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tv   [untitled]    May 10, 2011 8:00pm-8:30pm EDT

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well it's round two of the economic crisis clash the government shutdown may have been averted but with less than a one week left until the u.s. hits its debt limit the pressure is on to reach a deal and it's partisan politics get in the way of political action will lawmakers be able to avert another meltdown. and president obama has a different map battle on his mind this after a big immigration speech in texas and winning over the keno voters but is it all true little too late. characterization khalid sheikh muhammad. the basque crucial probe if you will of intelligence program it was
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a legal program not torture and there we go the former vice president saying that the united states should keep on using methods like waterboarding to get information we're going to explore what some call and enhanced interrogation techniques and others call torture. he didn't want to. hear for the release. of the iraqi people are ready for american troops to go home why does the united states insist on overseeing its bottom. immigration and been logons death may be dominating news headlines but with less than one week left until the u.s. runs up against its fourteen point three trillion dollars debt limit we decided to begin our newscast this evening with a look at america's financial health now u.s. economic performance does seem to be in freefall as public debt. deficits computer
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soar and little class is more at risk than ever meanwhile realistic solutions from washington are frankly nowhere to be seen now it's difficult to overstate just how serious the u.s. debt issue is but sometimes it does take a little bit of a fresh perspective to really get the depth of the problem and yesterday my colleague lauren lyster spoke with legendary investor and commodities trader trader jim rogers and here's how he framed this issue america's going to have to face the problem that we are the largest debtor nation in the world is getting higher and higher and the rest of the world is starting to say wait a minute we're not going to continue to finance is we're not going to continue to play ball the countries are now looking for replacements for the u.s. dollar there's a lot of movement not just in china but all over the world because everybody knows that the u.s. dollar is now a terribly flawed currency i don't like saying this i'm an american citizen and american taxpayer we've got to face facts of the two i'd rather be the creditor than the debtor throughout history throughout history you know people have always
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said look over there with all that money i want to go over there where the assets are you've never heard people say look at all those debtors i want to go there and join those debtors i mean the american press is seems to be more worried about the with which t.v. stars divorcing which t.v. star more than anything else when the rest of the world is sitting here very seriously concerned about us being overextended both politically and geo politically and militarily and economically and i don't see many people in the u.s. even noticing it much this caring about it and yet a country like china are still used to justify an existential threat to the united states and our leaders to be able to push continued military spending the united states military being the most well financed in the world i want to know what you think this is eventually going to take on the lives of average americans who might be thing had an effect any thoughts are. listeners there we've got wars going on in three different countries right now we'd like to have wars in four or five more if
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we can figure out a way to do it we've got troops stationed in one hundred twenty countries around the world that are doing anything he said making enemies for us and costing us a staggering amount of money this is all going to come to an end and unfortunately no country has gotten itself into this kind of situation gets out of the problem without a crisis or a semi crisis we are rapidly more and more rapidly approaching a crisis that's going to be bad for all of us two thousand and eight was bad well wait till the next time around it's going to be even worse well and worse it may get especially as a lawmaker seem to be at a complete standstill in the fight over the us debt yesterday house speaker john boehner demanded trillions of dollars of cuts in spending in exchange for the votes necessary to push up that ceiling is what he had to say at a speech in new york. let me be as clear as i can be without splits significant spending cuts and changes in the way we spend the american people's money there will be no increase in the debt limit. and the crutch should be greater
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than any accompanying increase in the debt limit but the president has given. we're garber talking about billions here we should be talking about cuts in trillions if we're serious about addressing america's fiscal problems i mean these should be more cards real reforms to these programs not broaden the deficit or deficit targets that count the questions to the future actual cuts in a what's the fence spending that's not going to happen entitlements democrats are going to budge on that and neither will the voters that put these guys into office and what about raising taxes well no that's also a deal breaker for the g.o.p. so both sides are digging in how the heck does this country move forward on the economy we're here to weigh in with her take from new york is megan carpenter here she's the executive editor of the web site ross story meghan it is great to have
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you back on it's been a little bit of a while i break this down for me i mean i know how to have to be moved beyond the sort of political fighting where both sides seem to be dug in their positions meanwhile the debt issue is real and that's not going anywhere so how do we move past this. well i think the debt is real but the issue is actually just a political issue that allows both sides to take a different posture so the debt ceiling is something that we run up against all the time in this country we continue to deficit spend we're deficit spending more now because tax revenues are down because the economies don't work on the other hand this crisis is sort of a crisis of political manufacture it sets up a vote between the house side with boehner at the helm and problems with the treasury department and our ability to meet our obligations to p two other countries on the one hand and on the other hand the tea party members of brainers own caucus who are calling for massive spending cuts as has been are said trillions
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well trillions of dollars that's a lot of spending cuts when you examine as i think you just pointed out in title meant reform tax increases or defense spending there's just not that much to go around and money g.o.p. comes up with these plans once they leave those things out they're really just making program tweaks around the edges of our spending programs so it's really just a political fight that illustrates the continued intransigence in washington to really get along change anything but at the political ideological debate where both sides are stuck in their positions you know the republicans don't want to change anything on tax the democrats don't want to touch the entitlements. they just meet their fancy little statements until they get really really really close to the deep ball deadline and what would be the consequence of that i mean what markets react ahead of time. i think that at this point because we you know we had this whole budget standoff for months now up until april when they finally came to the table and agreed to a deal i think that markets are expecting that to happen again whether or not that
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will of course is the other question i think treasury secretary geithner suggests if there's about a month of leeway after they've refused to raise the debt limit before the treasury really starts to be unable to meet its obligations in terms of treasury notes and you know our outstanding debt so then even with the deadline there's another month beyond that so i think that what you will see is you know increasing posturing some sort of vote that probably doesn't go anywhere and then this back and forth and sniping in ability to come to some agreement and so it really really gets down to brass tacks i mean that's what they've done all year and that's probably what they will continue to do i mean it sounds like kindergarten to me i just i don't understand why you know when the economic picture is as dark as it has been when real solutions are needed why both sides can't somehow overcome this i mean let's talk to president obama for a second is there anything that the president could be doing that he isn't doing perhaps i don't know talking to the people directly to try to move this issue along
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instead of letting these sides duke it out. i mean i think that president obama's position for a lot of the presidency is literally just bend to about decides to get out and kind of come in at the end it was in fact very often president bush's strategy i think president bush was more effective at the end of the day in pushing his position on the republican caucus than president obama has been pushing his positions on the democratic caucus i think that part that maybe because of the kinds of compromises that the democrats either have had to or are unwilling to make and impart i think it's because there's just not the same sort of leadership you can say what you will about the republicans in the house and the sun in the early part of the last decade but one thing they were not on afraid to do is take stances that were unpopular with moderates and independents in favor of catering to their base and i think that you see that right now with house speaker boehner he's not really got on willing to take positions that are unpopular with centrists with independents with moderates
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certainly with democrats as long as he maintains the support of his base and i think that's one place where democrats and haven't necessarily been willing to go and do you think that the political system is so ingrained and so entrenched that it's not even possible to sort of get beyond this i mean could it take a different kind of president a different kind of man or woman with a bigger broader vision to to really be able to overcome this or is it that were victims of the way our congress works and the way that the checks and balances the political system here work. i think that it's probably a more a problem of the intransigence within the tea parties i think that when you have to go through a primary process and you have to appeal to voters who in many primaries represent maybe five percent of even voters in your own party you come out with candidates on both sides that have to appeal to base voters and then find a way to backtrack a little bit and if you will to centrist voters and this back and forth and you know elections coming every two years every four years of the six years people get
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very entrenched and very unwilling to take stands that might lose them the next election so should we all citizenships and move somewhere i don't know each country somewhere. i don't know that it's different any in most other countries i mean you look at political fights in everywhere from canada to the u.k. to germany to the e.u. this year i think a lot of countries are struggling with this professional political system it is but of course the other countries don't play necessarily the same sort of role that the united states does or at least used to in terms of economic prowess and and military prowess and so unfortunately it seems that our decisions really do affect other countries across the globe i guess we'll have to see how we get out of the situation but major making partner interior thank you so much for your time. well fresh off his victory in the killing of osama bin laden president obama has shifted gears to focus on a problem that has a little bit closer to home and earlier today he decided to talk about the broken immigration system at
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a major speech in the border city of el paso texas obama touted his successes in cracking down on illegal immigration and calls for new move reforms that would help put some of the nation's eleven million undocumented workers on a pathway to citizenship and keep in mind candidate obama promised to fix immigration issue didn't help them get nearly seventy percent of the hispanic vote when he ran for office but his attempt to pass an immigration bill last year died in the senate and there's actually no chance that a noob in the immigration bill could pass those bitterly divided congress this year so it was all about politics and have immigrants or at least those in america were legal and illegal simply given up hope parties ramon glinda reports. comes to let tino issues when it comes to issues of education and health care and immigration particularly in the state of california where for punishing. the family only candidate more than two years ago california latino leaders praise candidate obama as a person who would make immigration reform
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a reality today for millions of immigrants trying to build a life here the president's lack of progress on the issue has turned their american dream into an american pipe dream i think things are going to get worse i threw but this is an immigrant from mark and despite being a legal resident he still feels the sting of discrimination and doesn't feel part of america he's competing for work alongside undocumented immigrants like santos who is still waiting for his shot at legalisation. i won't give up i'll fight for my family i'll fight for my papers it's not just the risk of deportation that way santos says the recession has seen his pay as a daily drop from six hundred to two hundred dollars a week making it difficult to support his two children. because like many american families millions of immigrants are finding it difficult to put food on the table but despite these economic hardships in america many of them. never to return to
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their home country including those who are here illegally despite campaigning on promises to provide a pathway to citizenship for immigrants many of whom have lived here since childhood the obama administration has instead bent to pressure from the right by ramping up immigration enforcement in the two years that he's been president. three times three hundred percent in other words. this entire term. the higher rate of deportations is leading many in the latino community to view the president's renewed calls for your form as more and. he promises to sway the recently important like you know bill as two thousand and twelve approaches normally since you want more legalization election so that's a basis to get him a credit party promises were made in a bid to show he is serious about immigration reform the president recently about
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it a group of latino celebrities to what was called a brainstorming session those who do not support comprehensive immigration reform will hopefully pay for it in those elections eva longoria and the white house hope the republican party's opposition to immigration reform will tip the balance of power in congress but while the rosy rhetoric of hollywood celebrities in washington elites continues to flow poor workers like those who have little faith in any real chance and continue to rely only on themselves this year this is certain they can try to get us out but they want you to stop in los angeles from. r t. but my next guest knows a thing or two about illegal immigration we've been motos came to the united states from brazil when he was just fourteen years old hoping to get an american education and he ended up staying in the u.s. after his tourist visa expired and ultimately attended college in florida believe
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it was one of the handful of students who last year walked on foot from miami florida all the way to washington d.c. and in effort to bring attention to the need for immigration reform and informing the actually broken system there's us now from our miami studios police say thank you so much for being here with us now the president said a lot of things about immigration reform today but you know talk does not necessarily equal action what was what went through your mind when he spoke was that empty promises or was he serious about changing the system. well something to keep it was really clear to me and it's really clear to everyone is that he supports immigration reform and the dream act but what we need is for him to stop that or teach ins while we wait for the congress and seek action you know we have twenty two senators there really since a letter we have. american immigration calls it was sending a letter lighting how he can go ahead and use his administrative power to stop the proficiency. in any type of actions we need more than just words we need we'll
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actions we need and initiatives really for dream act students at the end of the day unfortunately there is not the political will i'm capitol hill to actually change the system and to get these reforms into place and it really does not look likely that obama will end up tapping into his executive power and do some sort of an executive order on immigration so do you feel like this president has failed you yes i do as a matter of fact i think the president obama filled the whole eternal community all he gave us was almost four hundred thousand pretty sions you know every day i go in the streets and i have to be careful i have to be scared i don't know if you know but here in miami we have to field secure communities where the latino community needs is the end of the partition of students we need a moratorium on secure feel secure communities just like the hispanic caucus has already asked the president last week and it's interesting you mention the deportations i mean one of the successes that this administration has touted as they have actually increased deportations more than any other administration you
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mention it was something close to four hundred thousand nearly two hundred thousand of those were not illegal immigrants who committed any sort of criminal act so definitely a lot for the administration to answer for here but let me ask you a more personal question i mean you are one of the eleven million undocumented workers in this country and there are a lot of americans who would say that you don't belong here you don't contribute to this country that you somehow are a drain on u.s. resources how do you respond to add to like that. well what i would say is that i came of the age of fourteen all i've done was toward card go to school as a matter of fact i was the top student in two thousand in the whole state of florida and all of have gone as contribute endless hours of community service and don't my best in this community what i'm asking is for a chair is all i'm asking is for president obama to use his power to stop the pain and the pain of dream act students and if the community in only want to get involved all they have to do is to tax the word but isn't it two three zero six
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four four percent to three zero six four four and they can get more information on how to get involved and let me ask you i mean if nothing continues to change in this immigration issue is there going to be a point where you personally where it's not going to be worth it anymore where you might consider moving either back to brazil or to a different country well honestly this is my home you know i don't even can be like to go back home to go back to a country of barely remember yes i came of age of forty but i mean like if i was to go back i mean the other day i had to give a speech in portuguese and i couldn't do it so the question is you know we belong here we're a people who are already here we're working hard we're contributing to this society with everything that we are and all we're asking is for a dog obama to use his power and stop the pain you know it's something that he could do it's proven he has the political backing from the democratic party now all we need is for him to keep to have enough corage to stop talking and start acting
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and i mean isn't there a point at which you sort of have to feel like you know you've put all of this work into this when you walked on foot it was nearly fifteen hundred miles or something something along those lines and yet there may have been some media attention and not a lot of policy changes at what point do you say i don't know if it's worth it to keep fighting. i don't think the fight ever ends to be completely honest with you how can you give up on your community how can you give up on your family how can you give up in your home you know i can't that's why i'm here i'm still here i will continue to be here and the thousands of students they are all over the country right now protesting and doing all they can do to make sure that we can reason we are innocent as to this very important issue and again if people want to join us in all they have to do is to text that were sent to a three zero six four four and let me ask you is there anything else that you guys are going to be trying to do to sort of raise more attention on this since the action hasn't come from the white house you've done this walk last year do you have anything more planned along similar lines yeah actually we did
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a protest last week when president obama was i don't know if you noticed he kept talking about miami do you call it this is the police where i graduated from i mean they call it and we've been doing protests things all over the country to raise awareness and to also call attention that he has the power he needs to use his administrative power to end up or teach ins and let me ask you if i know that you cannot necessarily vote if obama does not come through on these promises that nothing changes what do you think those in the in the hispanic community and they were going community who are eligible to vote will do come come the next election do you think that they're going to switch parties do you think they're going to see the election out what's what's the what's the next step politically we know for a fact that we're going to come out because when people get angry we'll see what happened in the vida remember when you know the latino community came out and really changed the actions here so we're going to see people coming out of vote the question is will obama again our our trust back by giving those what we need which
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is a moratorium on secure communities and the end of the partitions if he does that i'm sure he will get he will get the votes of the latino community but if you doesn't i'm not so sure ok well if he does not do that then i think we're going to have you right back on this program to discuss thank you so much for your time there was philippe mocked as an undocumented student activist when president dot org. now this past week saw torture enthusiastic back on the screens of all of the mainstream news channels proclaiming their joy and happiness over the fact that so-called enhanced interrogation techniques aka torture worked they say it was in vindication of the policies put in place under former president george w. bush take a look at some of their claims i think that anyone who suggests that the enhanced techniques let's be blunt waterboarding did not produce an enormous amount of valuable intelligence just isn't facing the truth those that it has interrogation of khalid sheikh muhammad provide
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a vast true your true pushing the will of the televisions so it was a good program it was a legal program it was not torture and i would strongly recommend that we continue these are not for true these are techniques that we know were the bait is over it worked it got the intelligence it wasn't two or three it was legal i think without the enhanced interrogation methods authorized by president bush combined with the warrantless surveillance we never would have found where bin laden was hiding because we never would have known the identity location of the courier so how do the killing of bin ladin turn into a debate over whether torture really works which by the way has been disproven by intelligence officials white house officials even whish ministration officials and why in the world are we rehashing the past of trying to figure out how to move america forward in its endless war on terror and earlier i spoke with jacob hornberger he's the president of the future of freedom foundation and here's part of our conversation. but the killing of osama bin laden is not going to change anything and they don't intend it's engine the thing in fact notice that the terror
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alerts have gone up since he was killed and you've got now all these new threats that are from people that are angry over the killing you've got this this war on terrorism this perpetual i mean it's better than the drug war or the cold war i mean it's like this perpetual enemy they kill one guy they produce ten more the civil liberties we're going to see greater infringements on the civil liberties because they've got to keep us safe from all these threats they're producing and lucy at the bottom line it's all about the u.s. empire and the so-called right of the empire to dominate the world and that's the root saying how do we move forward past this i mean if we are fighting an enemy like al-qaeda that is landless that's more of a brand than an actual top down organization i mean you can assassinate all the people you want to play the threat remains and more importantly do you think that we're hurting ourselves more of by allowing these kind of policies to go through this rend rendition and keeping folks detained without due right to justice because it is hurting our country more than keeping us at the top of the there's no
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question about it and now they're course they've extended these towers to americans i mean all we need tonight right crisis and they have the same powers ironically that these dictators in the middle east have you know the enemy combatant dr in the rendition doctrine the kidnapping indefinite detention i mean ultimately i think americans have to confront a fundamental issue do you want your country to be an empire where you've got troops occupying countries in the middle east torturing people kidnapping people and torturing people because if you want that then you're going to be living in this abnormal perverse life where the government's constantly monitoring you checking on you infringing on your civil liberties there's only one way to stop all of this to return to a normally functioning prosperous society get the troops out of everywhere bring them home just charge him and then you eliminate all the anger and rage that. warner's path that ultimately manifests itself in a terrorist retaliatory strike i think most people are sick and tired of perpetual
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war including people in the middle east there might be some people that might retaliate because their mother their daughter was killed in in all these conflicts but that's an isolated type thing that the major threat in limit is a limited when the empire is forced to withdraw its troops from all these countries and end the foreign aid for the dictators that you know all those dictators were supporting and the foreign aid to the israeli regime then all of us said you can end the torture kidnapping their rendition the assassinations and all this stuff i mean this is the only way to lead our country out of this thing otherwise you're just trimming the branches you're not pulling the weed out by its roots always insightful analysis from jacob hornberger the president of the future freedom nation. the obama administration has paid a lot of lip service to the importance of democracy especially when it comes to some of the uprisings that we've seen in the middle east but as artie's marianna partner reports the united states is willing to support self-determination abroad as long as it doesn't get in a way if it's strategic goals case in point iraq take
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a look. she is the country clothed in stars and stripes she says arised with a nobel peace prize winning president and hearing the big d. around the world let us be clear the united states of america stands with the people of tunisia and supports the democratic aspirations of all people from tunisia. to egypt to reveal. washington has said the will of the people must determine the fate of their country. but in iraq where america claims to be transplanting democracy a renewed sense of nationalism has united thousands against the us we're not supporting the democratic aspirations of people in iraq we haven't been for it for eight years now and the new iraqi people have wanted us out and we stayed there for their own good that's not democracy. anger over us i keep thinking that the
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president george w. bush upon he said this in two thousand and eight washington drafted an agreement promising all american troops would withdraw from iraq by the end of this here in today's more peaceful iraq critics say the pentagon is stepping up pressure to overstay its welcome and cement its pushcart the pentagon is pushing for a military presence after the summer of two thousand and eleven around twenty two thousand troops while the white house is talking about ten thousand troops so actually there is an agreement that is tacit agreement that the u.s. will stay in iraq forty seven thousand u.s. troops still remain in iraq where america's embassy looms large and control over iraq's oil sector is perceived to be open a coffee pot in this eight year war at the very next state will be key didn't i china or any other perceived intentional rival intro all valuable resources the idea. ingrained in the thinking of these new york strata. just see
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washington d.c. we're still very much an hour i must control it is the middle east the close that's where the power comes from experts say the u.s. oh so much to remain in the region to keep an eye on syria and iran if the develop in syria go to the extent that there is and follow the regime we don't know what kind of regime or maybe that will be. us or the maybe it will be something even worse you cannot withdraw at this juncture you cannot leave the a vacuum iran will just take advantage of it that's from the perception of american interests meanwhile the perception of america's democracy remains somewhat distorted has it been used as a tool to achieve its geo political gains in financial interests who are all washington in the end it's the voice of the people. artsy new york.


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