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tv   [untitled]    May 12, 2011 3:00am-3:30am EDT

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the sudden unity of palestine's rival factions may shake israel's hold on the region reconciliation has broken one post mubarak egypt leaving turn a bit more isolated than ever. a former nazi death camp guard accused of assisting in the murder of thousands of jews will soon hear his fate and choice to follow the path of his age victims and talk to relatives of the survivors. monitored by surveillance cameras in every corner people in america's most watched city or beginning to doubt the true purpose of such strict security measures. the
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country's largest still produced. by its business by buying into an i know all company in brazil more in business in twenty minutes. world news twenty four hours a day live from moscow you're watching r.t. an end to the four year rift between the two palestinian political parties has created an air of fear and uncertainty for israel post mubarak egypt close to the reconciliation between fatah and hamas a recent poll suggests the majority of egyptians are turning their backs on the jewish nation as a point to say reports the u.s. backed resolution egypt has any further isolated washington's main ally in the region. ody is happier than he's been in a long time the political activist used to be a member of fatah but switched to harm us because he feels betrayed by fatah
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dealings with israel and while hamas might be considered a terrorist organization by israel and the united states only says the movement she is his goals goals that are now being furthered by a new friend cairo. it's not only me who's happy the egyptian president hosni mubarak has gone all the arab world it never had a connection with any muslim organization he had the same head is israel israelis should be worried and israelis are the reconsideration deal between better rivals hamas and fatah have signed recently in cairo took them by surprise and could never have happened if mubarak was still in power i think there was a lot of mistrust between hamas and mubarak and his regime have nuked a poor barak not. because of. the deal in his four years of division between hamas and fatah and greater prepares
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them for the planned to ration of palestinian statehood in september i am most afraid that hamas runs. the west bank in a kind of free legal way by the palestinian authority. sooner rather than later or they will overtake the west bank and this might be a problem not only for the palestinians it will be a problem for israel i am this is one of the many checkpoints between israel and the palestinian territories as cairo extends a hand to the palestinians security here is likely to be beefed up in the three months since mubarak was ousted no one's replaced him some believed the americans gave up the old friend too early and to easily miscalculated his replacement would be democratic. big interests instead it's the generals who continue to call the shots and they're playing this man. egypt want to.
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the way that it has been run on the one hand but on the other hand they want to establish a new relationship with hamas we're not sure about the new egyptian government backed so ironically while washington felt it was creating a safer middle east its closest ally israel is suffering a recent poll found that fifty four percent of egyptians want to see the egyptian israeli peace treaty cancelled a statistic that has his ratings terrified and missing the old order more new policy our teeth in the palestinian authority. elsewhere in the middle east tensions are peaking with further nato bombardment in libya victims from the syrian crackdown. at least airstrikes what's. the latest string of attacks since atrocious its military campaign in this two months ago i mean it's just. to be
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a bigger market don't think they'd be here it's because his first public speech sensory data it killed his youngest son gantry. syria. the government's position protests as tanks was huge celebration lives across the country syria is a lot to do with. this community activists. say is. syria it is different from not believe. it is all of course possible that we'll get there sometime but so long as the zero points of the region are not lured into using force him to use into carrying arms then hopefully we will not end up with another leader because. we started becoming catastrophic when the revolution threw me into an armed conflict we've seen the model in libya for
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intervention has only complicated things. intervention has not helped settle the problem in libya and i don't think it will help settle the problem in syria and we've seen sanctions there's a history of adopting sanctions in various places including iraq for many many years and only the ordinary people suffered throughout the time the sanctions with . the popular uprising in libya and speculation that some nations were going out of their way to get involved. with the middle east expert who believes his financial independence was the attraction to native intervention. you know let me just also recognize one remarkable piece of coincidence all of the countries that are tagged by the mainstream media on behalf of the political elite
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all of the countries tags such as venezuela cuba libya iraq iran north korea all have one thing in common or had one thing in common and that is they are free of debt from the world bank that they are not locked into the world bank and the i.m.f. they have their own banks they issue their own currency and we also have to recognize the remarkable coincidence between the statement that he was going to start issuing gold and demanding that he was purchased in gold and then the next thing we know of course then we have a popular uprising. a former death camp guard accused of aiding the murder of thousands of jews during world war two is about to learn his fate i mean a court is set to deliver its verdict on a case of like a one year old trying to. take. over some of the relatives of those who perished under the nazi regime. you only wanted through the gates of saudi border
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once there was no return unlike an out of concentration camps. there was no slave labor people were immediately to their death. be unsuspecting jews were welcomed by a band and fiery speeches from the nazi commander sometimes the rattray even one applause then came an invitation to shower after the long drawn out it was all a deception a quarter of a million jews preceded along this path called him and parched wall street to have an s.s. man to score said the victims down the track to the gas chambers only be ukrainian s.s. guards and the german s.s. officers. allowed to take up the task they were considered the most well trained and the most reliable among do standing guard was john demjanjuk accused of being complicit in nearly twenty eight thousand counts of manslaughter many of those he
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allegedly escorted to the gas chambers with children. my friend of course you were seventeen years old mr i know everything for if i had my very first information. and i could build my own armored vehicle you should be. sure that you mean you could have been her guest. before being sent to work at sobibor guards underwent and sam strain to menu grants of the trial v.k. camp where the s.s. carries out weapons drills and combat training and even taking german language classes it is difficult to say very happy. training here on the green was the case against the author war nobody from the from that same training or anti-semitic training. soldiers army training here in the camp they were surprised with them because it was kind of
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a duty which we had. had to do with africa. but victims' relatives believe those who signed up as a sas man were well aware of the cuties they'd be carrying out mariam whose mother was one of the lucky few who survived so people who are the prosecution up to any new she may be in her eighty's but she made it to every court session she doesn't want him to be in prison for the rest of his short life or. more. he wants to over it's she wants him to admit that he was here and what sobibor is it's not a war it's not soldiers against each other it's killing people in a factory. every war criminal he served it's criminal think. he'll never never never knew how many years he's very traditional never going to have to be punished. trial is
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a sign that the trying to first century is still pretty pat to deal with the evil something trying to you know morning that there is no expiry date for crimes against humanity it's in the natural backyard team some people. as a former nazi guard awaits his verdict a wave of neo nationalism erupts with unprecedented force in western ukraine. looking to a website article called discover why veterans of world war two become a victim's of the real fascist balance on it today and city. over the last decade the u.s. government has expanded its domestic surveillance networks to i'm president and
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levels for the rows of the streets cameras to invasive pat downs many say that civil liberties and privacy are being cast aside. as the story from america's most monitored city. welcome to chicago the most watched city in the u.s. from all school blue light cameras to cameras with state of the art technical capabilities watchful lenses fill the streets in what has been dubbed operation virtual shield thousands of public and privately owned security cameras have been put in place and linked together creating a capsule of surveillance over the entire city more extensive than anywhere else in the united states the number is estimated at up to ten thousand and networks cost around sixty million dollars officials say it's worth the price for privacy concerns are at a peak for twelve hundred security cameras located throughout the city are said to be powerful enough to be able to zoom in to a text or even a text message this is the age of thirty seven page report from our maryland civil
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rights group the a.c.l.u. calls the network pervasive and then regulated things on here most have shown up on the internet you know the cameras have been pointed out a particular way you know women or to engage in some other sort of intrusive activity. to many today's watch over chicago is reminiscent of a very dark chapter in its history when the red squad special police units spied on citizens. hundreds of. thousands of. the united states constitution from the one nine hundred twenty s. to the one nine hundred seventy s. communists civil rights groups anti-war movements and many more were tracked i believe the whole framework of journalists killed the concept of privacy in the us is long gone and the. law enforcement has to
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be so mean as chicago increasingly resembles the chilling and tell you to be i described a george orwell's legendary novel nineteen eighty-four where every word action. and even thought it was monitored by big brother. and. the only thing that's missing. advise us on how to live our lives while the structure of surveillance grows so do the fears of americans it creeps me out i don't like it when you fully appreciate the scale of what is being put in place in chicago and then imagine a. more repressive city government or more repressive regime it could be incredibly interesting christian was an artist arrested for selling one dollar prints on the streets he filmed his arrest and as a result class won for the role of camp the murder and that's fifteen years that's
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up to fifteen years in the state prison this is totally crazy as officials cower to report people's movements expands the power of the people to do the same is being squashed when they hook all these things up and are able to follow people all around the city and at the same calendar telling us that we can't even gather the information we need to go to court where represents a thorough and complete police state another worry it's how the unquestioning surveillance methods post nine eleven. orientation. and a terrorist concerns trump any other value so there's not even a discussion leaving many wondering if the means designed to fight external terrors could end up terrorizing the people at home or the notion that you are by police presence is. globally with a military presence it's not the problem and it doesn't address the problem doesn't make us safer caught in the cameras i ricans are beginning to question its real
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focus and to wonder how to shutter their privacy and says you're going to r.t. chicago illinois. so to come on the program football the actions take on the church . actually there from the cup winners for the opening match in the southern russian republics a new world class stadium approved no match for the local side. common threats are about to get a joint response pakistani president asif ali zardari is in moscow to discuss the fight against terrorism and drug trafficking with russian president dmitry medvedev . has more on the pakistani leaders four day trip. a lot of issues are on the table including fighting terror especially in light of the elimination of them by u.s. forces in pakistan and the second to me that it was highly praised by moscow old media of saying that bin laden's death should have
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a positive effect on the russian security as well russian authorities have also been able to pull some successful anti terror operations recently just t.b.'s after going to be killed al qaeda the top militants in the caucasus if you talk about drug trafficking a very important issue pakistan is a big where in a v troubled region right there mexico afghanistan russia is really suffering from the flow of drugs from of ghana's then especially opiates poor from all that if you talk about business who are expecting several deals to be signed in this years of energy agriculture and heavy all in all the last time the president met was a during a summit in sochi a last august leaders off to start in afghanistan to for another summit as well and back all four countries such as building up more cooperation in various theories
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including the military so now it's a good time for russia and pakistan to make sure they're still on the scene the. reporting that palin next crew set for the international space station has begun today remission exam is historic space capital of star city three men the russian an american and japanese astronauts. native crisis situations on a scale mock up of the ice says the panel of instructions will then great according to the phones. to certify that mention also that they'll head to the baikonur cosmodrome in kazakhstan in five missions to take off the shuttle for the picture of spending six months. you know it's. probably for some of the world really. you clear few roads the first reactor damaged fukushima power plant in japan they have gone into complete meltdown in the operators of crippled stations
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say that used fuel is probably laying at the bottom of the unit and maybe cooling down and discovery was made off the filters cleared the air of radioactive substances along specialists to enter the reactor to company has been trying for two months now to restore cooling systems that are damaged by the earthquake and tsunami. at least ten people have been killed and dozens injured after two earthquakes and something strange marketing worlds apart from our point of sharks there's major damage from time. to quakes came within two hours of each other rather worse the perfect experience for fifty years hundreds of people spent the night on the streets of the fleeing their homes during the tremors. australian police have arrested two men pulling a massive air wing seizure and city into two kilograms of the drug were furniture the same called reform measure the street value of the city's substance is
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estimated at over fifty two million dollars the smugglers russian nationals are due to hear more from thursday from them think they could face heavy fines and life imprisonment. for the all star football team had private a marathoner lost five to a friendly action as the team representing the russian move caucuses republic of chechnya siding with the republican leader of under skippered by moscow's top man in the region legs on or on the former world soccer superstars came for the grand opening of a new thirty thousand seater stadium. in the culture of a watch the action unfolds. the winners of the celebrity match is the russian team that won five two and this point the rain hundreds of people stayed here at this stereo and waited for almost a few hours and they say it's received by the spectacular show with the fireworks
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that with musical performance and with a football match that they were waiting for so long with the soundness of football superstars it taking part at this advance during the first half of the game of the leaders something was at the international scene captained by the one i don't know meanwhile doing be a second top of the game the leaders of the football match was the russian team among the players so for the russian team i was that he not just tired but a famous a russian goalkeeper of the team was the captain to buy a presidential envoy to the north caucuses alex on the flop poignant and the change and even rounds on the video first hazards of the match among these superstars were leading figures in the the world of football such as ali and the guy sound louche fi go by steve mcmanaman and many others and indeed the recent feeling hand that
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this place here in the the capital city of grozny was a loudest place in the full region over the north caucasus as a thousands of people have gathered here for the band and many came not only from the capital city grozny but also from neighboring villages and neighboring republics were standing at the moment of the thirty thousand seaters study of and it is the one of the biggest audience in the whole region of russia's north caucasus and will definitely remain one of the biggest us ports landmarks that this region has. business news. hello that's right time to get the latest from the world of business and russia will not sell bones and will cut its domestic boring this year high current prices decent food costs are pumping extra cash into the state budget and it exports will top the budget with an extra forty billion dollars this year and cut the deficit to
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one percent of g.d.p. the state will also axe domestic boring by twenty percent down to thirty billion dollars but some claim russia could take advantage of load that costs a broader store extra all the revenues how well the endless points out that after nine hundred ninety eight do fall to the stage is up tight out increasing point that. let's have a quick look at the markets crude prices have narrowed their gains this hour is trading at ninety eight dollars a barrel head is selloff sparked by the world's leading derivatives market place. raising praising limits to certain energy contracts the move shopping weakness of energy futures in the wake of bigger than expected increase in the world in the interest in the u.s. . precious metals all losing ground silver continues. taken from wednesday when it lost almost eighty percent on fears a default for the greek economy is unavoidable gold is into point two percent.
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and in asia a sell off in quarters wall street losses and european worries have cut down investor risk appetite resource and financial stocks among the top losers on elmina corp of china is declining around two and a half percent and h.s.b.c. said in one point three percent in tokyo so much of a metals and mining shed just under three percent up close. and here and russia falling oil prices and to us losses overnight are fueling father bearish sentiment on the markets here. after wednesday's significant drop the r.t.s. one point six percent during the first twenty minutes of trade this morning miles that is also losing ground point four percent in the red. let's have a look at some of the individual show moves loek mortgages are grabbing energy and battles as down gas from is down just. one and
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a half percent lower as investors seem to be unimpressed by the news of the company's urges of an iron ore company and brazil bucking the trend as normally coal gagne's growth straight session up almost one percent this. the world's top producer the soul has tripled net profit to almost seven hundred two million dollars in the first quarter up if it could be its the full cost by sixty percent as is largely true because of the storm demand from china. and russia severstal is diversifying into the mining business the country's largest still maker is buying an iron ore company in brazil that still giant is purchasing it twenty five percent stake in brazil and mining. to forty nine million dollars fifty will be paid in full most related installments as the company develops i would oppose us in northern brazil also has an option to buy a third of that fifty percent of the farm in the future is seen as a bit just
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a pure raw materials meat prices of still making gradients hitting record highs. while russia's internet market is one of the fastest developing in the world and is expected to reach ninety million users by twenty thirteen carol cutler forbes middest list a capitalist is jumping on the bandwagon to create an online credit agency in. the market as props in place for investments as e-commerce and russia is far from reaching saturation point. online travel is thirty to fifty percent of e-commerce. developed e-commerce market and in emerging market it grows really fast so i think that potential here is is quite sizable i'm really interested in their consumer internet and that includes everything mobile at the same time so let's consider them one and i think that's the case because these businesses are not terribly expensive to build there's an awful lot of people here who know the technology very well and they scale quickly people tell other people when you build
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a great product that's really your best marketing so people tell other people in the in the best sense over ality. could take not more than one time. wealthy british scientists are. sometimes explicitly.
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private. market why not come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike's concert for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune in to cause a report on our. guests my name is daniel smith this is joining us on the phone we're here to make a short presentation of all that we can fix project. the first step in the for the day is to get information out about the real world. join him. on yeah i'm going after her. secrecy because i'm going to be a good marketer you. know. if i ever put in the sauce this is in danger
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he would hunt me down and kill me. this is exactly want to. reasons why we left the project because it has become more of all this all the james bond. than all the actual information. but thank you. the whole people around the won't. pay me. more news today violence is once again flared up. these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. the giant corporations are all today.


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