your civil live. it's all in the name of the can you say i'll be right back. we live in a part. of the lead up to one hundred twelve legs. we never got the chance to hurt keep him safe get ready because the freed up. guys welcome michel ancel on the obama show we've heard our guests talk the sound of topics now i want to hear our audience says go on to you tube to video response
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our to twitter for part of the question is a link posted on you tube every monday and on thursday the show is gone response is going to leave your voice make up. for. say the feds. say it's. led. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so. easy to understand it and then you glimpse something else here's some other part of it and realize that everything is ok and you don't. try hard to make sure.
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the capital is solid bin ladin marked a major milestone in the u.s. war on terror at least symbolically crowd cheered and called the closure while the face of terror may be gone the war definitely isn't so what do americans really have to cheer for our team is very important i look for some answers. this celebration but impromptu and palpable. but you believe stretching from new york. to the naval academy heard inside sports arenas. is chanting usa and exploding outside the white house it's wild party. it was neither the wild crowd reflecting something of a world cup victory was cheering on the assassination of public enemy number one
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nine eleven mastermind osama bin laden an american killing that inspired many mainstream media outlets to abandon objectivity and rejoice i had a sweet taste or a very glad he's ready to tell it which is exactly what i think he is this morning evolved so a person of mortal this is the greatest night of my career at some point the unbridled euphoria over the death of a mass murderer coroner vance the. yet for many others. this american way is nothing worth flaunting it is this sort of blood lust that we saw as people were chanting usa usa and so braving bullets through the head of another human being the reported price of killing this human
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being has bled america's economy according to the national journal the u.s. spends three trillion dollars over fifteen years to nab their man in the interim critics say the war on terror has cost the u.s. its reputation let's remember that the people of iraq had to endure endure an invasion of their country killing hundreds of thousands of people that had nothing to do with al qaida a government that had nothing to do with osama bin laden but at the end of the day i mean justice is in the eye of the holder in this case u.s. justice better reflecting and i four and i mentioned this is bigger than the moon landing ironically america's triumph of putting a man in space marked its fiftieth year anniversary may fifth a moment largely overlooked during the bin laden frenzy alan shepard spaceflight promoted america the great america the positive america the beacon today a different side of america is on display we have over six thousand u.s.
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service people who were killed tens of thousands injured we have hundreds of thousands of civilians murdered around the world no torture has become a part of u.s. foreign policy. the idea of celebrating because war has been killed. just doesn't seem rational or right to me well that's how they face of terrorism has been a limiting officials warned that terrorist threats to the u.s. have grown significantly worse over the decade this family and friends i think nearly three thousand nine eleven victims feel. perfect logic. and all americans with arguably little else to celebrate or enough or not. see you. on friday we reported to you that the u.s. had resumed drone strikes in pakistan and launched a drone strike in yemen for the first time in nine years and it turns out that strike in yemen was meant to take out u.s.
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born on more of the law even further proof that laws due process justice have been thrown out the window in times of war and that the obama administration has turned into one of the worst offenders of the war on terror isn't only ramping up overseas lawmakers here at home are already asking for increased security measures after information have come out that within the files seized in bin laden's compound plans for an attack on u.s. rail systems that at some point they discussed so the schumer immediately proposed a no ride list for trains as if the no fly list in airports has been working so damn well so despite bin laden's death well the war on terror really keep on rolling just grow bigger with each passing day joining me to discuss this is marcy wheeler blogger firedoglake marci thanks so much for joining us tonight i want to first start with you here we knew obviously that he was on an assassination list from the obama administration but you know they definitely didn't publicize that when they launched a drone strike in yemen on friday that's the man they were trying to get i think it
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was a pretty bold move and i think it's safe to say that it would have been a much bigger deal how they actually assassinated this american citizens would you think they were just trying to roll it in and hope that everyone so busy talking about bin ladin that it would have gone by unnoticed. but i think that they were really trying to get him i mean we know that he's been on the kill lists east summer you know whether you're talking about the jason kill list or the cia killers so they've been trying to go out for some time and i think some people suspect that there might be information from obama some of the compound that the triangle after him so. you know i'm not surprised i don't think they mean the other thing that the obama administration did which hasn't gotten a lot of press is trying to kill cut off would have been the same day that he went after this on bin laden he got his son ingrained it's a slow him down it's also of dubious legality so we've got ground strikes going out on multiple continents. you know it's kind of i think it's scary to think that at
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the same time like you said we have these targeted assassination attempts going on on multiple continents that's. definitely questionable in terms of legality but just think about it because the u.s. president can unilaterally decide to assassinate an american citizen now if i go back to a lot of these case then why can't he do it is not set a very dangerous precedent. yeah i have been consistently disappointed with people particularly on the left who i think want to give obama as much leeway as they can not not understanding what a line in the sand that says you know i understand that they say they have a lot of evidence against anwar a lot of the reasons we know they have gone and you can share that with the judge you know they came to us and said they came for the american people and said we got to kill warrant from a judge it would be still terrible marginally different at this point executive
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branch is just telling us well we've decided he's a bad man but we don't have to share our evidence with anybody and this is after a decade of having bad evidence about terrorists or terrorist after terrorists so it's only through. but process of double checking of somebody challenging the evidence you have where we've discovered that in fact a lot of that his they've been me you know just don't hold up so we don't know about a lock in but we do know he's an american citizen we do know they're trying to get him we do know that even attrition refuses to explain to the american people what legal basis aside from the president just approving this he has to do do you think this solidifies even more to that this is what president obama wants to do you know a lot of people could have argued that before he was didn't want to look soft on terror right especially for a lot of center as sort of the right wing but now he's achieved killing osama bin laden a lot of people say that that even makes him unbeatable so he doesn't have to continue
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drone strikes he doesn't have to go after. does that give you the impression that he wants to. well he also doesn't have to stay not give a stand. this should give him the opportunity to get out of afghanistan which is just a sink hole for our money we're not doing any good there. is not an afghanistan there in pakistan you know that we can send in seals you know that's successful apparently we have better better luck not entirely but we may have better luck with that and drone strikes so we know we have other ways to fight this war yet we are still dumping billions of dollars into afghanistan well you know we're broke at home and so yeah i mean i think that's what obama wants to do but what we know that i mean that's what you know one campaign he promised is that if he found out where osama bin laden wanted some focused on he'd go after him campaign promise delivered you know a lot of the other ones going somewhere else but that one e.p. worthless that's and let's switch very quickly to what's happening here on the
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domestic front that senator schumer despite the fact that they just cut fifty million dollars from rail and port security in the last budget suddenly i guess now we have the money again as senator schumer has decided to propose once again he's done this in the past but i guess that osama bin laden's death you know and of course some information that might have been gathered from his compound always serves as a good excuse now he wants a ride list for trains i mean the no fly list a bit of a failure so far you have little kids that have been on the no fly list at the same time people like the underwear bomber got on scott for you know right left a good idea. well not only is it not a good idea it's not a workable idea but what he was responding to which rumors responded to his intelligence found osama bin laden's compound saying that they wanted to derail trains not that they wanted to bomb trends like the madrid bombing which was spectacularly successful and also just kind of that they want to derail trains now i mean first of all my understanding of what they were planning to do was to reel
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them from off of the train so if you're spending all this money and focus on the people who are on the train and ignoring the people who are off the train you're just mr terrorist but the other thing is we know that was not in the works it was something they were kind of hey here's an idea what do you think would work and then the thing that really gets me is we're talking about train derailments train termites happen all the time one happened in in oregon the other day that was big you know volatile chemicals etc they happen all the time because our rail stock as you said i mean our real stuff is not being funded the way needs to be and as a result we just have accidents all the time we don't need terrorists to have these accidents we have them on our own because we're not besting in our infrastructure and if you talk to real counterterrorist experts one of the things they say you need to do is really make your own society more resilient and you do that by having checks of everybody getting on the train going by making sure your rail lines are
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are being maintained properly and that's what we're not i guess another side of where our priorities lie and where the government does decide to throw money at even when we're supposedly broke marcy i want to thank you very much for joining us tonight thanks for having me. that's a marks a historic day in russia's history victory day at the day the nazi germany conceded to the then soviet union on a night night hundred forty five and although that also places fake think six years ago the physical and emotional impact of victory day remains artie's time barton has more. right back from the past this old soviet like tank has lay under the mud for sixty eight years it proved too late to stop the nazi invaders reaching the city of starving ground. drivers called the mass grave it's almost soften it could be pierced by machine gun bullets it was part of the soviet tani's which by all to the one nine hundred forty two were desperately trying to protect stalin city on both from
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a vast axis offensive he also was an eighteen year old cadet as the germans closed in he was read stalin's infamous order not to retreat one step back whatever the cost. in our first combat we were bombs in our offices and were killed that was our baptism of fire. over the next six months the bomb and determination of soviet soldiers saved the city and trapped the invading germans an encirclement which destroyed hitler's biggest army since that great victory much has changed stalin grab changed its name to volgograd the soviet union itself collapsed and those who remember the battle and now all. but when it comes to monuments volgograd made sure the heroism of the moment was set in stone. were going up you have to be careful here this is the most dangerous. we could be inside a military bunker the metal and concrete certainly make it look like one that we
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emerge to a panoramic view of the city of oakland thought at least we've just popped down to the head of the city's iconic mother russia statue in some ways this statue was a metaphor for the war itself a rough and ready construction. as practical as the soldiers who fought here a strength as defined as the soviet army clung to the banks of the volga. size as vast as the battle that raged around here there are many more reminders of bound which are a lot less stylized and a lot more poignant these soldiers weren't buried in solemn ceremony they lie where they fell unseen till now these teams of volunteers have been researching and excavating the battle sites for years but also. because relatives of soldiers are getting very old themselves the documents we flying will decompose we don't dig them up quicker we would be better for both the historians and the soldiers of our times. they want to try and record the human stories of the stalling ground battles
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which claimed as many as two million lives and many generals say the war isn't over until the allies biting is very that's the moto of every serious group so they reckon there are enough bullets and bones left but even his grandchildren to find the terror and tragedy of these ultimate sacrifice has yet to be revealed this vehicle is one of the more concrete reminders of what happened here sixty eight years ago but what they really digging up isn't just metal and gunpowder it's memories it's an artsy region. so to come tonight a leader in the bush white house calls out president obama port town day after the death of osama bin laden we turn the tables on andrew card it's nice to have segment been calling for a change in drug policy in mexico thousands protesting manning the government change their strategy when it comes to the one drop the hurricanes and mexican drug policy.


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