tv [untitled] May 11, 2011 7:00am-7:30am EDT
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the. euro follows the u.s. in slapping sanctions on syria over the crackdown on anti-government protesters while critics accuse the west of seeking regime change in order to control the region. you've been in may see that line a season the u.n. security council won't give you have more power as a single block it could damage the strength of some member states the dependence. also georgian started the international human rights court to get justice for a murder committed by high ranking officials exposing an inherent florida income competent legal system. russia is discovering that hosting formula one comes in.
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well look away because the bar circuit will pull through one hundred eighty two billion dollars more in business in twenty minutes. a very warm welcome to you this is r.t. life from moscow international pressure is mounting on syria with the government's intensified crackdowns against any opposition coming on to further scrutiny or thawing in america's steps in europe and fresh sanctions on the country's top officials including i don't go in travel results these were amateurs reports are all concerned that it has very little to do with the promotion of peace. rebels clash with security forces hundreds die and the west calls for the bloodshed to stop sanctions slapped down and arms sales in baggage but this isn't libya's
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spring it's syria and it's calling a road map that led to just one place for its african arab neighbor nato intervention who watches it's a regime to sense that tantalizing western leaders whose great excitement in washington. are trailing the syrian government. in washington to push. the e.u. has put the freeze on assets of thirteen top government military and intelligence leaders topping the list is this man the syrian president's younger brother he's described as the principal overseer of violence against protesters but no sanctions are being applied to the man calling the shots president assad himself to some acid is a convenient ally for the west although that's what was being said about gadhafi in recent years before the sanctions kicked in. member states including. perhaps think
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it still possible to do business with russia. whose western educated western educated wife as well so they say perhaps he might be the force of opera. in the country the e.u. says assets could be censored if he fails to stop the brutal crushing of opposition but he needn't worry the arab lawyers association says no one who's savvy would keep assets in their own names so toothless the u.s. and international community is being reduced from an international organization into the must think police authority whereby you begin to freeze assets of individuals sometimes the individuals the acids. and you will but it's a it's a gimmick which is be used in most of the instances and this gimmick in time is counterproductive because it just make noises but it does not have any effect and i
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think it is. effective or not europeans of growing familiar with imposing sanctions but that was relatively easy to apply to libya which had long been suffering isolation even among arab states but syria has friends the west might be reluctant to provoke not only syria is very sensitive environment as there is of course a very difficult situation before a situation of peaceful situation with israel you also have all these connections that syria has moved on you can even use has been a lot as well as we have asked we just let me make it very dangerous for all of you making because we've been military intervention in syria we know the answer to your president bashar assad's regime the u.k. led the charge in pushing for a quicker response to the syrian crackdown and british foreign secretary william
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hague said he welcomes the sanctions but to battle weary britons this looks all too familiar it's more than six weeks since sanctions on libya would judge to failure and the public face that the role of the diplomatic dice against syria can only prompt a similar fate and see the mediterranean gunships sail east. well hey you sanctions are more about the struggle for wall tomans and the protection of civilians what's according to peace activists. the west would like the syrian regime like the libyan regime like with hizbollah and the palestinian resistance to disappear yesterday now even that is a whole different kettle of fish i think where the west is at now in this historical moment everyone knows that. the uni polar world has finished entering into a multi-polar world and the west is panicking about how they can sit back and allow
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the break nations in the global south just to rise up or for them to just go without go without a fight so now is really the historic opportunity for western germany to try to pull back a little bit of world domination that they've lost in the last decade but frankly even if they did go into syria which i don't think they will i think the syrian regime will will hold tight but even if they did i mean what's happened the last decade iraq and afghanistan yes they got rid of saddam hussein yes they got rid of the taliban but what is the net result the net result was they were bogged down morally politically economically diplomatically they were completely completely outmaneuvered by the global south and rises the global south and the bric nations in particular and this will happen in the next several years coming a little while heavy shelling has been reported in seriously the scene of the largest protests in recent days human rights groups and more than seven hundred fifty people killed since the crackdown two months ago james the.
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london based journalist specializing in middle east politics says the syrian regime needs reforms to prevent further bloodshed. the americans are offering president assad one last chance to see if the dictator can dictate so i believe that the syrian regime really has to have a sign of who from within from whether you call them reformers or what else to try and prevent essentially create a bloodbath happening in cities that are arrested because it seems that the deaths and cells are creating a momentum and if that momentum that the regime is found impossible to stall it's offered a variety of carrots including most famously getting rid of the emergency law but it appears now it's simply only have sticks left in its cupboard so it is a deeply worrying trend as far as the syrian people are concerned and not the middle east country lebanon. thing of the past but deadly legacy still remains in a few hours to watch a documentary about
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a lebanese volunteers who put their lives at risk tackling the country's unexploded mine. a cluster. and inside the container you have the. ball bombs and you can have anywhere from dozens up to hundreds of them there's a huge market right now for battle area clerks because there are a lot of countries in the world that are contaminated by unexploded ordinance. and so you've got these companies and n.g.o.s that are basically that have an expertise to get rid of these weapons what they do is they go to these places they will hire local train the locals how to do the clearance let the locals basically take ownership because you know they have a vested interest in clearing their homes and they're putting themselves at risk every single day when they go out there to clear areas of what. is.
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being. european and. on wednesday whether they want a representative at the u.n. security council has also reports i mean the met with condemnation from some believe that allowing the. start to fall. there's been a horrified response around the world and here in brussels the idea of giving the european union a permanent seat on the un security council. and look the world security decisions and france this is the first step. of their permanent place on the council one british m.p.
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. and they will fight the move many other countries for example are india's billion plus people less worthy of a voice than the e.u.'s five hundred million giving the e.u. a seat as well as france and britain also rub salt into the wounds from many parts of the world notably africa and latin america whom the security council composition is already boy towards the west this move was proposed by a member of the european parliament from spain one of the biggest euro states with a permanent seat. claim to the current financial difficulties corporation inform policy. in the european union in politics. just recently over the invasion of libya and the same with. all those economy the un general assembly has just voted to give the european union as a single block much greater powers this move to get a permanent place on the u.n.
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security council is expected to receive much more opposition. well he wants more wroth already for itself on an international level but opposition voices think the powers of the unions ruling bodies are already too great an expense is too large tackles and within n.e.p. in the next hour. we have to look at the expenses of the european parliament itself and there is so you one very good example a very simple example why the european parliament should have two seats one in brussels and the other one instructor it costs additional almost three hundred million euros per year if you have to move once in a six week from brussels so let's have only one seat and we can give and we can show by perfect example to the people of europe that we are able to save the taxpayers money.
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recent controversial court decisions in georgia the country's legal system under the spotlight with the acquittal rate of less than one percent so many governments of tightening its grip over judges as yet there are going to chew over reports initial status and sometimes an after voice punishment. the high profile murder and a low profile investigation the case sounded a good reality became a byword for both in two thousand and six the twenty eight year old banker attended a birthday party for one of georgia's top police officials but he fell into all humans with one of the guests the next morning his body with multiple injuries was found on the outskirts of the b.b.c. four police officers were eventually sentenced to up to eighty years sandra's murder the resistor was not served by. it was in and out of court of the story are stopped as the full sentence of the court the procedure issued decree to they're
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released from. prison so it shows it's also one more to reduce that. they will go to just ordinary citizens is that where are the protection of four top officials of georgia dollars. an investigation wasn't even launched until hundreds of protesters went on to the streets of b.c. the victim's family looked for help from strasbourg and the cause of human rights in april european judges ruled the investigation was bungled that high ranking officials are escaping justice and that police close sensitive convicts were getting unfair leniency from the president it also ruled that judges government should pay to thousand euros to the murdered man's reality. the general public in georgia had long ago given its verdict on the case but it's a big victory of the european court of knowledge is it now on
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a political level it means the attitude to lawlessness in georgia is changing and europe is not ready to forgive such abuses by saakashvili his regime. but lawyers have been following the case since the start doubt any compensation will be paid under the current leadership regime saakashvili the saakashvili regime is based on illegal bust courts which he himself. great that as a lawyer i can tell you that every acquittal has to be agree with the prosecutor personally all the best was already behind bars and seventy years of the soviet union seventy laws were jailed and seven years of circuitry his regime hundred lawyers are in prison or according to figures published by georgia's supreme court a staggering ninety nine point six percent of cases resulted in guilty verdicts and twenty ten almost none so defendants walk free sandra's family's lawyer says no other country in europe has a conviction rate like this and that is
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a dangerous sign of the country becoming a police state europe's courts have long been concerned about georgia's failure to make corrupt high ranking officials face justice and using the police as pawns and millions of fans to grade the image of a georgian police man living up to the social ideals of serving and protecting its citizens and it's likely you'll struggle to bribe a policeman here and most certainly you could count on him to protect you from pretty street crime. to criminals are actually in a hierarchy that the police who can the general public have truly chaffed. daily commercials show police work as among the most prestigious and transparent police posts made of glass so everyone can see what this is do and anticorruption many tourists say eighty percent of people here trast their police if the government they believe works in the dark but if the death of someone to give
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really any underlines anything if they do just so much trumpeted more than legal system dishes out a very different justice when its president saakashvili his inner circle that's in the frame it's a little pressure r.t.d. the b.b.c. dorothea. or we have an abundance of other stories raising you on our website of course all at home and very day. stripping out the high altitude triggers the hijackings find out which airline was subjected to some of them wanted in-flight entertainment. in an illegal new zealander lands in russia as the olympics as you saw chief find out how the country welcomes the flightless one zero s a notch more assholes call.
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us political parties are once again loss in a battle over whether to increase their conscience debt ceiling which already stands at fourteen trillion dollars but no amount of extra loans of stimulus packages will help america get rid of its financial pain that's according to investment broker and author peter schiff. us politicians are going to have to be honest with our of electorate and say we can't keep these promises we can't make this those security payments we can't make the medicare payments we don't have the money we're broke and we can't extract it from the younger generations because they will leave the country so they're going to have to have an honest discussion and there is going to be a big economic decline associated with correct and you can bounce and unfortunately all they're concerned about is getting reelected that is why problem that's not the country's problem and so we never get the solutions get platitudes we get put fixes we get stimulus kick the can down the road sweeper tweak a problem go to the rug that's all they care about they want to get to the next
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election cycle without a blowing up but one of these days is going to blow up and there won't be a next election so i hope and i think that's coming i think within the next several years we're going to have a real economic crisis that we didn't have in two thousand and eight that we didn't have a two thousand and into but the problem is every time the government stimulates the economy to create an artificial boom to postpone the pain they make the inevitable bust that much worse so i think we've gotten to the point now where there is no more stimulus to work they're just overdubs. sounds like it was another top stories from around the world and india is being called directive a plea for harsher penalties for those involved in the deadly toxic gas leak in bhopal twenty seven years ago the incident that resulted in the death of more than ten thousand people michael's home and health problems one hundred thousand more the seven plots exacted square initially accused of course with homicide but in lighting isaac's ruling reduced the charges from negligence last year the managers
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were convicted but given a maximum of two years in prison. japan has released it is from inside one of the reactions of the troubled nuclear plant containing highly radioactive spent fuel the video appears to be the fuel rods believed to be largely undamaged lying on the daydream of the country has been trying to minimize radiation readings since the complex was struck by march's massive earthquake and tsunami. twenty five people have been detained in the capital of the far right have to face how the violence in the immigrant protest demonstration which involved several hundred it was occurred after forty four year old greek reportedly robes and started a group of eloquence on tuesday police into being dodgy protesters chased foreigners through the streets and vandalized buildings. well there seems to be nowhere ends of the violence in afghanistan as police report that dozens of taliban
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fighters have a time a village in the north of the country hostile debate about ten minutes time from now we discuss american strategy in the water own country has a pretty. as long as al qaeda is operating in that region as long as the taliban is operating in that region i think the united states has an interest in preventing for future harm to america and our friends and allies ok to go back to some of what i do buy into that. my perception is that for a long time well us foreign policy is useless as low that relates to this part of the world is. the way hoshi made on capitol hill it is in fact buried in the pentagon and langley. says business days away now with.
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no time for your business update a very warm welcome to russia's discovering that hosting formula one comes at a premium laying the country's first which will be in the southern city of sochi will cost around one hundred eighty million dollars the state will foot much of the bill but promise investors may also get the chance to cut. explains. i mean so she's a quark and right behind me you can see a route which after the two thousand and fourteen winter olympics will be turned into a formula one track the russian government is planning to spend over one hundred eighty million dollars on it and what will become the country's first f one circuit that's a half the song but it still comes in cheaper than the two hundred forty million dollars invested by china on itself one track the most expensive in the world which was completed in two thousand and four the project is part of the government's
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attempt to embrace the legacy of the two thousand and fourteen winter olympics and make use of much of the infrastructure already here analysts say the after one circuit is the start of the bush and on its own it's still not enough the country between poor middle ground zero here bernie ecclestone and omega the russian company which is also in charge of the building of olympic infrastructure with signed last year it's a seven year deal with the possibility of prolonging the contract after twenty twenty. archie's dad is reporting from their russian city of sochi and out of russia's largest comic up to the us has had a strong start to the year conjoint almost double sales between january and april compared to the same period last year and now after this starting production of a new model with high profile political support. we are at russia's main coffer trade off the boss waiting for prime minister vladimir putin who will be the
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first one to try to russia's new law that prime time off the boss promises it's will be a pillar of cheap secondhand impart it will cost about seven thousand dollars and will be a good compromise that's been price and quality of prime ministers personal drive test will be yet another attempt to revive faith into the massive car industry did it last year driving through siberia in la that in fact after the sales grew by high but analysts say that was mainly due to massive stuff for the sector. over the last two years russia spent about six billion dollars to prop up in the same test for clunkers program and subsidized lending have also proven their success and finally this year the russian camargue this expect them to only get back to pre-crisis levels with. cost sales. a quick look at the markets most european stocks are staying in the cloud on the heels of gains for wall street overnight
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investors are still digesting china's inflation figures which signaled pleasuring may take proper steps to cool growth some corporate updates are triggering action and a few shares of broker upgrade from marks and spencer shares helped the food and clothing retailer to the top of the food see shares are up three percent h.s.b.c. holdings shares are down point seven percent after the banking giant strategic review fails to excite investors are the bank of england raised its inflation forecast saying consumer price inflation will fall back to the bank's two percent target in the next two years if it highlights interest rates in line with the market. and here in moscow both the r.t.s. and the mines that suck up the solid gains for wall street and asia are supporting the markets while the current price is also gathering pace energy company shares are performing better than the market is up around one percent after its c.e.o. said its exports in may remain near the winter levels as gas demand in europe continues to grow the world's to nickel shares a see
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a shot profit taking after their rally on tuesday they are down more than one percent producer. just under two percent ahead of its upcoming merger with sylvan it. over europe continues to lose ground because of investor concern over the debt problems in europe the last four percent on the boards in one week and is currently. that's the lowest level since march if you need from a of cases to leave the euro school fortunes will not last long. the greek fact is the main tree all the consoles are home. prices also been sold for the group pleasure once over so for government and the potential again potential restructuring of that these other issues which need can crush on you right now until they're headed by the fact that the reason to disclose and to an end but i don't think this is a simple and compression in fact history shows that european governments are
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usually hard to so this ensures a good idea how the hell are dreadful to use saying that they're close into a solution to give an additional moment of you were so from the position found in order to support sweep the calling and this may come down on the markets as a kind of already happened in two thousand and ten a few times the global i.t. giant cisco is spreading its wings in russia. trying to components roll off a new russian production line ahead of the problems that russian unit outlines its investment blueprint for the country. right now and still be investing in the next ten years at least a billion dollars into the strategic development of russia it's called will be the heart of the picture and at least one hundred million of them really will probably go most likely going to venture financing. just started the licensed limited production process for producing the first products in russia. the product itself.
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and the swans are. working on top of the service. for. mineral. nervy markets on transatlantic capital stories have sent trade believes on russian stock exchanges to record highs the arches has seen a doubling of trading volume soon the past four months of this year compared to last that of most just sixteen trillion googles that's wrong five hundred seventy eight billion dollars and history analysts explained up is down to speculation sound trading broke a stake in a gamble on market share just but despite record volumes daily charnel brushes r.p.s. remains wrong let's face off trading on the last time. well that's the latest from now we'll have more for you than last the last time. the.
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culture is that so much i can tell for you if you're profitable and there's the taliban bad guys with the killing of osama bin laden us president barack obama has an historic opportunity an amnesty will he use it and what is the downside. is my name is daniel smith this is julian assange we're here to make a short presentation about the we can fix project. the first. in the for the state
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to get information out about the real world. to him work on and one of the. bigger issues because. we're going to be in the marketing. if i ever put any sources in danger he would hunt me down and kill him. this is exactly one of the reasons why we left the project because it has become more of all this all james bond. than all the actual information. but thank you. the whole big deal around the won't. let me. see official policy on flick a show. called touch from the.
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