tv [untitled] May 10, 2011 5:30pm-6:00pm EDT
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as always you can follow me on twitter by going to at least one word. wealthy british style such. as the tirelessly. markets why not. find out what's really happening to the global economy with much stronger for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines. is a report on our she. thinks . the
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max guys you're welcome to the kaiser report you know if you've been following this show you've got to know that the price of silver has been on the back foot why because the c.m.e. and the comix the people in new york that make the market is over who are controlled by j.p. morgan have been raising the margin rates unprecedented number of margin rate raises in a very short period of time let me explain what this is doing this is a recruitment mechanism it's a good grade prison photos remember well that was a huge recruiting tool now every time the c m e increases marginal
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rates it's sending a huge recruiting message to the silver liberation army who's sucking more of the physical so more off the market you are being poisoned by your own margin patrol arda c.m.e. all right let's go to an undisclosed location somewhere in the united states and speak with the beautiful and always vive aisha's stacy herbert who i understand is having a silver round made in her homage soon stacey hello i mix yes you could tell i'm in america because behind me over there you can see a picture of bin laden over here you can see my seven rifles. so i already are and i'm ready for the shout for it is somewhat of a gracious. way nicely back out of the green but they're carrying the gun yet and for on a next i want
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a hard way one of. their long frozen fish in the sea and so there actually been one is my first headline not because i want to talk about him but there's an interesting little bit in here osama bin ladin hideout worth far less than us claimed so pakistani property experts say that the us government's description of a one million dollar mansion that obama. some aloof was way off the mark as further exaggerations come to light local property experts said at most the house was worth two hundred fifty thousand dollars but here's the quote i want you to listen to max bit pakistani property expert said when he was told about the american estimates that the house was worth a million dollars he chuckled and said maybe that's the assessment from a satellite but here on the ground that's the price by two hundred fifty thousand dollars well i or. he was being foreclosed on just like people on the last vegas
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and miami and california and j.p. morgan chase mortgage unit authorized the head of the way to get him out of there so that the release of the somebody else the mortgages and the rules thing and the criminality on wall street well max i carry this analogy forward i want to look at the different views from satellites and then down on the ground here is the headline max fed presidents signal record stimulus won't be removed soon so these are the dead presidents of boston and san francisco and they signaled recently that their monetary policy is not going to tighten after. when theoretically q e two ends and from aircrews in ghent president of the fed reserve of boston he said right now we're pretty far away from our targets and right now we're keeping monetary policy conative right well the european central bank the
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e.c.b. just telegraphed that they probably won't raise rates the euro is down bank of england has said do economic stagnation they won't be raising rates and the fed looks like of course they'll both be raising rates and they'll be bringing q e three soon enough so now the central banks are raising rates which means that the surfeit of money flooding the globe and destroying people's purchasing power and skyrocketing food and energy and that trend will continue and whatever price over bottoms out at i hope you've been blocked by that with both ends of quiet until you're bleeding because five hundred dollars is a target what else you got both of these ten presidents say that that inflation isn't a long term risk so again this is what they're saying from the satellite view up at the fed now let's look at the reality on the ground food prices rise to near record as inflation excel or it's so remember you just said they're going to keep
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monetary policy loose because they don't see any inflation here the u.n. is saying that march was the second highest food inflation on record right well if you're ben bernanke the way to do the job as he conducts his policy first take a large stick and poke out your eye there now you're half blind now look at the statistics in front of you and don't count wages and look at the tips the treasury interest protection securities treasury inflation protection securities and any time they start moving up and use taxpayer money to buy a whole bunch in the open market to keep the price artificially low and then go for . congress with one eye poked out and say well the tips are not going up and wages are going up therefore there is no inflation congress where we got to keep rates artificially low which of course without rates being higher there is no incentive to save and without savings there is no capital and without capital there is no
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capitalism german bernanke is comrade bernanke the overseeing a pole of bureau of command and control rate meisters whose only intention are to make wall street bankers filthy frickin rich the article goes on to say that the cost of living in the us brews at its fastest pace since december two thousand and nine in the twelve months ended this march gasoline prices were at ninety one cents since december thirty first this adds a total cost to the consumer in the u.s. of one hundred twenty five billion dollars well what they have working in their favor i just noticed a story coming out of the trade that fifty percent of the population men women and children combined are illiterate fortunately they won't be able to read about their euthenasia economic euthanasia experiment being conducted in the city of detroit well and another headline is just
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a quick headline just so you know that about one in seven u.s. receive food stamps this is the latest updated number remember at the beginning of the crisis one in fourteen were on food stamps now one in seven americans are on food stamps well that number is set to go to ninety percent of americans will soon be on food stamps because there's no return on savings there's no jobs and there's no way to make a living out there except if you're working for the criminal class in washington d.c. either as a congressman or as a prostitute and of course there's no real justice maxine late night you know throw this guy in to see the guy behind me but there's been no. justice in terms of all the criminal fraud and we're going to get to that in a minute but i want to show you that inflation isn't just hitting americans and the third world we're seeing this in the u.k. why our purchasing power is set to suffer the biggest squeeze since eight hundred
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seventy and this comes from roger boodles advisor to delight in the u.k. and he says pay growth is unlikely to catch up with inflation any time soon inflation is heading towards and possibly above five percent so again incomes going down inflation going up this is the reality on the ground now from what they see at the satellites up in the fed and not according to the central bankers who conveniently omit any statistic that would challenge their policies that are structured in a way to make the minority one percent oligarch class wealthier that's their job they're doing a good job and the asylum been left. that was a few thousand miles off target i think they could have found a better target well you mentioned central banks and those are my next you haven't is because with all this inflation and all this money printing and while it's crazy
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behavior from the you know the tora bora in d.c. china aims to have more gold than america so robert cumin founder and former head of gold core now the world's fifth largest gold mining company believes central bank purchases could help push the price of gold to two thousand dollars he says china is out to have more pull than america and russia is aspiring to the same now you know of course china has officially a thousand tons of gold and if they want to catch up to america's alleged quantity of gold they need to buy a seven thousand tons well i'm going to get this mexico. as well yeah you know the banks around the world are are for the first time in for. any years increasing there were gold reserves well max let's move on to that mexican story because that's the next headline mexican central bank buys one hundred tons of gold as a result of mexico's purchase central banks sovereign wealth funds and other
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so-called official sector buyers are on track to record their largest collective purchase of gold since the collapse of the brain would system which pegged the value of the dollar to gold in one nine hundred seventy one yeah and peter schiff makes a good point his latest editorial talking about the institutional appeal goal not only isn't for banks but the endowment of one of the big universities in texas just bought a billion dollars of the gold he says if that institutional appeal extends to let's say the sovereign wealth funds you know the one in i believe conor is worth six hundred billion not carter but kuwait going to be right i would avi's sovereign wealth on a got six hundred billion in cash to work with if the sovereign wealth funds in the institutional side start to put five six seven percent into gold bullion that's an incredible demand story that's what nobody is talking about on the silver and gold story they're all thought looking at the supply but they're not really understanding what the man dynamics are going forward and as rick ackerman said you
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know when you increase supply as they're doing now by flooding the market with more naked short sells in the silver pits you increase demand and this is an axiom on wall street that is. inflexible we've got about thirty seconds left let's talk a little bit about torture back accuse of massive mortgage fraud sued for one billion by u.s. government what's going on there stacey harbor now the justice department has to do it should bank one of the world's ten biggest banks buy assets for at least one billion dollars for defrauding taxpayers by repeatedly lying to a federal agency the house and housing and urban development where securing taxpayer backed insurance for thousands of shiny mortgages better. it's a quote here that reminded me of something that you always say max this is from preet bharara the u.s. attorney in manhattan he says these companies repeated three and brazenly breached the public trust this lawsuit send them and other lenders the message that they cannot get away with the lies and recklessness they cannot kaushal only assign the
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prospect of being call to the cost of doing business that's right enjoyed bank of courses in broiled in the stand along with goldman sachs and the greece debt hiding scandal from a few years back and that's why going to bank is being sued and that's why they want to brag of being asked appear before congress at the behest of carl levin for charges of fraud and perjury all right stacy our thanks so much and good luck in that undisclosed location somewhere in america to see you back in the studio thank you max all right that's going to do it for this half of the shell but don't go away because there's much more coming your way after the break. or so this is just a parliament building in perth. but sixty six years ago
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it was the final talk of. the last major offensive for the red army. its capture became the symbol for fascist cities in. the victory over nazi germany. so full of burly and our team. welcome back to the kaiser report i'm max kaiser a time now to go to sunny los angeles and speak with mike maloney of gold silver
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dot com author of the guide to investing in gold and silver mike maloney welcome back to the kaiser report thanks it's great being here max ok let's talk about silver last year it was up something like eighty eight percent this year it started off with a bang up big currently going through a bit of a sell off what's going on in the supermarket michael outing well you know as far as the sell off goes i really don't care i had actually i do i'm hoping silver will go down a little bit more because i want to buy more. i want a lot more silver has yet to exceed its one nine hundred eighty one i mean we came within a breath of it but it hasn't exceeded exceeded its one nine hundred eighty high can you name one thing on this planet that is still selling at a discount to its nine hundred eighty price right ok now i'm looking at the u.s.
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dollar and of course silver and gold are the contra indicators of the dollar and the dollar is still trading almost at an all time low and that trend even with the a some a spectacle having given it a bit of a boost it's still trading terribly how can these two things co-exist the dollar trading at near all time low with a twenty twenty five percent retraction in the price of silver well they can't big can't exist at the same time indefinitely here something has to break but you know they're measuring that when you talk about the dollars trading near lows that's the dollar trade. against other afia currencies if you look at what has happened the dollar measured in gold or the dollar measured in silver for the past decade the dollar is just crashing it is burning and crashing and this will continue you know
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right now we are seeing. the euro is beginning to fall apart the euro is a very poorly designed currency that cannot last you can't have all of these central these countries with different monetary policy sharing one central bank and expects the currency to last as far as the dollar the dollar is on death's doorstep and also people don't realize that every thirty to forty years the world has a new monetary system we had the classical gold standard to world war one the gold exchange standard between the words the bretton woods system from one hundred forty four to seventy one and now we have had the dollar standard for the last forty years it's on its last legs to no man made monetary system can account for all of the forces in the free market they eventually build up all of this pressure become unstable and then stress cracks start to show that's what we're seeing now the reflection of gold and silver prices is just
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a reflection of of loss of confidence in the u.s. dollar and you know ben bernanke is pretty much committed to sacrificing the u.s. dollar to try to save the economy which will crash the economy is the. catch twenty two and alan greenspan really left him painted into a corner and there's really he has no good options. and you know the dollar is doomed gold is going to go to infinity so will silver so measuring gold and silver in dollars is really i think idiotic i measure it how much stuff it purchases and it's not purchasing near enough stuff. a few yet it isn't anywhere near or anybody that says that gold and silver are high right now just. the they don't know what they're talking about all right now let's talk about the c.m.a. and co max the c.m.e.
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is the oversight for commodity trading they are selectively singled out so are vs other commodities and they even success thing successively raising margin requirements four times or five times in the past week two weeks weeks three. and of course this is putting incredible pressure on anyone who has they celebrate a margin account but why selectively are they doing this to sell over and they claim of course that it has to do the volatility but in fact it's their actions are creating the volatility so it's a it's a bit of an orwellian newspeak here because they're creating the volatility by mucking around selectively at the margin rates and what what what is the c.m.e. have against silver is it because they're all financial terrorists in their bed with life masters the capital capital of all the financial terrorist in the world yeah well you know silver is one of the precious metals it is money just like gold
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people don't realize that the currencies that we use today there's no country on the planet that uses money we all use currencies currency has to be a medium of exchange a unit of account it's got to be portable durable divisible and something called fungible which means each unit is interchangeable they're all the same a dollar in my pocket buys the same amount as a dollar in your pocket money has to be all of those things plus a store a value over long periods of time the u.s. dollar does not qualify as money. this thing about manipulating silver and changing margin requirements this is nothing new it has happened before if you go back to seventy nine you'll see that you know the hunt brothers people say to me you know when i talk about silver is it still selling below fifty bucks it's one nine hundred eighty high they go oh yeah that's when the hunt brothers tried to corner the market and drove the price of silver up to fifty bucks the hundred is
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where the sacrificial lambs to save the u.s. dollar back in one nine hundred eighty silver was in a run away and so was gold and when gold and silver in a run away it means that the death of the currency is right around the corner. and something had to be done and they raised margin requirements several times on you know the hunger others originally when they first started getting into silver they took delivery of physical silver and they actually got it out of the u.s. they flew it to switzerland but then they sort of got charmed by margin margin world works. well when things are going up but people don't realize that margin is a professional's game and margin gets dollar and dollar on the way up but sharper and sharper on the way down you have to study the way that margin works as an investment goes up you're paying off your your margin you're gaining more and
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more equity so you're leveraged less and less as you win but when you start to lose you get leverage more and more and more on the way down the hunt brothers got charmed into going out on futures contracts and using leverage and that was one of their big downfalls they were actually worried about the dollar collapsing they were really silver investors they weren't speculators they were investors they were protecting themselves from the stupidity of the federal reserve and the u.s. government i just wrote an article on this i can't believe that hundreds of thousands of people have read about the hunt brothers and haven't come to the exact same conclusion that the hunt rather is were used as the sacrificial lambs to save the u.s. dollar they rage and raise margin requirements over and over again and then they put in position limits and then they finally put in something called liquidation
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orders only meaning you can't open a new futures contract you can only close out old ones that's the same thing as saying until this rule is lifted there will be no new buyers that's the same thing as saying until this rule is lifted the price of silver has to go down and later. during the trials for the hunt brothers it was exposed that many of the board of directors of the commodities exchange were short silver so for every dollar that the hunt rather were making these guys it was coming out of the pockets of the board of directors of the commodities exchange and so they put in this liquidation orders only silver peaked at fifty bucks and coincidentally that same day gold people fifty i don't think it was quincy jones i think the traders large that had large positions in silver and gold said well if they can do this to silver gold is going to be next and they started selling i think the floor traders on the
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commodities exchange but the silver pit those guys you know they got burned and then the gold guys found out a bit about it and said we better sell so i believe that this has you know i see that this is all happened before all of this manipulation however this time it isn't a few large investors this time it's the masses rushing in this time it's a bazillion small investors buying silver and here's one thing the precious metals always always win in the end they do an accounting of the currency supply this is one of the major themes of my book is how throughout history. a country has so much gold and silver and then they come out with a currency that that gold and silver is measured in a national currency and they expand the currency supply in gold and silver lay in wait and then suddenly people lose confidence in this currency and they start betting the price of the gold and silver up until the gold and silver rises to meet
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or exceed the value of the currency supply in that country this has been happening actually since the euro four zero seven b.c. with the first rate inflation in athens and it will continue to happen it's just natural all right you mentioned all there a second to go out and of course to to trade in. tandem for the most part i noticed that central banks are buying gold i think i just saw a news story that mexico is buying one hundred tons of gold which is quite a large piece of gold china is out there shopping for thousands of tons of gold and what about china china of course buying all those gold but are they also interested in possibly buying silver i mean for i also want to mention that in mexico of course there's a movement to bring back a silverback currency to trade alongside the pace of the paper pays up and so there's a movement there to go to a hard money standard as is the case in some states in the united states plus other countries trying to get back to our money standard but talk about mexico in
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china and mexico what you see there and china they also instance over on top of buying gold like malani the countries that are trying to go back to hard money standards it isn't their central bank that is doing this the central banks are fighting this tooth and nail that's usually some independent politicians or in the case of mexico hugo salinas price for instance is the originator of the silver movement in mexico but when it comes to china and all these other countries that are now net buyers of gold i just did a video recently called the game changer and if you look at the board market of the seventy's were gold went up twenty four times its original price and silver went up thirty six times its original price the central banks were net sellers on the average central bank sold more into the market than they were buying when they sell
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into the market that depresses the price in still gold exploded and went up twenty four times its original price over thirty six this time just for the past couple of years central banks have become net buyers and a whole lot of the buying is actually. the book so the net buying is a lot bigger than what we can see all right good point michael olea thanks so much for being on the kaiser report let's check back with you hopefully catch up on the news and your website is gold silver thanks like being on the kaiser report thank you max and that's going to do it for this edition of the kaiser report with me max kaiser as days you have heard and i thank my guests mike maloney of gold silver dot com if you want to send me an e-mail please just add kaiser report at r.t. t.v. dot are you at all next on this is nice guys are saying oh oh.
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