tv [untitled] May 13, 2011 9:30am-10:00am EDT
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china's hope for asians through today. our t.v. and lives russia gets its hockey gear on is the country now it's the right knows the twenty sixteen world championship rushing main rivals denmark and ukraine and yet another victory in the country's chain of successful beats you including the next winter olympics damage for the team world cup. syria's opposition pledges more protests despite violent crackdowns russia cautions demonstrators against seeking support from foreign states is the us is reportedly preparing to declare president assad to make. the flow of refugees from arab uprisings threatening to divide the member states add logs over who should host the migrants
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and considering reestablishing borders in the free travel so. next peace for the truth behind the wiki leaks ambition our special report coming up. the website that's tapping. the last. name is chili and such i think that the adults are touching and what's not in the bag which exists utterance and. he says he has a dream a world without secrets the first step in the for the state is to get information out about the real world today anyone can find out what information the government the military and bankers of kept under lock and key secrecy is the biggest. emitter is wiki leaks the dream of an idealist or a tool to manipulate global politics good works on the lawn and hear.
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what motivates julian a song does he want to change the world or is he just seeking fame does he act on his own or is someone else behind wiki leaks and will it whistle blowing revelations changed the world forever. junius january twentieth a decision with millions of residents descends into chaos thousands of protesters take to the streets in downtown genius to demand the immediate resignation of president ben ali who has ruled the country for over twenty three years after several days of tensions resulting bloodshed then ali had to flee the capital on january the fifteenth this. is the events that took place in the north african country in january where an idiot lee done the jasmine revolution
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for the two missing in kuwait also has another name in the wiki revolution. this man is a professor at one of the universities in tunis. as a political activist he prefers to be known by his nickname. he didn't take part in the attacks on government buildings but he said to be one of the main driving forces of the revolution. after registering his website communally he began posting material concerning committee of from diplomatic cables in arabic and french the cables were made public by julian assange in the person of twenty ten. at the first time with seventy seven thousand documents and then we've got others. the sensation as they said it was really very very very interesting to note the true facts that the u.s. government is waiting. to leave the u.s.
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government was. really not supportive an early for human rights violation i'm. discontent with the president good luck getting power for too long had been brewing in tunisia for quite some time public anger erupted after student mohamed was easy to set himself on fire and publish stories of runaway corruption eroding the top echelon of the tunisian government. after when. i came back and mohammed was is what he did. i think tunisia was a major or two. to start to change what's happened in tunisia and also in egypt and it's happening in a few other places these diplomatic cables troll the people. they were actually right in not trusting in thinking that there was something that was corrupt.
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daniel don't steinberg shuns the public spotlight he's going to stay in the shade although in actual fact he's just as much a gold father of the wiki leaks project as julian assange has. yes money was daniel smith this is julia sons and we're here to make a short presentation about the we can fix project what if we don't daniel don't steinberg could be described as co-creator of the internet's most scandalous web site sit together he understands took the idea of creating a site where any person can safely post secret information anonymously and made it a reality that we can do it i heard about wiki leaks in september two thousand and seven and in november two thousand and seven i first got in touch with joel. he was already working on we can it's a moment i saw i asked if they needed any help. and started working on a couple of topics john young registered the domain name in late december two
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thousand and six although young had already created something similar to wiki leaks several years before previously he used the crypto site for publishing classified material secrecy is the biggest. fear to be able to market. it is way overdone and so threats to the r.c. are coming from his side of right from the secret keeper and if they need to be exposed during the first few years of wiki leaks the resource was treated as a project created by the internet fringes we can lease lives off donations but they were inconsistent at the time. for about twenty years we for one and a half years we tried to build up we can these as a project we published a lot of documents and tried to get funding and it was very difficult for us so we have all put in our private funding into the project and tried to sustain it but that really didn't work out so well not an infinite amount i mean.
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this is nuclear shelter you built during the second world war and then modernize doing the cold war so we have reconstructed it would take us authors of welcome you know and i will show you the facility this bunker in stockholm was built to protect swedish army personnel from a nuclear attack telltale reminders of its original purpose can be seen all over the place. we're digitally used life was actually in submarines and so they are germans you submarines from the beginning and the alarming case of trouble the alarm starts and alarm is actually germans or. today behind these thick walls and heavy doors the reserves carrying fountains of websites some of them store wiki leaks data.
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this is the cabin up and you feel down to see it through these two particular servers swedish norms provide better protection against attacks on wiki leaks than the bunker's morals or its security system they'll only flow through the roof becoming the i want your money they were being taken it must be. to make it a material will there be a wrong. assumption his team had to be very careful about the security of their service after this video was posted on their site server to six. there are. back in two thousand and seven american army servicemen were caught on camera shooting dead a reuters reporter and his driver in a baghdad suburb after they mistook them from terrorists to three years after the
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tragedy wiki leaks published the video sparking a massive international round one that it shows you errors in the internal judicial nichols and its north and it shows you that reports about war it was inserted and with more than a third of it appear in the media following events where people were killed cannot be trusted several months later in the summer of twenty ten the site and its partner outlets published the afghan dossier was. wiki leaks itself called the afghanistan war diaries they contained eighty thousand on the spot reports about the course of the campaign the zone said they had received declassified information from a man employed at the u.s. department of defense. it covers a six year period of war nor any two thousand report and almost every instant seriousness that he was or wasn't all over with our location.
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as soon as the afghan dossier was made public a son's in his team swords to instant fame but scathing criticism soon followed the most common accusation was that the names of afghans collaborating with allied troops and details concerning american agents had not been redacted from the reports the taliban were quick to pledge to kill all those who had helped the u.s. army. it always appears the mostly period here or in where we're looking at here is linked with we did hold back reports for four people they had sort of but occasionally it's just that raid they can find out for the euro if urged the white house across their assistance in order. or obviously right. now it's at the west. every week well so we were meeting in just a few years the party leadership we've just had
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a half day meetings as well and leadership a little barry has taken over the party leadership. we're wrapping up breakfast and discussing how to move over the next couple years. swedish internet pirates have no office of their own that's why they meet in this cafe in stockholm the movement has held wiki leaks greatly by sharing its knowledge on creating a growing network of mirror sites as well as decoding and processing information. when we step in to support wiki leaks in august of last year they will not us know as they are know. they have received aid from thousands and thousands of people so they are not. our aid doesn't make as much difference today as it did know that said however it was still the swiss pirate party then went in and brought wiki leaks the wiki leaks domain online and went offline during that hectic week of
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information wars. similar projects have been launched around the world including russia. most people in russia don't speak english that's why we wanted to make wiki leaks documents available to all russians online so we set about spotting reports of interest to people living in russia and countries of the commonwealth of independent states such reporters are either fed to translation websites or the people themselves translate them after receiving them via email russian pirates have launched a similar site called leaks and largely mimics water sam has been doing it wiki leaks a few leaks have already been made public. i thought what the informers will post their reports on the internet site. we will know absolutely nothing about them we see the whole thing as a black box churning out documents from time to time. the big question though is
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how are they going to send their stuff. recently in the summer of twenty ten songs gather the circle of accredited journalists for wiki leaks these people were supposed to get the news before it would appear on the site if by doing this wanted to secure the leaks and give them greater exposure. the first russian publication to disclose wiki leaks data was the magazine russian reporter of the same time other magazines and newspapers had also received such invitations but decided against getting involved in wiki leaks risky business. that is clearly the newspapers running a triple race first they may have suspected that they might get involved in somebodies gamble considering that the material had not been properly assessed second they may have had their doubts about how that would affect relations with the u.s. embassy and third they may have been worried by the uncertain prospects of relations
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with the russian leadership of his call for material which chiefly concerned russia was published on russian journalists in parallel with the site the first weeks a record number of visitors people were hungry for a sensational scoop finish the shower frankly when we saw the first set of documents sense in response to our request we didn't know how we should go about them at first glance many of them were unlikely to arouse interest you have to breed them very carefully to find something anywhere near a scoop i think some in our audience had been looking forward to wild stories about u.f.o.'s or people devouring children when they found nothing of the kind so they simply turned away from us. after the publication of the afghan dossier wiki leaks website and its founder a song to become the world. may newsmakers the australian spent most of his spare time travelling giving interviews and taking part in different seminars with those words again welcome to stockholm and of course yes.
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it's unlikely the julian a song speaking before the journalists at this seminar and so on call could have full say met in a few months he would be in jail nor would he have imagined that his close companions would desert him over this visit to the swedish capital would lead to his downfall. culture is that so much of an oldish musician on the market is the arab spring continues to sweep the arab middle east where does this leave us with a new and democratic regimes in the region now just a few. wealthy british style examples and that's what i'd like. to see the. markets why not scandals.
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find out what's really happening to the global economy in the cause a report on r.t. . by august twenty ten q in a song should become the world's most popular media figure the wiki leaks founder save of the glory of being alone fighter and the sole adversary to the world superpower all attempts by the us authorities to known for prosecution against mr song proved unsuccessful the wiki leaks founder had tried to be legally irreproachable until he decided to attend a seminar in stone come in august twenty ten. investigators would later establish the during his visit to sweden mr saunders met two young women. he spent the night with both of them a short while later both young women accused the wiki leaks founder of sexual assault. they went through the police. primarily to discuss with the police to tell the police what they have been through
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and to get advice what shall we do and when they tell their stories both of them separately from each other and they tell the stories to the police the police officer realized there telling a story concerning a crime. according to daniel don't shout beg persones has always had a weakness for women we were at a conference and would have passed and he told a lot of people at our conference that he has children on every continent swedish authorities put the songs on the international wanted list by which time the wiki leaks founder who landed in britain many described the criminal prosecution against him as politically motivated swedish lawyers claimed that it was a routine criminal case. it's nonsense it has nothing whatsoever to do with the wiki leaks actually my two clients are very much in favor of their weekly that's why they were. seminar or lecture from and they still are for it
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is unfortunately a rather common case of sexual abuse we have these cases all over again in sweden everywhere in the world and this is a case like any other with a difference that one suspects person. of the same time tensions inside the wiki leaks team rose to the surface songes friend and colleague daniel dominant bird said he could no longer work with him he withdrew from the project along with many others it was all i'm really very sorry to see the project winding up a problem is that julian is intent on cracking down on any dissent as a matter of fact now he's one of the kind of people that we've been trying to oppose so i quit at the right moment after that negative trend had emerged within the wiki leaks team. aside from ideological differences bergen a song also had
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a personal conflict when berg introduced the sons to his future wife. disapproved of his choice. i fell in love quite immediately and that whole julian is my friend a bottle and the only thing he had to recommend was that i should try to find as much. as i can get so that if she knows me i have something in my hands against her. and that was a really weird recommendation of the loss of half of his team was not the most serious consequence of the split for a song much more important was an archive of three thousand unpublished secret materials which burgundy other defectors took away with them for bag this data is a form of insurance. daniel had all the reason in the world to fear astonished he was enraged by his betrayal persones had even threatened his former friend he once said that if i ever put in the sources and injure. you what hunt me down and kill
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me. and he even repeated that threat a couple of times towards others that estimable. on december the first twenty ten interpol issued a warrant for sunday's arrest a week later the wiki leaks chief voluntarily showed up at a police station where they arrested him and we later he was released on bail but the criminal charges against him were never dropped. but thank you. the whole vehicle around the world. let me. record it widely while being away. shortly after he was bailed assan shocked the world with a statement that it was now the turn for the banks to share their secrets to announce the publication on wiki leaks of huge volumes of information on private accounts in swiss banks. on january the seventeenth two thousand and eleven
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a former employee of the julius by a bank rudolf elmer publicly handed over to his own to discuss with information on personal bank accounts but i want. to know what the wiki leaks got it up again. in order to. investigate it and making this edition on it. brown bush works as a journalist for the financial times specializing in the subject of bank information theft he investigated the two thousand and seven purchase by the german government of disks with information from anonymous sources on german citizens hiding their money abroad. there are seven hundred or seven hundred seventy german names some of our go to court all of them had to pay money back in the year two thousand and eight the german state court because of this of the more than one billion of
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europe that. the method proved to be effective even depositors whose names were not on the disk field possible criminal prosecution thousands of germans who preferred not to wait for a subpoena paid their taxes. in twenty ten until america's government once again purchased from anonymous sources another disk with similar information on deposits of german citizens in swiss banks it helped her to return almost two billion euros to the state treasury many consider these tax stories to be a direct consequence of the wiki leaks effect. the top three are comparable because on one side the people sell that are to us or lots of money or millions of money on the other side you have wiki leaks and so this is nonprofit so there are people who their intention is different but exposing the bank secrets subsequently transformed wiki leaks into
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a completely nontransparent organization in financial terms. only person who knows everything about the whereabouts of the huge donations made to the organization. but there were other money trails where no one knew actually other than julian where it came from and what it was used for and i think that is just natural if you're working in a team or maybe five to ten people but. there's no need to have secrets you know at least it feels like that. and when you ask someone what's happening to the money in australia and how much money is there really and the person tells you or you don't have or. after his rift with his songe berg wrote a book titled inside wiki leaks and launched his own website called open leaks but web site is different and will operate according to the black box principle the website will receive material from anonymous informers but will dispatch them to
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traditional media outlets for further publication it will be impossible to enter the website and read the information first hand. everything is simple and transparent bag wants to ditch spy schemes publicity and the south advertising which is sound seems to like so much this image as well julian wants to create because it characterizes him. somewhere between a hacker and the freedom of information and the james bond of modern times and this is very appealing this is what people think they should put on it. but this is exactly one of the reasons why we left the project because it has become more about all games. than actual information. that there.
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was a sense of self administration was introduced to all universities in china zero after the revolution the students didn't have time to attend classes in the first weeks following the coup but they were too busy debating how to protect the progress made in the january revolution. will free the only solution they didn't succeed in all its goals. your participation and your steeper thinking but it's just thinking every day about the new government had me and the real me i would build. this to succeed only if it was. each of the students took part in the overthrow of the ben ali regime many of them took to the streets after they had read information on corruption scrupulously accumulated on the website kenya leaks. we can see that then only indonesia. is the first victim.
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of this you can be fixed astrobiology his friend an assistant. but the ones who had prepared the ground for that revolution. they learned to walk in the old port town of visit pirates and use it as a stopping place hundreds of years ago and founders like in themselves to such pirates of centuries past there are not anymore pirates maybe cause for freedom for transparency and so for human rights and for democracy both internet activists agree that julian assange invented a truly effective method of influencing real politics via the internet proclaim he was uneasy. the leaks that have been published and by any leaks and i would play that we don't know we cannot may. be. but it does help at the fair
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in common though let's. get out of the family and close them but of the family sure we. are not for this and. certain things. later that same day the streets of community has swelled with crowds of people again. but this time around they were not protesting it was a celebration and egypt's president hosni mubarak had been forced to step down under the pressure from millions of people another internet revolution had achieved its goal the revolutionary tsunami that rose in tunisia has already swept across several countries and it's anyone's guess who shows it may reach in the near future .
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