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tv   [untitled]    May 12, 2011 9:00am-9:30am EDT

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egypt's revolution back fires across the border with israel now concerned with the sudden reconciliation of two palestinian rival factions which the post mubarak state brokered. crime with no expiration date a german court finds a ninety one year old former nazi death camp camp guarded guilty of accessory to murder said seeing him to five years in jail for. the expansion of surveillance cameras in parts of the u.s. sparking people's fears they're being spied on instead of being looked down. and come out of these are continuing the decline disliking some of the earlier in the
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session with the with the climbing with sense believes the mouse's joy and business of the in twenty minutes time. five pm in moscow i match reza good to have you with us here on r t our top story egypt's revolution may be over but the shift brought the shifted brought about in the region's geopolitics continues the ousting of president mubarak made it possible for the country to broker a historic reconciliation deal between two rival palestinian factions hamas and fatah that's proving worrisome for israel as artie's policy reports there's an irony that the western backed revolution has backfired for the u.s. is a longtime ally. most of the o.t. is happier than he's been in a long time a political activist used to be a member of fatah but switched to hamas because he feels betrayed by fatah dealings with israel and one who must be considered
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a terrorist organization by israel and the united states only says the movement shares his goals goals that are now being furthered by a new friend kibo. it's not only me who's happy gyptian president hosni mubarak has gone all the arab world is never had a connection with any muslim organization he had the same hate israel israelis should be worried and israelis are the reconciliation deal between but her rivals hamas and fatah signed recently in cairo took him by surprise and could never have happened if mubarak was still in power i think there was a lot of mistrust between the hamas and mubarak and his regime have nuked. barak not. because of his. deal in his four years of division between hamas and fattah and baser prepares them for their planned declaration of palestinian statehood in september by you're most afraid that hamas
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runs they get to the west bank. kind of free legal way by the palestinian authority. sooner rather than later or they will overtake the west bank and this might be a problem not only for the palestinians it will be a problem for israel and this is one of the many checkpoints between israel and the palestinian territories as cairo extends a hand to the palestinians security here is unlikely to be beefed up in the three months since and barak was asked if no one's replaced him some believed the americans gave up the old friend to really and should easily miscalculated his replacement would be democratic bowing to the interests. instead it's the generals who continue to call the shots and they play nice men. one.
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on one but on the other hand they want to establish a new relationship with hamas we're not sure of. the new egyptian government. so ironically while washington thought it was creating a safer middle east its closest ally israel is suffering a recent poll found that fifty four percent of egyptians want to see the egyptian israeli peace treaty cancelled a statistic that has these raids terrifying and missing the old wooden. police the r t. meanwhile the broader region is still shaking with violence as more people die in crackdowns in syria nato bombs hit central tripoli reportedly killing six civilians. i. have these four airstrikes have reportedly damaged the north korean embassy and these compound coming just hours after he made a t.v. appearance it was the first time he was seen in public since a nato attack killed his youngest son and three grandchildren more than
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a week ago in syria tanks and soldiers reportedly moved deeper into residential areas as the government crackdown continues at least nineteen more people were killed but the total number of dead nearing eight hundred. we continue discussions about the region next hour when r.t. speaks with ian crane a political analyst who believes these financial independence may have been the lure for a nato intervention. you know let's just also recognize one remarkable piece of coincidence all of the countries that are tagged by the mainstream media on behalf of the political elite all of the countries tags such as venezuela cuba libya iraq iran north korea all have one thing in common or had one thing in common and that is they are free of debt from the world bank but they are not locked into the world bank and the i.m.f. they have their own banks they issue their own currency and we also have to recognize the remarkable coincidence between gadhafi statement that he was going to
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start issuing. and demanding that he was purchased in gold and then the next thing we know of course then we have a popular uprising. a german chorus convicted in ninety one year old accessory to murder at a nazi death camp john demjanjuk was found guilty of helping kill thousands of jews during world war two while serving as a guard for more on this real life guard he's a lifesaver. so tell us more about the outcome of this lengthy trial. well we understand according to this court decision in munich john demjanjuk will spend the next five years in prison the ninety one year old ukrainian has been on trial for the last eighteen months and this story now agrees to it and certainly this drama with nobody knowing what the verdict would be because the german prosecution was asking for six years in prison and his defense of john david was
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that france was saying that the man was too old and too ill to be in prison and demanded that he was not guilty of the crimes which was he had been accused of course this may sound very little. so this up with a gun specially given the fact that john demjanjuk association with the murder of more than twenty eight thousand jews in the sobibor consideration if poland was to was established so this prison term of five years happens only because john demjanjuk has already spent and eight years in an israeli prison and according to german legislators the usual prison term for the people who used to work in concentration in nazi concentration camps is about fifteen years now our correspondent. met of those who remember the atrocities of the soviet war concentration camp in poland. you only want to the gates of sobibor once there was no return and like an added concentration camps such as
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alchemists there was no slave labor people were sent immediately to there jeff. we all suspect team jews were welcomed by a band and fiery speeches from the nazi commander sometimes the rapture even won applause then came an invitation to shower after the long journey but it was all a deadly deception a quarter of a million jews preceded along these forests are called him and parched ass at wall street to have an s.s. man escorted the victims down the track to the gas chambers only be ukrainian s.s. guards and the german s.s. officers were allowed to take up the task they were considered the most well trained and the most reliable among those standing guard was john demjanjuk completed in nearly twenty eight thousand counts of murder many of those he scores had to the gas chambers were children most of my friends of course i recently
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received and believe in yourself that's right i know and before you get it i had to rely on my vice marshal. and i could build a car and i meant he was going to go to the last ship you can take you have to show your guests and before being sent to work at sobibor all guards underwent intense training jim and you went to the travel camp where the s.s. carried out weapons drills and combat training and even taking german language classes it was difficult to say very had. training here and during the investigations or given water war nobody from them told the family that training or anti-semitic training great. soldiers army training here in the camp they were surprised that there was a worse kind of a duty which we had today. had to go to the death camps. but victims' relatives believe all those who signed up as
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a sas man were well aware of the duties they'd be carrying out mariam whose mother was one of the lucky few who survived sobibor pushed for the prosecution of demjanjuk she may be in your eighty's but she made it to every court session she wants him to admit that he was here and what so we were is that it's not a war it's not soldiers against each other it's killing people in a factory. every war the issue of two is one thing was. never going to never be how many years is very two this is a matter of if you're going to have to be. there diminish trial is assigned of the twenty first century is still prepared to deal with the evils of the twentieth and warning that there is no expire a date for crimes against humanity. r.t.e. scibor poland. well the news just came in there we received
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information that john demjanjuk has been released from court because his defense filed an appeal against this decision by the munich court and clearly the man can walk for now until the appeal has been revised will of course be bring you more details as soon as we get more information on that. certainly no i don't you know may have gotten is but of course that doesn't make fascism a thing of the past does it tell us more about the rise of the ideology within europe. well if we're talking about john demjanjuk scase alone here in ukraine through all the eighteen months of his trial he has had very strong support from some political forces here in this post in particular the border movement its leader has been describing the case against john demjanjuk as a zionist conspiracy believing that i quote the leader of this party that jews conspired against this ukrainian to pin the sins of the great pressure the core on
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to somebody else and that is the end of the quote and clearly the party believes that it was completely innocent i'd like to remind you of us that this party this is the very same movement which organized the street riots in the west in ukrainian city of people from may the nine just less than a week ago on the victory day celebrations and despite many saying that some saying in ukraine that this was a purely nationalist rally with people chanting slogans about the freedom of ukraine well i saw for myself or my own with my own eyes that these people were using nazi gestures notchy nazi slogans and nazi style propaganda in the crowd that is a part of course of course from the physical and verbal abuse of the great question as it were veterans who came to lay flowers a different cemeteries across town well this is not of the sole case we've seen many cases many similar cases across the some of the post space some countries oppose soviet space like the baltic states between in latvia where s.s.
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marches and glorification of the former has has legions has been taking place for the last decade or so this is the general trend of the last several years the rise of the neo nazis i mean eastern europe and definitely this alerts the local government said this country's but so far little has been done to prevent the rise of those to of those or to of those movements in soviet space all right artie's or terra share city life or a from here thanks for. the lack of knowledge of the brutality of the nazi regime has led to a sharp upsurge in fascist attitudes across the e.u. according to alexander celadon a lecturer in international affairs expert. so the announcement of the. fall of multiculturalism of europe france germany and britain and the people around europe stop to lead the ideas of the common europe young people feel they are threatened by the influx of migrants into their countries and they are looking for
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the justification of this decisive dissatisfaction and the story quickly that that was provided by the by the fascist ideology you can hear lots of things about whole cost but this is only part of the problem. lots of young people they have no idea of what fascism is all about they see the romance the parts of it they see the mystical pulse of it it's. a thinks them some folk think it's cool they see the symbols but they don't see the horribly old and it's you know it's it's it's on the surface i mean it's easy to reach it's to grab the street easily installed into the minds of young people so they have to be man to that they have to be instructed that this is actually dangerous once you touch it i mean you're you're you're in fact it's very contagious and you know that in lots of polish of europe the nationalists the or the or take control of sikhs i'm really more i'm afraid that it's going to be instituted i mean it is going to be
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a long term problem because it is already being installed into the political systems of europe. plenty more coverage of the john demjanjuk case including an interview with his lawyer on our website r t v dot com here's what's also a click away right now. russia's launch the decade long safe driving campaign find out how the initiative backed by more than one hundred countries aims to save millions of lives and worlds around the world. for us in our top rated video section check out the unusual application of one siberian pilot for his helicopter performing roles of a leader on the open earth even check this out. but . if we. stay with us here on r t coming your way in a few minutes what happened in people's privacy in chicago. over twelve hundred
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security cameras located throughout the city are said to be powerful enough to be able to zoom in to a text of a model or even sends a message. to the president of the reach of the surveillance cameras in our report from the most monitored city in the u.s. . plus what it takes three certified to go to the international space station the next group getting set for their mission being tested out in star city. where the first common threats about to get a joint response to terrorism and drug trafficking have been tackled by president medvedev and his pakistani counterpart i see how these adare in moscow want to forty eight visit artie's caterina as are about as more. russia and pakistan of course have a number of joint interests and fighting terrorism is perhaps the number one priority as stated by both the russian president making the video and his at this time he polly both men devoted a whole lot of time from their meeting to discuss potential ways of fighting
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terrorism of course now is a very important time for both russia and pakistan as well as the entire international community american forces recently eliminated america's terrorist number want to stop with bin ladin just a few days after that in russia representative of all tied up in the north caucuses was also eliminated of course of bin ladin it was taken out in pakistan so a very important time in fighting terrorism for those two countries specifically not only for the international community but of course that's not the only aspect to the relationship between russia and pakistan on issues such as drug trafficking also featured quite high on the agenda of course pakistan afghanistan russia all suffer from a serious opium trafficking problem there's a lot of cooperation on combat and drug trafficking most of all afghan opium finds its way to russia or something the russian authorities are very concerned about
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that force mr zardari will continue his visit with a trip to st petersburg and more meetings with various russian officials including the russian prime minister while the death of the al qaeda leader is a major focus of the mosque i was i'm about talks it's also shaking the atmosphere within pakistan itself and anti-u.s. rally has been held in the country hundreds of opposition party members gathered in the studio bought about where bin laden was shot dead more than a week ago they chanted slogans against the u.s. government as well as pakistan's leaders protests follows the american drone attack along the border with afghanistan in which five alleged militants were killed this comes just spite complains from pakistani officials that assaults and the assaults violate the country's sovereignty. frito the world news spain was hit by its biggest earthquake in a century in which at least eight people died and dozens were left injured the quake measuring five point two on the richter scale happened after several hours of several days after a tremor and forced thousands to stay outdoors overnight major damage was caused to
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the buildings in the southern city of lorca the worst affected in the area logon to our tease you tube channel for more footage from the quake shaken area. yemeni police fired on protesters marching toward government buildings in the capital sanaa demonstrators and medical officials claim people were shot at by snipers from the rooftops and officers on the ground at least one person was killed forty injured in the clashes yemen has been iraq by anti-government protests for three months with president ali abdullah saleh still refusing to step down. over the last decade the us government's expanded its surveillance networks to unprecedented levels rows of street cameras an airport pat downs many say that civil liberties and privacy are at stake or he's honest i see a charity that has the story from america's most watched city. welcome to chicago the most watched city in the us from all school blue light cameras to cameras with
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state of the our technical capabilities watchful lenses fill the streets in what has been dubbed operation virtual shield thousands of public and privately owned security cameras have been put in place and linked together creating a capsule of surveillance over the entire city more extensive than anywhere else in the united states the number is estimated at up to ten thousand the networks cost around sixty million dollars officials say it's worth the price of privacy concerns are at a peak over two hundred security cameras located throughout the city are said to be powerful enough to be able to zoom in to a text or even a text message. a thirty seven page report from a renowned civil rights group the a.c.l.u. calls the network pervasive and unregulated things i care most have shown up on the internet you know the cameras have been pointed being used in a particular way. women or to you know engage in some other sort of intrusive activity. to many today's watch over chicago is reminiscent of
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a very dark chapter in its history when the red squad special police units spied on citizens. and groups or individuals or. person amendment to the united states constitution from the one nine hundred twenty s. to the one nine hundred seventy s. communists civil rights groups anti-war movements and many more were tracked i believe the whole framework of the world to journalists eileen what keil the concept of privacy in the us is long gone you become inured to the surveillance attitude. toward force that has taken so he says chicago increasingly resembles the chilling and tell you to describe the george orwell's legendary novel one thousand nine hundred four where every word action. and even thought was monitored by big brother and surveillance tape. the only thing is missing the microphones that
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advise us on how to live our lives while the stretch of surveillance grows so do the fears of americans it puts me out i don't like it when you fully appreciate the scale of what is being put in place in chicago and then imagine a. more repressive city government and a more repressive regime it could be incredibly interesting. christian was an artist arrested for selling one dollar prints on the streets he filmed his arrest and as a result class won for only one step below attempted murder and fifteen years that's up to fifteen years in the state prison this is totally crazy as officials cower to record people's movements expands and power of the people to do the same is being squashed when they hook all these things up and are able to follow people all around the city and at the same calendar telling us that we can't even gather the information we need to go to court and that represents for all and complete police
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state another worry a taboo on questioning surveillance methods post nine eleven. orientation. and a terrorist concerns trump any other value so there's not even a discussion leaving many wondering if the means designed to fight external terrors could end up terrorizing the people at home and the notion that you are by police presence is flawed as it is globally with a military presence it's not the crowd and it doesn't address the problem with a fair card in the cameras i american they're beginning to question its real focus and wonder how to shutter their privacy and security not r.t. chicago illinois. the next for about a for the international space station has started a two. a pretty admission exam at star city near moscow three men a russian american end job and he's astronaut will be put in simulated crisis
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situations on a scale of the i says part of instructors will grade them according to their performance and if all goes well certify them for their mission after about to head to the baikonur cosmodrome in kazakhstan for a final preparations for the six month stint in orbit they'll get there on a newly upgraded all digital soyuz spacecraft scheduled for the take off on june eighth. me trees are next with the business news stay with us here on r.t. . thanks man just two weeks ago there was talk of a commodity super spike pressure builds and precious metals thought commodities will rule posting various gains but two weeks is a long time and now there's talk of the bubbles bursting and the end of the boom cycle only small had some sacks of bank tells us what he thinks is happening. what we having right now is a bit of a real reality check from investors with the spec and surveillance in these markets i think come to levels with which one sustainable so we're seeing quite
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a bit of scale back from investors the moment in general we've seen the economic statistics over the last couple weeks starting to turn a little bit negative and the market's been bit cautious about these high energy prices and how long we would have to before it starts to have an impact on the electorate it's a level and there are still worries about the chinese inflation which is still rising and there's still a tightening their monetary policy is out there so so there is a generally the shift from the supply side to no worry about the demand is slowing down. russia will not sell foreign bonds and will cut its domestic boring this year than expected world prices this year have been putting extra cash into the state budget energy exports will add an extra forty billion dollars this year and cut the deficit and one percent of the gross domestic product the sable also acts domestic borin by twenty percent to just thirty billion dollars some economists claim russia should take advantage of the low cost of boring abroad and store up the extraordinary new however others point out that after the in one thousand nine hundred twelve the states still worries about unnecessary foreign direct.
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singlehood the markets now in crude prices have raised gains that was seen in the beginning of the session as the market exempted to bounce back from wednesday's heavy selloff but that has come back to around ninety seven dollars a barrel. precious metals are also losing ground not significantly for gold now just half a percent silver there is continuing the trajectory of the previous session of the last eight percent and it's down four percent it's out. of the stock markets european stocks are still down ahead of us opening in just a couple of minutes finding stocks also leading the way tanzer is pretty much the only stock trading high on the dax airlines and travel stocks mostly going to boost from the fall in world prices. in russia falling oil prices obesity fuel in the parish said some of the r.t.s.
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is up two percent in my sixty one percent stake look at some of the stocks on the my six move in the market not surprisingly these are energy and metal stocks gazprom has plunged still more than two and a half percent this hour bucking the trend however severstal has bounced back from early losses following news it's prying into mubarak out of the some company in brazil and north because also lost one and a half percent. world's talk out of indian producer roussel as the troubled net profits are around seven hundred fifty million dollars and for schools on the figure eights of walkouts by sixteen percent it's a lot of these are that it seem a strong demand in china. and russian helicopters will most likely hold its initial public offering in a year's time that's according to a parent company out on they run haven't got the manufacturer had hoped to get the five hundred million dollar i.p.o. off the ground this may however the company announced last week that it would not go ahead citing unfavorable not its conditions. and
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appraisal was made and we believe it is not in this respect the decision was made to postpone the i.p.o. we are waiting for the right price however this is not affected the government's privatization program. coming up next they're not seeing the headlines with that to stay with us.
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yes my name is daniel schmidt this is julius on the radio to make a short presentation about that we can fix project. the first step in the fourth straight day to get information out about the real world. through him. on and on. the secrecy because we are going to be able to mark are you going to come. up with and we saw is that in danger he would hunt me down and kill me. this is exactly one of the reasons why we left the country because it has become.


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