tv [untitled] May 11, 2011 7:00pm-7:30pm EDT
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until the twentieth century travelers have to worry about individuals who would hide behind under bridges waiting to jump out and stop them intimidate them and take their money back then they were called the highway men bandits desperado and sales of fantasy they were usually called trolls today we call them cops and it's a night so you will learn how to fight back against illegal conduct by so-called law enforcement officers with truth accountability and video cameras professional resolute asking joins me tonight for a special segment about confronting armed abuses of authority and we'll be joined by robert when a seventeen year old from minnesota who was illegally detained by corrupt police
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officer dustin hill and adam a freeman of cop block dot org but first tonight we'll sit down with the author of a return to common sense problem and we'll get a proper understanding of just who the men in blue costumes with guns really are with none other than stuff on molyneux let's see if i can get through tonight's episode without getting arrested showing your watch and adam versus the ma'am. for years liberals complained that president bush took us to war without a proper constitutional declaration and they were right to complain but maybe for the wrong reasons now numerous republicans and constitutionalists are complaining
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that obama has initiated phonetic military action without this legally necessary declaration but that's in a declaration is it permission from congress to the president to do something well not according to our next guest with me in studio today is writer and political analyst tom. an author of a return to common sense reawakening liberty and the habitants of america tom has been a featured speaker at the new hampshire liberty form campaign for liberty and numerous campus organizations thank you so much for joining us tonight thank you it's great to be here so this new tape fresh for me even this is really fascinating about declaration of war with your analysis and your new and not really new but historical data that you're bringing to bear on this argument what is a proper declaration of war supposed to be but i think the first thing you have to consider is what is the word stick declaration to declare and you know just like victory don't declare victory so that you can when you declare victory once you've already won it's not true i mean in afghanistan at this point isn't isn't anything
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obama's is going to declare victory and pull out right right michel you know you know you know so you know in if you look at every example in american history where the declaration of war has been used they have used it to declare that the state of war between the two nations already exists and in order for them to be able to do that they have to find some reason for it to exist and usually the president has gone what should say usually in every case the president has gone to the congress and said you know they have invaded our soil they have spilled blood on american soil or spill american blood on american soil and they've done x. y. and z. and therefore a state of war exists between us because we've been attacked we have been wrong we are now at war and have due cause yeah and when you look at the congressional resolution is to declare war they're very very explicit in fact one of them might be the one with spain actually says the day on which the war started and this is
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all before a major military action has been launched but congress declares that we are at war because of the actions of the other nation and they direct the president to use the military to bend a little so with this concept then the point of the declaration is for congress to be. sickly adjudicate on whether or not a state of war exists whether or not we have really been wrong in our view cause to go into conflict with another country right yeah it's analogous is what i said recently of course there's no witnesses called there's no burden of evidence or anything like that but there is at least a procedure where somebody has to say why we're going to now launch our planes or ships that these people and the congress has to declare this is why we are fighting back this is why we are going to launch the military because we're already at war ok now we've got a clip from presidential candidate from g.o.p. herman cain from the debate last week and i want to get your take on this little
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bit before i make a decision to see him in women in uniform into battle i want to make sure we know what the objective is clearly but we clearly know how is it to see the end poll more broken and thirdly what is the rule meant to be to be what's missing from that approach well you know that's great what he said but i think you know hitler napoleon they all would have been justified under those criteria what about they attacked us that's why we're going to war so that's supposed to be the american new standard of use of force right only when it's not yeah and when you look at the constitution the best parts of the constitution are those that uphold what we call now the non-aggression axiom what they used to call the law of nature back then which says that no one may initiate force against anybody so the declaration of war indicates we are not initiated on war you know and i'm still this is really fast and i'm and when i read your perspective on this you know it's
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a fresh take on it and it really gets to the heart of what a declaration of war could be your should be and what the founders really intended it to be but isn't this kind of a technical argument i mean some like the technicality arion saying well you know what if obama's birth certificate has you know this period missing here or well the so. the amendment wasn't ratified by this nanny state so i'm not subject to the income tax you know when there are so many people dying and suffering and really with congressional approval one way or another we have seen in amends amount of human suffering as a result of a disastrous foreign policy over the course of my entire lifetime why does it matter well i think that if you don't understand what it means then it does become a technicality and that's why i wanted to bring this up because it's the principle that counts it's the principle of non-aggression and when people realize that they would start to say well wait a minute if we we can't declare war against iraq because they haven't attacked us it doesn't matter if they have weapons of mass destruction but we have weapons of mass destruction if anyone should be attacked i guess it probably should be us well
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i hope this good understanding that you're sharing can be turned into something that the people of america have to understand this in order for it to be relevant because otherwise there's no accountability for the politicians who are going to do this one way or another if they have to remember that america should never start a war we can finish one but we should start with a man else and thanks so much for joining us tonight q that was writer and political analyst tom mullen author of a return to common sense reawakening liberty and the inhabitants of america and now for a special edition of exposing the gun in the room with stefan molyneux why is this a special edition it isn't everyone with a special well because in this case the gun is already exposed and in washington d.c. is feels like we're surrounded we are by people with guns who think they have the right to tell you what to do and i know no one better at using philosophy they get at the cold hard reality of situational matter how difficult or and popular insofar
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nolen a list of freedom in radio not comes the fun thank you so much for joining us tonight thanks jim great to be here so what is the actual role of the police force in our sunday. well the first thing to understand that philosophically speaking the police are magic because because they have particular training which anybody can do they put on a blue costume and a little hat and suddenly they have the moral obligation to do that which is absolutely illegal for everyone else to initiate the use of force against usually disarmed or under armed citizens so they can go around collecting taxes and more than forty thousand regulations and laws were enacted by state legislatures last year they can all be enforced by the cops you got a seven thousand page tax code with five and a half million words that can all be enforced by the cops and it doesn't matter how well meaning anything good luck or tell us why it's the final why why it is a lie is a system set up this way well because it's very profitable to have
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a lot of it to have very few sheep dogs and a lot of cheap human beings submit to force around the world throughout history if you can scare people through threats of jail despite the fact that violent crimes in the us have declined for the last twenty years you have three percent of the u.s. population either in jail or on parole are being monitored the u.s. has the highest incarceration rate in the world that frightens everyone the u.s. per capita has almost as high in incarceration rate in two thousand and eleven than russia had before the second world war under stalin in the google legs describe it as a terrifying situation for many americans and so people will shut up and pay well what about those cops that generally want to help people as you mentioned i mean there are cops there on the beat it really think that what they're doing primarily is providing for the public safety they're there for noble reasons there were no enforce the laws that are based on real disasters some of our you would like even
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we have law enforcement against prohibition have come out and said we don't want to enforce some of these are just laws and we're how does that fit. well i mean the key is not which laws willing to enforce but which laws are they not willing to enforce there are of course hundreds of thousands of laws and regulations on the books that can be used to attack just about every citizen ever and so the important thing i think is the core needs to go out to the police to be honorable and noble defenders of liberty to say look what laws are you not going to enforce you know twenty percent of convicted inmates in two thousand and two which is the latest year that statistics are available in for violent crimes everyone is in for nonviolent crimes or tax evasion or some sort of other non try him and there's incredible estimates that if you got rid of the war on drugs you'd have ten thousand or more fewer homicides every year so even those who are in for violent crimes a lot of that violence has to do with the drug war so the important thing is that cops need to look in the mirror and say what laws is and is it not going to fit my
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conscience to enforce because it takes them to lay down their weapons in peaceful situations like somebody having a particular piece of vegetation in their pocket for us to become just a little bit more free not something you've got some incredible concepts and some ideas about how we could address some of the isms around law enforcement if we had a voluntary society how we would get the things that we think we're getting or at least in the sort of social knowledge of what cops are supposed to be our support nor what we as the people are supposed to be getting from parts from dispute resolution organizations voluntary means of cooperation can you explain why we only got a minute left but i don't as a new challenge where they can you explain how that would work as an alternative. yeah look i mean we obviously want to prevent violence prevention is better than cure but unfortunately under the existing system there is no money in prevention there's only money in these pseudo cures incarceration so what you want is a system that intervenes in troubled families groups of violence go down into child abuse according to the latest research that's available we need
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a society that's going to intervene and help parents who are pressing against their children to braise more peaceful children they. it will reduce the crime rate enormously repeal the law and drugs get rid of minimum wage laws opening up the economy so that there's more opportunity for people to work rather than get involved in a life of crime there's so much that we could do to make policing much more effective much more peaceful much more sustainable and far less corrupt and that's what we need to be moving well we can only hope that we get there sunday are you as hopeful as i am still fun good always wins it's just it's just a matter of when i or do you want to get or if the car really appreciate the work you're doing thank you so much for joining us today and that was that was the fun while you were host of freedom in radio dot com. well a better understanding of the men running around in blue costumes doesn't make them go away or behave properly but sometimes video cameras do when we come back we'll sit down with professional rabble rouser founder of we are james and adam vs the
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man contributor. for special segment on holding police accountable for the train robbery wemmick seventeen year old who was illegally detained after well so ground so you put it in and out of more primitive cop walk or go from the front line of the war for your rights you're watching adam versus the man. for. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so fooling you think you understand it and then he glimpse
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something else and you hear or see some of the part of it and realize that everything is ok you don't i'm sorry welcome to the big picture. we have every right as a citizen if you want to go to work tomorrow what they care what i have every right to feel i don't tell you right now sir i don't write what i wrote you told people i have always sort of sort of ok i'm not like that although we don't want to press pat because i have a shipwright however what may be. yeah that's right he said is that i have a business card because i'm a good listener and i know you're white or even a far better journalist i have every right to request oh yes i do it like a lot actually you know you do not it's not a piece of. shit i didn't even you don't. know what new york state you know york
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city law. was on i saw you not talk about the constitution but it has it's own kind of you. know what you're talking about i have every right cato you don't know i couldn't tell first if you're doing nothing wrong you don't mind me if you're not but i'm not going to talk i need to go to europe of a corporate i'm an american you're american you're supposed to serve the people and that's what it's all about you have you should have no problem no problem at all right now officer if you're not doing anything wrong what's the role you feel most everybody. welcome back to adam vs the man what you just saw in new york city being confronted by cops unlawfully subverting his rights sadly they have general legal clearance for this kind of behavior since the courts have ruled repeatedly but it's ok for cops to lie to citizens in the course of duty without consequence of course thanks to our corrupt from top to bottom court system cops are generally able to get away with assaults kidnapping theft in this part of property when in the course of duty without consequence the best weapon that we have to fight back against cops
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is a video camera and no one is more familiar with that then adam vs american figure look at ask you lou thanks for going to say thanks for having me just so people know the screaming actually continued for another three minutes until a superior officer came and actually told the officer that i do have a right to film and you know in this day and age i think shooting a video camera is a lot more powerful and a lot more effective than shooting a gun while everybody absolutely so we sent you out to do a segment to do a kind of man on the street thing yesterday to see what cops actually thought of being filmed by people and they go so well that you know i mean that's not fair i mean i got a very good answer to this clip right here all right. we're just doing like i mean do you think do you think citizens have a right to film police officers i don't have any comment on anything well that was certainly a lightning i don't have any any i do anything anything well i well sometimes sometimes you even have to film
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a police officer to get their attention sometimes you just have to go in front of a big private federal reserve bank is that you have an example of this right here all right. but. you're still here from the federal reserve building right here in d.c. i mean doesn't know what they're doing you try to think of these like the latino players zombie like growth rate over here and. this news really wanted to be there with the deal but. to actually just talk to them as i want it is amazing it's like you who's played like a zombie to brains like oh my god the son of the video there were in the vicinity and i think he was more afraid of me than i was afraid of and then he just wandered away well it could have been a lot worse you're really lucky i mean we have the story of robert wenneker in north dakota from minnesota with his incident there where he was just an awfully
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detained for this well we have the video footage because and this is really important because when cops do things like this there is a measure of accountability that we have now thanks to the internet and with the case of robert when it he was attained illegally in washington north dakota but was able to get this footage out almost right away and had a he was able to get a phone call flood onto the department that's actually triggered a investigation of the os and that's that's the rare occurrence and it was politically. i think. nothing i'm just coming to the story for a minute sort of change that org about one more integrated in life info. so robert after spending most of the day there in detention illegally detained by the police force was really lucky to get out of this but we're fortunate enough now
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to have robert with us from breckenridge minnesota robert thank you so much for joining us tonight robert thank you so much for the show you're bringing me on the on the show today but it's been also to watch you grow i mean i we first i mean i first met you on nine at least when you were fourteen and to see how much work you've been able to do it was while in high school now at seventeen still you know ok can button take a names and really impress me thanks and robert can you update us on the latest case what's happening right now with your well right now the police chief is currently investigating the officer in question which is a former federal an architect's drug agent just an e-mail and now canine unit officer at the washington police department so you were detained tell us about that i mean we saw from the clip you were fifteen feet away you know the police officer he doesn't know he's been lying in his police report repeatedly but tell us about
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your detention experience. well it all started when i was driving by the police station and noticed mr billow side and citizens of the city have been asking me to cover a story on his conduct i've been getting me complaints on facebook e-mail my cell phone it's just been blowing up so i approached him in you know stood a decent distance away roughly fifteen feet on a public street and he engaged me and asked me what i was doing and when i told him i was filming a story you mediately arrest me for what he called interfering with a police investigation now the really amazing part of the story isn't what happened with your arrest or detention because as you know you know except for your age and some of the technicalities there this kind of thing happens all the time all over the country people who have the guts to stand up to cops and to want to get them out of accountability but what makes your case really amazing is that you were able to within a matter of days get this on you tube with a plea for people to call in to the washington police department and you were able
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to trigger an investigation you got three hundred something thousand views on your youtube video about this and you're already set you're already tell me will stop calling stop calling tell us about the investigations going on now do you have any confidence that it's going to bring real accountability for dustin hill. well after meeting with the chief of police he said that they had received over four hundred phone calls regarding the issue and he told me that he'd only received four. of course i mean i want to call them nicely tell you that your police officer is out of line for kidnapping a teenager yes or go ahead. but he did seem like he you know expressed a matter of accountability he told me that you know that the united states constitution is way too important to be treated as toilet paper and then he would die defending my rights whether those are words or his actual beliefs you know we're yet to see depending on his decision but it seemed like he was you know a defender of the constitution in not in support of the section and that's what i
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want people to know is that this officer has been practicing unwarranted raids for years now and it's not the actions that apartment's the actions of one man well best of luck and continue our fight for accountability i hope it's an example that others follow and thank you so much for joining us tonight robert thank you so he was able to give us also investigated after all this but you know most incidents where people are caught filming cobbs you know i mean the kind of harassment they don't like it usually doesn't rise to the level of three hundred thousand views on you tube and accountability cops get away with this stuff right especially if you're driving around in a car when you're at the mercy of a police officer just like in this video here. ok now when i was a problem now we all take pictures of thank you have a right to the video and. you are like. ok
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thank you. i will see three room house not. only yeah we all want to meet anybody. deserves a reason. so what actually triggered this really you were you were out filming and you got pulled over and what did she say you were pulled over because she actually walked away i didn't really know why but we were actually rolled by them we were filming them because we film anywhere we see police officers we always turn the cameras on them just to let him know that we're watching and to let him know that the equalizer is out there and that would he do if you're so if you're afraid of getting pulled over at any point. for whatever reason make sure that luke is not a passenger in your car because he's those the. download he always does the
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president will be driving around d.c. and see i really just the other day it was a couple of minorities in our neighborhood getting harassed by cops all the time with brown bags and this most of it's really sad that cops get away with this day after day after day because it's the kind of petty harassment that just builds egos and doesn't rise to the level of something that you can you know make a campaign on and get some real accountability of course and it's sad that they pick on the weak but we're there to utilize the power and the well and fortunately how i have to say this is really exciting because aren't for our next guest there is a decentralized community of individuals united by their shared goal of police accountability and education of individual rights and the summer nation of effective tactics utilized while interacting with police because. themselves block block not or they go so far as to call police officers gang members even as contributor george sanders wrote on their website quote this comparison is based on the fact that police like gangs claim ultimate dominion over
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a particular territory they stake out these particular territories and demand protection money for reasons mostly out of the control of local residents if their demands are not met they resort to violence join us now for more ways to fight back stand up for our rights and hold police accountable is founder out i'm a freeman a man who has stuck out his neck for your freedom numerous times and done the time to prove it mr freeman thank you so much for joining us tonight a big i mean honestly. so we've seen in this recent years a real groundswell of these grassroots videos of cell phone videos now making headlines and what you've been doing getting that together in an organized way with cop like that is incredible tell us how did get started how does that relate to this larger social movement that we're seeing of people holding police accountable with the cameras. oh i myself am a victim of the war on drugs twice i've found that the justice system doesn't
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provide much justice and there is this need and as an activist like so many else out there i feel that voice on the internet and i created a website called complex org where i wanted to house police abuse and stories and how to get accountability out of the individual i found that to be a daunting job with all the television going out of the day which you mention and the increase of which i think is related directly to the technological advances we have with you tube and so on but i want to be able please for everyone to go to share their story because all too well so often when you go to the police you become the victim of it in my view so come what already is decentralised anyone can share their story of a police encounter video that they have or ways that they want to accountable and there's a very active group of folks out there about me and others made videos of a multitude of things to try to show others how we can hold on of them but i've seen incredible courage from you in your activism not just in which we've organized
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a cop block but in some of the individual confrontations i mean you've got you've got quite an admirable rap sheet there but we just got a minute left what would you say to the young activist who's looking at this and is intended by cops and doesn't know how to get started how do you how do you get to that why would you give someone like that the courage to get engaged the way that she's been engaged. well i mean we're all individuals we're all created equal and so we're going to be you know we're trying to educate. an educational right we want everybody to grow nerve there we can make the best education possible so somebody starting out as i was just going to walk out or yack no going to come out right you can know you can contrast. and become nobodies that other folks not only myself and my colleagues. but many others across the country interact where you're right and where you're going to then i go emigrating begin to think you were there when you started. that so it's i would go with that if there was one thing for our viewers
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to take away my free to go is an absolutely essential phrase understand how to apply the cops on the freeman cup lockout or thank you so much for joining us tonight. all right so look we sent you our assignment yesterday says if you get anything of value from talking to cops you must you must have something i got one little tiny thing where you got to read a. little play that. citizens have in the film authority having the right. call the hearing this a good thing. well thank you for that luke at least we got that much out of it really appreciate it lou thanks for joining us thank you so while looking at all of the heinous things that police officers are capable of sometimes due to individual irresponsibility or malice sometimes due to policy it's important to remember that police are all beautiful wonderful human beings just as capable of love and compassion as anyone else many of them are cops for noble reasons they want to
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provide for the public safety help people in need and fight for justice and the end of the day we must remember the police are just people like you and me the difference is a badge and the sanction to execute government policy by force. because of this it's important to make sure that those protocols of government are just and that the individuals holding the badge is treat citizens fairly this is our responsibility not as americans or even as individuals but as members of communities that want people to be treated fairly and justice to be done i. know. that's our show thank you so much for tuning into adam reverses the man tonight please check adam vs the man that vote on guests and topics and find me on facebook and twitter as always you can email me at adam adam vs the man dot com and you can catch is broadcast live as it airs at r.t. dot com slash this.
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