tv [untitled] May 12, 2011 3:00pm-3:30pm EDT
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which bryson. song from plans to. start on t.v. dot com. this is our team for most go tonight for us spills pressure on syria as the state department slams the violent crackdown on protests and promises washington will hold president assad's government accountable for the bloodshed. in libya fresh nato air strikes at the capital tripoli reportedly damaging the north korean embassy and to get that peace compound leading to more civilian deaths. it's also a crime with no expiring date a german court finds of ninety one year old former nazi death camp guard guilty of excessive use of murder and sentenced to five years in jail.
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this is r t i'm kevin zero in a very good evening to you it's now eleven pm here the u.s. is ramping up the pressure on syria with secretary of state hillary clinton valen bashar al assad's government will be held accountable for the violence it comes on top of economic sanctions from the european union and he says the situation is mirroring now the build up to the military intervention in libya he's done it if you can take a look at the similarities. the u.s. secretary of state called the syrian government's reprisals brutal and said they were responsible for hundreds of deaths hillary clinton also says the u.s. was looking to raise international pressure on the syrian government although she stopped short of saying that bush assad has lost his legitimacy as a leader but a white house source said the obama administration is edging actually closer to
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declaring a solid rule in syria illegitimate now the source said it will be the first step what will be the second step or where those steps are leading is unclear now the european union has already made some moves to oppose the package of sanctions on syria which include asset freezes and travel bans for certain individuals but stop sure of getting the syrian president to their blacklist on what we're getting here in washington the u.s. could be getting assad to their blacklist at any time and start calling for the syrian leader to step down it usually starts with sanctions as we've seen in libya also from the case of we've you know we remember that the road from sanctions to active military intervention can be very short and very prompt the possibility of getting a new front in america's wars does not appeal to most americans we know that the majority of americans oppose intervention in libya although the u.s. involvement is is the politically covered up by the larger role of nato right that many understand here that the u.s.
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is the biggest contributor in nato and therefore they are no less involved also listening to what people say here about the possibility of getting involved in syria and many find it outrageous that the president that they elected to pull them out of all these inconclusive wars could take on another one. washington d.c. for us will be time in libya nato bombs have hit central tripoli reportedly killing six civilians at least four airstrikes have reportedly targeted the north korean embassy and the gadhafi compound crucially coming just hours after he made a t.v. appearance it was the first time in fact he'd been seen in public since the nato attack killed his youngest son and three grandchildren more than a week ago this is barack obama's reportedly invited rebel leaders for talks in washington on friday let's talk more about the unraveling situation in the region joined from toronto eric margolis is a columnist author and war correspondent either to smoke all this thanks for being with us you interviewed gadhafi i believe in person back in the 1980's did you get
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the impression then that he has the strength of character to survive what he's seeing at the at the moment the current challenges especially course given is some of the three grandchildren were killed in the recent airstrike. he struck me back then seven as a man with a mission how we're going to center to god he was and remains he's still one of the longest serving arab leaders it's been in power since nineteen sixty nine with rule attempts to kill him by different powers. he's not a quitter and the brothers even if he wanted to quit he would probably find it difficult to find anywhere to go so for now the least he says he's going to continue fighting more i will back in march he doesn't have a lot of sympathy for mother of all of course there's a some a gulf states call the libyan regime a legitimate now they're inside a room and said the white house will also deny but i share assad's regime in syria in the same way i define as a lie when
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a regime becomes untenable well the burly washington thinks it has the right and the duty to do this i've been picking up. rumors reports from washington for quite a while now. there the u.s. is going to move strongly against syria and not just these token sanctions and start to build. actually under the bush administration the was already again funding arms and the regime groups in syria are based out of lebanon and we're seeing the continuation of this it's no coincidence that a lot of the cities where violence has broken out in syria are near the lebanese border where they can sustain harm resupply from work with the sources that behind this movement are probably the sunday government in israel and the united states joined together to try and overthrow the syrian regime ok well that might be to
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come in as you say let's look at the facts we've got of the moment though i'm constrained again on libya the obama administration's reportedly invited libyan rebel leaders to mates in the white house this coming friday it is that now an official recognition do you think that it's taking sides in this conflict instead of simply implementing the u.n. no fly zone. oh there were no fly zone was just a charade the u.s. has been behind the assault on libya all along even though no nato support fronting for it or the other nato nations only those with right wing governments will gain more the the u.s. is already said it almost setting up the eastern portion of libya that israel ghazi as an independent country of some independent country that sort of think they are the sort of relations radio transmissions british they would still in the long have been in fact british intelligence has stirred up
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a lot of position. for decades in benghazi which is the center of. the opposition so things are moving swiftly now to provide libya on the broader picture that's let's try to go in and out of the western revolutions in the middle east north africa neither egypt will cheat is here at this point anyway seem to be stable after the revolt we witnessed since christmas then was it the right move for the u.s. and its allies to back them in the first place dumping their longtime associates like mubarak like ben ali. well i believe the united states determined that mubarak really was finished remember he was free had many reports that he had cancer he was terminally very ill the same for ali so that's why the united states the means of support and so forcefully however mubarak isn't without will barak still will remain to the extent that the old guard of the egyptian army with the general staff officers who are very close u.s.
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to pleats ansar dine still in charge of inspire you talk about changes we don't know yet what's going to happen but views really thought it would defend its interests influence egypt through the command structure it still remains where the some of the other countries like libya for example bahrain the situation is different for syria which was largely does enemies list. that regime is marked for. terminations with extreme prejudice live from toronto columnist author of war correspondent good of your insight tonight on out from moscow thank you thank you. and still had a few this hour on the program with me kevin now in a look at how the egyptian revolution backfired across the border we were portrayed on how the post mubarak states unnerved israel by brokering a sudden reconciliation of to publicize rival factions as to come. first the
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german courts convicted a former nazi death camp guard of accessory to murder during world war two john demjanjuk was found guilty of helping to kill thousands of jews and was sentenced to five years in prison the next year a jet ski reports. john demjanjuk has been released from court because his defense filed an appeal against this decision by the media court and clearly the man can walk for now until the appeal has been revised the ninety one year old ukrainian has been on trial for the last eighteen months or so this may sound very little business up with the farm especially given the fact that children need to sociate with the murder of more than twenty eight thousand jews in the saudi bore. hole and was was established so this prison term of five years happens only because john demjanjuk has already spent and eight years in an israeli prison and according to german legislators the usual prison term for the people who used to work in
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concentration in nazi concentration camps is about fifteen years now our correspondent i think in the groucho i met those who remember the atrocities of the soviet war concentration camp in poland you only want through the gates of sobibor once there was no return unlike an aga concentration camps such as al schmitz there was no slave labor people were sent immediately to there jeff. we all suspected jews were welcomed by a band and fire is speeches from the nazi commander sometimes the rapture even won applause then came an invitation to shower after the long journey but it was all a deadly deception a quarter of a million jews preceded along this forest park called him a parched ass that was straight to have an s.s. man escorted the victims down the track to the gas chambers only be ukrainian s.s. guards and the german s.s. officers were allowed to take up the task they were considered the most well
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trained are the most reliable among those standing guard was john demjanjuk completed in nearly twenty eight thousand counts of months or many of those he schools had to the gas chambers with children and most of my friends in the army of course i recently received and believe richardson's old instructor i know before. i had a vice marshal. and i could build up my own armored vehicle insurance which the shipping they would take you have to remember that in britain before being sent to work at sobibor all guards underwent intense training jim and you went to the traveling camp where the s.s. care adult rotman's drills and combat training and even taking german language classes it was difficult to save a had. training here during the investigations against the law for war and nobody
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from them told us on getting training or antisemitic training great old soldier of army training here in recount they were surprised that there was a worse kind of a duty which we had come down. in the death camps. but victims' relatives believe all those who signed up as a sas man were well aware of the duties they'd be carrying out mariam whose mother was one of the lucky few who survived sobibor pushed for the prosecution of demjanjuk she may be in her eighty's but she made it to every court session she wants him to admit that he was here and what sobibor is it's not a war it's not soldiers against the shore it's killing people in a factory every war criminal the served is or nothing for them never never never knew how many years of breakthrough this is a matter where they have to be rushed. to the gym
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a new trial is assigned of the twenty first century is still prepared to deal with the evils of the twenty eight a warning that there is no expire a date for crimes against humanity. are t. sity of war poland. well if we're talking about john demjanjuk stace alone here in ukraine for all the eighteen months of his trial he has had very strong support from some political forces here in this post in particular the movement i'd like to remind to our viewers that this party this is the very same movement which organized the street riots in the western ukrainian city of people from maidan i just less than a week ago on the victory day celebrations and despite me saying that some saying in ukraine that this was a few early nationalist rally with people chanting slogans about the freedom of ukraine well i saw for myself or my own with my own eyes that these people were
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using nazi gestures not you nazi slogans and nazi style propaganda in other crowd that is a part of course of course from the physical and verbal abuse of the great coach as it were veterans who came to lay flowers a different cemeteries across town well this is not the sole case we've seen many cases many similar cases across the some of the post soviet space some countries of his space like the baltic states between in latvia where s.s. marches and glorification of the former says legions has been taking place for the last decade. there was a lack of knowledge about the brutality of the nazi regime said to a sharp upsurge in fascist attitudes across the e.u. that's according to alexander semin vanno fees a lecturer in international affairs. after the announcement of the. fall of multiculturalism europe france germany and britain and the young people around europe start to believe in the ideas of the common europe young people feel
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they are threatened by the influx of migrants into their countries and they are looking for the justification of this dishonest dissatisfaction and the story quickly that that was provided by party by the fascist ideology he can have lots of things the whole cost but this is only possible problem. with lots of young people they have no idea. fascism is all about they see the romantic part of it they see the mystical pulse of their it's. they think something think it's cool they see the symbol. but the goal see the a horribly all exhibits and it's you know it's it's on the surface i mean it's easy to reach it's to graphically street usually installed into the minds of young people so they have to be man so they have to be instructed that this is actually dangerous going see you touch it i mean you're you're you're in fact it's very contagious and you know that in lots of colas of europe the national least the
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earth be able to control a lot of secrets i'm really much scared i'm afraid that it's going to be instituted i mean it is going to be a long term problem because it is already being installed in the political systems of europe. i think that is sort of an author and national affairs expert talking to work to be a bit earlier there's a lot more about the story of including an interview with his lawyer on our website at r.t. dot com tonight as well if you'd like to catch up. common threats to get a joint response terrorism and drug trafficking have been tackled by president vet event is like a stunning kind of part of syphilis and dieting is in moscow on a four day visit to manhattan the kremlin acknowledging that both countries are suffering from international islamist terror networks and the drug flowed from afghanistan economic ties also came up with moscow in islamabad agreeing to boost
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the energy sector during the next few days the pakistani leader plans to meet with the russian business community and also visit supporters voters. in japan and the operator of the troubled fukushima nuclear plants revealed the damage to one of the reactors is much worse than previously thought tepco said it's discovered molten and nuclear fuel burned through the walls of reactor number one early on in the crisis it comes amid fears of a new radiation leak from the plant into the sea according to professor robert jacobs from the russian of peace institute a true scale of the cross' will take years to assess. the government of japan is really not in a position to take control of the plants they will have to depend on the professionals who work for tepco so they're not really able to take it over and it may be a bit take over the decision making alternately it still will be temped who is on site and who is actually operating and operating the recovery and the crisis management in trying to contain the situation so it won't be the government
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up to it but it certainly does mean that affairs are much more serious than we were told earlier this plant has been no don't for a while we were not told that for a long time probably because tepco did not even realize it for a long time i have a rule of thumb that i tend to go by which is that anything that is publicly stated is probably around ten to twenty percent of what's true so it will take us it will take us probably years to know the extent of the contamination and the extent of the fuel melting the best case scenario the situation is that it will take months to begin to stop the leak and appreciation from these reactors. elsewhere around the world tonight spain has been hit by the biggest earthquake in fifty years which is left at least eight people dead and dozens injured the quake measured five point two in magnitude it came several hours often highly a trauma and forced thousands to stay outdoors overnight major damage has been caused the buildings in the southern city of the
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a worst affected of the area you can log on to our a you tube channel or out to you tube channel for more footage from the shake completion. cicely's witnessed a brief interruption of my that and i would speed lover national damage or casualties have been reported so far and airport a nearby town had to be closed because of strong winds hampering the cleanup abashed from the runways that is considered europe's most active volcano its last major rupture was some too. the revolution in egypt may be over but the shift in the region's geopolitics continues the ousting of president mubarak made it possible for the country to broker in historic reconciliation deal between two palestinian factions fatah and hamas but that's proving worrying over israel and as paula slayer reports there's irony in how the western backed revolutions backfired for the u.s. is a longtime ally. most of the o.t. is happier than he's been in a long time the political activist used to be
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a member of fatah switched to harm us because he feels betrayed by fatah us dealings with israel and one who must might be considered a terrorist organization by israel of the united states only says the movement shows his goals goals that are now being furthered by a new friend cairo. it's not only me who's happy to egypt's president hosni mubarak has gone all the arab world it but barack never had a connection with any muslim organization he had the same head is israel israelis should be worried and israelis on every conciliation deal between but her rivals hamas and fatah have signed recently in cairo and by surprise and could never have happened before barak was still in power i think that there was a lot of mistrust between the hamas in that mubarak and his regime have looked upon. not. cause of his ties with israel to deal in his four years of division between hamas and fattah and greater prepares them for
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a planned ration of palestinian statehood in september i am most afraid that hamas once they get. the west bank. kind of free legal way by the palestinian authority. sooner rather than later or they will overtake the west bank and this might be then a problem not only for the palestinians it will be a problem for israel this is one of the many trick points between israel and the palestinian territories as cairo extends a hand to the palestinians security here is likely to be beefed up in the three months since mubarak was ousted no one is replaced and some believe the americans gave up the old friend to really and to easily miscalculating that his replacement would be a democratic bowing to the interests in. it's the generals who continue to call the shots and they are playing this man. union egypt want to.
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the way it has been run on the one hand but on the other hand we want to establish a new relationship with hamas we're not sure about the way the new egyptian government will act so ironically washington fought it was creating a safer middle east its closest ally israel is suffering a recent poll found that fifty four percent of egyptians want to see the egyptian israeli peace treaty cancelled a statistic that has his readers terrified and missing the old order more and more policy r.t. . credit perspective all those stories on our website chance for view for you to have your say about what you see there online as well from r t the economists he was given the criticism might still be april fool's joke of a comment that failed to raise a smile it turned out it sparked panic on the internet feeds the doomsday it wasn't a. line at all so oddly enough this everyday household appliance is
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a cleaning up in the fight against drug dealers how why you are no more well will tell you tonight that r.t.d. . is the man who makes mincemeat of the markets and breaks bankers for their greed backs will be lending his pose a report on your desk in less than ten minutes tonight but before that it is business. thanks kevin just two weeks ago there was talk of a commodity super spike prices and none precious metals commodities and oil are all posting various records that say weeks is a long time of course and the talk is of bubbles bursting and the end of the group cycle ali slows hansen from saxo bank tells us what he thinks the. what we having right now is a bit of a rare reality check from investors with this practice of length in these markets i think come to levels which ones sustainable so we're seeing quite a bit scaled back from investors a moment and generally seen the economic statistics over the last couple weeks
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starting to turn a little bit negative and the market's been very cautious about these high energy prices and how long it will happen before it starts to have an impact on the general if there is a level and there are still worries about the chinese inflation is still rising and they're still tightening their monetary policies out there so so there is generally this shift from the supply side to now a worry about the demand is slowing down. russia will not sell foreign dawns and will cut us the rest of boring this year i don't expect the world prices have been pumping extra cash into the state budget as you expose will add an extra forty billion dollars this year in couple of deficit to one percent of the g.d.p. say will also x. domestic ory like twenty percent just thirty billion dollars some economists claim russia should take advantage of the low cost of borrowing abroad and store up the extra oil revenue however others point out that after the nine hundred ninety eight the fault the state still worries about unnecessary foreign debt. or as we have to be commodities markets start with oil crude prices have been recovering from
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massive losses seen in the previous sessions like two weeks up by half a dollar brant spike thirty four cents that's still under one hundred thirteen for the. precious metals also somewhat recovering as true for gold up one percent again more than one thousand five hundred dollars for two hours but silver is continues to grind its last eight percent wednesday session and now it's down by almost one of the same. cigarettes stock markets now the reversal in commodities is also called stocks in the us to head earlier declines is coupled with jobless claims dropping by forty four thousand cisco systems is down in the open four percent after announcing a disappointing outlook and plans to cut staff around the globe. is the closing picture for europe but they are down by half a cent at the close point seven percent that mining stocks were leading the way no one thought to do it several times at a.g.u. was one of the few stocks in frankfurt that were gaining in the biggest gainer as
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airlines and travel stocks mostly going to reach from. here in russia the closing picture for fares they've left full of world prices were feeling the bearish sentiment this they were fooling when the russian markets were closing reality is down two point three percent nice six percent second something. biggest loses that's gazprom more than three percent down three point three percent to be exact another gas producer nova set is that one point seven five percent the better the market severstal actually remember some gains point six percent on news that is trying to mimic alison on all companies in brazil and then i think he said the wraps the day. that was straight from the. current c.e.o. the same sort of process that was going on elsewhere in the emerging markets and some very good for its political you know what's its like rush of food inflation.
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of course inflation which is there some sense of crisis like well this is crisis horse for producers and. on the margins it's a rather small that thing and all this. sort of from them are good for us but support american products for short that's what this has been that's what investors spoke it was a superior question or. you know. some of them you know probably three so for investors to call. again. and in other news the world's top out of medium producer roussel has tripled net profits almost seven hundred fifty million dollars in the first quarter i think of beats us but sixty percent on his last trip it's just stronger than from china. russian helicopters will most likely hold its initial public offering in
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a year's time that's according to its parent company about on product a state run helicopter manufacturer had hoped to get the five hundred million go i.p.o. off the ground this may however the company announced last week that it would not go ahead citing an unfavorable not. an appraisal was made and we believe it is not in this respect the decision was made to postpone the i.p.o. we are waiting for the right price however this is not affected the government's privatization program if it is from a writer so for me too and i call you only a block of us will be. moscow of course sake of the headlines on auditing.
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