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tv   [untitled]    May 12, 2011 7:00pm-7:30pm EDT

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i know what's really happening to the global economy with mike's cancer a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into khan's report. are you hungry for some free don't is our special guest tonight formally known as congressman walter freedom fries jones used to be now he's just hungry for a little peace in the middle east we'll sit down and try to figure out just how the g.o.p. confuse foreign policy with the congressional cafeteria buffet also joining us is maggie correll from americans for tax reform to explain what speaker boehner is up to with the debt ceiling and i'll tell you a little thing i'd rather be holding than gold and silver when things get really crazy around here i'll give you a clue this is my rifle this is my whole weight we're not in radio hand anymore are we here watching adam vs the man.
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we get into our heavier topics tonight i have to respond to a comment on the show from you tube from tuesday's up so own i doubt they wrote at all the people who bought gold silver guns ammo food when we started really urging them to have made lots of money and save money either how the hell are you knocking this in the face of almost a hundred percent certain future increases in food costs will you imply that people don't need to worry about that too would you advise somebody with a large gas tank not to fill it up now reasoning that the expected summer high will pull back. man i wasn't knocking that what i was pointing out was
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that anyone who uses the coming collapse of the us dollar to sell you something specific is as i said trying to sell you something there are a lot of people who are taking advantage of people's fears to sell things that they want to sarah will eat meat personally i own gold and silver and i think everybody should have at least a small amount of silver around just in case but gold and silver prices can be manipulated and can actually lose value of supply goes up faster than a man same as anything else a dine food is great and i have at least a few cases of emory's military issue meals ready to eat handy at home but if the basic food flow is interrupted don't you want to be growing your own food or find another fresh source before you go through that twenty year supply of freeze dried milk so the theory is that as the dollar loses value relative purchasing power of silver and silver and gold go up and in economic chaos following the collapse of
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the dollar people will rush to a new medium of exchange in silver and gold prices will skyrocket but will the relative purchasing power that's impossible to predict probably going to go up but one of the appeals of silver is that its prices remain steady next to other commodities and the amount of silver it would take to buy a gallon of gas one hundred years ago is about the same as it is today so what's the one thing that will be really valuable if things go south here goans that's right no traders on wall street can drive down the price of the three fifty seven on my you know overpaid government bureaucrat can print more shotguns this is my rifle there are many like it but this one is mine and this one and these ones and channon that's not. well maybe it's a good thing we did broadcast. some of the photos of my personal collection but
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we've got a clip no pun intended cued up so that you can see what i'm really talking about roll tape. this is the sacred twelve so my automatic shotgun. ok so it is a new mexico. but now that i live in the district of criminals oh yeah. nerf guns. now that i live here in the district of criminals in the murder capital of the united states i have to walk around the sergeant and know it's no extra comfort to me that we are surrounded by heavily armed law enforcement officers but out to the financial matters of the day we've been following the economic debates here in washington and the latest is the fight over the debt ceiling but in
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a new twist this week according to nasdaq dot com the treasury department sold at auction fifty six billion dollars in new bet just this tuesday and wednesday enough to take the u.s. over its federal debt ceiling with a three and ten year notes settle on monday. what so you have to wonder what's the point of the raising debating raising the debt limit and congress of the treasury can just blow past it right one day the sixteenth is the day the treasury officials predicted the government would hit the twelve point two nine four trillion dollar debt limit anyway but speaker of the house republicans on boehner has been using or been talking about using this as a bargaining chip against obama and the democrats basically saying we'll only let you increase the federal debt if you slow down the spending rate regardless of the fact that the house controls the power of the purse in the budget in congress but to john boehner a slow down spending rate would still keep the massive expenditures of our foreign policy in much of the bush administration's kind of big government tax so how is he
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even it will to use this is a partnership with the president can just ignore the law of the devaney it's never really been challenged but section four of the fourteenth amendment to the constitution states quote the validity of the public that of the united states authorized by law including debts incurred for payment of pensions and bounties for services and some presidents insurrection or billion shall not be questioned. you would think this makes the law of the debt limit itself unconstitutional right well if obama decides to challenge this we might this find out what the supreme court has to say about it but first help us untangle this mess and understand what's behind the recent debt incurred in your name by the way fifty six million dollars divided by a population of about three hundred eleven americans three hundred million americans one hundred eighty dollars to your existing sure of that which stands today at about forty five thousand dollars joining us now is now the government affairs manager at americans for tax reform everything so if you don't want you for
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having me all right so what's going on here what will how is they are using the debt limit against the democrats is does he really have this power this bargaining chip that we see him even on wall street now bragging about as someone who works on spending policy i think using the debt limit as a bargaining chip in this debate is a really smart move because if you look just a couple months ago when we're looking at what are we so be spending for this not so slow year the democrats in congress couldn't bother to budget for solve a son we're sitting here trying to hatch out what we're going to do on the current fiscal year when we're six months into it democrats and the president and senate democrats were particularly interested in talking to republicans they wanted to draw the line in the sand tell republicans and taxpayers who have resoundingly told on the status quo is unsustainable and then of amber alexion they want to tell them look the status quo is going to continue because we need to continue funding this but a government chorus congressional republicans said no we need to be cutting spending when you start doing it now and because democrats in the senate and the president
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are drawn to the table on that debate because they need to continue fighting the government somehow you know the successful debate for republicans and a lot of different ways i think that limits a good way to do that as well and whole of the because of the republicans they have a door in the house if they don't get them on the same page and if it comes to cutting government spending they got enough of a caucus they could come together and say this is what the budget is going to be sorry guys were the house yeah but senate doesn't have its powers your house has this power we're the ones that. pose the woman in the first voice whether or not you believe it's constitutional why you can bring obama going to the table in the first of all because the problem is that the house is get carte blanche on budget issues we wish to pay down i still you need senate democrats cooperate usually a president is going to cooperate because of something passes the house it doesn't go any further it's not necessarily going to be helpful for anyone involved in that happy government shutdown scenario was out the senate and the president don't approve the budget there's no but for right now i think we need to be all careful talking about government shutdown coming out of this debate on the c.r. because a government shutdown when the government doesn't have any money to spend
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a little bit of the government defaults the government defaults on all of its different investments it tells us it's essentially telling investors that we're not going to pay you anymore there's a very different situation from not opening or i understand that's not really a realistic threat even when they say that if we will do all the governments who should go but even even the threat of default isn't really a credible threat because the government takes in the most revenue from individuals and corporations specifically to at least service the debt exactly this is what you see the only thing that the president and democrats in congress have in their arsenal is this rhetoric of agency saying this is an immediate threat this is a problem and why treasury has already told us is that even though we're going to hit the debt ceiling on monday we're still going to continue functioning as normal until august and probably leader because there's a lot of money sitting in this government that we're not spending it's hard to believe we're not spending money the government has but it is true so much writing that war they know what to do is right for the federal government has some cash on hand that you can that the treasury can borrow from the treasury can stop doing all
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the things it does acting as the main creditor to state local governments they can stop giving away giving away those last minutes and those treasury securities and they can start you know using the property they're taking in which again is ten times more than you need to service that using not to pay the debt and what we need to be concerned about is the debt in the debts interest and the whole reason the debt ceiling is helpful in the sense that is because it actually starts forcing lawmakers to have a conversation on. we have so much debt ok well let's take a step back for a second here and look at what the debts limit the debt ceiling really isn't really means because it's been it was in stupor almost one hundred years ago and every time we've come up against it they just take over and we're going to raise the debt limit but. you know one of the attorneys that served under ronald reagan advised him you should ignore the debt limit because as you know as we point out article four of the fourteenth them to the constitution says that that that once increased accrued by the are taken on by the united states government it is it shall not be
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question and putting a limit on that that's that's question isn't it do you think obama could just say. to the treasury department you know what he's selling notes keep building the bed we're just going to blow past as we move what if what if obama did what reagan was advised to do because now he's in the situation where he really wants to spend president meanwhile i mean a few things that element as you mentioned before isn't actually incurring a lot of this prudent but we wish it would because we're still going to spend after we had it it was like wishful thinking rice right. throughout their lives and american people like to think that they think i'm saying that they might stop spending money we don't have a novel you know one thing i want to we even have a limit on it's only fourteen in the courtroom yeah exactly exactly but the thing about making in mind too is that the american government is a credible player in the global marketplace and even china is still saying that investing in america is an extraordinarily smart choice even when they own their
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body really property in america they're taking our drive and converting it into hard as its ear which we can't print our way to reclaim right exactly and so the argument that we don't have a it that this somehow is not fungible that somehow we're going to continue to keep spending beyond what the element is we can spend you continue to spend it in perpetuity is a myth given the global marketplace would certainly contract if we were to act as though we were a sizable insignificant player but i think that there are there is some worry that that kind of understanding is governing what's going on with this current administration and you've seen already you know you mentioned the opening that president bush has really no friend of tax there isn't a spending binge right obama has almost equal them how did that driven up in his first two years that pushed it all i mean it's a credible threat that was there throwing the exponential curve the government's fault since it was sort of was instituted right and that's why i think it's smart that we have a speaker of the house was at least using this opportunity to focus the conversation
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on the debt and what we're told he was doing it for real fiscally conservative reasons but it's sort of political pandering which is what it seems like but at the end of day. in that sense i think you know we can only hope is there going to be significant i don't know what do you think happens if obama just blows past us and says screw you congress we're going to keep printing money the debt limit that ceiling unconstitutional i don't think that given. the pushback he's currently getting under his template health care plan obama is going to want to talk about the constitutionality of a construct on the government but i think if that were to happen you would see for me it's hard to understand that being feasible because obama is such a politically sensitive president right because the politics of spending are so far and there are going to act now from the left about fiscal responsibility to we can hope that pressure stays upon him from from within his own party and it was a thanks so much for joining me that was mattie correll government affairs manager at americans for tax reform. when we come back we'll sit down with our special
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guests tonight representative north carolina's third district including the marines camp was soon marine corps air station cherry point and seymour vance an air force base congressman walter jones you won't want to miss the story behind his vote on entering iraq and the certain congressional cafeteria scientists he became known for. for a period of time they will call for him for state soon you're watching adam vs the man. with twenty four seven dr streaming news channels what can tell you about the ongoing financial crisis unlimited free high quality videos for download. and stories you may never find on main street. and i mean that is a political. posturing more than aren't rushed.
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into it only military mechanisms to do the work to bring justice or accountability . i have every right to know what my government should do if you want to know why i pay taxes. but i would characterize obama as a charismatic version of american exceptionalism. where we are really. and yet. what drives the world the fear mongering used by politicians who makes decisions to didn't break through that sort of thinking and made who can you trust no one will
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it. jim deal with the global mission we see where we had a state controlled capitalism is called satchels when nobody dares to ask we do our teen question more. back to adam vs the man joining us tonight is congressman walter freedom fries formerly known as walter freedom fries jones representative of north carolina's third congressional district which includes several military bases including green corps base camp le june congressman thank you so much for being with us have fake
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i'm delighted to be here thank you so just to set the stage and go back for a minute how did you get the nickname congressman rother freedom fries phones well the story is the. cherry point marine air station is also in the district and a young man that owned a restaurant called kirby's which is near a church point and so when america went into iraq. he started thinking about how can i know the marines that are being deployed over into iraq and he was really not but if i could say it this way after embarrassing the french what he thought of the marines that freedom fries would be the proper thing to do well he made several letters and i got thinking well i'm not sure it's such a good idea but then my chief of staff when dale and i went to. what can i do i want to be responsive to constituent but i'm not put a bill and i'm not going to inflame they at the. and then say well why don't you
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write chairman bob ney who has oversight of the restaurants in the house he said he'll probably do nothing with it well. bob ney scuse me bob ney thinks it is a great idea so we do a press conference and all these crist people from around the world including russia they sent people they are and to take these pictures of native walter jones in freedom for us and because he made sure that all of the fries in the congressional restaurants of cafeterias in the office buildings then say french fries anymore for a period of time they will call freedom for i think back to french fries now oh yeah that's on of the french. this really had nothing to do with the france and their position but really this young man it could be down in beaufort north carolina he's the one that pushed it in just felt like that i wouldn't put a billion i wouldn't try to make an issue out of it but my chief of staff they would just write bob ney here just for the trash can well it didn't happen but lot of people took this to mean from coming from you that you were the lead champion
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the cheerleader for the war in iraq do you think it was that part of this no not really because the day i walked to the floor is actually a night to vote on given president bush the authority to go into iraq i did not feel good about my vote we should vote for it yeah i did and i've apologized many many times in fact and that's the reason that i went to sergeant michael business for you know that it can't be seen one week out we went in and said there was wife to nina outdoor. service and that's when i started questioning myself why did i vote my conscience and that started my journey. seeking the truth do you think a lot of other republicans who voted in favor of that authorization for bush to go into iraq felt the same way that you did i think some did but maybe a couple years after i made my public announcement to leap to have a time
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a plan to get out of iraq and from that funeral i have sound over ten thousand. one hundred letters to families and extended families in this country because of my weakness to vote my conscience quite frankly and what is the reaction of your constituents in most of them military military family well i think on iraq. most are thinking now that maybe i was right but they wanted it and i don't expect them to i don't need people to say to me what i made was that you were right i made a mistake i'm not looking for that but. you know if anybody. would look for the truth you would see that the previous administration manipulated the intelligence to sell the american people and to me that is just absolutely wrong theirs and we were lied into work and we're absolutely now members of your. of your district i was to be having any connection to the military i have a different perspective on this but most americans now think that with obama's
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policies the war in iraq is over it's winding down and we're just kind of the loose ends and getting out what do you think of obama's strategy in iraq getting this out this far i think it's some point in time as we continue to downsize i think that iraq is going to go back into a civil war situation i don't i don't think i don't really think yes did we remove a evil dictator probably but you cannot go into these middle east countries and change their history in their culture and you just cannot do it and what about obama's policy right now is that stand well in iraq and we still have fifty thousand troops there so i i don't know the exact current numbers but that's the thing is most people this is assumed that it's gone away and yet obama's still got it least several ten thousand troops in iraq is out of hundreds of thousands of contractors possibly adam and for pulling them hold back and i would tell you the truth i have learned one thing you know ron paul's on my dearest friends in congress and i'm
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a firm belief that any country that wants to nation will all call that try to be. will to take their way of life around the world then they collapsed you cannot go into particularly muslim countries and make them want to be like america you just can't do it doesn't bother you to see the so-called conservative republican party in the united states trying to promote conservative policy at home and then basically trying to convert other nations with the most liberal policy possible liberal nation building it disappoints me i'll be honest with you i do not understand how a party which i am a republican and a social conservative issue i'm probably a centrist when it comes to trying to help people but no it does it does surprise me i'm disappointed because i don't see the republican party as as the party that believes in war and the party that believes in nation building and i just don't before i move on to asking if you've also been very outspoken about what qualifies
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as a just cause for the united states and for war. well i think. afghanistan initially was the just cause i mean because we were able to identify that bin laden could be in pakistan or afghanistan but let's say he was in afghanistan that he descend the planes into america so we authorized it and i believe that going into afghanistan if president bush had not brought it into iraq i think we would have resolved the problem. and probably two or three years and we could have brought troops home so would you support a strategy in afghanistan based on a very limited very specific limit special forces all right kind of operation very limited and i think that would have been in fact in comparison to nail it was somewhat limited not not totally but somewhat when you look at the number of
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troops the end where we are today and the maliki commitment. that diversion into iraq created a more serious problem for america by being in afghanistan and i want to play two clips for you we're going to go back to back first we're hear from john kerry from his testimony before the senate armed services committee one nine hundred seventy one and then a quote from you on the house of the floor earlier this year ok how do you ask a man to be the last man to die in vietnam how do you ask a man to be the last man to die for a mistake what do we say to the model to follow the wife of the last soldier or marine kill to support a corrupt leader and it corrupt government in a war that cannot be won congressman i know you don't appreciate being compared to john kerry and neither do i as an outspoken iraq veteran speaking out against i want to rock i've been subject to that comparison but there is an obvious parallel here between what he said about vietnam and what the anonymous general that you quote on the floor of the house is saying about afghanistan you know the general
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that actually i contacted him fourteen months ago and i said joe. no i made a mistake in going into a voting to go into iraq i don't want to make another mistake on afghanistan we advise me and he does i've got probably seventy five eighty emails that if i actually told him week ago why isn't obama taking advice from the strong. well i think obama's getting bad advice i'm going to deal with jim mcgovern a democrat from massachusetts that we introduced a week ago and he's concerned of course he's he's a democrat as a democratic president but he's concerned that there's some policy makers around obama that don't want him it to be seen as being weak and they think he's got to be seen particular now that they've taken out bin laden they've got to be seen as still strong and trying to finish the job in afghanistan where there's no end point and that's what the general said to me in the e-mail he said what do you say to the
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knowledge of the father the wife of the last marine killed for a corrupt government and a corrupt leader you know that the end of the day doesn't matter who started the war who gets in when someone has to go and make that statement someone has to go and tell that family what happened absolutely and that's the reason that because of my weakness in voting to go into iraq that i started writing the letters that i mentioned just a few minutes ago and that's been a penates that's been my way to say god forgive me for not voting my conscious and they won't think about writing these letters is that every weekend i go is a two page letter i have both pages and then i lick and i always make sure i have cord board in there because i want the families to know that i'm very respectful of their last well in lincoln the avalos always turn around and see i don't know the people obviously but i see if you know the state their front but this is not
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penance and i think god forgive me for not voting my conscience do you think there's a philosophical difference that separates you from the mainstream of the republican party or is it a certain image is it is that awareness is it something that you have figured out something that you have come to connect in a way that really the rest of the party is missing i cannot. both of them applauding when i think they're wrong and it's not good for the people of the third district so therefore there are many times that i vote. for that for the issues that i think is in the best interest of my people and they support you in the troops in your district the military yes they've backed you up on these decisions that they have where they agree with me on afghanistan. they're tired they've done the job they've done everything they could we now have a strategy for victory anyway and i don't see why we continue to. ask our young men and women to go they have four five and six times so it's just not fair so would you say that the difference between you and the rest the part of
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it's led you to take these in positions as a matter of understanding or a matter of philosophical difference i think it's more of them out of conscious i have to make my decisions whether it's about afghanistan or about offshore drilling i have to make my decision on what i hope is in the best interests of the people of my district which would be in the best interests of the people of the state of north carolina and the best interests of the people of america well we've seen how public opinion on afghanistan like iraq has come around the vast majority of the american people want us out and there's still a huge disconnect with the political system how do you explain that it's politics and you use the word political system i agree that too many times that political parties are. the democrats don't want to bare so mr obama just seems to want to be seen as not show war type party fund raising
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does play into it and probably in both parties to be fair about it i don't know i think maybe because. i had to go through a period of pain. after i came home and after i went to michael business funeral i was the second week that we went into iraq and i realized that i had made a mistake because i did not vote my conscience but thanks so much for joining us tonight carson very well thank you for the opportunity thank you for the show and what you're doing is well that's our show for the night thanks for tuning into adam vs the man please check out adam vs the man i found a vote on guests and topics and find me on facebook and twitter as always you can e-mail me adam at am versus the man dot com and you can catch this broadcast lives there's an r t dot com slash usa and on you tube this is an unfocused from washington d.c. and.


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